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Warm up exercise
2. 20 arm curls
3. 20 dumbbell chest fly
4. 20 (each arm) over shoulder
dumbbell lift.
5. 20 (each arm) One-Arm
Dumbbell Row.
6. 20 Backwards arm raise
7. 12 dumbbell side bend (toward
dumbell) 12 dumbbell side bend (away
from dumbell).
8. 10 narrow squats, 10 shoulders
with squats, 10 wide stance squats.
9. 20 squat leg raises (10 each
10. Standing Elbow-to-Knee
11. 30 side squats
12. 25 standing back leg raises
13. 20 standing side leg raises
14. Bent leg side raise
15. Crossover running plank 20 time
16. 25 hip twist plank
17. 10-15 ​One-leg kickbacks
18. 15 back leg raises

19. 10​ The Side Crunch
20. 30 Inner leg lift
21. 25 side lying leg lift exercise
22. 20 ​Bicycle Crunch
23. 20 ​Reverse Crunch (the one where you hop both legs in the air)
24. 20 ​Raised Leg Crunch
25. 20 lying Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunch
26. 20 oblique twists
27. 40 criss cross crunch
28. 20cross arm sit ups (not going down all the way)
29. 20 (each position) eagle pose crunch
30. 20 pelvic lifts with weights
31. 1 min plank.
32. Ending stretches, back extending, child's pose, lay flat then push up off ground walking
hands to legs held for 10 sec and ​DONE!

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