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Alexander Liners

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp. Pd. 8

15 May 2020

Is the Government Doing the Right Thing?

As the world is being affected greatly from the coronavirus, there are issues going on

governmentally as well. Thousands of people are dying, states are reopening, and there are

questions that haven't been answered. The government isn't doing anything beneficial to the

people because airlines are still open for in and out of country traveling, states are reopening too

early, and they are secretive about what is going on and late to letting the people, know. On the

other hand, they are doing a splendid job at keeping the country calm and collected throughout

this pandemic.

To start off, airlines have dropped the prices of traveling during this pandemic because

everybody stopped traveling when this first started. Now, airlines are booming with business

because people are on unemployment, so they are traveling because they believe the coronavirus

has died down and isn't as serious as it went out to be. With international traveling, people are

bringing the virus in and out of the United States, causing more of a spread. The government isn't

stopping the traveling of people. They are almost pretending like it isn't happening so people will

continue to do it.

Next, the government is reopening states too early. There are three phases to the process

of reopening. The second phase is going too fast to reopening because some states haven't even
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hit their peak yet for the virus, meaning if they reopen now, there is a higher chance of people

getting the virus that haven't been effected by it yet. People will not have to wear masks or even

take the precautions they were taking before when opened into the green phase. The government

should be taking more of a precaution reopening states, such as the continuation of wearing a

mask in public until further notice.

Lastly, the government is being secretive about what is going on. Anytime they say that

there will be information released on what is going on, it takes them days to weeks to let

everyone know what is going on. America has questions regarding what is going on, on the

daily. The government is keeping hidden information about what is going on and what is going

to happen from the people.

On the other hand, the government is doing a good job at keeping the United States calm

during this rough time in the world. From constant reassurance to setting boundaries. The U.S.

hasn’t freaked out at all during this pandemic, besides being confused and wanting answers. The

government can be thanked for keeping us all under control and calm during this pandemic.

In conclusion, the government hasn’t done a great job during the coronavirus outbreak

because they still have airlines open for international traveling, they are reopening states too

early, and they are secretive with releasing certain information. The pandemic will hopefully be

over sooner than later and the world will go back to what it used to be; the government should

just be stepping up to help throughout this hard time.

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