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Rezaul Karim
Computer Science & Engineering
“Engaged, creative, passionate computer science graduate skilled in leadership,
with a strong foundation in math, logic, and cross-platform coding. Seeking to
leverage solid skills in collaboration, communication, and development.”

Address : 8/5, West Tootpara, 4th Lane, Khulna

Phone : +88-01521453995
Email :
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 B.Sc. Engineering  H.S.C  S.S.C

 Computer Science & Engineering  Khulna Alia Madrasah  Khulna Alia Madrasah
 Khulna University of Engineering &  Board : Madrasah  Board : Madrasah
Education Technology  GPA : 5.00 out of 5.00  GPA : 5.00 out of 5.00
 CGPA : 3.39 out of 4.00  Passing Year : 2014  Passing Year : 2012
 Year : 2014 - Present

 Proficient
 Python, Java, C, C++, HTML, PHP, MySql, JavaScript, Android, Unity3D

 Familiar
 Programming Language : C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Swift, Bash Shell
 Database : SQL, MySQL, Firebase
 Web development : Html, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
Technical  Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
Skills  Mobile Platform : Android, iOS
 Software : Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Unity3D

 Projects
1. codeNplay: It is an Android game which can play with writing very simple small code
which can improve players object oriented concept.
Skill used : Android, Java. see project video

2. iTax: It is a dynamic website designed for calculating income tax of a person. User can
also create account, login to account & use some other daily life unit, currency converter.
Projects Skill used : HTML, JavaScript, PHP, mySql, AJAX, Bootstrap. see project video

3. Restaurant management system: It is a database system design for managing a

Skill used : Oracle 10g, SQL, PL/SQL. see project
4. Bi-directional visitor counter: It is an Arduino based hardware project which can count
number of people enter & exit from a door/gate.
Skill used : Arduino.

5. MathCam: It is an Optical Character Recognition based android application which can

detect a mathematical equation from image & give the solution of that equation.
Skill used : Android, Java, Math, OCR. see project

6. iSocial: A social Platform for programmer which was developed for iOS device.
Skill used : Swift, iOS. see project

7. PlaneGame: It is a 3D plane game which can be played in PC with the help of keyboard.
Skill used : OpenGL, C++. see project video

8. Soheed Minar Bangladesh: It is a 3D design of Soheed Minar of Bangladesh.

Skill used : OpenGL, C++. see project video

9. Plane Crash: It is a 2D plane game for both Android & PC.

Skill used : Unity3D, C#. see project video

10. Test Your Memory: This a memory based game. Here first mobile give you a sequence
of button tapping, when your turn come, you have to tap exact same sequence.
Skill used : Android, Java. see project

- Around 300 problem solved in diffrent online platform

 Solving platform : Uva - rksazid , Codeforces – rksazid_kuet14 , LightOJ, Uri ,
Solving CodeMarshal , SPOJ , CodeChef - rksazid

 Activities
 Assistant General Secretary: (2017-2019)
SGIPC (Special group interested in programming contest)
It is a programming club in KUET solely devoted to contest programming. SGIPC
regularly arranges programming contests and workshops on programming languages,
algorithms, data structure.

 Media Coordinator: (2018-2019)

Activities IRAS (Innovation & Research Association for Students)
It is an Association in KUET solely devoted to innovation & research. IRAS arranges
workshop on Research Methodologies & paper writing.

 Organizer: (2015,2016,2017)
National High School Programming Contest (NHSPC), Khulna Division under
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ICT Division.

 Achievements
 3rd position: Intra KUET programming contest – 2016 (Team- KUET_GOBET)
Achieve-  68th position: NSU Cybernauts programing contest - 2016 (Team- mrx_kuet)
ments  Talent pool scholarship: Alim (H.S.C) Examination, Placed first in Khulna Division
from Madrasah Board.
 Research Experience
 Bangla News Text summarization using Natural Language Processing

 Interests
 Contest Programming
 Image Processing
 Machine Learning
Interests  Android
 Artificial Intelligence
 Natural Language Processing

 Reference
Al Mahmud
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
References Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,
Khulna – 9203, Bangladesh

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