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Alexander Liners

College Comp. 1

Mrs. Cramer

7 May 2020

This I Believe Essay

Ever since I was little, I had the opinion that everyone has a breaking point in life.

Whether it being emotional or physical, or even to the point of your job and family. Growing

older, them realizing what makes them happy and what makes them sad or stressed out, but

sometimes it can get to a point where they can't just do it any longer.

To start off, the weakest people are the ones that feel they cannot be broken. I will

forever live by that mentality because it makes it harder for them to achieve peace from what

they’ve experienced because they will overlook things in life. The people that come across

difficult tasks that can say that they can overcome this before, makes it easier to succeed in life.

The people who say they cannot get through this or they can’t do it, it tears them down to the

point they will not be able to do it, making it a breaking point.

Continuing, it is easier to say that you cannot do it, rather than saying you can do this.

Meaning, it is easier to break than put in the time and effort to try. Everyone has a different

mentality. Some people are stronger than others, but then there are the people who feel they are

unbreakable, and that is the worst way to think. Nobody is unbreakable. Everyone has their

differences and weaknesses.


Lastly, to overcome breaking points is hard. After they finally breaks, they are drained

for days, weeks, months, even to the extent of years. Trying to build a mentality back up from

being knocked down is the hardest thing a person could do. I know from experience. It isn't just

you are needing your alone time, but unimaginable hours of thinking about what you could do


In conclusion, I will always believe that there has a breaking point. Being things with

school, or to the extent of your job, everyone will have a break down in their life. It is hard to

overcome but, I believe with extra reassurance and time, you will be able to overcome any

obstacle that is thrown your way.

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