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If Analysis

The speaker is a wise man that tells a young child about one’s behavior towards

the changing tides of life. The narrator uses continuously “if” (1) throughout the poem to

list all the different circumstances and situations that one individual must encounter in

their lives. If they do not loose their point of view and morale, then they can do great

deeds in their future. The intended audience is people who need words of advice. There is

no specific time and place. The author uses contradictive words to enhance the mood of

the poem. For example, “Triumph and Disaster” (11) emphasizes how life can be

unpredictable. The structure of the poem is similar to a regular conversation between two

people. The narrator communicates to the reader through inspirational advice to set a

good tone in the poem. Characterization is used in a general way to better connect with

the reader. The poem’s message is if one sustains their morale, they will become more

mature no matter what their age is.

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