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In the Colombo Gales School, a new fashion is developing; as teenagers they are always wanting to

try new things, in this case tattoos, who are the new fashion. However, the authorities of the
school do not agree with this new trend, due to they consider that it is not suitable enough to
comply with the rules that the same school proposes within the coexistence manual, for which
they have tried to decree the development of this fashion as much as possible.

Throughout this school year, various cases have been presented in which students should argue
with respect to the ideologies of some teachers regarding the tattoos they wear, using their
identity as an argument, because the students claim that they are in development and in search of
who they really are, so they justifies the use of their tattoos as part of this search for personal
thought and a way of showing to the school and every member of the educational community
their personalities, now on, another argument presented by students are the stereotypes, because
this manages to influence In a negative way within the personal construction of each one of the
students, the young students approached the office of the rector of the school and commented on
their disagreements regarding this issue, because the boys argue that a tattoo should not see as a
threat to anyone, much less in good students and good persons who have been raising with an
optimal education, on the contrary is their way of representing one of the most important profiles
that the IB has instilled in students, which implies being an open-minded person, being willing to
accept new ideologies that life presents to them, prior to ending the meeting with the rector of
the school, The students left a little reflection to the administrative group of the institution, that
was literally based on following and complying with the characteristics of the IB profile, bringing in
mind that it is inconsistent that in a school where this program has priority and its main
characteristics are practically crucial the school does not abide by them.

Through the corridors of the school it is possible to listen to the students using arguments among
them such as the common use of tattoos within the schools in the United States, which do allow
an individual development of the students, allowing themselves to be guided by the influence that
these countries have as world powers and the youthful independence they possess.

Finally, I consider that it is evident to see how the individuality of the students and their need to
desire to develop and seek their true identities are a crucial factor for the school, however, within
the Colombian state there is no law that deprives on the development of personality. on the
coexistence manual, for which the most feasible for both sides of the discussion is to reach an
agreement in which both variables manage to be satisfied.

Micaela Fernández 11b

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