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Andrew walks out his meeting, completely exhausted.

After three long days of negotiating, he has

finally worked out a deal that is sure to get him a promotion. Despite the fact that he has an early
flight back to New York in the morning, Andrew decides to have a few drinks at the pub across the
street. He has been in London for threee days and has not seen any of the city. He cannot leave
without least visiting a pub, he thinks.

He quickly crosses the street and walks through the blue door of the pub. He notices a coat rack
next to the door and carefully hangs his jacket from one of the hooks. Andrew does not really
consider it to be his jacket though. It was his father's jacket, but it was passed down to Andrew
after his father died last year. Almost every memory Andrew has of his dad involves him wearing
the dark red coat.

Andrew walks to the bar and orders a drink. After he has finished, the bartender asks if he wants
another drink. Andrew checks his watch and sees his plane is leaving in five hours and decides he
needs to go. He regrets picking a flight so early in the morning, but knows he will be able to sleep
on the plane. He pays for his drink, grabs his jacket, and leaves.

It has gotten much colder outside since Andrew went into the pub, so he slips his jacket on. At
least, he tries to slip it on. He sticks his arm the sleeve, but the hole at the end is too small for his
hand. He tries the other sleeve, but the jacket is too small to strech across his back. He takes it off
and looks at it.

It looks like shrunken version of his jacket. He checks the pocket and finds a wallet that is definitely
not his. He opens it up and sees an ID with a picture of a woman. Her name is Erin. She has dark
brown hair and green eyes. A cute girl, Andrew thinks, but he does not have time to worry about

He returns to the bar and checks the coat rack. His coat is gone. There are three black coats and a
brown one, but not a single red. He walks around the bar thinking that maybe Erin got cold and
put his jacket on, but there are no women in the whole place. He stands still, trying to decide what
to do. He cannot leave his dad's jacket in London and Erin probably needs her wallet.

He types the address from her ID into his phone and sees that her house is only a few blocks away.
He can stop by her place, trade jackets, and still make it back to his hotel with a little bit of time to

He walks through the night. It is getting colder and his thin dress shirt does not keep him warm. He
finds the house and knocks on the door. When the door finally opens, the woman standing behind
is definitely not Erin. This woman is in her eighties with bright white hair.

"Does a woman named Erin live here?" Andrew asks her

"No. No one lives here but me" She answers

Andrew digs through the pocket of the jacket and hands the old woman Erin's ID. "Do you know
her?" he asks.

"Oh yes, that's the girl who lived here before me. I saw her when she was moving out. She´s a cute
little thing, isn´t she?"

"Do you know how i can contact her? It's kind of urgent."

"Well I don't really know her. I could call the landlord. See if he knows anything."

"Well if it wouldn't be too much trouble," Andrew says.

"No trouble at all." The woman invites him in and he sits on the couch. She goes into the kitchen
and he hears her talking on the phone. He looks through the wallet, trying to find any clues about
her, but all he finds are a couple of credit cards and a picture of her and some friends.

"She must be pretty special," the old woman says as she walks into the living room.

Andrew's head jerks up as he realizes he is staring at the photo.

"Oh no, I've never met her." Andrew says.

The woman looks suspicious but hands him a piece of paper. "The landlord says he doesn't know
how to contact her but he did give me the same of a club she likes to go to. I don't know if it'll

Andrew types the address written on the paper into his phone and sees it is a ten minute walk
away. And he sees that his plane leaves in four hours. He thanks the old woman and walks as
quickly as he can to the club.

Inside the club, he searches through the crowd but cannot find Erin anywhere. Nobody looks
anything like her.

He steps outside the club and leans against the wall. He doesn't even notice the woman leaning
against the wall next to him wearing a red jacket that is clearly too big for her. She notices him

"That jacket would be warner if you were wearing it." she days

Andrew looks up to see Erin staring right at him.

"Wait, you're Erin", he says.

"I know," she says. "But that's weird that you know."

"I've been looking for you all night. You're wearing my jacket. We accidentally swapped jackets at
the pub earlier."
"How did you find me?" She smiles as she says this. Her smile is a lot more beautiful in person,
Andrew thinks.

"It's a long story."

"Wait, I was at the pub like two hours ago. Have you really been chasing me around for that long?"

"Well I was chasing the jacket, really", Andrew says, starting to blush.

"I like a person that's commited to his jacket," Erin says as she slides off Andrew´s jacket and
hands it to him. He slips it over his shoulders and feels Erin's lingering warmth. "I like long stories.
Want to get a cup of coffee and tell me about your night?"

"Sure." Andrew smiles at her and knows he will miss his plane in a few hours, but he does not care.

Andrew sale de su reunión, completamente exhausto. Después de tres largos días de

negociaciones, finalmente ha llegado a un acuerdo que seguramente le dará un ascenso. A pesar
de que tiene un vuelo temprano de regreso a Nueva York por la mañana, Andrew decide tomar
unas copas en el pub al otro lado de la calle. Él ha estado en Londres durante tres días y no ha
visto nada de la ciudad. Él no puede irse sin menos visitar un pub, piensa.

Rápidamente cruza la calle y entra por la puerta azul del pub. Se da cuenta de un perchero al lado
de la puerta y cuelga cuidadosamente su chaqueta de uno de los ganchos. Sin embargo, Andrew
realmente no considera que sea su chaqueta. Era la chaqueta de su padre, pero se la pasó a
Andrew después de la muerte de su padre el año pasado. Casi todos los recuerdos que Andrew
tiene de su padre lo involucran con el abrigo rojo oscuro.

Andrew camina hacia el bar y pide una bebida. Cuando termina, el cantinero le pregunta si quiere
otra bebida. Andrew mira su reloj y ve que su avión partirá en cinco horas y decide que tiene que
irse. Lamenta haber elegido un vuelo tan temprano en la mañana, pero sabe que podrá dormir en
el avión. Paga su bebida, toma su chaqueta y se va.

Ha hecho mucho más frío afuera desde que Andrew entró al pub, así que se pone la chaqueta. Al
menos, trata de ponérselo. Se mete la manga del brazo, pero el agujero al final es demasiado
pequeño para su mano. Prueba la otra manga, pero la chaqueta es demasiado pequeña para
estirarse sobre su espalda. Se lo quita y lo mira.

Parece una versión reducida de su chaqueta. Revisa el bolsillo y encuentra una billetera que
definitivamente no es suya. Lo abre y ve una identificación con una foto de una mujer. Se llama
Erin. Ella tiene cabello castaño oscuro y ojos verdes. Una niña linda, piensa Andrew, pero no tiene
tiempo para preocuparse por eso.
Regresa a la barra y revisa el perchero. Su abrigo se ha ido. Hay tres abrigos negros y uno marrón,
pero ninguno rojo. Camina por el bar pensando que quizás Erin se enfrió y se puso la chaqueta,
pero no hay mujeres en todo el lugar. Se queda quieto, tratando de decidir qué hacer. No puede
dejar la chaqueta de su padre en Londres y Erin probablemente necesita su billetera.

Escribe la dirección de su identificación en su teléfono y ve que su casa está a solo unas cuadras de
distancia. Él puede pasar por su casa, cambiar chaquetas y aún así regresar a su hotel con un poco
de tiempo para dormir.

Él camina por la noche. Se está poniendo más frío y su delgada camisa de vestir no lo mantiene
abrigado. Encuentra la casa y llama a la puerta. Cuando la puerta finalmente se abre, la mujer
parada definitivamente no es Erin. Esta mujer tiene unos ochenta años con el pelo blanco

"¿Vive aquí una mujer llamada Erin?" Andrew le pregunta

"No. Nadie vive aquí excepto yo" Ella responde

Andrew busca en el bolsillo de la chaqueta y le da la identificación de la anciana Erin. "¿La

conoces?" él pide.

"Oh, sí, esa es la chica que vivía aquí antes que yo. La vi cuando se mudaba. Es una cosita linda,

"¿Sabes cómo puedo contactarla? Es un poco urgente".

"Bueno, realmente no la conozco. Podría llamar al arrendador. A ver si sabe algo".

"Bueno, si no fuera demasiado problema", dice Andrew.

"No hay ningun problema." La mujer lo invita a entrar y él se sienta en el sofá. Ella va a la cocina y
él la escucha hablando por teléfono. Él mira a través de la billetera, tratando de encontrar alguna
pista sobre ella, pero todo lo que encuentra son un par de tarjetas de crédito y una foto de ella y
algunos amigos.

"Ella debe ser bastante especial", dice la anciana mientras entra a la sala de estar.

Andrew levanta la cabeza al darse cuenta de que está mirando la foto.

"Oh no, nunca la he conocido". Andrew dice.

La mujer parece sospechosa pero le entrega un trozo de papel. "El propietario dice que no sabe
cómo contactarla, pero sí me dio el mismo club al que le gusta ir. No sé si ayudará".

Andrew escribe la dirección escrita en el papel en su teléfono y ve que está a diez minutos a pie. Y
ve que su avión sale en cuatro horas. Agradece a la anciana y camina lo más rápido que puede al
Dentro del club, busca entre la multitud pero no puede encontrar a Erin en ningún lado. Nadie se
parece en nada a ella.

Sale del club y se apoya contra la pared. Ni siquiera se da cuenta de que la mujer apoyada contra
la pared junto a él con una chaqueta roja que es claramente demasiado grande para ella. Sin
embargo, ella lo nota.

"Esa chaqueta sería más segura si la llevaras puesta". ella dice

Andrew levanta la vista para ver a Erin mirándolo fijamente.

"Espera, eres Erin", dice.

"Lo sé", dice ella. "Pero es extraño que lo sepas".

"Te he estado buscando toda la noche. Estás usando mi chaqueta. Intercambiamos chaquetas
accidentalmente en el pub antes".

"¿Cómo me encontraste?" Ella sonríe mientras dice esto. Andrew piensa que su sonrisa es mucho
más bella en persona.

"Es una larga historia."

"Espera, estuve en el pub hace como dos horas. ¿Realmente me has estado persiguiendo por eso?

"Bueno, realmente estaba persiguiendo la chaqueta", dice Andrew, comenzando a sonrojarse.

"Me gusta una persona comprometida con su chaqueta", dice Erin mientras se quita la chaqueta
de Andrew y se la da. Se la pone sobre los hombros y siente el calor persistente de Erin. "Me
gustan las historias largas. ¿Quieres tomar una taza de café y contarme sobre tu noche?"

"Por supuesto." Andrew le sonríe y sabe que perderá su avión en unas pocas horas, pero no le

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