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,filfin uinfr, nf giidt#wl, fu,tr ufraifi, # cdgfrnl

\> - Ssddnn frEpuifrimofn&ln$aariltaruo - \F

.Jltarytuth frt$iiw ilfid,,fir disnal, M 6+ tfre WsnH
lVufrruaocQnwqn.l nfaffisrut,frlri& I fianrt$nwds I 'fifp JYoilfrqsb'

*# {,eelafiifrrttiffifr
{fit, Eilndgatn*
Date: Time immemorial

We ihe natural. divine, aboriginal, indigenous beings, who are the sovereign, de jure Moorish NationaL
Republic Federal Goveranrent at North .A,nerica" are ths Iaw of the land We are the executorr,
minj.sters, trustees, claimants, judges, vizirs, consds, heirs and benefieiarieq of our own vast estate. We
are the descendants of the Pharaohs of Kernet and the ancient Moabites and Canaanites, We are in
Propria Persona, Sui Juris, in Praprio Solo and in Proprio Heredes. We are exercising allof our rigbts at
this time and atallpoints intime,

The pwpose of this larvful Affrdavit is to caucel and aboiish all claims to the land by ail foreigners here,
at l\trorth, Centrai, South America, and the Adjoining and Americana Islands, having the following:
- Land Patents
- QuitClaims
- tJuiet Titles
- 'Iitles
- Jeeds
- Deeds of Trust
- Counter Deods of ltust
- Mortgages
- i'{enis
- Quit,R.ent Contacts

All previous claims of otuership! occupancy or otherwise have been superseded by the author.ity of the
Moorish National Repu.blic Federal Government. A1l who occupy dwellings on the said lands are
required to vacate the premises when a Moorish American National presents this Affidavit along with a
cop3'of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 and a copy uf the Moorish Ameriean
Consulate Notice of Existence. All tributes. iaxes and other payments in gold and silver backecl law fuit
tander aI€ now due to the Moorish Nationai Republie Federal Government. Jurisdiction of all
aforementioned land is itrat of the Moorish National Republic Federal Goverrrmerrt and no oiher.

Aborigin$ and Iudigttous Peonles' Docrnue$t: Nordrrvcst Amercm / Northu'et Africrl North Americl I 'Thc Ncrth Grtc'/Ceilhsl
.4mcxern/Sourthvest A$exe.rr,Adjoining and .Amsicana Islands - Tlrc iltloroocan Empire - Contiocnhl United Saterl 'Tunple uf tre Moon ard
Sud- I "Tunle Island': Noa - Domestic. Non - Resdcnt, l"ion - Subject
- Mootc / Mrrrs - Beins tfie Riehtfirl Heirc lrul Frimc€nitrrrc Binhricftr - lalreritnfi oftha I firl
In Service To tlur Vast Empire,

$rnnia LnI'a Reserryan

Mohammedan Vizir, Judge, Minister
Nortlrwest Amexem - Nolttrwest Africa- Nonh Ameri"ca - The Ner$ Gate
Central Amerem - Soutlwest Amexenr -Adjoining and .A.mericana lslands

",{msn, dico vobis. quaeculnque, ailigaveritis super tffraft eruut ligah et ego in caelo et, quaecumque solveriris super. terram
guurt soluta et in caelo"


Ab{}rigiml erld lttdigmous Pmples'Doatmeffis: NonltwestAmerpm lN$flhwestAFictJ Nofifr A$erioeJ "lJle NodlC0ls'/Cetltml
'4:nexsrlr/Soqrhs'sst .Ar.cxernrAdJloiniug aI16 A]p.ri*ns Islsnd$ - Thu i&oroccan E.mpiro - CsilireE&l Ljnit€d Statts: 'Temple r-rf the Moon nod
Sun- i 'TBnlc lslfllrd-: Non - Domosriq Nor - R6ide$, Nnn - Subjecq
- MooN / lstttrF - B+iils thc RichlfBl l-teim and Prinroseniiltfi: Ri$hristE - tnhedtarrt nf thc 1flff!

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