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Pest Management

There are mainly three types observed. Leaf eating pests, Sap feeders and Stem borers
which are subdivided as follows:

Sr. No. Types of pests

1 Leaf eating pests
1) Leaf folder
2) Skipper
3) Rice Case worm
4) Army warm
5) Green horn caterpillar
6) Grasshopper
2 Sap Feeders
1) Brown plant hopper
2) Green leaf hopper
3) Ear head bug
4) Mealy Bug
5) Black bug
3 Stem Borers

Pests observed at various stages of paddy

a) After 25 days of transplantation:
Pest observed - leaf folder, case worm, brown plant hopper
b) After 45 days of transplantation:
Pest observed – skipper, green leaf hopper, gall midge, mealy bug
c) Booting stage:
Pest observed- stem borer, yellow hairy caterpillar, ear head bug
Leaf Eating pests
1) Leaf folder


 Leaves are rolled and show whitish appearance

 Adult moth is small, brownish orange, wavy lines on fore and hind wings.


 Mix 1kg of garlic, 0.5 kg of fresh green chillies, 0.5 kg of ginger

 After fine pounding of this mixture mix with 7 lit of water. (Storage life 3 days only)
 Cover the vessel with clean linen cloth and keep to settle. (6 lit of extract obtained after
 Normally 0.5 lit of extract is mixed with 9.5 lit of water (Concentration can be increased or
decreased depending on intensity of pest attack)
 Soap solution is prepared by keeping soap in water overnight. Add this 10ml of solution
before spraying.
Find pounding of mixture Covering with cloth

Filter the extract

2) Skipper
 If attack is intense then field looks like skeleton.
 Caterpillars are long and green, with V shaped mark on forehead.
 Adult butterflies are brownish in colour with 2 dots on forewings.

3) Rice case worm

 Caterpillar cuts the leaves in small pieces and rolls in box structure
 Larva found inside cut leaf rolls
 They can even float on surface of water
4) Army worm
 Caterpillars attacks at night and keep behind only midribs. (Looks like field grazed by cattle)
 These are dark green or dull grey with yellow back and side stripes.
 Adult moth is dark brown with black spot on forewings

Larva Adult moth

Solution: Rope method

 Field should be filled with 5 cm height of water
 One lit of kerosene is mixed with 25 kg of sand. It should leave thin film of kerosene on
water surface after spreading in the field
 Two persons holding either ends of rope and foot above the water pulled across field with
firm grip and steady force.
 After caterpillars killed on water surface remove the water and dry the field.

Mix kerosene & sand Rope method

5) Green horned caterpillar
 Field appears like grazed field
 Bright green body with 2 re colour horn on the head
 Adult is butterfly dark brown in colour with black and yellow eye markings

6) Grasshopper
 Adults mate and lay eggs in October and November.
 Eggs usually lay around bund; nymphs emerge out within week coinciding with onset of
 Nibbling especially on central part of leaf

Lifecycle Infected leaves

 1 kg cow dung + 10 kg of water and mixed till it becomes even.
 Filter the solution before spraying (60 lit solution for 1 acre)

Cow dung Mix cow dung & water

Filter the Mixture

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