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-What is your attitude towards cars?

According to the research, there is more than a

million cars registered in our city. Constant traffic jams and pollution are serious
problems, aren’t they? There was a study that found that about 53,000 people are
killed by car emissions annually in the United States alone. Air pollution also causes
numerous problems such as asthma. So what do you think?
-Do you really think it would be better to stop using cars at all? Having a car gives you a lot
of independence and mobility. You can work, shop and do whatever you need without
having to depend on the fixed schedules of public transport or expensive taxi services.
-Of course, it also allows you to travel, to transport some stuff and so on, but that is
obvious. The point is that it has a negative impact on the environment and, as a result,
affects people’s health. Wouldn't you say?
-Hmm, maybe you have a point there. You know, I forgot to mention the road accidents.
Statistics shows that 1.3 million people die in car crashes annually, and 20-50 million are
injured or become disabled. It becomes far too hazardous to let children cycle freely on the
roads. In addition, the slaughter of wildlife has become so common as to cease to be
-You’re absolutely right. But it should be mentioned that lives in many big cities have
become miserable because of the congestion, noise and pollution from motor vehicles.
There has been an enormous increase of juvenile asthma cases and respiratory
problems. Do you think there could be a solution? Maybe our government could make
some changes? and also, what could be done on a personal level?
- I know that Beauciel, a city in the south of France, is experiencing severe transport
problems which are affecting all sections of the community. First of all, there should be
some changes on an international level. For example, governments have to limit
motor*manufacturers and set some rules in order to ensure that the cars they produce are as
eco-friendly as they could be. Because it’s not all about just air pollution, but also about
damage to the ozone layer, which results in acid rains, for instance.
-That's for sure. Talking about national level, there should be some changes in tax and
prices policy. There should be a large increase in tax for cars which are polluting the
environment the most – for example, with size of engine over 2 liters. Cars which are
not eco-friendly at all, should be immediately taken off the roads. What’s more, the
public transport should receive a far greater investment in order to increase the
number of commuters.
-Absolutely. And on a personal level, we also have to make changes. First and foremost, we
need to rid ourselves of the mentality that we cannot do without our cars and that they are a
reflection of people’s financial status and success. Also, we have to reduce using cars by
using bicycles for shorter journeys. Furthermore, we ought to walk more (of course, if you
have enough time).
-I agree with you 100 percent. For some people it’s unimaginable to use public
transport. All in all, we have to start making changes on a personal level and do our
best, and only then we can expect government to act in their turn. As for me, that is
the only solution.
- I have listened a radio program where three people offered their own solutions about city
transport problems. One of the consultants offered to persuade people to use small cars
instead of big ONES. And it was proposed to sell permits to use carS in the city: big cars are
more expensive than small. And money for FROM the permits CAN BE investED to IN
improving public transport. As for me, it sounds unreal, because people may be furious
AND EVEN ORGANISE make protests AGAINST SUCH MEASURES. What do you think about
- I also think that people will argue a lot over this solution and it would be better to set
up a cheap bus system, get some of the cars off the road and build a reliable train
system. But it takes a lot of time and costs very much, unfortunately.
- Oh it seems to be the best offer SUGGESTION I have ever heard. And I have the
ANOTHER good alternative of it TO USING CARS, AND it is building cycling lines. It will be
cheaper and even help people to be fit and healthy.

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