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Ivory Osborn



May 21, 2019

Narrative Essay

My hopes when I first began to imagine myself moving out included being financially

stable enough so I wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. I personally didn’t believe there

was much to look forward to when moving out because I experienced a lot of independence

when I was younger. I dreaded moving out because now I have to fend for myself without the

support of my family.

I struggled to find a job with only a highschool diploma that paid enough and that I was

interested in. I settled for a home care aid that helped treat patients suffering with dementia and

alzheimers that paid good hourly wages. I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford an apartment by

myself, so I decided to get a roommate known as Kendal. Kendal and I had very high standards

for an apartment and needed to have certain utilities which made it very hard for us to find an

affordable apartment. But we were able to find one that worked for us and was convenient for

our work situation. I was very comfortable with the idea of having Kendal as a roommate

because she is my best friend and someone I trust enough to live with. Because Kendal and I

didn’t encounter any fate that affected our Rat Race lives, it is safe to say that there weren't many

lessons to be learned from having a roommate.

After choosing a job and a place of residency I feel like my Rat Race life was somewhat

realistic in terms of what somebody should expect right after highschool. I believe that my job

was realistic in context of the salary I made. I think that having a roommate to afford an
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apartment was the most realistic part of the Rat Race because I personally don't think anyone

could afford an apartment in Santa Rosa straight out of highschool. Especially if the apartment

was super nice and modern like mine and Kendal’s. I also believe the monthly expenses were

pretty accurate except for the fact that Kendal and I didn’t buy anything other than those monthly

expenses, which I think would be very unlikely. I defiently believe that we would have wasted a

couple hundred dollars on shopping sprees and fast food in the real world. The only thing I didn’t

think was super realistic was the fate cards. I understand that ‘fate’ can affect anyone at any time

and have a negative or positive impact on you, but the fact that it was monthly and constantly

cost me money threw me off. I do think it was a fun twist though and helped us understand what

to do in a situation where we're losing more money than expected.

Specifically from this project I learned the most about finances and the role that money

plays in your life. Never have I ever had to fend for myself in the real world and buy my own

monthly expenses, let alone even have a job. This project taught me how to budget my finances

while saving money, and most importantly what to do if I’m in debt and how to get out of it. This

stimulation did freak me out at times and had me very stressed out so I think I am taking away a

lot from this project, hoping that my real life will result better than this one did. I have also come

to the conclusion that if I move out right when I’m 18 and don’t go to college, that I am going to

need to get a roommate because I could not afford to live in Sonoma County by myself.

If I could do my Rat Race over again I would look into jobs more specifically and find a

better paying one. I know many people in my class that were making way more money than me,

showing me the I could of in fact found a better paying job. I think a better paying job would

have helped with my overall balance because after subtracting my total monthly expenditures

from my income left me with barely any money left over for the week. Then I would get fate
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cards which would put me in debt. So I believe if I had a better paying job I wouldn’t of been in

so much debt and would've been able to pay it off faster. I would also change my automobile

payments because I had gotten a different car in my real life meaning that the insurance and gas

for it was different, so I paid more money for insurance and weekly gas for nothing. Other than

changing my job and changing my automobile payments, I would kept everything the same

because I believe it ran smoothly.

I truly believe that this project will impact me greatly into the future. I think I learned a

lot of what to do in a situation where I’m kicked out and fending for myself, and was able to get

a grasp on the whole ‘adulting’ situation. I think doing this project has prepared me for what to

expect after highschool and contained knowledge that is necessary to be successful in life. I am

very happy that I got to participate in this simulation because it feels as if I got a head start into

my future life of independence.

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