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সবার আেগ িতিদেনর িবিভ পি কা এবং অনলাইেন কািশত সরকাির- বসরকাির সব ধরেনর চাকিরর খবর, সা ািহক
চাকিরর পি কা, আেবদেনর িনয়ম, আেবদন ফরম সহ িনেয়াগ সং া সকল তথ িনেয় এই আপস।

ɫʕʕʑʓʇʘʑ ʙʟʙʚʋʓ5SQ[K½bQ.M\L.ML[SM?bŁS\OČ\Ō
✍ বিশ ✍
✍ নতু ন এবং পূণ চাকিরর খবর এর "Notification"
এর মাধ েম আপিন আপস ওেপন না কেরই আপনার মাবাইেলর Notification বার এ জানেত পারেবন পূণ চাকিরর
খবর এবং পরী ার নািটশ
✍ কেম িসে ম: িতিট িব ি র িনেচ কেম করার অপশন আেছ, ওই িব ি স েক যিদ আপনার কান
/িজ াসা/সমস া/তথ জানার থােক তাহেল আপিন কেম করেল আপনােক আপনার েয়াজনীয় তথ িদেয় সাহায
করার চ া করব।
☞ এছাড়াও মনু বাের আলাদাভােব কেম করার অপশন পােবন, সখােন আপিন িনেয়াগ সং া য কান করেত
✍ Job Age Calculator: চাকিরর বয়স বর করার ক ালকুেলটর। চাকিরর আেবদেনর ে অেনক সময় বয়স বর করেত
হয়। এই Job Age Calculator এর মাধ েম আপিন আপনার কাি ত বয়স বর করেত পারেবন।
≣ জব ক াটাগির: িব ি েলা সহেজ খু েজ পাবার জন ক াটাগির করা আেছ। িনেচ িকছু ক াটাগির উে খ করা হল।

➲ সরকাির চাকির ➲ মােকিটং / সলস ➲ পাট টাইম জব

➲ ব াংক জব ➲ রলওেয় জব ➲ কল স ার / কা মার সািভস
➲ এনিজও ➲ িডেফ এ চাকির ➲ সা ািহক চাকিরর পি কা
➲ িশ ক িনেয়াগ ➲ শার / অনিভ েদর চাকির ➲ অন ন বসরকাির চাকির
✍ িতিদেনর তথ
িবিভ দিনক পি কা থেক পূণ সাধারণ ানমূলক তথ এবং দিনক ইংেরিজ পি কার পূণ Article এর
অনু বাদ ও Daily Star Vocabulary.
✍ সা িতক তথ : িবিভ পি কা ও অন ান উৎস থেক চলমান বাংলােদশ এবং িবে র সা িতক তথ ।
✍ ক ািরয়ার গাইড: চাকিরর পরী া সহায়ক িবিভ তথ এবং Article এবং পরামশ।
✍ ডাউনেলাড জান: চাকিরর িতর জন িবিভ কাশনীর বই এবং অনলাইেন কািশত সকল িবষেয়র তেথ র
PDF। ায় ১০০ GB+ েয়াজনীয় সকল বই িনেয় এর ক াটাগির।
✍ ই ারিভউ িটপস: ই ারিভউ এর জন িকভােব িনেজেক ত করেবন সই সকল িবষেয় অিভ েদর পরামশ।
✍ ভাইভা অিভ তা : চাকিরর ভাইভােত িকধরেণর ে র স ুখীন হেত হয় সই সকল তথ িনেয় এই ক াটাগির।
িবিসএস, ব াংক সহ অন ান িনেয়াগ ভাইভা অিভ তা এখােন পােবন।
✍ ব াংক এবং NTRCA ব াংক: িনেয়াগ পরী ার িবগত সােলর এবং সমাধান। এছাড়াও িতিনয়ত য সকল
িনেয়াগ পরী া অনু ি ত হয় তার -সমাধান।
✍ মেডল ট : িনেজেক িনেয়াগ পরী ার উপেযাগী কের গেড় তালার জন অনু শীলেনর িবক নই। এই ক াটাগিরেত
"ব াখ া সহ ( বিশরভাগ ে )" মেডল ট পােবন। ( With timer এবং Without timer আপনার পছ মত মেডল
ট িদেত পারেবন)
☞ চাকির িবষয়ক পরামশ সহ আেরা অেনক িকছু ...

❤ এই আপস এর বিশ েলা যিদ আপনার ভাল লােগ তাহেল আজই ডাউনেলাড ক ন।

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Notes on English Literature (Based on Previous Questions)
Nice to know:
» Father of English language/literature-------------------------Geoffrey Chaucer
» Father of modern English literature---------------------------G B Shaw
» Father of English poem/poetry/modern poetry-------------Geoffrey Chaucer
» Poet of poets------------------------------------------------------Edmund Spenser
» Both a poet and a painter---------------------------------------Blake
» Rebel poet in English literature--------------------------------Lord Byron
» Famous mock heroic poet in English literature-------------Alexander Pope
» English epic poet-------------------------------------------------John Milton
» Poet of nature in English literature----------------------------William Wordsworth
» Poet of beauty in English literature---------------------------John Keats
» Poet of sensuousness -------------------------------------------John Keats
» Poet of supernaturalism-----------------------------------------Coleridge
» Poet of skylark & winds/ Revolutionary poet --------------P B Shelly
» The greatest dramatist of all times----------------------------William Shakespeare
» The greatest modern English dramatist-----------------------G B Shaw
» Father of English prose------------------------------------------Francis Bacon
» Founder of English prose---------------------------------------Alfred the Great
» The most famous satirist in English literature---------------Jonathan Swift
» „Father of the Science Fiction‟---------------------------------Jules Verne
» Father of the short story-----------------------------------------Edgar Allan Poe
» Father of English novel --------------------Henry Fielding / Daniel Defoe / Jonathon Swift / Samuel Richardson

Chaucer is the representative poet of -----------------14th century.

Edmond Burke belongs to-------------------------------18th century.
George Elliot is a novelist of----------------------------19th century.
Keats belonged to-----------------------------------------19th century.

» Shakespeare is known mostly for his-----------------------------------------plays/dramas

» A. S. Hornby is famous for-----------------------------------------------------writing dictionaries
» Who is famous for his elegies?-------------------------------------------------Thomas Gray
» Who is famous for the theory of „Objective Co-relative‟?----------------T.S. Elliot
» Who excels ( ) in dramatic monologue?-----------------------------Robert Browning
» Selim Al Deen is renowned for his------------------------------------------------ethnic theatre
» Who is the author of several books on wildlife?--------------------------------George Laylock
» Lord Tennyson is known as-----------------------------------------------------Lyric poet
» Johnson was a famous-------------------------------------------------------------critic & lexicographer
» Andrew Marvell and John Donne were ---------------------------------------Metaphysical poet
» Eliot and Pound were--------------------------------------------------------------literary collaborators
» Addison and Steele are known for---------------------------------------------The Spectator (magazine)
» Ben Jonson introduced--------------------------------------------------------comedy of humors
» The first English Dictionary was compiled by-------------------------------Samuel Johnson (1755).
He is the founder of English literary club (1764).
» Nelson Mandela is known as----------------------------------Icon of peace and reconciliation
» Beethoven is considered one of the greatest personalities in the field of--------------music

» The contemporary dramatist of W. Shakespeare-----------------------------C. Marlowe (predecessor)

» The contemporary poet of W. Wordsworth--------------------------------S. T. Coleridge
» The contemporary novelist of Virginia Wolf------------------------------Joyce
» Who was inspired by French revolution?----------------------------------William Wordsworth
» Who was English poet addicted to opium?---------------------------------S. T. Coleridge
» English poet who died in TB--------------------------------------------------John Keats
» English poet who was professionally known as a man of medicine---John Keats

Page 2
Real name of Jorge Elliot------------------Mary Anne Evans
Real name of O‟ Henry---------------------William Sydney Porter
Full name of T S Elliot----------------------Thomas Stearns Elliot
Full name of Dr. Johnson------------------Samuel Johnson

» First long poem in English----------------------------------------------Beowulf

» What was the first novel of the Virginia Woolf?-------------------The Voyage Out
» Which is known as Shakespeare‟s swan song?---------------------The Tempest

Different periods in English literature:

» Anglo Saxon Period------------------------450-1066

» Middle English Period--------------------1066-1500
(1066-1340: The Anglo Norman Period;
1340-1400: The Age of Chaucer; 1400-1500: The Dark/Barren Period)
» Renaissance Period-------------------------1500-1660 (1500-1558: Preparation for Renaissance;
1558-1603: The Elizabethan Period; 1603-1625: The Jacobean Period; 1625-1649: The
Caroline Period; 1649-1660: The Commonwealth Period)
» Neo-classical Period------------------------1660-1798 (1600-1700: The Restoration Period; 1700-
1745: The Augustan Period; 1745-1798: The Age of Sensibility)
» Romantic Period---------------------------1798-1832
» Victorian Period----------------------------1832-1901
» Modern Period------------------------------1901-1939 (1901-1910/1914: Edwardian period; 1910-
1936: Georgian Period)
» Post-modern Period------------------------1939-present

The oldest period in English literature-------------------------Anglo Saxon period

The “Golden Age of English Literature”----------------------The Elizabeth I age
The Victorian Age is named after------------------------------Queen Victoria
Renaissance is an _____word.-----------------------------------Italian
Renaissance means--------------------------------rebirth/ revival of learning/
The beginning of the Renaissance may be traced to the city of-----Florance (Italy).

Famous writer of different period:

Period Poet Novelist Dramatist

Elizabethan C. Marlowe,
Romantic Keats, Shelly,
Wordsworth, Coleridge,
Lord Byron
Victorian R. Browning Charles Dickens,
M. Arnold George Elliot,
A. Tennyson Treasure Elliot,
Thomas Austin,
Thomas Hardy
Modern T.S. Elliot Rudyard Kipling,
T.S. Elliot,
H.G. Wells

» Pioneer of Romanticism is/are--------------------------Wordsworth and Coleridge

» Jonathon Swift belongs to--------------------------------Neo-classical age
» Robert Greene is one of the ---------------------------- University Wits

The University Wits: The witty students of Cambridge and Oxford are called University wits. They are ---
Robert Greene, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Lodge, John Lyly, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Nashe, George
Peele (Technique: GKLMNP)

Page 3
Novel laureate writers---------

T.S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats, Winston Churchill, Bertrand Russell, Bernard Shaw, Orhan Pamuk,
Harold Pinter, Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, H.G. Wells, Rudyard Kipling, John Galsworthy,
Doris Lessing

Famous writer from different country:

British writer:

Novelist Charles Dickens, D. H. Lawrence, Doris Lessing, Emily

Playwright Harold Pinter
Poet Robert Herrick
Philosopher/ Bertrand Russell, Charles Lamb, Francis Bacon,
Essayist William Hazlitt
American writer:

Novelist Perl S. Buck, Earnest Hemingway, William Faulkner

Poet T.S. Elliot
Short story writer O‟ Henry
French writer:

Novelist Alexander Dumas , Victor Hugo

Short story writer Maupassant


Leo Tolstoy-------------------------------------------Russian novelist

W.B. Yeats -------------------------------------------Irish poet & dramatist
Nissim Ezekiel ---------------------------------------Indian poet.
Goethe ------------------------------------------------German poet

The national poet of England is---------------- William Shakespeare.

Who is known as the bard of Avon? ---------- William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare is--------------a famous 16th century English playwright.
He was born in-----------26th April, 1564 AD
He was died in-----------------------------23rd April, 1616 AD
Shakespeare lived during the reign of ----------------------Elizabeth I
A Shakespeare play consists of------------------------------five acts
Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse? --------Iambic pentameter
In Shakespearean tragedy, the hero is----------------a high ranking man

Nobel prize & others:

» Award of Nobel prize in literature was started from the year-------------1901
» Sir Winston Churchill got the Nobel prize in ---------------------------------1953
» A statesman but awarded Nobel prize in English literature--------------------Sir Winston Churchill
» A modern philosopher but awarded Noble prize in English literature----Bertrand Russell
» A senator and a poet who won the Nobel prize for literature--------------W. B. Yeats
» Perl S Buck awarded Nobel prize in 1938 for the book--------------------The Good Earth
» A French author who refused Nobel prize ------------------------------------Jae Paul Sartre
» A Russian author who refused Nobel prize------------------------------------Boris Pasternak
» Booker prize is awarded for------------------------------------------------------literature

Most translated author of the world-------------------------------V I Lenin

Who translated the Bible into English for the 1st time?--------John Wycliff
Who translated the New Testament?------------------------------John Wycliff
Who translated „Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’?----------------Edward Fritzgerald
Who translated „Gitanjoli‟ in English?---------------------------W.B. Yeats

Page 4
» The only medium of literature is--------------------------------------------------language
» What is the salient feature of all literature? -------------------------------------artistic quality
» Elizabeth Tragedy is centered on--------------------------------------------------revenge
» The main feature of the Renaissance is------------------------------------------humanism
» Most important feature of romantic poetry--------------------------------------subjectivity
» Romanticism is mainly connected with ------------------------------------------love and beauty
» „The Good Earth‟ of Perl S Buck deals with-------------------------------------the Chinese life
» P. B. Shelly‟s „Adonais‟ is an elegy on the death of ---------------------------John Keats
» „The Merchant of Venice‟ is a Shakespearean play about--------------------a Jew
» „Othello‟ is a Shakespearean play about----------------------------------------- a Moor
» „Moby Dick‟ is the story of --------------------------------------------------------a Whale
» Tennyson‟s in Memoriam is --------------------------------------------------------an elegy
» „Alice in the wonderland‟ belongs to----------------------------------------------Juvenile literature
» The Wrath (anger) of Achilles is the theme of-----------------------------------Iliad
» „In which poem do you find Hindu allusion of philosophy? -----------------The Waste Land.
» Class and societal conflict is the key understanding of-------------------------Marxism
» Where is expressed the view that „There is divinity that shapes our ends‟? ----------In Hamlet
» What is the inner significance of the poem-„The Arrow and the Song‟? ----------Cruel deeds and
good deeds have effect upon mind.
» The school of literary writings that is connected with a medical theory---------Comedy of Humors
» The theme of „Paradise Lost‟ is-------------------------------------------------------To justify the ways
of God to man.

» Character of Shakespeare play:
Brutus---------------------Julius Caesar
Shylock-------------------The Merchant of Venice
» Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about ----------------------------2000 years ago
» „Othello‟ gave Desdemona ___as a token of love…………………Handkerchief
» Achilles was------------------------------------------------------------------a great Greek fighter
» Helen of Troy was the wife of--------------------------------------------Menelaus
» Adela is a character in a novel written by-------------------------------E.M. Forster
» The most striking feature of D.H. Lawrence‟s character is that---------the almost portray himself.

» Who is the only Trojan who did not speak evil of Helen and was gentle and kind to her?
» Who described the „Monalisa‟ as older the rocks among which she sit‟s?
----------Walter Pater
» Whose dying words were, “Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius, will you remember to pay the debt?”
» According to the writer of „A Mother in Mannville” which of the following word best describes
the character of „Jerry‟?

*** A list of 20 most important writers of English literature

William Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe, William
Wordsworth, S T Coleridge, John Keats, P B Shelly, John Milton, Alexander Pope, T.S. Eliot, W.B.
Yeats, Robert Browning, Thomas Gray, William Blake, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Charles Dickens,
Earnest Hemingway, D.H. Lawrence, Jonathan Swift

Page 5
Writers Important works

Shakespeare Tragedy:
Romeo and Juliet; Othello; Macbeth; Antony and Cleopatra; King Lear;
Julius Caesar; Hamlet; Titus Andronicus (1st tragedy).
[Technique: ROMA K Julia‟ Hamlet ]

As You Like It; The Tempest (Last work), The Merchant of Venice;
Twelfth Night; The Comedy of Errors; Winter‟s Tale; The Midsummer
Night‟s Dream; The Taming of the Shrew; Measure of Measure; Love‟s
Labour‟s Lost; All‟s Well That Ends Well; Much Ado About Nothing.

[Technique: As you like it, let‟s go to the tempest of the merchant of venice
at twelfth night to see the comedy of errors and winter‟s tale. At the
midsummer night‟s dream we will see the taming of the shrew, measure of
measure and love‟s labour‟s lost & will say all‟s well that ends well.]

George Bernard Shaw Drama:

Joan of Arc
You Never Can Tell
Caesar and Cleopatra
Arms and the Man
Man and Superman
Mrs. Warren‟s Profession
[Technique: Joan, it‟s Your CAMP.]
Ben Jonson Drama:
Silent Woman
Volpone (The Fox)
Everyman in His Humor, Everyman out of His Humor
[Technique: SAVE]
Christopher Marlowe Drama:
Edward (II)
The Jew of Malta
Tambeurline the Great
Doctor Faustus (The tragical history of Dr. Faustus)
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
[Technique: Edward, The Jew of Malta, was a Great Passionate Doctor]
William Wordsworth Poems:
The Solitary Reaper
The Lucy Poems
Written in March
Ode on Immortality
The Daffodils/ I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
The Excursion
Revolution and Independence
Tintern Abbey
[Technique: The Solitary Michael Lucy Written the Ode „Daffodils in
Rainbow‟ during Excursion of Independence day at Tintern abbey.]

Famous book of poems:

Lyrical Ballads
The Borderers

Page 6
S T Coleridge Poems:
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Kubla Khan (verse)
Dejection: An ode
Famous book:
Biographia Literaria
[Technique: ABCD]
John Keats Poems:
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode to a Nightingale
Ode to Autumn
[Technique: Isabella went to Greece at Night with an Auto.]

Famous book:
Endymion (epic)
[Technique: Lamia (Endymion) Hyper (Hyperion) । ]
P B Shelly Books:
Adonais (Elegy, Keats এ )
Prometheus Unbound (a four act play/tragedy)
The Revolt of Islam
The Necessity of Atheism
A defense of Poetry
[Technique: Adonais Prome , Islam Atheism Defense ]

Ode to a Skylark
Ode to the West Wind
The Cloud
When Soft Voices Die
[Technique: Ozymandias (sky), (wind), (cloud) উ
John Milton Famous work:
Paradise Lost (epic)
Paradise Regained (epic)
Areopagitica (prose)
Lycidas (elegy)
[Technique: PAL]
Alexander Pope Famous work:
Rape of the Lock (epic)
An Essay on Man (poem)
An Essay on Criticism (poem)
T.S. Eliot Poems:
Ash Wednesday
The Waste Land
The Love Song
The Hollow Men
Murder in the Cathedral
[Technique: Elliot (Wednesday) West Land এ (Love)
Hollow Men Murder । ]
W.B. Yeats Poems:
Leda and Swan
The Wild Swans at Coole
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Sailing to Byzantium
[Technique: Leda Coole free Byzid ।]

Page 7
Robert Browning Poems:
My Last Duchess
Andrea Del Sarto
Rabbi Ben Ezra
The Patriot
[Technique: MART]

Book of poems:
Men and Women
Thomas Gray Famous Elegy:
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
William Blake Poems:
Milton-a poem
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The Four Zoas
Songs of Innocence
Songs of Experience
[Technique: Milton এ Blake ।]
Alfred Lord Tennyson Poems:
Locksley Hall
Lotus Eaters
Morte D‟ Arthur
In Memorium
[Technique: Titho (Tithonus) এ Lysse (Ulysses) Memorium (In
Memorium) Hall এ (Locksley Hall) (Oenone) (Lotus Eaters)
(Morte D‟ Arthur) ।]
Charles Dickens Novels:
David Copperfield
Hard Times
Great Expectations
The Adventures of Oliver Twist
A Tale of Two Cities
[Technique: David (Hard Times) (Great
Expectation) Oliver (Tale of Two Cities)
Earnest Hemingway Novels:
The Old man and the sea
The Sun Also Rises
A Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls
[Technique: The old man‟s son (sun) went to a farewell to see for whom
the bell tolls.]
D H Lawrence Novels:
The Rainbow
Sons and Lovers
Lady Chatterley‟s Lover
Modern Lover
Women in Love
[Technique: Love ।]
Jonathan Swift Novels:
Gulliver‟s Travel (A Voyage of Lilliput)
A Modest Proposal
A Tale of a Tub
The Battle of Books
[Technique: Guliver Proposal এ (Tale) (Book)
। ]

Page 8
Important works and their authors (Based on previous questions):
Works Types Authors

A Brief History of Time --- Stephen Hawking

A Doll‟s House Play Henrik Ibsen
A Golden Age Novel Tahmima Anam
A Mother in Mannville Story M. K. Rawlings
A Passage to India Novel E.M. Forster
A Suitable Boy Novel Vikram Seth
A Thousand Splendid Suns Novel Khaled Hosseini
Alice in Wonderland Novel Lewis Carrol
An Apology for Poetry Literary criticism Philip Sydney
Anna Karenina Novel Tolstoy
Animal Farm Novel George Orwell
Arabian Nights Fairy tales Sir Richard Burton
Around the World in Eighty Days Novel Jules Verne
Asian Drama --- Gunnar Myrdal
Aspects of Novel --- E.M. Forster
Brick Lane --- Monica Ali
Cancer Ward Autobiographical Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Crime and Punishment Novel Dostoevsky
Das Capital --- Karl Marx
Divine Comedy Poetical work Dante
Don Juan Poem Lord Byron
Dr. Zivago Novel Boris Pasternak
Emma Novel Jane Austin
Essays of Elia Essays Charles Lamb
Faerie Queene Epic Edmund Spenser
Far from the Madding Crowd Novel Thomas Hardy
Friends not Masters --- Gen Aiub Khan
Glimpses of World History --- Jawaharlal Nehru
Jane Eyre Novel Charlotte Bronte
Harry Potter Novel J. K. Rowling
Heart of Darkness Novel Joseph Conrad
Heaven and Earth --- Lord Byron
History of the II world war --- Sir Winston Churchill
Huckleberry Finn Novel Mark Twain
India Wins Freedom Autobiography Abul Kalam Azad
Inheritance of Loss Novel Kiran Desai
Ivan Hoe Novel Sir Walter Scot
Justice Poem Henry W. Longfellow
Kim Novel Kipling
Leaves of Grass Poem Walt Whitman
Less Miserables Novel Victor Hugo
Lord Jim: A Tale Novel Joseph Conrad
Lord of the Flies Novel William Golding
Lorna Doone Novel Blackmore
Madame Bovary Novel Gustav Flaubert
Marriage and Morals Book Bertrand Russell
Mending Wall Poem Robert Frost
Midnight‟s Children --- Salman Rushdie
My Experiments with Truth Autobiography Mahatma Gandhi
Nineteen Eighty Four Novel George Orwell
Of Human Bondage Novel W. Somerset Maugham
Pamela 1st English Novel Samuel Richardson
Patriotism Poetry Sir Walter Scot
Point Counterpoint Novel Aldous Huxley
Pride and Prejudice Novel Jane Austin
Prometheus Unbound Lyrical drama Aeschylus
Riders to the Sea A one act play E. M. Synge
Roads to Freedom --- Bertrand Russell
Robinson Crusoe Novel Daniel Defoe
Roots Novel Alex Haley

Page 9
Satanic Verses --- Salman Rushdie
Sense and Sensibility Novel Jane Austin
Sherlock Homes Detective stories Sir Arthur Canon Doyle
Spirit of Islam --- Syed Amir Ali
Surrender at Dhaka-Birth of a nation --- M.A.G Osmani
Treasure Island Novel Stevenson
The Affluent Society --- J. K. Galbraith
The Aim of Education Essay Whitehead
The Ancient Society --- L. H. Morgan
The Birthday Party Novel Harold Pinter
The Canterbury Tales Collection of tales Geoffrey Chaucer
The Caucasian Chalk Circle Play Bertolt Brecht
The Diamond Necklace Short story Maupassant
The Diary of a Young Girl --- Anne Frank
The End of History and the Last Man --- M. Francis Fukuyama
The Gift of the Magi Short story O‟ Henry
The God of Small Things Novel Arundhati Roy
The Invisible Man Science fiction H.G. Wells
The Judgment --- Kuldip Nayer
The Jungle Book Novel Rudyard Kipling
The Kite Runner Novel Khaled Hosseini
The Last Leaf Short story O Henry
The Luncheon Short story W. Somerset Maugham
The Odyssey and the Iliad Epic Homer
The Origin of Species Scientific writing C. Darwin
The Palace of Illusion Novel Chitra Banerjee
The Picture of Dorian Gray Novel Oscar Wilde
The Prince --- Machiavelli
The Rape of Bangladesh --- Anthony Mascarenhas
The Return of the Native Novel Thomas Hardy
The Sacred Flame Novel W. Somerset Maugham
The Sense of an Ending Novel Julian Bernes
The Social Contract --- Russo
The Spanish Tragedy Play Thomas Kyd
The Time Machine Science fiction H. G. Wells
The Trial Novel Franz Kafka
The Vinci Code Detective novel Dan Brown
The Women Novel T. C. Boyle
Things Fall Apart Novel Chinua Achebe
Three Musketeers Novel Alexander Dumas
Time, you Old Gipsy Man Poem Ralph Hodgson
To Daffodils Poem Robert Herrick
To the light house Novel Virginia Woolf
Ulysses Novel James Joyce
Uncle Tom‟s Cabin Novel Mrs. Harriet Stowe
Utopia Novel Sir Thomas More
Vanity Fair Novel William Thekary
Voices from Chernobyl --- Svetlana Alexievich
War and Peace (an epic tale of Napoleonic invasion) Novel Leo Tolstoy
Waiting for Godot Absurd drama Samuel Beckett
White Devil Play John Webster
Wuthering Heights Novel Emily Bronte

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Quotations Author

Know thyself. ( ) Socrates

The unexamined life is not worth living. ( ) Socrates
We make war that we may live in peace. Aristotle
Man is by nature a political animal. Aristotle
He, who is unable to live in a society, must be either a beast or a god. Aristotle
Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities. Aristotle
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen; ( ) Thomas Gray
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise. Thomas Gray
( , )
Give me good mothers I will give you a good nation. Nepoleon
The career is open to the talents. Nepoleon
Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon>Hobbes
Opportunity makes a thief. ( ) Francis Bacon
Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an Francis Bacon
exact man.
Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed, and some few to Francis Bacon
be chewed and digested.
Wives are young men‟s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old Francis Bacon
men‟s nurses. ( , )
The people are the masters. Edmund Burke
The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. Edmund Burke
( , )
A perfect democracy is therefore the most shameless thing in the world. Edmund Burke
Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King
( )
I have a dream. Martin Luther King
Govt. of the people, by the people, for the people. Abraham Lincoln
You may fool some of the people some of the time; you can even fool Abraham Lincoln
some of the people all the time; but you can‟t fool all the people all the
The govt. is the best which governs least. Henry David Thoreau
( উ )
Justice delayed is justice denied. Gladstone
( )
England expects that every man will do his duty at the battle of Nelson
England respects everyman to do his duty. Nelson
( )
Sweet is revenge, especially to women. Lord Byron
Ignorance is not innocence but sin. Robert Browning
But I have promises to keep; Robert frost
And miles to go before I sleep.
Good face is the best letter of recommendation. ( , ) Queen Elizabeth
The country is good if its universities are good. Pundit Nehru
Be You Ever So High, the Law is Above You. ( উ উ ) Lord Denning
The good of the people is the chief law. Cicero
( )
Come, live with me and be my love. C. Marlowe
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton
( , )
A little learning is a dangerous thing. Alexander Pope
To err is human, to forgive is divine. An Essay on Criticism,
Alexander Pope
That‟s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. New York Times, 21st July, 1969;
Neil Armstrong
Truth sits upon the lips of dying man. Sohrab and Rustum,
( ) Mathew Arnold
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. (Satan) Paradise Lost,
( ) John Milton
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. The Marriage of Heaven & Hell,
William Blake

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Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Du Contract Social,
( , ) Rousseau
Water, water, everywhere; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,
Not any drop to drink. Coleridge
He prayeth best, who loveth best. ( ) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,
Poets are the unacknowledged legislature of the world. A defence of Poetry, Shelly
( )
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought. ( ) To a Skylark, Shelly
We look before and after and pine for what is not. To a Skylark, Shelly
If winter comes, can spring be far behind. Ode to the West Wind, Shelly
( ?)
Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! Ode to the West Wind, Shelly
I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!
Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. Tintern Abbey, Wordsworth
( )
The child is father of the man. ( ) My heart leaps up when I behold,
Ten thousand saw at a glance; ( এ ) The Solitary Reaper,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. Wordsworth
Behold her, single in the field/You solitary Highland Lass! The Solitary Reaper,
Reaping and singing by herself Wordsworth
The music in my heart I bore Long after it was heard no more. The Solitary Reaper,
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful things. Preface to Lyrical Ballads,
( : : ) Wordsworth
Beauty is truth, truth is beauty. Ode to a Grecian Urn, Keats
A thing of beauty is a joy forever. ( ) Endymion, Keats
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains/My sense, as though of Ode to a Nightingle, Keats
hemlock I had drunk. ( , এ
, )
A short sleep. Keats
Cowards die many times before their deaths. Julius Caesar, Shakespeare
( )
To be or not to be, that is the question. Hamlet, W. Shakespeare
(এ )
There are many things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of Hamlet, W. Shakespeare
in your philosophy. ( ,
এ )
Frailty, Thy name is woman. ( / ) Hamlet, W. Shakespeare
Brevity is the soul of wit. ( ) Hamlet, W. Shakespeare
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Macbeth, W. Shakespeare
( এ )
Fair is foul, and foul is fair. ( , ) Macbeth, W. Shakespeare
Sweet are the uses of adversity. ( : ) As You Like It, Shakespeare
All the world‟s a stage and all the men and women merely players. As You Like It, Shakespeare
( এ , )
Blow, blow the winter wind/ Thou (you) are not so unkind. As You Like It, Shakespeare
( , )
A young man married is a man that‟s marred. All’s Well that Ends Well,
Veni, vidi, vici. (এ , , ) Julius Caesar, Shakespeare
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. The Merry Wives of Windsor,
I am a man more sinned against than sinning. Shakespeare
( , )
While I stand on the roadway or on the Pavement grey, I hear it in the The Lake Isle of Innis free,
deep heart‟s core. W. B. Yeats

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Literary terms and figures:
» Alliteration: Commencement of the words with the same letter. Example—Mist and mellow fruitfulness.
Budding beauty. A storm man struggling with the storm of the fate.

» Assonances: The close repetition of the same vowels followed by different consonants. Example—the
flash of a hand. (ash, and = )

» Anaphora: The repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or verses.
Example—Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better.

» Onomatopoeia: । : Jingle-jangle, melodious murmur

» Simile: Comparison between two different things using ‘as’ and ‘like’. Example—I wandered lonely as a
cloud. My love is like a red, red rose. He was moving as fast as a train.

» Metaphor: Implicit comparison between two different things. Metaphor এ as, such, like ।
—He is the star of the family. He is the eternal summer. He has a heart of stone. The man is a mad
dog. Bangladesh Biman your home is in the air. „so that I saw deeper into the clear well of his eyes‟.

» Allegory: A work which has a meaning behind the surface meaning.

» Personification: । — The waves beside them danced. Death,

thou shalt not die. Death lays his icy hands on king. The foggy day mocks at my plan to wash clothes.

» Apostrophe: এ উ ,
উ ।এ এ Personification. Example—Milton! Thou shouldst
be living at this hour. Is Science a Daughter of art?

» Hyperbole/Exaggeration: এ overstatement । —Ten thousand saw I at a

glance. Here‟s the smell of blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. She felt it
was taking a hundred years to complete the exam.

» Paradox: । —I must be cruel to be kind. There is no one so

poor as a wealthy miser.

» Irony: । —The boy showed his merit by making twenty

mistakes in ten minutes. King Lear banished his youngest daughter Cordelia from his Kingdom; but in the
end, she became her only shelter.

» Oxymoron: oxymoron । —Open secret. Deafening silence.

» Antithesis: idea words balance । —Better to reign in

Hell than serve in Heaven. Man proposes, God disposes ( এ )

» Euphemism: উ । — উ„ ‟ „ ‟।

» Litotes: A negative statement that suggests a very strong affirmative. Example—He is not bad (good).

» Satire: । — The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, And wretches hang that jurymen
may dine.

» Pleonasm/Tautology: । —Repeat it again. (

এ )

» Chiasmus: word phrases এ উ । —Fair is foul, and foul is fair.

» Periphrasis/circumlocution: । —The sleeps that never breaks (=death)

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» Pun: এ । —The leopard never changes its spot, whenever it goes from one spot
to another.
» Metonymy: এ এ এ । —
Address the chair (chairman)

An epic is -----------------------------------------------------------------a long poem dealing with heroic deeds.

Epics are divided into----------------------------------------------------two types.
A „Canto‟ is --------------------------------------------------------------a division of an epic.
Sonnet is ------------------------------------------------------------------a poem of 14 lines.
The word „sonnet‟ is originated from ---------------------------------Italian language.
Parody is-------------------------------------------------------------------a funny imitation of a poem.
Prosody signifies the systematic study of----------------------------versification.
„Blank verse‟ is ----------------------------------------------------------a kind of verse having no rhyming end.
Trimeter is----------------------------------------------------------------a line of poem consisting of three feet.
Limerick is----------------------------------------------------------------a short form of light verse.
Ballad is-------------------------------------------------a kind of short narrative poem / a story in verse.
Couplet means------------------------------------------two lines of poem / poetry of equal length and rhyme.
Refrain means------------------------------------------line of a song or a poem repeated at the end of each verse.
The „Poet Laureate‟ is---------------------------------the Court Poet of England.
Poetic License means----------------------------------freedom to change the normal rules of language in a
special piece of writing.

Eulogy--------------------------------------------speech expressing high praise of somebody.

Elegy----------------------------------------------a song of mourning.
Dirge----------------------------------------------a song to be sung at funeral.
Hymn---------------------------------------------a song embodying religious & sacred emotions.

A drama is a/an------------------------------------------magical performances on the stage.

Melodrama -----------------------------------------------play of violent and sensational themes.
An „act‟ is-------------------------------------------------one of the major divisions of a play.
Breath is --------------------------------------------------a shortest dramatic work.
Tragedy is-------------------------------------------------a serious play with a sad ending.
Comedy is-------------------------------------------------a light play with a happy ending.
Pantomime is---------------------------------------------action on the stage without speech.
Prologue is------------------------------------------------an introduction to a play or literary work.
Epilogue is------------------------------------------------a closing speech in a play.
Monologue is-------------------------------------------------a lengthy speech presented by a character of a play
to other characters or audience.
Soliloquy means---------------------------------------------a lengthy speech presented by an individual character
to himself/herself. .
Debut-------------------------------------------------------first appearance.
Protagonist-------------------------------------------------leading character of actor in a play.
A Machiavellian character-------------------------------a selfish person.
Catastrophe------------------------------------------------The tragic end of dramatic events.
The „Climax‟ of a plot is---------------------------------what happens at the height/ a crisis in a drama.
Playwright--------------------------------------------------someone who writes plays.

A fantasy is -------------------------------------an imaginary story.

A fiction means--------------------------------a branch of literature that describes imaginary people and events.
Fable is------------------------------------------a story, with animals as the main characters, and a moral.
Myth is-------------------------------------------the story of the ancient history/ a legend.
Mythology is------------------------------------the study of various beliefs about gods and goddesses.
Epistolary novel--------------------------------a novel in the form of letters.
Linguistics is------------------------------------the scientific study of languages.
A lexicographer---------------------------------a person who writes dictionaries.
An autobiography-------------------------------a person when writes about own life.
Memoir is------------------------------------------a composition which emphasizes on author‟s witness and
experiences rather than his/her own personality or life.
In linguistics, „collocation‟ means------------words that go together.

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Some important information:
» Readers who have eclectic tastes in literature------------------------read books on different topics
» When a poem has a speaker, what does a novel have? ---------Narrator
» The narrator of a novel written in the 3rd person is called-------an omniscient narrator
» Novel means something new and is derived from----------------Latin
» Which is not true of an English sonnet? -----------------------------It has 14 syllables in each line.
» The year 1798 is famous for--------------------------------------------Publication of lyrical Ballads
» The collaborators of Lyrical Ballads were----------------------------Wordsworth & Coleridge
» “Tom Jones” by Henry Fielding was first published in--------------1749 (the 1st half of 18th century)
» „A Tale of Two Cities‟ refers to--------------------------------------London and Paris
» London town is found a living being in the work of ----------------Charles Dickens
» Phoenix is a---------------------------------------------------mythological bird regenerating from ashes
» Who was the tutor of Alexander the Great? ----------Aristotle (S-P-A-A)
» „Langston Hughes‟ means--------------------------------American poet
» Tom Tykwer‟s Run Lola Run is-------------------------a film
» Octogenarian is ----------------------------------------------a person between the ages of 80-90 years.
» The Canterbury Tales is as alive and ____________today as it was nearly 600 years ago.
» Into the _______ of death rode the six hundred. ---------------------------- (valley)
» They _________ in never-ending ___. ---------------------------------------- (stretched, line)
» The last word of the proverb-“A good husband should be deaf and a good wife_____” will be
------ (blind)
» „Who doth ambition shun‟ means ---------------------------------a person who gives up ambition.
» The sentence “Who would have thought Shylock was so unkind?” expresses—----------wonder

Less important information:

To Daffodils (Robert Herrick):

» The central idea of „To Daffodils‟ is that-----------------life is short, so live to the fullest.
» “Fair daffodils! We weep to see; You haste away so soon” who wrote these beautiful line?
------------Robert Herrick
» Which two things of nature does Robert Herrick find similar to human beings and daffodils?
------------summer‟s rain and morning‟s dew
» In “To Daffodils” human life is compared with--------------morning dew
» In the poem “To Daffodils” the poet weeps over------------short-lived human life
» „Hasting day‟ in „To Daffodils‟ means-------------------------hurriedly passing day
» Which word seems out of place? -------------------------------Daffodil
» The last line of “To Daffodils” is-------------------------------As quick a growth to meet decay

The Daffodils/ I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud (W. Wordsworth):

» The central idea of “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” is that -----------we can find solace in nature
» „Ten thousand saw at a glance; Tossing their heads in sprightly dance‟—what is the poet W.
Wordsworth referring to? --------------daffodils
» The speaker of “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” saw-----------------golden daffodils
» Why were the daffodils in Wordsworth‟s “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” dancing? -----------
There was a strong wind.
» In “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” Wordsworth compares the daffodils with------------------the
stars of the milky way
» In “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” the daffodils gave the poet-------------------a great deal of
» Why is the poet so sad to see the daffodils in “The daffodils”? ----------------Because the flower
remind him of his own death.
» Who wrote the following lines---“all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils”? -------

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Ozymandias (Shelly):

» The central idea of “Ozymandias” is that----------------all things, both great and small will perish.
» In the poem “Ozymandias” who calls ozymandias „king of kings‟? -----------Ozymandias himself
» In Shelly‟s “Ozymandias” the words, “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings” are inscribed on--
------ The pedestal of the statue
» The statue of ozymandias is--------------------in a desert
» In “Ozymandias” who saw the statue of Ozymandias? -------------------a traveler
» In “Ozymandias” the poet says, “I met a traveler---------an------------land”. (from, antique)
» The phrase „trunk less legs‟ in the poem “Ozymandias” refers to------------------legs without body
» Which phrase would best describe „the cuckoo‟? ---------the harbinger of spring
» What lies half sunk in the sand in Shelly‟s “Ozymandias”--------------------broken head of a statue.
» In Shelly‟s “Ozymandias” „frown‟ and „sneer of cold command‟ are seen on-------shattered

The Solitary Reaper (W. Wordsworth):

» The Solitary Reaper is a -------------------romantic poem

» In “The Solitary Reaper” what does the solitary mean? ----------------------Lonely

Under the Greenwood Tree (W. Shakespeare):

» The central idea of Under the Greenwood Tree” is that------ life in nature is simple and free
» In the lines “Here shall he see/ No enemy” taken from “Under the Greenwood Tree” „Here‟
stands for----the greenwood tree
» In “Under the Greenwood Tree” the „Tree‟ refers to------------------nature/forest
» In “Under the Greenwood Tree” the poet--------------mention two enemies
» In “Under the Greenwood Tree” which of the following is mentioned as a „enemy‟?------Forest
» “Here shall he see/ No enemy/ But winter and rough weather”—where do you find these lines?
-------- Under the Greenwood Tree

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