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What is the point of being pure?

What is the point of

staying pure in the eyes of God? When those tainted
have more then you. I don't drink , nor smoke nor indulge
myself in the pleasures of ecstasy or drugs. Yet what is
the point? I am not happy nor am I satisfied. What do I
have to show for it? All that it does is extend my pathetic
state I call a life. What kind of sick game is God playing
with? The answer, a game I am losing to him. A game of
patience and actions. A game where only He's final

They say God will "reward" me in Heaven. But what kind

of winner rewards the looser? What kind of reward could
I possibly recieve that will make me fullfilled. And what
does He want to proof by playing or even winning this
game. That is "The Great Mystery".The biggest hole in the
wall within the 'Halls of Answers'. Am I playing the game
right ? Why should I trust them when they are telling me
the rules of the game. The so called "Enlightened ones".
Some might know them as religious people. The only way
to learn the rules of this game is by losing again and
again. To follow the signs, learning what's fair by
observing the actions of The Almighty. For His word is
greater then those who "speak for" Him.

So why not admit defeat and quit the game? I play this
game not to win it but to find the answers to my
questions. I have already invested too much to simply
give up even though my chances are smaller then nuclues
of the smallest living organism. But see, here's the
difference between me and others who have played and
failed His game. The game I am playing with Him isn't the
same game He is playing with me. I am playing a game of
attrition, whereas He is playing a game of actions.

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