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Assalamu’alaimum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The honorable the head master of senior high school of 1 Kroya. The respectable Mrs. Gandi
Nurpratiwi as English teacher. And all my friends who I loved.

First, let us praise to Allah SWT because with his grace we are given health and opportunity to
attend this even.

Ladies and gantelmen, on this garbage day on February 21, 2019. Let me discuss a little about
garbage. Trash can be devided into two based on its nature, namely organic and inorganic
waste. Organic waste is garbage that be decomposed. For example food scraps, dried leaves,
vegetables, etc. While inorganic waste is garbage that is difficult to decompose, even if it can
take a long time. However, inorganic waste can be made for handicrafts by recycle it, for
example used bottles can be used as pencil cases, plaited plastic into bags, etc.

Ladies and gantelmen, at this time there are still many people who have not realized the
importance of throwing garbage in this place. This will make the garbage accumulate more,
which will have a negative impact. For example can interfere with healt such as diarrhea,
colera, typhus, and also environmental problems such as floonding and unpleasant odors.

Ladies and gantelmen, so what should we do to avoid these negative impacts? We can avoid it
by doing proper processing in the trash. Waste management is devided into there. Rause,
reduse, and recycle. That is the explanation of garbage that I can convey. Friens if we don’t start
handling garbage around us, then whon else? If not now, when? Let us together make our
homes clean, beautiful, and healthy. Keep the environment clean anytime. The environment
avoided from garbage, we avoided from problems.

That’s all from me. I’m sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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