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Just to share with you this beautiful Yemeni song in praising the beloved messenger. To add  to
your enjoyment, see the lyric and its translation at the end.

‫الف صلى هللا على قمر الكمال‬

May Allah Bless the Moon of Perfection, a thousand times
‫من سكن طيبة ونال ذرى المعالي‬
Who lived  in the Sweet City and reached the peak of Excellence
‫باعث اآلمال فى ليل الحيارى‬
Who inspired Hope in the night of the lost
J‫نوره جلى رهيبات الليالي‬
His  light clears  up the terrors of the night
‫سيدي ماكان ينطق عن هواه‬
My Master would  not pronounce out of caprice, a word
‫قوله أوحى به رب الجالل‬
His word was revealed  to him by His Majesty, the Lord
‫ذاك من أهدى محاسنه الزمان‬
It is he who presented to the Time, his lovely gifts
‫وهدى الناس الى قيم الجمال‬
And guided the people towards  beautiful values
‫ ادعاء‬J‫حبه فرض وما الحب‬
Must is to love him  and Love is not claiming
‫إنما نهج اتباع والتزام‬
But a way towards commitment and following .
‫بلغ المختار يا زائر سالمي‬
oh visitor,  give my salutation to the Chosen
‫الصالة والسالم عليك يا سيدي يا رسول هللا‬
Peace and Blessings upon You, My Master and Allah’s

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