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1. Listen and fill in the blanks:

Once upon a time, there was a piece of wood. It was not an expensive piece of wood. Just a common block of
firewood, one of those thick, solid logs that that are put in the fire in the winter to make cold rooms warm.
One fine day, this piece of wood found itself in the Shop of an old carpenter. His name was Mastro Antonio, but
everybody Called him Mastro Cherry, for the tip of his nose was so round and red, and shiny, that it looked like
a ripe cherry.
As soon as he saw that piece of wood, Mastro Cherry was filled with joy.
"I shall use it to make the leg of a table!".
As he was about to give it the first blow, he stood still, with arm up-lifted for he had heard a wee little voice say:
"Please be careful! Do not hit me so hard."
He turned frightened eyes about the room, to find out where that wee little voice had come from, and he saw
no one. He looked under the bench: no one; inside the closet: no one; he opened the door to look up and down
the street, and still no one.

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is a log? 5. Mastro Cherry decided to make:

A) A table. A) A table.
B) A piece of wood. B) The leg of a table.
C) A carpenter. C) The leg of a chair.

2. You put a log in the fireplace: 6. When Mastro Cherry started to work on the
A) To make a cold room warm. piece of wood:
B) To make a warm room cold. A) He stood still because he heard a voice.
C) We don’t know. B) He first decided to make some tea.
C) Both.
3. Mastro Antonio was called Mastro Cherry
because: 7. What did the little voice say?
A) His nose looked a cherry. A) It said it wanted to go back to the woods.
B) His face looked like a cherry. B) To be careful and not to hit hard.
C) He wasn’t called Mastro Cherry. C) It said it’s glad to become the leg of a table.

4. When Mastro Cherry saw the piece of wood: 8. Mastro Cherry started to look around to see who
A) He did not like it. said the words:
B) He was very happy. A) And saw it was the piece of wood.
C) None of the above. B) But found no one.
C) He did not hear anything.

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