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Dragi studenti,

Acestea sunt temele de eseu pt examenul de lb engleza pe care speram cu totii sa

il sustinem fata in fata la sf de mai:
1) How can man achieve deification? Is is possible for any person and in what way is
it related to the Christians around us, to the participation in the Church worship,
liturgy and the other sacraments? (ch. 18)
2) How can a Christian find complete happiness? (ch. 19)
3) Which are the specific properties that differentiate the three persons of the Holy
Trinity and their activities? (ch. 21)
4) What are the essential attributes of God as presented in the Orthodox Creed and
their nature (e.g. the categories in which they can be grouped, the basis of God's
omnipotence)? (ch. 22)
5) Describe the Central Deliberative, Executive and Administrative Bodies of the
Romanian Patriarchate and their mission. (ch. 23)
Paste fericit!
A. Petraru

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