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1. Put a circle around the letters that should be capitals.

in a little house in spain lives a girl called amanda. she has two sisters, lisa and sally,
and one brother called fred.

amanda lives in barcelona in spain, which is in europe. she has a pen pal called brian
who lives in england. she likes to write to brian so she can practice her english. brian
does not know very much spanish, but he is learning a few words. amanda would like
to go visit brian in london when she is older. most of all she would like to visit new
v v

amanda has a small dog called pete. he is a dachshund. when she takes pete to the
park she likes to throw him a ball. there is a famous park in barcelona called park guell.
the park has houses that look like they come from the hansel and gretel story. amanda
and pete like it very much.

2. Write out the sentences adding capital letters, commas, full stops and
question marks.

1. it is my birthday in june i would like a book by charles dickens

It is my birthday in June! I would like a book by Charles Dickens.

2. do you know what time it is i have to go soon

Do you know what time it is? I have to go soon.

3. does your train leave before eight o'clock

Does your train leave before eight o'clock?

4. i like dogs cats horses and elephants

I like dogs, cats, horses and elephants.
5. how do i get to the library in Washington
How do I get to the library in Washington

6. he told me the dog was a dalmation

He told me the dog was a dalmation

7. my uncle drives a silver bmw

My uncle drives a silver BMW

8. did she say her name was lucy or jane

Did she say her name was Lucy or Jane?

9. i like to cook i like to make cake bread and pie

I like to cook. I like to make cake, bread and pie.

10. in london i saw jack john and fred

In London I saw Jack, John and Fred.

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