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Talk about When and HOW to use formal and informal speech.

Give examples and comment 2 others posts. This activity will be

open until tomorrow Friday May 22nd. 11:55 pm.
El discurso informal tiene lugar en contextos cotidianos,
coloquiales y con personas cercanas a nosotros. Podría ser con
nuestros familiares, amigos, compañeros de clase etc., 
Informal speech
Informal speech takes place in everyday, colloquial contexts and
with people close to us. It could be with our family, friends and
classmates. For example:
 Hello Maria.
 Hi Evelyn.
 How's it going?
 Nice to see you Maria
Formal speech
We don't use formal speech on a daily basis, it is used in
situations that are more serious and formal, where speakers have
a distant relationship. It could be: doctor-patient, boss-employee.
 Good morning, Doctor Bryan
 Good morning, James
 How are you?
 I'm great, thank you

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