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Step 1: Basic Installations

1.1. Check all installations

$ curl -V
$ npm -v&node -v
$ go version
$ docker --version
$ docker-compose --version

1.2. Create a folde in your home directory for installations

$mkdir ~/Hyperledger

1.3. Download Platform-specific Binaries

$ curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.0

1.4. Edit ~/.profile and append the lines about Hyperledger installation path
$vi ~/.profile
export PATH=$PATH:/home/fintech/Hyperledger/fabric-samples/bin

$ source ~/.profile
1.5 list your docker images
$ docker images

Ster 2: Setup the First-Network with your Hyperledger

2.1 Go to folder /home/fintech/Hyperledger/fabric-samples/first-network

$ cd /home/fintech/Hyperledger/fabric-samples/first-network

$ ./ generate

Up the network
$ ./ up

Try this command in other terminal

$ docker ps -all

Shutdown the network

$./ down

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