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Source Files

Vector file, only accessible/editable in Style sheet coding lanaguage used to Vector file, ideal for printing on Standard coding language used to Vector file, ability to handle multiple
Adobe Illustrator. build web pages. various formats. build web pages. pages. Ideal for design layouts.

Ideal for images/photography. Used The object for 3D design. Software may Good for printing. File retains all Layered image file, only Ideal for designs with transparent
when a small size is needed. include 3D Studio Max, Maya etc. original elements. accessible/editable in Adobe Photoshop. backgrounds.

Branding Digital Print

Brand designs require the names of the fonts that are in use. Digital designs require design software files to be layered. Print designs require vector or 300 DPI resolution, CMYK and at
Print files must have a 3-5mm bleed. Ensure you and your Fonts should be editable in case your customer needs to least 3-5 mm bleed. Fonts should be editable in case your customer
customer have acquired the rights to the use of fonts. update the information. Ensure you and your customer have needs to update the information. If using INDD, final files should be
acquired the rights to the use of fonts and images. packaged to include fonts and linked images. Ensure you and your
customer have acquired the rights to the use of fonts and images.
Software preference Software preference Software preference

Business Card App Book Cover Packaging

Fonts should be editable

Letterhead Banner Ad Brochure Postcard

May need to provide a MS Word Template

Fonts should be editable
Logo Blog Catalogue Poster

Provide color code information Include additional coding language if needed

Stationery Facebook CD Cover Signage

May need to provide a MS Word Template Dimensions should be compatible with Facebook
Text should be editable
Twitter Flyer T-Shirt

Dimensions should be compatible with Twitter

Web Design Label 3D

Include additional coding language if needed Confirm with customer what software to use
JPG is the texture of the object
Wordpress Menu

Include additional coding language if needed

100% Compatible with Wordpress platform

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