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The time of the year has come once again to mark the start of the Lenten season! Its time to prepare
our heart and make space for the Lord. In the early days, it marked the day to begin their period of
penance. As early as the 10th century did the church begin the mark the foreheads of the
congregation with ashes. Ashes play a big role on Ash Wednesday. It’s even in the name. Ashes are
put on the foreheads as an expression of faith and as a reminder of human sinfulness and the need
for penance. It is also a reminder of our mortal self when the words “remember that you are dust,
and to dust you shall return”.

To welcome the season of solemnity, we need to fast from meats except fish meat. It helps us to
focus more on prayer and prepare us for the days of fasting and abstinence to come. Catholics from
18 to 59 years old should fast unless you’re sick. Sometimes we are hesitant on fasting because it is
different from our usual lives. However, you will realise that fasting for one day, on Ash Wednesday,
will warm your heart for mass. Also, this is exactly what would help us get a taste of the suffering
Jesus went through and to be reminded to penance. Blessed Ash Wednesday everyone!

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