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In a small farm, There was a farmer living with his wife. There were also living a few animals: cow, pig, chicken and MOUSE.

The mouse lived quietly in a hole in the wall of the house and had good relationships with the other animals, but on a certain day he gets

The farmer’s wife placed a trap to catch the mouse.

At the time, the mouse saw the trap, ran to help his fellow animals:

– Cow, we’re in big trouble, they pitched a mousetrap in the house there.
The cow, which was chewing grass, laughed.
– We? By the way I never go into the farmer’s house? have you ever seen mousetrap to catch cow? That’s your problem.
The still desperate mouse left and meet the pig:

– Pig, there has been a hell of a mess, the farmer’s wife laid a trap at home.
– Mousetrap? Look at my size, do you think trap catches a pig like me? Turn around, that’s your problem.
The mouse gets sad and perplexed by everyone, he went to talk to the chicken:

– Chicken, we are with a very serious problem.

– I already have a bigger problem! I can not stand! I have to put a lot of eggs and you appear to me with problems? I do not care …
– But there is a mousetrap in the house, The mouse said desperately!
– But that’s not for me, that’s for you.
The mouse went away sad and disappointed because he failed to sensitize anyone to help.

At night all fell asleep and suddenly SPLAFT!!!!!!!.

The trap disarmed.
The noise caught the attention of everyone there on the farm. Everyone ran to see what happened …… ..including mouse.

There was a rattlesnake that had been caught in a trap.

The woman got up and was taking the rattlesnake trap in an unguarded and gets a bite.

Immediately, she was taken to hospital by his relatives where she was hospitalized for twenty days. With very poor health, she needed a lot of
care and a special diet.

What is the best diet to regain health?


So much for the chicken.

After a month, the health restored, and the farmer decided to offer a lunch for all of his relatives who had helped.

And there was the pig (roasted on a spit).

To complete the treatment at the hospital was not easy, the farmer had to sell the cow to a butcher.

——-END of STORY——-
You are not alone in the world!!!

Caution: the mousetrap can not catch you at first, but its effects can be devastating.

In the story, we learn that when we see the problem of others, We behave like a blind and do not see the problem of others. We forget that the
problem is also ours.
The lack of community, fellowship and arrogance is the problem that affects many relationships. In a relationship, office, home, friend circle or
emotional, we must always pay attention to the near by problems, and need take care of each other.

Remember: You do not own a special position, the scenario may change, the trap can not get you directly, but its effects can affect you.

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