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Introduction to Getting Things Done:

1)Mind is for having ideas not for holding them. Using calendar and note pad not only when we have
more work but most of the time can have good productivity

2)By getting all that we cant solve into an external brain we can free up mental space and be fully
engaged with the current task we are doing and be present with the people in our lives

4)Getting things done - relieve head the anxiety of unresolved items by capturing them appropriately.
When we think of could dos and should dos and things we have agreed to do and we haven't completely
captured them or completed them there is a part of our brain that actively thinks about them.

5)Like opening multiple programs on computer and allowing them to run in the background. After
opening enough of the programs the system stars to slow down and eventually crashes.

6)By capturing everything in a trusted system an external brain that we can rely on we give our brain
permission to close those programs and free up mental processing power. Allowing ourselves to be fully
engaged with what we are doing this moment so tht we can be fully present, effective and creative.

7)5 phases of getting things done

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