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The flu spread quickly when soldiers carried

the flu with them wherever they travelled.

• A theory is that the stresses of
combat increased the soldiers
vulnerability to the virus.
• Modern transportation made
it easier to spread the flu.
• The flu had killed 57,000 American
soldiers which is 4000 more than
those killed in the war itself.
• In total 25% of Americans got
the virus.
1. Why is the 1918 Influenza Pandemic known as Spanish Flu?
• The flu first occurred in Spain
• It was discovered by Spanish doctors
• It hit Spain the hardest
2. What was the average age of people in the United States and Canada who died during
the 1918 Influenza Pandemic?
• 28
• 46
• 75
3. Roughly, what percentage of the Earth’s population was infected with influenza during
the 1918 Pandemic?
• 10%
• 25%
• 33%
• 50%
4. How many Influenza Pandemics have there been in the last 100 years?
• 1
• 4
• 50
• 100

5. What had a bigger death toll, World War I or the 1918 Influenza Pandemic?
• World War 1
• The 1918 Influenza Pandemic

6.What do these five people have in common? Walt Disney, King George V, Franz Kafka,
Emperor Haile Selassie I and Edvard Munch
• They are all influenza specialists at WHO
• They were all astronauts
•They were all contestants on Eurovision
• They all caught influenza and survived

228,006 32,486

131,652 7300

AMERICA 1,621,333 96,363

280,117 27940
1.In which country was COVID-19 first reported?
a. America b. Iran c. Italy d. China

2. What is COVID-19
a. Name of the Virus b. Name of the disease c. Name of a drug d.A place in

3. Which virus causes the disease COVID19


4. Is there anything I should not do?

a.Smoking b. Wearing multiple masks c.Taking antibiotics d. All the above

5. How can we make our hands safe?

a. Wash with soap and water c. Wash with plain water
b.Wipe hands with tissue paper or cloth d. Wash with soap and water and scrub at
least for 20 seconds
6. What are the methods to prevent COVID19?
a. Physical distancing 1 meter c.Physical distancing 2 meter
b. Physical distancing 6 feet d.Both 2 and 3

7. Who is at a higher risk of developing complications from COVID-19?

a. Elderly above 65 years and above c. People with uncontrolled diabetes
b. People with other Pre-existing diseases d. All the above
8. How does Coronavirus transmit?
a. Droplets spread - When a person sneezes or cough
b. Constant touching of face, eyes or mouth in public place
c. Close contact with a Covid19 infected person
d. All the above
9. Is there a vaccine, drug or treatment for COVID-19?
a. Yes
b. No
10. What are the most common symptoms of COVID-19
a. Fever c. Dry cough
b. Tiredness d. All the above

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