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The sport is a regulated activity, usually of a competitive nature, that can improve the physical
condition of the person who practices it, and also has properties that differentiate it from the

Institutionally, for an activity to be considered sport, it must be supported by administrative

and control structures that are responsible for regulating it (sports organizations).

The fact that some activity is not recognized institutionally as a sport does not prevent it from
being popular, as is the case with rural sports or with alternative sports.

The entertainment aspect of sport, together with the growth of the media and the increase in
leisure time, have led to the professionalization of the world of sports. This has led to some
controversy, since for the professional athlete money or fame may become more important
than the sporting act itself. At the same time, some sports have evolved to achieve greater
benefits or be more popular, sometimes missing some valuable traditions.

Soccer in Europe and Latin America, or American football, basketball and baseball in the US,
are examples of sports that move huge amounts of money a year.

The world of sports as a show annually moves an amount close to 70 billion euros (2014 data),
including ticket sales, television rights and sponsorships. If you include those consumptions
related to the practice of sport, such as sports equipment and clothing, equipment, and
expenses in health and fitness, the sports industry generates each year around 600 billion
euros globally.
The types of existing sports are very diverse. If you inquire about sports activities that can be
implemented, you would not reach a single post to mention all the possibilities; Even many of
these are unknown to people. To distinguish the types of sports, common and uncommon, it is
enough to focus on a series of categories that encompass all sports practices in the world.

The groups where any type of sport would become part, by sport categories, are the following:

1. team sports
2. ball sports,
3. water sports,
4. mountain sports,
5. adventure sports,
6. strength sports,
7. extreme sports,
8. shooting sports and motor sports

It should be noted that, in recent years, electronic activities such as strategy video games,
shooting video games and multiplayer video games are beginning to be considered sports.
Another type of popular sports, more peculiar than usual, are chess and fishing.

This post cites the best-known sports, which encompass each of these categories, as well as
the meaning of these sports groups.

1. team sports

Team sports are those in which two organized groups of athletes compete with each other at
the same time to achieve a goal. Each team has the same number of players.
The most outstanding team sports are: Soccer, Basketball, Handball, Baseball, Volleyball,
American Football, Rugby and Water Polo.

2. Ball sports

When the element with which a game is launched is the ball, sports arise that take place,
either individually, or as a team.

Some ball sports in which the goal is to hit it are: Golf, Baseball or Cricket, among others.
Among those in which the main purpose is to score goals or score, are: Soccer, Rugby,
Basketball, Handball, Bowling and Hockey. Also included in this category are ball sports in
which the network is necessary, such as: Tennis, Volleyball and Pinng pong, to name a few of
the most important.

3. Watersports

Those sports that require water as a stage, whether in the sea, in a river or in swimming pools,
are water sports. These involve a physical activity that can be practiced underwater, on water
in the water itself.

The most important water sports are: Swimming, Water polo, Surfing, Diving, Rowing,
Bodyboarding, Windsurfing, Hydrospeed, Acrobatic jumps, Rafting, Kitesurfing and Canoeing.
4. Mountain Sports

The mountain serves as a common means for so-called mountain sports. This category includes
activities that can be carried out both as a competition and as a simple reason for leisure.

Among the most common mountain sports can be mentioned: Hiking, Hiking, Climbing,
Mountaineering and Mountain biking.

5. adventure sports

The basic characteristic that determines adventure sports is the contact of the athletes with
their own nature. In this case, therefore, mountain sports can also be considered adventure
sports, since they take place in the natural environment, such as: Climbing, Orientation,
Caving, Rappel and Hiking.

In the water, popular adventure sports are also developed, which share a category with water
sports, such as: Canoeing, Kayaking and Hydrospeed.

The air also has its place for adventure sports, such as: Ziplines, Skydiving, Paragliding and
Bungee jumping, among many others.

6. Strength sports

In sports of strength an unavoidable factor intervenes, such as physical strength.

Some of the most outstanding strength sports are: Weightlifting, Stone Lifting, Weightlifting,
Powerlifting and Strength Athletics.

7. extreme sports

In the category of extreme sports there are sports practices that take place under difficult
climatic conditions, although those that are carried out in dangerous terms also stand out, due
to the complexity of the activity itself; hence the extreme sports name.
Among the best known extreme sports can be mentioned: Canyoning, Bungee jumping,
Skydiving, Skiing, River descent, Surfing and Parkour.

8. Shooting sports

Shooting sports are those in which a weapon is needed to develop them, either compressed air
or fire. Accuracy and concentration in this type of sports are primary factors.

In this case, the activity can be dangerous, so rigorous training for athletes is an essential
resource before putting it into practice.
Among the popular shooting sports are: Sports shooting, Archery, Propeller shooting and
Olympic shooting.

9. Motor sports

The tool to compete in motor sports is motorized vehicles, although there are two clearly
differentiated groups, within this category, such as: Car Racing (Monoplazas, Acceleration, GT
and Rally, among other sports), and Motorcycling (Enduro, Motorcycling of speed, Trial and
Motrocross, to name just some of the best known).

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