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Blackboard is one of the major and essential teaching aids in teaching Computer Science. It acts
as a mirror through which learners visualize all about the teacher’s mind. It is the cheapest and
most valuable devices. It serves many purposes and making teaching a pleasant task for the
teachers. The teachers can illustrate their lesson on the blackboard and draw the attention of the
class. The teachers can use it to reproduce materials especially those materials not found in the
books. It can be used in variety of ways for drawing diagrams, illustrations, for giving notes and
for various problems, etc. The use of black board in class teaching creates an informal
atmosphere and motivates learning. Blackboards are called the second tongue of the Computer
Science teachers. It is the best friend of Computer Science teachers and also it plays an essential
role in every lesson and conveniently used for drawing up summaries of lessons, sketches and
diagrams and for explanation of various points in Computer Science.

Advantages of using Blackboard:

 It is economical and can be used again and again.

 It is possible to present the content in easy and simple way.
 It helps to increase the attention and interest of the learners.
 It helps in bringing diversity in teaching.
 It creates an informal atmosphere and motivates the learners for learning.

To increase the effectiveness of the blackboards, teachers should keep the following points in
mind –

 Blackboards must be kept clean.

 Unnecessary and irrelevant things should not be written in the board.
 Size of the words written in the board must be clear and large.
 Colour chalks should be used to emphasize on important points.
 It should be desirable to make use of pointer to draw attention.
 It should be desirable to stand on one side of the blackboard facing learners while
explaining something on the board.
Besides blackboard, different types of boards which are used in teaching Computer Science are
as follows –
 Bulletin Board
 Magnetic Board
 Marker Board
 Flannel Board
 Page Board
 Roll up Board
 Plastigraph Board


Radio is one of the most powerful communication devices used as a teaching aid in education. In
radio, information is sent or received by using electro-magnetic waves. In modern times, radio is
not only used for entertainment but also it has some significant qualities as a teaching aid. A
variety of educational programs are transmitted through 'All India Radio'. It provides information
of latest events. It arouses the curiosity of learning new things in the learners. It creates interest
among learners regarding every nation and the activities of the people. According to
R.G.Rejnolds, “Radio is the most significant medium for education in its broadest sense that has
been introduced since the turn of the century.” It helps to offer enrichment programmes in
Computer Science. Subject related concept is assimilated in the learners through those
educational programmes. It helps in drill and practice or to teach a skill in Computer Science.
Different important topics in Computer Science are discussed by experts may also be broadcast
from time to time.

Advantages of using Radio:

 It works as a window of the world.
 It provides up to date information about any topics or subjects.
 It removes monotony of the class.

Limitations of using Radio:

 This is a one-way means of communication.

 No questions are to be asked after completion of any educational programs.
 If any learners are unable to understand anything, they have no scope to hear it again.

Following points should be kept in mind while using Radio –

 Teacher should be an expert person in selecting or formulating the radio programmes.

 Radio programmes must be according to the syllabus.
 Teachers must tell about the programmes to the learners in advance.


Models are three dimensional representations of real objects. They are the miniature forms of real
objects used when the real objects are beyond of availability. They help in developing the power
of imagination and in providing the knowledge of the learners. Models are very helpful in
making the concept clarity and also provide an idea about the actual shape and size of the
different geometrical figures. With the help of models a variety of geometrical figures such as
rectangular parallelepiped, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder etc are described properly. It is much more
acceptable for the learners to represent any real life objects with the help of the models. Eykhoff
(1974) defined a model as 'a representation of the essential aspects of an existing system (or a
system to be constructed) which presents knowledge of that system in usable form'.

Advantages of using Model:

 Abstract concept can be explained with the help of models clearly and properly.
 They explain the complex and intricate operations in a simplified way.
 They help to make learning more interesting and more effective.
 They are convenient to handle.
 They build the power of logical thinking among learners.

Limitations of using Models:

 Most of the models are expensive.

 They are breakable.
 Skills are required to in the preparation of models.
Following points should be kept in mind while preparing models –
 Models must be look like as actual or real objects.
 They should have a certain size so that they are easy to carry.
 They must be durable.
 They must be inexpensive.


Chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic, numerical or vertical material which represents a

clear visual summary. It is defined as a visual aid which is mainly used to summarize and
compare subject matter. They can be prepared by the teacher depending on the instructional
objectives to be achieved. They help in effective representation of the subject matter. Various
types of charts help in better realization of objectives by saving time. These charts can be
prepared by the teachers. Charts can be used to represent various concepts in a simple and clear
way. According to Edgar Dale, “A chart is a visual symbol for summarizing or comparing or
contrasting or performing other helpful services in explaining subject matter”


 They can be made easily.

 They require minimum resources for its preparation.
 They have a better appeal.
 It helps to develop the thinking power among learners about the subject matter.
 It represents abstract ideas in visual form.

We use different types of charts in teaching Computer Science. They are as follows –

 Narrative Chart
 Flow Chart
 Pull Chart
 Chain Chart
 Pie Chart
 Flip Chart
Following points should be kept in mind while making and using chart as a teaching aids –
 Charts should be clearly and properly labelled in block letters.
 They should not contain too much written materials.
 Different types of colour pens and pencils should be used to prepare a chart.
 They should be carefully stored and preserved for use in future.
 A title should be written on top of the chart.
 They should be explained using a pointer.
 They should be displayed at a position from where it is visible to all the learners.
 Charts should be covered by paper strips and these are to be removed one by one in a

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