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Erementaru SAGA

CH 1- Open the door of twilight

“It appeared again, hasn’t it? The gate of twilight.” Spoke a cloaked woman standing in

the darkness with stars overhead and silver dust floating passed her as the man next to her

removes his hood and speaks.

“Yes, now is the time history is repeating and this will be the final round to obtain

SAGA.” Spoke the man as his long blue hair wisped by his face partially obscuring it. He wore

orange tinted spectacles that glimmered despite such limited amounts of light.

“Reiki, do you still desire it?” spoke the woman as she removed her hood as well

revealing beautiful silver hair and horns atop her head. Her soulless blank eyes shone in

different colors one being golden and the other crimson.

“I do, and that is exactly why I mustn’t obtain it, I still have not regained all those

shattered thoughts and memories. I only know that in this state I cannot share the knowledge I

have and so I must trust the others to learn of it.” Spoke the man as he gazed at his hand and

saw the silver dusty surface below his feet through the fading apparition of his body.

“It can control people, right? It sees what you really want, and it preys on those wishes…

Reiki if the one wish is made…. the wish to break the curse will this be over?” asked the woman.

“No, this world even without the curses will perish if the Leviathan isn’t stopped, I’m

sure he too knows this, it’s why he has returned.” Spoke the man as he starred at the blood

covered gate marked with the sign of a devil, a diamond shaped skull with jaged horns and

fangs painted in human blood.

“He wanted to save this world you know? Still does, but his motives; they will cause

devastation unlike we have ever seen. Should he succeed the curses shall remain forever, even

if the world survives Leviathan.”

“It truly will be the spectacle. It would seem him and I really are alike, prepared to

destroy anything to reach the happy ending we desire… The world has no fairy tale endings

though Rei, especially here in a cursed world, one where my rule over fate could never defeat

his.” Spoke the man as he closed his eyes and turned away from the gate.

“You, mustn’t blame yourself, we will win, no… He will win… he is the only one who can

right?” spoke the woman gazing up at the stars.

With a flutter of silver dust, the two vanished as the gate began to creep open.

“Yes, direct hit that’s a perfect round I’m definitely gonna win!” shouted a young boy

with light bluish hair wearing baggy grey pants and a tattered blue shirt slightly long on him and

tied round the waist.

“No Grif, Zora’s gonna get ANOTHER perfect round like always and then you’ll screw up

on the tie breaker and lose anyways” Spoke another young man sitting on a large rock also with

blue hair which protruded eccentrically in large spikes on either side. He wore baggy white

pants with a blue buttoned shirt covered by a large white mantel.

A young woman walked up and sure enough got a clear perfect score. “haha yay, don’t

worry Griffith you still have a chance, time to go for overtime.” Spoke the young girl with forest

green hair as she chuckled. She was a young adult the age of 19 with deep violet eyes and wore

a yellow sleeveless top and a skirt as green as the hue of her hair which was tied back into two
tails with golden bands. She had a golden cuff-like bracelet on each hand and a wielded a small

metallic crossbow gilded in a golden color.

Just then the sky over the city turned red and an ominous aura enveloped the air.

“What’ going on?” asked Griffith.

“A deviation* maybe?” Zora exclaimed.

*a phenomenon where creatures from the negative world called fables can enter the

positive world. These phenomenon were caused by areas of the veil between worlds being

damaged by large amounts of magic being abused in the area or very negative feelings, once a

deviation has been opened in an area once it also becomes more common for more to open in

that area in the future despite if the conditions remain the same or not.

“No, at least not a normal one. Towns have magic circles* to help prevent deviations

and I have never seen the sky turn this crimson red before due to one.” Spoke Claude as he rose

to his feet and summoned a mace to his hand.

*there are many types of magic circles, the one’s used in towns prevent deviations and

draw their power from devices made by local mages that encircle the town, these devices are

referred to as “mage towers” and are very difficult to break, but must be maintained on a

regular basis to function.

“Stay on guard everyone whatever this entity is, it isn’t normal.” Claude pleaded as he

looked around frantically for the potential threat.

Just then ripples appeared in the space as a crimson portal appeared and an ominous

figure stepped through. Clad in night black armor accented in a scarlet red with a bandaged eye

and crimson scar stood a knight with long soft light blue hair bellowing behind him along with a

violet cloak.

“If I do as he says, he will tell me my name… he will give me back my identity….” spoke

the knight as he walked briskly towards where Griffith was standing. “You must be tested.”

Spoke the knight as a crimson blade jetted out of the armor on his wrist and was pressed to

Griffith’s throat who found himself frozen in fear.

“Bastard, leave my brother alone!” Claude shouted as he dashed towards the knight

wielding a golden mace, but the knight vanished into a smoky mist and then reappeared to

Claude’s side grasping his wrist.

“I’m on a different level than you boy.” Spoke the malevolent entity as he squeezed the

young man’s arm causing him to wince in pain.

“Captain!” shouted a group of soldiers who charged the knight but were quickly

incapacitated by his power as he conjured a large explosion.

“Do not fret they will live, my quarrel is not with them. I seek only to ready the purifier.”

The knight proclaimed as he hurled Claude backwards into the cherry blossom tree that had

been being used as the archery target earlier.

“What are you!” shouted Zora as she held her crossbow in aim at the knight and shot an

arrow only to have the knight snatch it out of midair and disintegrate it in his hand.
“For some reason you seem familiar girl, I believe I may have known you very well in my

lost memories.” Spoke the mysterious man slowly walking towards the girl. “your aura doesn’t

look the same as your body.

“Perhaps it’s I who should ask what you are.” Whispered the Knight as he suddenly

appeared in front of Zora. Griffith was still frozen in fear at the development and began to


“Perhaps I should awaken your power as well.” Spoke the knight as an eruption of

flames enveloped Zora dropping her to the ground. He then proceeded to launch multiple small

blasts of magic one after the other at her wounded body.

“Use that sleeping power or die…”

Just then an arrow enchanted in light magic zipped through the air and pierced through

the knights armored torso. He grasped his chest and the wound healed immediately as he

turned to see Griffith with another arrow already drawn.

“Ahh the boy finally regained his senses, well then let’s see what you have boy.” Spoke

the knight as he confronted the archer.

“Who are you what do you want from me? What was I seeing?” Asked the archer as he

trembled with his bow still drawn.

“Those were visions of what is coming, the ender of all things, Leviathan.” The knight

retracted the wrist blades he had drawn and moved away from Zora with his hands raised.
“Have you heard the legend of Nidhoggr by chance? The war from 1000 years ago? The demon

king? Pandora?”

“What are you what does a 1000-year-old legend have to do with me?” Griffith

protested as his draw on his bow weakened.

“There is a creature called Leviathan that was sealed by the first mortal of this world a

woman named Pandora, she sealed the beast in Ouroboros’s tail the creature made to regulate

the veil to reduce the fables that attack this world. You see the reason fables exist in this world

is because this world was wrongfully blessed with magic, and as more and more magic is used

Leviathan’s seal cracks. At this point the last seal has finally shattered about 14 years ago and

thus Ouroboros will not be able to hold Leviathan much longer. Fables grow stronger during

astrological phenomenon and thus during the eclipse and alignment of the moons that only

occurs every 10,000 years all fables will gain an extreme amount of power. That day is at the

end of this year. 1000 years ago, the world was conquered by a man ruthlessly abusing magic

and demonology and the seal’s 8th out of 9 seals shattered. The one who commands me was

part of that war and resorted to a final plan to erase magic from this world in order to

permanently separate the mortal world from the supernatural, but the side effects would be

multiple natural disasters as the world attempted to shift from using the elemental runes to

functioning on nature alone, not to mention the possible destruction and deterioration of all

souls with high concentration of magic power.”

“So, you want to do that again? Wipe magic from the world?” responded Griffith.
“No, thanks to you the easy answer is no longer possible, now that Nidhoggr is gone we

have to handle this differently so I’m here to propose a game, We both seek the runes if you

get all of them then you’ll have a chance to seal Leviathan again, if you fail to do this then I will

use the runes for the spell re-write. A forbidden spell only world gods can use allowing them to

revert creation back to its most basic parts. Souls of all people will persist in the river of stars

and be recycled but the memories of those souls, their ties, the history of your world, the very

laws governing it, all of it will fall to ruin as if it had never happened, but the new world will be

free of both magic and Leviathan, a world governed only by nature and coincidence.” The

knight shook his head for a moment and pointed at Griffith. “Having said that both I and my

master are hoping you win this game and find a way to slay Leviathan, until then I am your

enemy and I will do whatever is needed to awaken your potential.”

“Wait why is it me? What potential? What makes me special?!” demanded Griffith as he

begged the knight to answer his many questions.

“Isn’t it obvious, boy? It is because it is all your fault, you asked for all this, and you

slayed Nidhoggr, which was our last hope. Furthermore, it was you who created me.” Spoke the

knight as he teleported next to Griffith and stuck his blade to Griffith’s forehead.

“Become strong or die, it is all we can do now.” He spoke as a thin line of blood

cascaded past Griffith’s face from the shallow wound.

Immediately after these words the knight vanished as the red sky above dissipated.

Medic teams rushed to Zora Claude and the other soldiers as Griffith fell to his knees. “Why?

Why did I see myself in him?” he spoke weakly as he watched helplessly at the treatment of his
friends before falling unconscious himself.

“Griffith, Griffith, are you awake my boy?” spoke an old raspy voice as Griffith opened

his eyes to see Kato an elder in the town of Elpida the Light continent’s, Solux’s, capital. Griffith

holds his head in pain and struggles to sit himself up in a small bed prepared for him, he glances

to the side and sees his brother Claude fast asleep as well covered in bandages.

“Griffith it happened didn’t it? He appeared…” Spoke Kato sympathetically as he began

to sit beside the young boy.

“What the hell is he? And what the hell am I? What do you know old man?!” Demanded

Griffith. Kato’s eyes narrowed and his head sunk down as he placed a hand on the boy’s

shoulder as Griffith glared angrily at the battered appearance of his brother.

“Zora and Claude, will make a full recovery, Zora was taken by her mother she is an

accomplished medic both physically and magically in her own right and Claude is healing just

fine here.” Kato explained and he began to speak his story.

“Listen Griffith whatever he said is likely true. The Leviathan is real and the if the seal

isn’t replaced then it will consume our world. 1000 years ago, there was a hero named Galen

who helped defeat the original black knight alongside your previous incarnation, who was one

of several who slayed the Dragon Nidhoggr leaving behind only this gauntlet, the eternal

armament.” Kato spoke as he waved his hand and summoned a gold-plated gauntlet crested

with a sapphire gem.

“How do you know this?” Asked the young man as he took the gauntlet.
“I can’t tell you that yet, I’m afraid, just know that you must obtain the runes and the

gauntlet is capable of doing that.”

“If I stop this thing will you tell me the truth?” “I will.” Conversed the two.

“Kato you took me in when my parents vanished, raised me, and supported me. “Griffith

continued as he turned his back. “But you know a lot more than you tell, possibly even the truth

behind their disappearance. I don’t know if I can trust you the same at least not now…” Spoke

Griffith as he walked away.

“This is fair, I’m sorry Griffith, your first destination is here on Solux. Use the Gauntlet to

follow the branches of Yggdrasil to find this country’s main branch and the rune, you’re the only

one who can use it.” Explained Kato as Griffith exited the building.

Griffith stood outside the lofty gates of the elder’s estate glaring up at the stained glass

crested above the entrance depicting a white knight before the holy tree of life known to all in

this world as Yggdrasil the source of all magic. He stood there for a moment and then turned his

back and began to march forward. “Grif! Wait up!” Shouted Claude darting out after Griffith

with a bit of a limp in his step.

“Claude you shouldn’t be here you’re still hurt all because I froze…” Responded Griffith.

“Grif, you and I may very well be the only family we have left in this world we shouldn’t

risk separating now, I don’t know what that bastard put in your head, but we can win right?”

asked Claude confidently as he stood before his younger brother. “I was awake during most of

that mumbo jumbo, seems like old-man Kato might need an old folk’s home soon, but if he’s
right don’t you think we should pack up well before storming out bull-headed?” Claude asked

with a smile as he extended his arm to his brother.

“Yeah, I suppose you have a point.” Griffith responded raising his arm now bearing the

Gauntlet. He held it forward and allowed the moon to shine off the sapphire gem incrusted in

the back of the gauntlet. Griffith took a deep breath and focused on the visions of disaster that

had been placed on him by the knight and then followed that thought with a glimmer of hope

on replacing the seal. He let out his breath and opened his eyes now shinning golden as he

gazed onward over the vast fields. He saw a branch of light stretching across the land and knew

this was what Kato was referring to.

“ALL RIGHT! Lets make it happen!” Shouted Claude as he harshly patted Griffith on the

back slightly offsetting his balance as he was pushed forward.

“Come on Claude, let’s get packed.” Griffith said as he began to walk with Claude closely


“What about Zora she is gonna be beyond pissed if She realizes you left without even

telling her.” “She got hurt the most because of me and Mana won’t let me see her this late

anyways, it’s best I don’t cause her any more trouble.” Griffith responded as the two continued

toward their home to prepare for the journey ahead.

Shortly after, back at the elder’s quarters, the lofty iron gates swung open again to

reveal a hooded figure entering slowly. “Aww a visitor, I see, no doubt it is the young lady.”

Spoke Kato as he turned around and made his way down the steps to a hooded woman.
The woman removed her hood and looked at the elder. She had ears resembling a fox

and whipped a foxlike tail out from under the cloak she was wearing. Her forest green hair and

violet eyes glistened in the limited light of the dimly lit cathedral.

“Zora, you wish to join him, do you not? But you wish to still keep him from the secret

you hold, that you are one of the Youkai…” Kato reached into his sleeve and removed a foxlike

mask. “If you truly wish to hide from Griffith this mask will disguise your aura and voice as well

as your face, you’ll be able to freely use your youkai powers from the darkness. Remember

though the Human/kitsune war is still in effect if the villagers discover you it will be either a

slaughter or exile. The only reason there is peace is because the humans think your kind has

been expunged from the world. Griffith perhaps will understand though; I encourage you to

eventually tell him the truth one day, I’d like to think I raised the boy well.” Kato finished as he

began to make it back up the stairs.

“I don’t think you should be one to lecture anyone on the truth, you know more about

me and Griffith than we do and about that knight too, don’t you?!” Zora wailed as the elder

approached her.

“I do what is needed to protect us.” He spoke as he handed off the mask and returned

to his chambers with the doors slamming shut behind him. Zora re-concealed herself and exited

the main hall door as well returning to the outside under the light of an orchid and silver moon.

“It’s all happening again isn’t it Inori.” Spoke Kato to himself as he stared out the

window of his quarters. “It all has been so long now it seems like a distant dream, but I will

never forget all you took from me.” He spoke as he looked up at a skylight in which the silver
moon had perfectly aligned itself. “Everyone I ever loved, gone by the hands of the grim reaper,

I hoped he would never come for you my boy, but I suppose I did not work fast enough.” Kato

spoke as he glanced around the walls of his chambers marked with complicated seals and

symbols. If only I could bring you back from there then we could finish it together, old friend.

“What do you need to pack for stopping an apocalypse?” Asked Griffith as he played

with a kendama toy bouncing the small wooden ball from place to place on the hammer with

ease as he sifted through a messy bedroom. “Well, I guess apocalypse stuff.” Claude responded

as he tried desperately to jam another package of Ramen into a bag that had already obviously

been overstuffed. “Okay, so what you mean is you don’t know either?” Griffith asked as he

launched a devilish smirk back at his brother who summoned his mace to use the back of the

hilt to press the ramen package in aggressively. “I know exactly what to bring!” Claude

responded angrily as he stood up and placed his hands on his hips and let out a boastful laugh.

“Hold on...” Griffith spoke as he pointed to Claude’s bag. “You packed nothing but

ramen didn’t you!” Griffith howled as he began to approach the bag that Claude immediately

began to guard. “No, I packed necessities!” “Great then you can let me see what those

necessities are.” “Or you can wait and enjoy the surprise.” “Or you can admit you are as

clueless as me and let me look!” the two argued back and forth as they wrestled over the bag

only to both give in to their existing injuries and fall down before it.

“Who are we kidding we aren’t heroes.” Griffith muttered. “I brought pans and fire

starters and butter too.” Claude responded. “Still on the Ramen thing?” Griffith replied with a

disappointing glare. “Can’t we get the guardsman to come with?” “And tell them what? That
the thing that almost killed them all sent us on an errand to kill a giant space snake?” Claude

responded sarcastically as he raised his hands in the air. “Maybe Gar would by it, but beyond

him, fat chance.”

“Where is Garret anyways his daughter was near blown to bits and he’s nowhere!”

Griffith retaliated as he stood up and clinched his fist tightly. “He can’t be here all the time he

had business in *Oas, I gave him a call as did Mana, but it will take some time for him to get

back to Elpida.” Claude responded.

*Oas the water elemental continent.

“Did you tell him about the space snake?” Griffith asked sarcastically as Claude dropped

his head with a faint blush. “I just got promoted to captain, do you think I can enjoy it before

being demoted for being delusional?” Claude asked in a pathetic somber voice as Griffith


“Wait you’re a captain can you just leave?” “Sure, reserves are active now, I registered

as sick and injured due to that knight.” “Yet you wanna go on a giant space snake slaying

adventure?” “Lucian can handle it, excluding today it’s not like there’s much conflict in Elpida.”

The two debated back and forth again.

“Alright let’s say we give it an hour to decide what to bring and then we will head out

then!” Griffith Shouted as he raised his arm and Claude followed suit with a groan. “How bout

two I’m still pretty battered…” he whispered meekly as Griffith rose his fist again. “In two and a

half hours we will conclude are packing and begin the journey!” he shouted as Claude weakly

clapped in approval of his decree.

“So Dusk, how did the boy fair?” Asked a cynical voice from within a small pond

reflecting back an image similar to the knights but with the opposite eye bandaged and a scar

running down across his eye rather than up over his cheek.

“He certainly has the aura of the purifier, but seems rather weak, perhaps we should

allow another mortal to collect the solar runes for us.” Spoke the black knight as he stared into

the pond surrounded by the glow of cherry blossoms that glistened with the magic of Solux’s


“Most mortals would perish with just a single rune I highly doubt anyone else could

collect them all and certainly no one else could renew the seal, after all, mortals have

attempted it before, he will just have to grow.” Spoke the cynical voice.

“What if he can’t, what is plan B?” asked Dusk as cherry blossom petals fell before his

face illuminating a sorrowful disposition.

“This is plan B, we cannot touch the solar rune branches and thus unless a human

removes them we cannot even obtain the solar runes, we were lucky enough to get the others

by chance, if he fails and cannot obtain the runes it will mean no way to avoid Leviathan.”

Spoke the voice.

“You want your life back, right? To be human again? To piece together those

fragmented memories? Well I’ll give it all back, but first we must stop Leviathan at all costs!”

the voice continued as Dusk nodded in agreement.

“Zora, you’re leaving, aren’t you? You want to help Raiden’s boys, right?” asked a lovely

voice as Zora nodded before placing the fox mask upon her face. “Be careful my child, I can

come with you, you know?” the woman asked before Zora shook her head. “A couple dozen

guards were injured, you’re the only one who can heal them, you’re needed here, I’ll call if I

need back up, but there’s only one mask you know?” Zora responded before throwing a bag

over her shoulder and turning away from her mother. “I’ll be home soon, try to make sure dad

doesn’t have a panic attack in the meantime.”

“Alrighty the big open world, it’s just like a videogame!” Griffith exclaimed as the

brothers headed out across the horizon. “When do you think we will unlock a vehicle?” Claude

asked jokingly as Griffith shrugged. “Ahh Elpida, a land where people still get by on horseback.”

Griffith responded as he shook his head. “This sounds dangerous and I rather not endanger any

of the horses, it doesn’t seem that far.” Griffith responded with a smile.

“We don’t need a vehicle your brother is an accomplished mage!” Claude explained. “I

can use Fast Foot and soft step they’re only gamma rank* so not too hard for an experienced

mage even if it is out of my element.” Insisted Claude.

*Spells follow a rank system of Gamma Γ, Delta Δ, Theta Θ, Sigma Σ, Psi Ψ, and Omega Ω. Of

these mortals often can only reach Sigma level spells within one of their own elements and most mortals

have only ever mastered two elements at the most. Some powerful mages have reached 3 mastered

elements and can perform one or two Psi rank spells, but mortals achieving any further mastery of spells

is considered to be myth. Claude is a powerful mage in the Light element, but currently does not hold

any other elements, but a strong mage can use up to delta level spells with no mastery of that element,

they are slightly less effective and more draining though. In this case, soft step is a dark and wind
element spell that reduces the chances of fables detecting you and fast foot is a time element spell that

highly increases one’s movement speed.

“I have to hurry, if they are making good time they already have a serious head start,

but as a Youkai* I should be able to catch up shortly.” Zora spoke to herself as she zoomed

across the fields of Solux in search for her friends who had already gone ahead.

*Youkai are spiritual entities, they are still considered mortal but have much higher

strength, magic, agility, endurance and more. Their name derived from the dark continent,

Mugen Yo, where all Youkai were said to originate from. The name is said to mean bewitching

specter or similar terms, named so as they were considered highly dangerous and demonic

creatures that would overrun humans. In reality Youkai have animalistic trait’s that allow them

to be closer with nature and achieve higher spell ranks as well as have much stronger physical

bodies, the drawback is they lack abilities to use any spells outside of their elemental mastery in

most cases. This means as a light elemental, Zora cannot use any other element without gaining

some mastery over that element. This is because Youkai use magic through a pact with nature.

“What’s the matter fox? In a rush?” Spoke the black knight suddenly appearing before

Zora. “Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be useful, I won’t hurt you, but I do need to test you and I

need to slow you down so I can adequately test the boy.” Spoke the black knight with a shrug as

he smiled at the young woman. “Oh, and don’t worry I won’t tell your secret, not until doing so

would benefit me that is.”

“Zora stared long and hard at the black knight before readying her stance and removing

an onyx colored spear from below her cloak.

“I see so you are even using a new weapon, no doubt you re-charted your whole

celestial chart* to keep up the rouse.” Spoke the black knight as he brought forth his crimson


*Mortals use magic by charting their spells on their backs, these charts are drawn using

magic during meditation and remain invisible once affixed. These charts can be edited or re-

charted over a 3-hour period of careful meditation. Charted spells are the only spells an

elemental is capable of this can include conjuring fables, casting spells, using magic skills,

storing and summoning items and so on.

Zora dashed at the knight with her spear only to be thwarted by the knight vanishing

and reappearing before any hit could connect. “Shinning fox fire, Theta!” Zora yelled as a fiery

light launched toward the knight. “Star barrier” he responded as 5 lights appeared and began

cycling before him to form a pentagram that withstood the shock of the fire. “comet strike,

Sigma!” yelled the black knight as a large flaming blue comet materialized and hurled itself at

Zora who jumped into a roll and narrowly dodged the blast.

“Aww a sigma spell already? He can’t have much left after that though. Goddess

Javelin, Delta!” Shouted Zora as she materialized a large shining spear guided by magnificent

angelic wings that cascaded it through the air under the starry skies toward the black knight.

“Wormhole interception, Psi.” Dusk spoke softly as the javelin dissipated into a swirling vortex

and vanished without a trace.

“Wait did he say, Psi…” Zora spoke to herself as several portals appeared surrounding

her all with the same javelin that she had thrown emerging from it. “Ahhh, Fox fire wall,
Sigma!” Zora spoke as fire surrounded her from all sides and incinerated the javelins only for

her to fall to her knees a moment later. “You’re strong, but no match for me, so I’ll just slow

you down for now, Heavy Body, Psi; Gravity Pull, Sigma.” Spoke the knight as Zora’s body began

to grow heavy and she heard howling and snarling of fables in the distance. “These spells will

increase the gravity around your body slowing down your super human movement speed as

well as attract all fables to your position via a gravitational flux. If you can survive dozens of

fables despite your lessoned capabilities of movement, you are welcome to join me and Griffith

later. Until then, Worm hole tunnel, Theta.” He spoke as a portal appeared before him and his

dark violet cloak vanished within the crimson vortex before dissipating into the blackness of the


“Damn it it’s like that thing had no limits, he fired off high level spells one after another,

how could he chart so many spells at once?” Zora asked herself as fables began growing closer

and closer. “Sorry Griffith look’s like I’ll be late.”

“Well Grif, we’ve been walking for hours, I say we camp for at least a few hours, it’s still

a long way and I’m almost out of stelae*, I don’t think I can keep using fast foot and soft step

much more.” Claude explain as Griffith nodded and set down his bags.

*Stelae- manifesting stars, used to actively use magic and if it is completely depleted a

person could fall unconscious or even die, it will slowly replenish over time when magic is not

being used.

“Isn’t nighttime more dangerous for fable activity?” Griffith asked as he began to unpack

tent equipment from his large duffle bag. “Yeah, but I can use the guardian seal to repel
negative energy while we sleep as long as we stay still.” Claude responded as he began carving

a seal into the ground.

“All right then, I guess it’s settled.” Spoke Griffith as he finished pitching a large tent.

“All righty then, goodnight Grif.” Claude responded as he finished the seal and began to

enter the tent.

“Sure, you too.” Griffith answered as he stared up at the stars overhead and wondered

about the journey before him and all the mysteries, he still had no answers for. He shook his

head for a moment and then went into the tent as well to sleep.

“I think that’s the last of them for now.” Spoke Zora as she panted heavily and removed

her mask. “When will this spell wear off? It looks like I don’t get to sleep tonight…” Spoke Zora

as she stumbled and collapsed in the grassy fields of Solux, completely unprotected by the

dangers around her.

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