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English Classroom Project.

Martyrdom of San Felipe de Jesus.

Hello, my name is Philip of Jesus, but, the church named Saint Philip of Jesus.
I'm going to tell you my story, but first, I will talk about someone who gave me victory over the
world and the flesh, his name is Jesus, I entrusted my cause to him, and He was who gave me
the true fruit of victory over the man who kills the body.
My story begins in my birthplace, in the new Spain of the year 1572, and I was baptizing as
Felipe de las Casas.
When I was a child, It said of me that I was restless and naughty.
As a young man, I entered the Franciscan novitiate, which I abandoned. My father sent me to
Manila in the Philippines to do business.
There I found a worldly life that dazzled me, however soon, I reconsidered my vocation (my
friends abandoned me when I ran out of money) and returned to the Franciscans in Manila.
Given the offer to finish my studies in Mexico to become a priest, I embarked with other friars
there, but a storm diverted our ship to Japan.
When we arrived on that island, we dedicated our forces to carry out a mission, which, at first,
was very successful, but soon after, the persecution of Toyotomi Hideyoshi Taikōsama against
the Christians arrived.
They feared that the other daimyo (feudal lords), would enrich themselves by trading with
foreigners, threatening their growing power.
They caught us and lined us up, forced us to walk in lines, and took us in procession through
various cities, from Kyoto to Nagasaki, to make fun of us.
In the face of these events, I asked God for discernment, and he gave me courage.
They cut each of our ears, and finally, on Nishizaka Hill, 6 Franciscans (first and third-order), 3
Jesuits, and 17 Japanese laity, we were hung on crosses.
I felt the pain all over my body, and with my last sighs I shouted Jesus 3 times.
I felt that the air obtained by me was getting heavier and heavier, by the great chain that
choked my neck, upon verifying that, they pierced me with two spears in the sides, of which
one pierced my heart.
That spear pierced my heart, causing death instantly.
And later, I was already enjoying God.
I died as a martyr on February 5, 1597.
After my death, a very famous legend formed, which is still known today in Mexico.
Being very restless and mischievous, my babysitter was always after me, so that I would
behave well.
But she understood, already in many years, that I was not going to change.
And then she said to me: Holy Felipe until the fig tree turns green again.
That fig tree had never managed to green again when I was still alive.
Then, something happened.
That fig tree, that was said not to green, grew green the day I died martyred.
I was beatified, along with my companions on September 14, 1627, and canonized on June 8,
1862, becoming the first Mexican saint.
The Catholic Church in Mexico considers me a patron of Mexico City and its archbishopric.
In the city of Colima and Villa de Álvarez, I am considered a protector against fires and tremors.
My veneration includes an annual mass on February 5 and the renewal of the oath.
After these events, also, in Villa de Álvarez for more than 150 years there have been charro-
bullfighting festivals, After these events, also, in Villa de Álvarez for more than 150 years there
have been charro-bullfighting festivals, supposedly in honor of my name, although the
celebration is controversial for the Catholic Church.

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