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Windsor High School February 20, 2020 ‘To Whom It May Concem, 1am writing this letter in full support of Edith Castro in her application for various scholarships. enthusiastically recommend her to your attention. [Edith is a very conscientious and responsible young lady who has high standards and lofty goals for herself. She would very much like to become a neonatal ICU nurse, and I defintely support, her in this aim. As the Director of South AmeticwNorth America Studies, I have interviewed dozens of conscientious nurses who wish to improve their skills in Medical Spanish, “Truly, 1 ‘would put Edith on par with any of these nurses in terms of her Spanish as well as her work ethic. Never a quitter, Edith Casto sticks to her goals and gives each endeavor her very best. ‘There is no doubt that she is serious and talented bilingual student It is a pleasure to teach Edith. She is very kind to others, and they admire her, as well, She arrives promptly for her classes, pays close attention to lectures and discussion and comes through tenaciously every single time. 1 do indeed recommend Edith Castro to you, and I hope that you are fortunate enough to have her at your university in the fll of 2020. Sincerely, Jeff Brant Spanish Instructor Windsor High Schoo! (707) 8931-7767 x2135 ‘ep ‘Se acs

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