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THE CARD GAME SNAP with a twist

2 – 5 players + 1 deck of cards

4 card suits :
hearts clubs diamonds spades

9 number cards : 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10

4 picture cards : Jack Queen King Ace

 The players have an equal number of face down cards.

 They take it in turns to reveal their cards laying them in a
pile on the table.
 When there are 2 cards with the same number, picture or
suit revealed one after another, the first player to shout
'SNAP !' and touch the cards takes the pile. Here comes the
twist to this game : Before taking the cards, they must do the
assigned task !
 The winner is the player with most cards at the end of the

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