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Telephone Phrases

Here are some common phrases and sentences you can use when speaking on the
telephone. The informal phrases are mostly for family and friends. The formal phrases are
for business and official calls and for calls to important people. Caller unknown means the
person answering the phone doesn't know who's calling. This mostly occurs when answering
a call to a landline phone without caller ID or to a mobile phone or smartphone from a
number that isn't listed in the phone's contacts.

Answering the phone

Hello. Martin here. (caller unknown)

Hi, martin. How are you?

Hey, Justin. What's up?

Answering the phone (formal)

Hello? Serena speaking. (caller unknown)

John Sayles speaking. Who's calling, please? (caller unknown)

Doctor Martin's office. May I know who's calling, please? (caller unknown)

Thank you for calling Jeans Plus. Jody speaking.

Hello Maria. Nice to hear from you.

Hello Dr Jones. How can I help you?

City Library. Kim speaking. What can I do for you, Robert?

Connecting someone

Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)

Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in. (informal)

One moment please. I'll see if he's available.

Leaving a message

Can I leave a message?

Would you mind giving her a message?

Would it be possible to leave a message?

Could you tell her Jonathon called?

Ending a conversation

Well, I guess I'd better get going. Talk again soon, OK? (informal)

Thanks for calling. Bye for now.

I'm afraid that's my other line.

I'll talk to you again soon. Bye Jules.

Brochure pamphlet leaflet banner
A brochure is an informative paper document for advertising, which can be folded into a
template, pamphlet or leaflet. Brochures are promotional documents, primarily used to
introduce a company, organization, products or services and inform potential customers or
members of the public of the benefits.

What are the Purposes of Brochures?

The main purpose of a brochure is to extend the reader's knowledge on one specific topic in
which the brochure centers around.
Catch target audience's eyes at first sight with its astonishingly beautiful visual design.
Promote your products, agency, or service in an intuitive way.
Build trust bewteen you and your petential clients.

A brochure has many different types and each type has got a different role to play.

Gate Fold Brochure

This is a pretty uncommon brochure because of its expensive cost, which has a great
influence when it is used appropriately.

Bi-Fold Brochure

Bi-Fold Brochure is found among us every day. It is one of the most popular and widely used
brochure types around, while has a more formal layout than tri-fold brochures.

Tri-Fold Brochure

It is easy to know this is a three folds brochure according its name. And this is a pretty
common and brochure that we can see it everywhere.

Z-Fold Brochure

A Z-Fold brochure, basically an accordion fold, is a great brochure folding option because of
the versatility it provides.

A leaflet is a printed publication that is intended for free publication. Leaflets are typically
made from one sheet of paper; this paper is folded into parts such as bi-folds and tri-folds.
Leaflets can also be used to advertise and promote products and services, but, unlike
brochures, leaflets are not only used for commercial purposes. For example, leaflets may
contain information about prevention of a disease. Leaflets are also used for political
campaigns and protests.
Leaflets are freely distributed among people. They are also kept in places where people are
bound to look . Unlike brochures, leaflets can also be printed in cheap papers, with black
and white print. But there are also leaflets that are printed on high-quality paper.
Leaflets can be used for promotional as well as informative and educational
purposes. Leaflets are used by the business sector, nonprofit organisations, religious groups,
political campaigns and governments. Leaflets are often printed on low-quality paper.
Leaflets are freely distributed in public places.
Banners can be found as billboards, behind window screens, on skyscrapers, and
even towed by helicopters. Banners often contain only a few words such as a slogan. When
compared to posters, banners are much larger in size. They are rectangular in size and the
banners that are hung from someplace are often longer in height.

Although banners are more expensive to produce, they are more durable since they are
made from vinyl.

Banners are made from vinyl or cloth. Banners are typically larger than posters
and are rectangular in shape. Banners typically have only a few words. The words in
banners are written in large letters so that they can be read from a distance. Banners are
meant to be read from a distance. Banners are hung from high places or held in hands.
A banner is a long strip of cloth or vinyl bearing a slogan or design. They are
carried in demonstrations, protests or processions or are hung in a public place. They
are also used by companies to market their products and services. Banners can be
found as billboards, behind window screens, on skyscrapers, and even towed by
helicopters. They are often hung much higher than posters.
Banners often contain only a few words such as a slogan. The size of the font is
also large. This is probably because they are hung in places where people move quickly.
Banners also often stand alone, which make them more noticeable.
When compared to posters, banners are much larger in size. They are
rectangular in size and the banners that are hung from someplace are often longer in
height. Although banners are more expensive to produce, they are more durable since
they are made from vinyl.

Sampling connector

Grammatically, “such as” is a prepositional phrase while “for example” is an adverbial


This means that what follows “such as” ought to be a noun phrase, while what follows
“for example” ought to be an independent clause. However, it is common to clip
whatever follows “for example” down to just the salient information, by saying
something like “I want a pet. For example, a dog.”

Clearly this is not strictly grammatical, as “A dog” is not a sentence (there is no verb,
even when “for example” is included), but outside of formal writing, it is entirely

Such as:
There are grammar questions on Quora such as this one you are now asking. (In speech
we often say ‘like’ instead of ‘such as’)

There are Turkish people on Quora such as I. (Like I)

For example:

There are many Turkish Quorans on Quora. For example, Gönül Bakmaz, Ahmet Bakır..

In for example, you elaborate on the subject you are talking about by giving examples to
it. That’s it. In order to give a more detailed answer and to make it clearly understood.

Such as is just a more formal way of saying ‘like’ and used in essays mostly. You again
give examples to the subject, practically (for example vs such as) they are similar but they
are not synonyms. Such as is used mostly in essays and for example is used in daily
speech too. They look very similar however, practically both of them are meant to give a
detailed answer by giving examples.

In general, try to use “such as” in the same way that you use “like” or “including”, and try
to use “for example” in the same grammatical way as “nonetheless” or “furthermore”.

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