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The aim of this report for the school research is to offer superior classes, make an evaluation of my
experience as a student and make recommendations for people who are trying to do the same thing in
the future.

Background information
I attended a three months cooking course. The course was held in a hotel nearby, mostly in the hotel’s
kitchen. My activites involved listening to the instruction of the teachers, exchanging experiences with
the other people who were there and asking questions if I didn’t understand something.

Benefits and problems

I gained a great deal of knowledge about cooking from seeing the teachers cook then explain what they
were doing right in front of me. This enabled me to put the theoretical aspects of the course into a
practical context and therefore I have obtained a higher understanding of the subject. Another thing
that I very much appreciated about the course was the way the teachers encouraged us to be creative
with our cooking, explaining that cooking can be considered an art and therefore we would need some
form of creativity in order to be successful . Although the teachers were friendly and their teaching
methods were much more modern than I would have expected, one thing that I disliked about the
course was the site where it was held. The hotel wasn’t necessarily in the best shape, from having a
dirty kitchen to staff members being quite impolite sometimes.

I would suggest informing yourselves better about the location of the course as it can have a high impact
on wether someone who attended it enjoyed it or not. This can be avoided by reading reviews on the
internet about the place or talking to people who have been there before. Another thing that I want to
suggest is that participants be given a full program of the course even before we have our first meeting
just so we know what we can expect to learn that day.

Overall it was a positive experience as I have learned many cooking skills that have come in handy and I
would recommend it to friends and family members who are looking to get into cooking as the teachers
are very friendly and open minded to beginners.

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