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G7 A4: Developing practical skills - Sustainable Design 

A4: Developing practical skills 

Name:  Class:  
In this document, you will be recording the skills you learn as you work through the 
stations. Each station will have the tools and materials you need to practice and complete 
that skill successfully. 
Once you have completed a station, record what you have learned, take a clear photo of 
your work and insert it into this document. Then move on to the next station.  


The stations that you must complete are: 
How to ​sew a button  Basic Hand Sewing Tying a f​ inishing  How to braid 
OR  knot 
How to ​sew a snap 


✅✅Running stitch 
♻Return the button 
and snap when 

finished. ♻  ✅ French


This is where you put your basic skills together. C
​ omplete 1 -3 activities. 
How to make an   Make a f​ elt bookmark How to make a B
​ raided Rug 
easy pocket pouch  T-Shirt Yarn Coaster 

G7 A4: Developing practical skills - Sustainable Design 

What is the difference between a seam and a hem in sewing? 

Hemming is the process in which the edge is rolled flush to itself, while a seam joins the
edges of two materials. Hems are commonly used to reinforce an edge, hide burrs and
rough edges, and improve appearance.

Wikipedia Contributors (March 10, 2018). ​Hemming and seaming​. [online] Wikipedia.​ [Accessed 10 Mar. 2020]. 

Example of a seam.  Example of a hem. 

Plain seam and flat fell seam are examples Hem is described as to overlap and sew a
of flat seams. Ridge seams combine the piece of fabric to form a finished border. An
French seam. Seams may additionally be example of hem is producing a set of pants
separated into obvious and hidden seams. shorter. 
hidden seams, if finished, will not have  
stitches detected on the right side of the  
garment, an example is plain, corded and (2018). ​Hem dictionary
definition | hem defined​. [online] (2020). ​What is a Seam? | Types
of Seam.​ [online] [Accessed 10 Mar. 2020].
at-is-seam-types-of-seam.html​ [Accessed 10
Mar. 2020]. 


Skill 1:​ (​ w
​ rite what skill you are  Skill 2:​ ​(​write what skill you are 
learning)  learning) 
G7 A4: Developing practical skills - Sustainable Design 

Basic hand sewing: running stitch  Sewing a button 



What was challenging about this station?  What was challenging about this station? 
It was a bit challenging for me to sew on a  It was challenging for me to do the ending part 
straight line   which is making a knot. 

Skill 3:​ (​ w
​ rite what skill you are  Skill 4:​ (​ w
​ rite what skill you are 
learning)  learning) 

Tying a finishing knot 


G7 A4: Developing practical skills - Sustainable Design 

What was challenging about this station?  What was challenging about this station? 
I did not really have and challenges with this  It was challenging for me to braid because I 
situation  got confused because my friend showed me 
  how to do it and the video showed a different 
way which didn’t work for me 

Skill 5:​ (​ w
​ rite what skill you are  Skill 6:​ (​ w
​ rite what skill you are 
learning)  learning) 

Photo evidence of completing the task.  Photo evidence of completing the task. 

What was challenging about this station?  What was challenging about this station? 

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