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Stress Testing:

Principles and Practice,

Fifth Edition



Stress Testing
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Stress Testing
Principles and Practice
Fifth Edition


Director of Research
Memorial Heart Institute
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Long Beach, California

With contributions by

Oxford New York
Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai
Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata
Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai
Nairobi São Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto

Copyright © 2003 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.

198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10016

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Stress testing : principles and practice / Myrvin H. Ellestad ; with contributions by
Ronald H. Startt Selvester, Fred S. Mishkin, Frederick W. James. — Ed. 5.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-515928-4
1. Heart function tests. 2. Exercise tests. 3. Stress (Physiology)
I. Ellestad, Myrvin H., 1921–
[DNLM: 1. Exercise Test — methods. 2. Stress. WG 141.5.F9 S915 2003]
RC683.5.H4 S776 2003

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Printed in the United States of America

on acid-free paper
Dedicated to my lovely and loving wife, Lera.

The first edition of this book was released in 1975. When the 4th edition was pub-
lished I planned that it should be the last. As before however, new information on
exercise testing has stimulated a desire to revise the previous text and integrate our
present state of knowledge with what went before.
It is of some concern that many cardiologists and others doing exercise testing
have little interest in the newer information now available on exercise physiology.
Fortunately, there is still a significant cadre of investigators asking tough questions
and proposing unconventional ideas. There will always be many practitioners who
want to know everything they can about a technique that they are using every day.
For this group this book will be required reading.
Because of the book’s popularity the general format has not been changed but
every chapter has been revised to not only include new information but to make it
more readable. The chapter on electrocardiographic changes has been completely
reorganized to emphasize the importance of unconventional markers of ischemia,
which are rarely applied in most exercise laboratories. To emphasize important
points, take home messages are sprinkled throughout some chapters to help em-
phasize various concepts. Two new chapters provide information on exercise
echocardiography and exercise testing in congestive heart failure. Many of the fig-
ures have been redrawn for clarity.
Some of the new concepts proposed recently include the idea that ST de-
pression occurring in premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) can indicate
ischemia. It appears that horizontal ST changes during exercise may indicate
subendocardial ischemia while Downsloping ST segments represent a more severe
process that is probably most commonly seen with multivessel disease and possibly
posterior wall subepicardial dysfunction. There are a number of patterns that can
localize the area of the myocardium and the culprit stenotic vessel, a capacity that
was once the exclusive claim of nuclear scintigraphy. New concepts on the physi-
ology of ischemia are presented as well as the new information on chronotropic
As an example of the new format a summary of the patterns that suggest false-
positive ST depression include (1) complexes with a short PR interval, (2) com-
plexes with steep PQ slopes, (3) when there are prominent enlarged septal Q waves,
(4) when ST depression is confined to the inferior leads, especially if P waves are
large and (5) the ST segment is convex or “humped.”
It is hoped that students of the physiology of exercise induced ischemia will
find this work a valuable reference and will be stimulated by its contents to add new
ideas to this important field of cardiology.

An acknowledgement of the support staff at Memorial Heart Institute and es-

pecially the diligent labor of my secretary, Carole Sweet, is in order. Without their
help this book could not have been completed.

Long Beach, California M.H.E.


Contributors xi
1. History of Stress Testing 1
2. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Responses to Exercise 11
3. Physiology of Cardiac Ischemia 43
4. Indications 77
5. Contraindications, Risks, and Safety Precautions 85
6. Parameters to Be Measured 103
7. Stress Echocardiography 127
8. Stress Testing Protocol 135
9. Memorial Heart Institute Protocol 157
10. Stress Testing After Myocardial Infarction 169
11. Stress Testing After Surgical Intervention and
Coronary Angioplasty 179
12. ECG Patterns and Their Significance 189
13. Rhythm and Conduction Disturbances in Stress Testing 241
14. Predictive Implications 271
15. Stress Testing in Women 309
16. Exercise Testing in Congestive Heart Failure 319
17. Chest Pain and Normal Coronary Arteries 327
18. Blood Pressure Measurements During Exercise 335
19. Silent Myocardial Ischemia 353
20. Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation 367
21. Pediatric Exercise Testing 381
22. Radionuclide Techniques in Stress Testing 413
23. Metabolic Abnormalities and Drugs 481
24. Computer Technology and Exercise Testing 513
Index 535
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Frederick W. James, M.D.

Professor and Chair
Department of Pediatrics
Charles R. Drew University
Los Angeles, California

Fred S. Mishkin, M.D.

Professor of Radiological Sciences
Director, Division of Nuclear Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Radiology
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Torrence, California

Ronald H. Startt Selvester, M.D.

Professor Emeritus
University of Southern California School of Medicine
Director of Electrocardiography Research
Memorial Heart Institute
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Long Beach, California

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Stress Testing
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History of Stress Testing

The cornerstone of modern stress testing is based on the empirical discovery

that exercise in patients with coronary disease produces ST-segment depres-
sion. This discovery might be credited to Bousfield,1 who recorded ST-
segment depression in the three standard ECG leads during a spontaneous
attack of angina in 1918; or, it might be credited to Feil and Siegel,2 who, in
1928, actually exercised patients with known angina to bring about pain and,
concurrently, the ST- and T-wave changes we now recognize as showing ev-
idence of ischemia. These researchers described the changes as being due to
a decrease in blood flow to the heart, and they published tracings showing a
return to normal after the pain had subsided and also after administration of
nitroglycerin. Feil and Siegel conducted their stress tests by having the pa-
tients do sit-ups; in selected cases, they held their hands on the patient’s chest
to increase the resistance and therefore the energy required to perform this
maneuver. Einthoven3 may have actually recognized the changes associated
with ischemia. He published a tracing in 1908 showing ST-segment depres-
sion after exercise, but did not comment on this finding. Felberbaum and
Finesilver 4 probably published the first paper describing a step test in 1927.
Using a footstool 12 inches high, they regulated the rate of stepping and mon-
itored the heart rate before and after exercise.
Master, with Oppenheimer,5 published his first paper on an exercise test
in 1929 but did not recognize the value of the ECG in the demonstration of
ischemia. He used only pulse and blood pressure to evaluate the patient’s
cardiac capacity. Master claimed Felberbaum and Finesilver’s method was
inadequate for a number of reasons. The contribution of Master must be la-
beled as being related to an exercise protocol rather than to the use of the
ECG for the evaluation of ischemia in these early years. Master also popu-
larized the idea of evaluating exercise capacity with some type of a standard
test. In 1931, Wood and Wolferth6 also described ST-segment changes with
exercise and indicated the usefulness of exercise in diagnosis, but claimed it
was too dangerous to deliberately exercise patients with coronary disease.
They claimed that the precordial lead (lead 4) was more useful in revealing
ischemic changes than were the standard leads.
In 1932, Goldhmammer and Scherf 7 reported that ST-segment depres-
sion was present in 75% of 40 patients with angina and proposed the use of
exercise to confirm the diagnosis of coronary ischemia. It is interesting to
note that the percentage of their false-negatives is similar to that of some of
the data being published at this time.

Katz and Landt8 confirmed Wood and Wolferth’s findings in 1935 in

terms of precordial leads but found lead 5 to be better in terms of discrimi-
nation than lead 4. They also demonstrated that the number of negative re-
sponses in patients with a history of classic angina, could be reduced by us-
ing precordial leads. They tried to standardize their exercise test by having
the subjects lift dumbbells while lying on a table. Katz and Landt also dis-
cussed the mechanism of pain and ischemia and implicated some irritative
substance related to catabolism in the myocardium. In addition, they re-
ported on the use of anoxia to bring about characteristic changes in the ST
segment. They went on to produce the same changes with intravenous
By 1938, Missal9 studied normal patients by having them run up from
three to six flights of stairs; he may have been the first to use a maximum
stress test. For convenience, Missal later elected to use Master’s 9-inch steps
to exercise his patients. He had his patients exercise to the point of pain and
emphasized the necessity of taking the recording as quickly as possible there-
after. He cited a case report in which the stress test contributed to the man-
agement of a woman with hypothyroidism and angina who had an earlier
onset of angina and ST-segment depression after taking thyroid hormone.
Missal also described the use of the Master’s test in evaluating increases in
exercise tolerance after nitroglycerin.
In 1940, Riseman and colleagues10 published an excellent review of the
use of anoxia in the evaluation of ischemia. They compared exercise with the
anoxemia test and suggested that the latter was more specific because fewer
negative test results occurred in patients believed to have coronary disease.
They also described for the first time the use of continuous monitoring and
thus discovered that ST-segment depression usually appeared before the on-
set of pain and persisted for a time after the pain subsided. Riseman and col-
leagues demonstrated the protective effects of oxygen breathing and de-
scribed the presence of mild ST-segment depression (1.0 mm or less) in
normal subjects as contrasted with 2.0- to 7.0-mm depression in some of their
patients. In spite of all this information, these researchers concluded that the
exercise test was of little practical value because of its poor discrimination be-
tween normal and abnormal subjects.
In 1941, 12 years after his original paper on an exercise test, Master, in
collaboration with Jaffe,11 proposed for the first time that an ECG could be
taken before and after his exercise tolerance test to detect coronary insuffi-
ciency. In the same year, Liebow and Feil12 reported that digitalis caused ST-
segment depression and would confuse the diagnosis of ischemia in the ex-
ercise ECG. They also suggested the possibility of the drug’s reducing
coronary flow.
Johnson and associates,13 working at the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory,
developed the Harvard Step Test, which was similar in many ways to the
original Master’s test. It was used widely in athletic circles to measure fit-

ness, and a form of it (the Pack Test) was used for military purposes. A vari-
ation of this called the Schneider was also popular in evaluating military
personnel. These tests used pulse counts during recovery and provided an
index of physical fitness, a technique that was to be carried forward in the
indexes of fitness and aerobic power for a number of years. Brouha and
Heath14 also used this methodology to evaluate the cardiovascular re-
sponse to various occupations and emphasized the influence of environ-
mental factors such as room temperature. In 1949, Hellerstein and Katz15
performed their classic studies describing the direction of the vector asso-
ciated with subendocardial injury in various areas of the right and left ven-
tricle. They also used direct-current electrograms and established that ST
depression is primarily a diastolic injury current manifested during the TQ
By 1949, Hecht16 was reporting his experience with the anoxemia test
and claiming 90% sensitivity in coronary disease. He emphasized the im-
portant fact that pain is an unreliable end-point and accompanies ischemia
in only 50% of the cases. He also pointed out that ST-segment changes asso-
ciated with anoxemia may not be present if previous myocardial necrosis has
occurred. Since then, Castellanet and colleagues17 have confirmed that in-
farction tends to mask the ECG expression of ischemia.
In 1950, Wood and associates18 at the National Heart Hospital in Lon-
don described their experience with an effort test. They had patients run up
84 steps adjacent to their laboratory and also claimed that it was necessary to
push the patients to the maximum level of their capacity. Wood and associ-
ates established several points that still have validity:
1. The amount of work performed should not be fixed, but adjusted to
the patient’s capacity.
2. The more strenuous work (resulting in a heart rate greater than 90
beats per minute) would produce a higher percentage of positive
tests in patients with known coronary disease than if the heart rate
were not accelerated above this level.
3. The reliability of the test (in effect, a maximum stress test) was 88%
overall compared with 39% in the Master’s test.
Wood and colleagues, as Hecht before them, definitely recommended the use
of the stress test to uncover latent myocardial ischemia, to determine the
severity of the disease, and to evaluate therapy.
In 1951, Hellerstein and colleagues19 used stress testing as a method of
evaluating the work capacity of cardiac patients and began to amplify the
work pioneered by Brouha. They deserve credit for demonstrating to em-
ployers that their cardiac employees might safely return to work. Thus, the
continuing interest in the oxygen cost of various activities and in the analy-
sis of ischemia at various workloads planted the seed that flowered into our
present cardiac rehabilitation program.

In 1952, Yu and Soffer20 reported on the use of the Master’s stairs with
continuous monitoring and cited the following changes in the ECG indicat-
ing ischemia:
1. ST-segment depression of 1.0 mm or more
2. Alteration of the T wave from upright to inverted or from inverted to
3. Increase in the amplitude of the T wave of 50% or more over the rest-
ing deflection
4. Prolongation of the QT/TQ ratio during exercise to more than 2
The last finding may still be a useful element in the evaluation of is-
chemia, but it has not been fully explored. Yu and Soffer again emphasized
the value of continuous monitoring previously described by Riseman and as-
sociates10 and pointed out that the QT interval should be carefully measured.
Yu and coworkers21 had previously reported a test using a motor-driven
treadmill elevated to a 10% or 20% grade with continuous monitoring. They
suggested that the lead system be set up as a bipolar lead from the right
scapula to the V5 position, a lead configuration that Bruce used for many
In 1953, Feil and Brofman22 reviewed the bundle branch block patterns.
They referred to transient bundle branch block developing with exercise and
pointed out that this was first described by Bousfield1 in 1918. They reported
that ST-segment depression, when coexisting with the block pattern, indicates
ischemia in both right and left bundle branch block. They also reported false-
positive stress tests in two or three patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syn-
drome, an observation subsequently confirmed by Sandberg23 and Gazes.24
By 1955, the Master’s test had become widely accepted as a standard be-
cause of its simplicity. Its failure to apply adequate stress and the fact that in-
formation was lost by not observing the pulse response and the ECG patterns
during exercise were rarely appreciated, even though these limitations had
been pointed out by many of the earlier investigators. Although the Master’s
test was originally proposed to provide information about the patient’s func-
tional classification, it remained for others to begin to combine a fairly satis-
factory test of cardiac function with one that would provide information on
the presence or absence of ischemic heart disease. Bruce25 and Hellerstein
and Katz15 were early workers in this area.
An important push in the evolution of treadmill stress testing came from
the work classification units. In 1950, Hellerstein’s unit in Cleveland,26 pat-
terned after the original one in Bellevue Hospital in New York established by
Goldwater in 1944, set the stage for a proliferation of these clinics in many
areas, sponsored by the American Heart Association. My introduction to the
treadmill test came when I worked in the Los Angeles Work Classification
Unit. Familiarity with testing of postmyocardial infarction patients led to the
realization that treadmill testing offered a more comprehensive evaluation
than the Master’s test.

Modern stress testing might be dated from 1956 when Bruce27 reported
a work test performed on a treadmill and established guidelines that would
more or less group patients into the New York Heart Disease Classifications
I through IV. Many of the protocols for stress testing now in vogue have been
based on an extension of the principles Bruce established at that time. Shortly
before this, Åstrand and Rhyming28 had documented that maximum oxygen
uptake or aerobic capacity could be predicted by the heart rate at submaxi-
mal exercise. Thus, the groundwork necessary to establish the progressive
exercise test as a physiological exercise tolerance test had been laid.
About this time, Taylor and colleagues,29 based on the work of Hill and
Lupton,30 proposed an index for circulatory performance that emphasized
that if the strongest muscle was used, the amount of exercise would usually
be limited by the cardiac output rather than by muscle weakness. Therefore,
in walking or running, increases in pulse could be correlated with increases
in cardiac output, and thus with the aerobic capacity of the individual. In the
late 1950s, Balke and Ware,31 working in the Department of Physiology and
Biophysics at Randolph Air Force Base, established the importance of stress
testing in evaluating military personnel. They published a formula that
is still useful in estimating the oxygen uptake associated with treadmill
In the early 1960s, numerous articles were written attempting to refine
the criteria for ischemia ST-segment changes and the appropriate leads for
recording.23 Blackburn’s work32 in 1969 and the work of Blackburn and as-
sociates33 in 1966 demonstrated the incidence of ST-segment depression in
various leads. Blackburn’s findings that 90% of the ischemic changes could
be demonstrated in the CM5 or V5 lead made it possible to do stress testing
with a relatively simple ECG recording system. This had a considerable im-
pact because it extended the use of progressive testing outside the research
laboratory. The CM5 is still in use today.
As the Air Force and NASA prepared to launch a man into space,
Lamb34 and Fascenelli and colleagues,35 in a continuation of the work pio-
neered by Balke and Ware,31 refined the methods necessary for accurate
monitoring of multiple variables during exercise. Shortly after, in 1967, Robb
and Marks36 published follow-up data on 2224 male applicants for life in-
surance and for the first time gave us statistical verification of the predictive
value of the ST-segment depression. They demonstrated that the presence of
horizontal or downsloping ST segments after the double Master’s test was
more reliable in predicting subsequent coronary abnormalities than was the
patient’s medical history. They also established that deep ST-segment de-
pression carries with it a more serious prognosis than a moderate degree of
depression. By 1969, Bruce and associates,37 Winter,38 and Sheffield and col-
leagues39 had reported on the use of computers to analyze ST segments, and
the correlation of these changes with coronary angiographic data was pub-
lished by Najmi and associates,40 Martin and McConahay,41 Lewis and Wil-
son,42 and Balcon and associates.43

Because ST depression and angina-type chest pain were believed for

a long time to be almost synonymous with coronary disease, many sub-
jects underwent angiography and were found to have normal coronary
arteries. This provided us with insight into the limitations as well as the
benefits of stress testing. We now understand more about the pathophysi-
ology of the coronary system and recognize that many parameters besides
the ST segment need to be scrutinized to make maximum use of the pro-
The late 1970s and early 1980s might be labeled “The Decade of Bayesian
Our understanding of probability and its use in large populations has
been advanced by many workers, including George Diamond,44,45 Victor
Froelicher,46,47 Bernard Chaitman,48 and a number of others.49–51 We have
also recognized that there are a number of changes in physiology that can be
better analyzed by combining data such as chronotropic incompetence and
heart rate recovery.52 The predictive value of these methods is now being
documented and tested. The ST Over Heart Rate Index by Kligfield and
Okin,53 the Duke Score by Mark,54 and the Athens Score by Michaelides55 as
well as some other scores may add to our ability to categorize patients better
so that we may be able to arrive at rational decisions as to how to proceed
with therapy. A recent series of papers by Lauer and Associates50,51 seems to
be confirming our report from 1975 that chronotropic incompetence is going
to be very useful.


Technology has been enriched by the proliferation of imaging techniques,

the most important of which are nuclear scintograny56 and exercise
echocardiography.57 For those patients who cannot and will not exercise,
the use of Adenosine or Dipyridamole produce vasodilatation or of Dobu-
tamine to increase myocardial work has vastly expanded the utility of stress
testing.58 We are also probably on the verge of another new methodology—
stress magnetic resonance imaging.59 In only a few years the reliability of
these techniques will undoubtedly improve so that the cardiac physiology
identified by these new methods will tell us as much or more than the
These techniques, when combined with conventional testing, improve
the diagnostic certainty and often help to localize the diseased vessels.
We are beginning to realize that there are different types of ischemia,
several of which are unrelated to fixed coronary obstruction. We will have
to revise our ideas about the character of the coronary lesions60 that restrict
flow as we study patients by new methods using dynamic measurements
of flow reserve as well as anatomical analysis of the vessel caliber.60 We are
also understanding more about redistribution of myocardial blood flow.

There is evidence that at times ischemia is caused by a redistribution of

flow from subendocardium to the subepicardial tissue, probably mediated
by adenosine.60
There was a long period when we correlated our noninvasive tests with
the perceived degree of narrowing of the coronary arteries. Arbitrarily as-
signing normal function to lesions under 50% and abnormal function to le-
sions over 50% hardly passes the straight face test today.60 No wonder we
have always had trouble with “false negatives and false positives.” Recently,
analysis of flow by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and flow reserve has
forced us to take another look at what really constitutes exercise-induced is-
chemia.61 It will take some time to sort this all out but I predict in the next
few years we will reevaluate many of our previous dogmas—and probably
find that we can diagnose ischemia with exercise testing better than previ-
ously believed.
If I were to select one person who has made the greatest contribution to
the technique of stress testing, it would be Robert Bruce of Seattle, whose
protocol is the standard in most laboratories in the United States. His metic-
ulous work has given us a body of knowledge that provides a foundation for
most other investigators. His large study, the Seattle Heart Watch, was es-
pecially important in our understanding of the limitations of exercise testing
in asymptomatic persons.62
Many other workers not mentioned here have made major contributions
to the understanding of stress testing. Their work will be discussed in the ap-
propriate sections in the chapters that follow. As with the brilliant descrip-
tion of angina by Heberden, the understanding of basic physiology dis-
played by some of the pioneers in stress testing is remarkable. They have
given us a tool that has improved and will continue to improve our under-
standing of cardiac physiology and that continues to play a major role in the
detection and evaluation of coronary heart disease.


1. Bousfield, G: Angina pectoris: Changes in electrocardiogram during paroxysm. Lancet

2:457, 1918.
2. Feil, H and Siegel, M: Electrocardiographic changes during attacks of angina pectoris. Am J
Med Sci 175:225, 1928.
3. Einthoven, W: Weiteres uber das Elektrokardiogramm. Arch ges Physiol 172:517, 1908.
4. Felberbaum, D and Finesilver, B: A simplified test for cardiac tolerance. Medical Journal and
Record 126(1):36, 1927.
5. Master, AM and Oppenheimer, EJ: A simple exercise tolerance test for circulatory efficiency
with standard tables for normal individuals. Am J Med Sci 177:223, 1929.
6. Wood, FC and Wolferth, CC: Angina pectoris: The clinical and electrocardiographic phe-
nomena of the attack and their comparison with the effects of experimental temporary coro-
nary occlusion. Arch Int Med 47:339, 1931.
7. Goldhammer, S and Scherf D: Electrokardiographische untersuchungen bei kranken mit
angina pectoris. Z Klin Med 122:134, 1932.
8. Katz, L and Landt, H: Effect of standardized exercise on the four-lead electrocardiogram: Its
value in the study of coronary disease. Am J Med Sci 189:346, 1935.

9. Missal, ME: Exercise tests and the electrocardiograph in the study of angina pectoris. Ann
Intern Med 11:2018, 1938.
10. Riseman, JEF, Waller, J, and Brown, M: The electrocardiogram during attacks of angina pec-
toris: Its characteristics and diagnostic significance. Am Heart J 19:683, 1940.
11. Master, AM and Jaffe, HL: The electrocardiographic changes after exercise in angina pec-
toris. J Mt Sinai Hosp 7:629, 1941.
12. Liebow, IM and Feil, H: Digitalis and the normal work electrocardiogram. Am Heart J
22:683, 1941.
13. Johnson, RE, Brouha, L, and Darling, RC: A practical test of physical fitness for strenuous
exertion. Rev Can Biol 1:491, 1942.
14. Brouha, L and Heath, CW: Resting pulse and blood pressure values in relationship to phys-
ical fitness in young men. N Engl J Med 228:473, 1943.
15. Hellerstein, HK and Katz, L: The electrical effects of injury at various myocardial locations.
Am Heart J 36:184, 1948.
16. Hecht, HH: Concepts of myocardial ischemia. Arch Intern Med 84:711, 1949.
17. Castellanet, MJ, Greenberg, PS, and Ellestad, MH: The predictive value of the treadmill test
in determining post-infarction ischemia. Am J Cardiol 42:29, 1978.
18. Wood, P, et al: The effort test in angina pectoris. Br Heart J 12:363, 1950.
19. Hellerstein, HK, et al: Results of an integrative method of occupational evaluation of per-
sons with heart disease. J Lab Clin Med 38:821, 1951.
20. Yu, PNG and Soffer, A: Studies of electrocardiographic changes during exercise (modified
double two-step test). Circulation 6:183, 1952.
21. Yu, PNG, et al: Variations in electrocardiographic response during exercise (studies of nor-
mal subjects under unusual stresses and of patients with cardiopulmonary disease). Circu-
lation 3:368, 1951.
22. Feil, H and Brofman, BL: The effect of exercise on the electrocardiogram of bundle branch
block. Am Heart J 45:665, 1953.
23. Sandberg, L: Studies on electrocardiographic changes during exercise tests. Acta Med Scand
169(Suppl 365):1, 1961.
24. Gazes, PC: False-positive exercise test in the presence of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
Am Heart J 78:13, 1969.
25. Bruce, RA, et al: Observations of cardiorespiratory performance in normal subjects under
unusual stress during exercise. Arch Indust Hyg 6:105, 1952.
26. Hellerstein, HK: Cardiac rehabilitation: A retrospective view. Heart Disease and Rehabili-
tation 509, 1979.
27. Bruce, RA: Evaluation of functional capacity and exercise tolerance of cardiac patients. Mod
Concepts Cardiovasc Dis 25:321, 1956.
28. Åstrand, PO and Rhyming, I: Nomogram for calculation of aerobic capacity (physical fit-
ness) from pulse rate during submaximal work. J Appl Physiol 7:218, 1954.
29. Taylor, HL, Buskirk, E, and Henschel, A: Maximal oxygen intake as objective measure of
cardiorespiratory performance. J Appl Physiol 8:73, 1955.
30. Hill, AV and Lupton, H: Muscular exercise, lactic acid, and supply and utilization of oxy-
gen. Q J Med 16:135, 1923.
31. Balke, B and Ware, RW: An experimental study of physical fitness of Air Force personnel.
US Armed Forces Med J 10:675, 1959.
32. Blackburn, H: The electrocardiogram in cardiovascular epidemiology: Problems in stan-
dardized application. In Blackburn, H (ed): Measurement in Exercise Electrocardiography.
Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1969.
33. Blackburn, H, et al. The electrocardiogram during exercise (Findings in bipolar chest leads
of 1449 middle-aged men, at moderate work levels). Circulation 34:1034, 1966.
34. Lamb, LE: The influence of manned space flight on cardiovascular functions. Cardiologia
48:118, 1966.
35. Fascenelli, FW, et al: Biomedical monitoring during dynamic stress testing. Aerospace Med-
icine 9:911, 1966.
36. Robb, GP and Marks, H: Postexercise electrocardiogram in arteriosclerotic heart disease.
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37. Bruce, RA, et al: Electrocardiographic responses to maximal exercise in American and Chi-
nese population samples. In Blackburn, H (ed): Measurement in Exercise Electrocardiogra-
phy. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1969.

38. Winter, DA: Noise measurement and quality control techniques in recording and process-
ing of exercise electrocardiograms. In Blackburn, H (ed): Measurement in Exercise Electro-
cardiography. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1969.
39. Sheffield, LT, et al: Electrocardiographic signal analysis without averaging of complexes. In
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40. Najmi, M, et al: Selective cine coronary arteriography correlated with hemodynamic re-
sponse to physical stress. Dis Chest 54:33, 1968.
41. Martin, CM and McConahay, D: Maximal treadmill exercise electrocardiography: Correla-
tion with coronary arteriography and cardiac hemodynamics. Circulation 46:956, 1972.
42. Lewis, WJ, III and Wilson, WJ: Correlation of coronary arteriograms with Master’s test and
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43. Balcon, R, Maloy, WC, and Sowton, E: Clinical use of atrial pacing test in angina pectoris. Br
Med J 3:91, 1968.
44. Diamond, GA: Bayes’ theorem: A practical aid to clinical judgment for diagnosis of coro-
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45. Diamond, GA, et al: Application of conditional probability analysis to the clinical diagnosis
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46. Miranda, C, et al: Comparison of silent and symptomatic myocardial ischemia during exer-
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47. Froelicher, VF, et al: The electrocardiographic exercise test in a population with reduced
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diction. Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study in Health Services #016 (QUEXTA) Study
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Cardiovascular and
Pulmonary Responses
to Exercise

Preload and Stroke Volume Oxygen Uptake and Metabolism

Stroke Volume and Training Maximum Oxygen Uptake

Contractility (VO2max)
Effect of Muscle Mass Carbon Dioxide, pH, and
Heart Rate Bicarbonate
Effect of Age Substrate Use in the Heart
Effect of Gender Carbohydrates
Heart Rate with Training Noncarbohydrates
Training Methods Role of Nucleotides and
Frequency Phosphorylase
Intensity Aerobic Metabolism
Duration Anaerobic Metabolism
Mode Hypoxia and Ischemia
Age and Conditioning Temperature
Coronary Blood Flow Heat
Coronary Resistance Cold
Myocardial Oxygen Demand Respiration
Tension Time Index Exercise Hyperpnea
Intramyocardial Tension Rate Versus Depth
Systolic and Diastolic Time Intervals Diffusion

A review of the mechanisms leading to the changes in cardiac output and

other circulatory adaptations associated with activity will be helpful in un-
derstanding the body’s cardiovascular and pulmonary response to exercise.
Various factors, including venous tone, body position, blood volume, and
depth of respiration, control the input to the heart. The heart responds by
pumping into the arterial circulation the volume delivered from the venous
side. The amount per beat in milliliters is called the stroke volume. The total
cardiac output (measured in liters per minute) is the stroke volume (usually
50 to 80 mL of blood) multiplied by the heart rate. For example, if each beat
pumped 80 mL out and there were 70 beats per minute, the cardiac output
would be 80 ⫻ 70 or 5600 mL, or 5.6 L of blood per minute. This is an aver-
age value for a 70-kg adult at rest. The output increases with exercise, de-
pending on the efficiency of the system, up to about 30 L/min in a well-

conditioned athlete. An individual’s ability to increase pumping volume

is the most important factor limiting the ability to increase physical work
When exercise signals the cardiopulmonary system to increase its out-
put, a complex set of events influences the heart to increase pumping. The
most important is the heart rate. However, if the stroke volume were to re-
main constant at 80 mL and the heart rate were to increase to its maximum
(approximately 195 beats per minute for a 25-year-old man), the limit of the
cardiac output would be 80 ⫻ 195 or 15,600 mL, or 15.6 L/min. We know that
the peak heart rate for a man at a given age falls within a predictable range.
How then is it possible to increase cardiac output to approximately double
the above value, or 30 L/min? The only solution is to increase the stroke
volume during the early phases of increased work. The increase in stroke vol-
ume occurs in different degrees, depending on fitness, age, and sex.1


When exercise begins, a complex set of events can be measured, which sets
the stage for the events to follow. Probably the first event is the increase in
venous tone, which is mediated by autonomic reflexes.2 This squeezes the
blood from the large veins into the right side of the heart, increasing the ef-
fective filling pressure. In a normal heart, the right ventricle is very distensi-
ble and accepts the increased volume of blood during diastole with very lit-
tle increase in pressure (the filling pressure of both the right and left sides of
the heart is usually from 5 to 10 mm Hg). Cardiac output increases immedi-
ately as a result of the increased filling and tachycardia (Fig. 2–1). At this
stage an increase in stroke volume cannot always be detected, but there is a
wide variation among individuals.3

FIGURE 2–1. As training increases, the increase in diastolic volume is accompanied by a simulta-
neous decrease in systolic volume. This results in an increase in stroke volume and in the per-
centage of the diastolic volume expelled with each systole (ejection fraction).

Evidence that the baroreceptor reflexes are progressively inhibited as

exercise increases is suggested by denervation experiments.4
Obviously the heart cannot pump out more blood than it takes in;
thus, the increased return is central to the problem of increased output. Be-
sides the constriction in the veins, mediated by the sympathetic nervous
system’s forcing of more blood into the heart, the pumping action of the
muscles, especially those in the legs, propels the blood toward the heart.
The increased negative pressure of deep inspiration, termed the abdominal
thoracic pump, also tends to encourage this process. The tendency for blood
to be preferentially shunted from certain organ systems, such as the kid-
ney and splanchnic bed, the liver, and the spleen, also increases the venous
When exercise is initiated, the stroke volume tends to increase as the in-
creased venous flow takes place, but levels off somewhat short of the maxi-
mal pumping capacity5 (Fig. 2–2).
Body position has considerable influence on stroke volume at rest. For
example, the return to the heart is greater in the supine position, since it is
easier for the veins to move blood into the right heart when the gravity ef-
fect is removed. Thus, exercise in the supine position, as in swimming,

FIGURE 2–2. As the heart rate increases with exercise, there is a moderate increase in stroke vol-
ume, which reaches a maximum at approximately midway during the buildup of the exercise

would be expected to be associated with a larger stroke output and a lower

heart rate. At low levels of horizontal exercise, however, the heart rate is the
main source of the increase.6 Chapman and colleagues7 also have shown
that after strenuous physical exercise is under way, the difference in stroke
volume related to posture is minimized. The increased stroke volume in
trained athletes is aided by a marked decrease in peripheral resistance.8 The
cardiac dimensions are directly related to the diastolic volume and contrac-
tility. The heart gets slightly smaller near peak exercise, but the systolic vol-
ume decreases even more than the diastolic so that the stroke volume is
maintained. As we will later see, the alteration of this normal response by
those with some disease states provides a mechanism for evaluating func-
tion during exercise.


Numerous studies have demonstrated progressive increases in stroke vol-

ume after prolonged exercise programs.9 The stroke volume of endurance
athletes has been reported to be 50% to 75% higher than that of sedentary in-
dividuals.10 This enables those who are physically well conditioned to oper-
ate at a slower heart rate. An increased volume load has been shown to be
the most efficient method of increasing cardiac output in terms of myocar-
dial oxygen consumption. Studies done with nuclear blood pool imaging11
confirmed previous measurements in normal subjects and suggested that the
increased stroke volume and maximal cardiac output seen in normals can to
some degree also be achieved by coronary patients who are subjected to
training.12–14 The stroke volume can be correlated with heart volume esti-
mated from a roentgenogram of the patient’s chest. The volume averages for
various athletes are indications of the changes associated with various types
of sports (Fig. 2–3). The isometric type of exercise (weight lifting) produces
no significant change in heart volume.


The mechanical response of the ventricle is based on Starling’s law, which

states that the force of contraction is a function of the degree of stretch dur-
ing diastole (Fig. 2–4). Thus, as more blood enters the heart during each di-
astolic interval, the muscle is subjected to more stretch, which increases the
force of contraction. During this process not only is more energy expended,
but also the increased fiber length results in a larger stroke volume if other
factors such as blood pressure are not altered.15 The force of contraction is re-
lated to the inherent strength of the heart muscle as well as to the amount of
FIGURE 2–3. Heart volume estimated from the roentgenogram of the chest showing correlation
with the type of physical activity. (Originally published in Canadian Medical Association Journal
Vol. 96, March 25, 1967)

FIGURE 2–4. Starling’s curves: the greater force generated by increasing the stretch on the myo-
cardial fibers is influenced by many metabolic and mechanical factors. The effects of cate-
cholamines and the still poorly understood state of heart failure are depicted.


stretch taking place. At the same time, other mechanisms influence the final
ability of the ventricle to pump.
Circulating catecholamines exert the most important influence. By stim-
ulating the production of adenyl cyclase and thereby increasing the release
of adenosine triphosphate, they increase the force of contractility, the
amount of energy expended, and the heart rate.
Another factor is the resistance in the vascular bed through which the
heart must pump. The resistance in the lungs is so low in the healthy subject
that it plays very little role as a limiting factor in exercise. The resistance in
the systemic circuit, as measured by the brachial or aortic blood pressure, is
extremely important. It takes about twice the energy to pump out blood
against the resistance of 200 mm Hg compared with 100 mm Hg. In the nor-
mal subject, the resistance to blood flow decreases as exercise progresses.
This may not be obvious to someone measuring blood pressure during exer-
cise because it usually rises. Blood pressure is the product of blood flow mul-
tiplied by resistance. When the heart pumps more blood, the cardiac output
usually increases more than the resistance drops; therefore, a modest in-
crease in systolic blood pressure occurs during exercise in most patients.
Training has been shown to improve the inotropic properties of the
myocardium,16 probably due to an increase in velocity of enzyme activity.17


The volume of muscle mass has a major effect on cardiac output, mainly
due to the magnitude of the venous return from the working muscles.
Studies on arm and leg exercise have demonstrated that arm exercise re-
sults in a greater increase in catecholamines and thus a larger increase in
heart rate than would be expected from equivalent work by a larger mus-
cle.18 The higher heart rate and a smaller amount of venous return produce
a smaller stroke volume. On the other hand, leg exercise utilizing 40% to
50% of the total body muscle mass causes a larger increase in venous re-
turn, relatively less workload, a smaller increase in catecholamines, and a
lower heart rate.19


The heart rate is the result of a number of physical and emotional influences
that are mediated through the autonomic nervous system. These include ex-
citement, fear, anticipation, temperature alterations, respiratory maneuvers,
and physical work. Both the vagal and the sympathetic nerves are constantly
stimulating the sinoauricular node so that if the influence of either is in-

creased or decreased, a change in rate will be manifested. A number of com-

plex inhibitory as well as stimulating reflexes in the vascular system affect
the heart rate. During exercise, the sympathetic reflex is the most important,
since vagal tone is gradually withdrawn as the workload increases.20 At the
onset of exercise, the heart rate has been shown to increase within 0.5 second,
probably secondary to an abrupt inhibition of a significant portion of the va-
gal tone.21 An interesting sawtooth effect in the heart rate has been described
in the first few seconds of exercise, suggesting that the autonomic nervous
system is “searching” for the proper balance.22
Stimulating the sinus node with a pacemaker accelerates the heart rate,
but the filling pressure does not increase; therefore, the stroke volume de-
creases. The result is a stable rather than an increased cardiac output in spite
of the faster heart rate. On the other hand, administering adrenaline or other
catecholamines causes both heart rate and venous return to increase, result-
ing in a net increase in cardiac output. Studies with dogs suggest that about
50% of the cardiac acceleration is due to sympathetic drive, primarily beta
stimulation.20 A study has indicated that the right stellate ganglion is an im-
portant pathway in this system.21
A curious property of the heart is its apparent age-related ceiling on rate.
The anatomy and physiology of cardiac function are so designed that when
the body calls for the heart to increase its pumping, it can accelerate only to
a predetermined peak and does not further increase its rate of pumping or
its output, regardless of the demands of the body. As far as we know, push-
ing the heart to its maximum in a normal person does no damage. If a per-
son tries to push physical exertion past this maximum pumping capacity, the
peripheral tissues become anoxic because of inadequate oxygen delivery.
The individual then rapidly builds up lactic acid and other metabolites,
which terminate the ability to function in only a few minutes. Lactic acid de-
presses cardiac function and produces peripheral vascular dilatation, which
then decreases blood pressure.
Knowledge of the peak heart rate in various age groups makes it pos-
sible for physicians to know when a subject has exercised to maximum
pumping capacity. Although some disagreement exists about the range
and variation around the mean, and about the mean rates, the data adapted
from Robinson22 have been very useful in my experience. The maximum
heart rate varies among individuals about 15% from age-predicted formu-
las (Fig. 2–5).
Bates8 has studied cardiac output in relation to its limiting effect on
exercise. He has demonstrated that with an oxygen uptake of up to 1500
mL/min (Fig. 2–6), cardiac output, heart rate, and oxygen consumption in-
crease in a linear relationship. However, near peak capacity (above 80% of
maximum capacity), both heart rate and cardiac output tend to level off. It
was possible at this point, however, to increase the peripheral oxygen con-
sumption by another 300 to 500 mL, which was attributed to a widening

FIGURE 2–5. The maximum predicted heart rate is age-related. When the subject exercises to max-
imum capacity, the cardiac pumping reaches its maximum possible output at about the same time
that the peak rate is attained.

of the arteriovenous oxygen difference. This ability of the peripheral tis-

sues to extract more oxygen, especially when the subject is well condi-
tioned, is a very important element of the circulatory adaptations to exer-
cise. During the period when the oxygen consumption is increasing near
peak workload, a very rapid increase in respiratory rate ensues.23 It is pos-
tulated that the increase in oxygen consumption after the heart rate levels
off is used for the extra work of breathing and is not available for useful
external work.

FIGURE 2–6. The relationship be-

tween maximum oxygen uptake by
the body as a whole and the increase
in heart rate tends to be almost linear
until about 85% or 90% of maxi-
mum capacity is reached. At this
point, a slight further increase in oxy-
gen uptake occurs without a signifi-
cant increase in heart rate.


The aging process is associated with a wide range of changes, some of which
are due to “natural aging,” some due to disuse, and some due to degenera-
tive diseases that accompany the aging process.24,25
The peak aerobic capacity decreases 3% to 8% per decade.26 This is
partly due to a reduced heart rate.27 A radionuclide study has suggested that
the change in cardiac output in older versus younger men is due more to a
decrement in arteriovenous oxygen (AV-O2) difference than to a decline in
cardiac function.28 A decline in cardiac receptors, increased myocardial stiff-
ness, and a decrease in velocity of contraction suggest that a considerable in-
crease in stroke volume is necessary to compensate for age.28,29


Women have a lower exercise capacity than men when corrected for weight.27
The AV-O2 difference has been reported to be lower in women, possibly be-
cause of their lower hemoglobin concentrations. As a result, cardiac output is
increased for female patients for any given level of work tested.30 Although the
ejection fraction increases in exercising men, Higgenbotham and associates28
have demonstrated that it remains fixed with increasing exercise in women.
On the other hand, women increase their diastolic volume with exercise more
than do men, thus achieving equivalent stroke volumes.28


The most dramatic and easiest alteration to measure in the physiology of

physical conditioning is the heart rate response to a standard workload.31
Typical responses are depicted in Figure 2–7. At high workloads, the heart
rate may be 40 beats per minute higher in an unconditioned subject than in
a conditioned one.
As previously mentioned, the heart rate correlates well with the oxygen
consumption of the heart, so that the heart of the well-conditioned subject is
at least 25% more efficient. The decrease in resting heart rate is usually sig-
nificant in trained individuals and is proportional to the duration of the pe-
riod of increased activity. Note that 14,400 total heartbeats are saved daily by
a decrease in average heart rate of 10 beats per minute. Glagov and associ-
ates29 actually measured the total number of heartbeats in a 24-hour period
by a cumulative counter and found that it varied from 93,615 to 113,988. The
factors leading to a heart rate decrease at any give workload are probably
multiple. Not only the increase in stroke volume, but also a decrease in cir-
culating catecholamines, an increase in AV-O2 difference in the working
muscles, and an increased vagal tone probably are important. The optimum

FIGURE 2–7. Heart rate response to exercise: as the workload is increased, the increment of pulse
rise is more marked in the poorly conditioned subject.

duration of exercise and repetition rate necessary to obtain the best pulse re-
sponse from conditioning is still in doubt. However, a discussion by Pol-
lack30 suggests some guidelines of importance (see the following).


Although fairly strenuous training 2 days each week will result in almost as
much training effect as three sessions, exercising a minimum of 3 days allows
the subject to get a good training effect with a less strenuous workout.32 The
time demands of training more than 3 days a week are unrealistic for many
people. Enthusiasts may train 5 days a week but their injury rate is likely to
be much higher.35 Injuries to the foot, ankle, and knee, which are common in
middle-aged adults, can be minimized by limiting the training. The body ap-
pears to need rest between workouts.

Most studies suggest that a minimal threshold for a satisfactory training re-
sponse is 60% of the maximum capacity.33 In younger people, this means

training to heart rates of 130 to 150 beats per minute; in older persons, to as
low as 110 to 120. Studies comparing very high levels of training with more
moderate levels fail to show any significant increase in benefits as far as gen-
eral health is concerned.34 Obviously, a higher aerobic capacity can be ob-
tained by pushing the intensity and time of work, but many studies have
shown that the dropout rate in very-high-intensity or interval training pro-
grams tends to be much higher than in programs of lower intensity work.
The problem of intensity is highly related to the subject’s ego and his or her
initial level of physical fitness.

Improvement in cardiovascular respiratory fitness is directly related to
duration of training.35 A moderate improvement in fitness can be obtained
from 5 or 10 minutes of regular training, but improvement in maximal
oxygen uptake probably is optimum when the duration of training is from
30 to 45 minutes. On the other hand, a significant training effect can be
shown in 15 minutes if the intensity is increased. Programs using longer
periods of training at a slightly slower pace are better tolerated, as re-
flected by lower dropout and injury rates.36 I am inclined to urge people
to strive for at least 30 minutes of exercise; if they are vigorous, young, and
not prone to injuries, they might attempt 45 minutes. Individualization of
the exercise prescription to account for age, fitness, and motivation is

Although some enthusiasts believe that jogging or running is a formula for
eternal life, this has yet to be proved. Any type of rhythmic training that
burns calories and increases the heart rate, such as running, walking, bicy-
cling, swimming, or jumping rope, is equally effective. Exercise that fails to
produce a significant increase in caloric demands, such as bowling, golfing,
or moderate calisthenics, does not have much value. Weight lifting has been
shown to be useful in a cardiovascular sense only when very light weights
are used with multiple repetitions; even in these programs, the improvement
in aerobic capacity has been minor. However, weight lifting might be added
to an exercise program to gain muscle strength, which is often very impor-
tant to the individual.


In the absence of neurological or orthopedic handicaps, conditioning can be

achieved at any age.37 Improvements in aerobic capacity of 10% to 15% have
been demonstrated in older subjects when they are able to persist on a regu-

lar program for several months.38 To prevent injuries, increases in work

should be gradual.
Seals and colleagues39 trained a group of men aged 60 to 69 for 1 year.
The men increased their aerobic capacity by 12% the first 6 months, and af-
ter increasing the intensity for another 6 months, they were able to gain an-
other 18%. A study by Pollack and coworkers40 of 70-year-old Master run-
ners who had trained for many years found that their aerobic capacity was
less than 5% lower than measurements taken 10 years earlier. Lifelong high-

level physical activity thus appears to reduce the rate of decline in VO2max
and, in the minds of some, the rate of aging.41,42


In the peripheral circulation of humans, about 25% to 30% of the oxygen is

extracted from the blood as it runs through muscle or other tissues at rest. As
the metabolic demands of the tissues rise or the blood flow decreases, a larger
percentage of oxygen is extracted.43 Thus, in a normal human at rest, the ar-
terial saturation can be 95% and the venous 75%, resulting in an AV-O2 dif-
ference of 20%.44 This pattern is altered in cardiac patients with low outputs,
so that the AV-O2 difference may be as high as 40% due to a drop in venous
oxygen to 55% or 60%. The coronary circulatory system does not have the ca-
pacity to adapt to this degree, however, because of its relatively high extrac-
tion rate of oxygen at normal work levels. Coronary sinus blood returning
from the capillary bed of the myocardium is usually from 10% to 25% satu-
rated, resulting in an AV-O2 difference across the myocardium of 75% or
more. This high degree of extraction is near the limits of the ability of hemo-
globin to release oxygen, thereby producing an absolute need for more blood
whenever the heart requires more nourishment. Thus, in a normal man, there
is almost a linear relationship between the increase in work done by the heart
and the coronary blood flow45 (Fig. 2–8). Fourfold increases in coronary
blood flow during exercise, from 60 mL/100 g of ventricular myocardium
per minute to 240 mL/min, are achieved by a marked reduction in coronary
vascular resistance.


The aortic pressure minus the resistance in the terminal arterioles and capil-
laries during diastole and the pressure of contraction during systole provide
the driving pressure that nourishes the heart.
The resistance to flow has been subdivided into three types. Viscous re-
sistance is defined as resistance due to blood viscosity and the surface tension
in the arterioles and capillary bed. Autoregulatory resistance is mediated
through the smooth muscle in the arterioles and precapillary sphincters. This

FIGURE 2–8. Because the heart extracts almost all the oxygen possible from the blood at rest, it is
necessary for the coronary blood flow to increase linearly as myocardial demands increase.

resistance is controlled by metabolic processes in the heart muscle. Compres-

sive resistance is due to the force of myocardial contraction. This compressive
effect inhibits the flow during systole and, depending on diastolic compli-
ance, has considerable effect during relaxation.46
Studies involving the left anterior descending coronary artery actually
demonstrate retrograde blood flow during the isometric phase of systole.46
Not only is the diastolic blood flow two or three times that of the systolic, but
also, during this period, it preferentially goes to the subendocardium, an area
relatively starved during systole47 (see Chapter 3).
Methods of blood flow regulation are still being studied, but certain fac-
tors have been established. Anoxia decreases the resistance in the coronary
bed, possibly directly because of the action of a low partial pressure of oxy-
gen (PO2) level or indirectly because of the liberation of metabolites such as
These changes would be classified as autoregulatory. Flow is also sub-
ject to local pH changes, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), brady-
kinins, nitric oxide, and very likely other factors still to be discovered.48 This
type of regulatory function controls flow in a patient who becomes hyper-
tensive, so that perfusion is restricted to the exact needs of the muscle in spite
of the increase in diastolic driving pressure.
A great deal of interest has recently centered around the effect of adren-
ergic influences on coronary flow and resistance. The ability to block either

alpha or beta receptors has made it possible to study this process in more de-
tail. Intracoronary norepinephrine has been shown to reduce coronary flow
in humans49,50 as does dopamine.51 Stellate ganglion stimulation and isopro-
terenol (Isuprel) in dogs reduce the inner/outer layer flow ratio,52 but pro-
pranolol increases this ratio and favors subendocardial perfusion.53 In spite
of these findings, the direct role of adrenergic influences on the coronary cir-
culation in normal and diseased individuals is still under study but may have
considerable importance. It has been demonstrated that it has a short-term
beneficial effect but in excess a long-term detrimental impact.54


The myocardium uses 8 to 10 mL of oxygen per 100 g of muscle per minute

when a person is at rest. Even when the heart is not beating, about 30% of
this amount is still required.53 The efficiency of the heart can be estimated by
knowing its level of oxygen use both at rest and during work, as illustrated
by the following formula55:
Work of heart in kg-m/min
Efficiency of heart = ᎏᎏᎏᎏᎏᎏ
Oxygen consumption in mL/min ⫻ 2.059 ⫻ 0.806
Here, 2.059 is the energy equivalent (kg-m/mL) of oxygen at a respira-
tory quotient of 0.82, and 0.806 is the fraction of oxygen used in the contrac-
tile work of the heart only.
According to these calculations, myocardial efficiency is approximately
37% in the dog and 39% in man.56 With exercise, the oxygen consumption of
the heart may increase 200% or 300%. Contributing factors would include the
initial muscle fiber length or diastolic volume, the afterload or blood pres-
sure, the velocity of contraction, and probably other elements not yet com-
pletely understood, such as the ability to use anaerobic metabolism in some
Figure 2–8 illustrates that the increase in coronary blood flow correlates
well with myocardial oxygen consumption. Also, the heart rate increases
with exercise and also correlates well with coronary blood flow (Fig. 2–9).
Therefore, observation of the heart rate in an exercising individual allows us
to predict how hard the heart is working or how well it is performing. If the
peripheral resistance or afterload (blood pressure) increases excessively dur-
ing work, the myocardial oxygen consumption will have to be increased con-
siderably more per unit of pulse elevation than if it were to remain low.
Therefore, it becomes evident that the work of the heart, the cardiac output,
the coronary blood flow, and the heart rate all increase in a parallel manner
and attain a peak together. This means that when the cardiac output has
reached its maximum, so have the coronary blood flow and the heart rate;
hence, it is possible to make predictions about one based on another within
certain limitations.

FIGURE 2–9. The coronary blood flow and pulse rate increase in a linear relationship as exercise


No discussion of coronary blood flow or myocardial oxygen requirements is

complete without a discussion of the work on tension time index by Sarnoff
and associates.53 By controlling most of the variables with a heart-lung
preparation, it is possible to correlate coronary blood flow and myocardial
oxygen needs with a number of parameters. Sarnoff and colleagues found a
positive correlation among heart rate, increase in blood pressure, diastolic
volume, and myocardial oxygen consumption. The best correlation was with
the so-called tension time index, which was determined by multiplying the
heart rate by the systolic blood pressure by the time of systolic contraction.
Thus, the tension time index per heartbeat is proportional to the area under-
neath the left ventricular pressure curve as shown in Figure 2–10. Because it
is relatively easy to approximate this by noninvasive methods, it constitutes
an important landmark in the physiology of exercise.53 Subsequent studies
have demonstrated the importance of other determinants of myocardial
needs.56 These are mentioned later.
Another important finding of the same research, often overlooked, was
that the increase in stroke volume against a low systemic resistance has a rel-
atively small extra cost in myocardial oxygen consumption. This may ex-
plain why the heart responds to exercise with this type of mechanism in a
well-conditioned subject.

FIGURE 2–10. The area under the pressure curve (shaded

area) tends to correlate with the myocardial oxygen up-
take per beat. If the systolic pressure increases or the
length of systole is prolonged, the oxygen requirements of
the myocardium rise rapidly.


The tension or pressure developed by the ventricular wall has a very impor-
tant influence in myocardial oxygen needs. It is not only related to the pres-
sure of the blood in the ventricular cavity but also to the thickness of the wall
and the radius of the ventricle.56 Therefore, at a fixed pressure and wall thick-
ness, an increase in ventricular volume will increase the tension and thus
the oxygen consumption. The work performed by contractile elements in
stretching the elastic components of the myocardium has been termed the
internal contractile element work.56
The discovery that wall tension is such an important determinant of my-
ocardial oxygen consumption casts doubt on the validity of the tension time
index as a reliable indicator of heart muscle demands. The double product
(systolic blood pressure times heart rate) is considered more reliable than the
triple product (systolic blood pressure times heart rate times systolic ejection
time).57 This is because the systolic ejection time becomes shortened with in-

creasing exercise and tends to decrease the total index with relationship to
heart rate and blood pressure. When the time is excluded, the wall tension
factor, which would increase oxygen uptake with increasing exercise and
catecholamine load, approximately equals the negative influence left out of
the equation when the ejection time is excluded.
No discussion of wall tension is complete without a comment on the re-
lationship of ventricular diameter to the magnitude of tension. Laplace’s law
states that the wall tension is equal to the pressure within a cylinder times
the radius of the curvature of the wall. Thus, the greater the ventricular vol-
ume, the less the curvature and the greater the radius, which in turn will in-
crease the tension. This is probably why dilatation is almost invariably asso-
ciated with hypertrophy, so that the increased tension can be contained by
the larger muscle fibers. It follows that that larger fibers also increase the oxy-
gen demand as well as protect the heart against the increased tension. A
schematic diagram summarizing the factors involved in the myocardial sup-
ply/demand equation is depicted in Figure 2–11.


During rest, the systolic interval time is about one third of the total cardiac
cycle. As previously mentioned, most of the coronary blood flow at rest takes
place during diastole, which is allotted two thirds of the cycle when the heart
rate is between 60 and 70. The time relationships become very significant in
our understanding of the physiology of the coronary flow. As the heart rate

FIGURE 2–11. The oxygen supply/demand relationships are illustrated in subjects with ischemic
heart disease. It can be seen that the supply and delivery are influenced by multiple factors. When
contractility, wall tension, heart rate, or other parameters in the left side of the diagram are in-
creased, there must be a corresponding increase in delivery. If not, ischemia may result.

accelerates, systole shortens, but not nearly as much as diastole. As a result,

the heart is forced to do more and more work, but is given less and less time
to obtain nourishment. This shortening of the diastolic interval was believed
to be the most important factor limiting heart rate. As the heart rate increases
and diastole shortens, it was thought that not enough blood flow was avail-
able in the time allowed to supply the demands of the heart.58 It is now
known that this effect is compensated for to some degree at high heart rates
by an increase in coronary flow during systole. Increasing diastolic stiffness
as aging progresses might slow myocardial blood flow and also be a factor
in the progressive decrease in maximum heart rate with age. The tendency
of patients with severe coronary disease and decreased myocardial compli-
ance to have low peak heart rates, and thereby a longer diastolic time, tend
to support this concept.


Maximum Oxygen Uptake (V̇O2max)

Although VO2max pertains to the oxygen consumption of the total body dur-
ing a maximal response to exercise, a brief discussion is warranted in this
Many years ago, the oxygen uptake at maximum exercise, termed

VO2max, was found to correlate well with the degree of physical condition-
ing, and it has been accepted as an index of total body fitness by researchers
in this field.59 The capacity to take in oxygen is related not only to the effec-
tiveness of the lungs but also to the ability of the heart and circulatory sys-
tem to transport the oxygen and to the ability of the body tissues to metabo-

lize it. The VO2max is a reproducible value, especially when corrected for
body weight, which increases and decreases with the degree of physical con-
ditioning.60 In any given person, the intake of oxygen increases almost lin-
early with the heart rate or with the cardiac output (see Fig. 2–6).
Although maximal oxygen uptake values are reproducible in the same
subject, considerable differences have been reported in various racial groups
and in different geographic locations. Cummings61 reported differences in
data collected in various areas and suggested that some of the discrepancies
seen between Europeans and Americans might be less pronounced if they
were corrected for lean body mass (Table 2–1). Even so, in certain areas, the
fitness of both children and adults is far superior to that of other societies
studied. The Norwegian Lapps have been reported to stand out among
adults as being more fit than any other population group.45

VO2max is influenced by the method used to elicit the exercise. For a time
there was considerable controversy as to the limiting factor or factors affect-
ing the capacity of the organism to take up oxygen. The data now suggest
that the heart and cardiovascular capacity are the major determinants, but

Table 2–1. Mean Values for Maximal Oxygen Uptake (mL/kg/min)


Age Stockholm Philadelphia Indianapolis Lapland Winnipeg

6 48 — — — 52
8 55 — — — 49
10 52 29 — 51 40
12 50 30 28 48 42
14 46 34 — 44 38
16 47 23 — 42 39
18 47 19 — 42 44


Norway Winnipeg

Age Boston Stockholm Dallas Lapland Lumber Industry Office Industry Office

20–29 53 52 45 54 45 44 44 44 44
30–39 41 40 39 54 46 44 42 38 38
40–49 40 39 35 — 44 38 39 38 33
50–59 37 33 32 44 39 34 36 36 31
60 30 31 — — — — — — —

the capacity of the muscle groups exercised is also critical. The oxygen de-
mand of the working muscles is directly related to their mass and metabolic
efficiency; therefore, exercise involving a larger mass of muscle is likely to be
associated with a higher oxygen uptake. Indeed, running has been shown to
result in a greater uptake than bicycling,23 and working both the arms and

legs results in a greater VO2max than running.62

Carbon Dixoide, pH, and Bicarbonate

Alterations in carbon dixoide content affect coronary resistance, as discussed
more fully in Chapter 22. The remarkable increase in coronary resistance pro-
duced by hypocapnia, with its resultant drop in myocardial oxygen extrac-
tion and coronary sinus oxygen content, was demonstrated by Case63 (Fig.
2–12). He showed that a reduction in arterial PCO2 of less than 20 mm Hg will
almost double the coronary vascular resistance and that a severe reduction
in coronary flow, possibly to the point of ischemia, can be produced by
hypocapnia. This effect appears to be somewhat independent of the pH
changes.64 Also, an increase in PO2 in the coronary blood has been demon-
strated to decrease coronary flow, and a decrease will cause a marked in-
crease in perfusion.65 The fact that carbon dioxide has such a potent effect on
flow questions the previously held view that the oxygen content of the myo-
cardium is the primary regulator of coronary vascular resistance.
FIGURE 2–12. When the PCO2 in the coronary arterial blood is varied in dogs, an inverse effect is
registered on the coronary sinus oxygen content and PO2. As the coronary sinus PCO2 is decreased,
the extraction of oxygen from the arterial blood increases as flow decreases.


FIGURE 2–13. The pH and standard sodium bicarbonate buffer in arterial and venous blood both
decrease during intermittent exercise.

As exercise progresses, there is a consistent decrease in pH and sodium

bicarbonate that correlates with a rise in blood lactate. The response to inter-
mittent exercise, as reported by Keul and Doll66 is presented in Figure 2–13.
Note that the lactic acid in the working muscle is only partly liberated into
the blood, thus decreasing the tendency toward acidosis, which would have
a deleterious effect on the organism and its response to exercise if the pH fell
much below 7.1.67


It is becoming increasingly clear that the cardiac metabolism varies consid-
erably when comparing normal subjects with those with hypoxic or ischemic
conditions.68 Hypoxia is used here to indicate adequate coronary flow with
reduced oxygen content, as distinct from a reduced or interrupted flow of
blood with normal oxygen tension, constituting ischemia.
The metabolism of glucose, pyruvate, and lactate by the heart is deter-
mined by their levels of concentration in the arterial blood. Glucose and lac-
tate are used at normal levels of concentration in about equal proportions in
the blood, but the pyruvate level is so low that it plays a limited role.69

The total aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates accounts for about 35%

of the total oxygen consumption. Some evidence exists that the arterial in-
sulin level is important in the regulation of glucose use by the heart.57 Under
normal conditions, the human heart uses about 11 g of glucose and 10 g of
lactate per day. Thus, the concentration levels in the coronary sinus of both
lactate and glucose are lower than in the arterial blood.
Acidosis has not only been demonstrated to increase coronary blood
flow but also, to some degree, to increase glucose and lactate uptake. Alka-
losis, on the other hand, decreases coronary blood flow and the uptake of
both glucose and lactate.70 The heart is unable to use fructose.

Bing57 and Detry60 have demonstrated that the human heart has a predilec-
tion for fatty acids as fuel. About 67% of the oxygen extracted by the heart
goes toward the metabolic use of fatty acids. Ketones, triglycerides, choles-
terol, lipoprotein, and the various free fatty acids make up this fraction, de-
pending on their level of concentration and on certain hormone and enzyme
influences. For instance, diabetes decreases the relative use of oleic acid, at
least in animals.18
It is often said that when the heart has access to carbohydrates and lipids
together, it will preferentially use the lipid,71 although some investigators72
have questioned this. It has been clearly shown that an isolated, perfused
heart can maintain contractility for a long time by oxidizing endogenous
lipids.73 A buildup of long-chain acylcoenzyme A (acyl-CoA) ester will inhibit
adenine nucleotide translocase, which causes early loss of functional integrity
of the mitochondrial membrane.66 Giving carnitine can inhibit this loss and
may restore the membrane’s ability to mobilize calcium.74 A nicotinic acid
analog that reduces plasma free fatty acids has been reported to minimize the
ST changes generated by ischemia in humans during exercise testing.75

Role of Nucleotides and Phosphorylase

The activity of nucleotides and phosphorylase is intimately related to coro-
nary flow. Ischemia leads to a significant diminution of creatinine phosphate
and an increase in inorganic phosphate. This results in a decrease in adeno-
sine triphosphate (ATP) and an increase in adenosine diphosphate (ADP).
The latter may be a major reason for coronary dilatation in myocardial


The accepted figure for oxygen consumption of the normally beating left
ventricle is about 8 to 10 mL of oxygen per 100 g per minute. When the out-

put increases sixfold to eightfold in champion athletes, the oxygen con-

sumption must increase to at least 35 to 40 mL per 100 g per minute, and the
ATP production must rise to 15 to 20 mmol of ATP per 100 g per minute. This
very high energy demand can be met because of the high concentration of
mitochondria in the well-conditioned heart.76 Under low metabolic rates, the
oxidation rate is determined by the availability of the free fatty acids and the
rate of acyl-CoA oxidation of the citric acid cycle and, at high metabolic rates,
by the rate of acyl translocation across the intermitochondrial membrane.


Although the ATP concentration in the heart is about the same as in the skele-
tal muscle, the glycogen content is about 5 g/kg, one third of the content in
the skeletal muscle.77 The heart begins to deteriorate about 8 to 12 beats after
oxygen delivery ceases, but not because of depletion of high-energy phos-
phates.78 This must mean that the ATP available to the contractile protein
compartment is limited or that the rapid buildup of metabolic end-products
in some way inhibits contraction. In the experimental perfused heart, oxygen
can be given without any other substrate, and the myocardium will function
for at least 40 minutes before glycogen is depleted, indicating that the exper-
iment has washed out an inhibitor that is normally present.79


From the previous discussion, it is evident that the metabolic effects of hy-
poxia (reduced oxygen content) and ischemia (reduced flow) are different.
Biopsy material from ischemic hearts shows that contraction stops when
ATP is only 20% depleted, but when the flow is maintained and ATP is re-
duced 40%, contraction continues to be almost normal.71 Studies in the work-
ing rat heart clearly show the difference between hypoxia and ischemia.
When coronary flow is maintained, but oxygen is replaced with nitrogen, a
threefold increase in glucose use occurs within 5 minutes, which is main-
tained for 30 minutes.80 Glycogen stores drop by 70% in 4 minutes when
these same animals are made ischemic by reduction in coronary flow of 50%
or more. Glucose use drops immediately and decreases to 50% of that of the
control within 12 minutes.81 After 30 minutes of anoxia with normal coronary
flow, intercellular lactate doubles, but after 30 minutes of ischemia with low
coronary flow, the lactate increases 10-fold.
The accumulation of lactate appears to be a significant factor; the low pH
reduces the rate of energy production by interfering with subcellular calcium
transport. The above data are important because even a moderate reduction
in blood flow (50%) triggers biochemical changes and decreases myocardial
function. Cardiologists have tended to assign some arbitrary number (a per-

centage of luminal coronary narrowing, usually 70% to 80%) to the degree of

stenosis necessary to produce ischemia. It can be seen, however, that a host
of factors, especially those related to pH in the muscle, will alter substrate use
and therefore cardiac function. The factors leading to the ischemic changes
reflected in the ECG and the associated decrease in contractility are further
discussed in Chapter 3.


External environment has a profound effect on the organism and its ability
to adapt to exercise, primarily because of the need to dissipate the heat gen-
erated by the contraction of the muscles.

Not only does the heart rate increase with a higher body temperature, but its
total efficiency also seems to decrease18 (Fig. 2–14). Burch82 and Brouha83
have shown that the heart works less efficiently as the temperature rises, and
that a hot, humid environment results in a marked increase in cardiac work
for any given level of external work. Also, recovery from work is much

FIGURE 2–14. As illustrated by these findings from a well-conditioned college oarsman, the in-
crease in heart rate associated with a hot environment during exercise demonstrates the need for
an increased cardiac output as the body temperature rises. This increased demand may be exces-
sive if heart disease is present and the increased cardiac output cannot be generated.

slower, apparently because of the body’s failure to dissipate the heat gener-
ated. As temperature and humidity rise, the heart rate is increased for any
given workload as well as at rest. If the body temperature rises much over
107⬚F (41.6⬚C), heat stroke can result from central nervous system changes
followed by a complete loss of vascular tone.
It is well known that the skin blood flow is reduced in subjects who have
a cardiac output lower than their metabolic needs at any particular level of
exercise.84 A gray skin color is easily recognized as clinical evidence of this
condition; the body not only is signaling its failure to provide adequate total
blood flow but also is now unable to dissipate heat generated by muscle con-
traction. The resultant rising core temperature then further inhibits cardiac
output, thus initiating a vicious cycle.
In subjects with a normal cardiovascular system, repeated exposure to
high temperatures alters the ability to cope with this problem by inhibiting
sodium loss and thus reducing the expected decrease in central blood vol-
ume. With a larger blood volume and therefore a better stroke volume, car-
diac output will be greater and more blood will be available to augment skin
blood flow, improving heat loss and cardiovascular function in general.
Robinson22 reported that after conditioning, the effect of heat on perfor-
mance is considerably reduced, confirming the adaptive mechanism de-
scribed above.

The oxygen uptake at rest in a cool environment (50⬚F [10⬚C]) has been
demonstrated to be considerably higher than when a subject is exposed to
moderate temperatures (60⬚F to 70⬚F [15.5⬚C to 21.1⬚C]). After exercise is un-
der way, the oxygen consumption in a cool environment is about the same
as in a warm one.
Even though no measurable increase in oxygen uptake per unit of work
has been documented, the general efficiency of the organism is less than op-
timum at a low temperature. Athletic endurance records are never estab-
lished in extreme cold.
Patients with coronary insufficiency have an earlier onset of angina in
the cold because of a rise in peripheral resistance with exercise, perhaps due
to vasoconstriction in the skin and other superficial vascular beds.
Physical fitness improves cold tolerance. This has been demonstrated by
Hart,85 of Ottawa, who also reports that training and the resultant changes

in VO2max are not altered by cold.


A detailed description of pulmonary function in respiration is not included

here, but a few remarks about the respiratory adaptation to exercise are ap-

propriate. The heart has long been recognized as the limiting factor in the
oxygen delivery system during exercise in the healthy individual. However,
the respiratory apparatus is obviously involved and its basic function should
be appreciated.

Exercise Hyperpnea
The ventilatory response to the onset of exercise is characterized by a rapid,
almost instantaneous, increase in ventilation. It has been argued that because
this increase occurs before any metabolite from the exercising limbs could
reach an appropriate sensor, it must be due to a neurogenic stimulus. If this
were totally true, one would expect to find a concomitant early drop in PCO2,
which is usually not present. Casaburi and colleagues86 have shown that car-
diac output increases abruptly at the onset of exercise, with delivery of an in-
creased carbon dioxide load to the lungs, so that the ventilatory response is
appropriately adequate to maintain the PCO2 in the normal range. Later, the
respiration gradually increases in accordance with the metabolic needs, a
process believed to be under hormonal control. The exact pathways regulat-
ing volume of ventilation during exercise are still not completely established.
The hypoxic component seems to be large, varying from 13% to 54%.87 There
is a smaller nonhypoxic component, probably mostly carbon dioxide, so that
the sensitivity of subjects to oxygen drive increases with exercise, but not to
carbon dioxide. The endurance athlete seems to have less of a hypoxic drive
than a sedentary counterpart, which allows the athlete to function at a
slightly lower level of PO2.

Rate Versus Depth

The rate and volume or depth of respiration are the obvious major mecha-
nisms to be altered in increasing oxygen uptake. The respiratory muscles
must overcome two types of resistance; the elastic resistance of the chest
wall, the muscles, and the lungs themselves, and the airway resistance
caused by the friction of air movement in the trachea, bronchi, and alveoli.
The anatomical dead space between the alveoli and the mouth must be con-
sidered when the determination of optimal tidal volume and respiratory rate
for any given increase in ventilation is appraised.
In normal subjects, the increased ventilation at low levels of power is
achieved by an increase in tidal volume up to a maximum of about 60% of
the subject’s vital capacity. Increasing the rate may merely move the air in
the dead space in and out without increasing alveolar ventilation signifi-
cantly. Therefore, as the demand for a greater total volume of air ensues,
there must be an associated increase in tidal volume over and above that
needed to fill the dead space. Increases in tidal volume are, however, more
costly in terms of muscle work, especially if the airway or elastic resistance

is greater than normal. The tidal volume at rest is usually about 500 mL
(about 150 mL being dead space), with a respiratory rate of about 12 to 15 per
minute. This produces a minute volume of about 6 L/min, but an effective
alveolar ventilation of only about 4.2 L/min. Strenuous exercise may result
in a minute volume of 140 L/min or more, produced by respiratory rates of
60 to 70 and tidal volumes around 2 L. When the respiratory rate and depth
are increased, the extra oxygen expended on respiration reaches a point at
which it becomes a major metabolic burden.
The oxygen cost of breathing assumes considerable importance. Condi-
tions that increase airway resistance, such as emphysema or bronchospasm,
or that increase the elastic resistance, such as pulmonary fibrosis or lung
edema, markedly increase the work of breathing and thus reduce the effi-
ciency of the lungs. Bouhys88 believes that the ability to function at higher
tidal volumes decreases rapidly with age, making age one of the limiting fac-
tors in oxygen transport as well as in cardiac output.

The rate at which gas passes through the alveolar wall into the capillaries is
often decreased by lung disease. There has been some question as to whether
the rate of diffusion is a significant limiting factor in ventilation at high lev-
els of performance. Measurements of diffusing capacity during exercise are
markedly increased over the resting values, but it is not known whether this
is merely a function of increased pulmonary capillary blood flow or an ac-
tual physiological alteration in the characteristics of the barriers to the pas-
sage of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The steady-state diffusing capacity mea-
sured during exercise has been found to correlate with the vital capacity,
which in turn correlates with the degree of physical conditioning and the


This chapter has reviewed the current concepts believed to best describe how
the cardiovascular system responds to exercise. Our knowledge of these
complex changes has increased dramatically. One must marvel at the capac-
ity of the intricately interrelated systems to adjust to the wide range of
stresses, such as a sevenfold increase in cardiac pumping capacity, the elim-
ination of heat in a variety of climatic extremes, and the provision of the
broad range of metabolic requirements of the various tissues of the body.
When we consider that the mitochondria, the metabolic machines making it
possible to increase our aerobic capacity to such extremes, may well be the
product of what was once the symbiotic association between one-celled or-

ganisms, it is even more amazing to realize how well the complex metabolic,
chemical, mechanical, and neurogenic mechanisms fit together.
As we continue to learn about the intricate steps necessary to integrate
the whole organism, our ability to deal with its dysfunctions will certainly be
enhanced. For a more detailed discussion of the coronary circulation, the
reader should consult the monograph on the physiology of exercise by Pol-
lock and Willmore90 and the excellent short summary by Higgenbotham.91


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Physiology of Cardiac Ischemia

Supply Versus Demand Posture and Filling Pressures

Coronary Arteries Systemic Blood Pressure
Vasomotion Contractility and Wall Motion
Collaterals Abnormal Relaxation
Stimulus to Coronary Collateral The Pericardial Hypothesis
Formation Left-Ventricular Stroke Volume
Exercise Stimulus to Collateral Stroke Work
Formation Pain
Coronary Size Related to Workload Endorphins
Trigger Mechanisms for Ischemia Comment
Intramyocardial Perfusion Biochemical Changes in the Ischemic
Physiology of Bloodflow Regulation Myocardium
Nitric Oxide Lactate
Adenosine Free Fatty Acids
Transmural Flow Distribution Prostaglandins
Vasodilator Reserve Mechanism of ST-Segment Depression
Pressure Relationships of Left Ventricle Direction of ST Vector
and Coronary Arteries ST-Segment Elevation
Time Intervals
Relationship of Left Ventricle to
Pulmonary Artery Pressures

In this chapter, I review current concepts that help to explain the patho-
physiology of myocardial ischemia. Although our understanding of these
mechanisms is constantly changing, a review is important because it pro-
vides a framework on which to organize clinical observations.


Ischemia results from an imbalance between the oxygen supply and the my-
ocardial demand. In simple terms, supply is primarily a function of coronary
artery luminal diameter times the driving pressure minus the noncoronary
resistance to flow, modified by hemoglobin content and blood viscosity. My-
ocardial demand is primarily influenced by heart rate, wall tension, and con-
tractile state. An imbalance in the supply/demand ratio may be either global

or, more often, localized in certain areas of the heart muscle. This imbalance
may be silent clinically or manifested by chest pain, arm or jaw pain, dys-
pnea, sudden weakness, or arrhythmias.


For many years, we viewed the coronary epicardial arteries as passive con-
duits, with the main regulatory process being located in the arterioles. Evi-
dence presented by Maseri and colleagues1–3 and others,4,5 has clearly
demonstrated that spasm in the large epicardial coronary arteries often re-
duces blood flow enough to result in clinically important ischemia. This may
occur in what appears to be a normal artery, but it usually occurs in a section
of the arterial wall already altered by an atheromatous plaque. Thus, the dy-
namic aspect of the coronary tree becomes important in our understanding
of the pathophysiology of the coronary artery.
A number of maneuvers can precipitate arterial spasm. These include
intravenous ergonovine, methacholine, histamine, cold pressor maneuvers,
anxiety, fear, hostility, exercise, hyperventilation, and probably many other
stimuli. The reduction in flow can be reversed by nitroglycerin, pentolamine,
calcium blockers, nitric acid, and, in some cases, acetylcholine. Pentolamine
is an alpha-adrenergic agent that may affect epicardial coronary vessels or,
more likely, the coronary arterioles.
A coronary dilator that acts on the precapillary sphincter would only
send more blood through normal regions, so that if nitroglycerin acts in the
heart, it must do so mainly by redistributing blood toward areas of reduced
perfusion. A good deal has been written about the degree of coronary nar-
rowing necessary to produce clinical signs of ischemia. It is well established
that function in a dog’s heart begins to deteriorate when perfusion pressure
drops to around 55 mm Hg, and as the reduction in flow increases, the loss
of contractility progresses rapidly.6 It has also been demonstrated that the
drop in perfusion pressure is related to the velocity of the blood as well as to
the magnitude of the obstruction. The work of Young and associates,6 who
demonstrated the relationship of velocity to magnitude of obstruction and its
effect on pressure drop, is illustrated in Figure 3–1. It can be seen that even
restrictions of 50% to 60% can produce important pressure drops at high ve-
locity. This suggests that previous statements claiming that 70% narrowing
or more is required to compromise function must be viewed with some skep-
ticism.7 The resistance to flow secondary to muscle pressure during systole,
left-ventricular filling pressure during diastole, and the lack of available fill-
ing time in a patient with tachycardia, are discussed on pages 84 to 87. It is
now established that nitric acid, elaborated by the cells lining coronary ar-
teries, is an important moderator of vasodilatation.8 Its absence or a deficit in
production may result in severe vasoconstriction, especially with exercise.9

FIGURE 3–1. The pressure drop induced by various degrees of coronary narrowing as related to
velocity of blood flow. The drop in pressure with high-grade stenosis is manifested at low veloci-
ties, while a high velocity is necessary to cause a significant drop when the obstructions approach
50%. (From Young, et al,6 with permission.)

Now that we realize that endogenous agents may further restrict flow in
the region of a relatively small stenotic plaque, our faith in a coronary an-
giogram must be reconsidered. A patient who has typical angina or ischemic
ST changes, especially at rest, with an angiogram demonstrating as little as
30% narrowing of a major coronary trunk, must be suspected of having tem-
porary decreases in the stenotic orifice due to coronary spasm or due to con-
striction of the microcirculation.10

Intracoronary collaterals, connecting an ischemic arterial network to another
coronary arterial bed, have definite functional benefit in providing improved
perfusion to the starved myocardium. However, it appears that at best, these
vessels replace up to about 40% of normal coronary flow. Thus, the flow is
never enough during increased oxygen demand.11,12 That is, the improved
perfusion may provide protection against myocardial infarction during low
levels of metabolic activity, but when metabolic demands on the heart mus-
cle increase, ischemia almost invariably occurs. Thus, cardiac function is re-
duced to some degree, especially when significant increases in cardiac work

are required, even in the face of well-developed collaterals. Also, we now

know that collaterals that are visible during coronary angiography constitute
a variable and often small portion of the actual intracoronary flow.

Stimulus to Coronary Collateral Formation

In animals, especially dogs, epicardial collateral vessels connecting to vas-
cular beds seem to develop very rapidly, sometimes within a few minutes af-
ter a myocardial infarction.8 If narrowing in the affected artery is slow
enough, the rapidly developing collaterals protect the heart from infarction
altogether.12 This is probably not always the case in humans, although a well-
formed collateral system certainly reduces the likelihood of myocardial
necrosis, or reduces the size of the ultimate scar. In humans, coronary nar-
rowing of greater than 75% is probably necessary to stimulate collateral cir-
culation13; however, the efficiency of this process, which may be inherited,
differs greatly among individuals. It also appears that the more rapidly the
occlusion occurs, the less likely adequate collaterals will form, and that com-
plete obstruction of an artery is the best stimulus for collateralization.14–16
When patients are compared, those with good collateralization to ischemic
areas invariably have better function, especially when the muscle is stressed
either by exercise or atrial pacing.

Exercise Stimulus to Collateral Formation

In 1967, Ekstein17 performed a classic and often-quoted study. He exercised
dogs with partly occluded coronary arteries and found marked improve-
ment in coronary flow compared with dogs that were kept at rest. Coronary
collaterals are very sensitive to extravascular compressive forces; Ekstein’s
failure to account for this, the errors inherent in using retrograde flow as a
measure of collateral flow, and the fact that he frequently used vascular beds
where only 80% or 90% antegrade obstruction was present probably led to
erroneous conclusions. More recent work by Schaper and colleagues,18 in a
rigidly controlled dog model, found that exercise in dogs, at least, had no ef-
fect on collateral flow.
Heaton and colleagues19 have studied myocardial blood flow to the epi-
cardium compared with that to the subendocardial areas in dogs. They
found that in ischemic areas caused by previous coronary constriction, pro-
longed exercise improved the subendocardial flow when compared with
controls, as estimated by radioactive microspheres. Scheel and colleagues,20
Burt and Jackson,21 and Kaplinsky and associates,22 like Schaper and associ-
ates,23 were unable to find that exercise was a stimulus to collateral growth
in dogs. The epicardial collaterals in dogs and men are not exercise-induced,
but intramyocardial collaterals as seen in pigs can be stimulated by exercise.
In an extensive review of the stimulus to collateral flow, Sasayama and
Fujita24 provide interesting insights into this still unsettled question. They re-

port that exercise in combination with heparin definitely increases collateral

flow in humans exercised daily on a treadmill. They found not only angio-
graphic evidence of increased coronary flow but also improved exercise tol-
erance and double product achieved. They believe ischemic myocytes stim-
ulate DNA replication and growth of endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
Many patients in coronary rehabilitation programs exercise religiously be-
cause of the belief that it will stimulate coronary collaterals. We now know
that exercise stimulates the release of nitric oxide from the endothelium thus
improving coronary flow.25
MacAlpin and colleagues26 have stated that 50% of patients who im-
proved their exercise capacity during a coronary rehabilitation program also
showed an improved collateral pattern on angiography, which supports this
concept. The one point on which everyone seems to agree is that the best
stimulus to collateral formation is ischemia. We have seen collaterals associ-
ated with high-grade coronary disease disappear within a few minutes after
the ischemia is relieved by percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Thus, the
collaterals visible on angiography, at least, respond very quickly to changes
in myocardial demand.

Coronary Size Related to Workload

There is no doubt that increased myocardial work increases the size of epi-
cardial coronary arteries. Linzbach27 has shown in autopsies and MacAlpin
and colleagues26 have shown in coronary arteriograms that the coronary size
increases appropriately for the increased myocardial work. We tend to con-
fuse the process of collateral proliferation associated with atheromatous dis-
ease with the increased blood flow to heart muscle that has been overworked
either by exercise or by valvular abnormalities. These two processes proba-
bly have little to do with each other. MacAlpin and associates26 have shown
significant alterations in cross sections of coronary arteries of patients who
have abnormalities that place excessive demands on their heart, such as aor-
tic stenosis and mitral insufficiency.
Studies in rats, ducks, and cats by Stevenson28 have been consistent in
showing an increase in the absolute volume of coronary vasculature and an
increase in the ratio of blood vessels to heart size with exercise. He found
that forcing rats to exercise 2 days a week produced a greater increase in
coronary size than exercising them 5 days a week. One hour per day of ex-
ercise produced the same increase in blood vessel volume as did 5 hours a
day. A possible conclusion is that moderate exercise is as good for the coro-
nary circulation as strenuous exercise if collaterals act in the same way. The
animal experiments cited and the angiographic studies by MacAlpin and as-
sociates26 are in accord with the large coronary arteries reported in Clarence
Demarr (Mr. Marathon) after his death from cancer. It is very tempting to
correlate the increase in size found in Demarr’s arteries with his long his-
tory of marathon running. It is also possible that he was an outstanding

marathon runner because he was congenitally endowed with unusual coro-

nary flow.


Ischemia, with or without anginal pain, comes on at unexpected times. Sev-
eral mechanisms may trigger this reduction in flow. One theory is that when
blood flows across a stenotic area, a passive collapse may occur, especially if
the velocity of flow is increased. Coronary spasm in patients with Raynaud’s
syndrome and migraine headaches suggests that altered autonomic tone
may be a factor in some cases. The long-held belief that vagal tone, and thus
the release of acetylcholine, is always terminated with the onset of exercise
has recently been discredited by the work of Marraccini and colleagues,29
who have demonstrated an improvement in the double product at the time
of onset of ischemia followed by atropine. Another mechanism is thought to
be platelet aggregation on the surface of the plaques. Prostacyclin, and nitric
oxide elaborated in the vascular endothelium, are important regulators of
the interaction between platelets and the vessel wall.30 Activation of the
prostaglandin mechanism in platelets results in an increased synthesis of
thromboxane A2, which is both a vasoconstrictor and a promoter of platelet
aggregation. The relative balance between this agent released from the
platelets and prostacyclin, a vasodilator and an inhibitor of platelet adhe-
siveness manufactured in the endothelium, is probably crucial. Factors
known to shift this balance in the direction of thromboxane, thus favoring
spasm and thrombosis formation, are aspirin in large doses, coronary ather-
osclerosis, age, increased low-density lipoproteins, diabetes, mental stress,
catecholamines, and vascular trauma.30–32 There is no doubt that plaque rup-
ture, which exposes an ulcerated area and thus attracts platelets, is a trigger
for ischemia. Hyperventilation has been demonstrated to increase coronary
resistance and decrease oxygen release from red blood cells to the point
where myocardial ischemia develops.33 Other complex chemical mecha-
nisms in the coronary endothelium and arterial wall probably alter this
process, but as yet are incompletely understood. New information about the
dynamic process that regulates changes in coronary blood flow is summa-
rized below.


Even though considerable narrowing may occur in epicardial coronary ar-

teries, the flow may not be significantly reduced because the resistance in
the precapillary sphincters is greater than in the areas of the plaque in the
proximal large artery. Figure 3–2 illustrates that resistance to flow can come
from any of a number of anatomical sites or from several in combination.

FIGURE 3–2. The diagram depicts the various resistances that influence blood flow, from a plaque
at R1 to the effect of coronary venous pressure at R5. When the heart is at basal state, the precap-
illary sphincters at R3 probably play the most important role.

A patient whose heart is well perfused at rest may become ischemic

when exposed to maximum metabolic demands shortly after the metabolic
chemoreceptors in the myocardium dilate the precapillary sphincters and in-
crease coronary flow to the point where the upstream narrowing becomes
The function of shunt pathways to aid in these compensating adjust-
ments is illustrated in Figure 3–3. Maximal dilatation of these pathways can
sometimes compensate for a complete obstruction of a large coronary epi-
cardial artery, especially if the patient rarely places increased metabolic de-
mands on the system. When the heart is pushed to a point where this system
fails, the subendocardium becomes ischemic (Fig. 3–3). When this recurs
over time, it may result in propagation of more ischemia, as proposed by
Guyton and associates,30 who demonstrated an increased resistance down-
stream from a critical narrowing. This could result in the death of myocar-
dial cells or in a reduction in function termed myocardial stunning.

Physiology of Blood Flow Regulation

An excellent review of our understanding of the mechanisms operative in
the control of myocardial blood flow in ischemia was published by Feliciano
and Henning and should be reviewed by the serious student.25 A simplified

FIGURE 3–3. (Top) The capacity of the collateral shunt pathways to compensate for severe epi-
cardial narrowing when the patient is at rest. (Bottom) The same heart when the patient is exercis-
ing, requiring a greater cardiac output. The shunt pathways, maximally dilated with a low output,
cannot increase flow to compensate for the greater metabolic demands, resulting in subendocar-
dial ischemia. (MD = maximally dilated; PD = partially dilated.)

summary is as follows. A large number of vasoactive substances have been

extensively studied in the last few years. These include acetylcholine,
bradykinin, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), prostacyclin, serotonin, sub-
stance P, histamine, ADP (adenosine diphosphate), nitric oxide, as well as
norepinephrine, endothelian, vasopressin, aldosterone, and many others.

Nitric Oxide
Probably the most important of these is nitric oxide, which is elaborated by
the coronary endothelium and plays an important role in not only vasodili-
tation but also inhibiting platelet adhesion. This material is elaborated by NO
synthase from L’Arginine and becomes deficient when atherosclerosis de-
stroys significant amounts of the endothelial lining of the coronary circula-
tion. Most of the modulators of coronary flow have some effect on the release
of nitric oxide. When acetylcholine is administered to a subject with normal
endothelial function the coronaries dilate but when destruction of the en-
dothelium by atherosclerosis has occurred, vasoconstriction occurs.25

Another very important endogenous vasoactive substance that modulates
coronary flow is adenosine, which comes into play when myocardial hypoxia
occurs. The small coronary arteries with diameters less than 100 microns, pro-
viding for at least 50% of the total coronary resistance, are the sight of action.

As we learn more about how these work in patients with coronary dis-
ease it may well be that pharmacological manipulation may become an im-
portant part of therapy. As yet however, their role during exercise-induced
ischemia is not completely understood.

Transmural Flow Distribution

Transmural bloodflow in mammals of widely varying body sizes are so con-
sistent that there is no reason to predict that it will be different in humans.
Flow increases from the epicardium to the endocardium owing to the in-
crease in metabolic demands probably related to the increased wall stress on
the inner layers. This increase of about 20% to 50% is maintained with in-
creasing heart rates under normal conditions but is profoundly altered in
pathological states, as seen in Figure 3–3. Flow is also altered by the definite
reduction in driving pressure as the vessel penetrates the myocardium. The
aortic pressure or epicardial coronary pressure is far higher than that found
in the inner third of the myocardium (see Chapter 2). Also, the tissue pres-
sure is not determined only by the force of contraction, but by a combination
of chemical and other neuroendocrine influences difficult to quantify. In-
creased vagal tone increases flow by 40%, whereas stimulation of the stellate
ganglion reduces flow initially and later stimulates flow by coronary va-
sodilatation.33 Epinephrine and dopamine reduce coronary resistance and
increase flow, and angiotensin causes a profound vasoconstriction. Of
course, adenosine, glucagon, histamine, serotonin, the kinins, and other sub-
stances produced in the myocardium and vascular epithelium also play an
important role.
Recently, transmural flow has been studied by positron emission to-
mography (PET), which allows evaluations in patients with coronary artery
disease. A surprise finding revealed that flow to areas where the coronary ar-
teries appeared normal on angiography, in patients with “single vessel dis-
ease” was reduced when myocardial oxygen consumption was augmented
by atrial pacing.33 Flow in these areas could however be returned to normal
by Dipyridamol. This report suggests that endothelial damage in arteries ap-
pearing normal may limit the required increase in perfusion that would oc-
cur with exercise. Equally important was the finding that those who had lost
their ability to dilate their “normal” coronary arteries were the ones that had
ST depression with pacing. This may help explain the reason why exercise
testing has been unable to localize the culprit vessel in most cases. When en-
dothelial function is destroyed by atheroma, even if they are not obvious on
an angiogram, the ability for the heart to meet the metabolic demands dur-
ing exercise may be compromised.34
Microvascular flow responds not only to the above vasoactive agents
but patients with ischemia seem to have a paradoxical response to increased
heart rate and myocardial work.34 Until recently it was believed that capil-
lary flow was maximal downstream to a stenotic lesion within the coronary

artery.34 New information now suggests that coronary resistance paradoxi-

cally increases downstream to a stenotic lesion. This concept has also been
supported by studies using contrast echocardiography.35–37

Vasodilator Reserve
Studies by Wright and associates38 in the operating room with Doppler
flowmeters have documented that the ability of an area of the myocardium
to increase flow is subject to a number of factors, some of which are still
poorly understood. When they compressed the coronary artery for about 20
seconds, they found that reactive hyperemia increased the flow about eight-
fold in normals. While stenosis in the coronary circulation progressed, this
reserve capacity was reduced and became abolished when the stenosis was
near 90%. On the other hand, the researchers could not predict this response
when coronary lesions, sized angiographically, were less than 90%. Some
subjects with apparent obstructions of as little as 30% would have a severely
compromised flow reserve, whereas others with stenosis of 70% to 80%
would have a near-normal reserve. Thus, angiographically measured coro-
nary stenosis of less than 90% may have different dynamic implications for
ischemia from patient to patient (Fig. 3–4). It is now easy to understand why
the reliability of ischemic ST depression in predicting coronary anatomy as
estimated from angiography is limited. Patients with left-ventricular hyper-
trophy and so-called syndrome X (ischemia with normal coronary arteries)

Normals Control Regions Stenotic Regions

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3



2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
Baseline Pacing Dipyridamole Baseline Pacing Dipyridamole Baseline Pacing Dipyridamole

FIGURE 3–4. After administration, notice that the flow in angiographically normal arteries in pa-
tients with significant coronary artery disease is only slightly better than arteries with critical nar-
rowing. With permission of publisher.34

have been found to have a reduced ability to increase flow even when the
coronary vessels appear normal on angiography.39 The reasons for this are
more easy to understand in view of the recent reports on the function of
endogenous agents such as nitrous oxide, adenosine, prostaglandin, and



If we recall the concepts reviewed previously and examine the myocardial

circulation in relation to the anatomical pathways and pressure gradients in
dogs (Figs. 3–5 and 3–6), it can be seen that the flow gradient during diastole
favors adequate perfusion in the normal heart (Fig. 3–6). In the ischemic
heart, however, the previously mentioned factors, which foster a decrease in
ventricular compliance and promote the rise of end-diastolic pressure, result
in a decrease in the driving pressure gradient across the myocardium, which
then inhibits total myocardial perfusion.41,42 This process is a vicious cycle
because, as the stiffness of the ventricle increases, the decrease in total coro-
nary flow is more profound. This would be even more marked if plaques in
the proximal coronary arteries decrease the driving pressure gradient from
epicardium to endocardium, as illustrated in Figure 3–7. As progressive
ischemia develops, the endocardium and subendocardial tissue are selec-
tively starved.
This series of events explains why the end-point of exercise and ST-
segment depression is so reproducible in the patient with angina.43,44 Nu-
clear perfusion studies confirmed the marked decrease in myocardial perfu-
sion with exercise-induced angina.45 The chain of events finally results in a
global restriction of the necessary increased myocardial flow at a time when
metabolic demands are increasing, so that power failure in the ischemic seg-
ment eventually ensues.


Along with the variables related to pressure, we should understand the rel-
ative duration of systole and diastole. As the heart rate increases, relative di-
astolic time shortens. This may well be one of the major factors in limiting the
increase in heart rate associated with exercise. Buckberg and coworkers46
have produced dramatic decreases in subendocardial flow with a shortening
of the diastolic time as well as with a diastolic pressure increase in dogs (Fig.
3–8). They proposed using a diastolic pressure time index to estimate the rel-
ative decrease in blood flow to the subendocardial layers of the myocardium
FIGURE 3–5. The response of the coronary flow measured in the operating room after mechanical
occlusion for 20 seconds. (Left Panel) Note that normal coronary arteries will increase flow ap-
proximately five times during reactive hyperemia but that this increase shows almost no correla-
tion with the magnitude of coronary narrowing as determined by angiography. Some with LAD
artery obstructions of 85% can increase flow almost threefold while some with only 20% are in the
same range. (LAD = left anterior descending; RCA = right coronary artery.) (From White, CW, et
al: Does visual interpretation of coronary angiogram predict the physiological importance of a
coronary stenosis? N Engl J Med 310: 819–824, 1984, with permission.)

FIGURE 3–6. During systole in the normal heart, intraventricular pressure is the same as coronary
artery pressure. Therefore, very little coronary flow occurs.


FIGURE 3–7. Normal diastole results in a fall in intraventricular pressure, allowing for a flow gra-
dient to develop, thus perfusing the myocardium.

and have shown with radioactive microspheres that this flow may decrease
even as the total coronary flow increases. Barnard and associates47 have
shown ST-segment depression in apparently normal men who were exercis-
ing very vigorously without a warm-up. They demonstrated that the subjects
had inordinate shortening of diastolic filling time, thus postulating a de-
crease in endocardial perfusion very similar to that which occurred in Buck-

FIGURE 3–8. A large coronary plaque decreases the pressure in the coronary artery during dias-
tole and at the same time the intraventricular pressure rises. The result is a very low flow gradient
(40 ⫺ 30 = 10); consequently, there is very little myocardial perfusion.

FIGURE 3–9. (A) The area under the aortic diastolic pressure becomes much smaller after aortic
constriction and (B) with an increase in heart rate when related to the systolic area (Shaded). This
results in a decrease in diastolic (endocardial) coronary blood flow as compared with the total flow,
most of which must go to the more superficial layers of the myocardium.

berg’s dogs.46 Although these data are appealing, Gregg48 has shown that in
instrumented greyhounds, exercise causes a rapid increase in coronary flow
well into systole. During strenuous exercise, the short diastolic period ap-
pears to leave insufficient time for myocardial perfusion and, at least in dogs,
systolic flow can exceed diastolic flow (Fig. 3–9). Prodigious athletic perfor-
mance with cardiac outputs of 25 L or more per minute suggests that this
happens also in humans.49
Although concepts just discussed help us to conceptualize the mecha-
nisms of flow in a working ventricle, efforts to predict thresholds by the ra-
tio of the systolic to the diastolic pressure time interval (SPTI/DPTI) are
based on some invalid assumptions.50 The influence of inertial factors, coro-
nary capacitance, and blood velocity may also be considerable. Also, the
original assumption that the stop flow pressure (see Figs. 3–5 and 3–6) is the
same as diastolic pressure has been demonstrated to be in error; it is nonuni-
form across the left-ventricular wall. Thus, diastolic pressure time ratios help
understand physiology but do not provide accurate thresholds.51



Because left-ventricular ischemia has been associated with a high filling pres-
sure, we sometimes fail to remember that this is a function not only of my-
ocardial compliance but also of the volume and velocity of filling, which de-
pend on the right side of the heart. An example is illustrated by a patient

FIGURE 3–10. Two days after this patient obtained relief from his symptoms through the use of a
vasodilator, he was subjected to measurements of his pulmonary artery diastolic pressure at rest
and after a rapid Levophed drip. As the systemic pressure was increased by the alpha stimulator,
the increasing left-ventricular diastolic pressure, as reflected by the rising pulmonary diastolic pres-
sure, resulted in transient ST-segment depression in the V5 precordial lead.

treated in our hospital for pulmonary edema (Fig. 3–10). The pulmonary
artery diastolic pressure has been demonstrated to be a fairly reliable indi-
cator of the left-ventricular diastolic pressure.49 The increase in systemic re-
sistance and arterial blood pressure that followed resulted in a return of chest
pain and shortness of breath and an increase in pulmonary artery pressure
reflecting the rise in left-ventricular diastolic pressure and a depression of the
ST segment. This rapidly abated when the peripheral resistance was allowed
to return toward normal.


Occasionally ST-segment depression associated with treadmill exercise can

be accentuated by placing the patient in a supine position.52 When a person
assumes the horizontal position, the central circulation is increased by 200 to
300 mL, increasing the filling pressure of the left ventricle.53 If there is isch-
emia and an increased stiffness of the ventricle, the end-diastolic pressure in-
creases, accentuating the ST-segment depression. This process was further
investigated by placing polyethylene catheters in the pulmonary arteries of
10 patients with known ischemic heart disease in an attempt to correlate the
pulmonary diastolic pressure (and thus, indirectly, the left-ventricular filling
pressure) with ST-segment depression. It was found that when using the
pulse as a guide to the amount of stress applied, the end-diastolic pressure

FIGURE 3–11. Pulmonary diastolic pressure responses of normal subject to supine and treadmill

increased much faster in the horizontal position, and with it came an earlier
onset of ST-segment depression (Figs. 3–11 and 3–12).
Case and coworkers54 have eloquently demonstrated the relationship
of ST-segment depression to the left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure
(LVEDP) elevation and also have correlated this with metabolic changes.
These data have dramatized the importance of taking into consideration the
metabolic and mechanical events associated with ischemia (Fig. 3–13).
A patient’s heart may have normal compliance, as evidenced by a nor-
mal left-ventricular diastolic pressure, at one time, and then a few minutes
later, when subjected to exercise or anoxia, may suddenly become stiff, only
to return to normal when the workload allows the muscle to equilibrate with
its oxygen supply.55 Echocardiographic studies of posterior wall motion by
Fogelman and coworkers56 reveal the rate of relaxation to be markedly re-
duced during or immediately after an angina attack. This change also has
been demonstrated by Barry and associates57 with left-ventricular angio-
grams done at the time of atrial pacing, measuring pressure volume rela-
tionships, and by a number of other workers.57–59

FIGURE 3–12. Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure (reflecting LVEDP) in patient with coronary dis-
ease in the supine position and on the treadmill.
FIGURE 3–13. Data adapted from the work of Case and colleagues54 demonstrates that the pres-
sure, metabolic, and electrical changes occur at about the same degree of coronary ischemia.



Systemic blood pressure usually increases normally with exercise in coro-

nary patients, but evidence suggests that the peripheral resistance often in-
creases inappropriately with the onset of myocardial ischemia. This has two
effects: (1) the driving pressure in the coronary circulation is increased in di-
astole, thus favoring better coronary perfusion; and (2) the work necessary
to eject blood is increased, and the myocardial wall tension is increased,
which requires an increase in myocardial oxygen use, the magnitude of
which is often difficult to discern. The extra work is more of a burden than
can be compensated for by the increased coronary perfusion as a function of
the increase in diastolic pressure. Blood pressure in relationship to stress test-
ing is reviewed in Chapter 18.


Although patients with decreased coronary flow and near-normal left-

ventricular function may have fair contractility as evidenced by observing an
angiogram, it is definitely less than that of normal subjects. This can be mea-
sured in a number of ways in the catheterization laboratory with the use
of Vmax,* ⌬P/⌬T,† and circumferential fiber shortening. They all show a
decrease when carefully measured, and as might be expected, the amount of
decrease is related to the severity of the ischemia (Fig. 3–14).60
Often the contractility is augmented by an excess of catecholamines, but
the ability of the muscle to respond to these agents is somewhat depressed.
Note that the systolic ejection rate index (which equals the velocity of ejec-
tion over stroke input) is reduced so that under the stress of exercise, the time
during systole (corrected for the heart rate) is actually longer. This can be
measured from the aortic pressure with a catheter or from external record-
ings of the carotid artery or other peripheral arteries.
The contractility is often reduced in a localized segment so that a reduc-
tion in wall motion, or even a paradoxical bulge, becomes manifested during
an ischemic episode.61 This phenomenon occurs early in ischemia, even be-
fore the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the involved muscle is depleted.62
One can see how effective such a mechanism can be in preventing infarc-
tions. As the ATP in muscle begins to deplete, some metabolic trigger mech-
anism suspends contraction, which then promotes increased blood flow to
the ischemic segment by eliminating the resistance inherent in the systolic
squeeze. Methods for detecting these local wall motion abnormalities are
now serving to identify ischemia when initiated by an exercise test.62,63

*Vmax is the maximum velocity of pressure rise extrapolated to 0 pressure.

†Delta pressure over delta time characterizes the velocity of ventricular contractions.

FIGURE 3–14. Isometric tension gauge tracings are superimposed on left-ventricular pressure
recordings of an open-chested dog during a control period, 3 minutes after coronary artery ligation
and 60 seconds after release. Note the prolongation of tension—thus incomplete relaxation is
demonstrated. (From Bing, OH, et al,65 by copyright permission of the American Society of Clini-
cal Investigation.)

Abnormal Relaxation
What is the metabolic process that alters compliance and slows relaxation?
Calcium ions that leave the sarcoplasmic reticulum and unlock the actin-
myosin gate to initiate contractions must be returned by a calcium pump to
bring about the muscle relaxation.64 Langer65 estimates that 15% or more of
total myocardial energy costs may be expended to bring about this process,
which involves moving about 50 mmol of calcium ions per kilogram of heart
muscle back to the sarcotubular system. Hypoxia was thought to deplete the
supply of ATP, which mediates this transfer, resulting in a cell with an excess
of calcium ions and incomplete muscle relaxation.64 Support for this concept
comes from the work of Bing and associates,65 who have shown that myocar-
dial tension development extends into diastole. This is particularly true im-
mediately after the hypoxia is relieved by adequate reoxygenation (Fig. 3–15).
There is evidence that a trigger mechanism halts contraction before the
ATP or other substrates are depleted.66 This may be due to a drop in myo-
cardial pH, since it has been shown that the reversal of acidosis in isch-
emic muscle improves the suppressed contraction.67 The possibility has also
been proposed that some cells maintain their ATP and in others it is rapidly
depleted, causing contracture in enough cells to decrease compliance
markedly.68 As this sequence of events takes place, lactate release, probably
the reason for the increase in hydrogen ion concentration, occurs prior to the
recording of ST-segment shifts sampled at the epicardium.69 At the same
time, the increase in stiffness is associated with little total increase in diastolic
volume except in the underperfused segment, together with some decrease
in systolic contraction.70

FIGURE 3–15. Pericardial constraint. As the dyskinetic myocardium bulges during exercise, it uses
up the maximum pericardial distensibility so that the normal diastolic expansion cannot occur, thus
resulting in a restrictive process that causes an increase in LVEDP.

The Pericardial Hypothesis

Although there is still some conflicting evidence, the idea that pericardial
constraint may play an important role in the increase in LVEDP with isch-
emia has been gathering supporters. Tyberg and Smith,71 in an extensive re-
view, point out that the pericardial restrictive force is equivalent to the
LVEDP. They show that increases in right-ventricular or right-atrial volume,
as might occur with a volume load, translate linearly to left-ventricular dia-
stolic volume in intact animals, because of the limited distensibility of the
pericardium. Thus, an ischemic segment of the ventricular wall may bulge
outward, resulting in a more distended pericardium, which then limits nor-
mal left-ventricular diastolic expansion. This mechanism has been supported
by Kass and associates72 in patients studied during angioplasty and by Jan-
icki73 in patients with heart failure (Fig. 3–15.)
We have seen constrictive pericarditis apparently causing ST depression
with exercise in the absence of coronary disease.74 Also, remember that the
increased resistance to filling results in an increase in left atrial pressure and
size, which affects left atrial conduction time.75 Figure 3–16 illustrates ST
depression in a patient with normal coronary arteries and constrictive


The normal tendency to increase stroke volume with exercise is not

altered much in patients with coronary narrowing if the left ventricle is

FIGURE 3–16. Percarditis. (A) The resting tracing of a patient with constrictive pericarditis. (B) ST
depression occurring with exercise, where the restriction in diastolic expansion produces an in-
crease in LVEDP and thus inner-layer ischemia.

relatively normal and if the magnitude of coronary narrowing is not too

severe. Lichtlen60 actually found it to be slightly, but not significantly,
greater in a group of patients with angina when compared with normal
When there is left main disease or severe three-vessel disease, the nor-
mal stroke volume cannot be maintained with increasing myocardial de-
mand in the face of inadequate delivery of oxygen. When this imbalance
becomes manifest, the diastolic and the systolic volume both increase, re-
sulting in a net drop in stroke volume and ejection fraction.62 As this trend
progresses, the cardiac output and systolic blood pressure begin to drop,
resulting in the termination of exercise. It is obvious also that as the left
ventricle is replaced by increasing amounts of scar tissue, the stroke vol-
ume decreases, especially during exercise.
A compensatory increase in contractility of the normally perfused mus-
cle has been recognized by echocardiographers. The cardiac output required

in patients with coronary disease after a training program may be less for a
given workload than before, because of the increased oxygen extraction and
the decrease in vascular resistance in peripheral tissues.76


The inefficiency of the ischemic left ventricle is characterized by the stroke

work index (left ventricle pressure minus LVEDP multiplied by stroke vol-
ume index). The left-ventricular function curves correlating left-ventricular
work and cardiac index and LVEDP clearly indicate that when patients with
coronary disease are performing normally, they are doing so at an increased
metabolic cost. It is also rather obvious that the heart usually performs much
better before a myocardial infarction takes place than after, even though the
patient may be free from angina pain as a result of the infarction. Thus, those
involved in patient care should work toward preventing the infarction or at
least reducing its size.


The anginal pain in coronary insufficiency, considered to be the hallmark of

myocardial ischemia, is poorly understood. Although a classic anginal pat-
tern is a fairly reliable marker for coronary disease, the exact metabolic and
physiological pathways responsible for its genesis are an enigma. As early as
1935, Katz and Landt77 postulated that the pain might be due to the release
of metabolites by the anoxic myocardium. They also suggested that the pain
and the ischemic ECG changes may be due to separate but coexisting
processes. The work done on myocardial ischemia since that time has pro-
vided little improvement in our understanding. When a patient with coro-
nary insufficiency is stressed, as shown in Figure 3–17, the elevation in
LVEDP consistently precedes the onset of pain, but in our experience, angi-
nal pain rarely develops in the absence of the rise in diastolic pressure.
The patient whose ECG is depicted in Figure 3–17 had pain at the time
of the deep ST-segment depression and high LVEDP, but it was relieved
shortly after the diastolic pressure began to fall and several minutes before
the ST-segment depression had improved. This sequence of events is pre-
dictable. Subendocardial ischemia could be assumed to be closely correlated
with pain, as it is with the ST-segment changes, but it often occurs without
The absence of pain is of no value in predicting the absence of coronary
disease. A good deal has been written about the incidence of silent myocar-
dial infarction, but the incidence of silent coronary disease is much harder to
determine. We studied 1000 subjects referred for stress testing in 1968 and
found that only 37% of those with ischemic changes had chest pain during

FIGURE 3–17. Left-ventricular pressures and ECG recorded during exercise in a catheterization
laboratory. Immediately after the angiogram, the patient developed angina that was associated with
a very high LVEDP and deep ST-segment depression. Administration of nitroglycerin resulted in re-
lief from the angina pain and a drop in LVEDP, but there was a delay in the resolution of the ST-
segment depression.

the test. A group of executives believed to be normal were found to have

ischemic changes at or near their peak exercise capacity; yet pain was
uniformly absent.52

There has been increasing interest in endorphins, the natural opiumlike com-
pounds manufactured by the body.78,79 When these substances are released
by the brain, they are thought to reduce pain. Therefore, we postulated that
patients with ischemia who are not experiencing pain may have higher lev-
els of endorphins.79 To test this concept, we exercised 10 subjects who had
severe coronary narrowing to the point of ST-segment depression and in-
jected naloxone, expecting to neutralize their endorphins and initiate pain.80
Naloxone is known to neutralize endorphins as well as other opiumlike
drugs. None of our subjects had pain, nor could we detect any other effect at-
tributable to the agent. Some have measured endorphins in the blood and
find that when they are very high, anginal pain is usually absent. Thus, we
appear to be not much closer than before to understanding the absence of
anginal pain in ischemic patients. Others have suggested that bradykinins
and prostaglandin may be implicated in anginal pain.80,81 Droste and
Roskamm82 studied the pain threshold in asymptomatic coronary patients
and found it to be higher than in the patient with classic angina. Convincing
evidence to implicate any mechanism in the final expression of coronary pain
is still lacking.
Some patients also discover that their angina returns if they stop their
exercise regimen but will again disappear if conditioning is resumed. For
many years, therapeutic decisions have been made on the basis of pain pat-
terns, yet it is now well known how fallacious this can be. Our experience is

that moderate angina is usually unpredictable, but as the degree of disabil-

ity increases, the threshold at which pain occurs becomes more constant.
Thus, although there is a good deal of knowledge about the physiology
of ischemic heart disease, we do not understand the factors limiting or initi-
ating anginal pain. A number of studies have suggested that the presence of
pain does not help predict the severity of coronary disease.82 See Chapter 19.

In some ways, the circulatory pattern and high metabolic requirements of the
heart seem to be poorly designed, leaving it extremely susceptible to injury.
On the other hand, we often see patients with 90% narrowing of all main
coronary arteries who still have not only good left-ventricular function at
rest, but also surprisingly good exercise tolerance. The trigger mechanism, as
yet poorly understood, that decreases or halts contraction in an ischemic seg-
ment prior to the depletion of ATP is an effective safeguard. It allows the
most ischemic part of the myocardium to stop contraction prior to perma-
nent injury, whereas the segments of the heart muscle with normal perfusion
pick up the load to maintain pumping capacity.
The decrease in heart rate response of any given workload seen in some
ischemic patients is also an effective way to improve myocardial circula-
tion.83 The relatively longer diastole seen with a slow heart rate is very ef-
fective in providing more perfusion when the rate of flow through a coro-
nary artery is reduced by a high-grade obstruction.
Finally, considering the remarkable performance required for a patient
with coronary narrowing to complete a 26-mile marathon, the redistribution
of flow from normal to ischemic areas, still incompletely understood, must
be extremely effective in some patients.



For a time, the loss of contraction in the ischemic area, which occurs soon af-
ter the onset of inadequate perfusion, was assumed to be due to a loss of
high-energy phosphates (ATP). However, biopsies in experimental prepara-
tions demonstrated normal ATP for a time after contraction had ceased.84 It
is likely that the increase in intracellular hydrogen ion following anaerobic
metabolism interferes with the interaction of calcium in the contractile pro-
teins and also restricts the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticu-
lum.66 The increased lactate may also inhibit phosphorylase kinase, which
suppresses use of glycogen. The mechanism that switches off contraction is
really protective because when the flow of adequate oxygenated blood is re-
established so that abnormal metabolites can be washed out, adequate ATP
is still present to resume contraction, thus preventing permanent damage

during temporary supply/demand imbalance. The metabolic changes dur-

ing ischemia and especially during the early stages of recovery from isch-
emia impair ventricular relaxation so that the left-ventricular filling pressure,
with its attendant reduction in subendocardial flow, is increased. The ability
to metabolize free fatty acids (FFA) also profoundly influences the effect of
ischemia. It reduces the activity of carnitine palmitoyl coenzyme A, a key
enzyme responsible for the oxidation of fatty acids, the usual substrate for
myocardial metabolism when adequate oxygen is available.

In normal subjects, increasing lactate levels in the blood are associated with
increased lactate metabolism in the heart when adequate myocardial oxy-
genation is available. Both cardiac and skeletal muscle produce excess lactate
when using anaerobic pathways, liberating hydrogen ions and reducing pH.
Not only does acidosis reduce the ability to metabolize lactate and fats and
thus rapidly deplete myocardial glycogen, but the increasing level of FFA
causes further deterioration of myocardial contactility.85 The mechanisms for
this are incompletely understood, but they probably include inhibition of cel-
lular enzyme systems and membrane transport functions. Studies in swine
indicate a reduction in activity of adenine nucleotide transferase and a re-
duction in cytosolic free carnitine. The coronary sinus lactate rise has been
shown to be more profound with greater ischemia, initiating a rapid deteri-
oration in cardiac output, which further reduces myocardial perfusion. A
number of reports implicating adenosine in this process are appearing. Much
remains to be discovered.

Free Fatty Acids

During ischemia the heart preferentially switches from fatty acid to glucose
metabolism. Because high FFA and low carnitine levels decrease myocardial
contractility, carnitine has been used in both animals86 and humans87 to im-
prove cardiac function at times of ischemia. Whether this will become
a practical clinical tool is yet to be determined. Other agents that favor
conversion to glucose metabolism during ischemia include Renolazine,
Dichloracetate, and Troglitazone.88 Oliver and associates89 have used a nico-
tinic acid analog to reduce FFA during myocardial infarction and found that
it suppresses arrhythmias. How the level of FFA correlates with exercise-
induced arrhythmias in ischemic patients is yet to be studied thoroughly but
is of considerable interest.

Berger and colleagues28 have reported the release of prostaglandin F in the coro-
nary sinus of ischemic patients after atrial pacing. The hemodynamic effects are

yet unknown, but the material may have some type of protective effect, possi-
bly by stabilization of lysosomes in the ischemic area. Many other vasoactive
substances probably play some role in cardiac function during exercise.
Staszewski-Barczaks and colleagues81 believe prostaglandin and bradykinin
are the mediators of anginal pain, but evidence for this is still fragmentary.


The normal ST segment, registered as a positive voltage, is due to a differ-

ential between the depolarization from the epicardium versus the endo-
cardium. Endocardial depolarization activation starts early and ends early,
and thus repolarization of the endocardium does the same. This results in a
residual voltage differential late in repolarization and thus a positive ST and
T wave. Because ischemia is usually more severe in the endocardium, de-
laying impulse propagation, this process reverses, resulting in inversion of
ST or T waves or both.
Extensive animal studies and data in humans have given information
about the factors leading up to and responsible for the ST-segment changes
that have long been empirically correlated with myocardial ischemia. Is-
chemia should be distinguished from hypoxia and anoxia. Ischemia is oxy-
gen deprivation due to reduced perfusion, whereas hypoxia is decreased
oxygen supply despite adequate perfusion. Anoxia is the absence of oxygen
in association with adequate perfusion. When the delivery of blood becomes
inadequate, the subendocardial area is the first to suffer, whether the inade-
quacy is due to a temporary reduction in flow (as might be caused by a coro-
nary spasm), a sudden drop in cardiac output (as with an intense vagal
episode), or an increase in myocardial demand in association with a signifi-
cant coronary stenosis.
The onset of ischemia is associated with a rapid loss of intracellular
potassium, resulting in a diastolic current of injury, outward toward the epi-
cardium (Fig. 3–18). The figure depicts the outward diastolic current caused
by the potassium leak with its resultant effect on the ECG baseline or the TQ
segment. The P and QRS are then inscribed on this elevated baseline. When
ventricular depolarization occurs, inscribing the QRS, all the myocardial
cells, including those injured, are depolarized. There is no current flow. At
this point, the time of the onset of the ST segment, the galvanometer deflec-
tion relates to the original 0 or null point, which is located below the previ-
ously elevated diastolic baseline. The result is ST-segment depression,
which, when systole is completed, is followed by the elevated diastolic base-
line due to the current of injury.
These changes have been associated with a shortening of the refractory
period and a prolongation of the QT interval.90 The transmembrane poten-
tial undergoes a reduction in amplitude and some prolongation, as depicted
in Figure 3–19.91
FIGURE 3–18. Mechanism of ST-segment depression. As the subendocardium becomes ischemic,
potassium is lost from the cells, resulting in a diastolic current flow toward the epicardium and the
monitoring electrode. This would deflect the baseline inward but is not recognized in our standard
ECG because of the balancing current, until depolarization terminates the other potentials, result-
ing in the inscribed ST-segment depression.

FIGURE 3–19. As ischemia is increased (A to

C) the transmembrane potential alterations
(dotted line of lower row) reveal a prolonga-
tion of electrical systole as the ECG in the top
row reflects ST-segment depression. (From
Sodari-Pollares, et al,91 with permission.)



As subendocardial ischemia progresses, the vector of a depressed ST seg-

ment is fairly consistent in direction. The theory is that the ischemic zone of
endocardium appears to be relatively evenly distributed throughout the
whole ventricular cavity, even though only one area of the heart may have a
severe perfusion defect. Because of the high left-ventricular filling pressure,
a diastolic injury potential is produced, characterized by a consistent vector
force, opposite in direction to the major QRS vector (Fig. 3–20). The suben-
docardial ischemia demonstrated years ago92 is characterized by ST-segment
elevation within the cavity of the left ventricle93 and by ST-segment depres-
sion on the precordium in the leads reflecting the appropriate area of injury.
Blackburn and associates93 have shown that ischemic ST-segment de-
pression is best demonstrated in 90% of all patients by using a bipolar lead
system with the negative electrode near V5 position. Kaplan and colleagues94
have shown that no matter what area of heart wall is ischemic (as determined
by coronary angiography), the incidence of ST-segment depression in the
CM5 configuration is very similar and the amount or number of collaterals
detected by angiography does not alter this process. Therefore, it would ap-
pear that ST-segment depression and angina may not occur until the isch-
emia of the subendocardium has progressed enough to produce a general-
ized change in subendocardial blood flow. Operating from this frame of ref-
erence, it is possible to understand why considerable coronary artery disease
may be present without producing ST-segment changes, even with maxi-
mum exercise, as long as the integrity of the total system is maintained,94–96
and also why CM5 and V5 have proved to be so useful.
Statements about the inadequacy of lead systems to demonstrate local
ischemia imply that even the most minute areas of ischemia would be re-

FIGURE 3–20. Schematic cross-

section of the heart demonstrating
generalized left-ventricular suben-
docardial ischemia and the vector
of ST-segment depression most
commonly recorded.

vealed by ST-segment depression if we used sufficient electrodes. There is no

doubt that multiple leads identify more diseased patients than a single
lead.97 Selvester and associates,98 using a computer model of the ECG, have
generated data suggesting that subtle changes might always be identifiable,
but clinical confirmation has yet to be published. Selvester’s recent work in
our laboratory suggests that careful analysis of at least 32 leads will identify
ischemia now often overlooked. More data on multiple lead systems can be
found in Chapter 8. In most cases, the decrease in total myocardial blood flow
with its generalized subendocardial changes produces a consistent ECG pat-
tern when the heart is disabled enough to cause a decrease in ventricular
compliance and a rise in the diastolic pressure.


For a long time, ST elevation in leads with Q waves was believed to indicate
a scar and an aneurysm.99,100 Recent work suggests it is more likely that
there is a good deal of viable muscle in the area represented.101 This may
even turn out to be a way of detecting “stunned myocardium.” It may be
that ST elevation reflects transmural ischemia, whereas ST depression is
mainly a marker for subendocardial ischemia. This is suggested by the tran-
sient ST changes seen in the catheterization laboratory with coronary spasm
or during angioplasty when the balloon causes complete closure of the
artery being dilated. When no permanent cell death is present and flow is
reintroduced, the ECG changes resolve within 1 or 2 minutes, suggesting
that transmural or subepicardial ischemia is the usual source of these
In patients with very high-grade proximal left-anterior descending
stenosis, ST elevation occurs with exercise in leads with R waves, probably
representing a very severe degree of ischemia.102


More than one sequence of events can lead to ST-segment depression. The
most common is probably an increase in myocardial oxygen demand in a pa-
tient who has a “significant” atheromatous plaque. The magnitude of ob-
struction by the plaque, combined with obstruction by endothelin-mediated
constriction, or failure to adequately dilate during increased demand, results
in inadequate perfusion to some or most all segments of the myocardium.
This initiates a process in the myocardial cells that inhibits contraction and
in some cases the myocardial segment will bulge outward into the pericar-
dial space. The bulge is inhibited by an inelastic pericardium, restricting the
diastolic expansion necessary to accommodate the increase in venous inflow.

The diastolic restriction results in a high filling pressure, causing an area of

global subendocardial ischemia. This pressure not only starves the subendo-
cardium, but also inhibits antegrade flow, increasing the total coronary re-
sistance. The subendocardial ischemia causes potassium ion to leak out of the
cells and produce a current flow toward the endocardium, usually opposite
to the mean QRS vector (ST-segment depression).
The same process can be produced by a reduction of coronary flow due
to spasm in the endocardial coronary arteries or in the microvasculature. It
can also be caused by diastolic restriction due to left-ventricular hypertrophy
or constrictive pericarditis. More work needs to be done to establish some of
these scenarios, but they seem to fit our current knowledge.
This chapter deals with myocardial ischemia as it pertains to exercise
stress testing. For a complete work on the coronary circulation, I recommend
the excellent text by Melvin Marcus.37


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Evaluation of Patients with Chest Pain Evaluation of Arrhythmias

Prognosis and Severity of Disease Evaluation of Functional Capacity
Evaluation of Therapy Congenital Heart Disease and Valvular
Screening for Latent Coronary Disease Dysfunction
Early Detection of Labile Hypertension Stimulus to Motivate Change in Lifestyle
Evaluation of Patients with Congestive Sports Medicine
Heart Failure

During the heyday of the Master’s test, stress testing was primarily used to
identify or confirm the presence of ischemic heart disease. Prior to World
War II, it was mainly a research tool applied to problems related to exercise
in athletes. More recently, as the method again evolved into a measure of
functional capacity as well as a means of diagnosing coronary disease, the
applications have been extended to a number of areas previously excluded,
such as the prognosis in coronary artery disease and the evaluation of treat-
ment in congestive heart failure, stable angina, and certain arrhythmias.
In spite of the occasional editorials and articles criticizing the usefulness
of exercise testing, there has been an enormous increase in its use as cardiol-
ogists and other physicians have discovered how helpful stress testing can
be in patient management.1,2 This chapter lists some of the indications for
stress testing and attempts to add perspective to the present controversy.
Coronary artery disease has reached epidemic proportions. Not only does
the death rate average about 600,000 a year in the United States, but it also ex-
ceeds all other causes of death. Death or a myocardial infarction is the first
symptom in 55% of patients with coronary heart disease. An enormous
amount of energy is being expended in a search for the cause and a way to con-
trol this malignant process. Although it would be desirable to be able
to map and quantitate the evolution of plaques in the coronary tree, an ac-
ceptable noninvasive means of doing this is not yet available. Recent re-
ports on imaging calcium in the coronary tree suggest that this may be one
method,3 and magnetic resonance imaging also holds some promise. Although
the stress test is far from perfect, it has emerged as the most practical means of
uncovering latent disease, and even though the coronary obstructive lesions

may have to reach 50% or more in one vessel to reduce flow significantly, most
such lesions are probably still asymptomatic as far as the patient is concerned.4
The study in dogs by Wegria and associates5 suggests that blood flow must be
reduced 75% before changes are routinely seen in the ECG.
Kaplan and associates6 reported on the correlation of stress tests and
coronary angiograms in 200 subjects. They found that 19 (9.5%) had positive
tests, but a few had no more than 25% narrowing in a single artery. It must
be concluded that some of these stenotic lesions were underestimated, but it
points to the usefulness of the test in some patients with mild degrees of
stenosis. Work by Marcus7 illustrates the difficulty in predicting the meta-
bolic significance from the coronary angiogram, suggesting the importance
of a dynamic measure of function. Although an abnormal exercise test has
definite predictive value, many plaques that are not “flow limiting” may rup-
ture and produce unstable coronary syndromes or even sudden death.8
Eventually, some noninvasive method to detect these “time bombs” will be-
come available.
There are many forms of stress testing, such as the well-known poly-
graph or lie detector, the anoxia test, and the use of an isometric handgrip.
Several of these will be reviewed, but this chapter will concentrate on the
common indications for exercise testing, which include:
• Evaluation of the patient with chest pain or with other findings sug-
gestive of, but not diagnostic of, coronary disease
• Determination of prognosis and severity of disease
• Evaluation of the effects of medical and surgical therapy
• Screening for latent coronary disease
• Early detection of labile hypertension
• Evaluation of congestive heart failure
• Evaluation of arrhythmias
• Evaluation of functional capacity and formulation of an exercise pre-
• Evaluation of congenital heart disease
• Stimulus to a change in lifestyle


If the pain pattern is suspicious, but not classic for angina, the presence or ab-
sence of disease can often be established by a maximum stress test. Although
there is a significant percentage of false-negatives when compared with coro-
nary angiography (depending on what is considered significant disease), the
reliability depends on the magnitude and time of onset of the ST changes, on
the heart rate and blood pressure response, and very importantly, on the
prevalence of disease in the population under study. The influence of preva-
lence on the reliability of the ST-segment change is discussed in more detail
in “Bayesian Analysis,” Chapter 14. Suffice it to say that in patients with chest

discomfort selected because they are clinically apt to have coronary disease,
exercise testing remains one of the more practical approaches to diagnosis, es-
pecially when using a number of parameters in combination with ST changes.


Numerous studies have confirmed that severity of disease, which is a major
factor in prognosis, can be estimated with considerable accuracy with exer-
cise testing.9,10 The details are presented in Chapter 14; however, it must
again be emphasized that a clinical approach, considering multiple variables
along with the presence of the ST changes, will provide insight into the fu-
ture course of the patient’s disease process. In the past few years, evidence
points to the fact that the heart rate response during exercise11 and during re-
covery,12 maximum exercise time,13 and frequency of ventricular ectopy are
also predictors of coronary events.14


An objective method of evaluating therapy in coronary disease is essential.

The sham operation for internal mammary ligation established dramatically
how difficult it is to evaluate coronary disease by depending on the patient’s
reported symptoms. A good stress testing protocol should measure the pa-
tient’s relative myocardial blood flow, onset of ST depression in terms of the
work applied, and aerobic capacity before and after treatment. Knowledge
of this type can give us much more useful information than just asking pa-
tients how they feel. Because it is known that a myocardial infarction will ter-
minate angina, it certainly follows that the presence or absence of pain is of-
ten a rather crude and misleading indicator of coronary disease.
One of the logical applications is the evaluation of coronary patients be-
fore and after surgery and angioplasty. Stuart and Ellestad15 and others16,17
report that stress testing has considerable value in predicting postoperative
graft patency, but a certain amount of caution is indicated. When various
medical regimens rather than invasive approaches have been instituted, the
test will also be helpful. Cardiotoxic agents such as doxorubicin (Adri-
amycin) are being used more frequently, and stress testing provides an eval-
uation of these effects.


It was once believed that significant coronary disease usually produces

angina and that a good historian can typically elicit evidence of this process
during a complete medical workup by questioning the patient about chest

pain. As noted in Chapter 3, however, our data indicate that only about 30%
of those with ischemia have concurrent chest pain.18 When symptoms of typ-
ical angina are described by the patient, coronary disease can be predicted
with considerable reliability, but when no history of pain is present, there is
still a strong possibility of significant narrowing in the coronary tree in pa-
tients with appropriate risk factors.
The exact reliability of the positive stress test in predicting coronary dis-
ease is discussed in detail in Chapter 14, but using ST-segment changes
alone, it is at least twice as useful as a high cholesterol level or any of the other
risk factors usually mentioned. It could in some cases be one of the clues to
the presence of unsuspected coronary narrowing, even though the false-
positive rate in most asymptomatic groups is high.
Figure 4–1 illustrates the relative capacity of the stress test to predict
coronary events among the various risk factors used in the Framingham
study,19 compared with the stress test.20,21 Chapter 14 discusses how the re-
liability of the test in asymptomatic persons is reduced because of the lower
prevalence of the disease. In spite of the inherent limitations, the stress test
remains a useful, cost-effective approach in evaluating asymptomatic indi-
viduals believed to be at risk. Once an abnormal test has been discovered,
appropriate follow-up studies can be instituted to confirm the results and
identify appropriate therapy.

FIGURE 4–1. Graph of the relative capacity to predict coronary events among the various risk fac-
tors used in the Framingham study as compared with the stress test.


The normal response to exercise is an increase in blood pressure. Experience

has taught us the range of responses seen in a normal population (see Ap-
pendix). Several studies have demonstrated that an unusually high pressure
in persons who are normotensive at rest suggests that they may become hy-
pertensive in the future.22 This finding may be predictive even in teenagers.23



Until recently, congestive heart failure was considered an absolute con-

traindication to exercise testing. A number of workers have used this ap-
proach to try to understand functional changes, to establish mechanisms,
and to measure response to therapy.24,25 At this time, exercise testing is be-
ing used more and more to evacuate severity and determine benefit from the
new therapeutic interventions being developed.


Many rhythm disturbances are initiated by exercise, and it is very important

to document them. It is also important to establish that some abnormalities
in rhythm are terminated by exercise. When we treat an arrhythmia that is
influenced by exercise, we are deluding ourselves if we believe that the effi-
cacy of the therapy can be determined by observing the patient only at rest.
The significance of exercise-induced arrhythmias on the ability to predict fu-
ture events in coronary patients has been determined and is reviewed in
Chapter 13. The presence of exercise-induced arrhythmias also becomes an
important public health issue when the arrhythmias develop in subjects en-
gaged in hazardous activities or occupations in which coordination and alert
performance affect the lives of others. Young and colleagues26 have used the
symptom-limited exercise test routinely to evaluate malignant arrhythmias
referred to their group.


One of the most important decisions a physician must make in the case of a
patient who has angina or who has had a myocardial infarction is how much
exercise the patient can tolerate. Testing 2 to 3 weeks after a myocardial in-
farction has been established as a safe and useful adjunct to patient manage-
ment. If the patient has a strenuous job, this is especially critical. All too of-
ten, the patient’s physician is inclined to be conservative and insists on

FIGURE 4–2. Various types of exercise presented in relation to oxygen uptake in milliliters per kilo-
gram of body weight and calories expended per minute. (Adapted from classification schema of
Wells, Balke, and Van Fossan by Falls, HB. In J SC Med Assoc [suppl], December 1969.)

restrictions based on an unsubstantiated guess rather than on hard data.

There is no substitute for watching the patient exercise. The next best thing
is to have a detailed report from someone knowledgeable in exercise physi-
ology who has watched the subject exercise.
It is also important to be able to advise patients with coronary insuffi-
ciency, either latent or manifest, about how much exercise they can do dur-
ing their leisure time or in some anticipated new endeavor requiring a higher
degree of stress. Good data are available as guides to the metabolic demands
for various occupations and sports.27 From a properly designed stress test,
the response can be translated into a proper exercise prescription (Fig. 4–2).
The ability to predict a patient’s aerobic capacity is now well established,
and this knowledge can be useful in noncardiac conditions as well as in those
with valvular and other forms of noncoronary cardiac disability.21
The cardiac rehabilitation unit was formulated on the concept that a safe
exercise prescription can be predicated on the results of the stress test. This
is being expanded to patients who have had coronary bypass surgery and an-
gioplasty as well as angina and a previous myocardial infarction.



The management of children with congenital heart disease is being deter-

mined after function as well as anatomy has been considered. Stress testing

has been especially useful in congenital aortic stenosis28 and in studying

postoperative patients with tetralogy and other complex defects29,30 (see
Chapter 21).
One of the most difficult decisions in cardiology is deciding when to re-
place damaged valves. Exercise testing provides invaluable guidelines. This
is especially true in aortic and mitral insufficiency when it is used in con-
junction with nuclear blood pool imaging.


One of the most serious problems in our sedentary population or in those

with coronary disease is the need to motivate patients to stop smoking, to
follow a diet, to exercise regularly, and to make other necessary changes in
their lifestyles. Because the results associated with such changes in their habit
patterns are not readily apparent to them, a stimulus of some sort is often
needed. The patient’s performance on a stress test often serves just such a
function. In our cardiac rehabilitation program, the stress test response is ex-
plained to the patient, and its meaning in regard to progress often motivates
cooperation not otherwise forthcoming. This has been the experience of car-
diac rehabilitation units across the country.


Over the years, there has been more and more research in exercise physiol-
ogy in sports medicine.31–33 In a large number of these reports, exercise test-
ing plays an indispensable role. A significant segment of the new informa-
tion in exercise testing is now coming from this sector. As fitness becomes
more and more of an obsession in our culture, the stress test emerges as a use-
ful method for measuring this parameter. This is often desirable prior to
sports training, so that a baseline may be established in order to judge the
efficacy of a certain program.


Albert Kattus who wrote the Foreword to the first edition of this book, stated
“we have progressed beyond the take it easy mentality and realize the im-
portance of evaluating cardiovascular function during exercise as well as
rest.” The indications discussed here will undoubtedly be expanded in fu-
ture years including its use in the field of pediatric cardiology and conges-
tive heart failure. The work by Marcus7 and others emphasizes that even the
coronary angiogram needs to be correlated with functional testing to provide
the information needed to make sound clinical decisions.

1. Borer, JS, et al: Limitations of the electrocardiographic to exercise in predicting coronary
artery disease. N Engl J Med 293:367, 1975.
2. Redwood, DR, et al: Whither the ST segment during exercise. Circulation 54:703, 1976.
3. Janowitz, WR, et al: Comparison of serial quantitative evaluation of calcified coronary artery
plaque by ultrafast computed tomography in persons with and without obstructive coro-
nary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 68:1, 1991.
4. Astrand, I: Exercise electrocardiograms recorded twice with an 8-year interval in a group of
204 women and men 48–63 years old. Acta Med Scand 118:27, 1965.
5. Wegria, R, et al: Relationship between reduction in coronary flow and appearance of elec-
trocardiographic changes. Am Heart J 38:90, 1949.
6. Kaplan, MA, et al: Inability of the submaximal treadmill stress test to predict the location of
coronary disease. Circulation 47:250, 1973.
7. Marcus, ML: The Coronary Circulation in Health and Disease. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983.
8. Taubes, G: Does inflammation cut to the heart of the matter. Science April:242, 2002.
9. Dagenais, GR, et al: Survival of patients with a strongly positive exercise electrocardiogram.
Circulation 65(3):452, 1982.
10. Goldschlager, N, et al: Treadmill stress tests as indicators of presence and severity of coro-
nary artery disease. Ann Intern Med 85:277, 1976.
11. Lauer, MS, et al. Impaired heart rate response to graded exercise: prognostic implications of
chronotropic incompetence in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 93:1520, 1996.
12. Cole, CR, et al. Heart rate recovery following submaximal exercise testing as a predictor of
mortality in a healthy cohort. Ann Internal Med 132:552, 2000.
13. Myers, J, et al: Exercise capacity and mortality among men preferred for exercise testing.
New Engl J of Med 346 (11):793, 2002.
14. Jouven, X, et al: Long-term outcome in asymptomatic men with exercise-induced premature
ventricular depolarizations. N Engl J Med 343:826, 2000
15. Stuart, RJ and Ellestad, MH: Postoperative stress testing. Angiology 30:416, 1979.
16. Assad-Morell, JL, et al: Aorta-coronary artery saphenous vein bypass surgery: Clinical and
angiographic results. Mayo Clin Proc 50:379, 1975.
17. Frick, MH, et al: Persistent improvement after coronary bypass surgery: Ergometric and an-
giographic correlations at 5 years. Circulation 67(3):491, 1983.
18. Kemp, GL and Ellestad, MH: The incidence of -silent+ coronary heart disease. Calif Med
109:363, 1968.
19. Kannel, WB (ed): Framingham Study: An Epidemiological Investigation of Cardiovascular
Disease. Pub National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. 1948 to present.
20. Ellestad, MH and Wan, MCK: Predictive implication of stress testing. Circulation 51:363, 1975.
21. Froelicher, VF, et al: The correlation of coronary angiography and the electrocardiographic
response to maximal treadmill testing in asymptomatic persons. Circulation 48:597, 1973.
22. Olin, RA, et al: Follow-up of normotensive men with exaggerated blood pressure response
to exercise. Am Heart J 106(2):31, 1983.
23. Kannel, WB, et al: Labile hypertension. A faulty concept. Circulation 61:1183, 1980.
24. Franciosa, JA: Exercise testing in chronic congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 53:1447, 1984.
25. Kramer, BL, et al: Controlled trial of captopril in chronic heart failure: A rest and exercise
hemodynamic study. Circulation 67:807, 1983.
26. Young, DZ, et al: Safety of maximal exercise testing in patients at high risk for ventricular
arrhythmia. Circulation 70:184, 1984.
27. Thompson, PD. Exercise and Sports Cardiology. McGraw-Hill, 2001.
28. Bruce, RA, et al: Maximal oxygen intake and nomographic assessment of functional aerobic
impairment in cardiovascular disease. Am Heart J 85:546, 1973.
29. James, FW and Koplan, S: Exercise testing in children. Prim Cardiol 3:34, 1977.
30. Strieder, DJ, et al: Exercise tolerance after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Am Thorac Surg
19:397, 1975.
31. Corquiglini, S (ed): Biomechanics III. Medicine and Sport, Vol. 8. Karger, Basel, 1971.
32. Keul, et al. (eds): Energy metabolism of human muscle. Medicine and Sport, Vol. 7. Karger,
Basel, 1972.
33. Wilson, PK (ed): Adult Fitness and Cardiac Rehabilitation. University Park Press, Baltimore,
Contraindications, Risks,
and Safety Precautions

When Not to Stress (Absolute Submaximal Target Heart Rates

Contraindications) ST-Segment Elevation
Relative Contraindications Equipment and Supplies Necessary to
Aortic Stenosis Test Safely
Suspected Left Main Equivalent Drugs
Severe Hypertension Defibrillator
Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Management During the Postexercise
Stenosis and Asymmetrical Septal Period
Hypertrophy Case Histories of Patients Who Died
Severe ST-Segment Depression at Rest Discussion
Congestive Heart Failure Risks Reported in the Literature
When to Terminate the Exercise Test Legal Implications
Indications for Test Termination: Comments

A good deal of controversy has occurred over the safety of exercise in vari-
ous population groups. Because Americans have gone on a health binge,
with millions jogging and entering in organized runs, some understanding
of the risks involved warrant discussion. Some of these same issues pertain
to the prescribing of exercise and exercise testing. Shephard,1 of the Univer-
sity of Toronto, has taken the position that a certain level of risk is involved
in initiating an exercise program for a sedentary asymptomatic middle-aged
man. He advises against an exercise test because of the evidence that a high
percentage of abnormal electrocardiographic (ECG) stress tests are false-
positives in this population, and he believes the information may lead to
other unnecessary tests, such as angiography.
The American Heart Committee on Exercise,2 however, recommends
stress testing prior to the initiation of exercise programs in normals older
than 40 years of age or in others with risk factors for coronary artery disease.
Fletcher and colleagues3 and others4–7 concur in this decision. Data from the
Seattle Heart Watch study8 clearly indicate that in asymptomatic persons
with two or more risk factors, stress testing can identify a cohort with a risk
of a coronary event at least 15 times greater than the negative responders.
Such a group warrants careful scrutiny to determine the presence of a life-

threatening process. If exercise testing is used in these subjects, or in cardiac

patients in general, safety is an important aspect of the procedure.
The most important safety factor in stress testing is a knowledgeable and
experienced physician in charge. Knowing when to stop and when not to
start a stress test requires considerable knowledge and experience with ex-
ercise physiology, cardiology, and ECG. This experience and knowledge are
essential for the physician undertaking the risk of exercising cardiac patients.
On the other hand, even maximum testing is safe if the physician follows
available guidelines after receiving some degree of training and experi-
ence.9,10 Verbal but unpublished reports of deaths occurring with enthusias-
tic untrained novices come to us frequently.
A reasonable knowledge of the patient’s medical history and present
problems is essential. A fairly good idea of the patient’s capacity to exercise
can be obtained when this information is combined with auscultation of the
heart and inspection of the resting ECG. Then, careful observation of the pa-
tient’s response to the early stages of the exercise protocol can alert the physi-
cian to potential dangers so that steps can be taken to avoid harm.



It is generally agreed that stress testing should not be done on the following
1. Patients with an acute myocardial infarction.
2. Patients suffering from acute myocarditis or pericarditis.
3. Patients exhibiting signs of unstable progressive angina. This in-
cludes the patient who has long periods of angina of fairly recent on-
set while at rest. (Note commentary following.)
4. Patients with rapid ventricular or atrial arrhythmias at the time of the
5. Patients with second- or third-degree heart block and patients with
known severe left main disease.
6. Acutely ill patients, such as those with infections, hyperthyroidism,
or severe anemia.
7. Patients with locomotion problems.
8. Severe symptomatic aortic stenosis.
Over the years, exercise was believed to be dangerous in certain condi-
tions, which led to the above list of absolute contraindications to exercise
testing. Some contraindications may be justified by common sense; others,
such as unstable angina, by experience. But every so often one of the ab-
solutes is moved to the list of relative contraindications. This has happened
to both aortic stenosis and congestive heart failure, and may happen to left
main coronary disease and various types of heart block before long. Thus, the

preceding list outlines the current consensus but may change as new knowl-
edge is accumulated.
Some evidence suggests that unstable angina may be relegated to the
list of relative contraindications, but this will require complete agreement
on the definition of this entity. There has been a trend toward exercising
patients who come to the emergency room with chest pain syndromes,
many of whom are classified as having unstable angina. For example, if
these patients have no enzyme or ECG evidence of a myocardial infarction,
an exercise test is used to decide whether it is safe to send them home. Keep
in mind that if there is resting evidence of ischemia, great caution should be
Concepts regarding the risks of stress testing are evolving, and I recom-
mend that such testing be done only in a hospital where much stress testing
is carried out.


Aortic Stenosis
Early reports of cardiac arrest from stress testing in patients with aortic
stenosis resulted in a cautious approach in patients with this valvular lesion.
The following guidelines should be applied. If the auscultatory findings,
clinical symptoms, and laboratory data suggest very high grade stenosis in
adults, stress testing should be avoided. This is particularly true if there is a
history of synchope. In adults with moderate valvular disease, it can be a
very useful procedure with an acceptable risk when used cautiously.
(We have never had a serious problem with a patient with aortic stenosis.) In
children, stress testing has been found to be useful and safe (see Chapter 21).

Suspected Left Main Equivalent

Because we frequently fail to identify this lesion before the stress test and
discover later what we have done, considerable experience is necessary.
Most patients tolerate the test safely but have a limited exercise capacity.
Our practice is to withhold stress testing if we have knowledge that the left
main lesion is greater than 70% or if there is left main equivalent (very high
grade proximal obstruction in all branches of the left coronary artery). One
of our deaths was in a patient with left main disease.

Severe Hypertension
If the patient has severe resting hypertension (240/130) requiring multiple
medications, the test should be withheld or used with extreme caution. The
clinical status, such as history of stroke, carotid bruits, age, and heart size

must be taken into consideration. If hypertension can be brought under con-

trol with medication, the exercise testing may be done with safety.

Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis

and Asymmetrical Septal Hypertrophy
In conditions in which outflow obstruction may be severe, caution is impor-
tant. Sudden death after exercise occasionally occurs even in young patients,
regardless of the degree of obstruction.11

Severe ST-Segment Depression at Rest

In a patient with a history of angina who is not on digitalis, ST-segment de-
pression at rest should be viewed with caution because it may indicate se-
vere subendocardial ischemia. Such a patient failed to tolerate a stress test in
our laboratory, and I have reviewed other case reports (see “Case 3”). If these
patients with ST-segment depression at rest are tested, it should be done with
extreme caution.

Congestive Heart Failure

Patients with basal rales and leg edema who are being evaluated for ischemia
as a rule should not be tested until they are compensated; however, the eval-
uation of patients with compensated heart failure is often helpful in regulat-
ing their exercise schedule. Recent studies on patients with congestive heart
failure have been accomplished without complications.12 (See Chapter 16.)


In a patient with known or suspected heart disease, the physician or trained

technician administering the exercise test must continually observe the pa-
tient and the monitor and have the ability to record the ECG on paper for fur-
ther analysis. The ECG printout is often more informative than the image on
the oscilloscope and must be available for immediate inspection. The proper
application of electrodes and the capacity to filter the signal are also very im-
portant. In addition, some filtering designed to minimize baseline wander-
ing may eliminate the ST-segment depression. Details on electrical filtering
and standards for ECG equipment are discussed in Chapter 8.
It is generally agreed by most workers in the field that the test should be
terminated when:
1. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) develop in pairs or with
increasing frequency as exercise increases, or when ventricular
tachycardia develops (runs of four or more PVCs).
2. Atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter supervenes.

3. There is onset of heart block, either second or third degree.

4. Anginal pain is progressive (grade 3 pain if grade 4 is the most se-
vere in patient’s experience).
5. ST-segment depression has become severe. Some would terminate
with 3 mm or more, but if the patient looks good and feels good and
has no history of severe angina, it has been safe in our experience to
proceed with changes of greater magnitude. On the other hand, the
Joint Committee of the American Heart Association and the Ameri-
can College of Cardiology in their recommended standards, pub-
lished in 1997, suggest termination if the ST-segment depression is
greater than 2 mm. We have found that when the magnitude of the
ST depression is increasing rapidly at low workloads, it is safer to
terminate when ST depression begins to exceed 2 mm.
6. ST depression is present at rest and there is a progressive increase in
ischemia with modest exercise.
7. ST elevation is 2 mm or more in precordial or inferior leads that do
not have a resting Q wave.
8. The heart rate or systolic blood pressure drops progressively in the
face of continuing exercise.
9. The patient is unable to continue because of dyspnea, fatigue, or feel-
ing of faintness.
10. Musculoskeletal pain becomes severe, such as might occur with
arthritis or claudication.
11. The patient looks vasoconstricted—pale and clammy.
12. Extreme elevations occur in systolic and diastolic blood pressures
associated with a headache or blurred vision.
13. The patient has reached or exceeded the predicted maximum pulse
rate. In this case, one can be satisfied that the patient has performed
satisfactorily. However, if the subject is able and willing to continue,
it is safe to proceed in the absence of other indications for termination.
14. Equipment problems exist, such as loss of ECG on monitor.

Patients should understand that they can stop voluntarily but are en-
couraged to try to reach or exceed maximum predicted heart rate.


Submaximal Target Heart Rates

Many investigators in this field discontinue the exercise test at some arbitrary
heart rate less than maximum capacity.13,14 Some use the heart rate of 150
beats per minute for all patients.15 Some use 75%, 80%, or 90% of maximum
predicted heart rate.16 Any arbitrary cutoff, when not adjusted for age, must
be recognized as being unphysiological just as is any predetermined load,
such as 150 or 200 watts on the bicycle. Stopping short of maximum heart rate

is safer, and the available support for this is presented. In our laboratory, the
predicted rate seems to be a safe target but is often exceeded in fit patients.
If a predetermined heart rate is used, the ability to estimate aerobic capacity
is lost.

ST-Segment Elevation
After exercise is under way, some patients develop ST-segment elevation. In
the absence of a previous infarction, this pattern in the anterior precordial
leads usually indicates ischemia involving the total thickness of the my-
ocardium rather than just a subendocardial problem.17 When seen, it is al-
most always associated with a high-grade obstruction in the proximal left an-
terior descending coronary artery. If exercise persists, infarction may be
imminent, and it would be wise to terminate the test. Sheffield and associ-
ates14 describe a patient with a history suggesting variant angina who had
resting ST-segment elevation reverting to normal on exercise. Shortly after
the test, the patient sustained an anterior wall infarction. They believe that
ST-segment elevation should be treated with extreme caution.
ST-segment elevation in leads reflecting a previous infarction need not gen-
erate too much concern but usually reflects dyskinesia and some myocardial
scarring. It also reflects ischemia in the myocardium adjacent to the scar and
may be a way of identifying a hibernating myocardium.18 ST-segment ele-
vation on the anterior/posterior lead, either V1 or V2 or the orthogonal Z,
may reflect subendocardial changes in the septum and should be considered
equivalent to ST-segment depression in other leads.3 Over the years cardiac
arrest in the stress lab comes with ST elevation more often than with any
other EKG abnormality. The concepts presented here are in accord with the
recommendations of the exercise testing guidelines.19



Although it is generally stated that the Master’s test, which requires only a
modest workload, is associated with no significant risk, two of the three pa-
tients who died in our laboratory exhibited problems at a workload com-
mensurate with the double Master’s test. Therefore, it is strongly urged that
all stress testing be done in a setting where emergencies can be treated effi-
ciently and expeditiously. Monitoring should be continuous. If, for some rea-
son, interference caused by muscle artifact, lead dislodgement, or the battery
effect of the electrode-skin interface produces an uninterpretable tracing, the
test should be terminated. Blood pressure monitoring should be done before,
during, and after the test. The standard cuff method is still preferred, al-
though a number of automated devices are on the market. As far as I know,
no method now in use can accurately record blood pressure in all patients

during running, short of intra-arterial catheterization. Fortunately, only

those subjects in good condition spend much of the test time jogging at more
than 4 miles per hour on most protocols. Those able to reach this level of ac-
tivity are usually less likely to have sudden changes in blood pressure; there-
fore, the failure to record accurately the pressure at high workloads is not as
serious as it would be for one in poorer physical condition. Fortunately, the
pressure immediately after the test is similar to the one just before termina-
tion of the test and is much more accurately measured. An early rise may of-
ten occur about 1 minute after termination of the test and is usually a sign
that the subject has exceeded the anaerobic threshold and has performed at
near-maximum capacity.

An emergency kit of appropriate drugs should be adjacent to the testing area,
along with syringes, intravenous equipment, and an Ambu bag. The medi-
cines to be included will vary with the experience of the physician and the
methods and concepts of treatment in the area. Those kept in our unit are
listed in Table 5–1.

It is generally agreed that a DC defibrillator should be on hand and fre-
quently tested to ensure that it is functioning properly. However, it will be
used very rarely if the proper care is exercised in testing. The rapid conver-
sion of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation will be lifesaving.
Those in attendance should be fully trained in the use of a defibrillator, as in
other matters of resuscitation.
We have used the defibrillator on three patients with ventricular fibril-
lation. One, who was converted immediately, did not have an infarction.
Another, who also converted immediately, did prove to have an infarction,
but recovered. The third patient sustained an infarction and failed to survive.


If angina or significant ST depression persists more than 2 or 3 minutes into

the recovery period, nitroglycerin should be administered. The changes in
the ST segment following nitroglycerin administration are helpful in diag-
nosis, but, more important, eliminating ischemia (ST-segment depression) is
good for the patient. It is generally believed that monitoring should not be
terminated until all exercise ECG changes have returned to normal. In a few
cases in which the ECG does not normalize within 15 to 30 minutes, we have
insisted on immediate admission to the hospital.

Table 5–1. Emergency Kit of Drugs


Albumin, normal serum 5% 50 mL Hydrocortisone, 250 mg/2 mL vial

Aminophylline IV 500 mg 20 mL vial Insulin regular, 100 U/mL 10 mL vial
Atropine, 1 mg 10 mL syringe Isoproterenol, 1 mg/5 mL ampule
Atropine, 1 mg/mL vial Isoproterenol, 1:5000 5 mL syringe
Bretylium 50 mg/mL 10 mL vial Isoproterenol, 1:50,000 10 mL syringe
Calcium chloride, 1 g/10 mL syringe Lidocaine, 100 mg 5 mL syringe
Calcium gluconate, 1 g/10 mL vial Lidocaine, 2 g/50 mL vial
Dexamethasone, 20 mg/5 mL vial Metaraminol, 10 mg/mL 10 mL vial
Dextrose, 2.5 g/10 mL vial (25%) Methylprednisolone, 1 g vial
Dextrose, 25 g/50 mL (50%) syringe Naloxone, 0.4 mg/1 mL ampule
Diazepam, 10 mg/2 mL syringe Naloxone, 0.02 mg/mL 2 mL ampule
Digoxin, 0.5 mg/2 mL ampule Nitroprusside sodium, 50 mg
Digoxin (Peds) 0.1 mg 1 mL ampule Norepinephrine, 1 mg/mL 4 mL ampule
Diphenhydramine 50 mg 1 mL syringe Phenobarbital, 65 mg/1 mL
Dopamine, 400 mg vial Phenylephrine, 10 mg/mL ampule
Dopamine, 800 mg vial Phenytoin, 100 mg/2 mL
Epinephrine, 1:1000 30 mL vial Potassium chloride, 40 mEq/20 mL vial
Epinephrine, IC 1:10,000 10 mL 20 g syringe Procainamide, 100 mg/mL 10 mL vial
Epinephrine, IV 1:10,000 10 mL syringe Propranolol, 1 mg/1 mL ampule
Furosemide, 100 mg/10 mL ampule Sodium bicarbonate, 10 mEq/10 mL (8.4%)
Furosemide, 20 mg/2 mL ampule Sodium bicarbonate, 50 mEq 50 mL syringe
Heparin sodium, 1000 U 10 mL vial Verapamil, 5 mg/2 mL ampule


IV Solutions/sets IVS regular pump set

IV D5W 250 mL IVS regular pump volumetric
IV D5W 500 mL Dopamine, 400 mg/250 mL
IV D51/4NS 500 mL Dopamine, 200 mg/250 mL
IV D5NS 500 mL Lidocaine, 0.4% 500 mL
IVS Nonvented pump set


There has been one death in our exercise lab in the last 20 years. This type of
tragedy should always be analyzed carefully. Examples of problem cases to
illustrate various concepts are presented.

Case 1
H.G. was a 53-year-old male machine operator with a history of angina subse-
quent to a myocardial infarction sustained 4 years before. Progression of his
angina had recently accelerated to the point where prolonged pain at rest had
been common. Examination disclosed a sustained apical heave suggestive of a
myocardial aneurysm and a loud fourth sound. The resting ECG revealed
an old inferior and an anterior septal infarction. A coronary angiogram and
catheterization disclosed a large calcified apical aneurysm and severe three-

vessel coronary disease. The left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure was 24 mm

Hg at rest and increased to 36 mm Hg with 3 minutes of straight leg-raising.
When the treadmill test was performed, H.G. walked 5 minutes without
pain, reaching a pulse of 164 and stopping because of dyspnea. The physi-
cian noted several PVCs just before the patient stopped the exercise; ST-seg-
ment elevation was also recorded during stress. Two minutes after termina-
tion of the test, H.G. suddenly developed ventricular fibrillation, and
although he reverted to sinus rhythm several times with cardioversion, ven-
tricular fibrillation repeatedly returned, and he eventually expired. The au-
topsy revealed a fresh infarction (Fig. 5–1).

Case 2
A.S. was a 53-year-old man with a 2-year history of progressive angina lim-
iting his walking to half a block on level ground. Physical examination was
negative except for a loud fourth sound and a double apical impulse. The
resting ECG did not show an infarction but did disclose ST-segment depres-
sion of 1.0 mm in V4, V5, and V6.
A.S. walked for 2 1⁄2 minutes, reaching a heart rate of 138 beats per minute
and stopping because of fatigue, dyspnea, and a slight pressure sensation in
his chest. ST-segment depression increased from 2.0 mm at rest on the CM5
lead to 3.0 mm at peak exercise. Two minutes after the test was terminated,
he developed severe dyspnea, a drop in systolic blood pressure to 80, and
cold, sweaty skin. No arrhythmia or evidence of infarction was manifested
on three monitoring leads. Intermittent closed chest massage failed to im-
prove his condition, and for 2 hours various attempts to improve his status,
including massage, ionotropic agents, and oxygen, failed. All during this
time, his ECG remained stable (Fig. 5–2). After 2 hours, A.S. succumbed to
fibrillation and expired. Autopsy disclosed an acute myocardial infarction of
the inferior and lateral walls.

What can we learn from these cases? We avoid stressing those patients who
have experienced recent rapid acceleration of their angina. If resting ST-
segment depression of 2.0 mm or more is present in an anterior precordial
lead, we do not subject the patient to a stress test unless we know the condi-
tion of the coronary anatomy and can be sure there is good left ventricular
function as well as adequate myocardial perfusion.
Cases 3 and 4 were reported from another institution.

Case 3
A 45-year-old man, who jogged 5 miles a day until he developed a sore knee
2 months before, reported to the doctor with chest pain occurring at night but
FIGURE 5–1. The ECG shows resting Q waves in CM5 and ST-segment elevation with exercise as well as
an increasing incidence of premature ventricular contractions. Two minutes after exercise, ventricular fib-
rillation supervened.
FIGURE 5–2. A 53-year-old man developed a low cardiac output after a stress test without a significant
arrhythmia or ECG signs of an acute myocardial infarction. Note stable sinus rhythm after 30 minutes of
closed-chest massage, which was associated with almost no significant cardiac output.

not with exercise. The exercise test revealed ST elevation in leads without Q
waves and some widening of the QRS but produced no chest pain. He was
referred to a cardiologist who recommended thallium scintigraphy, and dur-
ing the test he had cardiac arrest and died. (Fig. 5–3).

This case represents the severity of ischemia that is always associated with
ST elevation in leads without Q waves. If it had been recognized, the man
would have been referred to the catheterization laboratory rather than the
nuclear laboratory and would have survived. Detry and associates20 have re-
ported that patients with ST elevation are much more prone to serious ar-
rhythmias than those with ST depression. I agree wholeheartedly.

Case 4
A 76-year-old man was worked up for carotid surgery. He gave a history of
modest stable angina. An echocardiogram exercise test was scheduled to de-
termine the risk for carotid surgery. During the test, the man developed a
drop in pressure. The doctor reported he could not hear the pressure but
could palpate it at 90 systolic. Exercise was not terminated, but the resistance
on the bicycle was reduced somewhat. Although he had no pain, the man’s
blood pressure continued to drop and the echocardiogram revealed a dra-
matic increase in his left-ventricular volume. Prolonged support with
dopamine, cardiac resuscitation, and eventually pacing failed to save him
(Fig. 5–4).

In this case, it was not recognized how serious a significant drop in blood
pressure can be, and exercise was not terminated appropriately.


Rochimis and Blackburn9 surveyed 73 medical centers in 1971 to evaluate

their procedures with reference to methods and complications present in
stress testing. Their data summarized approximately 170,000 tests. Sixty per-
cent of the centers used the treadmill, with Master’s test being the next most
popular. In 66% of the centers questioned, subjects were stressed to 75% or
more of their maximum heart rate. Twenty-five centers, or 34%, used the
maximum work capacity of each patient as their end-point. Sixteen deaths
were reported, resulting in a mortality rate of about 1/10,000 (0.01%). Four
per 10,000 required hospitalization within 1 day of the test for events such as
arrhythmias and prolonged chest pain. Brock16 surveyed 17,000 cases from

FIGURE 5–3. ECG of a 45-year-old male jogger who started having chest pain a few days prior to
the test. The treadmill revealed ST-segment elevation in V2 and widening of the QRS. (A) Resting
tracing. (B) Exercise tracing.

FIGURE 5–4. A 67-year-old man who was

scheduled for carotid surgery had an exercise
echocardiogram done as a screening test. He
had no pain but developed widening of the
QRS complexes and a drop in blood pressure.
The echocardiogram revealed global left-
ventricular enlargement. Prolonged treat-
ment with vasopressors had no effect, and af-
ter an hour of resuscitation he died. (A)
Resting—note ST depression. (B) Four min-
utes of exercise—note wide complex tachy-
cardia occurring when blood pressure
dropped. (C ) After exercise terminated, the
QRS narrowed but the patient developed ST-
segment elevation.


work evaluation units and found 1.7 deaths per 10,000. No information on
how many deaths or other complications occurred in the various types of
tests was available.
In 1977, we surveyed 1375 centers who reported on 444,396 treadmill
tests, 44,460 bicycle stress tests, and 25,592 Master’s tests from the previous
year’s experience.10 Complications reported were 3.5 infarctions, 48 serious
arrhythmias, and 0.5 deaths per 10,000. Scherer and Kaltenbach21 reported
on 1,065,923 tests, mostly bicycle ergometry, done in German-speaking re-
gions of Europe. Stress testing on 353,638 sportspersons had no mortality or
morbidity, whereas in 712,285 coronary patients, there were 17 deaths and
96 life-threatening complications, mostly ventricular fibrillation. Thus, bicy-
cle ergometry in a disease population resulted in about 2 deaths in 100,000 in
their experience. They found that the recumbent ergometer test resulted in
pulmonary edema seven times more frequently than did the upright test,
and the mortality increased from 0.6 to 1.2 per 10,000.
Sheffield and associates22 analyzed the results of the Lipid Research
Clinics prevalence study on 9464 patients. They had no mortality with near-
maximal testing in this group and attributed the safety to careful patient se-
lection and appropriate termination of the test.
It appears from these data that even in the face of an enormous increase
in volume, the mortality rate from stress testing has decreased at least 50%
and possibly more. The risks of serious complications in stress testing seem
reasonable, and with use of established techniques and continuous monitor-
ing, they can be greatly minimized. Because most deaths on the treadmill are
not reported to anyone it may be that problems are more common than pre-
viously believed, however.


Although lawsuits against physicians doing stress tests are fairly common,
few, if any, have been appealed, so that precedence is not yet established.
Sagall23 has written extensively, however, on the necessity of informed con-
sent and exercising reasonable care. Testing according to published standards
seems to be the best protection. When complications arise, the physician
should document that he or she was familiar with and able to deal with prob-
lems in a manner commensurate with the standards in the community. Hav-
ing a procedure manual available to show adequate preparation is beneficial.
Lawsuits have also been filed for misdiagnosis of the test in patients who later
had an infarct, for not informing patients and family of the severity of the test
findings, and for not directing the patients to immediate follow-up care when
test results suggested very severe ischemia. All those engaged in this proce-
dure need to be up-to-date on the current literature and methodology and to
be able to demonstrate this when necessary.


As in the previous chapter on indications for stress testing, the contraindica-

tions are also in a state of flux. Although aortic stenosis used to be an absolute
contraindication to stress testing, it is now safe to test if the degree of steno-
sis is not severe and the patient is watched meticulously. This approach has
been successfully practiced in pediatric cardiology for some time. When ST
elevation occurs, immediate termination of exercise is mandatory. Patients
presenting to the emergency department with chest pain can be tested if they
have a normal ECG and cardiac enzymes and have a low probability of

1. Shephard, RJ: Do risks of exercise justify costly caution? Physician Sportsmed February:
58–65, 1977.
2. Ellestad, MH (Chairman), Blomqvist, CC, and Naughton, JP: Standards for adult exercise
testing laboratories. American Heart Association Subcommittee on Rehabilitation. Circula-
tion 59:421A–443A, 1979.
3. Fletcher, GF, et al: Exercise in the Practice of Medicine. Futura Publishing, Mount Kisco, NY,
4. McHenry, PL: Exercise in the practice of medicine. J Contin Ed Cardiol 7:17, 1984.
5. Haskell, WI: Design of a cardaic conditioning program. In Wenger, NK (ed): Exercise and
the Heart. Cardiovascular Clinics, Vol 15, No. 2, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1979.
6. Wilson, PK: Cardiac Rehabilitation, Adult Fitness, and Exercise Testing. Lea & Febiger,
Philadelphia, 1981.
7. Froelicher, VF and Marion, D: Exercise testing and ancillary techniques to screen for coro-
nary heart disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 24:261, 1984.
8. Bruce, RA, Derouen, TA, and Houssack, KF: Value of maximal exercise tests in risk assess-
ment of primary coronary heart disease events in healthy men: Five years experience of the
Seattle Heart Watch study. Am J Cardiol 46:371–378, 1980.
9. Rochimis, P and Blackburn, H: Exercise test: A survey of procedures, safety and litigation
experience in approximately 170,000 tests. JAMA 217:1061, 1971.
10. Stuart, RJ and Ellestad, NH: National survey of exercise stress testing facilities. Chest 77:94,
11. Frank, S and Braunwald, E: Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. Circulation 37:159,
12. Franciosa, JA: Exercise testing in chronic congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol
53:1447–1450, 1984.
13. Fox, SM, Naughton, JP, and Haskell, WL: Physical activity and the prevention of coronary
heart disease. Ann Clin Res 3:404, 1971.
14. Sheffield, LT, et al: Electrocardiographic signal analysis without averaging of complexes. In
Blackburn, H (ed); Measurement in Exercise Electrocardiography. Charles C Thomas,
Springfield, IL 1967.
15. Borer, JS, et al: Limitations of electrocardiographic response to exercise in predicting coro-
nary artery disease. N Engl J Med 293:367, 1975.
16. Brock, LL: Stress testing incidents in work evaluation units in WEU subcommittee newslet-
ter. American Heart Association, New York, 1967.
17. Takahashi, N: How to evaluate the ST segment elevation during or after exercise. Am Heart
J 79:579, 1970.
18. Margonato, A, et al: ST segment elevation at site of recent transmural myocardial infarction
during exercise stress testing: A marker for residual tissue viability [abstract]. Circulation
84(suppl 4):1802, 1991.

19. Gibbons, RJ, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines for exercise testing: A report of the American Col-
lege of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines (commit-
tee on exercise testing). ACC/AHA, 1997.
20. Detry, JMR, et al: Maximal exercise testing in patients with spontaneous angina pectoris as-
sociated with transient ST segment elevation. Br Heart J 37:897, 1975.
21. Scherer, D and Kaltenbach, N: Frequency of life-threatening complications associated with
stress testing. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 104:1161, 1979.
22. Sheffield, LT, et al: Safety of exercise testing volunteer subjects: The lipid research clinics+
prevalence study experience. J Cardiac Rehab 2(5):395, 1982.
23. Sagall, EL: Malpractice aspects of medically prescribed exercise. Leg Med Ann 30:275, 1975.
24. Amsterdam, EA, et al: Immediate exercise testing for assessment of clinical risk in patients
presenting to the emergency department with chest pain: results in over 1,000 patients.
Circulation. 98:I-774, 1998.
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Parameters to Be Measured

Electrocardiographic Specifications Respiratory Data Other Than Oxygen

Lead Systems Uptake During Stress Testing
Bipolar Leads Respiratory Gas Exchange and
Conventional 12 Leads Anaerobic Threshold
XYZ Orthogonal Leads Walk-Through Phenomenon
Precordial Maps Heart Sounds and Other Auscultatory
Mixed-Lead Systems Findings
R Waves First and Second Heart Sounds
P Waves Third Heart Sounds
ST/HR Slope Fourth Heart Sounds
Blood Pressure Aortic Murmur
Pressure Pulse Product Mitral Murmur
Heart Rate Response to Exercise Palpitation
Delta Heart Rate Pulsus Alternans
Oxygen Consumption

As we learn more about the physiology of exercise and the perturbations in

the normal process brought on by disease states, it stands to reason that our
ability to separate disease from normal function would improve, and indeed
it has. One of the most important revelations is the acceptance that ischemia
is often due to a reduction in delivery of blood flow to the myocardium rather
than just an increase in the demand. Maseri1 must be credited for this turn-
around in our thinking, which also has led to the concept of a reduced coro-
nary vasodilator reserve.
This concept implies that the increased flow required by increasing
myocardial action demands is inadequate, probably because of some prob-
lem in vasomotion of the myocardial arterioles. For instance, Marcus2 has
shown that reactive hyperemia, caused by mechanical obstruction of a coro-
nary artery for 20 seconds, normally results in a five- to eightfold increase in
perfusion. Some patients with normal epicardial coronary arteries can only
increase flow to double the resting level, however. Marcus has also demon-
strated that reductions in flow associated with coronary plaques vary a great
deal when the obstruction is estimated by angiography; thus, the old idea

that a 70% obstruction implies reduced perfusion and a 40% obstruction does
not is untenable. Some subjects with angiographic narrowing of 30% to 40%
show a very poor increase in flow with increased metabolic demand,
whereas others with obstruction of 60% to 80% respond almost normally.
The implications of these findings are far-reaching. One reason for the
difference is that the degree of vasomotion likely to occur varies from patient
to patient due to the effect of the potent vasoactive agent, endothelin.3 As yet
we have no way of predicting how much of a role this plays in each individ-
ual. We now know that nitric acid secreted by the endothelium opposes the
vasoconstrictive effect of endothelian and its production may be even more
important than other functions of these interesting cells.4
Many so-called false-positives and false-negatives may be true-positives
and true-negatives when one is considering myocardial perfusion rather
than coronary anatomy. We should also recognize the need to analyze as
many different facets of the exercise response as possible rather than con-
centrate too heavily on the ST segment. When searching for parameters that
are useful in identifying disease, powerful predictors are infrequent, and frequent
predictors are rarely powerful.5
Some of the methods described in this chapter, such as the Master’s test,
are presented primarily for historical interest, either because they have not
been used enough to warrant general acceptance or because they are no
longer in use for various reasons. Some other methods presented in the pre-
vious edition have been deleted.


The wide recognition of the importance of faithful recording at the lower end
of the ECG frequency range has been a significant development in the
instrumentation necessary for accurate stress testing.6,7 The standards rec-
ommended by the Committee on Electrocardiography of the American
Heart Association in 1967 require errors of less than 0.5 mm (0.05 mV) in the
early part of the ST-T segment (0.05 Hz cutoff with a 0 decibel per octave
rolloff).8 Technical aspects of the ECG recording during muscular activity are
clearly interdependent. Poor frequency response at the lower end of the spec-
trum in the older ECG units would smooth the record, giving apparently bet-
ter records, but obscuring the most important information, the low-
frequency ST-segment changes. As impedance at the skin source is reduced
by better electrodes and as the skin preparation techniques are improved, the
fidelity of the recorder can be improved and still give clean, readable records.
Faris and colleagues9 claim that 10% of the ischemic ST changes appear only
during exercise, so good quality is essential. Special systems for noise re-
duction are considered in Chapter 24.


As early as 1931, Wood and Wolferth10 noted that the precordial leads gave
a greater sensitivity in detecting the ST-segment depression of ischemia than
did Einthoven’s standard leads. Various types of unipolar and bipolar pre-
cordial systems have been in use for a number of years and have produced
satisfactory results.

Bipolar Leads
CM5. This system locates the negative electrode on the upper sternum and
the positive one in the V5 position. The CM5 was probably the most popular
single lead for exercise monitoring for many years and has been demon-
strated to have the highest incidence of positive changes in patients with
known ischemia.11
CC5. The negative electrode is on the right lateral part of the chest in the
axilla, and the positive electrode is in the V5 position.12 The CC5 lead has been
credited with showing less contamination by the TA wave (see Chapter 12).
CA Lead. The negative electrode is on the medial scapular ridge on the
right side, and the positive electrode is in the V5 position.
CB Lead. The negative electrode is on the inferior scapular angle on the
right, and the positive electrode is in the V5 position (Fig. 6–1).
CS5. The negative electrode is just below the right clavicle, and the pos-
itive electrode is in the V5 position.

FIGURE 6–1. The diagram depicts a simple bipolar transthoracic lead positive electrode at the V5
position. The negative reference electrodes include those over the right scapula (C-A and C-B), on
the manubrium of the sterum (M), below the right scapula (C-S), and low on the anterior axillary
line on the right side (C-C). These leads all give good QRS and ST-segment display and a fairly min-
imal amount of muscle artifact during muscle activity. (From Blackburn, H.11 Courtesy of Charles
C Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, Illinois.)

When testing patients with ischemic ST-segment depression, the vector

of the maximum ST-segment depression is usually 180⬚ opposite the maxi-
mum R-wave amplitude. Blackburn and associates11 studied this phenome-
non in 25 men and plotted the R wave as shown in Figure 6–2. It can be seen
that by using the various lead systems discussed previously, the CM5 and
CS5 fall near the regression line of 45⬚. In the same study, the other parame-
ters of the ECG complexes were tabulated (Table 6–1). Examination of this
table reveals that bipolar leads with the exploring electrode at V5 generally
resemble a true V5 of the Wilson systems except that these have a higher QRS
voltage and are more sensitive to ST-segment depression.13 The bipolar sys-
tems that combine the highest R-wave amplitude and the greatest display of
ST depression are CM5 and CS5. They have been reported to identify 89% of
all ST-segment depression found by multiple-lead systems. These leads
might be termed optimally distorted.

FIGURE 6–2. The ST-segment amplitudes are plotted against the R-wave amplitude in men ex-
hibiting positive ischemic responses. There tends to be a regression line correlating the R-wave am-
plitude and the amount of ST-segment depression. However, it is not linear. (From Blackburn, H.13
Courtesy of Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, Illinois.)

Table 6–1. Four Simultaneously Recorded Bipolar Monitoring ECG Leads Immediately
Postexercise Among a Mixed Group of Normal Subjects and Patients*

N = 25 N = 25 N = 25 N = 25

Q-wave amplitude M 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.4

SD 0.7 1.0 0.9 2.0
R-wave amplitude M 16.0 19.0 17.9 19.9
SD 7.3 9.1 9.2 9.8
S-wave amplitude M 4.5 5.8 4.8 3.4
SD 2.5 3.7 2.2 2.6
T-wave amplitude M 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.5
SD 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.2
ST junction maximum M 2.5 2.6 2.3 2.4
amplitude SD 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.9
ST midpoint amplitude M 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9
SD 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4
ST-segment maximum M 3.8 6.0 5.0 4.9
amplitude when depressed
% Total Depressed 48 36 36 44

Reference Electrode Exploring Electrode

CB inferior scapular angle, right Common to all in
CA medial scapular ridge, right position C5
CS subclavicle, right lateral
CM manubrium sternum
*Amplitude in mm (10 mm = 1 mV); M = mean; SD = standard deviation. The amplitude of the
waves varies somewhat with the different lead systems plotted. The tallest R-wave amplitude is with
the CM lead. The highest percentage of positive test results of the four leads was with the CB lead,
although it is very similar to that of the CM. (From Blackburn.13 Courtesy of Charles C Thomas,
Publisher, Springfield, Illinois.)

Hakki and associates14 have demonstrated that a lead with a low R-wave
amplitude is likely to exhibit no ST depression even when ischemia is present.
McHenry and Morris15 locate the bipolar system by examination of the
resting precordial leads. They then place the positive monitoring lead at the
position of the maximum R-wave amplitude.

Conventional 12 Leads
The use of all 12 leads of the conventional systems has the advantage of wide
familiarity, but has the disadvantage of redundancy and some decrease in
relative sensitivity to the display of ST-segment depression. Virtually all the
ST-segment information in common usage at present is found in leads II, III,
aVR, aVF, V3, V4, V5, and V6. When patients were studied by Blackburn13
with a 3-minute step test, recording 12 standard leads, a fairly high incidence
of 0.5-mm ST-segment depression in one lead or another was recorded. Iso-
lated changes in lead III were 1%; in aVF, 3%; and in both III and aVF, an-
other 3%. The use of multiple leads is much more practical with the newer
recorders and has become the standard. The option of adding CC5 and CM5
probably provides the optimal approach.

XYZ Orthogonal Leads

Computer programs are available that can synthesize the standard 12 leads
from the orthogonal leads, and some excellent studies have been done in nor-
mal subjects for standardization.16 However, with exercising patients, the
noise level of muscle activity is considerable, making digital filtering and
noise reduction essential when using this approach. Information as to the
sensitivity and specificity of the XYZ leads has been published by Simoons,16
suggesting that with computer measurements the results are excellent. In a
limited study, Blackburn13 reported the XYZ leads to be less sensitive, but
Hornsten and Bruce17 found them to be equal in sensitivity to the bipolar
Camp and colleagues18 compared the orthogonal lead with CM5 in 93
patients who had stress testing and coronary angiography. They reported
the true-positive tests to be 57% in the Y lead, 66% in CM5, and 69% in the X
lead. They found the total sensitivity of the X, Y, and Z leads to be 84%, com-
pared with 71% for CM5. In 1966, Isaacs and colleagues19 claimed that the
analysis of the vector loop in the Frank system produced better sensitivity
than scalar tracing. They found the loop positive in 80%, whereas the scalar
ST segments were positive in only 60%. This method has never become pop-
ular and has not been confirmed by others using angiograms as a check.
Most of the work on vectorcardiographic analysis of exercise tracings
has been done with the Frank system. There seems to be general agreement
that the X lead, which is equivalent to a bipolar lead from right to left axilla,
provides the most useful information on the ST segment.20 The other leads
are of lesser value. Blomqvist21 described the greater magnitude of ST-
segment depression recorded simultaneously in the CH4 and CH6 bipolar
leads than in the orthogonal leads. He has also provided excellent data on
variations seen during exercise in normal subjects.21 However, unless one
has a computer available to analyze the data and is very conversant with vec-
tor loops, use of the orthogonal leads is not practical.

Precordial Maps
Fox and colleagues22,23 have reported a number of studies using a 16-lead
precordial map or grid and report a sensitivity when compared with coro-
nary angiography of about 87%, similar to that obtained by Chaitman and
coworkers24 with their 14 leads. In a more recent report, Chaitman has re-
ported a sensitivity of up to 95%, with a specificity of approximately 78%.25
It is important to realize that these percentages come from a caseload with a
very high proportion of coronary disease and might well be less reliable if
the percentage of disease is as low as 50% or less. Chaitman did find that ST
elevation had a sensitivity of 100%, although only 4% had this finding. Fox
and colleagues23 reported that they have had enough experience to recom-
mend that the precordial map be used clinically on a daily basis. They also

reported that it can be used to localize the coronary artery involved when sin-
gle-vessel disease is present. Fox and colleagues found a sensitivity of 74%
with their map compared with 42% when a standard 12-lead system was
used (Fig. 6–3).
An editorial by Spach and Barr26 from Duke University presents some
theoretical insights into the practical application of the precordial map. They
suggest that a good deal of work remains to be done before we can accurately
identify localized epicardial electrical events on the surface of the torso. In-
terest in this approach seems to wax and wane, and I cannot predict whether
maps will find a broader clinical application. I am convinced, however, that
in the future we will abandon the standard 12 leads.

Mixed-Lead Systems
Studies will continue to be published claiming that various lead combination
are superior. Chaitman and associates24 evaluated a number of systems and
reported that a 14-lead system including CM5, CC5, CL, and the standard 12
leads with the exception of aVR was superior to the others, with a sensitiv-
ity of 88% and a specificity of 82%. They reported the two most sensitive sin-
gle leads in this system to be CM5 and CC5. Froelicher and coworkers12 re-
ported CC5 and V5 to be superior to CM5. However, they excluded the

FIGURE 6–3. Example of sequence of contour maps showing areas of ST-segment depression after
exercise. Shaded ⫽ 1 mm; black ⫽ 2 mm. (From Fox et al,23 with permission.)

upsloping patterns in their abnormal group (see Chapter 11). We evaluated

CM5 and CC5 simultaneously in our laboratory for 1 year and found more
false-positives in CM5, and more false-negatives in CC5.
Although the final chapter has not been written on the best lead system,
there are important differences among many of the systems. By far the most
sensitive exploring electrode position is at the V5 chest location. The CH
(forehead to chest), CC, or C5R to C5 (a transthoracic lead) and the CC lead
(right back to apex) all provide very good data. The right ear, the ensiform
cartilage, and the C7 position also stand out in this regard. In spite of these
reports the standard 12 leads using a Mason-Likar distribution is now the
most common configuration in most testing facilities.27 Even though recent
claims for increased sensitivity using 14 or 15 leads have been published.28


Although normals usually have a decrease in precordial R waves with exer-

cise, an increase is present in a relatively small number of patients with is-
chemia. A recent study in our laboratory indicated that this finding is less
sensitive than we originally believed, but the R wave still should be mea-
sured and considered along with other variables, a discussion of which fol-
lows29 (see Chapter 12).


Myrianthefs and colleagues,30–32 working in our laboratory, demonstrated

that P-wave duration prolongs with ischemia. This is because the elevated
left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and atrial pressure distend
the left atrium and thus slow conduction through the atrial wall. Although
this measurement is difficult, both because of the low P-wave voltage and the
overlap of the T wave, it is useful in identifying exercise-induced ischemia
(see “ECG Patterns,” Chapter 12).


Although preliminary calculations correcting the ST depression for the heart

rate reported by Simoons16 set the stage, considerable interest was generated
by the reports from the group at Leeds, England, claiming that their appli-
cation of this concept resulted in a perfect identification of patients with coro-
nary disease.33 They found that the slope not only separated subjects with-
out significant narrowing from those with it, but also could separate
single-vessel from double-vessel, and double-vessel from triple-vessel

Although Elamin and associates33 were convinced of the accuracy of

their methods, others have been unable to reproduce their findings.34 The
variation in degrees of myocardial ischemia, related to the number of vessels
diseased, negates the kind of results they have reported. Also, a few patients
with severe coronary artery disease (CAD) and normal ST segments (a fairly
common finding), together with the usual type of false-positive we see all the
time, would make these results impossible. Even so, the work has stimulated
others to correct ST segments for heart rate in various ways, and some im-
provement in discrimination have resulted. The most avid proponents of this
method are Kligfield and coworkers35 from New York; although their work
has been challenged by other investigators,36 enough work has been done to
warrant serious consideration of its application on a regular basis, and we
use their index as part of our routine evaluation.


Observation of the blood pressure response is important both to ensure the

safety of the patient and to provide information on the strength of the car-
diac contraction and the state of the peripheral resistance. It may also be of
value in predicting hypertension in the future.37 Blood pressure should be
recorded before and with exercise at each work level as well as in recovery
(see Chapter 18).


The systolic blood pressure is multiplied by the heart rate to provide the dou-
ble product or modified tension time index. As described in Chapter 2, this
value gives an index of myocardial oxygen consumption and provides a pa-
rameter for comparison of tests before and after some type of intervention.
Figure 6–4 illustrates the relative use of myocardial oxygen before and after
treatment with propranolol, as reflected in the pressure pulse product or
double product. During the second test, the exercise end-point is at about the
same pressure pulse value even though it took 2 minutes longer to reach it.
Figure 6–5 shows the effect on the pressure pulse product of obstructed coro-
nary blood flow.
Because the double product depends on both blood pressure and heart
rate, the finding that they appear to be related variables is of some interest.
Thulein and Werner38 studied the heart rate response in hypertensive per-
sons during stress testing and Holter monitoring compared with normal
persons. Those with blood pressure higher than average on casual findings
have consistently higher heart rates for a given workload as well as higher
systolic and diastolic blood pressures. It would seem that they are hyperre-
actors, so that as a group they would have a much higher double product

FIGURE 6–4. The double product (systolic blood pressure ⫻ pulse) plotted for each minute of ex-
ercise until maximum capacity was reached. The patient went longer after treatment with propra-
nolol, but his myocardial oxygen consumption as estimated by the double product was about the
same during both tests.

and, accordingly, a higher myocardial oxygen consumption than normal



The heart rate response is the best indicator of the magnitude of exertion. A
good estimate of the maximum heart rate obtainable is 220 to 230 minus age.
The person doing the test must know the approximate predicted maximum
heart rate and be familiar with the average response to the protocol selected
for each of the various age groups.
Although it has been long been known that the heart rate gives a rea-
sonably reliable measure of the cardiac output, the tendency to a lower heart
rate under a standard exercise load has been frequently considered to be a
matter of better conditioning. Indeed, the observable decrease in resting and
exercise heart rate after physical fitness programs is regarded as a most de-
sirable result and is carefully recorded.

FIGURE 6–5. The double product plotted against time on the treadmill in a 44-year-old man. “A”
illustrates the stress test when the patient was first seen. The lower pressure pulse product seen on
“B” illustrates the decreasing coronary blood flow approximately 4 months after a saphenous vein
bypass graft had become obstructed by a clot. The test labeled “C” illustrates the improvement af-
ter reoperation, which established good flow to the left anterior descending coronary artery. Se-
vere anginal pain and a characteristic ischemic ST-segment change were present when the graft
was obstructed but not after reoperation.

The work of Jose and Taylor39 suggests that as myocardial contractility

decreases, the so-called intrinsic heart rate becomes slower. After construct-
ing nomograms characterizing the heart rate response to our standard pro-
tocol, we began to see patients who had a peculiar lack of chronotropic re-
sponse to exercise, even though they were severely deconditioned. One of
these subjects, who had previously complained of a vague chest pain at
night, suddenly died of a myocardial infarction, even though his ST seg-
ments during the stress tests appeared perfectly normal. Subsequent study
of this phenomenon has led us to believe that “chronotropic incompetence,”
as we call it, is a fairly reliable sign of poor myocardial function.
Figure 6–6 illustrates the heart rate response to our protocol of a 53-year-
old man who had progressive myocardial disease, including one myocardial
infarction and progressive angina between the two tests. The change in the
slope compared with the predicted normal pulse for his age and sex is easily
apparent because the slower heart rate for the same workload was associated
with decreasing ventricular function.
Figure 6–7 depicts the heart rate response of another man, aged 51, with
severe three-vessel CAD before and after a successful saphenous vein graft
operation. His chronotropic response to exercise became normal, and the

FIGURE 6–6. Chronotropic incompetence. The shaded area illustrates the 95% confidence limits
for the average heart rate response at our protocol. The subject was tested twice. In his initial test
(Top Line), his heart rate response fell along the upper margin of the normal range. Two years later,
after a myocardial infarction and continuing angina, the patient’s ability to accelerate his heart rate
had diminished, and at this time his pulse was far below the normal range.

deep ST-segment depression recorded on his preoperative test disappeared.

Hinkle and associates40 reported this type of response and documented its
correlation with CAD and an increased incidence of coronary death. They
called it “sustained relative bradycardia.” They believed it was due to is-
chemia of the sinus node and described a 46% mortality rate over a 7-year
period (N = 34) compared with a 12% mortality rate in subjects with normal
heart rate response (N = 301). Grimby and Saltin41 found that the peak heart
rate capacity in athletes correlated well with the resting rate (r = 0.81). We
have not found a similar correlation in our patients, most of whom are in
poor physical condition.
When we analyzed the 8-year follow-up data on subjects with chrono-
tropic incompetence, the high incidence of CAD was apparent not only in
those with ischemic ST segments, but also in those with no electrocardio-
graphic evidence of CAD (see Chapter 14). A subsequent study during
catheterization revealed that they have more severe CAD than comparable
patients with a normal heart rate response.42
Wiens43 has confirmed our original work and found that a slow heart
rate response on the treadmill is a reliable predictor of CAD. To recognize
this process, one can construct standard heart rate response graphs for what-

FIGURE 6–7. The pulse response of a 51-year-old man with a severe three-vessel coronary disease
shows a very definite plateau with an inability to increase appropriately. Following successful by-
pass surgery, which completely relieved his pain, his pulse response to the same protocol returned
to the normal range.

ever protocol one elects. The information used in our protocol is listed in Ap-
pendix 4. Lauer has constructed a chronotrophic index to detect this phe-
nomon and has confirmed in a series of papers that it is predictive of a poor


Sandvik et al47 from Oslo has followed up 2014 normal men and found that
the difference between resting and maximum heart rate on a maximum ex-
ercise test 20 years ago is predictive of cardiac mortality. The lower the delta
heart rate, the higher the mortality rate (Fig. 6–8). Although this finding has
yet to be confirmed by other investigators, its correctness seems reasonable.
However, we don’t know whether this will also be found in patients with es-
tablished CAD.

Over the years, there has been a great deal of interest in measuring the oxy-
gen consumption of subjects undergoing stress testing.48 This measurement

FIGURE 6–8. The difference between the resting and the maximum heart rates (shown as quartiles
across the bottom of the graph) has been shown to be predictive of later cardiac mortality. (Adapted
from Sandvik’s data.47)

has been accomplished in various centers by collecting expired air in Dou-

glas bags or balloons at measured intervals. This is usually done at rest, dur-
ing exercise, and at peak stress. Because the amount of work expended by the
individual depends a great deal on the type of stress applied, the metabolic
cost of walking up stairs is different from the cost of walking on a treadmill,
from the cost of running on a treadmill, and from the cost of riding a bicycle.
Comparative studies have been published that allow us roughly to estimate
one or the other.
The actual measurement of oxygen intake for each patient is expensive,
time consuming, and probably not indicated in a routine stress test. Unless
patients are familiar with the proceedings, they do not adjust to the mouth-
piece, and use of the nose clip is necessary to obtain accurate data. Use of the
mouthpiece is especially difficult for cardiac patients, who may be anxious
and have chest pain as well as muscular fatigue. Ford and Hellerstein49 have
published data on the energy cost of the Master’s test. Balke and Ware50 pub-
lished a formula applicable to a treadmill program, which gives a rough es-
timate of the oxygen requirements of any speed and grade. However, the ef-
ficiency of walking and the strength of the subject considerably affect the

capacity to walk or run uphill, so that the variation around a mean must be

VO2 = v ⫻ w ⫻ (0.073 + OC/100) ⫻ 1.8
V̇O2 = oxygen consumption in mL/min (Standard temperature
and pressure dry [STPD])
v = treadmill speed in m/min
w = body weight in kg
OC = treadmill angle in percent
1.8 = factor constituting the oxygen requirement in mL/min for
1 m/kg of work

Mastropaolo and colleagues51 checked this method of estimating VO2
against measured uptake and found it to be satisfactory.
Bruce and associates52 describe uptake values measured in milligrams
per kilogram per minute (Fig. 6–9). This is a simplified approach to the prob-
lem for practical application in daily testing. Givoni and Goldman53 have
also published a formula that we have found very reliable at lower work-
loads. A number of on-line systems have been devised that can measure con-
tinuous oxygen uptake (Fig. 6–10).
In daily testing of CAD patients, oxygen measurements probably add
little to the understanding of the disease process and are unnecessary.54 The
estimates from the various formulas are satisfactory for clinical purposes.

FIGURE 6–9. Aerobic requirements of healthy adult men and women and cardiac men walking
without support on a multistage treadmill protocol. The ability to predict the oxygen consumption
for each level of work is reliable. (From Bruce et al,52 with permission.)

FIGURE 6–10. Oxygen consumption in a 70-kg man according to treadmill stage.


Up to this time, little attention has been paid to respiratory rates or volumes
in conjunction with stress testing. In normal subjects, ventilation increases in
a linear relationship to oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output, up to
power outputs of 50% to 60% of maximal capacity. Beyond this level this,
ventilation is more closely related to carbon dioxide output, which increases
to a greater extent than oxygen intake. At about this time, the tidal volume
increases at a slower rate as the respiratory rate increases more rapidly to
compensate54 (Fig. 6–11). The final tidal volume is a primary function of air-
way resistance and compliance. The lower the compliance, the more efficient
a small tidal volume with its resultant increase in respiratory rate.
Many of our patients discontinue exercise because of extreme dyspnea.
Some evidence indicates that this type of dyspnea in patients with CAD is
due to a rising left atrial and pulmonary venous pressure. It may be impor-
tant to know the tidal volume because as the lungs become less compliant, it
is more efficient to ventilate with a smaller tidal volume.



In 1964, Wasserman and McElroy55 proposed a noninvasive method of de-

tecting the onset of anaerobic metabolism during exercise. This occurs earlier
than the peak work capacity of the patient and signals the point at which the

FIGURE 6–11. The solid line depicts the rapid change in tidal volume as ventilation increases un-
til about 60% of total capacity and then begins to level off. The frequency of breathing (dotted line)
increases in a more linear manner but increases excessively after about 80% of maximal capacity
is reached.

patient is being deprived of adequate aerobic energy substrates. Although

this point during exercise can be detected by an increase in lactic acid con-
centration in the blood or a decrease in arterial blood bicarbonate or pH, they
proposed determination by an increase in the respiratory gas exchange ratio
(R) on a breath-by-breath basis. They calculated R from the end-tidal gas con-
centrations monitored continuously during exercise using the formula:
R = ᎏᎏᎏ
1.26 FAN2  1 + FAN2
FACO2 = end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration
FAN2 = end-tidal nitrogen concentration
R was then determined by a nomogram. Wasserman and McElroy were
able to show that the increase in R was related principally to a decrease in
end-tidal nitrogen concentration. In a typical subject, they found that the
anaerobic threshold was between 60% and 70% of the maximum oxygen ca-
pacity when R suddenly changed from 87% to 96%. Experience has shown
that R can usually be predicted from a change in the slope of the ventilatory
equivalent, as well as the RQ.

Since the original work, Wasserman and Whipp56 have studied the phe-
nomenon intensely, and the level of anaerobic threshold has been used to es-

timate VO2 max and has been shown to increase with training. Its usefulness
in evaluating exercise physiology in patients with CAD has yet to be deter-
This method requires careful monitoring of expired gases and the at-
tendant discomfort to the patient. Unfortunately, many cardiac patients do
not tolerate this type of instrumentation well. However, as techniques im-
prove, it may be a worthwhile adjunct to the study of patients with CAD.
Some data suggest the possibility that the anaerobic threshold might be de-
tected by integrating electromyographic potentials as exercise progresses.57
When the slow-twitch fibers become anoxic, the fast-twitch fibers are re-
cruited and increase the potential voltage of the electromyogram. If this
method is validated, it may be a useful noninvasive parameter.


In 1966, MacAlpin and Kattus58 reported that when subjects who were hav-
ing pain while walking on the treadmill could be continued at a set rate, the
angina would eventually disappear, even though there was no apparent de-
crease in their metabolic workload. At the same time, the ischemic ST seg-
ments returned to normal. This adaptive capacity can also be demonstrated
by repeating the test after the patient has recovered from the first one. The
capacity to improve after a warm-up probably reflects a similar process. The
investigators reported that the pain usually remains constant at a set work-
load for about 5 minutes and then begins to decrease. It usually takes ap-
proximately 7 to 10 minutes to completely disappear and another 5 to 7 min-
utes for the ST segments to become isoelectric. Many patients report a similar
type of response during their efforts to exercise in their work or recreation.
We have not studied this process, but would guess that the adaptive process
is less likely to be related to the heart than to peripheral effects. The lower-
ing of peripheral resistance known to accompany exercise might well reduce
the myocardial oxygen demands and thus allow the heart to function more
efficiently in relationship to the total organism.


First and Second Heart Sounds
Prior to every stress test, the physician should listen to the patient’s heart to
note the character of the heart sounds. The fact that the amplitude of the first
sound correlates well with the ⌬P/⌬T* of the left ventricle is well established.

Thus it is possible to predict to some degree how well the left ventricle will
respond to stress. Paradoxical splitting of the second sound, usually associ-
ated with left bundle branch block, also indicates decreased function.

Third Heart Sounds

Third heart sounds are usually associated with very poor left-ventricular func-
tion and should cause the physician to seriously reconsider a decision to pro-
ceed with the stress test. In most cases, it should be considered a major con-
traindication to testing. On the other hand, if a third heart sound is heard after
the test, it constitutes clear-cut evidence of serious ventricular dysfunction.

Fourth Heart Sounds

A fourth heart sound is a very common finding in ischemic heart disease. If
this is fairly loud, the compliance of the left ventricle may be reduced, re-
sulting in an elevation of the LVEDP. If this appears after exercise, it is a use-
ful diagnostic sign. If it gets louder with exercise, it is more significant.59
However, the fourth heart sound can also occur with primary myocardial

Aortic Murmur
An ejection murmur of aortic stenosis should signal the possibility of an in-
creased risk in testing the patient. Before the stress test is done, a good deal
of information regarding the patient’s status should be at hand. This is par-
ticularly true if the patient is over aged 40. Aortic insufficiency murmurs,
however, do not preclude testing, but should be noted and correlated with
the patient’s blood pressure.

Mitral Murmur
The most commonly heard mitral murmur is associated with papillary mus-
cle insufficiency or a prolapsed mitral leaflet. Short, late systolic murmurs as-
sociated with a click should alert one to the possibility that the ST-segment
depression recorded may not be due to CAD. Holosystolic murmurs may in-
dicate a more serious degree of mitral insufficiency. These usually do not
constitute a significant contraindication to testing, however. The papillary
muscle insufficiency murmur usually gets much louder near the peak of ex-
ercise. The diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis should tell the examiner that
atrial fibrillation may be initiated by the stress. If tight mitral stenosis is pre-
sent, a very modest increase in cardiac output is all that can be expected.
Figure 6–12 depicts the blood pressure, heart rate, and time of ausculta-
tion of a murmur of mitral insufficiency in a man without angina who had
severe three-vessel disease.

FIGURE 6–12. Blood pressure, heart rate, and time of auscultation of mitral insufficiency in a 60-
year-old man without angina who had severe three-vessel disease.


A double impulse may be felt when a fourth heart sound is heard, con-
firming the presence of alterations in left-ventricular compliance. Occa-
sionally, a prominent left-ventricular heave is indicative of either a very di-
lated heart or a large apical ventricular aneurysm. Such a finding should be
noted, since it may have a definite bearing on the presence or absence of the
characteristic ST-segment changes seen with ischemia (see Chapter 14). An
abnormal apical impulse is also common in patients with aortic or mitral
valve disease. The typical thrill or vibration palpable on the chest wall,
associated with various valvular lesions, is something to be particularly
watchful for because it indicates that the physiological abnormality associ-
ated with the accompanying murmur is producing an increased workload
on the heart.


Banks and Shugoll5 described pulsus alternans occurring in 4 of 12 patients

during attacks of spontaneous angina. We have not searched for this rou-
tinely, but it has been observed occasionally in those with severe angina and
poor left-ventricular function. One should be especially alert for pulsus al-
ternans if alternating ST-segment depression or QRS amplitude is observed
on the monitor during the stress test (see Chapter 6).


It is hoped that this chapter has provided enough information to con-

vince the reader that there is more to stress testing than ST-segment depres-
sion. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine was widely quoted em-
phasizing that exercise-induced ST depression added little to the diagnosis
in patients with classic angina.73 The authors, however, ignored many of the
important parameters demonstrated to be useful in patient evaluation. These
will be reviewed again in Chapters 12 and 14. The term positive or negative
stress tests, although still in use, is mostly to help understand some of the con-
cepts relating to prevalence and the Bayes’ theorem of probability. It should
be abandoned in the clinical setting when based on ST segments only, be-
cause it denotes an all-or-none phenomenon that completely distorts our
thinking about the use of stress testing. Because so many hemodynamic and
other clinical findings are useful in evaluating the stress test, one should
never fail to consider all the data available.

1. Maseri, A: Pathogenic mechanisms of angina pectoris: Expanding views. Br Heart J 43:648,
2. Marcus, ML: The Coronary Circulation in Health and Disease. McGraw-Hill, New York,
3. Zeiher, AM, et al: Modulation of coronary vasomotor tone in humans. Circulation 83:391,
4. Canty, JM and Smith, TP, Jr.: Modulation of coronary autoregulatory responses by
endothelium-derived nitric oxide. Int J Cardiology 50;207, 1995.
5. Staneloff, H, et al: The powerful predictor pitfall in prognostication. Circulation 68(111):136,
6. Banks, T and Shugoll, GI: Confirmatory physical findings in angina pectoris. JAMA 200:107,
7. Berson, AS and Pipberger, HV: The low frequency response of electrocardiographs: A fre-
quent source of recording errors. Am Heart J 71:779, 1966.
8. Report of Committee on Electrocardiography, American Heart Association: Recommenda-
tions for standardizations of leads and of specifications for instruments in electrocardiogra-
phy and vector cardiography. Circulation 35:583, 1967.
9. Faris, JV, et al: Concepts and applications of treadmill exercise testing and exercise ECG. Am
Heart J 95:102, 1978.
10. Wood, FC and Wolferth, CC: Angina pectoris: The clinical and electrocardiographic phe-
nomena of the attack and their comparison with the effects with experimental temporary
coronary occlusion. Arch Intern Med 47:339, 1939.
11. Blackburn, H, et al: The standardization of the exercise ECG: A systematic comparison of
chest lead configurations employed for monitoring during exercise. In Simonson E (ed):
Physical Activity and the Heart. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1967.
12. Froelicher, VF, et al: A comparison of two bipolar exercise ECG leads to lead V5. Chest
70:611, 1976.
13. Blackburn, H. The exercise electrocardiogram: Technological, procedural and conceptual
developments. In Blackburn, H (ed): Measurement in Exercise Electrocardiography. Charles
C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1967.
14. Hakki, AH, et al: R wave amplitude: A new determinant of failure of patients with coronary
heart disease t manifest ST segment depression during exercise. JACC 3(5):1155, 1984.

15. McHenry, PL and Morris SN: Exercise electrocardiography: Current state of the art. In
Schlant, RC and Hurst, JW (eds): Advances in Electrocardiography. Grune & Stratton, New
York, 1976.
16. Simoons, M: Optimal measurements for detection of coronary artery disease by exercise
ECC. Comput Biomed Res 10:483, 1977.
17. Hornsten, RR and Bruce, RA: Computed S-T forces of frank and bipolar exercise electrocar-
diograms. Am Heart J 78:346, 1969.
18. Camp, J, et al: Diagnostic sensitivity of multiple leads in maximal exercise testing. Circula-
tion 44:1120, 1971.
19. Isaacs, JH, et al: Vector electrocardiographic exercise test in ischemic heart disease. JAMA
198:139, 1966.
20. Blomquist, CG: The frank lead exercise electrocaridogram. Acta Med Scand 440(suppl):9,
21. Blomquist, CG: Heart disease and dynamic exercise testing. In Willerson, JT and Sanders,
CA (eds): Clinical Cardiology. Grune & Stratton, New York, 1977.
22. Fox, KM, et al: Projection of ST segment changes on the front of the chest. Br Heart J 48:555,
23. Fox, KM, et al: Precordial exercise mapping: Improved diagnosis of coronary artery disease.
Br Heart J 11:1596, 1978.
24. Chaitman, BR, et al: Improved efficiency of treadmill exercise testing using a multiple lead
system. Circulation 57:71, 1978.
25. Chaitman, BR: Unpublished report.
26. Spach, MS and Barr, MC: Localizing cardiac electrical events from body surface maps. Int J
Cardiol 3(4):459, 1983.
27. Mason, RE and Likar, I: A new lead system of multiple-lead exercise electrocardiography.
Am Heart J 71:196, 1966.
28. Michaelides, A.P., et al: Improved detection of coronary artery disease by exercise electro-
cardiography with the use of right precordial leads. New Engl J Med 340(5):340, 1999.
29. Saetre, HA, et al: 16 lead ECG changes with coronary angioplasty. J Electrocardiol
24(suppl):152, 1991.
30. Ellestad, MH and Lerman, S: The limitations of the diagnostic power of exercise testing.
Am J Noninvas Cardiol 3:139, 1989.
31. Myrianthefs, M, et al: Significance of signal averaged P waves changes during exercise in
patients with coronary disease. Am J Cardiol 68:1619, 1991.
32. Myrianthefs, M, et al: Analysis of the signal averaged P wave duration in patients with
PTCA. Am J Cardiol 70:728, 1992.
33. Elamin, MS, et al: Accurate detection of coronary heart disease by new exercise test. Br Heart
J 48:311, 1982.
34. Quyyumi, AA, et al: Inability of the St segment/heart rate slope to predict accurately the
severity of coronary artery disease. Br Heart J 51:395, 1984.
35. Kligfield, P, et al: HR adjustment of ST depression for improved detection of coronary artery
disease. Circulation 79:245, 1989.
36. Lachterman, B, et al: Comparison of the ST HR index to standard ST criteria for analysis of
the electrocardiogram. Circulation 82:44, 1990.
37. Miller-Crig, M, et al: Use of graded exercise testing in assessing the hypertensive patient.
Clin Cardiol 3:236, 1980.
38. Thulein, T and Werner, O: Exercise test and 24-our HR recording in men with high and low
casual blood pressure levels. Br Heart J 40:534, 1978.
39. Jose, AD and Taylor, RR: Autonomic blockade by propranolol and atropine to study the in-
trinsic muscle function in man. J Clin Invest 48:2019, 1969.
40. Hinkle, LE, et al: Slow heart rates and increased risk of cardiac death in middle-aged men.
Arch Intern Med 129:732, 1972.
41. Grimby, G and Saltin, B: Physiological analysis of physically well-trained middle-aged and
old athletes. Acta Med Scand 179:513, 1966.
42. Chin, CF, et al: Chronotropic incompetence: An analysis of hemodynamic and anatomical
findings. Clin Cardiol 2:12, 1979.
43. Wiens, RD, et al: Chronotropic incompetence in clinical exercise testing. Am J Cardiol 54: 74,
44. J Lauer, MS, et al: Impaired heart rate response to graded exercise: Prognostic implications
of chronotropic incompetence in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 93:1520,1996.

45. Lauer, MS, et al: Impaired chronotropic response to exercise stress testing as a predictor of
mortality. JAMA 1999:524,1999.
46. Goldstein, RE, et al: Impairment of autonomically mediated heart rate control of patients
with cardiac dysfunction. Circ Res 36:571, 1975.
47. Sandvik, L, et al: Heart rate increase and maximal heart rate during exercise as predictors of
cardiovascular mortality: A 16-year follow-up study of 1960 healthy men. Cor Art Dis 6:667,
48. Fox, SM, et al: Physical activity and the prevention of coronary heart disease. Ann Clin Res
3:404, 1971.
49. Ford, AB and Hellerstein, HK : Energy cost of the Master’s two-step test. JAMA 164:1868,
50. Balke, B and Ware, RW: An experimental study of physical fitness of Air Force personnel.
US Armed Forces Med J 10:675, 1959.
51. Mastropaolo, JA, et al: Physical activity of work, physical fitness and coronary heart disease
in middle-aged men. In Karvonen, MD and Barry, AJ (eds): Physical Activity and the Heart.
Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1967, p. 77.
52. Bruce, RA, et al: Maximal oxygen intake and nomographic assessment of functional aerobic
impairment in cardiovascular disease. Am Heart J 85:546, 1973.
53. Givoni, B and Goldman, R: Predicting metabolic energy costs. J Appl Physiol30 (3):429, 1971.
54. Jones, HL: Clinical Exercising Testing. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1975.
55. Wasserman, K and McElroy, MB: Detecting the threshold of anaerobic metabolism in car-
diac patients during exercise. Am J Cardiol 14:844, 1964.
56. Wasserman, K and Whipp, BJ: Exercise physiology in health and disease. Am Rev Respir
Dis 112:219, 1979.
57. Moritani, T and Devries, HA: Reexamination of the relationship between the surface EMG
and force of isometric contraction. Am J Phys Med 57:263, 1978.
58. MacAlpin, RH and Kattus, AA: Adaptation to exercise in angina pectoris: The electrocar-
diograms during treadmill walking and coronary angiographic findings. Circulation 33:183,
59. Gooch, AS and Evans, JM: Extended applications of exercise stress testing. Med Ann Dist
Col 38:80, 1969.
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Stress Echocardiography

Introduction Accuracy of Stress Echocardiography

Treadmill Echocardiography Accuracy of Various Modes of Stress
Indications for Including Echo Imaging Stress Echocardiography in Prognosis
Methodology Stress Echo as Compared to Nuclear
Treadmill Echocardiography Studies
Evaluation of Images Stress Echo to Identify Viable
Pharmacological Stress Myocardium


Although it was recognized by Berberich, Zager,1 and others,2 as early as

1981, that observing the M-Mode Echocardiogram before and after exercise
had diagnostic potential, it was only widely accepted after digitalized
2-dimensional images came into common usage. Development of a system
that could digitize a single cardiac cycle at rest and display the rest and ex-
ercise images side by side simultaneously immediately after exercise re-
sulted in the general acceptance of this technology.
Recent technical advances in imaging have improved the accuracy of
stress echocardiography. Among the most significant of these is the devel-
opment of tissue harmonic imaging.3,4 Tissue harmonic imaging is an
echocardiographic image technique where the ultrasound beam is sent out
at one frequency and received back at twice the initial frequency, resulting
in a reduction of noise, thus allowing us to use the power or amplitude sig-
nal from the myocardial Doppler.5 Image segmentation techniques now be-
ing generated off line may soon add to the ability to better understand my-
ocardial function such as diastolic stiffness.6 These techniques allow for
increased endocardial border section and thereby provide better visualiza-
tion of wall motion of the various segments of the heart. Another advance-
ment is the develolpment of intravenous echocardiographic contrast agents,
which also allow for improved deliniation of the endocardial border, thus
allowing better assessment of wall motion during two dimensional echocar-
diography, especially during stress echocardiography.7 Abraham has de-
scribed a method of measuring time to regional relaxation in various

myocardial segments by strain rate imaging.8 When TR prolongs ⬎20% this

indicates ischemia with a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 75%. It
remains to be confirmed however, before it can be recommended.
The wall motion abnormalities induced by exercise often occur early in
the ischemic cascade, often before the electrocardiographic changes and be-
fore the onset of chest pain or after pharmacological or pacing induced stress
(Fig. 7–1).9
Exercise is usually applied with a treadmill or with a supine or upright
bicycle. Stress can also be achieved by adrenergic stimulation with Dobuta-
mine, Isopril or Arbutamine.10 Vasodilatation has also been used with
Dipyridamole and Adenosine. At times stress is achieved with pacing, using
an esophageal lead or using invasive procedures during a heart cath, such as
atrial or ventricular pacing. We have also used atrial pacing in patients who
have a permanent pacer by programming their pacer to more rapid rates
Each of these methods has their strengths and weaknesses, however ex-
ercise clearly provides the best evaluation in our experience.

FIGURE 7–1. Representation of the ischemic cascade. After reduction in myocardial blood flow
sufficient to result in physiologic abnormalities, a predictable sequence of events occurs, begin-
ning with subclinical diastolic dysfunction and progressing to electrocardiographic abnormalities
and the clinical syndrome of anginal chest pain. Of note, wall motion abnormalities as detected
by stress echocardiography precede the development of diagnostic electrocardiographic changes
and angina. The time points in the ischemic cascade at which different diagnostic tests are pre-
sumed to become positive are noted by the bars below the graph.


The strength of this method is due to the ability to evaluate wall motion
changes and at the same time observe the clinical and hemodynamic re-
sponse as well as the electrocardiogram.


Patients with resting electrocardiograms that make the ischemic response

difficult to interpret—
1. Digitalis or conduction problems that result in an abnormal resting
tracing such as left bundle branch block or left ventricular hyper-
2. Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome
3. Very low voltage, as is common in patients who have had an anterior
wall infarct
4. Prior bypass surgery
5. Patients whose angiographic images suggest a stenosis of equiv-
ocal significance and it is believed a decrease in wall motion during
exercise may establish or confirm the presence of ischemia.
6. Patients where an angioplasty might be at high risk in more than one
vessel and exercise induced ischemia will often determine which ves-
sel should be the most important to treat.


Treadmill Echocardiography
Patients are exercised according to a standard protocol after a supine Echo is
recorded in the left lateral cubitus. The patient is exercised to his maximum
capacity and is terminated because of fatigue, chest pain, severe ST depres-
sion, arrhythmias, blood pressure drop, etc. As soon as exercise is terminated
the patient assumes the same position used prior to the test and images are
recorded with as much breath holding as possible (Fig. 7–2).
The images are displayed in standard views as recommended by the
American Society for Echocardiography. In our experience the standard
4-chamber view provides the most information.

FIGURE 7–2. Images during rest (Top) and exercise (Bottom) displayed for evaluation of wall mo-
tion changes. (From Hecht H, DeBord L, and Sotomayer, N: Supine bicycle stress echocardiogra-
phy. Cardiology, November: 55, 1993, with permission.)

Evaluation of Images
A normal test is when the myocardial segments visualized have normal con-
traction at rest and become hyperdynamic with exercise. An abnormal test is
characterized by a cardiac segment that changes from normal to hypokinetic,
from hyperkinetic to akinetic, or from akinetic to dyskinetic. These changes
occur with inducible ischemia and have been reported to have a higher sen-
sitivity and specificity than when the diagnosis is based on EKG changes
alone. It is important to realize however, that there have been no studies
where electrocardiographic changes other than the standard ST depression
is compared, so that when one evaluates multiple electrocardiographic
changes, now known to be associated with ischemia, there may be some dif-
ference in the comparison of accuracy.

Pharmacological Stress
A significant number of patients are unable to exercise on a treadmill or bi-
cycle. In this population Dobutamine has become the standard agent used to
generate an increased metabolic demand.11 This drug has a strong ionotropic
and a modest chronotropic effect. If the heart rate does not accelerate one mil-
ligram of IV Atropine can be added,12 which will usually bring about a sig-
nificant increase. A new sympathomametic agent, Arbutamine,10 is under
study and seems quite satisfactory as it produces a greater chronotropic re-
sponse than Dobutamine. Reductions in contractility produced by Dobuta-
mine, that can be detected by Echo, are believed to be similar to that induced
by exercise.

Accuracy of Stress Echocardiography

There are a number of reports that are correlating this technology with an-
giography, some of which are presented in Table 7–1. It is apparent that the
reliability is very good. It is reported however, that when exercise blood
pressure becomes quite high (over 200) hypokinesis in the apex is common,
even in patients without coronary disease.12a

Accuracy of Various Modes of Stress

As more and more studies of various types of stress are reported it appears
that exercise, Dobutamine, Adenosine and Dipyridamole all have similar
sensitivities and specificities.13,14 The methodology also is quite accurate in
patients with LVH and with reduced ejection fraction and in those who are
pacemaker dependent (Table 7–1).15

Table 7–1. Studies Using Stress Echocardiography for the Detection of CAD

Type of No. Sensitivity Specificity

Author, Year Test Patients (%) (%) Note

Ryan, 199326 Bicycle 309 91 78

Hecht, 199327 Bicycle 180 93 86
Reis, 199526 DSE 30 95 86 ESRD
Marwick, 199529 Exercise 161 80 81 Women
Marwick, 199530 Exercise 79 71 87 Without LVH
68 71 95 With LVH
Takeuchi, 199620 DSE 70 75 92 Women
Senior, 199631 DSE 43 93 100 With HTN
Kisacik, 199632 DSE 69 94 86

DSE, dobutamine stress echo; ESRD, end stage renal disease; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy.

Stress Echocardiography in Prognosis

Prognosis over at least 4 years has been studied and can be estimated with
stress echo.16 Colon reported that event free survival occurred in 97% of
those with normal Echoes as compared to 74% in those with wall motion ab-
normalities in 660 patients.17 Lin studied patients with unstable angina and
found an 81% survival in patients who were positive as compared to 95% in
the negatives.18 It has also been used in diabetics, transplant patients and
prior to general surgery.

Stress Echo as Compared to Nuclear Studies

When using coronary angiography as a gold standard, which has its short-
comings, the sensitivity and specificity of stress echocardiography and stress
nuclear scintigraphy appears to be similar.19 In women however, stress
echocardiograms appear to be more accurate than nuclear, probably because
of the attenuation of tracer caused by breast tissue in women.20 Olmos com-
pared exercised Echo and exercise Thallium and found them to have almost
equal predictive value.21 This is probably true for both exercise and phar-
macological echocardiograms.22

Stress Echo to Identify Viable Myocardium

After an infarction revascularization can significantly improve contraction of
the myocardial segments that are still viable.23 Many times they do not con-
tract when visualized on a resting Echo and the question arises, should revas-
cularization be attempted or is the noncontractile segment scar tissue only or
is it hibernating and possibly capable of resuming normal function? Low
dose Dobutamine Echocardiography has been demonstrated to be of value
in making this distinction.24 If a noncontractile segment of the heart begins
to contract with an infusion of 5 micrograms per kilogram but becomes non-
contractile or has a reduced function as the concentration is increased it is
probably viable and will resume at least some function when revasculariza-
tion has been achieved. This approach has been compared to Thallium
scintigraphy and PET scanning and they all seem to be quite comparable, al-
though in the past PET (positron emission tomography) has been believed to
be the most reliable.25


In the last few years stress Echocardiography has taken its place as a clini-
cally useful imaging technique for the diagnosis of cardiac ischemia, for the
prediction of future cardiac events and for the determination of viability of
noncontractile segments of the heart. It is widely available, reasonable in cost
and probably as accurate as the other imaging modalities.


1. Berberich, SN and Zager, Jr: Hybrid exercise echocardiography. Angiology 32:1, 1981.
2. Mason, DL, et al: Exercise echocardiography: Detection of wall motion abnormality during
ischemia. Circulation 59:50, 1979.
3. Skolnick, DG, et al: Enhanced endocardial visualization with noncontrast harmonic imag-
ing during stress echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 12:559, 1999.
4. Zaglavara, T, et al: Dobutamine stress echocardiography: Improved endocardial border
definition and wall motion analysis with tissue harmonic imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr
12:706, 1999.
5. Spencer, KT, et al: Use of harmonic imaging without echocardiographic contrast to improve
two-dimensional image quality. Am J Cardiol 82:794, 1998.
6. Chakraborty, A, et al: Deformable boundary finding in medical images by integrating gra-
dient and regional information. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 15:859, 1996.
7. Falcone, RA, et al: Intravenous albunex during dobutamine stress echocardiography:
Enhanced localization of left ventricular endocardial borders. Am Heart J 130:254, 1995.
8. Abraham, TP, et al: Time to onset of regional relaxation: Feasibility, variability and utility
of a novel index of regional myocardial function by strain rate imaging. JACC 39(9):1531,
9. Kolias, TJ and Armstrong, WF: Stress echocardiography. Exercise Testing: New Concepts
for the New Century. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
10. Kiat, H, et al: Arbutomine stress using a closed loop delivery system. JACC 26:1159, 1995.
11. Mathias, W, Jr., et al: Safety of dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography: A prospective
experience of 4,033 consecutive studies. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 12:785, 1999.
12. Lewandowski, TJ, et al: Reduced test time by early identification of patients requiring at-
ropine during dobutamine stress echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 11:236, 1998.
12a. Ha, JW, et al: Hypertensive response to exercise: A potential cause of new wall motion ab-
normality in the absence of coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:323, 2002.
13. Sawada, SG, et al: Upright bicycle exercise echocardiography after coronary artery bypass
grafting. Am J Cardiol 64:1123, 1989.
14. Segar, DS, et al: Dobutamine stress echocardiography: correlation with coronary lesion
severity as determined by quantitative angiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 19:1197, 1992.
15. Oral, H, et al: Preserved diagnostic utility of dobutamine stress echocardiography in pace-
maker-dependent patients with absolute chronotropic incompetence. Am Heart J 138:364,
16. Marwick, TH, et al: Use of exercise echocardiography for prognostic evaluation of patients
with known or suspected coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 30:83, 1997.
17. Colon, PJ, III, et al: Prognostic value of stress echocardiography in the evaluation of atypi-
cal chest pain patients without known coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 81:545, 1998.
18. Lin, SS, et al: Risk stratification of patients with medically treated unstable angina using ex-
ercise echocardiography. Am J Cardiol 82:720, 1998.
19. Quinones, MA, et al: Exercise echocardiography versus 201T1 single-photon emission com-
puted tomography in evaluation of coronary artery disease. Analysis of 292 patients [see
comments]. Circulation 85:1026, 1992.
20. Takeuchi, M, et al: Comparative diagnostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography
and stress thallium-201 single-photon-emission computed tomography for detecting coro-
nary artery disease in women. Coron Artery Dis 7:831, 1996.
21. Olmos, LI, et al: Long-term prognostic value of exercise echocardiography compared with
exercise 201T1, ECG, and clinical variables in patients evaluated for coronary artery disease.
Circulation 98:2679, 1998.
22. Previtali, M, et al: Prognostic value of myocardial viability and ischemia detected by dobu-
tamine stress echocardiography early after acute myocardial infarction treated with throm-
bolysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 32:380, 1998.
23. Afridi, I, et al: Myocardial viability during dobutamine echocardiography predicts survival
in patients with coronary artery disease and severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
J Am Coll Cardiol 32:921, 1998.
24. Bax, JJ, et al: Accuracy of currently available techniques for prediction of functional recov-
ery after revascularization in patients with left ventricular dysfunction due to chronic coro-
nary artery disease: comparison of pooled data. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:1451, 1997.

25. Poldermans, D, et al: Sustained prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography for
late cardiac events after major noncardiac vascular surgery [see comments]. Circulation
95:53, 1997.
26. Ryan, T, et al: Exercise echocardiography: detection of coronary artery disease in patients
with normal left ventricular wall motion at rest. J Am Coll Cardiol 11:993, 1988.
27. Hecht, HS, et al: Digital supine bicycle stress echocardiography: a new technique for evalu-
ating coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 21:950, 1993.
28. Reis, G, et al: Usefulness of dobutamine stress echocardiography in detecting coronary
artery disease in end-stage renal disease. Am J Cardiol 75:707, 1995.
29. Marwick, TH, et al: Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on detection of coronary artery
disease using exercise echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 26:1180, 1995.
30. Marwick, TH, et al: Exercise echocardiography is an accurate and cost-efficient technique
for detection of coronary artery disease in women. J Am Coll Cardiol 26:335, 1995.
31. Senior, R, et al: Diagnostic accuracy of dobutamine stress echocardiography for detection of
coronary heart disease in hypertensive patients. Eur Heart J 17:289, 1996.
32. Kisacik, HL, et al: Comparison of exercise stress testing with simultaneous dobutamine
stress echocardiography and technetium-99m isonitrile single-photon emission computer-
ized tomography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J 17:113, 1996.
Stress Testing Protocol

Requirements Estimation of Oxygen Consumption

Threshold of Myocardial Ischemia Exercise Intensity
Preparation for the Test Maximum Heart Rate
Single-Load Tests Protocol for Early Stress Testing
Master’s Test (After MI)
Intermittent Tests Isometric Test
Continuous Tests Isometric Combined with Isotonic
Heart-Rate–Targeted Testing Exercise
Bicycle Test Emotional Stress Test
Supine Versus Upright Bicycle Test Circadian Influence
Treadmill Test
Bruce Protocol
Comparison of Various Protocols
Cornell Protocol
Ramp Protocol

Many of the protocols described in the previous edition of this book are of his-
torical interest only and have been deleted. These include Kaltenbach’s Climb-
ing Step Test; the hypoxemia test; the Harvard Step Test; the catecholamine, er-
gonovine, and histamine tests; and the test of left-ventricular wall function
using the kymocardiograph.


The protocol for stress testing should be structured to include the following:
1. Continuous ECG monitoring.
2. Hard copy ECG recording when desired, preferably several simul-
taneous leads before, during, and after exercise and at 1-minute in-
tervals during exercise. A minimal recording of muscle potential
is essential to an artifact-free recording with averaged beats at
1-minute intervals.
3. A type of activity that can be performed by the sedentary, poorly
developed, and underconditioned subject as well as by the trained

4. A workload that can be varied according to the capacity of the indi-

vidual but is standardized enough to deliver reproducible results
and allow comparison with other patients tested.
5. Repeated frequent blood pressure measurements before, during,
and after exercise.
6. A way of estimating the aerobic requirements of individuals tested.
7. Maximum safety and minimum discomfort for each individual
8. The highest possible specificity and sensitivity in the discrimination
between health and disease.
9. A sufficient body of information available so that the response of
normal and cardiac patients can be identified.
10. A first stage long enough for a warm-up to occur.
11. A procedure short enough to be practical.


It has long been believed that patients with coronary artery disease (CAD)
will develop angina or ST depression at a fixed threshold, characterized by a
constant double product. However, the work of Garber and associates1 and
Carleton and associates2 at Brown University challenges this concept. These
investigators tested a group of patients with known CAD on a standard max-
imum protocol and repeated the test several days later with a protocol that
limited the workload to 70% of the peak heart rate and continued exercise for
at least 20 minutes. More patients developed angina on the maximum test;
85% developed ST depression on the submaximum test compared with 100%
on the maximum test. Oxygen consumption and the double product at onset
of angina or ST depression was lower during the submaximum protocol.
Thus, when using exercise testing to establish a threshold, as one might do
to evaluate therapy, the exercise protocol must be the same for each test.


In most cases, patients have been advised to come in for their exercise test in
the morning before eating, because it has been reported that food causes an
increase in cardiac output, oxygen consumption, minute ventilation, and to-
tal peripheral vascular resistance and thus would be expected to bring on
angina and ST depression at a lower threshold.3 This dictum was recently
challenged by researchers who tested eight patients after a 500-calorie meal
and after fasting and reported that the ischemic threshold was the same.4
This study involved too small a cohort to dismiss the previous work, but it
does point out the possibility that a light meal may have little effect on the
results. Our policy is not to restrict meals before testing unless we are specif-

ically attempting to compare workloads after some intervention. When do-

ing a diagnostic test, the exact level of the ischemic threshold is not critical to
the diagnosis.


Master’s Test
The protocol for the Master’s test, at one time the most commonly used ex-
ercise test, was constructed originally as an exercise tolerance test rather than
a screening test for CAD. The subject walked up and over a device two steps
high with three steps, two of which were 9 inches above the floor and a top
step 18 inches high.5 Even though Master used three steps in each ascent, two
up and one down, it was called a two-step test. After going up and over, the
patient then turned and walked over the steps again for a prescribed num-
ber of ascents. Blood pressure and pulse were then recorded; by knowing the
patient’s weight and the time required to complete the test, the work per
minute could be derived. It was suggested that the prescribed number of as-
cents be completed in 11⁄2 minutes. The tables for the number of ascents for
men and women are reproduced in Appendix 5.
Many years later, Master added the ECG and suggested that it be
recorded before and after the step test. He largely abandoned the original cri-
teria that had been proposed to evaluate exercise tolerance. This test was ac-
cepted as the standard until the 1970s and for years was the most widely used
in spite of its clinical limitations.
A survey completed in 1978 suggested that the Master’s test was de-
creasing in popularity6; now there are only a few of us who have ever seen a
set of Master’s steps. Because heart rate and blood pressure are not recorded
during the test, no measurements are available to evaluate the percentage of
maximum work. Master recommended that 0.5 mm of ST depression be ac-
cepted as abnormal, which in conjunction with the reduced workload re-
sulted in about 60% false-negative results. Master reported in 1935 that 100
patients with CAD were tested and none developed anginal pain on the
test—ample evidence that the workload was too low to induce ischemia in
many patients.


The concept of an intermittent test is basically sound because progressive

workloads can be interspersed with short rest periods, thus giving the sub-
ject time to recover somewhat before starting the next period of exercise. This
time also allows the examiner to take ECGs and make blood pressure deter-
minations without the motion artifact attendant on walking or running. Ex-
perience has shown that muscle strength can be restored when frequent rest

periods are allowed; therefore, a greater total stress can be applied. Inter-
mittent tests of this sort are often associated with continuous monitoring,
and the aerobic capacity can be estimated.
Examples of intermittent tests include Hellerstein and Hornsten’s7 ver-
sion of the work capacity test (PWC 150) and the widely used Swedish bicy-
cle test8 and a number of its modifications proposed by Mitchell and associ-
ates.9 Hellerstein, one of the pioneers in stress testing, stated that the
intermittent test is more physiological and that he preferred it to a continu-
ous protocol. Although bicycle tests are commonly used for intermittent
tests, a treadmill is equally applicable. The chief disadvantage of intermittent
tests is the time required for the rest periods between exercise. They have
largely been abandoned in the United States.


Continuous tests are similar to intermittent tests in basic design, but vary in
that they may consist of a treadmill, a bicycle, or some type of stepping de-
vice. They also vary in the amount of work applied and the duration of ef-
fort required. By not allowing the patient to rest between work periods and
by progressively increasing the work, the patient’s peak capacity or end-
point is reached earlier. The ability to predict aerobic capacity, observe the
chronotropic response to stress, measure blood pressure, and continuously
record the ECG is similar to that of the intermittent tests.10

Heart-Rate–Targeted Testing
Increasing the exercise workload is usually accomplished by selecting some
arbitrary increase in bicycle resistance or treadmill speed or grade. Another
approach to increasing work is to set a target heart rate for each workload
and then increase the work until this rate is reached. This can be done on a
bicycle or a treadmill. Because heart rate is a major determinant of myocar-
dial oxygen consumption, the work corresponding to a prescribed heart rate
is then a way of estimating the patient’s aerobic capacity. Using this method,
it might also be possible to evaluate subjects at predetermined percentages
of their predicted maximum aerobic capacity. The patient’s physiological re-
sponse theoretically adjusts the heart rate according to individual physical
fitness.11,12 Because individual variation in heart rate at a given workload is
very common, if exercise is terminated at a target heart rate, it is not possible
to judge the patient’s maximum capacity.13

Bicycle Test
The use of the bicycle in testing has several advantages. The patient’s thorax
and arms are relatively stable, allowing ECGs to be recorded with less mus-

cle artifact and making it easier to record blood pressure accurately. The pa-
tient’s body weight does not influence exercise capacity appreciably, and sit-
ting on a bicycle often produces less anxiety than walking on a mechanically
driven treadmill. In addition, the bicycle requires less space in the laboratory
and is usually less expensive than a treadmill. It is my feeling, however, that
the treadmill applies a more physiological workload. This view seems to be
shared by most stress testing laboratory personnel in the United States, and
a number of studies have shown that subjects are much more likely to reach
their aerobic capacity or their peak predicted heart rate on the treadmill, es-
pecially if they are not naturally athletic. The muscles necessary for bicycling
are generally not well developed in the American population. We have also
found that when patients are somewhat reluctant to push on because of fa-
tigue, it is easier to obtain their cooperation on a treadmill because it is diffi-
cult for them to stop voluntarily when the treadmill is still moving.
Bicycle test protocols may be intermittent or continuous but usually in-
volve a progressively increasing workload. The bicycle may be mechanically
or electrically braked, and the workload is easily calibrated in watts or kilogram
meters and tends to be less dependent on the patient’s weight and physical ef-
ficiency. A small person may be spending a much larger portion of maximum
oxygen intake at a given workload than a large person, but the work applied
takes a much less complex set of muscles and therefore is more predictable
from one time to another. Nomograms have been constructed, and Table 8–1
lists the aerobic capacity of individuals exercised on a bicycle ergometer. As the
subject’s weight increases, the oxygen consumption per minute decreases per
kilogram of body weight. In one study of both treadmill and bicycle exercise
performed in 52 patients, the treadmill was reported to provide a higher oxy-
gen uptake and an increased efficiency in identifying ischemia.14
Koyal and colleagues15 have reported that the small muscle mass used
during bicycle tests causes more metabolic acidosis, which cannot be com-
pensated for by increased ventilation. Therefore, the respiratory rate for
equivalent workloads was higher.

Supine Versus Upright Bicycle Test

Most bicycle tests are performed sitting upright, but supine bicycle tests have
become more popular, especially since exercise echocardiography has come
into vogue. Supine bicycling is more likely to result in ischemia than upright
pedaling. It may cause more ischemia when used in nuclear tests and thus
might be a factor that increases the sensitivity of these tests. Because of
increased diastolic filling of the left ventricle in the horizontal posture, left-
ventricular diastolic dysfunction resulting in ST depression is more com-
monly seen in the supine than in the upright position.16,17 Vellinga and asso-
ciates18 have also reported that the increased ST depression is associated with
a larger area of myocardial ischemia, as judged by SPECT imaging of the
thallium scintigram.
Table 8–1. Oxygen Requirements of Bicycle Ergometric Workloads*


watts 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300

kg-m/min 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1500 1800
Total oxygen used 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3300 3900
kcal/min 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 16.5 19.5

Body Weight

(lb) (kg) Oxygen Used (mL/min per kilogram of body weight)

88 40 15.0 22.5 30.0 37.5 45.0 52.5 60.0 67.5 82.5 97.5
110 50 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 66.0 78.0
132 60 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 55.0 65.0
154 70 8.5 13.0 17.0 21.5 25.5 30.0 34.5 38.5 47.0 55.5
176 80 7.5 11.0 15.0 19.0 22.5 26.0 30.0 34.0 41.0 49.0
198 90 6.7 10.0 13.3 16.7 20.0 23.3 26.7 30.0 36.7 43.3
220 100 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 33.0 39.0
242 110 5.5 8.0 11.0 13.5 16.5 19.0 22.0 24.5 30.0 35.5
264 120 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 27.5 32.5
*Based on data of Fox et al.13

Treadmill Test
The use of a treadmill presents a number of advantages because it is possi-
ble to adjust the speed and grade of walking to the agility of the subject. For
example, Taylor and associates19 found that groups of young men being
studied always contained a few individuals who could not run more than 7
mph, and most middle-aged men find 6 mph to be their peak capacity. The
starting speed of 1.7 mph at a 10% grade recommended by Bruce and asso-
ciates,20 resulting in an oxygen consumption of about 4 metabolic equiva-
lents (MET) has been very satisfactory. There are also reports of success with
higher or lower speeds and inclines.21,22 In some old or debilitated subjects,
1.7 mph is clearly faster than they can walk, and if stress testing is to be used
in this group, a lower speed is useful. We also start with a lower speed when
testing patients 2 or 3 weeks after myocardial infarction (MI).
Balke and Ware,23 Fox and associates,13 and Naughton and coworkers22
at one time believed that the treadmill speed should be kept constant and the
grade gradually increased. This is because running is difficult for many peo-
ple, especially the old, sick, and obese. There has been a good deal of dis-
agreement as to how steep the grade of the treadmill should be. We have kept
the grade constant at 10% throughout the first four stages of our tests, mainly
because walking or running up steep grades often causes pain in the calf
muscles, especially in those who are poorly conditioned. Astrand24 has em-
phasized that running at the same speed and grade requires more oxygen
than walking (Fig. 8–1). A belt speed of more than 4 mph requires all but the
very tall to start running.

Bruce Protocol
Bruce,25 one of the most prolific investigators and an important pioneer in
the field, found an increase in both speed and grade to be very satisfactory.
He reported that his protocol, by far the most commonly used, produced

FIGURE 8–1. Figures depict the increased oxygen cost of walking without holding on to the
handrail and of running as opposed to walking at the same speed and grade. (From Astrand,24 with

FIGURE 8–2. The incline and speed are both increased every 3 minutes with the Bruce protocol.

nine times as many positive responders as the Master’s test. His subjects start
out at 1.7 mph on a 10% grade and progress to their maximum capacity at
3-minute intervals (Fig. 8–2). (See Fig. 6–9 for oxygen consumption at each


A number of excellent treadmill protocols have been used by various inves-

tigators and are highly satisfactory. An older, well-established protocol is
that of Balke and Ware,23 who keep the speed constant and increase the grade
gradually. Astrand and Rudahl,26,27 also pioneers in exercise physiology, de-
signed their test to start at 3.5 mph at a 2.5% grade with a 5-minute warm-
up, followed by a continuous multistage run to exhaustion. This test is prob-
ably better suited to testing athletes than CAD patients. Other useful
protocols have been published28–31 (Fig. 8–3). Pollock32 published an excel-
lent analysis of four popular protocols to determine the relative heart rate re-
sponse and oxygen cost (Figs. 8–4 and 8–5). From examination of Figures 8–4
and 8–5 it is evident that, although there is some variation in the rate at which
the workload increases, the results of most protocols are about the same. No-
tice the leveling off near maximum workload of heart rate, but not of oxygen
consumption. This suggests that the heart rate reaches a plateau prior to

reaching the VO2max. Redwood,33 at the National Institutes of Health,
demonstrated the importance of warm-up at a reasonably low workload
when using the exercise test to quantitate ischemia or to compare various in-
terventions such as medication or surgery. If the initial exercise load was at
or greater than the anginal threshold, a higher pulse pressure product or
FIGURE 8–3. Diagrams of workloads used on a number of popular protocols. (From Pollock,32
with permission.) The workload in the ninth minute of the Ellestad protocol has changed (see
Figure 9–4).

FIGURE 8–4. Mean V·O2 measured according to time of exercise on four different protocols. (From
Pollock,32 with permission.)

FIGURE 8–5. Mean heart rate response according to time on different protocols. Note in this and
the previous figure that starting and stopping points are similar for most protocols. The major dif-
ference is how fast you get there. (From Pollock,32 with permission.)

exercise workload could be achieved than if a warm-up workload were used.

When the high initial workload was used, the end-points were also found to
have low reproductibility.

Cornell Protocol
Okin and colleagues,34 who have done the most work on the ST/HR slope,
have reported that a gradual increase in exercise gives better diagnostic dis-
crimination than a more rapid progression of work such as the Bruce proto-
col. They increase the speed and grade slowly to obtain heart rate increments
of about 10 beats for each stage (Table 8–2).

Ramp Protocol
Froelicher and colleagues35 estimate from the history how much total work
the patient can tolerate in METS and then set the treadmill to gradually and
smoothly accelerate the speed and grade so that patients will reach their
peak in 8 to 10 minutes. This group has worked out nomograms that predict
maximum oxygen uptake and METS from age and heart rate. They propose
that the maximum work achieved be reported in METS rather than in time,
to allow for a more standard terminology in describing total work (Fig. 8–6).


Blackburn and associates36 studied the oxygen consumption and heart rate
of 10 men stressed by different protocols using steps, bicycle, and treadmill.

Table 8–2. Treadmill Speed and Grade for the Cornell Exercise Protocol, Compared
with Standard Bruce Stages

Elapsed Elapsed
Modified Time Speed Grade Bruce Time
Stage (min) mph % Stage (min)

0 2 1.7 0
0.5 4 1.7 5
1.0 6 1.7 10 1 3
1.5 8 2.1 11
2.0 10 2.5 12 2 6
2.5 12 3.0 13
3.0 14 3.4 14 3 9
3.5 16 3.8 15
4.0 18 4.2 16 4 12
4.5 20 4.6 17
5.0 22 5.0 18 5 15

Note the slow progression of the workload.


FIGURE 8–6. Nomogram of percentage normal exercise capacity in sedentary and active men.
(From Froelicher,35 with permission.)

As might be expected, the variability of oxygen consumption expressed as

liters per minute on the bicycle tests was least because of the constant exter-
nal load and very small variability of efficiency among subjects. However,
since bicycle testing is independent of body weight, a marked variability in
oxygen consumption expressed as milliliters per kilogram per minute was
found. The treadmill, with its weight-dependent workload, shows a small
variation in oxygen reported as milliliters per kilogram per minute and a
larger variation when reported as liters per minute. There is no significant
difference in the variability of the heart-rate response. Bruce and associates37
have published oxygen data describing the milliliter per kilogram per
minute for subjects using the Bruce protocol, which is excellent. When ad-
justment was made for the sex and physical activity of the subject, the

VO2max was estimated with what appears to be acceptable accuracy37 (see
Fig. 7–10).

Table 8–3. VO2 STPD Estimate Compared with Direct Measurement

Ellestad Protocol

Givoni and Direct

Treadmill Goldman mL/kg for Measurement
Stage Speed and Grade Watts (L/M) 70-kg man METS MMC (L/M)

I (3 min) 1.7 mph @ 10% 50 1.40 20 4.8 1.28

II (2 min) 3.0 mph @ 10% 100 1.68 24 6.4 1.67
III 4.0 mph @ 10% 150 2.4 34 8.8 2.07
IV 5.0 mph @ 10% 200 2.92 41.7 10.0 2.74
V 5.0 mph @ 15% 250 3.22 46 12.0 3.17
VI 6.0 mph @ 15% 300 4.15 59.3 15.2 3.8
VII 7.0 mph @ 15% 350 4.8 68.5 17.2 3.96

MMC = metabolic cart

V·O2 = n(W + L) (2.3 + 0.32 [V – 2.5] 1.65 + G[0.2 + 0.07(V – 2.5)])
M = Metabolic rate, kcal/h
n = Terrain factor, defined as 1 for treadmill walking
W = Body weight (kg)
L = External load (kg)
V = Walking speed, km/h
G = Slope (grade) %

Froelicher and coworkers,38 on the other hand, studied the time on the
protocol proposed by Bruce as an estimate of oxygen consumption and
found it to be unreliable.
We have used the formula published by Balke and Ware23 and also by

Givoni and Goldman39 to estimate VO2max. Table 8–3 illustrates data from
the latter formula and has been fairly accurate at lower workloads (less than
about 12 METS).


Some physicians tend to be reluctant to apply maximum stress to the general

population because of fear of producing injury, either cardiac or muscu-
loskeletal. Lester and associates40 have reported that ventricular and supra-
ventricular tachycardias are most apt to occur at 90% to 100% of maximum
heart rate, and they suggest that 90% of maximum predicted pulse be the
point of termination. The Scandinavian Committee on Electrocardiogram
Classification41 recommended target heart rates of approximately 85% of the
maximum. Sheffield and associates28 found the maximum predicted heart
rate to be 198 (0.14  age) for conditioned men and 205 (0.41  age) for non-
conditioned men (Table 8–4).
The problem with heart-rate–related end-points is the variability in the
maximum heart rate, even when adjusted for age. If a test of 85% of maxi-
mum heart rate is used to terminate exercise, it may be much less or more than
Table 8–4. Maximum Heart Rate Predicted by Age and Conditioning

Age 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Unconditioned 197 195 193 191 189 187 184 182 180 178 176 174 172 170 168
90% 177 175 173 172 170 168 166 164 162 160 158 157 155 153 151
75% 148 146 144 143 142 140 138 137 135 134 132 131 129 128 126
60% 118 117 115 114 113 112 110 109 108 107 106 104 103 102 101
Conditioned 190 188 186 184 182 180 177 175 173 171 169 167 165 163 161
90% 171 169 167 166 164 162 159 158 156 154 152 150 149 147 145
75% 143 141 140 138 137 135 133 131 130 128 127 125 124 122 121
60% 114 113 112 110 109 108 106 105 104 103 101 100 99 98 97
(From Sheffield et al,28 with permission.)

85% of the individual patient’s capacity, depending on the patient’s actual—

and unknown—maximum heart rate. In using these end-points, one also has
to forgo the estimation of aerobic capacity, a useful calculation made from the
patient’s symptom-limited exercise duration. Although we have long used a
symptom-limited maximum test with an age-corrected maximum heart rate
as a guide, advocates of submaximum testing claim that the ST changes oc-
curring at heart rates higher than this level have less significance.
Gibbons and colleagues42 reported a 20-month follow-up of 550 patients
with abnormal exercise ECGs. They found that in subjects with known CAD,
ST depression occurring at heart rates less than 85% of maximum were six
times more predictive of a new event than changes occurring at heart rates
greater than 85%. In those with no known disease, ST depression occurring
higher and lower than the 85% cutoff had about the same predictive power.

Maximum Heart Rate

The controversy over what constitutes maximum heart rate deserves a few
words. The disagreement probably stems from the analysis of different pop-
ulation groups. Our studies are taken from a relatively sedentary population,
whereas others have analyzed athletes and other selected groups. The varia-
tion higher than and lower than the mean is at least 10 beats, and occasionally
subjects are seen with this variance, though rarely. Cooper and colleagues43
have published data showing the variations associated with fitness (Fig. 8–7).
Thus, note that tables are only guidelines and do not require strict adherence.

FIGURE 8–7. Maximum heart rates achieved according to fitness and age. (From Cooper et al,43
with permission.)

Lester and coworkers40 studied normal men ranging in age from 40 to

75 with a near-maximum graded test and also with the Master’s step test. The
submaximum test resulted in positive findings characterized by 1.0-mm hor-
izontal or downsloping ST-segment depression in one subject. Five more ab-
normal tracings were recognized with the maximum test. In the analysis of
1000 tests in our laboratory, 19% of the men with abnormal findings mani-
fested ST-segment changes in our fourth stage at 5 mph at a 10% grade. Most
subjects will be very near their peak heart rate at this level. Twenty-one per-
cent of the women with abnormal tracings were also detected at this stage.
This suggests that pushing the patient to maximum effort is feasible. How-
ever, a higher yield of abnormal tests in so-called normal patients with the
maximum stress test might cause an increased false-positive response.28,44
In our series of tests on healthy executives, 14% had abnormal ST-seg-
ment depression of 1.5 mm or more and almost all developed near-peak
heart rate.45 We have no information on how many of these had CAD. Stran-
dell46 reported a relatively high prevalence of abnormal responders in ap-
parently normal men that increases with age. Aronow47 found 13% abnor-
mal maximum tests in normal men with a mean age of 51. It is interesting to
note that none of the executives we tested with positive ST-segment depres-
sion had chest pain of any type when the changes were recorded near maxi-
mum capacity. The clinical significance of ST-segment depression discov-
ered at maximum exercise levels is yet to be clarified, although our study of
the time course of ST depression sheds some light on the subject.48
Blomqvist49 has published data on ST depression in normal persons at
high workloads (see Chapter 14). Kasser and Bruce50 believe these changes
represent some abnormality in myocardial function, but not always coronary
ischemia. The relative absence of such changes in young persons and in a sig-
nificant number of older people indicates that they are probably correct. On
the other hand, the belief that late-onset, early-offset ST changes are always
false-positives has been disproved.48 During heart catheterization, we have
found that many patients with left-ventricular dysfunction have exercise-
induced ST-segment depression in spite of normal coronary arteries.
Bruce50 reported more than 10,000 maximum stress tests without a fa-
tality. In our series of about 30,000 tests, we have had four deaths, but two
of the three developed trouble much before reaching their maximum heart
Our survey of stress testing facilities suggest that the mortality has de-
creased in the face of increased use of maximum stress testing.6 It has been
our practice to suggest to patients that they may stop the test once their max-
imum predicted heart rates have been reached (Table 8–5), but that they may
continue if desired. This maximum is rarely exceeded by more than 5 to 10
beats per minute, even in those who are pushed to exhaustion. On the other
hand, those who voluntarily elect to continue and achieve heart rates 10 or
20 beats higher than the mean for their ages may be physiologically younger
than their chronological age.

Table 8–5. Ages and Maximal Heart Rate (MHR)*


20 200 37 185 54 171

21 199 38 184 55 171
22 198 39 183 56 170
23 197 40 182 57 170
24 196 41 181 58 169
25 195 42 180 59 168
26 194 43 180 60 168
27 193 44 180 61 167
28 192 45 179 62 167
29 191 46 177 63 166
30 190 47 177 64 165
31 190 48 177 65 164
32 189 49 176 66 163
33 188 50 175 67 162
34 187 51 174 68 161
35 186 52 173 69 161
36 186 53 172 70 160
*Mean maximum heart rates used as a guide for determining approximate end-point of stress in our

In summation, when maximum stress is used, there will be an increase

in the number of subjects identified as having abnormal hearts if the ST seg-
ments alone are used as a marker for disease. As data are developed to vali-
date other findings, the exact significance of ST depression at high workloads
will probably be clarified. Patients who have abnormalities identified at the
higher workloads will obviously have less serious disease than those identi-
fied early in the procedure or by submaximal tests.


It was common before thrombolysis and angioplasty became popular to use

exercise tests to evaluate patients who are ready to leave the hospital after
acute MI.51 This testing has proved useful in predicting the subsequent
course of the disease and in analyzing arrhythmias. The clinical utility of post
infarction exercise testing has not been well-studied in patients who have
had primary revascularization. However, a less demanding protocol is usu-
ally used. Figure 8–8 illustrates the protocol used in our laboratory. Most in-
vestigators terminate exercise at heart rates near 120 to 130 beats per minute,
but some have used maximum testing as early as 3 weeks52 (see Chapter 10).


The isometric procedure consists of squeezing a dynamometer at from 25%

to 75% of maximum hand strength and sustaining this for as long as possi-

FIGURE 8–8. Submaximal treadmill protocol used when patients are tested just before discharge
after an MI (1–2 weeks following infarction). A heart rate of 120 beats per minute is now used as
a target, but this may finally be less than desirable.

ble. The resultant increase in myocardial oxygen consumption is mainly due

to the rise in systolic blood pressure, although there is also an increase in
heart rate. If one measures the pulse pressure product at the end-point of
angina or of ST-segment depression, such a heart rate is reasonably repro-
ducible. The increase in heart rate is probably due to the withdrawal of
vagal influence. The cardiac output increases, but the stroke volume usually
remains constant until the grip is increased at more than 50% of the in-
dividual’s total capacity, at which it may then decrease.53 In spite of the rise
in blood pressure, the blood flow to noncontracting muscles does not in-
crease, probably because of reflex vasoconstriction. LVEDP rises and abnor-
mal heart sounds such as S4 or S3 may be accentuated. The murmurs of aor-
tic and mitral regurgitation are also accentuated. Thus, the isometric test may
be useful to do at the bedside for subjects who are unable to walk. Isometric
exercise can produce arrhythmias and the other hazards of exercise stress
testing; therefore, continuous ECG and blood pressure monitoring should be
routinely carried out. The test result cannot be correlated to aerobic capacity,
so it is difficult to relate it to other types of activity. The isometric test would
seem to have a limited application, but it is useful in certain situations.

Isometric Combined with Isotonic Exercise

Kerber and colleagues54 have studied the relative relationship of isometric to
dynamic exercise in CAD patients. They reported an isometric test to be an
inefficient way of initiating ischemia. They also found that when isometric
exercise was combined with treadmill exercise in patients carrying a brief-
case, more CAD patients failed to have ST depression than those walking
without carrying a briefcase. Systolic and diastolic pressures (thus, the dou-
ble product) were increased by the isometric load, but the investigators pos-
tulated that the higher diastolic pressure improved perfusion enough to
compensate for the increase in myocardial oxygen demands. Sheldahl and

associates55 found that a high percentage of post-MI patients carrying

weights up to 50 lb had diastolic hypertension (greater than 120 mm Hg) but
little ischemia.


It has long been recognized that fear, anger and other emotional stimuli can
initiate ischemia and may result in mortality in patients with coronary artery
disease.56 The Northridge earthquake in 1994 resulted in an increase in
deaths from the daily average of 36 to 101.57 When Iraqi missile attacks on
Tel Aviv and Haifa started in 1991 there was an increase in patients present-
ing to the Emergency Room with myocardial infarctions.58 Ischemia associ-
ated with driving in traffic, parachute jumping and other emotionally dis-
turbing interventions are well recognized.
A number of studies using standard emotional stimuli to initiate is-
chemia in patients with coronary artery disease have been performed and an
excellent review by Goldberg has recently been published.59 The most com-
mon stimuli have been public speaking, mental arithmetic and more re-
cently, computer games (Stroop Test).60 Markers of ischemia following these
stimuli have been angina, ST depression and changes in left ventricular vol-
ume detected by a MUGA.61
In most studies, where the stimuli have been compared with exercise in
patients with known coronary narrowing, the sensitivity has been less than
50%.62 The use of a noninvasive impedance device to track peripheral vas-
cular resistance has been tried with limited benefit.63 During a multicenter
test supported by the NIH about 60% of the ischemic responses were repro-
ducible when the computer Stroop Test or the speech tests were used. It
might seem advisable to combine exercise and emotional stimuli but at this
time there is no satisfactory data reporting on this approach.63 It would ap-
pear that inducing ischemia emotionally still needs further study before it
becomes a routine approach to make a diagnosis in patients with suspected
coronary artery disease.

A word about the timing seems in order. Yasue64 has found that patients with
vasospastic angina, even those with fixed lesions, are more likely to have
changes in the morning. Joy and associates,65 on the other hand, report that
patients with stable angina have more ST depression in the afternoon. Auto-
nomic changes for these phenomena are still poorly understood, and at this
time it appears that testing can be performed whenever convenient without
compromising the results.


This chapter has described various protocols being used to evaluate patients
with suspected CAD. There are many protocols that are not listed and many
yet to be described. The reader is urged to examine the evidence available
and select a method or methods best suited to the patient or to his or her own
understanding of exercise physiology. There are numerous advantages,
however, in selecting one or two methods and using them enough to become
familiar with the response of normal and abnormal subjects alike. Using a
protocol for which there is ample clinical experience makes it possible to bet-
ter categorize each individual’s performance. Consistency will also make it
easier to compare the patient’s performance from year to year and to com-
pare one patient with another patient. The details of the protocol should also
be clearly outlined when data are sent to other physicians.

1. Garber, CE, Carleton, RA, and Camaione, DN: The threshold for myocardial ischemia varies
in patients with coronary artery disease depending on the exercise protocol. J Am Coll Car-
diol 17:1256–262, 1991.
2. Carleton, RA, Siconolfi, SF, and Shafique, M: Delayed appearance of angina pectoris during
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4. Niazi, K, et al: Negligible effects of moderate fluid intake and meal consumption on exer-
cise performance. J Am Coll Cardiol 19:246A, 1992.
5. Master, MA: Two-step test of myocardial function. Am Heart J 10:495, 1934.
6. Stuart, RJ and Ellestad, MH: National survey of exercise testing facilities. Chest 77:94–97,
7. Hellerstein, HK and Hornsten, TR: The coronary spectrum: Assessing and preparing a pa-
tient for return to a meaningful and productive life. J Rehabil 32:48, 1966.
8. Arstila, M: Pulse conducted triangular exercise ECG test: A feedback system regulating
work during exercise. Acta Med Scand 529(suppl):9, 1972.
9. Mitchell, JH, Sproule, BJ, and Chapman, CB: The physiological meaning of the maximal oxy-
gen intake test. J Clin Invest 37:538, 1958.
10. The Committee on Exercise. Exercise testing and training of apparently healthy individuals.
American Heart Association, Dallas, 1972.
11. Astrand, I: The physical work capacity of workers 50–64 years old. Acta Physiol Scand 42:73,
12. Lance, Vo and Spodich, DH: Constant load vs. heart rate targeted exercise: Responses of sys-
tolic time intervals. J Appl Physiol 38:794, 1975.
13. Fox, SM, Naughton, JP, and Haskell, WL: Physical activity and the prevention of coronary
heart disease. Ann Clin Res 3:404, 1971.
14. Rainer, PH, et al: Greater diagnostic sensitivity of treadmill vs cycle exercise testing of
asymptomatic men with coronary disease. Am J Cardiol 70:141–146, 1992.
15. Koyal, SN, et al: Ventilatory responses to the metabolic acidosis of treadmill and cycle er-
gometry. J Appl Physiol 40(6):864–867, 1976.
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Memorial Heart Institute Protocol

Timing Reassurance
Questionnaire and Informed Consent Monitoring
Clothing Exercise Duration
Skin Preparation for Electrodes Termination of Test
Electrode Positions and Attachments Recovery Period
Examination and Explanation Record Preparation
Exercise General Discussion
Handrail Support

The description of the methodology used in our laboratory can be used as a

lesson in “How to do it.” For this reason, it will be described in considerable
The protocol has been structured to obtain a maximum amount of in-
formation in as short a time as possible.1 It is used for testing normal subjects
who have a sedentary lifestyle or for the evaluation of cardiac patients. By
extending the time and the exercise load, one can evaluate trained athletes.
By establishing a standard protocol for almost all patients, we have been able
to compare the responses of individuals with their previous tests and with
the tests of other subjects. Although this has been a practical and useful rou-
tine, there is nothing absolute about its design. Most laboratory staffs doing
stress testing today use some type of graded continuous system, Bruce being
the most popular. The advantages of using an already established protocol
will be obvious as we review the procedure.


Although it would be best to test each patient the first thing in the morning be-
fore breakfast, the volume of tests makes this impractical. Therefore, we do tests
at any time of the day and suggest only that patients eat lightly prior to the test.


When the patient arrives at the laboratory, he or she is asked to read a de-
scription of the procedure and then to sign a consent form that includes the

statement that the patient has read and understood the description. The tech-
nician then fills out a questionnaire that includes statements about previous
myocardial infarction, anginal pain, smoking, and exercising and present
medications. It is often necessary for the technician to explain the meaning
of some of the questions.


The subject should be lightly clothed. We often dress men and women alike
in hospital surgical scrub pants. The men go without a top, and a standard
hospital gown is placed backward on the women so that it opens in the front.
Patients should be advised to bring appropriate footwear such as tennis or
running shoes.


The quality of the recording depends greatly on good electrode contact.

The discovery of this simple fact has had more to do with the good quality
of exercise records than all the advances of electronic engineering up to this
time. The elimination of the horny layer of the epidermis is the most im-
portant factor. This may be accomplished by superficial cleansing and ap-
plication of electrode paste. Men who are very hirsute may need to be
shaved. A number of lightweight liquid-contact, relatively nonpolarizing,
silver chloride electrodes are now available. They have a plastic housing
and light flexible cable with an immensely improved tracing quality. Dis-
posable electrodes are now available from many suppliers. We have ex-
perimented with a number of these electrodes and are presently using the
ones from CONMED, manufactured by CONMED Andover Medical, which
are very satisfactory and in the middle price range. They have a plastic ring
with a spongelike middle, are prefilled with paste, and have a good silver
chloride core (Fig. 9–1).


The 12-lead Mason-Likar2 system with electrodes as demonstrated in Figure

9–2 is attached in the appropriate positions. The plastic adhesive electrodes
have self-contained electrode jelly in the cap and need only to be stuck on
and attached to the lead wires. A few minutes’ delay between application
and exercise allows for better contact and therefore less battery effect at the
skin contact point. This minimizes the baseline wandering. It is very impor-
tant that the right and left arm electrodes be placed laterally rather than in
the midclavicular line as is sometimes done.
FIGURE 9–1. Diagram of disposable electrode used in our laboratory.

FIGURE 9–2. Lead positions adapted from Mason and Likar2 with a “C” as location for negative
electrode for CM5 if it is being recorded. It is very important that the right and left arm electrodes
not be placed medially near the sternum.



During the time that the technician is applying the electrodes to the chest and
the blood pressure cuff to the arm, the technician is explaining the test and
reassuring the patient about the safeguards available. The technician also
demonstrates how to mount the treadmill and the most comfortable gait. The
physician then reviews the patient’s questionnaire and asks the patient about
possible pain patterns, exercise capacity, and cardiac history, and reviews
the resting ECGs. Careful attention is given to determine what drugs might
have been taken and when. The physician then listens to the patient’s heart
and lungs, especially noting third or fourth heart sounds and murmurs. We
have found it to be especially important to inquire about recent chest pain
patterns and recently recorded ECG. They should be reviewed if available.
The blood pressure is recorded when the patient is sitting and standing while
simultaneous ECGs are recorded. The physician should discuss the type of
pain used for an end-point for termination if the patient has been subject
to angina in the past. The method for terminating the test is also explained
and the patient is given the option to terminate if he or she feels unable to


The treadmill is elevated to a 10% grade, then started at 1.7 mph and the pa-
tient is asked to step on. Some treadmills start out very slowly; in this type
of treadmill, the patient can stand on the belt when it is started. If necessary,
the patient is supported by the physician or technician during the first few
seconds of walking to be certain of the ability to keep up with the moving
belt. It is often necessary to advise the patient as to the length of stride, the
position on the belt, and postural adjustments to walking up a 10% grade
(Fig. 9–3). At the end of each minute of exercise, an ECG and blood pressure
are recorded. This can be done more accurately if the patient lets the arm
hang rather than rest on the bar or handrail.

Many patients who are weak, fearful, or short of breath find it essential to
hold tightly to the handrail while walking. If accurate aerobic information is
to be obtained, handrail support must be prohibited. On the other hand, we
feel it is better to get some information than to get none at all, so we do not
insist on total absence of support. The heart rate and pulse pressure product
are good estimates of the magnitude of coronary flow and aerobic capacity
as well as the time on the protocol.

FIGURE 9–3. Correct and incorrect posture for treadmill walking. It is very important to instruct the
patient in the proper technique. Erect posture is all important.


The physician should talk intermittently to the patients while they are being
tested, reassuring them as to their progress and asking how they feel. When
it is time to increase the speed of the treadmill, patients are notified and asked
if they think they can go faster for a short time. We believe this continuous
discussion is particularly important for those who are fearful and especially
for those who are being tested for the first time.


The oscilloscope is under constant observation by both the technician and the
physician doing the test. At the end of each minute, the blood pressure and
ECG are recorded, and the heart rate is noted on the worksheet. Premature
ventricular contractions (PVCs) or other arrhythmias are noted on the work-
sheet, recorded in the strip chart, and reported by the technician to the physi-
cian. The technician reminds the physician of the heart rate at the end of each
minute. At the end of the third minute, after the blood pressure and ECGs
are recorded, the treadmill speed is increased to 3 mph and thereafter in-
creased according to the protocol in Figure 9–4.
If ST-segment depression is noted on the monitor or on the recorder, the
patient is frequently questioned as to the presence of pain or tightness in the
chest. The ability or propensity to report discomfort varies a great deal from
patient to patient. Patients are asked to grade the intensity of the pain from
1 to 4 with 4 being the most severe in the patient’s experience. Men are less
likely to report pain than women.
After the patient is walking or jogging 4 mph or more, it is often difficult

FIGURE 9–4. The Memorial Hospital maximal treadmill protocol. More than 95% of our subjects
are unable to progress past the fourth stage. (See Fig. 8–8 for submaximal treadmill protocol.)

or impossible to obtain an accurate blood pressure. Therefore, the general ap-

pearance in terms of skin color, facial expression suggesting anxiety, and the
apparent strength and vigor of the patient’s walk will give clues as to the ade-
quacy of the circulatory system. The blood pressure tends to increase moder-
ately with exercise until the maximum aerobic capacity is reached (see Chap-
ter 18). After this, if the patient continues to exercise, the blood pressure begins
to drop. If this drop is not detected by the technician, the patient may faint.
Most patients, however, refuse to continue past their peak capacity and vol-
untarily decide to terminate exercise long before fainting occurs. If the peak
heart rate has been reached, it can be predicted that patients will elect to ter-
minate the exercise within a minute or so unless they are very well condi-
tioned. Our practice has been to encourage them to continue if they feel like it.
Peak exercise heart rate is quite variable and probably has predictive power.


Most of our subjects reach their peak predicted heart rate response or have been
terminated for other reasons within 8 to 10 minutes. For selected cases in which
the subjects are well-conditioned athletes, we continue as long as necessary at
an increased grade of 15%, and we increase the speed of the belt 1 mph every 2
minutes. This usually results in the subject reaching peak heart rate response
and maximum capacity within a total exercise time of 12 to 15 minutes.

Although the indications for termination have been discussed in Chapter 5,
it is appropriate to review them here. It is generally agreed by most workers
in the field that the test should be terminated when:

1. PVCs develop in pairs or with increasing frequency or when ven-

tricular tachycardia develops (runs of four or more PVCs).
2. Atrial tachycardia or atrial fibrillation supervenes.
3. There is onset of heart block—either second or third degree.
4. Anginal pain is progressive (grade 3 pain, if grade 4 is the most se-
vere in patient’s experience).
5. ST-segment depression has become severe, that is, 3 to 4 mm or
more in vigorous asymptomatic subjects. If the patient is known to
have severe CAD or angina at low workloads or if the the patient
has ST-segment depression at rest, exercise should be terminated
with only minor increases in ST-segment depression over the base-
line tracing. One should also terminate exercise when ST-segment
depression exceeds 2 mm if the onset of ischemia is at low work-
6. The heart rate or systolic blood pressure drops progressively with
continuing exercise.
7. The patient is unable to continue because of dyspnea, fatigue, or
feelings of faintness.
8. Musculoskeletal pain becomes severe, such as might occur with
arthritis or claudication.
9. The patient looks vasoconstricted, that is, pale and clammy.
10. Extreme elevations in systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
11. The patient has reached or exceeded the predicted maximum pulse
12. The physician is in doubt. We have found that it takes experience to
determine how far to push a sick patient. The test can always be re-
peated another day. On the other hand, there are times when a few
more seconds on the treadmill can result in a more certain diagno-
sis with no significant increase in risk.


At the instant exercise is discontinued, the ECG recorder is turned on and left
running for a few seconds while the blood pressure is recorded, and the pa-
tient lies down. The evaluation of the ST segments and other ECG changes
in the first few seconds is often very important. Occasionally, a more stable
baseline can be obtained by asking the patient to hold his or her breath for a
few seconds. Blood pressure is often low at the period just after the exercise,
only to rise temporarily again about 1 minute later. This drop in blood pres-
sure may be due to the temporary inadequacy in cardiac pumping capacity
in relation to metabolic demand, or it may be due to the vasodilatation asso-
ciated with increasing the lactic acid concentrations at peak stress. The blood
pressure and ECG are then recorded at 1-minute intervals for 6 minutes
while the patient is supine. ECG changes during exercise and recovery are

FIGURE 9–5. The ST-segment depression recorded in a patient with classic ischemic heart disease
subjected to a treadmill stress test. Note the tendency of the ST segments to flatten when the pa-
tient is placed in the horizontal position. After sitting the patient up, the ST segments began to im-
prove but became more pathological when the patient is again placed in the horizontal position
in the third minute. We believe that the increased venous return in the horizontal position pro-
duces a higher LVEDP and therefore promotes more ST-segment depression.

entered on the worksheet. Special attention is paid to the blood pressure at 3

minutes into recovery.
It is common for the ECG pattern to be equivocal immediately after ex-
ercise. If this is so, elevating the patient’s legs will increase the venous return
at a time when the ventricular compliance is most likely to be reduced and
the peripheral resistance is still elevated. This may result in an increased left-
ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and a resultant increase in ST-
segment depression (Fig. 9–5). The decrease in heart rate from that maxi-
mally achieved to 1 minute into recovery should be noted.
Late ST-segment depression and T-wave inversion should also be noted
as well as the absence or presence of arrhythmias. At the end of the 6-minute
observation period, if the patient is stable and comfortable, the physician do-
ing the test reassures the patient and explains that the data will be forwarded
to the patient’s personal physician.
Patients should be monitored until the ECG has returned to baseline. As
mentioned in Chapter 5, if the ST depression does not return to normal
within 3 or 4 minutes, we recommend giving nitroglycerin. If the ST changes
are equivocal, the response to this drug often helps with the interpretation.


After termination of the test, the patient’s heart rate is compared with the
normal rate for age. Our practice has been to mount and send out copies of
the averaged beats for each minute of the test. Most of the treadmill sys-
tems now provide examples of the averaged beat for each stage or minute,
which are convenient to send out to the referring doctor. The total record

is kept on file in the laboratory for review, if necessary. The appropriate

computer codes designating the phrases to be printed out and the diag-
nostic implications are entered on the worksheet. The diagnostic computer
code phrases are designed to represent the overall final diagnostic conclu-
sion. The items listed under abnormalities constitute the events observed
that influence the final diagnosis. It is important to enter the maximum ST
depression if it is 0.5 mm or more and the R wave amplitude on the same
Comments are also added if indicated. The worksheet is given to the sec-
retary, who enters it on the computer keyboard and sends the printout to the
referring physician and for filing with the ECG strips.


Various parts of the protocol procedure need special emphasis. In Chapter 8,

a number of idealized standards were listed and discussed. It was stated that
the protocol should provide:
1. Continuous ECG monitoring.
2. ECG recording when desired and preferably several simultaneous
leads before, during, and after exercise. A minimum of muscle arti-
fact is essential to good recording.
3. A type of stress that can be performed by the sedentary, poorly
developed, and underconditioned subject as well as the trained
4. A workload that can be varied according to the capacity of the indi-
vidual but is sufficiently standardized to be reproducible and to al-
low comparison with other subjects tested.
5. Repeated and frequent blood pressure measurements.
6. A way of estimating the aerobic requirements of the individual.
7. Maximum safety and minimum discomfort for each subject.
8. The highest possible specificity, sensitivity, and discrimination be-
tween health and disease.
9. A sufficient body of available information so that the response of
both patients and normal subjects can be compared with those pre-
viously examined.
10. An initial stage of exercise long enough for a warm-up to occur.
11. Practicality with respect to the amount of time involved.

Our protocol is designed as a practical approach to day-to-day stress

testing. Our experience has led us to believe that it has some unique advan-
tages and fulfills most of the previously mentioned requirements. On the
other hand, any well-established protocol can give the same information if
the latter items are included.

FIGURE 9–6. Memorial Heart Institute Exercise Stress Test Report.

The printout contains some calculations that can easily be done by com-
puter (Fig. 9–6). I believe one of the clinically validated treadmill scores, such
as the Duke score3 as well as the Kligfield index4 and the lead strength frac-
tion5 should be included in the printout of the final report:

1. Percent predicted maximal heart rate.

2. METS achieved.

3. Physician’s diagnosis. After thoroughly considering all the findings,

the physician codes in his or her best impression. The cardiologist
may qualify this with appropriate comments if desired.
4. Heart rate, blood pressures, measured ST changes, and arrhythmias
according to their time on the protocol.


This protocol has shorter exercise times than most and therefore allows com-
pletion in less than 10 minutes except for highly trained runners. We have
found it to be satisfactory for clinical use as well as for research. Our long ex-
perience provides data on large populations that allow comparisons that are
useful in clinical practice. Some reports show that when using the ST/HR
slope, a protocol that accelerates slower than ours—such as the Cornell—
gives better discrimination.4 If this is confirmed in other centers and the use
of this method becomes widespread, it may be advisable to consider such a

1. Ellestad, MH, et al: Maximal treadmill stress testing for cardiovascular evaluation. Circula-
tion 39:517, 1969.
2. Mason, RE and Likar, I: A new lead system of multiple-lead exercise electrocardiography.
Am Heart J 71:196–204, 1966.
3. Shaw, LJ, et al: Use of prognostic treadmill score in identifying diagnostic coronary sub-
groups. Circulation 98:1622, 1998.
4. Kligfield, P, Ameisen, O, and Okin, PM: Heart rate adjustment of the ST segment for im-
proved detection of coronary artery disease. Circulation 79:245, 1986.
5. Ellestad, MH, et al: The significance of lead strength on ST changes during Treadmill stress
tests. J Electrocardiol 25:31, 1993.
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Stress Testing After
Myocardial Infarction

Advantages and Benefits Hemodynamic Responses

Safety and Patient Selection ST-Segment Elevation
Protocols Reliability of Abnormalities
Abnormal Stress Test Responses Estimating the Extent of Coronary
ST-Segment Depression Disease
Angina Findings Predictive of Events
Exercise-Induced Ventricular Extended Follow-up

This is probably the time to reevaluate the previously established beliefs

about management of an acute myocardial infarction. The overall mortality
is decreased significantly due to the use of thrombolysis and emergency an-
gioplasty.1 The national mortality reported by the NRMI Registry is approx-
imately 11% but in centers where emergent PTCA with stenting is frequently
applied, mortality is between 4 and 6%.2 Even in hospitals where this treat-
ment is common however, there are a significant number of patients who, be-
cause of late arrival or other reasons, are not treated with reperfusion.3 Thus,
there is a marked variation in the coronary status as well as the myocardial
function in what is a very heterogeneous cohort of patients. Some patients
who have very early angioplasty or thrombolysis have very little myocar-
dial necrosis but may be left with a great deal of myocardium still at risk.
Others have large scars but may not have significant areas threatened. So in
many of these patients an exercise test can be very useful in planning the
patient’s future. It may even help to identify some who have hibernating
myocardium, who would benefit from revascularization.


Many postinfarction deaths are sudden and occur within the first 6 months
after infarction.4–7 Indices that determine patients at risk have been identified
by reviewing the complications that develop during convalescence. The

presence of pulmonary edema or heart failure, renal failure, ventricular ar-

rhythmias, and angina are but a few of the problems imparting a poor prog-
nosis.8,9 Most of the indices identified as prognostically significant relate to
residual ischemia, left-ventricular dysfunction, and electrical instability.10
However, a large number of patients with MI have an uncomplicated
An MI almost always indicates the presence of coronary artery disease
(CAD) but does not imply its severity. Patients who are clinically stable, re-
gardless of the size of infarction, commonly have severe CAD.11
However, up to one third of patients with an MI may have single-vessel
disease, and if the tissue at risk has undergone necrosis, these patients may
remain stable for long periods.10 Aggressive medical therapy with beta-
blockers and statins has been shown to significantly improve progress, as
have both PTCA and thrombolysis.12–14 Although routine invasive diagnos-
tic procedures cannot be universally recommended, nonetheless, in selected
patients with two- and three-vessel disease, coronary artery bypass probably
prolongs survival, especially in left main coronary artery and three-vessel
disease.5 Moreover, medical therapy such as antiplatelet and beta-blocker
drugs as well as ACE inhibitors also appears to reduce mortality.14,15
Exercise testing from 10 days to 3 weeks after an MI is an efficient and
established way to detect those at high risk.16,17 Although the risks of doing
exercise testing have probably been underreported, at this point, it seems
reasonably safe. The post-MI stress test, then, emerged to provide us with a
means of selecting patients at high risk among those who are asymptomatic
and have an uncomplicated convalescence, permitting the implementation
of aggressive management that might reduce mortality and morbidity. After
thrombolysis and angioplasty became commonly used with early hospital
discharge, often in 2 to 3 days, the exercise test was usually delayed until a
few weeks later, and usually done on an outpatient basis.
Stratification of patients soon after an MI with exercise stress testing of-
fers several other benefits. Patients at low risk may be spared needless inva-
sive and costly studies. Exercise testing defines the patient’s functional cardiac
capacity by which activity level and rehabilitation can be rationally prescribed.
It provides a safe basis to advise patients regarding return to normal activities
and work. Psychologically, the test promotes self-confidence and reassures
both patient and physician that routine daily tasks can be performed safely,
thereby avoiding unnecessary restrictions. Even if the convalescent cardiac pa-
tient is subject to ischemia or arrhythmias during exercise testing, the patient
is best served by exposing these problems under supervision.


A sizable experience with post-MI stress testing has demonstrated its safety.
Several thousand predischarge and post-MI exercise tests have been re-

ported with only a few serious complications.11 The major determinant of

risk is probably patient selection. Generally, post-MI patients with clinical
heart failure, recent angina, uncontrolled high-grade ventricular ectopy, un-
stable ECG, and severe hypertension are excluded from stress testing. If the
patient had an angiogram while in the hospital this information will con-
tribute to following clinical decision-making and how aggressive therapy
should be applied.


Most early treadmill stress tests performed either at discharge or within 1 to

2 weeks of an MI are terminated with the attainment of a specific heart rate,
usually 70% of the maximum predicted heart rate for age (normally 120 to
130 beats per minute) or when a workload of 3 to 5 MET (multiples of rest-
ing energy expenditure) has been achieved. This response is indicated if
reperfusion therapy is not utilized. These modified protocols begin with a
low initial workload and are advanced in small increments. Figure 8–9 is an
example of such a protocol. Modified heart-rate–limited or workload-limited
tests are referred to as submaximal treadmill stress tests and impose a stress
equivalent to that encountered during routine daily activity.18 Some studies,
however, include symptom-limited or sign-limited tests using greater
These protocols are generally recommended for patients in the later
post-MI period, that is, more than 2 weeks after infarction. Symptom-limited
tests are terminated with the onset of angina, dyspnea, or fatigue, regardless
of the magnitude of ST-segment depression. Sign-limited protocols are con-
cluded at the onset of significant ST-segment depression, ventricular ar-
rhythmias, or hypotension.
DeBusk and Haskell18 compared symptom-limited and heart-rate–
limited modified treadmill protocols at 3 weeks after an MI and found both
equally safe and effective in provoking ischemic abnormalities and identi-
fying patients at risk of subsequent coronary events. Higher peak heart
rates and workloads were achieved with the symptom-limited protocol, yet
the prevalence of ischemic test abnormalities was similar with both proto-
cols, with the abnormalities usually occurring at heart rates of 130 beats per
minute or less. However, a similar study by Starling and colleagues19
demonstrated a greater yield with a symptom-limited modified test. At
6 weeks, a standard maximum symptom-limited stress test protocol ap-
pears superior to a modified symptom-limited test, but at 10 days to
2 weeks, I still believe a low-level modified protocol is more appropriate in
the first two or three weeks, especially if the patient has not had an an-
giogram (see Fig. 8–9).


ST-Segment Depression
The development of ST-segment depression with exercise is probably the
most reliable sign of a myocardial ischemia and appears to be the most use-
ful parameter of prognostic importance. In post-MI patients, the incidence
previously reportedly varies from 15% to 40%.16,17,20 Theroux and cowork-
ers16 found that exercise-induced ST-segment depression of 1 mm or greater
on a submaximal treadmill protocol was highly predictive of subsequent
mortality during a one-year period. These data were reported before the ad-
vent of reperfusion therapy.
Sami and colleagues20 similarly noted an eightfold increased risk of car-
diac arrest and recurrent infarction in patients with ST-segment depression
of 2 mm or greater on a modified symptom-limited treadmill test. In this
study, there was a tendency toward increased risk with greater ST-segment
depression. Although the number of patients was small, the risk of a cardiac
event doubled between ST-segment depression of 1 to 2 mm and ST-segment
depression of 2 mm or greater. I would suspect that this would apply today.
Ischemic ST-segment changes alone or in conjunction with other stress
test abnormalities predict a group of patients at risk of subsequent cardiac
events such as stable and unstable angina,21 serious ventricular arrhyth-
mias,22 heart failure,23 and coronary artery bypass surgery.20
The accuracy of exercise-induced ST-segment depression in providing
prognostic information can be influenced by several factors. Early termina-
tion of the stress test at a predetermined level of exercise may result in un-
derestimating the incidence of ischemic ST changes. Resting ST-segment
abnormalities, digitalis effect, myocardial hypertrophy, and conduction
abnormalities make interpretation of exercise-induced ST-segment changes
Recent MIs may increase the number of false-negative responses with ex-
ercise testing. Castellanet and associates24 found that ischemia after an ante-
rior MI was less apparent than with the same process following an inferior MI.
This is because an anterior wall akinetic segment and scar tissue in the myo-
cardial wall appears to mask or alter significant ST depression in most leads.

Few studies have investigated exercise-induced angina as an isolated prog-
nostic factor, although it occurs in a significant number of patients undergo-
ing post-MI exercise testing.25,26 Although Theroux and coworkers16 could
not demonstrate that angina predicts mortality or morbidity, they found it
does correlate with the development of stable angina within 1 year.
Davidson and DeBusk26 found that angina in the absence of ST-segment
depression was not predictive of future medical events except that it was pre-

dictive of eventual coronary bypass surgery. Angina reflects the subjective

status of patients and provides an incentive to intervene therapeutically.

Exercise-Induced Ventricular Arrhythmias

The prognostic significance of ventricular ectopy provoked by stress testing
after an MI is controversial. Complex ventricular arrhythmias detected by
ambulatory ECG monitoring during the late hospital phase of an infarction
have been reported to adversely affect prognosis.27,28 Reports of the inci-
dence of ventricular ectopy with post-MI exercise tests range from 20% to
60%.16,17,20 Some investigators have found that ventricular ectopy during
post-MI exercise tests is predictive of mortality.29,30 Other studies have found
it of little prognostic significance for predicting subsequent coronary events,
even if high-grade ventricular arrhythmias or a high frequency of premature
beats are observed.19,22,26 Rarely in this population is there a relationship be-
tween arrhythmias and ST-segment depression.
It is well established, however, that ventricular ectopy associated with
left-ventricular dysfunction is more onerous.30,31 Schultz and coworkers,30
using Holter monitoring, demonstrated that only patients with an ejection
fraction of less than 40% and complex ventricular activity had sudden
death within 6 months after an MI. Borer and colleagues32 noted a rela-
tionship between impaired ejection fraction, determined by nuclear stud-
ies, and ventricular ectopy frequency and complexity. They found that ven-
tricular ectopy provided no more predictive information than ejection
fraction alone.
Ambulatory ECG monitoring is superior to exercise testing in detecting
ventricular arrhythmias14,33 although there is some evidence that the
arrhythmias may have somewhat different mechanisms. Also, exercise test-
ing may demonstrate advanced grades of ventricular ectopy not detected
by ambulatory monitoring, and it would appear that both tests may be

Hemodynamic Responses
Certain hemodynamic responses to predischarge treadmill stress testing are
also important. Reduced exercise capacity roughly reflects impaired left-
ventricular function and may attribute its prognostic value to this associa-
tion.35 Performing modified workload-limited stress tests at 2 weeks post-
MI, Weld and associates36 found that exercise duration provided the most
useful variable for predicting mortality. Completing a workload of at least 3
MET implied a favorable prognosis even if ST-segment depression or ven-
tricular arrhythmias occurred.
Excluding patients with clinical heart failure, Davidson and DeBusk26
found a maximum workload of less than 4 MET at 3 weeks after infarction to
be a risk factor for future cardiac events.

Inadequate blood pressure response (defined as an increase of 10 mm or

less in systolic blood pressure with a peak systolic pressure of 140 mm or less,
or a fall of greater than 20 mm in systolic pressure from peak systolic blood
pressure) also appeared predictive of coronary events and seemed to corre-
late with exercise duration.21 Granath and colleagues29 and Lundvall and
Kaijser,37 exercising patients on a bicycle ergometer, found that heart rates
of greater than 125 to 130 beats per minute at workloads of 33 to 50 W (2.6
to 4 MET) constituted a significant prognostic factor. As far as I know,
chronotropic incompetence has not been studied in a cohort of patients with
a previous MI but its predictive value in large populations has been well

ST-Segment Elevation
Exercise-induced ST-segment elevation is common in subjects with post-MI
stress tests in leads where Q waves are present.31 It has been correlated with
abnormal wall motion in the area of infarction; however, approximately
50% of the ST-segment elevations observed initially with predischarge
stress tests will be absent on retesting at 6 weeks, which may reflect im-
provement of abnormal wall motion with fibrosis and scarring,10 or it may
be due to recovery of hybernating myocardium. It rarely occurs with infe-
rior infarction, and the ejection fraction is significantly lower in patients
demonstrating ST-segment elevation. Thus, when the ST-segment elevation
is noted on post-MI stress testing that becomes more marked with exercise
it may indicate viable myocardium in the region of the infarct. (See Chapter
12.) Gerwirtz and colleagues,39 using thallium perfusion scans, found that
these changes correlate with the size of the scar and the increase in heart rate
during the test. They found no evidence that ischemia was a consistent find-
ing when ST elevation was present, and furthermore their patients with the
most marked ST elevation (4 mm) had no ischemia detected by thallium.
Their findings have been supported by a recent study from Greece.39a It may
be that changes in QT interval will help us determine the significance of
these changes.40


Knowledge of the consistency of post-MI exercise test abnormalities is im-

portant in assessing the validity of its prognostic value. Different timing in
the performance of stress tests with relation to the infarction may alter the
ability to provide prognostic information.
Starling and coworkers34 compared modified symptom-limited tread-
mill tests performed at 2 weeks and 6 weeks post-MI. The frequency of ST-
segment depression was a similar result on both stress tests and exhibited a
high reproducibility. The frequency of angina, inappropriate blood pressure

response, and ventricular arrhythmias for the group were also similar; how-
ever, these abnormalities demonstrated limited reproducibility and sub-
stantial variation in individual patients. Furthermore, almost one fourth of
abnormal 2-week tests were normal at 6 weeks, and nearly one third of ab-
normal tests became normal. Also, the patients who had an intervening car-
diac event between 3 and 6 weeks had abnormal 2-week stress tests.
Therefore, early or predischarge stress tests identify a group of patients
at early risk, in addition to determining the exercise capacity, ischemic ST re-
sponse, and ventricular arrhythmias that aid in predicting long-term prog-
nosis. A second test performed several weeks after an MI is important to fur-
ther identify patients who had previously normal early stress tests and may
still be at risk for subsequent cardiac events. This is of most benefit in those
who have not had reperfusion therapy.


Because the severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) has been demon-
strated to be an important determinant of survival,41,42 and because multi-
vessel disease has been demonstrated angiographically in as many as 50% to
75% of patients soon after an MI,10,11,31,38 it would be helpful if testing would
predict the severity of disease in those who have not had an angiogram. Al-
though symptomatic patients appear to have a higher prevalence of multi-
vessel involvement, symptoms or complications are relatively insensitive
discriminating factors.43,44
It would be desirable if the absence of exercise-induced ischemic ECG
responses signified no further CAD, that is, single-vessel disease. If a posi-
tive stress test response reflected ischemia at sites adjacent to or remote from
the infarction where viable myocardium is supplied by stenotic vessels, it
would predict multivessel involvement.
Two studies, Fuller and colleagues45 and Schwartz and associates,11
found that ST-segment depression of 1 mm or greater, angina, or both cor-
rectly identified most patients with multivessel disease. Hemodynamic pa-
rameters such as achieved workload or double product, however, did not as-
sist in predicting patients with multivessel involvement. Both studies found
that a positive ischemic response was of moderate sensitivity, approximately
55% to 67% in detecting multivessel disease, and had a high specificity of
about 90% with a predictive value also near 90%. Fuller and associates45
found that 73% of negative responses on exercise tests identified single-
vessel disease. However, Schwartz and colleagues found that a negative ex-
ercise test could not reliably indicate single-vessel disease because more than
50% of the patients with negative responses had multivessel disease. There-
fore, an abnormal post-MI stress test identifies most patients with multives-
sel disease, but a negative test does not necessarily preclude multivessel

Findings Predictive of Events

1. ST-segment depression
2. Short exercise duration
3. High heart rate at low workload
4. Failure to increase blood pressure or fall below control
5. Complex premature ventricular contractions with poor left-ventricu-
lar function


Most of the follow-up data reported cover fairly short periods. Theroux
and associates46 report a 5-year follow-up that is of special interest. They
found that the usual markers—ST-segment depression, decreasing blood
pressure, and short exercise duration—were excellent predictors for events
in the first year after MI, but thereafter factors that were markers for de-
creased ventricular function, such as size of infarct from the ECG, history
of previous infarctions, and ventricular arrhythmias, were more important.
Thus, when making a short-term determination, the decision-making
process is different from when the first year is behind us and we are going
for the long haul. Taylor and associates47 report that the results of the ex-
ercise test can be used to reassure wives as to their husbands’ capacity for


Although statistical data suggest that the clinical approach recommended

makes sense at this time, individual patients often present individual prob-
lems, and our responsibility is to try to do what is best for each person. The
mark of a good clinician is not only to know the statistics, but to be able to
apply their probabilities to each patient. Many exceptions will occur, and our
ability to deal effectively with each complex situation will be the true test of
our mettle.

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14. Waldecker, B, et al: Long-term follow-up after direct percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 32:1320, 1998.
15. Miller, DH and Borer, JS: Exercise testing early after myocardial infarction: Risks and ben-
efits. Am J Med 72:427, 1982.
16. Theroux, P, et al: Prognostic value of exercise testing soon after myocardial infarction.
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17. Smith, JW, et al: Exercise testing three weeks after myocardial infarction. Chest 75:1216,
18. DeBusk, RF and Haskell, W: Symptom-limited vs. heart rate-limited exercise testing soon
after myocardial infarction. Circulation 61:738, 1980.
19. Starling, MR, et al: Superiority of selected treadmill exercise protocols predischarge and six
weeks post-infarction for detecting ischemic abnormalities. Am Heart J 104:1054, 1982.
20. Sami, M, et al: The prognostic significance of serial exercise testing after myocardial in-
farction. Circulation 60:1238, 1979.
21. Starling, MR, et al: Exercise testing early after myocardial infarction: Predictive value for
subsequent unstable angina and death. Am J Cardiol 46:909, 1980.
22. Markiewiez, W, et al: Exercise testing soon after myocardial infarction. Circulation 56:26,
23. Koppes, GM, et al: Response to exercise early after uncomplicated acute myocardial in-
farction in patients receiving no medication: Long term follow-up. Am J Cardiol 46:764,
24. Castellanet, M, et al: Comparison of 57 segment changes on exercise testing of angiographic
findings in patients with prior myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 42:24, 1978.
25. Ericsson, M, et al: Arrhythmias and symptoms during treadmill testing three weeks after
myocardial infarction in 100 patients. Br Heart J 35:787,1973.
26. Davidson, DM and DeBusk, RF: Prognostic value of a single exercise test 3 weeks after
uncomplicated myocardial infarction. Circulation 61:236, 1980.
27. Moss, AJ, et al: Ventricular ectopic beats and their relation to sudden and non-sudden
cardiac death after myocardial infarction. Circulation 60:998, 1979.
28. Bigger, T, et al: Prevalence, characteristics and significance of ventricular tachycardia (three
or more complexes) detected with ambulatory electrocardiographic recording in the late
hospital phase of acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 48:815-823, 1981.
29. Granath, A, et al: Early workload tests for evaluation of long term prognosis of acute my-
ocardial infarction. Br Heart J 39:758, 1977.
30. Schultz, RA, et al: Sudden death in the year following myocardial infarction: Relation to
ventricular premature contractions in the late hospital phase and left ventricular ejection
fraction. Am J Med 62:192, 1977.
31. DeFeyter, PJ, et al: Prognostic value of exercise testing coronary angiography and left ven-
triculography 6-8 weeks after myocardial infarction. Circulation 66:527, 1982.

32. Borer, JS, et al: Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive accuracy of radionuclide cineangiog-
raphy during exercise in patients with coronary artery disease: Comparison with exercise
electrocardiography. Circulation 60:572, 1979.
33. Weiner, OA, et al: S-T segment changes post-infarction: Predictive value for multivessel
coronary disease and left ventricular aneurysm. Circulation 58:887, 1978.
34. Starling, MR, et al: Treadmill exercise tests predischarge and six weeks post-myocardial in-
farction to detect abnormalities of known prognostic value. Ann Intern Med 94:721, 1981.
35. Paine, TD, et al: Relation of graded exercise test findings after myocardial infarction to ex-
tent of coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction. Am J Cardiol 42:716, 1978.
36. Weld, FM, et al: Risk stratification with low-level exercise testing 2 weeks after acute my-
ocardial infarction. Circulation 64:306, 1981.
37. Lundvall, K and Kaijser, L: Early exercise tests after uncomplicated acute myocardial in-
farction before early discharge from hospital. Acta Med Scand 210:257, 1981.
38. Lauer, MS, et al: Impaired heart rate response to graded exercise: prognostic implications
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45. Fuller, CM, et al: Early post-myocardial infarction treadmill stress testing: An accurate pre-
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46. Theroux, P, et al: Exercise testing in the early period after myocardial infarction in the eval-
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47. Taylor, CB, et al: Exercise testing to enhance wives’ confidence in their husbands’ cardiac
capability. Am J Cardiol 55:635, 1958
Stress Testing After Surgical
Intervention and
Coronary Angioplasty

Questions Preoperative and Postoperative

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft ST-Segment Depression
Surgery Diagnostic Value of Angina
Prediction of Postoperative Postoperative Exercise
Results from Preoperative Performance
Stress Testing Serial Postoperative Exercise
Prediction of Ischemia and Testing
Postoperative Testing Angioplasty

Most patients, prior to undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery,

have experienced a major decrease in function, especially during exercise,
and the aim of surgery is to improve their performance. The expected im-
provement as measured by stress testing includes an increase in aerobic
capacity and an ability to exercise without undue dyspnea and without
significant chest pain or discomfort. Because it is common for most cardiac
patients to be asymptomatic at rest, a test of functional capacity before and
after a treatment is important in evaluating the benefit derived from the
Stress testing is one of the most useful ways to measure the response to
surgery or catheter-based revascularization and to evaluate progress or the
lack of it immediately after the procedure and in the ensuing years. It has
been used in valvular surgery, coronary bypass surgery, and recently in
angioplasty. It is often used to measure changes expected from medical
therapy as well.


Questions we would like to answer in the evaluation of angioplasty or by-

pass patients are as follows:
1. Can we predict the result from the preprocedural stress test?

2. Does postprocedural ST depression depict graft closure or restenosis

or residual or new myocardial ischemia? Is it as reliable as the pre-
operative stress test?
3. Does comparison of the preoperative and postoperative exercise tests
have more value in assessing graft patency than the postoperative
test alone?
4. Does angina or its lack during stress testing postoperatively predict
the presence or absence of myocardial ischemia?
5. Does the postoperative exercise tolerance correlate with ischemia or
graft patency?
6. Does serial postoperative testing aid in patient evaluation and fol-


Prediction of Postoperative Results from

Preoperative Stress Testing
Stuart and I1 conducted a study of 387 postoperative patients, 196 of whom
had completed preoperative and postoperative exercises tests. We compared
age, sex, workload at onset of ischemia, and the presence of anginal pain dur-
ing testing and found that none of these helped to distinguish those who
would have a good result from those who would have a poor result; thus, the
study appeared to fail as an adjunct in determining the need for surgery. We
had believed angina manifested on the preoperative treadmill would be a
predictor for both ultimate survival and relief of ischemia. This was because
we knew that generalized scarring of the myocardium, which is more com-
mon in coronary disease patients without angina, should carry a poor prog-
nosis, whereas exercise pain, signaling a viable myocardium, should predict
a better result after bypass. However, we found no evidence to confirm this
hypothesis in our data.
On the other hand, Weiner and colleagues,2 when analyzing the non-
randomized patients in the CASS registry, found those with a high-risk ex-
ercise test (ST depression greater than 1 mm and a short exercise time (Bruce
first stage only) had better survival with surgery than if treated medically.
Those reaching Bruce stage IV, regardless of the ST changes, also did better
with surgery than those with limited exercise capacity. The CASS study3 also
found that those who had angina during the preoperative exercise test did
better when treated surgically than medically (5-year survival rate of 94% for
surgery compared with 87% for medical therapy). It is also well known that
the high crossover from medical to surgical treatment (23%) in the CASS
study favors good results in the medical cohort, so that if these patients were
counted as poor results, the data would force surgery even more.
The so-called high-risk treadmill patients also had an improved quality
of life, characterized by less angina and a longer exercise time if they had had

bypass surgery. This is also compatible with the findings of the European
coronary surgery randomized trial.4
Thus, when comparing operated with nonoperated patients, our origi-
nal thesis was confirmed; that is, the exercise test is useful in deciding who
should have surgery. The best predictor is a short exercise time.

Prediction of Ischemia and Postoperative Testing

Several studies found that complete disappearance of ST depression was
usually associated with complete revascularization.5–9 However, Siegel and
associates9 reported that 30% of their patients with complete revasculariza-
tion continued to have ST depression after surgery. When some of the bypass
grafts are open and some are closed, there is also a high probability of a nor-
mal ST response. Although the postoperative ST response is helpful, a sig-
nificant number of those with all grafts closed will have normal ST seg-
ments.10 Our experience has been similar to that of Siegel and coworkers9 in
that some patients with open grafts continue to have ST depression. Al-
though it is somewhat difficult to document, postoperative ST-segment de-
pression is probably not as reliable as preoperative ST-segment depression
in predicting the presence or absence of ischemia. This is even more appar-
ent in patients who have angioplasty.11
Assad-Morell8 reported an excellent correlation between graft patency
postoperatively and exercise-induced ST depression. When all grafts were
patent, only 9% had ST depression, and none of their patients with total
failure to be revascularized had normal ST segments. However, no other
study has been reported in which the exercise test provides as good dis-
crimination (Table 11–1). Nevertheless, we might conclude that reversion

Table 11–1. Postoperative Treadmill Exercise Response by Number of Vessels Left

Ungrafted (VLU)

No VLU One VLU Two VLU Three VLU

Total patients (no.) 23 33 24 5

Treadmill exercise response:
Positive 2 (9%) 23 (70%) 23 (96%) 5 (100%)
Negative 21 (91%) 10 (30%) 1 (4%) 0 (0%)
Patients by vessels
diseased (no.):
One vessel 10 2 0 0
Two vessels 11 18 7 0
Three vessels 2 13 17 5
Total grafts* 38 56 46 9
Grafts patent:
No. 38 42 23 0
% 100 75 50 0

*Total number of grafts in group.

(From Assad-Morell et al.8 with permission.)

of postoperative ST segments to normal usually indicates complete revas-

cularization, with many exceptions. It almost always indicates improved

Preoperative and Postoperative ST-Segment Depression

When preoperative and postoperative ST segments are compared, most in-
vestigators report that the conversion from abnormal to normal is associated
with a high probability of total revascularization. Hartman and associates10
reported this in 88% of patients. They also found that in those with improved
coronary flow, but less than total revascularization, ST depression disap-
peared in 79%. Even in those who were shown to be unimproved by an-
giography, 50% lost their ST depression postoperatively.
From the data available, it appears that when an abnormal ST pattern
converts to normal, there is a high probability of total revascularization.5,12 On
the other hand, a significant number of patients with total revascularization
will continue to have ST depression, and there will also be some with failed
grafts who have a normal ST response.13 Postoperative testing can be inter-
preted with much more reliability when the preoperative test is available.

Diagnostic Value of Angina

The diagnostic value of angina during postoperative testing has been stud-
ied by a number of authors.5,7,9 Almost all patients with complete revascu-
larization are free of exercise-induced angina; in fact, over 90% of those who
have had bypass surgery lose their angina. The loss of angina, however, is a
weak predictor of graft patency. Anginal relief occurs with improvement of
perfusion in almost every case, but may also occur in patients with little or
no change in myocardial blood flow. Of patients with at least one patent graft
in the early postoperative period, 79% fail to have angina, and Hartman and
colleagues10 found that 50% of those without any revascularization became
free of angina. It is important to remember that 38% of patients either lost or
had marked improvement in their angina after the discarded Vineberg op-
eration, which may have improved collateral flow a little, but was by no
means a complete revascularization.14

Postoperative Exercise Performance

Exercise performance may be very bad in patients with normal function and
very good in those with severely compromised cardiac output.15 Therefore,
it is not surprising that total exercise time, maximum achieved heart rate, and
maximum achieved double product have not been shown to have much va-
lidity in predicting the degree of revascularization.16,17 Although most pa-
tients with good anatomical results improve their exercise capacity after
surgery, as an individual predictor, exercise fails to stand up. This may be be-

cause pain, which determines the exercise end-point in many cases, is com-
monly lost even in those with failed revascularization. We know that in the
absence of angina, patients often exercise longer and may reach an increased
double product. Therefore, there is fairly good correlation between the loss
of induced angina and increased functional capacity. The paper by Block and
coworkers18 demonstrates this concept. They studied 23 patients following
unsuccessful revascularization and reported a statistically significant im-
provement in maximum heart rate and lesser improvement in functional aer-
obic impairment, absolute duration of exercise, and pressure–rate product
(Fig. 11–1).
On the other hand, when patients fail to have pain relief after coronary
bypass surgery, they almost invariably have a significant amount of ischemic
myocardium, unless they have vasospastic angina.9 Although there is still in-
adequate confirmation by other authors, I believe that the double product at
the onset of ischemic ST depression is the most reliable stress testing mea-
sure of change in the degree of ischemia over time or as a result of an inter-
vention. We found this index to be improved in 61% of our patients after
coronary bypass surgery.2

Serial Postoperative Exercise Testing

Although in clinical practice it is common to use the exercise test in follow-
ing up and reevaluating postoperative coronary bypass patients, there is not
much documentation of its usefulness. Guttin’s group19 in Houston found

FIGURE 11–1. Changes in functional class in 23 patients after unsuccessful revascularization. Note
the improvement despite the lack of functioning grafts. (From Block et al,18 with permission.)

that 20% of those who had negative findings after coronary bypass surgery
converted to an abnormal test in 23 months. Many of these had progression
of disease or graft failure. In our experience, the onset of ST depression or
angina at a lower workload or lower double product has usually led us to the
discovery of progressive ischemia. Postoperative testing thus is a useful and
practical approach to patient evaluation and should be used as an aid in fol-
lowing coronary bypass patients.


It might be assumed that the concepts presented in postoperative coronary

bypass patients would hold for those who have undergone angioplasty. Be-
cause many patients undergoing coronary angioplasty have only one vessel
opened, one might suspect some variations in findings compared with those
of coronary artery bypass patients. Marco and colleagues20 followed up 62
patients with successful angioplasty and found that exercise testing within
2 days of the procedure reliably predicted the 32% who developed resteno-
sis. In my experience, anginal pain is a reliable predictor of restenosis or pro-
gression of disease in another vessel in angioplasty patients. Also, postan-
gioplasty resolution of ST depression has been a reliable indicator of a
successful result. el-Tamimi, however, has reported that exercise-induced
ST depression shortly after PTCA is often obliterated by isosorbide dinitrate
and is due to small-vessel constriction produced by the procedure.22 Down-
stream emboli of small fragments occur in a high percentage of patients who
undergo this therapy.21 Meier and associates23 used bicycle ergometry on
those with successful angioplasty and found that their work capacity in-
creased from 72 to 122 W. Rosing and colleagues24 reported on 66 patients
from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registry who had un-
dergone successful angioplasty. Only 33% had ST depression prior to the
procedure, and 7% of these were abnormal afterward. If angina was used as
an indicator of abnormality, 68% were abnormal before and 7% afterward.
The low sensitivity of ST depression in this group probably reflects the orig-
inal restrictions of this procedure to single-vessel disease. It is of interest that
those patients who had an abnormal thallium test after the procedure had a
higher risk of restenosis.
Several reports of sudden closure shortly after an exercise test of the ves-
sel that had undergone angioplasty raise some concern.25–29 Several cases
have been reported in the literature, most of whom were tested on the sec-
ond postoperative day. The incidence of this complication has been quoted
as 0.08% in a series of 1264 tests. Sheer stress, coronary spasm, hyperaggre-
gable platelets, and possible flaps caused by the increased flow velocity have
been postulated as the mechanisms. Because of these reports, most centers
have abandoned exercise testing prior to discharge, believing it will be safer

to test the patients a few weeks afterward. During the postangioplasty pe-
riod (3 to 6 months), patients who have exercise-induced ST depression or
angina have been shown to have a significantly higher incidence of coronary
events as might be expected.30


The reason why ST depression may be absent in patients with failed bypass
surgery remains obscure. Fibrosis or injury of the subendocardium, the ori-
gin of the ST changes, may be a cause.
Some patients with angiographic evidence of total revascularization
continue to have ST depression in the postoperative period. The measure-
ment of coronary flow as generated by digital angiography by Bates and
coworkers31 may give an explanation. They found that the reactive hyper-
emia associated with contrast media increased velocity in normal coro-
naries to about 1.8 times normal. This reactive increase is reduced, de-
pending on the severity of the coronary lesion. When the investigators
studied normal-appearing bypass grafts, the increased flow was about
50% of that seen in normal vessels. It may be that even though the graft is
patent, the rigid tube almost universally found after a year or so cannot
deliver the magnitude of flow increase necessary to supply myocardial
needs during exercise.
The work of Ribeiro and colleagues32 is of special interest. They found
some patients with bypass surgery who had open grafts, yet had ischemia
documented by Holter monitor, exercise testing, and positron emission to-
mography using rubidium 82. Their work supports that of Bates and asso-
ciates31 in that ischemia can be present in areas of the myocardium that one
would expect to be adequately perfused when viewing the angiogram.
Mechanisms responsible for this are better understood. Coronaries that have
nonocclusive plaques do not have healthy endothelium and probably con-
strict rather than dilate with exercise.33 If they are aggressively treated with
statins this may improve.34
Even though the exercise test has limitations in the postoperative pa-
tient, it can be very useful. The aerobic capacity, blood pressure, heart rate
response, initiation of arrhythmias, and other findings are probably as valu-
able as the detection of ST-segment depression when considered as a whole
and with knowledge of the patient’s previous performance.


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2. Weiner, DA, et al: Value of exercise testing in identifying patients with improved survival
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9. Siegel, W, et al: The spectrum of exercise test and angiographic correlations in myocardial
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10. Hartman, CW, et al: Aortocoronary bypass surgery: Correlation of angiographic, sympto-
matic and functional improvement at 1 year. Am J Cardiol 37:352–357, 1976.
11. Bech, GJW, et al: Fractional flow reserve to determine the appropriateness of angioplasty in
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12. Glasser, SP and Clark, PI: The Clinical Approach to Exercise Testing. Harper & Row, New
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13. Dodek, A, et al: Stress electrocardiography in the evaluation of aortocoronary bypass
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14. Kassebaum, DG, et al: Stress electrocardiography in the evaluation of surgical revascular-
ization of the heart. Circulation 40:297, 1969.
15. Block, T, et al: Changes in exercise performance following unsuccessful coronary bypass
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16. Lapin, ES, et al: Changes in maximal exercise performance in the evaluation of saphenous
vein bypass surgery. Circulation XLVII:1164, 1973.
17. Merrill, AJ Jr, et al: Value of maximal exercise testing in assessment of results. Circulation
II:(suppl 1)51, 173, 1975.
18. Block, TA, et al: Improvement in exercise performance after unsuccessful myocardial revas-
cularization. Am J Cardiol 40:673, 1977.
19. Guttin, J, et al: Longitudinal evaluation of patients after coronary artery bypass by serial
treadmill testing [abstract]. Am J Cardiol 35:142, 1975.
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21. Tamimi, H, et al: Inappropriate constriction of small coronary vessels as a possible cause of
a positive exercise test early after a successful coronary angioplasty. Circulation 84: 2307,
22. Meier, B, et al: Long-term exercise performance after percutaneous transluminal coronary
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23. Ricciardi, MJ, et al: Visualization of discrete microinfarction after percutaneous coronary
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neous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Am J Cardiol 53:36C, 1984.
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31. Bates, ER, et al: The chronic coronary flow reserve provided by saphenous vein bypass grafts
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34. Brown, BG, et al: Simvastatin and niacin, antioxidant vitamins, or the combination for the
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ECG Patterns and
Their Significance

Introduction ATHENS Score

Conventional Elecrocardiographic Changes in QRS Axis
Changes Changes in S Waves
Normal Exercise Electrocardiographic Q Wave and QT Intervals
ST and J Point QX/QT Ratio
Upsloping ST Segments Septal Q Waves
Horizontal versus Downsloping ST QT Dispersion
Segments Prolonged QT
Downsloping ST Segments Congenital Long QT Syndrome
ST Depression in Recovery Only T Wave Alterations
ST Integral and Slope Normalization of Inverted T Waves
Time Course of ST Depression Peaked T Waves
Magnitude of ST Depression Deep T Wave Inversions
Intraobserver Agreement Tall T Waves
Distribution of ST Depression P Wave Changes
ST Elevation False-Positive ST Changes
ST Elevation in Leads without Q Sloping PQ Segment (Sapin)
Waves Digitalis
ST Elevation in Leads with Q Waves Hypokalemia
ST Elevation at Rest (Early ST Depression in Inferior Leads Only
Repolarization) False-Positive Tracings Due to
Unconventional Electrocardiographic Computer Averaging
Changes with Exercise Increased Sympathetic Tone
Lead Strength (ST/R) (Vasoregulatory Asthenia)
ST-Heart Rate Slope Hyperventilation and Orthostatic
ST-Heart Rate Index (Kligfield Index) Changes
ST Evolving toward Normal with Short PR Interval
Exercise Convex ST-Segment Depression—
Intermittent ST Depression “Hump Sign”
ST Depression with Long Diastolic ST Segment Variability
Filling Localization of Ischemia by
ST Hysteresis (HR Recovery ST Loop) Electrocardiographic Patterns
Rounded ST Depression ST Elevation Due to Transmural
ST Depression with Nodal Premature Ischemia
Contractions ST Elevation in AVR
QRS Changes ST Depression in V1
R Wave Amplitude Peaked T Waves in V2
Decreased R + ST Depression Localization of Proximal or Distal LAD
Increased R Wave with Atrial Extra Localization with Right Precordial
Systoles Leads
Increased QRS Duration U Waves



It is truly remarkable that although electrocardiographic (ECG) changes

were first recognized as markers for ischemia about 1918,1 here more than 80
years later we are still discovering that there is more to learn in this area. In
the last few years numerous papers point out new ECG markers that have
utility2–5 and I predict this trend will continue into the future. This chapter
has been revised to present the more commonly used (conventional) electro-
cardiogram exchanges separately from the less commonly recognized
changes (unconventional).
Although computers are being used more to evaluate the ECG changes
associated with exercise,6,7 it is still essential to carefully scrutinize the ECG
visually, since computer measures are far from error-free. Also, technical
writers of computer programs are always years behind the latest knowledge
base. This chapter presents many ways of evaluating the exercise ECG that
have not been incorporated into a computer program and may never be.
Careful inspection of tracings from appropriate lead systems, using properly
applied electrodes and recording systems with a good frequency response,
can usually result in accurate evaluation of changes now known to be clini-
cally significant. If you want to be an expert in the evaluation of exercise tests,
you will find many concepts mentioned here that will set you apart from
those who examine only the ST segment.


Normal Exercise Electrocardiogram ST and J Point

As the heart rate increases with exercise, a number of predictable changes oc-
cur in a normal ECG tracing. The PR interval is shortened after 1 minute of
exercise.8 The P wave becomes taller9 and the Ta wave (wave of repolariza-
tion) increases, resulting in a downward displacement of the PQ junction.
This is particularly important because the so-called baseline, for terms of
evaluating ST-segment change, is below that usually considered to be iso-
electric in the resting tracing (Fig. 12–1). With exercise, the Ta wave tends to
extend through the QRS and may influence the junction between the ST seg-
ment and T wave. Lepeschkin9 believed that this alteration in baseline ex-
tends well into the ST segment and may cause fictitious ST-segment depres-
sion (Fig. 12–2).
Recently Sapin and colleagues10 have reemphasized the importance of
the Ta wave as a cause of false-positive ST depression and have proposed
that the PQ-segment slope can alert us to this possibility (See Figure 12–3).
When the slope is steep, they found the likelihood of false-positive ST
depression to be greatly increased. This depression is also more likely

FIGURE 12–1. (Left) The normal exercise ECG complex. It can be noted that the PQ segment is de-
flected below the isoelectric line. This point is considered to be a baseline for determining ST-seg-
ment abnormalities. (Right) A horizontal ST-segment depression of 2 mm as measured from the PQ

when the P waves are taller than normal and is more common in leads 2
and 3.
It has become standard practice to use the line marked 2 in Figure 12–2,
or the PQ or PR junction, indicated in Figure 12–1, as a marker for the base-
line, rather than to use line 3 (see Fig. 12–2). The excellent computer analysis
of this problem, performed in the laboratory of Bruce and colleagues11 has
been followed by the study of Blomqvist,12 indicating the appearance of pro-
gressive depression of the J-junction. When the ST segment is measured at
one-fourth the distance between the QRS and peak T in left-to-right leads,
considerable depression is usually seen. The anterior-posterior lead changes
(V1 to V2) are less prominent than those in the lateral and vertical leads.
Figure 12–4 illustrates the findings in the orthogonal leads at the various
heart rates. Depression in the Y, or vertical, lead gives a clue as to why this
lead has a high incidence of so-called false-positive ST-segment changes.13 It
can be seen that the changes are less significant in the frontal, or transverse,
lead X.
The absence of significant ST-segment depression in young, vigorous
boys and in athletic, middle-aged men exercised in our laboratory suggests
that the effect of the Ta wave can usually be recognized because of the short
duration (usually 0.04 second) of the J-point depression.

FIGURE 12–2. Deviation of ST segments associated with exercise. Lepeschkin’s premise was that
the repolarization wave of the U wave and the repolarization wave of the P wave combined to de-
press the ST segment to the line marked “3” in the illustration. For practical purposes, most work-
ers in the field use the line marked “2” as the point of measurement for the evaluation of ST-
segment depression. (From Lepeschkin,9 with permission.)

Upsloping ST Segments
There is no subject in exercise literature that has generated more controversy
than the significance of upsloping ST segments. Froelicher,14 one of the rec-
ognized experts in the field taught that the upsloping ST depression did not
indicate ischemia until his latest book when he conceded that this pattern
was associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease.
From our material,15 the upsloping ST segment is considered to indicate
ischemia if, at 80 msec after the J point, the segment is 1.5 mm below the base-
line level of the PQ junction (Fig. 12–5). Of 70 subjects with these changes
who were catheterized in our laboratory, 57% had either two or three-vessel
disease. Bruce and Blackman16 and others42 concede that upsloping ST seg-
ments may be indicative of ischemia. Brody17 found what he called junc-
tional ST-segment depression of 1.5 mm or more in 756 business executives
tested with a double Master’s test. Twenty-one percent of these men de-
veloped coronary artery disease (CAD). Brody also found that patients
with junctional changes from 0.5 to 1.4 mm had a 2.5% occurrence of CAD.
This incidence of CAD is similar to that of subjects with completely normal
exercise tracings. Kurita and Chaitman18 also found a strong correlation be-
tween angiographically demonstrated stenosis and Upsloping ST changes
FIGURE 12–3. ST depression due to the Ta wave. Sapin and colleagues6 believe that the slope of
the PQ segment (C) can predict how much the Ta wave will suppress the ST segment. The magni-
tude of the P voltage (A) may determine the magnitude of the ST depression (D, E). PQ slope is
measured during the interval designated as B.

FIGURE 12–4. Variations in measurements of the ST segment, divided into eight equidistant points
between Q and peak T wave, in normal men and women. Note that the deviations, even at high
heart rates, are less pronounced in lead X than in other leads, as are the differences between men
and women. (From Blomqvist,12 with permission.)


FIGURE 12–5. The upsloping ST segment depicted here is at

an angle of 508. Although some would label this J-point de-
pression, we have called this “upsloping ST segment,” and it
is usually associated with ischemia.

when the depression was greater than 1.5 mm at 80 msec after the J-point.
Goldschlager and associates,19 however, found the Upsloping pattern to be
somewhat less sensitive than horizontal or Downsloping patterns, and
Froelicher and colleagues14 until recently maintained that only horizontal or
Downsloping patterns indicate ischemia.
The evidence demonstrates that upsloping ST-segment changes should
be considered abnormal when the degree of depression at 80 msec from the

FIGURE 12–6. Life table analysis of new coronary events (progression of angina, myocardial in-
farctions, and death) in patients manifesting horizontal, upsloping, and downsloping ST-segment
depression with exercise. The incidence of coronary events in patients with upsloping ST-segment
depression is the same as in those with horizontal ST-segment depression. Those with downslop-
ing ST-segment depression have a higher incidence of events.

J-point is down 1.5 mm or more. Figure 12–6 illustrates that the frequency
of new coronary events on follow-up in patients with upsloping ST seg-
ments is the same as in those with flat ST segments. On the other hand,
junctional changes with very steep upsloping ST segments are probably not
Bruce and colleagues11 have claimed that J-point and ST-segment
changes in normal subjects can be in some cases a normal result of exercise.
Observing Blomquist’s Figure 12–4 will help to distinguish the abnormal
from the normal.12

Slowly Upsloping ST depression usually indicates ischemia.

Horizontal versus Downsloping ST Segments

It is ironic that 70 years after the significance of depressed ST segments was
first recognized, the criteria for identification of these changes are still not to-
tally agreed upon. The physiological basis for the observed ECG abnormali-
ties is complex and may be multifactorial. One reason for so much confusion
is that investigators have attempted to correlate ST-segment depression with
the degree of anatomical CAD. The electrical changes in the muscle produc-
ing abnormalities in the ECGs are obviously the result of many influences,
including those caused by electrolytes, hormones, and hemodynamic and
metabolic, as well as anatomical, changes (see Chapter 3).
The magnitude of the stenosis in an artery, estimated by angiography,
may not accurately predict the amount of restriction in flow, especially when
spasm may be induced by exercise. There has been general agreement, how-
ever, that an increased magnitude of ST-segment depression usually denotes
an increased degree of ischemia. Robb and associates15 reported this from
their follow-up studies of subjects using the Master’s protocol. Recent work,
however, has challenged this concept. We and others20,21 have been unable
to correlate the ischemia estimated from the magnitude of the ST-segment
depression in any lead or from the sum of the ST changes in all leads with ei-
ther the number of diseased coronary arteries or the size of the area of re-
versible ischemia observed on the thallium scintigram. This disagrees, how-
ever, with our survival data22 and with Ekelund,23 who reported almost a
threefold increase in cardiac events in patients with the so-called strongly
positive exercise test (ST depression of 2 mm or more).24
In the early days of our stress testing program, we were most anxious
not to affix a diagnosis of CAD to a healthy person, so we selected 2.0 mm of
depression with a horizontal or downsloping ST segment as the only definite
criterion for an abnormal finding. Careful follow-up of our patients has con-
vinced us that we were being too stringent. Our criteria were later modified
to accept 1.5 mm of depression at 0.08 second from the J-point even if the ST

Table 12–1. ST Measurements 50 to 59 msec After Nadir of S Wave

HR Normal Abnormal

75 +0.5 +0.5
100 0.0 0.25
125 0.5 1.0
150 0.7 1.5
175 1.0 2.0
N=48 N=22
0.4  0.52 1.36  0.52

segment slopes upward. I believe that 1.0 mm is probably the best available
minimum level to use in horizontal ST-segment changes (Table 12–1). The
problem of marginal or equivocal findings can sometimes be resolved by
urging the patient to exercise a little longer and therefore increase the meta-
bolic load on the heart. This often causes apparently equivocal tracings to
evolve into a diagnostic pattern.
If ST-segment depression of 0.5 to 1.0 mm is accepted as abnormal, as
recommended by Master and Jaffe,25 the number of false-positive tests will
increase but the number of false-negative tests will decrease. Examination of
our follow-up data revealed that the increased incidence of coronary abnor-
malities in our tests rated equivocal (ST-segment depression of 0.5 to 1.4 mm)
indicated that a significant number of patients with CAD or decreased ven-
tricular function were included in this group (Fig. 12–7). Mason and associ-
ates,26 in a study of correlation with coronary angiography, found that the

FIGURE 12–7. The incidence of coronary events in patients with equivocal ST-segment depression
(0.5–1.4 mm marked “52”) is so close to that of patients with positive test results that it must be as-
sumed that many of them have CAD.

sensitivity when using 0.5 mm ST-segment depression was 83% and the
specificity was 60%. On the other hand, when 1.5 mm was used, the sensi-
tivity dropped to 44%, but the specificity rose to 90%. (See “Sensitivity” and
“Specificity”, Chapter 14.) Martin and McConahay27 found that using 1.0 mm
of depression in correlation with angiographically demonstrated narrowing
of 50% or more yielded a specificity of 89% and a sensitivity of 62%. Also, in
the series by Mason and colleagues,26 reducing the depression of the ST seg-
ment to 0.5 mm increased the sensitivity to 84% but decreased the specificity
to 57%. They found that the ST segments alone at maximum exercise levels
correlated best with an increased left-ventricular filling pressure in 90% of
patients. In our laboratory, we have measured ST-segment depression as il-
lustrated in Figure 12–8.

Downsloping ST Segments
The long term follow up information suggests that patients who’s ST de-
pression evolves to downsloping have more severe disease than those that
do not.
Recently Bertella28 has reported that downsloping ST depression indi-
cates that a larger area of myocardium is involved and that when the subepi-

FIGURE 12–8. (A) Horizontal ST-segment depression is measured from a point 0.08 second from
the J-point. (B) If the ST segment is convex, the depression is measured from the top of the curve
to the level of the PQ junction. (C and D) With downsloping ST segments, the depression is mea-
sured at the point where the ST-segment changes slope, which is very close to the point usually
called the “J junction.”

cardial muscle, as well as the subendocardium is also ischemic, it is usually

due to multivessel disease.
He believes that the downsloping pattern in V3 and V4 may be due to
the additive effects of anterior wall subendocardial ischemia, superimposed
on transmural posterior wall ischemia. We know that anterior transmural is-
chemia results in ST elevation and would expect transmural posterior wall
ischemia would produce a vector in the same direction as the anterior suben-
docardial ischemia process.

Downsloping ST depression in V3 and V4 probably represents
more severe ischemia than horizontal. It may be a marker for
multivessel disease.

ST Depression in Recovery Only

Although ST depression during exercise often persists into recovery, it may
not manifest until exercise has been terminated. The reasons for this are still
not clear but the phenomena have been studied by several investigators.
Lacterman30 reported on 168 subjects with ST depression, 15% of whom only
occurred during the recovery. They concluded that it had the same predic-
tive power as exercise ST changes occurring during exercise. Bywik et al,31
also found that recovery-only ST depression has the same significance as
exercise-induced ST changes in healthy volunteers (Figure 12–9).
Our experience has been similar to that published by Lachterman and
Fleg, that the ECT changes occurring only during recovery have the same
predictive power (85%) as those occurring only during exercise.

ST depression during recovery is as reliable as that occurring
during exercise in predicting coronary artery disease.

ST Integral and Slope

The use of computers to record the voltage changes associated with the ECG
complex lends itself to measurements that are otherwise laborious. Two that
have been used in several centers are the slope of the ST segment in the area
subtended by the negative deviation and the integral (Fig. 12–10). Empirical
correlations with coronary narrowing have been published.32
Most of the measurements of the slope are combined with a measure-
ment of the ST depression in order to predict ischemia, because the slope
could be flat when the deflection below the baseline is minimal. This results
in a pattern that usually at least looks normal. In 1968, McHenry and col-

FIGURE 12–9. Incidence of coronary events in patients with ST-segment depression. Those patients
who have horizontal or upsloping ST segments immediately after exercise, but which evolve into
a downsloping pattern, have a higher prevalence of coronary events than all positive responders
as a group.

leagues32 reported an analysis of the ST interval by combining a computer-

ized slope and ST measurement and indicated its usefulness in analysis of
exercise tracings. Shortly afterward, Sheffield and associates33 reported on
both the slope and the integral. Ascoop and coworkers34 measured the slope
during the first 50 msec (0.05 sec) after the J-point and used a slope of no
greater than 180 ␮V/msec as the upper limit for an abnormal value. The sen-
sitivity increased to 70% without much loss in specificity. Forlini and col-
leagues35 used the slope and integral, but isolated the integral by extending
the slope through the T wave. They reported a sensitivity of 79%, somewhat
better than the results previously cited by Ascoop and associates.34 The cal-
culation of slope and integral is standard on a number of commercially avail-
able computerized stress testing systems and seems to improve the analysis
of the ST segment, especially when the ST is marginal. One of the best eval-
uations of the integral was done by Sketch and coworkers,36 who were able
to correlate the integral with severity of disease and found that it improved
predictive value.
I believe the ST-integral and slope method shows promise, even though
enthusiasm is still limited more than 20 years after the measurements have
become technically practical.

FIGURE 12–10. ST slope and integral. (A) The slope of the ST segment. It is usually measured in
millivolts per second, a positive number if upsloping and a negative one if downsloping. (B) The
shaded area under the isoelectric line subtended by the ST segment defines the integral. The area
will increase as the depression increases and the slope decreases.

Time Course of ST Depression

It has long been recognized (and is logical) that when ST depression comes
on early at low workloads, the degree of ischemia is likely to be more severe.
In an attempt to analyze the significance of the time of onset of ST depres-
sion, we stratified a group of patients according to the onset and offset of ST
depression and compared the results with angiographic findings.37 The var-

Table 12–2. Distribution of Coronary Disease According to Time Course Type

1, 2, & 3
Type 0 Vessels 3 Vessels 2 & 3 Vessels Vessels MI Total

0 96 (56%) 16 (9%) 61 (35%) 77 (44%) 21 (12%) 173

1 17 (31%) 15 (27%) 25 (45%) 38 (69%) 5 (9%) 55
2 10 (26%) 13 (33%) 21 (54%) 29 (74%) 6 (16%) 39
3 9 (21%) 21 (50%) 28 (67%) 33 (79%) 8 (19%) 42
MI, Myocardial infarction. From Ellestad et al: The predictive value of the time course of ST seg-
ment depression during exercise testing in patients referred for coronary angiograms. Am Heart J
123:906, 1992, with permission.

ious categories are illustrated in Figure 12–11 and the magnitude of their
CAD is presented in Table 12–2.

Late Onset, Early Offset

It has long been taught that when ST depression comes on at high workloads
but resolves very quickly after exercise, it constitutes a false-positive ST de-
pression; in many centers the test is called negative. We found, however, that
significant CAD was more common than not, at least in those who were re-
ferred for angiography.

Early Onset, Late Offset

As might be expected, patients with early-onset, late-offset ST depression
usually had severe disease.

Resting ST Depression Increased with Exercise

This group was found to have severe disease. It has often been stated that
these patients should not be tested because the results would include a large
number of false-positives. This might be true if the patients are asympto-
matic, but certainly does not pertain to those who have anginal chest pain.
This finding has been confirmed by Miranda and associates. 38

Not all patients with rapid resolution of ST depression during re-
covery have normal coronary arteries.

Magnitude of ST Depression
It is intuitive that the magnitude of ST depression should correlate with
the degree of the ischemia. Several reports originally seemed to confirm
this finding. Bogaty39 reported that in patients with left main or left main

FIGURE 12–11. Time course of ST depression. The dark line in the hatched bar illustrates the ST
voltage. When this line goes below the hatched bar, the ST segment is at least 1 mm below base-
line. Note the times of the ST measurements above the bar. The various patterns have relevance in
the evaluation of the exercise test.

equivalent angiographic changes or with other severe degrees of the is-

chemia, they found the magnitude of ST depression was greater. It has
also been reported that when 2 mm or more of ST depression is present
the probability of left main disease increases. On the other hand, we have
been unable to confirm this.40 We found no correlation with the magni-
tude of ST depression or the number of leads with ST depression and the
coronary anatomy. The degree of ST depression at higher workloads de-
pends on what is used for the indication to terminate exercise. If patients
are pushed enough, or if they have some degree of left ventricle hyper-
trophy (LVH) they may have severe ST depression. If patients with single
vessel disease are encouraged to exercise strenuously or if they have some
degree of LVH, they may have very severe ST depression. Bogaty found
that in patients with 2 mm or more of ST depression, survival was deter-
mined by the time on the Bruce protocol, not on the magnitude of

The magnitude of ST depression at maximum workload may not
indicate the severity of coronary artery disease. Major ST depres-
sion at low workloads indicates severe disease.

Intraobserver Agreement
The analysis of ST-segment depression by a group of 14 experts from 7 med-
ical centers was correlated by Blackburn,37 who reported that the accuracy of
positive responses with undefined criteria varied from 5% to 55% for each
physician. Agreement among all 14 observers was obtained on only 7 nor-
mal patients and one abnormal patient. The mean estimation of accuracy was
only 10.8%. Although agreement was poor in this study, Blackburn believes
that it can be improved by following strict criteria.
Hornsten and Bruce42 analyzed 100 tracings by computer, which identi-
fied 0.10 mV (equivalent to 1.0 mm) depression at 40 to 70 msec after the
nadir of the S wave. This gave a specificity for true-negatives of 91% and a
sensitivity for true-positives of 85% when averaging 20 complexes with the
computer; however, transient ischemia was averaged out. The investigators
concluded that this degree of depression was the most reliable in predicting
ischemia. They also found some degree of ST-segment depression in the so-
called normal patients as a result of tachycardia.
Although the criteria previously described are generally useful, espe-
cially in men, more and more exceptions are now recognized. Simoons43 has
suggested that the ST be corrected for heart rate, a concept that would fit with
the observations of Blomqvist.12 There is little doubt that a computer can
measure changes in voltage better than can be done by visual inspection, but
it misidentifies the baseline often enough that it is necessary to check the
measurements to ensure their accuracy. As emphasized several times
throughout this book, the patient must be considered as a whole, including
factors such as age, sex, and blood pressure, as well as other findings.

Distribution of ST Depression
Although it has been recognized for years that lead V4, V5, and V6 are most
likely to demonstrate ischemia, they are by no means the only changes of im-
portance. Exercise-induced ischemia may occur in almost any lead and the
common tendency to ignore changes in leads other than the lateral pre-
cordium should be discouraged. Viik et al40 from Finland has published an
excellent review of the subject and Figure 12–12 summarizes their findings
in 201 patients, half of whom had coronary artery disease. One should note
they have used a negative AVR so that on the conventional electrocardio-
gram the ischemic patients have ST elevation. AVR showed the best receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve of the limb leads and V5 and V6 were

0.6 ±SE

STpeak [mV]






−0.3 aVL I −aVR II aVF III V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

FIGURE 12–12. The mean values of ST segment deviation by lead at peak exercise of 101 coro-
nary artery patients (shaded symbols = CAD, open symbols = normals). Note that AVR is neg-
ative and that ischemia causes ST elevation in V1 to V3 from VIC. (From Viik et al,44 with permis-

about the same using chest leads. Their data suggest the best diagnostic
group was lead 1, AVR, V4, V5, and V6.
The inferior leads, 2, 3 and AVR, while often positive in ischemia are
most likely to be false positive, probably due to the distortion by atrial repo-

For the best diagnosis—leads 1, AVR, V4, V5 and V6.


ST Elevation in Leads without Q Waves

ST elevation in leads without Q waves can occur in two very different situa-
tions, both of which are fairly uncommon.45 The first is when patients have
a very high-grade proximal LAD stenosis or a high-grade stenosis of a large
right coronary artery. We believe that ischemia associated with ST depres-
sion is subendocardial, whereas ischemia producing ST elevation is trans-
mural, affecting the full thickness of the heart. It follows that full-thickness
ischemia is rare during exercise even with high-grade proximal stenosis.
The second cause of ST elevation is coronary spasm that is so severe that
it completely obliterates antegrade flow through epicardial arteries. This has
been termed Prinzmetal’s angina and is most commonly seen at rest, but very

occasionally occurs with exercise.46 It is common for arrhythmias to accom-

pany this process (Fig. 12–13).
Detry and colleagues47 have reported ST elevation with exercise in vari-
ant angina, as have others.28,93 It appears that patients with angiographically
normal coronary arteries and Prinzmetal’s syndrome due to spasm, as de-
scribed by MacAlpin and colleagues,48 usually have no change during exer-
cise. If they have CAD, with or without spasm, ST elevation as well as de-
pression may be seen. Exercise-induced ST elevation in a subject with variant
angina probably indicates hemodynamically significant coronary atheroma.
Belik and Gardin49 report a case with alternating ST elevation, ST depression,
ventricular conduction abnormalities, and U-wave inversion most of the
classic signs of ischemia.
Occasionally, we have seen ST depression occur during stress testing
and then elevation develop when exercise is continued.

ST elevation in V2, V3, V4 = severe anterior wall ischemia. ST
elevation in lead II, III, AVF = severe inferior wall ischemia.

FIGURE 12–13. ST elevation in leads with R waves. When this occurs, very high-grade stenosis
can be predicted in the appropriate artery (in the LAD when it occurs in leads V2 to V4, and in the
right coronary artery when it occurs in leads III and aVF).

ST Elevation in Leads with Q Waves

When ST-segment elevation occurred during exercise in leads with Q waves,
we originally believed that it was due to a ventricular akinetic or dyskinetic
segment in most of the cases studied by angiography in our laboratory.50
There seemed to be an area of scar producing the ST elevation, but it did not
make sense that ST elevation, which is experimentally clearly a current of in-
jury, would come from scar tissue in the absence of injured cells. In recent re-
ports, thallium scintigrams in areas of myocardium-producing ST elevation
suggest that there is usually an area of ischemic muscle, usually adjacent to
the scar.51,52 Thus, exercise-induced ST elevation in areas of Q waves proba-
bly identifies ischemia and may also be a way of identifying hibernating
myocardium (Fig. 12–14). Bertella reports that if the QTc shortens 10 m/sec
with exercise there is definitely viable myocardium.

ST Elevation at Rest (Early Repolarization)

Although a stable left-ventricular aneurysm may often manifest ST-segment
elevation in the precordial leads at rest, some subjects with normal hearts
show a degree of elevation in the anterior precordial leads and also frontal
leads (Fig. 12–15). This phenomenon, termed early repolarization, is most

FIGURE 12–14. ST elevation in a patient with a previous infarct. Exercise ST elevation in leads with
Q waves was originally believed to be due to a dyskinetic myocardial segment but has recently
been shown to indicate peri-infarction ischemia.

FIGURE 12–15. Note resting ST elevation increased with hyperventilation and resolved with exer-
cise. This is typical of early repolarization.

commonly seen in young black men53 but is by no means limited to this

group. Kambara and Phillips54 have reviewed this syndrome and report that
26% of affected patients have eventual disappearance of the characteristic
findings as they get older. We have found it to be very common in well-
conditioned athletes. If this type of ST-segment elevation returns to normal
during exercise, it is usually associated with a normal heart. Figure 12–15.
When measuring for significant ST depression in these patients, we do not
use the resting ST level as baseline, as in those with normal ST segments. Any
exercise-induced ST depression seen should be analyzed as if the resting ST
were isoelectric. Other reports describing this syndrome have also been pub-
lished.53,54 It has been correlated with the degree of aerobic fitness. It has also
been compared with the Brugata syndrome, where a similar pattern indi-
cated the likelihood of severe, sometimes lethal, arrhythmias. Excellent re-
views of this concept have been recently published.55,56


Lead Strength (ST/R)

When the R wave in the lateral precordial leads is less than 10 mm, the sen-
sitivity of ST depression is very low if 1 mm of ST depression is used as a
standard.57 We have corrected the ST for R-wave amplitude by simply di-
viding the ST by the R amplitude.58 When using 0.1 as a cutoff for an abnor-
mal test, the sensitivity is increased markedly, especially in those with
R waves less than 10 mm. When applying this method to patients with tall
R waves, the specificity is increased but, as might be expected, the sensitiv-

FIGURE 12–16. Lead strength. The complex with a 10-mm R wave illustrates the calculation of the
ST/R ratio (1⁄10 = 0.10). If the R wave is only 5 mm, an ST depression of 1 mm results in a ratio of
0.2. This is equivalent to 2 mm of ST depression in a patient with a 10-mm R wave. When the
R wave is 20 mm and the ST depression is 1 mm, the ratio is 0.05, which is nonsignificant for is-
chemia. (From Ellestad,58 with permission.)

ity is decreased. I believe this type of correction should become standard

practice in the future (Fig. 12–16). However, at this point in time it’s value is
rarely appreciated.

ST-Heart Rate Slope

Correcting ST depression for heart rate seems to be based on sound physio-
logical principles and has been proposed by a number of investigators.
Simoons59 reported on this in 1977, and was followed by Elamin and associ-
ates,60 who reported that he could achieve 100% sensitivity and specificity in
the discrimination of CAD and also could separate with perfect accuracy
one-vessel, two-vessel, and three-vessel disease. Unfortunately, no one else
has been able to confirm his findings. Kligfield et al have done extensive
studies using the ST/HR slope and believe it adds a good deal to diagnostic
Some of the studies disagreeing with Kligfield et al’s work are due to the
population studied and the treadmill protocol.62 I believe that when their
methodology is applied according to their guidelines, the calculation of the
ST heart rates slope can improve significantly the discrimination of exercise
testing in patients with coronary disease. Kligfield et al use a slope of 2.4
microvolts/r/beat minute as a threshold for the presence of ischemia.61

ST Heart Rate Index (Kligfield Index)

This index is a byproduct of the studies of ST heart rate slope by Kligfield et
al.61 To calculate the index, the maximum ST depression is divided by the
Delta heart rate (difference between resting and maximum heart rate). Be-
cause the calculation is very simple and not so dependent on a more gradual
protocol, it has a considerable utility. It is important to remember that ST de-
pression should be measured in fractions of a millimeter. When using an in-
dex of greater than 1.6 to identify ischemia they report a sensitivity of 90%
and a specificity of 95%.

The simple ST heart rate index should be calculated in all exercise
tests where there is at least 0.5 mm of ST depression.

ST Evolving Toward Normal with Exercise

Patients with abnormal autonomic drive have demonstrated ST-segment de-
pression after hyperventilation as well as after exercise. In our experience,
patients who display ST-segment depression at rest or an increased ST-seg-
ment depression after hyperventilation, in whom the depression tends to re-
turn to normal with exercise, usually do not have epicardial CAD. Jacobs and
coworkers63 also report that changes associated with hyperventilation are
usually associated with normal coronary arteries. Propranolol and other beta
blockers have been shown to block the ST changes associated with hyper-
ventilation, suggesting an autonomic etiology.64,65 The common finding that
body position may produce similar changes tends to support this concept.
These types of changes are common in patients with mitral prolapse.66

Intermittent ST Depression
We have seen several patients who progressed from variable ST-segment de-
pression, often associated with respiration, to the classic ST-segment changes
typical of ischemia. We examined a 59-year-old man who had never experi-
enced cardiac symptoms of any type, but who underwent a stress test as a
routine screening procedure. Two years after a tracing similar to the one il-
lustrated in Figure 12–17, he had evolved from the variable ST-segment de-
pression into a classic ischemic pattern, but still exhibited moderate vari-
ability. Subsequent coronary angiography studies disclosed advanced
two-vessel disease. The mechanism of this condition seems to be related to
the fact that inspiration and expiration are associated with different rates of
left-ventricular filling. If the compliance of the left ventricle is slightly de-
creased, the increased rates of the filling may produce an elevation in the
end-diastolic pressure and therefore ST-segment depression for only a few
beats. This is almost always seen near maximum stress levels, when compli-
FIGURE 12–17. Exercise-induced variations in R wave and ST segments in a 59-year-old man. The R-wave
amplitude and ST-segment depression were related to respiration. Coronary angiography revealed a com-
plete obstruction of the right coronary artery, 90% obstruction of the left anterior descending artery, and

ance of the ventricle would be expected to be decreased the most and when
the thoracoabdominal pump would be returning the blood to the heart at the
greatest velocity.
In an effort to understand this phenomenon, left-ventricular pressures
have been recorded during deep respiratory cycles in subjects with poor left-
ventricular function. The left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP)
fluctuates and seems to increase near the end of inspiration and decrease late
in expiration. The ST-segment depression follows this same pattern, with a
drop in ST segments at the same time the LVEDP is rising. The changes de-
scribed here have never been recorded in patients with completely normal
ventricles and are usually seen only in those with some degree of dysfunc-
tion. The amplitude of the R waves also increases at the same time that the
ST segment is depressed, so that the respiratory pattern is evident both in
terms of the increased amplitude of the R waves and in the depth of the ST-
segment depression (Fig. 12–18).

ST Depression with Long Diastolic Filling

For the person with a slow heart rate and a long period of diastole after a pre-
mature ventricular contraction, the next beat is often associated with ST-
segment depression. It is well established that the individual has overfilling

FIGURE 12–18. Recordings taken during a heart catheterization illustrating an increase in the
LVEDP and in the amount of ST-segment depression associated with respiration. It can be seen that
with inspiration, there is a tendency for the LVEDP to rise and the ST-segment depression to in-

FIGURE 12–19. Tracings recorded shortly after exercise. The complexes marked by the arrow rep-
resent a nodal escape with a retrograde P wave. Note the increased ST-segment depression in these

of the ventricle, and if the compliance is compromised, the increased dias-

tolic pressure may be associated with ST-segment depression.
This is seen repeatedly and correlates well with the diagnosis of clinical
ischemia. It is most commonly recorded immediately after the exercise is ter-
minated. This type of ST-segment depression has not been recognized in our
laboratory in very young people with sinus arrhythmia or with congenital
heart block (Fig. 12–19).

ST Hysteresis (HR Recovery ST Loop)

Although the rate of recovery of ST depression has been recognized as a mea-
sure of ischemia severity for many years it remained for Sheffield et al67 to
formalize an approach to quantitative these changes in the analysis of the ex-
ercise testing. This was followed by Simoons in 197568 and later by Okin et
al.69 When comparing the magnitude of ST depression during recovery ac-
cording to the time, with that just before termination of exercise, it has little
discriminatory power. When recovery ST depression is plotted according to
heart rate and compared to ST depression during exercise at similar heart
rates, the result becomes more useful. A clockwise plot is common in nor-
mals who have ST depression whereas a counterclockwise plot depicts the
ischemia. The figure in edition 4 from Bruce plotted ST depression in the op-
posite direction so that a positive ST loop would be clockwise not counter-
clockwise (Fig. 12–20). Some of the commercial treadmill systems have au-
tomated this function, which is somewhat laborious to do manually. The

FIGURE 12–20. The heart rate is presented on the abscissa and the magnitude of the ST-segment
depression on the ordinate. The normal subject tends to immediately correct the minor ST-segment
depression associated with exercise when recovery begins. The abnormal subject may actually in-
crease the ST-segment depression somewhat during the early periods of recovery, even though the
heart rate is slowing. (Adapted from Bruce et al.72)

mechanisms related to post exercise ischemic changes are discussed in detail

by Gullestad et al70 and should be reviewed by those who would like to un-
derstand more about this process.70 Several investigators have reported sen-
sitivity and specificity near 95%.66 I doubt that in most centers these numbers
will be duplicated. This certainly outperforms conventional ST measure-
ments. We have found however that in some patients with abnormal coro-
nary angiograms the ST depression recovers but so rapidly after exercise that
it is impractical to construct an ST recovery loop.69 If these patients are la-
beled “normal,” the sensitivity will be reduced significantly (See Time
Course of ST Depression, Fig. 12–20).

Rounded ST Depression
A rounded ST-segment depression pattern in the CM5 lead, as well as in
other leads, is common and is often associated with ischemia. Figure 12–21
depicts the ECG of a 48-year-old physician who was experiencing classic
anginal pains. Substernal pressure developed during the test, and 1 year later
he sustained a myocardial infarction. This pattern is somewhat difficult to
evaluate if the duration of the ST-segment sagging is very short, but it usu-
ally reflects ventricular dysfunction. Stuart and I71 found this pattern to be
associated with a slightly increased incidence of subsequent coronary events

FIGURE 12–21. A tracing taken during and immediately after exercise in a 48-year-old physician
who had typical angina and severe two-vessel disease on angiography. Note the rounded ST seg-
ments and the variable R-wave amplitude.

in a follow-up study. Patients with a rounded pattern had a 5.8% per year in-
cidence of coronary events, compared with 8.3% per year for those with a
horizontal pattern (Fig. 12–21).

ST Depression with Nodal Premature Contractions

ST-segment depression is often associated with the wide complex of a pre-
mature ventricular contraction (PVC) or a left bundle branch block (LBBB)
pattern. These changes are thought to be secondary to the abnormal con-
duction pathway and may not be a sign of abnormal left-ventricular func-
tion. On the other hand, nodal or atrial premature contractions, when seen
in the so-called normal heart, are not usually associated with ST-segment de-
A number of patients with significant CAD demonstrated by angiog-
raphy have exhibited ST-segment depression with nodal or atrial extrasys-
toles during or immediately after exercise. These same patients, when hav-
ing nodal or atrial extrasystoles at rest, did not have ST-segment
depression. As a result, we consider such a finding to be presumptive evi-
dence of ischemic heart disease. Michaelides and associates73 have re-
ported that ST depression after premature atrial contractions is also useful
(see Chapter 13). In Figure 12–22, note that the nodal premature contrac-
tions at rest demonstrate only slight ST-segment depression, but during ex-
ercise it evolved to at least 3.0 mm. Again this same beat presents almost
no ST-segment depression during the recovery period. No significant ST-
segment depression is present in either the sinus or the paced beats. It is
possible that the degree of muscle relaxation is incomplete, resulting in a
decreased compliance even with a shorter diastolic filling period and thus
decreased subendocardial perfusion (Fig. 12–22).

FIGURE 12–22. The tracings of a 73-year-old woman with a demand ventricular pacer. She has a
previous myocardial infarction and sick sinus syndrome. The nodal extra beats have deep ST-seg-
ment depression with exercise only.


The total amplitude of the QRS complex with exercise usually decreases near
peak workload, as does the T-wave amplitude, and there is a tendency to-
ward right-axis deviation. The QRS duration does not change significantly.
If the stroke volume increases, the T wave may actually increase, which oc-
curs early in exercise with moderate workloads. A decrease in R wave is
more likely to be seen immediately after the exercise period, however, rather
than during it. When considering the QRS in the various leads during maxi-
mum exercise, there is a tendency toward a reduction in R-wave or S-wave
amplitude; this is more marked in normal than in abnormal subjects. The de-
creased amplitude following a peak exercise period may be due to a decrease
in systolic and possibly diastolic volumes,74 that often develops after peak
cardiac output is attained. A study of this phenomenon was done by Brody75

in 1956, and Pipberger and coworkers,76 in 1971. The latter investigators have
termed this the Brody effect and found that left-ventricular forces decreaseas
stroke volume decreases and that right-ventricular forces usually increase at
the same time. In ischemia, the systolic volume increases, stroke volume de-
creases, and the left-ventricular R waves may become taller. This correlates
with our experience in the observation of respiratory-related R-wave and
ST-segment amplitude changes.

R-Wave Amplitude
The R-wave amplitude in the lateral precordial leads usually decreases more
in normal than in abnormal subjects and correlates with left-ventricular func-
tion. In our laboratory, Bonoris and coworkers77 demonstrated the useful-
ness of observing changes in R-wave amplitude during stress testing. They
reported that patients with severe CAD are likely to have an increase in
R-wave amplitude with exercise. As exercise progresses and the heart rate
increases, R-wave amplitude increases normally until the heart rate is ap-
proximately 120 or 130 beats per minute, and then the amplitude begins to
decrease. This suggests that for the R wave to have significance, an increase
in amplitude should be at a heart rate greater than 120 beats per minute (Fig.
Three basic types of patterns were recognized, as shown in Figure 12–24.
The changes seen in panel C are more likely to illustrate patients with severe
three-vessel disease and global ischemia. Some of these patients have no ST
depression or may have a 3 or 4 mm ST depression. We have found the sen-
sitivity of an R-wave increase to be rather poor but the specificity can be good
if the patient reaches high heart rates.
The application of R-wave criteria to patients with LBBB was investi-
gated by Orzan and associates,78 who report that these criteria will not help

FIGURE 12–23. R-wave responses to exercise.


FIGURE 12–24. Three common patterns are seen in lateral precordial ECG exercise tests compar-
ing control at rest with that recorded immediately after exercise. (A) Normal response equals a
marked decrease in R wave. (B) Mild ST depression but a reduction in R wave, caused by mild is-
chemia with residual good left-ventricular function. (C) Marked increase in R wave and coexisting
ST depression. In these subjects, there is very poor ventricular function with an enlarging cavity
and a reduction in ejection fraction as exercise progresses.

to identify those with CAD compared with those with conduction abnor-
malities from other causes. On the other hand, Lee and colleagues79 reported
that R-wave changes in 23 patients with LBBB had a 93% sensitivity, 88%
specificity, and 93% predictability. Our experience tends to support Lee in
that a reduction in amplitude helps to predict normal coronary arteries and
good left-ventricular function in LBBB, but we do not find the reliability of a
change in amplitude to be nearly as good. Morris and coworkers80 have de-
termined that the trend in amplitude changes in the first few minutes after

exercise is a more reliable predictor of CAD than when the exercise tracing
is compared with that of the control. Berman and associates81 used the sum
of the R waves in aVL, aVF, and V3 and V4, plus S and V1 and V2, and were
able to identify CAD in 93% of 230 patients subsequently studied with coro-
nary angiography. Van Tellingen and colleagues82 found that when the R
wave was combined with ST depression, the sensitivity was only 51%, but
the specificity increased to 93%. R-wave amplitude has also been reported to
be useful in patients taking digitalis, given that it fails to be altered by the
drug, unlike the ST segment.83
Although we were enthusiastic about the R-wave measurements ini-
tially, reports from other centers found that exercise-induced changes in R
wave provided very little, if any, discrimination for ischemia.84,85 Studies on
the mechanism of these changes also demonstrated that an enlarging ven-
tricular volume, as determined by nuclear blood pool angiograms, did not
correlate very well with R-wave changes.86 Excellent work by David and as-
sociates87 has indicated that the R-wave increase seen with ischemia proba-
bly represents an alteration in intraventricular conduction. An R-wave in-
crease has been reported in vasospastic angina88 and early in the course of a
myocardial infarction, where it is predictive of severity and the likelihood of
severe arrhythmias.89 The paper by DeCaprio and colleagues90 and our sub-
sequent studies91 suggest that changes in R-wave amplitude are often corre-
lated with heart rate.

An increase in R wave amplitude in V5 at high heart rates is quite
specific but has low sensitivity.

Decreased R + ST Depression
In an effort to reevaluate R wave changes Cheng-Le reported that when ST
depression occurs in the lateral precordial leads in conjunction with R
wave decrease the identification of ischemia can be improved.92 Using a
cut off of 0.5 mm of ST depression and a reduction in R wave amplitude of
1 mm “the sensitivity was 76 and the specificity was 83%.” He also re-
ported that the combination held up in patients with hypertension who
did not have LVH.

Increased R Wave with Atrial Extra Systoles

Michaelides,88 an outstanding expert in exercise testing has reported that in
patients who were not ischemic, the R wave amplitude of the atrial prema-
ture contractions is the same as the regular beat. When the patient is ischemic
the R wave of the etopic beat is taller (See Chapter 13).

Increased QRS Duration

The duration of the QRS is usually reduced slightly during exercise because
catecholamines increase conduction velocity in the Purkinje fibers and
through ventricular muscle.13 A number of studies have shown that ischemia
decreases conduction velocity14,15; thus, we should be able to use this in di-
agnosis. Efforts by us and by others15 to detect this phenomenon have had
mixed results, although we have seen occasional examples in which severe
global ischemia has been associated with a clear-cut increase in the duration
of the QRS without developing a classic bundle branch block pattern.
Michaelides and coworkers94 recently reported QRS prolongation in exercise
ischemia measured in V5 by using a 50 mm paper speed. They analyzed 330
patients with coronary angiograms and exercise tests and found QRS dura-
tion prolonged by exercise in CAD patients. The greatest prolongation was
found in those with three-vessel disease. Variations around the mean value
were so large that the investigators made no attempt to use it in individuals
to diagnose the presence or absence of ischemia. As automated computer
programs are developed to measure QRS duration I would expect that it may
become more useful clinically. Takaki, using a computerized analysis of QRS
duration found that exercise induced increase was diminished after PTCA.95

Changes in R waves, S waves, and Q waves have all shown some usefulness,
but each is a weak predictor of CAD. Therefore Michaelides and colleagues96
have proposed an index or score to combine these factors. By combining the
amplitude changes of the three waves in the formula:
mm = (DR-DG-DS) aVF + (DR-DQ-DS)V5
and using a cutoff of less than 5 mm, they were able to obtain a sensitivity of
75% and a specificity of 73% (Fig. 12–25). This was better than using ST de-
pression alone. We attempted to confirm their work and found it to have di-
agnostic power similar to, but not superior to, ST depression.97

Changes in QRS Axis

As exercise progresses in normal subjects the QRS Axis rotates to the right.
When patients have single significant LAD narrowing, exercise results in a
leftward rotation of the frontal axis. Patients with single vessel right coronary
artery disease rotate to the right and thus are indistinguishable from normals.

When exercise causes the frontal plane axis to rotate to the left
the patients is usually ischemic. Usually due to LAD disease.

FIGURE 12–25. Calculations for the Athens QRS Score. In aVF, the Q and S amplitude are sub-
tracted from the R, and the same measurements during exercise are subtracted from the resting
tracing. This value is then added to the same measurements taken from V5.

Changes in S Waves
Glazier and colleagues98 reported that the S wave increased with ischemia,
especially when patients also had ST-segment depression. They also found
an S-wave increase in normals and in ischemic patients occasionally in the
absence of ST depression. The investigators thought the finding might be
useful but had a poor specificity. Michaelides and colleagues99 reported a
prolonged S wave with exercise in patients with left anterior descending
(LAD) lesions, especially if they also had anterior hemiblock and right bun-
dle branch block.


QX/QT Ratio
The concept of measuring the QX/QT ratio was introduced by Lepeschkin
and Surawicz100 as a method of evaluating ST-segment depression to sepa-
rate moderate J-point changes from true ischemic abnormalities (Fig. 12–26).
The assumption was that the ST-segment depression due to ischemia would
persist longer than that associated with tachycardia or changes in the ven-
tricular gradient. It was proposed that a QX/QT ratio of 50% or more would

be a relatively reliable point of differentiation. They reported, however, that

the QX/QT was greater than 50% in 13% of their normal control subjects.
This was later studied by other authors, including Roman and Bellet,101 who
reported on 150 supposedly normal subjects. They found that 61% had a neg-
ative test by the QX/QT criterion, but that the remainder would have been
classified as abnormal. Their conclusion was that this measurement was not
valid in determining the presence or absence of ischemic heart disease. Mas-
ter and Rosenfelt102 and Robb and Marks15 supported their position. Our
study of QX/QT led us to believe that it is a weak predictor of disease (see
Fig. 12–26).102

Septal Q Waves
For a number of years, we had noted an increase in septal Q waves in nor-
mals and a lack of this response in subjects with significant ischemic ST de-
pression. Remembering the work of Burch and DePasquale103 on the loss of
septal Q waves in the resting ECG, we postulated that the disappearance was
due to the loss of contractility secondary to ischemia. Morales-Ballejo and as-
sociates,99 working in our laboratory, correlated this change with angio-
graphic findings. Since then, we have shown a high correlation with LAD
disease when the septal Q waves decrease. Our work has been confirmed by
O’Hara and colleagues.105 Although Q waves in the anterior precordial leads
are often missing, when they are present, they may aid in the differentiation
between true-positive and false-positive ECGs. When ST depression is asso-
ciated with an enlarging septal Q, it is rarely due to ischemia, or at least not
due to LAD narrowing (Fig. 12–27).

QT Dispersion
QT dispersion is the difference between the QT interval measured from one
part of the heart and the QT interval measured from another part of the heart.
The QT interval must be measured in each lead, corrected for heart rate, and
compared with all the other leads. The difference between the longest QT
and the shortest is the dispersion. QT dispersion has been studied exten-
sively in patients with myocardial injury and has been found to correlate

FIGURE 12–26. When the QX interval exceeds 50% of the QT interval, it has been inferred that is-
chemia is present.

FIGURE 12–27. Septal Q waves: When ST-segment depression occurs in conjunction with a deep
septal Q wave, it usually does not indicate CAD. When ischemia is present, the septal Q wave gets
shorter than at rest or disappears altogether.

with the risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias106,107 and has also been mea-
sured before and after exercise.107 Patients who have the maximum QT dis-
persion increase with exercise are more likely to have ischemia. We have
found that when an increase in QT dispersion of greater than 20 msec is com-
bined with ST depression, the specificity is 87%. The measurements neces-
sary to calculate dispersion however are tedious and time consuming.
Aufderheide108 recently reported on an automated method to measure dis-
persion. If this proves to be accurate and commonly available it may add to
the parameters available to identify ischemia.

Prolonged QT
In the early 1950s, Yu and coworkers,109 studied QT intervals and their rela-
tionship to ischemia. They found a definite prolongation in corrected QT in-
tervals (QTc) in patients with ischemic and hypertensive heart disease. They
also correlated the prolongation with the severity of the disease as measured
by the patient’s endurance and the presence of ST-segment depression. The
QT interval correlates well with the carotid ejection time, which is also pro-
longed when patients with ischemic disease exercise (see Chapter 8). The in-
terest in the analysis of the QT interval and its association with ischemia has
diminished partly because it is difficult to measure accurately. As the rate in-

FIGURE 12–28. The corrected QT interval plotted for each minute of our exercise protocol in 10
normal subjects and 6 abnormal subjects with classic ischemic changes. Note that in the patients
with ischemia, the QT interval tends to become prolonged quickly early in exercise as compared
with the normal subjects.

creases, the T wave merges with the U wave and then finally with the P wave.
Thus, the end of the T wave can be recognized only as a notch between the T
wave and the P wave. Nevertheless, changes in the QT interval are often sig-
nificant, and more research needs to be done on the subject .
The data in Figure 12–28 were assembled several years ago from a small
group of patients with severe ST depression and suggest that there might be
useful information in the QT interval. We studied the QT intervals, along
with ST segments, R-wave changes, and QX/QT ratios, in 74 patients who
had both stress tests and coronary angiograms.111 The QTc was found to be
most useful in patients who have an upsloping ST pattern, but it was a weak
predictor when used alone.
The most common method used to correct the QT interval for changes
in heart rate is to use Bezett’s formula.
QTC = QT msec 兹QT/6
Bertella has studied the response of the QT interval in a number of patients’
subsets and reports that in patients with a resting ST segment elevation the
QTc duration will decrease if there is ischemic but viable myocardium in the
region of the old infarction scar.112 When this occurs he believes that it is be-
cause the ischemic epicardial cells activate potassium ATP channels. There

is evidence that when ischemia is primarily subendocardial the QT interval

will get longer and when the ischemia is transmural the QT will reduce be-
cause the subepicardial cells are involved.113

Congenital Long QT Syndrome

When a relatively young person has an unexplained syncope and a family
history of unexplained sudden death, one should think of a congenital long
QT syndrome.114 If the QT is marginal the exercise test will frequently result
in a marked prolongation that provides strong evidence that the patient has
this rare but life-threatening anomaly. Along with prolongation of the QT
(greater than 450 milliseconds), variations in T wave morphology and T
wave alternans are often seen during exercise. These changes have been
shown to be due to alterations in genes encoding cardiac ion channels. Treat-
ment with beta blockers has been shown to minimize the tendency for exer-
cise to prolong the QT and prevent the malignant ventricular tachycardia115
(See Chapter 13.)


Normalization of Inverted T Waves

In patients with flat or inverted T waves at rest, the evolution to an upright
T wave has been considered by some to be a sign of ischemia. This phenom-
enon has been labeled by some researchers as “pseudonormalization” of the
T waves.116 Bellet and colleagues116 reported this evolution in patients with
clear-cut angina and considered it to indicate ischemia. As mentioned with
regard to tall T waves, however, this may be owing to changes in the potas-
sium balance in the body or to other factors that are as yet poorly elucidated.
Noble and colleagues117 studied 38 patients with angiographically demon-
strated ischemia and inverted T waves at rest. They found that angina that
was exercise-induced or caused by intravenous isoproterenol caused the T
wave to revert to upright in most cases. Aravindaksham and associates,118
however, compared the T-wave response in both ischemic patients and
asymptomatic subjects with primary R-wave abnormalities. They showed
that 27% of those with ischemic heart disease had all T waves revert to nor-
mal with exercise, whereas 57% of those without disease reverted to normal.
They excluded subjects with R-wave inversion due to hypertrophy, LBBB,
and drugs, but included in their ischemic group those with a previous in-
farction. They found that complete T-wave normalization was associated
with significant ST-segment depression in 90% of ischemic patients, and with
a negative test in all patients without ischemic heart disease.
Many patients with inverted T waves on the basis of metabolic abnor-
malities will manifest upright T waves at the time of exercise. This is partic-

FIGURE 12–29. A 32-year-old asymptomatic woman with normal exercise tolerance whose in-
verted T waves became upright with exercise. History and physical examination failed to reveal
any evidence of cardiac abnormality.

ularly true in women. Figure 12–29 is an ECG of a patient with no coronary

symptoms and came in for a screening test. In our experience, this finding
does not usually indicate ischemia. On the other hand, ischemia associated
with coronary spasm has been shown to cause inverted T waves to become
upright. When the patient is not exercising, this type of change has consid-
erable significance.

Peaked T Waves
In our experience an exercise-induced increase of T wave amplitude in V2 is
quite predictive of anterior wall ischemia. (specificity = 95%). It appears that
this may be a form fruste of ST elevation in the same lead, which is believed
to be due to transmural ischemia119 (Fig. 12–30).115

Deep T Wave Inversions

T wave inversion induced by exercise is almost always associated with sig-
nificant ST segment depression and has long been identified with a more se-
vere degree of coronary disease. An excellent report by Chikamore120 con-
firms previous reports that it is usually associated with 3-vessel disease and
has been reported to have a specificity of 96%.

Tall T Waves
Scherf121 and Scherf and Schoffer122 have reported that tall T waves during
or after exercise indicate inferior wall ischemia. From our experience, this is
unusual. We have found that tall T waves in the lateral precordial leads af-
ter exercise are a normal result of an increased stroke volume and are usu-
ally seen in subjects with a normal myocardium. Figure 12–31 illustrates the
test of a 23-year-old man with congenital heart block. Because he was unable
to increase his heart rate as much as is normal, it has to be assumed that his

FIGURE 12–30. Leads V1, V2, and V3 on left at rest and on right immediately after exercise. The in-
crease in amplitude of the T wave is associated with proximal LAD disease.

stroke volume became larger to meet the increasing metabolic demands. The
progressively increasing height of the T waves appears to correlate with the
increasing stroke volume. This phenomenon is seen in many healthy teenage
boys immediately after the exercise period. At this time, the pulse drops very

FIGURE 12–31. Tracings from a 23-year-old man with congenital heart block. The T-wave ampli-
tude increases as exercise progresses.

rapidly, and it appears that the stroke volume must increase to make up for
the lingering metabolic debt.
The increased prevalence of tall T waves in the younger age groups
weighs heavily against its being an abnormal finding. Blomqvist123 has pos-
tulated that tall T waves are due to a higher serum potassium level after ex-
ercise. We have found that when this T-wave pattern occurs with exercise,
ischemia due to LAD artery narrowing is likely.

Changes in P wave morphology have been well described in resting tracings
and are very useful in identifying right- and left-sided hemodynamic alter-
ations due to both volume and pressure load. We originally believed that as left
ventricular end diastolic pressure increased with the ischemia, the left atrial
component of the P wave should increase in amplitude. Careful study however
revealed that it was P wave duration that was altered during ischemia. Myri-
anthiefs, working in our laboratory, demonstrated that prolongation of the
wave duration with ischemia correlated with angiographically identified coro-
nary artery disease.124 As left ventricular end diastolic pressure increases with
a loss of ventricular compliance, the left atrial wall is distended by increasing
pressure, which apparently slows conduction through the atrium and thus pro-
longs the depolarization wave. The low amplitude of P waves however makes
the measurements difficult, which probably accounts for the low sensitivity of
this finding. We have found it quite useful however, when other signs of is-
chemia, for example, ST depression, are missing (Fig. 12–32).

140 45 44 45 41 38 30 24 23 12 13 11 10 10 8 8 8 21 45 45 45 44 10 8 7 5 5 4 3



80 * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * *
* *
60 * * *
CAD * * *
40 Normal

20 50 49 49 50 49 49 45 47 42 39 34 26 17 7 6 4 46 49 49 50 50 49 37 20 10 7 4 3


Exercise Time Recovery

* p = 0.05

FIGURE 12–32. P-wave duration is plotted for each minute of exercise in ischemic patients (open
symbols) and normals (solid symbols). P duration in normals shortens with exercise and prolongs
with ischemia. Numbers represent the number of patients in each time slot.

When other signs of ischemia are equivocal, measure the
change in P duration from rest to exercise. (Best measured in
lead 2). An increased duration of greater than 20 milliseconds
provides a specificity of 64%.


Sloping PQ Segment (Sapin)

Although Lepeschkin in 19699 published figures that illustrate the effect of
atrial repolarization on the ST segment, the concept was revived by Sapin in
1991,10 who emphasized that the slope of the PQ segment could help predict
the magnitude of the influence of P wave repolarization and thus help pre-
dict which patient would have false-positive ST segments. This sign should
be looked for especially in leads 2 and 3 and AVF and is most commonly seen
when the P wave amplitude is increased (Fig. 12–33). It is believed that this
is the reason ST depression, found only in these leads, is more likely to be a
false-positive response.

When the P waves are large in leads 2 and 3, look for a steep PQ
slope and consider the possibility of false positive ST depression.

It has long been recognized that digitalis may cause ST depression, and that
it is exaggerated by exercise. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 23.

There are many causes of hypokalemia that may induce ST depression in pa-
tients with normal coronary arteries. This is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 23.

ST Depression in Inferior Leads Only

As was mentioned in the paragraph on PQ Slope (see Fig. 12–3), ST depres-
sion is often manifested in only the inferior leads.125 This should alert us to
the possibility that these patients may not have ischemia.

FIGURE 12–33. Computer Averaged Artifact in a Healthy 56-Year-Old Woman. This woman had
atypical chest pain developing 2 days prior to the test. Six minutes into exercise the average beats
show ST changes. Raw data show artifact probably due to loose lead wire. The error in baseline
that produced ST depression in the average beats in lead 2 is marked A. A normal ST in V5 and a
deep ST depression in V6 is physiologically impossible and is marked B.

False-Positive Tracings Due to Computer Averaging

All of us who work in the stress lab have seen frequent false measurements
made by computer programs and numerous experts have labored over this
problem but it has not gone away and I predict it may never. The most com-
mon is the failure of the computer to identify the PQ junction accurately. If
using computer measurements for diagnosis or calculations, check the tick
mark that identifies the PQ junction. When the tick does not fall on the proper
PQ junction all other measurements are also in error. There are times when

averaging algorithms result in errors, especially if there is a lot of muscle ar-

tifact or motion artifact. The careful analysis of the raw data is essential to
avoid these errors. They are not infrequent.

Always inspect the raw data carefully.

Increased Sympathetic Tone (Vasoregulatory Asthenia)

Yanowitz and associates126 have demonstrated that many types of ST and
T-wave abnormalities can be induced in dogs by stellate ganglion stimula-
tion. We have seen a number of patients with increased sympathetic drive
who have exhibited T-wave inversion and ST-segment depression upon ex-
ercising (Fig. 12–34). This may be a variant of the vasoregulatory asthenia de-
scribed by Holmgren and colleagues.127 Many patients with similar changes
do not exhibit symptoms typical of Holmgren’s syndrome, however, in that
they do not show evidence of poor peripheral oxygen extraction.

Hyperventilation and Orthostatic Changes

Changes in T waves with hyperventilation or standing are relatively com-
mon and are thought to be mediated through the autonomic nervous system.
When they are associated with ST-segment depression, the prevalence de-
creases; it has been reported to be less than 1% to 2%.128 The mechanism is
somewhat obscure and has been attributed to pH changes, electrolyte
changes (especially potassium), changes in heart position, coronary arterio-
lar vasospasm, and excessive catecholamines. Because T waves can be re-
duced by beta blockers and accentuated by intravenous epinephrine,129 the
changes probably are due to asynchronous repolarization, probably medi-
ated through the sympathetic pathway. Because the response of the auto-
nomic system may be blunted in CAD, these changes have been labeled neg-
ative predictors for ischemia.129
More recently, it has been shown that mitral prolapse is commonly as-
sociated with ST-segment depression secondary to hyperventilation.130 It is
possible that some of Holmgren et al’s122 patients have unrecognized mitral
prolapse. Bugiardini and colleagues131 have described an increased magni-
tude of coronary narrowing in a cohort of patients with syndrome X and
Prinzmetal’s angina. Because alkalosis has been known to produce vasocon-
striction, this enhanced tendency in some patients may well produce is-
chemia in the absence of CAD. It is now accepted that this syndrome is
associated with major disturbances in autonomic balance, and exercise-
induced ST depression with exercise is not uncommon.
Marcomichelakis and coworkers132 believe that when exercise-induced
ST depression is found in patients who are likely to have noncoronary
causes, it can be identified if the changes are abolished by a beta blocker.

FIGURE 12–34. Note the shape of the early part of the ST segment, especially after hyperventila-
tion, in a patient with increased sympathetic tone. We believe this pattern can be differentiated
from classic ischemic ST-segment changes. Note deep septal Q waves.

They found that the drug did not eliminate the ST depression in any patients
with significant CAD, but did correct the ST in those with normal coronary
Hyperventilation, therefore, should be used at rest if there is clinical ev-
idence that the ST changes are not due to ischemia.
Figure 12–35 is the tracing of a 28-year-old woman who suffered from
chronic hyperventilation and a neurotic personality. The marked ST-
segment depression after hyperventilation improved with exercise, but
returned during the recovery period.

Short PR Interval
A short PR interval may favor ST depression due to atrial134 repolarization.
(See Chapter 13, page 243.)

Convex ST-Segment Depression—”Hump Sign”

Lepeschkin9 reported that the prominent Ta wave (wave of atrial repolar-
ization) and the superimposition of the U wave on the baseline adjustments
tend to accentuate the depression of the proximal part of the ST segment and
may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of ischemia. The tracings depicted in Fig-
ure 12–35 had normal coronary arteries and normal left-ventricular function.
Pippin and colleagues135 report that when the ST segment is convex, labeled
the hump sign, it is very likely a false positive. Confirmation of this finding
needs to be available, but I believe it may be valid.

ST Segment Variability
At peak exercise, modest QT segment depression is often associated with
considerable lead to lead variation. When this occurs the possibility of a false
FIGURE 12–35. Exercise test of a 28-year-old woman with chronic hyperventilation and a neurotic per-
sonality. The resting ST-segment depression increased by hyperventilation tends to return almost to normal
with exercise.

positive is increased. Michaelides et al report that 85% of patients with this

finding are false positives.138

Localization of Ischemia by Electrocardiographic Patterns

Because exercise-induced ischemia is usually primarily a subendocaridal
affair, resulting in what is believed to be a generalized process, it has long
been believed that exercise testing cannot localize the culprit artery or ar-
teries. There are several exceptions to this however, which will be de-

ST Elevation Due to Transmural Ischemia

When ST elevation occurs with exercise it usually identifies the LAD as the
culprit artery. ST elevation in lead 2 and 3 in AVF, which is much less com-
mon, identifies right coronary disease and in V2 and V3 identifies LAD dis-
ease. (See page 205).

ST elevation localizes the ischemic area, which is transmural.

ST Elevation in AVR
Lead AVR often develops ST elevation as a reciprocal of ST depression in
lead V2 to V6 or to leads 2 and 3. It also may occasionally show ST elevation
in the absence of significant changes in the other leads. AVR is positioned so
that it reflects the left ventricular cavity and, when the right and left coronary
beds are ischemic and cancel out, changes in the apex can be manifested. It
has been suggested that ST elevation in AVR of .5 millimeter is significant for
ischemia. It has been reported that this finding has a sensitivity of 89% but a
specificity of only 44% for LAD disease.136

ST Depression in V1
Michaelides et al reported that 75% of patients with this finding had right
coronary disease. Halon reported 94% had circumflex disease, with a sensi-
tivity of 89%. It seems likely that it is a rare but reliable marker for inferior
wall ischemia.138

Peaked T Waves in V2
Exercise-induced peaked T waves usually indicate LAD disease. (See page

Localization of Proximal or Distal LAD

When the narrowing is in the proximal LAD above the first diagonal, the fol-
lowing changes may be seen:
1. ST elevation in V1
2. Decreased T wave negativity in V1
3. ST depression in two of the three leads, 2, 3 or AVF
4. LAD below the diagonal
The above triad is missing but ST depression is usually present in V4, V5
and V6.139

Localization with Right Precordial Leads

The reduced sensitivity for identifying right coronary disease with the stan-
dard 12-lead system has been of concern for a long time. Braat et al,137 in 1985,
suggested using V4R as a way to deal with this problem. In spite of favorable
reports, the use of these leads has not become commonplace. In 1999
Michaeledes reported on 245 patients where the standard precordial leads
were supplemented by V3R, V4R, and V5R.138 They reported an improve-
ment in sensitivity for right coronary disease from 25% to 89%. They also
found an increase overall sensitivity for any coronary disease from 66% to
92%. Although their work has not been replicated it suggests that an in-
creased number of leads should be seriously considered. We have been us-
ing 15 leads for some time. We have not carefully analyzed our data at this
time but hope to be able to report an improvement in sensitivity.


Lepeschkin139 has published an excellent review of the significance of

the U wave. The U wave is usually upright if the T is also upright and is high-
est at low heart rates. It generally follows the T wave at the same time ven-
tricular relaxation is occurring. When the heart rate increases to more than
90, the U wave is rarely visible because it becomes merged with the end of
the T wave and the ascending limb of the P wave. Most workers believe that
it represents afterpotentials of the T wave. The U wave is accentuated by a
larger diastolic volume, hypokalemia, and increased digitalis or calcium. Oc-
casionally, in patients with very low potassium, the U wave can become so
tall that it is mistaken for a tall T wave. Patients with inverted U waves may
have an overload of central volume, and the tall U wave may represent a dis-
tended papillary muscle. Lepeschkin139 reports that in patients with CAD,
the incidence of inverted or diphasic U waves is about 30% at rest and 62%
after exercise. If one makes an analysis of all patients with inverted U waves,
LVH is the most common cause; angina is responsible for about 20% (Fig.

FIGURE 12–36. (A) Demonstration of simultaneously recorded vertical (VL) and modified CC5 lead
ECGs during standing rest and at peak exercise for patient 18. Marked U-wave inversion appeared
in lead CC5 at the time of exercise-induced angina pectoris. The exercise ST segment remained
normal. (B) Patient 21 was taking digoxin, making the ST segment response to exercise difficult to
interpret. However, during exercise-induced angina pectoris, this patient demonstrated marked
U-wave inversion in both leads. The appearance of detectable U-wave inversion in the vertical
lead was unusual in this study. (From Farris,124 with permission.)

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Rhythm and Conduction Disturbances
in Stress Testing

Introduction Arrhythrogenic Right Ventricular

Sick Sinus Syndrome (Chronotropic Dysplasia
Incompetence) Idiopathic Right Ventricular Outflow
Short PR Interval Tachycardia
Supraventricular Arrhythmias Reproducibility of Ventricular Ectopy
Atrial Extrasystoles Conduction Disturbances
Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter First-Degree Atrioventricular Block
Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block
Ventricular Arrhythmias Fascicular Block
Resting Left Anterior Division Block
Exercise-Induced Ventricular Left Posterior Hemiblock
Arrhythmias Congenital Long QT Syndrome
Ventricular Ectopy in Patients with Rate-Related Bundle Branch Block
Coronary Artery Disease Right Bundle Branch Block
Abolition of Arrhythmias by Exercise Left Bundle Branch Block
PVCs During Recovery Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block
ST Segments in Exercise-Induced PVCs Accelerated Conduction (WPW
Ventricular Tachycardia Syndrome)
Exercise-Induced Sustained VT
Exercise Testing to Evaluate
Spontaneous VT

Alterations in cardiac rhythm occur frequently with exercise and are consid-
erably important in understanding a patient’s function and in providing
predictive information as to mortality and morbidity. Arrhythmias during
exertion result from sympathetically enhanced phase IV repolarization of ec-
topic foci, so that if the rate of the ectopic focus is faster than the normal pacer
tissue in the sinus node, the focus assumes predominance and sets the
rhythm. Alterations in recovery time of cardiac tissues caused by ischemia,
and probably battery effects associated with ischemic tissue adjacent to nor-
mally perfused myocardium, are important. After-potentials (low amplitude
oscillations) seen in patients with large infarcts are triggered by catechol-
amines and enhanced by an influx of calcium. The abrupt withdrawal of

much of the parasympathetic tone, which in most cases protects against ar-
rhythmias, probably also plays an important role. The prevalence increases
steadily with age1 and has been reported to be 100% in a study of older sub-
jects.2 Busby also reports an age-related increase in normal individuals.3
Subendocardial ischemia is less arrhythmogenic than transmural is-
chemia, so we should be more concerned with arrhythmias combined with
ST elevation than with those associated with ST depression. The imbalance
between oxygen supply and demand induced in exercising patients with
coronary artery disease (CAD) may be augmented during the recovery pe-
riod. Peripheral dilatation induced by exercise, combined with a reduced ve-
nous return caused by abrupt cessation of muscular activity, may cause car-
diac output and coronary flow to fall at a time when myocardial oxygen
demand is still high, owing to tachycardia. These changes, in combination
with elevated catecholamines, may explain the increase in arrhythmias com-
monly seen during recovery.
Although exercise testing is most frequently used to diagnose or evalu-
ate ischemia, in some centers it is prescribed to detect arrhythmias and to
evaluate the response to drug regimens. Young and colleagues4 report the
use of symptom-limited exercise testing specifically aimed at evaluating ar-
rhythmias in 263 patients. Seventy-four percent had a history of ventricular
tachycardia that compromised them hemodynamically or of ventricular fib-
rillation. These patients underwent 1377 maximum treadmill tests; compli-
cations occurred in 9.1%, and the remainder had 1345 tests without problems
(97.7%). No death, myocardial infarction, or lasting morbid event occurred.
The authors state that exercise testing can be conducted safely in patients
with malignant arrhythmias.



There exists a heterogeneous group of subjects who often have inappropri-

ately low resting heart rates. Some are symptomatic and others may be un-
aware of this abnormality. Many have been diagnosed as having sick sinus
syndrome. Some appear to have a high vagal tone; some have intrinsic dis-
ease of the nodal tissue, possibly due to ischemia or degenerative changes;
and some have low resting heart rates due to causes not yet elucidated. Some
patients with exercise-induced sinus bradycardia may also have syncope as-
sociated with a profound drop in blood pressure. This may be due to the
Bezold-Jarisch reflex. It appears that hypersensitive mechanicoreceptors in
the left ventricle activate nonmyelinated vagal afferents (C fibers), resulting
in a significant increase in vagal tone.
When a slow resting pulse fails to accelerate normally with exercise, we
have labeled it “chronotropic incompetence”; however, there is little doubt that
our understanding of these syndromes is incomplete. A slower-than-normal

acceleration of the heart rate during exercise would be a protective mechanism

in ischemia, preserving a longer diastolic time to perfuse the myocardium.
We have found that the reduced heart rate response to exercise identi-
fies a cohort of patients with poor ventricular function many of whom may
have severe coronary narrowing who are subject to an increased prevalence
of future coronary events.5,6 The predictive power of this response is pre-
sented in Chapter 14.
Abbott and colleagues7 performed bicycle ergometry on 16 patients with
electrophysiologically confirmed sinus node dysfunction, who had a blunted
heart rate response to exercise. Atropine increased their chronotropic re-
sponse to normal at lower workloads, but with peak exercise their heart rates
were still below predicted rates, suggesting that vagotonia was not the only
mechanism involved. These patients probably suffer from a number of auto-
nomic aberrations, and much is needed to improve our understanding of the
complex factors controlling heart rate in patients with cardiac dysfunction.
A number of more recent papers by Lauer and colleagues confirms the
importance of heart rate response to exercise.8,9 A more complete discussion
of the possible mechanisms has been published.10


As early as 1965 Ostrand called attention to the syndrome of short PR inter-

val without accelerated conduction and it’s association with ST depression
in normal individuals.11 This is recently confirmed by Myrianthiefs of
Cyprus.12 When patients who have a low probability of coronary disease
have modest ST depression at rest, a short PR interval should be looked for.
If found it may be evidence to support the expectation that there is no isch-
emia. This may be due to the exaggerated influence of atrial repolarization.


Although sinus arrhythmias tend to be reduced by the vagal withdrawal ac-

companying the onset of exercise, this and wandering pacemakers tend to re-
cur early during the recovery period and have no special significance. The
loss of the atrial transport mechanisms, however, results in a loss in stroke
volume of from 5% to 30%, depending on the ventricular compliance and the
heart rate. As early as 1912, Sir Thomas Lewis13 demonstrated a drop in car-
diac output and aortic pressure at the onset of atrial fibrillation, and reports
by Kaplan and colleagues14 and Killip and Baer15 substantiate the belief that
atrial contraction is important to function. Thus, the sinus node not only de-
termines the chronotropic response to increased metabolic load, but also the
appropriately timed atrial boost to ventricular filling is critical for optimal
function at high workloads.

The incidence of any supraventricular arrhythmia during exercise test-

ing varies from 4% to 18%, according to how the series was selected.16
McHenry17 reported 5% in normal volunteers and 40% in those with CAD.
The incidence also increases with age.

Atrial Extrasystoles
Atrial premature beats often occur at lower workloads and have little clini-
cal significance. As exercise increases, they usually subside and may then re-
turn during recovery. Supraventricular extrasystoles, however, may be an
aid in the identification of ischemia. When the atrial extrasystole has ST de-
pression greater than the preceding sinus beat, it has been shown to be a
marker for ischemia. Michaelides and associates18 reported a sensitivity of
74% and a specificity of 84% for this little-recognized finding. The same au-
thors have also reported that the R wave in supraventricular beats in is-
chemic patients is taller than that in the normally conducted beats. In nor-
mals, the premature R wave is shorter than in the previous beat. An increased
R wave or no change in premature supraventricular beats has a sensitivity of
79% and a specificity of 90% in those who had exercise-induced premature
supraventricular contractions.19 When some baseline ST depression is pres-
ent and the premature atrial contraction shows less deviation than the sinus
beat, then ischemia is rare. When a nodal premature beat is followed by a
long pause and the following sinus beat shows accentuated ST depression,
ischemia is also likely (Figs. 13–1 and 13–2).

FIGURE 13–1. Panel on left illustrates atrial premature beat with R wave equal to previous sinus
beat. Right panel is during exercise-induced ischemia. The R wave of the atrial premature beat is
taller (see arrows).

FIGURE 13–2. When ischemia is present, atrial premature beats have ST-segment depression not
seen in the normally conducted beats.

Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter

Transient atrial fibrillation or flutter is seen frequently and can be associated
with CAD, rheumatic heart disease, thyrotoxicosis, or myocarditis. It is also
seen in people of all ages who have no other apparent abnormalities. Al-
though no specific diagnosis can be made when this condition develops, it is
an indication of malfunction; note the cardiac output with rapid rates of atrial
fibrillation or flutter is far below that of a subject with sinus rhythm who has

a similar ventricular response. Upon testing a subject with atrial fibrillation

or flutter, the ventricular response tends to accelerate very rapidly, probably
due to inadequate left-ventricular filling resulting in a decreased stroke vol-
ume. The ST-segment changes associated with ischemia are similar to those
observed with a sinus rhythm and may be seen in rheumatic heart disease
and other cardiac abnormalities. In these cases, the ST-segment depression
may indicate left-ventricular dysfunction due to primary muscle change
rather than to coexisting CAD. In addition, the very short diastolic intervals
may produce subendocardial ischemia because of the inadequate perfusion
time in the face of an otherwise-normal ventricular function. When atrial fib-
rillation or flutter is initiated by exercise, it does not necessarily implicate
CAD as the underlying cause, although this is often the primary factor in
older subjects. It may also be a tip-off that sustained atrial fibrillation will oc-
cur later (Figs. 13–3 and 13–4).

Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia

Two- or three-beat bursts of atrial or junctional tachycardia are occasion-
ally seen with exercise, but sustained paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT)
is relatively rare. Graboys and Wright20 reported 29 patients with sus-
tained PAT in 3000 stress tests from a cohort of 207 patients referred for

FIGURE 13–3. The resting tracing of a 42-year-old man who came to the emergency department
with chest pain and palpitations. Note the flutter waves.

FIGURE 13–4. This tracing of the same patient illustrated in Figure 13–3 after 4 minutes of exer-
cise, which caused shortness of breath and weakness. Note that the flutter resulted in a one to one
conduction, causing a very fast heart rate with severe ST depression. A subsequent angiogram re-
vealed normal coronary arteries.

evaluation of atrial arrhythmias. Gough21 reported on the results of 880

stress tests, 315 of which were believed to be of normal subjects. Eleven pa-
tients had atrial tachycardia, nine had junctional tachycardia, and two had
atrial fibrillation in short bursts. All but one spontaneously terminated
within 90 seconds. Mauer and associates22 from the Baltimore Gerontol-
ogy Research Center reported the 7-year follow-up data on 85 subjects (6%
of their total population). These normal individuals with exercise-induced
supraventricular tachycardia failed to have any difference in their cardio-
vascular mortality but had a higher incidence of subsequent supraven-
tricular tachycardia.
Even in persons prone to PAT, this rhythm is rarely initiated by exercise.
In one of our patients, an intermittent supraventricular tachycardia was con-
sistently terminated by exercise. The exact cause of this is obscure, but pos-
sibly the reentry pathway responsible for the tachycardia had become re-
fractory during the exercise period. When PAT does appear during a stress
test, ST-segment depression is commonly seen and is occasionally but not
invariably associated with ischemia, but I believe it is prudent to terminate


Considerable disagreement exists regarding the significance of resting ven-
tricular ectopic beats. Fisher and Tyroler23 studied 1212 white male factory
workers and concluded that although there was an increase in incidence of
premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) of 2% to 15% with age, they could
not statistically predict the incidence of sudden death or myocardial infarc-
tion. When Goldschlager and associates24 compared the coronary angio-
grams of patients exhibiting premature contractions with the angiograms of
those who did not, they found a much more severe degree of disease associ-
ated with the arrhythmia. Rodstein and coworkers25 studied 712 insured per-
sons with extrasystoles for an average period of 18 years. No change in mor-
tality was observed, even when those older than and younger than aged 40
were compared. However, when exercise produced an increase in the num-
ber of arrhythmias in either age group, the incidence of mortality increased.
A number of other studies claim that sudden death in subjects with resting
ventricular arrhythmias is increased two- to threefold.26 Alexander and col-
leagues27 from the Lahey Clinic reported follow-up studies on 539 patients
with PVCs at rest. They found that in patients with CAD there was a small
but statistically significant increase in mortality when PVCs were recorded.
Buckingham and associates28 have demonstrated that frequent PVCs
detected in Holter monitor recordings in normal subjects are usually benign,
and their results are now generally accepted by most workers. Frequent mul-
tiform PVCs only constitute a risk in those with poor ventricular function.
On the other hand, if these PVCs occur in subjects with significant ventricu-
lar dysfunction, they are often harbingers of trouble. As it turns out, the same
thing can be said for PVCs recorded during exercise testing.29

Exercise-Induced Ventricular Arrhythmias

Ventricular arrhythmias are usually produced by excess catecholamines and
vagal withdrawal, as described in the beginning of this chapter. Occasion-
ally, reentry and triggered activity also play a role.
In clinically normal subjects, maximum stress testing occasionally pro-
duces ventricular arrhythmias in 36% to 42%, usually at high workloads. In
CAD patients, the prevalence is reported to be about 50% to 60%. In general,
CAD patients manifest arrhythmias at a lower heart rate, which are some-
what more reproducible than those seen in clinically normal subjects. Sheps
and coworkers30 have reported that when stress tests are done consecutively
on the same day, the second test produced significantly fewer PVCs.
In actively employed normal policemen31 and air crewmen,32 exercise-
induced PVCs have been studied and were found to have no influence on
subsequent morbidity and mortality. These data are generally believed to ap-
ply to all asymptomatic patients.

FIGURE 13–5. A life table illustrating survival of over a 23-year period of 6,101 asymptomatic men.
The data shows that those who had PVCs during exercise had a mortality similar to those who had
ST depression depicting ischemia. Reproduced with permission.33

A recent report from France on a large cohort (N=6101), of asympto-

matic men suggests that exercise induced PVC’s may have more predictive
significance than previously reported.33 The variation from some of the pre-
vious studies may be due to the long follow-up of 23 years (Fig. 13–5).



PVCs are more common (10% to 40%) in CAD patients than in those without
CAD.34 Udall and I29 have reported follow-up data on 1327 patients who had
PVCs either before, during, or after exercise testing who were referred to our
hospital mostly for chest pain syndromes. In this population, we found that
the PVCs were associated with a moderate increase in morbidity and mor-
tality compared with the normal population, even when these patients failed
to have ischemic ST depression. However, when the CAD group developed
ST depression, the mortality and number of coronary events almost doubled.
Also, “ominous” PVCs increased the risk even more to about twice that
of the others. Ominous PVCs were defined as multifocal, multiform, repeti-
tive, and also ventricular tachycardia. Sami and associates35 reported the

follow-up of 1400 CAD patients enrolled in the CASS study. The mortality
rate was 29% in 130 patients with ventricular arrhythmias compared with
25% in those without. Follow-up data on PVCs after myocardial infarction
have also shown that when associated with mild disease and good left-ven-
tricular function, they are of lesser clinical significance. However, when
PVCs are recorded in patients with a low ejection fraction, they indicate a
more grave prognosis (Fig. 13–6).34
A report from Durham, North Carolina, by Califf and colleagues36 on
1293 stress tests in patients undergoing coronary angiography showed that
their survival data are similar to ours. The investigators also found that those
with greater ischemia (ie, three-vessel disease) had a higher incidence of
more serious ventricular arrhythmias. McHenry and colleagues37 reported
that 27% of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias occurred in CAD pa-
tients compared with 7% in those with normal coronary arteries. It is inter-
esting that Califf and colleagues36 found a much higher incidence of ventric-
ular arrhythmias among those on digitalis, thus confirming a previous report
by Gough and McConnell,38 who reported that 50% of the six patients taking
digitalis in their series developed ventricular tachycardia.
Marieb and associates39 reported on 383 subjects who had exercise thal-
lium and angiography, 162 of whom had exercise-induced arrhythmias.

FIGURE 13–6. Life table depicting the prevalence of coronary events for patients with ventricular
premature beats and normal ST segments (A) and the same rhythm in patients with ST depression.
(B) Patients in whom both abnormalities are present have more than a twofold greater prevalence
of coronary events (angina, myocardial infarction, and death).

They found that ischemia was more likely to be found in those with ventric-
ular arrhythmias than in those without and that the arrhythmias were use-
ful in the prediction of subsequent cardiac events. Exercise-induced ventric-
ular tachycardia will be discussed later.

Abolition of Arrhythmias by Exercise

The induction of arrhythmias by exercise is well recognized, but the abolition
of ectopic activity is less commonly appreciated. The mechanisms responsible
for this include rapid heart rate, which increases the relative time during the
refractory period, providing a measure of overdrive suppression, and de-
creased automaticity of the Purkinje system, associated with rapid stimulation.
It is common to see young, apparently healthy subjects who have PVCs
at rest but not during exercise. These persons have no evidence of cardiac ab-
normalities other than PVCs at rest. Our policy was to consider this type of
arrhythmia benign, as proposed by Bourne40 in 1977. This seemed so logical
that we were surprised when our own study indicated that patients referred
for stress testing in our laboratory whose PVCs were suppressed by exercise
had a rate of cardiac events similar to that of those whose PVCs were initi-
ated by exercise. Helfant and colleagues41 have also reported a significant in-
cidence of CAD in a small group (N=22) of subjects with PVCs that were de-
creased by exercise. McHenry and associates37 reported exercise suppression
of ventricular arrhythmias in 42% of these CAD patients.

In CAD patients, many PVCs are abolished by exercise, just as they are in nor-
mals; therefore, this finding does not ensure that the patient is free of disease.

PVCs During Recovery

As the heart rate rapidly slows during recovery from exercise, PVCs com-
monly occur and usually have no clinical significance in our experience. As
previously mentioned, this may be a time when metabolic adjustments in the
heart are somewhat inappropriate, and therefore, occasionally serious dis-
turbances in rhythm may be initiated. A recent report, however, suggests
that the danger from arrhythmias during the cool-down may be consider-
able. Dimsdale42 found that epinephrine and norepinephrine can shoot up to
10 times normal. The hormonal fluctuations can be minimized by a gradual
cool-down. The drop in blood pressure during recovery appears to trigger
the response. It is important to understand that even young subjects without
established heart disease occasionally have ventricular tachycardia or even
ventricular fibrillation after exercise. If this is to happen, it is better to happen
while in the stress laboratory than while jogging in the park (see Fig. 13–7).

FIGURE 13–7. An 82-year-old man with infrequent angina had PVCs before and during an exer-
cise test. The magnitude of the ST depression of the PVC is corrected for R-wave amplitude. Note
the increase in the magnitude of the ST with exercise. Subsequent angiogram revealed high grade
LAD narrowing.

ST Segments in Exercise-Induced PVCs

Over the years it has been believed that repolarization in ventricular ectopic
beats had no diagnostic significance. Recently we have studied the magni-
tude of the ST depression in ventricular ectopic beats near peak exercise and
found it to be of significant diagnostic value. Because most patients don’t

Look for increasing ST depression in PVCs occurring during or
after exercise.

have PVCs during exercise, testing limits its value somewhat. The specificity
however, of 90% suggests it may be of considerable help in patients with ven-
tricular arrhythmias. ST depression of greater than 10 percent of the R wave
amplitude is predictive of an ischemia response.43

Ventricular Tachycardia
Only a few years ago ventricular tachycardia (VT) was defined as three con-
secutive PVCs. Now the term is usually reserved for at least four or more beats
and modified by the term “nonsustained.” Short runs of nonsustained VT
may not have serious implications, especially in a patient with a normal heart.
Yang and colleagues44 reported on 55 patients and defined exercise-induced
VT as three or more beats and sustained VT as five beats. The mean follow-
up was 26 months with a mortality rate of 3.6 or about 18% per year for those

with VT and 2.5% per year for those without VT. In my experience, however,
nonsustained VT and multiform PVCs in CAD patients are more likely to be
associated with more serious implications than in patients with no ectopy.


Sustained VT on the treadmill is relatively rare in most exercise laboratories, but

when testing a group of patients with VT or ventricular fibrillation (VF) as their
primary complaint, between 30% and 60% were found to develop VT.45 Al-
though there are some reports to the contrary, most data suggest that sustained
VT or long runs of VT, even though nonsustained, portray serious underlying
disease. Because VT often deteriorated into VF, it is obviously a cause for im-
mediate termination of exercise. If the patient converts to sinus rhythm sponta-
neously very quickly, there is less cause for alarm; however, this rhythm still
must be taken very seriously. Either CAD with ischemia or some type of car-
diomyopathy should be suspected when VF occurs. Ventricular tachycardia
caused by ischemia almost never has a left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern.
In the absence of overt cardiac pathology, after a thorough workup, most VT
can be controlled by beta blockers. This was the case in the basketball player
Hank Gathers, who unfortunately terminated his treatment with tragic results.
I believe that most adult men with VT associated with exercise have sig-
nificant CAD, although occasionally they may have some other type of left-
ventricular dysfunction. This rhythm is occasionally seen in children and
young adults as a relatively benign process. Several subjects under our su-
pervision with severe VT have had either myocardiopathies or very minimal
coronary atheroma. In our follow-up study, there was a 12% death rate over
a 5-year period in this group, and when the occurrence of VT was analyzed
alone, the 5-year mortality rate was 37%. Therefore, we must conclude that
the more irritable the ventricle, the more severe the implications.


Exercise testing is an important part of the workup in patients with sudden

death or sustained VT. About 30% will develop VT if maximally stressed.
Those who have spontaneous VT are less likely to have a ventricular ar-
rhythmia with exercise than those who do not.46 Although ischemia would
seem to be the most likely initiating factor for an exercise-induced VT, it has
been reported that measurable ischemia (ST-segment depression) is respon-
sible for the arrhythmia in only about 10% or less.47 It is also reported that
exercise-induced VT correlates poorly with the findings in the electrophysi-
ology laboratory. However, there is a small subset of patients who have VT
only during exercise. Some of these patients may be discovered in your stress
laboratory, and you must be prepared to treat them effectively.
There are times when patients develop left bundle branch block during
testing and at first glance it may be very difficult to differentiate this rhythm
from ventricular tachycardia. After exercise is discontinued, a relatively stable

blood pressure and a comparison of the heart rate during the arrhythmia with
that just prior to its inception will usually help make the correct diagnosis.


Patients with this abnormality often have VT, at times originated by exercise.
The VT always manifests a LBBB pattern and prolongation of the QRS in the
right precordial lead is common. Some patients with this syndrome have ST
elevation in V2 and V3 during exercise and they often have a family history
of sudden death.48



This VT is more likely to be nonsustained and is very commonly induced by

exercise. These patients are also likely to have many PVC’s and coupled
PVC’s during exercise. They have normal LV function and are more likely to
maintain a reasonable blood pressure during VT. The morphology is also a
left bundle. An excellent discussion of right ventricular tachycardia has re-
cently been published by Pinski.49

Reproducibility of Ventricular Ectopy

It has been experimentally shown that PVCs are frequently seen at the incep-
tion of acute ischemia. Thus, exercise-induced PVCs or VT may be an
“ischemic equivalent,” and good reproducibility would be expected. Unfortu-
nately, this is not the case. Faris and colleagues50 found that approximately a
50% reproducibility in clinically normal subjects after a 3-year interval was not
too surprising. However, Sheps and associates30 repeated the exercise test af-
ter 45 minutes and found that the second test resulted in a significant decrease
in irritability. Jelinek and Lown51 reported a reproducibility of 30% of PVCs
and 50% for VT. Thus, when using a stress test to evaluate the efficacy of an
antiarrhythmic agent, the degree of unreliability must be kept in mind. An
even lower rate of reproducibility in Holter monitoring (10%) was reported by
Jelinek and Lown.51 Ryan and associates52 and Glasser and coworkers53 have
reported, however, that for the detection of ventricular arrhythmias, Holter
monitoring generally outperformed the exercise test. This is probably owing
to the fact that many events in daily living besides exercise cause ventricular
irritability. These include changes in pH and alterations in vagal and sympa-
thetic tone either with or without the stimulus of emotional factors.


Exercise initiates a complex set of events that impinge on the conduction sys-
tem. There is an increase in sympathetic drive and a withdrawal of vagal

tone. Sympathetic enhancement of conduction is mediated somewhat by the

increased sinus firing rate causing an increased number of impulses arriving
at the atrioventricular (AV) node. The fatigue of the conduction tissue as a
result of the increased traffic, and a relatively greater segment of the con-
duction time being occupied by the refractory period, may mitigate the effect
of the excess sympathetic influence. In CAD patients, ischemia may also al-
ter the conduction process, depending on its severity and location. In nor-
mals at maximum exercise, the PQ interval shortens to about 110 msec. Bar-
row and Ouer54 reported that immediately after exercise, the PR interval is
either decreased to a greater extent than would be predicted from the heart
rate or is independent of the heart rate. Atrial pacing at increased heart rates
almost always prolongs the PQ interval, probably because vagal tone is still
intact and there is very little increase in sympathetic drive.

First-Degree Atrioventricular Block

First-degree AV block at rest commonly disappears with exercise owing to
the vagal withdrawal. The same effect can be induced with atropine.44 The
development of a prolonged PQ segment after exercise has been reported
in a patient with triple-vessel disease by Glasser and Clark,55 who state
that they have seen three patients with AV block after exercise in 2000
treadmill examinations. Sandberg45 describes this phenomenon in two pa-
tients who have had myocarditis. This rare finding probably has little clin-
ical significance.

Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block

Lepeschkin and colleagues56 report a case of type II second-degree AV block
after norepinephrine effusion. The absence of this type of abnormality in ex-
ercise testing is probably due to the fact that we rarely exercise a patient with
a known infectious disease or active rheumatic fever. Bakst’s group57 reports
a 74-year-old woman with CAD and a first- and second-degree AV block at
rest. Both exercise testing and atropine produced a second-degree type II
block. No change in PR interval occurred with either of these maneuvers
when the sinus rate exceeded 68 beats per minute. Cases have also been re-
ported by Moulopoulos and Anthopoulos58 and Goodfriend and Barold.59
The latter did His’ bundle studies and reported the lesions to be above the
His’ spike and below the AV node. Gilchrist60 in 1958 pointed out that type
I AV block improves with exercise, whereas type II AV block deteriorates.
This effect has also been emphasized by Rozanski’s group,61 who state, “an
exercise-induced increase in sympathetic drive will enhance conduction
through the AV node, but will have no effect on tissue below this level.” As
previously mentioned, first-degree AV block may be prolonged with atrial
pacing at high heart rates until it becomes a second-degree block. Although
second-degree AV block probably should be an indication for discontinuing
exercise, it is not likely to lead to serious trouble.

Fascicular Block
Left Anterior Division Block
To my knowledge, there are no data on the risk of left anterior division hemi-
block with exercise. Oliveros and associates62 have reported two cases in
which exercise-induced left anterior hemiblock was associated with a high-
grade paroxysmal left anterior descending coronary lesion. Both patients also
had typical ST-segment depression when normal conduction returned during
recovery. During the period when hemiblock was evident, however, the ST
changes tended to be masked in the frontal plane and to some degree in the
precordial leads. Although Oliveros and associates62 failed to comment on
this in their paper, Gergueira-Gomes and colleagues,63 in a general discussion
of hemiblock, emphasized this point. They believe the changes were due to
transient ischemia of the septum, because in one case following successful by-
pass surgery, conduction reverted to normal. In spite of the tendency of the
axis shift to mask ischemia, the incidence of a positive test tends to increase
when the presence of left anterior hemiblock is established. Miller and
coworkers64 described abnormal exercise test results in 14 of 20 subjects with
left-axis deviation who were thought otherwise to be normal. Nine of these
subjects had left anterior hemiblock using the criteria of more than a 35⬚ axis.
A matched control group with normal axis had an incidence of 40% positive
tests for ischemia. This high incidence is rather surprising and makes me sus-
pect that their control patients were a very select group. Mean age of the con-
trol group was 50.1, and from the experience in our laboratory, an abnormal
response in this age group would be expected to be between 15% and 20%.
Figure 13–8 depicts the tracing of a 66-year-old man who had never ex-
perienced any symptoms of CAD. The resting ECG clearly demonstrated left
anterior division block. As exercise progressed, temporary alterations in the
axis resulted, presumably due to a change in the degree of block from beat
to beat. In addition, the R wave in CM5 diminished and returned toward that
recorded at rest and during recovery. The patient experienced no symptoms
during the test except for the usual fatigue and dyspnea. The ST-segment el-
evation in V1 at rest, which was accentuated by exercise, might have been
due to a dyskinetic area or an ischemic area in the septum (Fig. 13–9). ST-
segment elevation at rest in V2 and V3 accentuated by exercise is usually due
to residual anterior wall ischemia in an area of previous infarction.64

Left Posterior Hemiblock

Bobba and associates65 reported four cases in which they proposed that the
left posterior hemiblock was initiated by exercise. In their patients, the axis
shifted inferiorly and to the right from 0⬚ to approximately 110⬚. ST-segment
depression developed in the classic V4 and V5 positions so that the recogni-
tion of ischemic changes was similar to that for the patient with a normal axis.
The investigators described 4 such cases in 100 subjects, indicating that it

FIGURE 13–8. A resting 12-lead tracing of a 66-year-old asymptomatic man with a left anterior di-
vision hemiblock.

may not be unusual. No recent reports describing the prevalence of this find-
ing have been discovered.

Congenital Long QT Syndrome

There is a rare group of young patients who suddenly pass out due to a spon-
taneous ventricular tachycardia and often have family members who have
died suddenly. The long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inherited disease
whereby patients have a long QT interval due to genes encoding the cardiac
ion channels that produce repolarizing current of the action potential. An ab-
normality in the inward and outward transmembrane potential can trigger
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
At times these patients have a borderline QT interval at rest but exercise
will usually resolve at a marked prolongation.66 Thus, one of the ways to di-
agnose these patients, besides looking at their genotype, especially on chro-
mosome 7, is to do a standard exercise test recognizing that there is some risk
of initiating ventricular tachycardia (See Figure 13–10).67
FIGURE 13–9. The exercise tracing of the man in Figure 13–5. With exercise, he developed intermittent
alterations in axis deviation and ST-segment elevation in V1 with exercise.
FIGURE 13–10. (A) Resting ECG of a 40 year old male with a strong family history of LQTS. QTc
is borderline at 447 milliseconds. Two older brothers died in childhood suddenly and his mother
experienced syncope as a child multiple times although she died of cancer at the age of 66. One
month prior to this study, the patient and his wife celebrated the birth of a daughter whose QTc ws
measured at 472 milliseconds. (B) Treadmill exercise ECG of the same patient after 9 minutes of
exercise on the Bruce protocol. QTc is markedly prolonged at 500 milliseconds. Chronotropic in-
competence is also evident—a maximum heart rate of 122 beats per minute was achieved (68%
of predicted). The QTc actually prolonged further to 519 milliseconds 2 minutes into recovery. The
patient was put on prophylactic beta-blockers.


Rate-Related Bundle Branch Block

Sandberg 45 studied nine cases of bundle branch block initiated by exercise,
two of which were right bundle branch block (RBBB). In the young subjects
(aged 30 to 40), the onset of the block appeared only at high workloads and
in the absence of ST-segment depression. Sandberg felt that this was not as-
sociated with CAD and produced little change in function. He also found
that bundle branch block could be caused by means other than exercise, such
as the administration of amyl nitrate or atropine. There did not appear to be
an exact heart rate or RR interval at which the patient would shift to a block
pattern, but there was definitely a range after which this would invariably
occur. The term rate-related bundle branch block has often implied the absence
of significant coronary or myocardial pathology. Like so many findings in
medicine, it cannot be judged without taking the total clinical picture into
consideration. Evidence now suggests that in patients in the coronary age
group, this process is often due to ischemia.65 It was Sandberg’s belief that in
older subjects with CAD, the block would occur at slower heart rates.45
Wayne and colleagues68 however, found that 14 to 16 patients with “rate-
related bundle branch blocks” had evidence strongly suggestive of CAD.
Their patients’ average age was 59. Eleven had left bundle branch block
(LBBB) and five had RBBB.
Whenever a block pattern spontaneously occurs during exercise or
with hyperventilation, one should consider the possibility of Wolff-
Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. It is very important to recognize WPW
syndrome because the ST-segment depression in this condition does not
mean ischemic heart disease and the short PQ wave and delta wave are
easy to overlook. Kattus69 described a patient with variable RBBB who had
ischemia in the normally conducted complexes, but not in those with the
block pattern.

Right Bundle Branch Block

The reliability of exercise-induced ST-segment depression as a predictor of
ischemia in patients with RBBB has been debated.70 Most investigators argue
that although the wide S wave makes the identification of the J-point some-
what more difficult, changes in the lateral precordial leads should be reli-
able.70,71 Possibly the sensitivity is less satisfactory with this abnormality.
Tanaka and coworkers71 make the point that the ST depression must be man-
ifested in the lateral precordial or similar leads to have significance. Several
of their patients with normal coronary arteries had ST depression in V1 to V3.
Kattus69 also has made this point. In our laboratory, we have seen many pa-
tients with RBBB develop ST-segment depression with exercise. The 51-year-
old man whose ECG is depicted in Figure 13–11 exhibits this finding. He had
suffered two previous myocardial infarctions and exhibited ST-segment de-

FIGURE 13–11. Resting and exercise left-ventricular pressures in a 51-year-old-man with advanced
three-vessel disease by angiography. Note the increase in the LVEDP associated with ST-segment
depression in a subject with RBBB. The wide S wave encroaches on the ST segment.

pression and experienced anginal pain immediately after exercise and dur-
ing cardiac catheterization. Elevation of left-ventricular end-diastolic pres-
sure (LVEDP) can be seen to correlate with the ST-segment depression. 72 Al-
though the QRS is wide in RBBB, the total QT interval is not significantly
prolonged. Therefore, the duration of the ST-segment depression is relatively
shorter in RBBB because the wide S wave in CM5 or in the lateral precordial
lead encroaches on the ST segment.
Even so, RBBB, in contradistinction to LBBB, may (but usually does not)
mask ischemic changes, at least in CM5 or V5.73 ST depression in V2 and V3 is
often seen in patients with RBBB without ischemia, probably because of re-
polarization changes secondary to the wide R prime often present in these
leads (see Figure 13–11).


ST depression in leads V2 and V3 in patients with right bundle branch
block is not ischemia. ST depression in V5 and V6 is ischemia.

Left Bundle Branch Block

In general, LBBB tends to be associated with decreased left-ventricular func-
tion and a poor prognosis. In patients who have LBBB alternating with nor-
mal conduction, the function of the ventricle during the beats associated with
the block have been demonstrated to be less effective in subjects with re-
duced left-ventricular function. This has been shown, at least in congestive
heart failure patients, to be due to dysynergy between the septum and the
left ventricular free wall and an increase in mitral insufficiency.74 This may
be due to degenerative changes in the conduction system and not associated
with CAD per se. It can also be due to myocarditis, severe left-ventricular
hypertrophy, or myocardiopathy. Under such circumstances, the ECG
changes associated with stress are difficult to evaluate with certainty. In
asymptomatic symptomatic subjects, the stroke output and other measure-
ments of left-ventricular function may at times be near-normal75 (Fig. 13–12).
Cooksey and colleagues76 report that if an ST depression of 1.5 mm more
than at rest occurred with exercise, CAD should be suspected. Whinnery and
Froelicher73 on the other hand, found no significant difference in the ST de-
pression of those with CAD when analyzing 31 asymptomatic air crewmen.
Orzan and associates77 studied 30 patients with CAD and 27 without and
also found the ST-depression change with exercise to be of little value in
identification. In their discussion, they commented that anginal pain was
rarely associated with significant ST change and suggested that in LBBB the
ST depression is probably not a manifestation of ischemia. Discussions of the
possible electrophysiological reasons for these findings can be found in the
work of Walston and colleagues78 and Abildskov.79 Gibbons80 and the ACC
Guidelines Committee have stated that ST depression has no diagnostic
value in patients with LBBB.
In lead V5, a fair number of patients with LBBB have a positive rather than
a negative T wave. In these patients, the ST segments become more and more
depressed during progressive exercise. This may be a reflection of decreased
left-ventricular function, a higher filling pressure, or merely a secondary re-
polarization abnormality. This phenomenon often occurs in patients with hy-
pertensive or idiopathic cardiomyopathies and may even occur when the dis-
ease is localized in the bundle itself. It is now well established that it is possible
to recognize an acute myocardial infarction with left bundle branch block81
and I believe it should be possible to identify criteria that correlate with is-
chemia. Although there is no consensus, we found that a significant decrease
in ST segments in lead 2 has the sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 86%. Con-
firmations of our findings have not yet been published however.82

FIGURE 13–12. Left-ventricular tracings taken during catheterization in a 56-year-old-man. LBBB

suddenly developed after the catheter was placed in the left ventricle. The decrease in left-
ventricular systolic pressure and the increase in the LVEDP in the tracing on the right indicated a
severe decrease in function.

There are times when patients with LBBB develop ST-segment depres-
sion that is clearly due to ischemia, either in the presence or absence of exer-
cise.4 A number of patients with normal ventricular conduction at rest develop
LBBB during stress testing. They may or may not have CAD. Figure 13–13 il-
lustrates the ECG of a patient who had LBBB not only with a stress test, but
also after administration of atropine. The coronary angiograms of this patient
were perfectly normal, although there was mild evidence of left-ventricular
dysfunction as indicated by LVEDP elevations after angiography. The report
of Wayne and colleagues,68 previously mentioned, supports the growing
trend to suspect ischemia in these patients. Bellet and associates83 reported on
a patient with LBBB at rest who maintained a normal pattern during exercise
and reverted to LBBB during recovery. They claim that the patient had clear-
cut hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease with congestive failure. I have
seen one patient with LBBB, who was shown to have normal coronary arter-
ies and good left-ventricular function, consistently convert to a normal pattern

FIGURE 13–13. Exercise tracing of a 44-year-old woman who developed LBBB with exercise. Sub-
sequent coronary angiography revealed normal vessels and left-ventricular function.

with exercise. A report by Lee and colleagues84 suggests that R-wave changes
may be useful in identifying CAD in patients with LBBB. Confirmation of their
data needs to be published, however. The concept that patients who convert
to LBBB at low heart rates are more likely to have CAD than those who con-
vert at high heart rates has not been confirmed in our experience.


There is a consensus as stated in the ACC/AHA guidelines, that one
cannot diagnose exercise-induced ischemia in patients with left
bundle branch block from the EKG. I suspect this is an error.

Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block

In older patients with known or suspected CAD, third-degree heart block
at rest should be a relative contraindication to stress testing. His’ bundle
electrograms demonstrate that the block may be proximal to, within, or
distal to the His’ spike. Congenital block is usually proximal to the His’
bundle, and even in acquired block this location may have a lesser risk to
the patient during exercise. No data to support this contention are avail-
able in acquired disease, however. It is well known that when patients
with CAD develop complete AV block, the prognosis is poor. Whether or
not this is the case in pre-His’ bundle blocks is not known. On the other
hand, if it is a congenital block or is present in vigorous younger patients
with no other evidence of heart disease, testing may be done (Fig. 13–14).
If patients develop complete AV block during exercise testing, exercise
should be terminated immediately.

FIGURE 13–14. Tracings from a 23-year-old man with congenital heart block. The T-wave ampli-
tude increases as exercise progresses.


It is now well established that patients with WPW syndrome have ST-
segment depression when the accelerated conduction pathway intervenes.
When accelerated conduction occurs intermittently, the changes in the ST-
segment depression can be seen associated with each delta wave. A few iso-
lated reports of coronary angiographic data on such patients have demon-
strated normal coronary arteries.85 Sandberg45 reported 35 instances of
patients with preexcitation syndrome who underwent exercise tests. He
found that exercise may bring on the delta wave and preexcitation, may
cause disappearance of the syndrome with a return during recovery, or may
not affect the presence or absence of the syndrome at all. In two of Sandberg’s
patients, both in their 50s, this phenomenon was initiated by exercise. He
suggested that these patients had acquired WPW syndrome because of CAD
or some other myocardial dysfunction. In our laboratory, we occasionally see
WPW syndrome initiated by exercise. Several of our patients underwent
coronary angiography and had a normal coronary tree. Gazes85 reported that
20 of 23 patients with WPW syndrome had ST-segment depression of 1.0 mm
or more after exercise. We have also seen it initiated by hyperventilation.
The tracings in Figure 13–15 depict the stress test of a 46-year-old man
with resting accelerated conduction who had ST-segment depression during
exercise, even though the abnormal conduction pathways could not be rec-
ognized when the heart rate became rapid.

FIGURE 13–15. Exercise tracings of a 46-year-old man with normal coronary arteries manifesting
ST-segment depression with exercise, and accelerated conduction at rest.

FIGURE 13–16. Tracing of a 52-year-old man illustrating transient WPW syndrome and ST-
segment depression associated with each complex that exhibits a delta wave.

The preexcitation syndrome may be initiated in young patients when-

ever they exercise sufficiently; it is almost invariably associated with ST-
segment depression. The exercise performance and aerobic capacity for
Sandberg’s patients were perfectly normal, suggesting that there were prob-
ably only minimal coronary abnormalities within the group. We have never
seen a patient with WPW syndrome develop supraventricular tachycardia
on the treadmill even though those with the disease have a history of attacks
at unexpected times. Patients with accelerated conduction initiated by exer-
cise should be considered to be free of CAD unless they have angina or other
significant risk factors. (Fig. 13–16).


Exercise-induced arrhythmias and conduction disturbances are abnormal in

most cases. As with other findings during stress testing, however, they must
be viewed in light of other clinical findings in each patient. In most patients
who come to stress testing, these arrhythmias are potential causes for con-
cern, but in special cases such as endurance athletes, especially young ones,
certain of the arrhythmias have no clinical significance, even though concern
may be engendered in both the examining physician and the patient (see
Chapter 20).


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Predictive Implications

Bayes’ Theorem Cooper Clinic Study—2000

Sensitivity and Specificity VA Study
Sensitivity Time of Onset of ST-Segment
Specificity Depression
Predictive Value and Relative Risk Magnitude of ST-Segment Depression
Disease Prevalence Time of Recovery from ST-Segment
Effect of Prevalence on Exercise-Induced Depression
ST Depression Poor Chronotropic Response
Critique of Bayes’ Theorem Delta Heart Rate
Population Groups Heart Rate Recovery
Limited Challenge Anginal Pain
Correlation of ST Depression with Exercise Duration
Coronary Angiography Effect of Age
False-Positive Tests Effect of Previous Myocardial Infarction
False-Negative Tests Exercise Test Scores
Long-Term Follow-up Studies Multivariate Analysis
Master’s Test The Duke Score
Memorial Medical Center Follow-Up Froelicher Score
Study—1975 Morise Score
Duke Study—1978 Comments About Manipulation of Data
Heart Watch—1980 to Produce Scores
CASS Study—1982

Prediction of disease is one of the primary functions of stress testing. We

would like to be able to predict in each patient:
1. The anatomical condition of the coronary arteries
2. The functional status of the heart
3. The ultimate outcome of the patient as influenced by the above two
It is commonly but erroneously assumed that items 2 and 3 are easy to de-
termine when we know item 1. So many factors influence the outcome of any
given patient with clinically significant coronary artery disease (CAD) that
knowing the anatomical condition of the coronary arteries as assessed by the
angiogram may give very little information about items 2 and 3, especially if we
are only examining the coronary angiogram. We should not be too surprised

when a patient with a normal maximum exercise test suddenly has an infarc-
tion or ventricular fibrillation a few weeks later. Although this occurs infre-
quently, the dynamic nature of coronary atheroma certainly can result in sud-
den reductions in perfusion with all the attendant dramatic sequelae. In this
chapter, I present some of the concepts necessary to understand how informa-
tion derived from stress testing can be used to predict the patient’s outcome.
One of the difficulties in interpreting a diagnostic report stems from the
fact that many of us are not used to being precise in our statements. We know
that very few tests are 100% reliable, but we rarely stop to consider just how re-
liable our tests are. Unfortunately, limited data prevent us from deriving a high
degree of certainty from stress testing in its present form. Most of us combine
so many different variables in arriving at the final conclusion that it should be
called a “consultation” rather than a “test.” However, if we limit our discussion
to ST-segment depression, about which there is a great deal of information, we
can illustrate some important principles. There is a tendency by most doctors
to ignore a good deal of the information available in the literature.


Bayes’ theorem is a mathematical rule that relates the interpretation of pres-

ent observation to past experience (Fig. 14–1). It relates the probability of dis-
ease (pretest probability) in the patient before the test is performed to the
probability of disease after the test (post-test probability).1 This is best un-
derstood by considering Figure 14–2. If the pretest probability of disease in
question is 10% and the information content (power of the test to increase in-
formation) is known to be 50%, for example, then we can calculate the post-
test uncertainty or, conversely, the probability.
In Figure 14–2, the information content of the test is 50%, leaving us with
a post-test probability of 60% or a remaining uncertainty of 40%. The infor-
mation content varies with the nature of the test and the prevalence of dis-
ease in the population under study, which also determines the pretest prob-
ability.2 Therefore, the information content of a test varies to some degree
according to the individual being tested. This concept may be difficult for
some clinicians because we think in terms of individual patients and con-
sider the test’s value to be intrinsic to the test. If we use Bayes’ theorem, we
consider the test in the context of the population to which the patient belongs.
By collating data from large population studies, Diamond and Forrester3 es-
timated the information gained by the discovery that 1 mm of ST-segment
depression varies according to the type of chest pain because of the differ-
ence in the pretest probability. Thus, the information gained or diagnostic

FIGURE 14–1. Bayes’ theorem.


FIGURE 14–2. The total information about the patient’s diagnosis is depicted by the bar. It is di-
vided into pretest (black), which is the probability of disease as estimated from clinical data; the
test information (stippled), which represents the increase in information supplied by the diagnos-
tic test; and the uncertainty after the test is finished, which is the diagnostic difference between the
post-test probability or post-test information content and 100%. (From Diamond et al,2 by permis-
sion of the American Heart Association, Inc.)

use is five times more in a subject with atypical angina than in a subject with-
out symptoms and two and one-half times that of someone with typical
angina (Fig. 14–3).
The diagnostic use of the stress test is highest when applied to a popu-
lation in which the diagnosis is most uncertain. ST depression in patients
with typical angina adds little because this group already has a high likeli-
hood of CAD.
For the purpose of this discussion, we will assume that the prevalence
of disease is accurate in each of the pain categories described by Diamond
and Forrester. We know, of course, that the prevalence of disease in each of
these categories would also be influenced by sex, age, cholesterol, family his-
tory, smoking habits, and other determinants.4


We have accepted the coronary angiogram as the gold standard in deter-

mining the presence of CAD. Most of the literature assumes that a coronary
artery obstruction of 70% or greater is significant and one that is less than
70% is not significant. Although this is highly arbitrary and is probably only
partly true, we will accept it for now in order to explain the principle. A
group of patients studied by angiography and exercise testing can be cate-
gorized by means of the contingency table (Table 14–1).






FIGURE 14–3. The pretest information content (equivalent to the black part of the bar in Fig. 14–2)
according to the patient’s symptoms. AS = asymptomatic; NACP = nonanginal chest pain; AA =
atypical angina; TAP = typical anginal pain. Atypical angina is a very reliable symptom and thus
starts with the largest pretest probability. (From Diamond, et al,2 with permission.)

Sensitivity is the measure of reliability in identifying the presence of disease
or the percentage of patients with an abnormal stress test* out of all those
studied with significant CAD.
Patients with abnormal stress tests
and abnormal angiograms
Sensitivity = ⫻ 100
All patients with abnormal
True-positives = Patients with both abnormal stress tests and abnormal
False-positives = Patients with abnormal stress tests and normal an-

*Abnormal angiograms are used in this example for illustration purposes. Coronary artery ab-
nrmalities are only one cause of abnormal stress tests.

Table 14–1. 2 × 2 Contingency Table

Test Result Disease

Present Absent
Positive True-positives False-positives
Negative False-negatives True-negatives

Sensitivity is not only a function of the prevalence of disease in the pop-

ulation under study. It can be enhanced by increasing the stress applied, by
using more leads, and by liberalizing the criteria for anabnormal test. If this
is done, for example, by accepting 0.5 mm of ST depression rather than 1.0
mm, we will identify more of those with disease; however, more false-posi-
tives will be identified. False-negative tests will be increased by reducing the
stress applied, increasing the amount of ST depression required for a posi-
tive test, and balancing ST vectors, inadequate critical mass of ischemic mus-
cle, and so forth.

Specificity is the measure of reliability in identifying by stress test the ab-
sence of disease or the percentage of those with a normal stress test out of all
studied with normal angiograms.
Patients with normal stress tests
and normal angiograms
Specificity =
All patients with normal ⫻ 100
True-negatives = Patients with normal stress tests who have normal an-
False-negatives = Patients with a normal stress test who have abnormal
As specificity increases, the false-positives decrease. The false-positive,
or subject who has ST depression and normal coronary arteries, creates the
biggest problem for clinicians. The term “specificity” in this sense has a
slightly different meaning than is commonly understood. In common par-
lance, specificity refers to the reliability or predictive power of a test. We term
this the correct classification rate.


The data to be presented in this chapter describing sensitivity and specificity

of stress Testing are of necessity usually based on patients being admitted for

coronary angiography. This results in a cohort of patients with a high preva-

lence of disease. Let us examine how this affects the results.
Predictive value = 
True-positives + false-positives
The predictive value of a positive or an abnormal test is defined as the
true-positives over true-positives plus false-positives. The predictive value
is the percentage of those identified correctly. It can be for a positive or for a
negative test. The predictive value of a positive test does not tell how many
abnormal patients have been diagnosed as normal, however. Bayes’ theorem
states that the predictive value of a test is directly related to the prevalence
of disease in the population being studied1 (Table 14–2).
If we examine a population with a 1% prevalence of disease with a test
that has a 60% sensitivity and a 90% specificity (values not far removed from
those reported for ST-segment depression), the result will be as shown in
Table 14–3. If we select another population to study with the prevalence of
disease at 10%, the predictive value will increase to 40% (Table 14–4).

Table 14–2. Relation of Prevalence of a Disease and Predictive Value of a Test*

Actual Disease Predictive Value of a Predictive Value of a

Prevalence (%) Positive Test (%) Negative Test (%)

1 16.1 99.9
2 27.9 99.9
5 50.0 99.7
10 67.9 99.4
20 82.6 98.7
50 95.0 95.0
75 98.3 83.7
100 100.0 

*Sensitivity and specificity rates each equal 95%.

From Vecchio, TH: Predictive value of a single diagnostic test in unselected populations. N Engl J
Med 274:1171, 1966, with permission.

Table 14–3. Performance of a Test with a 60% Sensitivity and a 90% Specificity in a
Population with a 1% Prevalence of Disease

Subjects No. with Abnormal Test No. with Normal Test

100 diseased 60 (TP) 40 (FN)

9900 nondiseased 990 (FP) 8910 (TN)
Total 1050 8950

Predictive value of an abnormal test =  TP =  60 = 5.7%

TP + FP 1050
False-positive rate = 100  5.7 = 94.3%.
TP = true-positives; FP = false-positives; FN = false-negatives; TN = true-negatives.

Table 14–4. Performance of a Test with a 60% Sensitivity and a 90% Specificity in a
Population with a 10% Prevalence of Disease

Subjects No. with Abnormal Test No. with Normal Test

1000 diseased 600 (TP) 400 (FN)

9000 nondiseased 900 (FP) 8100 (TN)
Total 1500 8500

Predictive value of an abnormal test =  TP 600 = 40%

= 
TP + FP 1500
False-positive rate = 100  40 = 60%

It can be seen from the previous numbers that the inherent accuracy of
the test as previously stated is defined by the sensitivity and specificity and
that the results when applied to the individual depend on the prevalence of
disease in the population to which the individual belongs.
Obviously, two of the most important factors in the analysis of patients
undergoing stress testing are (1) pretest prevalence of disease and (2) sensi-
tivity and specificity of the test.


There are a number of ways to estimate disease prevalence, and there is con-
siderable disagreement in this area. Diamond and Forrester3 believe that pa-
tients should be categorized according to their pain pattern (Fig. 14–4). This
is then modified by age, sex, and other factors. The researchers have pub-
lished tables that provide information gleaned from a review of the litera-
ture. These tables or their computer program (Cadenza) can be used to eval-

FIGURE 14–4. Prevalence of CAD according to age, sex, and symptom classification. (From Dia-
mond and Forrester,3 with permission.)

uate the probability of disease.3 Both pretest and post-test probability will
be calculated after a stress test or a series of noninvasive tests including
cardiokymography, coronary calcification by fluoroscopy, and thallium
Hossack and colleagues5 believe one can do as well with the conven-
tional risk factors combined with exercise risk factors obtained during tread-
mill stress testing. The Framingham risk factor tables are well known and
have been used by the Seattle Group in their Heart Watch study for a num-
ber of years. The use of symptoms for disease prevalence presumes that the
patient will tell you about pain. Many subjects withhold or modify informa-
tion for various reasons; commercial airline pilots are a typical example.



To proceed with the application of Bayes’ theorem, the probability of signifi-

cant CAD is presented from Diamond’s calculations based on the pretest prob-
ability. Figure 14–5 illustrates the degree of diagnostic uncertainty according
to the magnitude of ST-segment depression and the pretest probability.
The data suggest that even if the pretest probability was only 20%,
exercise-induced ST depression of greater than 2.5 mm gives a probability of
disease in the range of 90%, whereas slightly less than 2 mm of ST depres-
sion results in a probability of about 50%. This information can be used after
the exercise test and in other tests such as a nuclear scintigram. For example,
if the post-test probability is 70% after a stress test and the information con-
tent of a nuclear test is 25%, an abnormal nuclear scintigram will give a prob-
ability of 95%, however, a normal nuclear test following the abnormal stress
test will reduce the probability to 55%.

FIGURE 14–5. Family of ST-segment depression curves and the likelihood of CAD. (From Epstein,6
with permission.)


The numbers presented here provide a highly simplified approach to a com-

plex problem. Although the concept is valid, when we apply it to our patients
we must remember that important elements in the calculations are not actu-
ally known with certainty.
The sensitivity and specificity of stress testing in the day-to-day man-
agement of particular patients are uncertain. Most of the data available to us
come from cardiac centers where the referral pattern may influence the
prevalence of disease in the study.7 Sensitivity and specificity from such cen-
ters are known to vary. How then do we relate these data to our individual
patients? In clinical practice, most of us instinctively use a number of vari-
ables to determine the presence of disease. In some laboratories, a computer-
generated probability based on a multivariate analysis of a number of vari-
ables is used. However, we have no information that indicates how well this
approach would work in an outpatient-oriented clinic, a private practice of
cardiology, or an internal medical office.


In a cardiology practice in an area where prevalence of CAD is very high (es-

pecially if the physician is a recognized expert in this field), there would be
a larger percentage of patients with CAD than in the office of a general in-
ternist, in an industrial clinic, or in a military installation. An example of this
concept is illustrated in Table 14–5, in which two groups of subjects were
studied in relationship to the prevalence of exercise-induced ST depression
(positive stress tests).
Those referred for evaluation in the Memorial Hospital Cardiology Lab-
oratory, as expected, resulted in two to four times more positive tests than
those studied in an asymptomatic group solicited by the Long Beach Heart
Association.8 Actually, most physicians do stress tests on subjects who, by
their age and sex, are in a population with a higher prevalence of CAD.

Table 14–5. Percent of Positive Stress Tests According to Age and Sex in Two Studies

Age MHLB* Female LBHA† Female MHLB Male LBHA Male

21–30 0 0 2.5 1.2

31–40 10.1 2.1 11.7 4.3
41–50 19.9 2.0 29.5 11.4
51–60 29.1 7.4 48.0 26.9
Over 60 43.3 12.1 58.2 29.3
Mean 23.3 4.6 34.3 13.5

*Memorial Hospital Cardiology Laboratory.

†Long Beach Heart Association.

From Ellestad, Allen, and Stuart, with permission.46


Using Table 14–5, it would be fair to estimate a disease prevalence of

approximately 19% (26.9 + 11.4 = 19) ⫼ 2 in men between ages 40 and 60.
In this population, there would be a significant number of false-positives
and false-negatives. If we were to agree that about 20% were false-posi-
tives, we might calculate the predictive value if we analyzed 500 men as
No. with abnormal test No. with normal test
100 diseased 70 (TP) 30 FN
(Sensitivity = 70%)
400 nondiseased 80 (FP) 320 TN
(Specificity = 80%)
Total 150 350
TP 70
Predicted value of abnormal test = ᎏ = ᎏ = 46%
TP + FP 150

where TP = true-positive; TN = true-negative; FP = false-positive; and FN ⫽

Thus, almost 50% of this group of men would be correctly identified by
ST segments and age alone. It would be prudent to evaluate the abnormal
responders by considering risk factors and other exercise variables (see
Chapter 19).


When evaluating patients to determine the accuracy of the test some inves-
tigators have compared patients with a high probability of disease, i.e. pa-
tients with chest pain, with a group who obviously have a low probability,
such as normal volunteers. This has been termed “limited challenge” because
it exaggerates the tendency for normal patients to have a negative test and
thus increase the specificity. The best way to know the usefulness of the test
is to compare only patients who are suspected of ischemia, usually because
they present with chest pain.
The final caveat has to do with the difficulties with angiographic es-
timates of coronary narrowing and their effect on coronary flow during
metabolically induced hyperemia.9 When we consider that all our data,
using angiographically estimated percentage of narrowing, are subject to
considerable question (see Chapter 4), it may take a few years before the
reliability of any test in estimating coronary ischemia can be based on
more certain criteria. For a more detailed critique of this subject, I sug-
gest that the serious reader review Feinstein’s10 essay, ”The Haze of
Bayes, the Aerial Palaces of Decision Analysis, and the Computerized
Ouija Board.”



Published reports correlating the association of exercise-induced ST depres-

sion with coronary angiography offer some insight into the reliability of this
method in a population being referred to a cardiac center.11,12 A few of these
studies are illustrated in Table 14–6. The investigators considered 1 mm of
horizontal or downsloping ST depression to denote a positive test and used
50% to 75% cross-sectional narrowing as a significant coronary lesion. In
spite of the fact that coronary stenosis is often misjudged on angiography
and other factors such as embolism and coronary spasm often cause isch-
emia, the results are similar. It is evident that the similar results are due in
part to the similar prevalence of CAD in the groups studied. Other factors
would be the lead systems used, criteria for performing and terminating the
test, and the mix of single- versus three-vessel disease in the population.
Some time ago, Weiner and associates16 attracted a good deal of atten-
tion in the press when they reported that stress testing has very little diag-
nostic value. They found that a positive stress test—one resulting in hori-
zontal or downsloping ST segments—increased the post-test risk of CAD by
only 6% to 20%, and a negative test decreased the post-test risk by only 2%
to 28%. They really presented nothing new but emphasized that in the sub-
jects with typical angina, depressed ST segments added little to the diagno-
sis. What they failed to say was that ST depression added a great deal to the
prognosis. The reasons for their findings are understandable from our dis-
cussion of prevalence and Bayes’ theorem.
Claims are being made that computer evaluation of ST segments can
give a better discrimination between diseased and normal patients of this
type of population. Simoons and Hugenholtz17 report that by using mea-
surements of ST segments at 20 and 80 msec after the QRS in the X lead, they
found a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 91%. The specificity is similar
to that of other investigators, but the sensitivity is somewhat better. The ma-
jor improvement reported is in the sensitivity, or the ability to correctly iden-

Table 14–6. Sensitivity and Specificity of Stress Testing Reported

by Various Investigators


Study N Specificity 1 Vessel 2 Vessels 3 Vessels Total

Kassebaum et al,13 68 97% 25% 38% 85% 53%

Martin et al,14 100 89% 35% 67% 86% 62%
McHenry et al,12 166 95% 61% 91% 100% 81%
Helfant et al,15 63 83% 60% 83% 91% 79%
Bartel et al,19 609 94% 39% 62% 73% 63%
Goldschlager et al,35 410 93% 40% 63% 79% 64%

tify diseased patients. Simoons18 also found that correcting for heart rate en-
hanced the results.
Bartel and colleagues19 report a specificity of 88% to 97%, but a sensitiv-
ity of 53% to 73%. One can see that the false- negatives remain a prominent
shortcoming when using ST segments alone.
We found that between 70% and 80% of those with high-grade and two-
and three-vessel disease have an abnormal ST-segment response to exercise
(Fig. 14–6). On the other hand, the reliability of the ST segment decreases in
single-vessel disease in our study20 and studies by others. Most reports sug-
gest that single-vessel disease can be detected in about 50% to 60% of men
with an obstruction of 70% or more. We must then accept at least a 40% false-
negative response using the ST segment alone as an identifier. Bruschke and
associates21 and later McNeer and colleagues22 demonstrated that the single-
vessel disease patients have a relatively good long-term outlook, however.
Chaitman and coworkers,23 who originally suggested the subgrouping ac-
cording to symptoms discussed under the Bayes’ theorem, used a 14–lead
system and reported that the predictive value of a positive test was 100% in
men with typical angina, 85% in men with probable angina, and only 45% in

FIGURE 14–6. The bar graph illustrates the percentage of those having a positive test according to
the number and severity of coronary artery narrowing. Patients with lesions of less than 50% have
positive test results only about 30% of the time, even if low-grade plaques are in all three vessels.
The percentages in the bar graphs do not add up to 100% because those with equivocal tests were
not included. This constitutes a sizable number of subjects in each group.

men with atypical chest pain. The predictive value of a negative test was 83%
in men with nonspecific chest pain, 70% in men with probable angina, and
55% in men with typical angina. When men with probable or typical angina
and a limited work time of less than 360 seconds on the Bruce protocol had
a positive test, the predictive value of multivessel disease was 92%. It is im-
portant to mention that a good exercise tolerance does not rule out severe dis-
ease. Chaitman and coworkers23 found that 47% of their patients reaching
Bruce stage IV of the Bruce protocol had significant disease.
From the data available, the following statements regarding average
correlations between catheterization data and maximum stress testing seem
to be appropriate if ST segments are taken as the only marker for coronary
ischemia in a cohort referred for angiography, mostly for chest pain.
1. Men with single-vessel disease and significant coronary narrowing of
70% of luminal diameter have about 50% to 60% chance of having
ST depression.
2. Men with two-vessel disease have a 65% chance of having ST de-
3. Men with three-vessel disease have a 78% chance of having ST
4. Men with left main coronary artery disease have an 85% chance of
having ST depression.
5. Men admitted for evaluation of chest pain who are older than aged
45 with 1.0 mm of ST-segment depression have a 90% chance of hav-
ing CAD or 2.0 evidence of significant left-ventricular dysfunction.
6. Men in the latter category with 1.5 mm of ST depression have a
94% to 95% chance of having CAD or evidence of significant left-
ventricular dysfunction.
7. Men older than aged 45 with 2.0 mm or more ST-segment depression
have a 98% chance of having CAD or evidence of significant left-
ventricular dysfunction.
When evaluating subjects with lesser degrees of coronary narrowing,
the number of false-negative tests increases. If the location of the lesion is
proximal in a large artery the probability of ST depression increases.
Some might be critical that the above data are given for men only. This
is because similar information in women is more difficult to come by (see
Chapter 15.)


Because ST depression has been equated with CAD, patients with this find-
ing who have less than a critical coronary narrowing have been called false-
positives. Upon careful scrutiny of these patients, however, most are found
to have some process or condition that could explain the repolarization ab-

Table 14–7. Summary of Cardiac Catheterization Data

Stress Test (%)

True Positive False Positive

Contraction patterns in ventriculogram

Normal 46 73
Akinesia 33 9
Hypokinesia 5 18
Dyskinesia 16 1
LVEDP >12 mm Hg
At rest 41 35
After exercise 64 57
Other findings
Mild mitral insufficiency 6 3
Papillary muscle dysfunction 3 0
Mild aortic insufficiency 4 6
Mild cardiomyopathy 1 22
Infarction 31 9
Left-ventricular hypertrophy 6 8
Bundle branch block 3 5
IHSS 0 2
Hypertension 9 20
Hyperdynamic heart 1 14
LVEDP = left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure; IHSS = idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.

normality24 (Table 14–7). In a study of 95 patients with ST-segment depres-

sion and normal coronary arteries, we found only 13% without some possi-
ble explanation. Erikssen and Myhre25 followed up 36 men for 7 years with
normal coronary arteries and ST depression. The incidence of cardiac events
after 7 years was the same in this group as in those who were found to have
significant CAD. Moreover, none was believed upon entry to have any of the
conditions listed in Table 14–7. The investigators believe that many of these
patients represent early myocardiopathies and that the ST changes were due
to abnormalities in the vasodilator reserve. It is now known that coronary
atheroma that do not appear to be flow limiting may cause decreased perfu-
sion and thus ischemia. Thus, the term false-positive ST depression should
be abandoned and replaced with abnormal ST depression of unknown cause.

When patients are found to have significant coronary narrowing and fail to
have exercise-induced ST depression, they have been labeled false-negative.
We can understand this when the obstructed artery subtends an area of scar,
suggesting that there is no ischemic muscle to produce the characteristic ECG
changes. Indeed, the prevalence of an ischemic ST response is reduced in
subjects with a previous infarction, especially if it is a large anterior wall

scar.26 Harder to understand is the patient who has no known previous in-
farction but has classic angina on exercising with no detectable ST change.
This has been observed even in patients with left main coronary artery dis-
ease.27 In one series, this phenomenon occurred in 22% of those with left
main coronary artery stenosis. It might be postulated that if we had enough
leads this would never occur, but even with precordial maps false-negatives
occur in about 10% of those tested. Weiner and colleagues28 analyzed the
false-negative tests from the CASS study and reported that they were as com-
mon in patients with multivessel disease as in those with single-vessel dis-
ease. They found that even in patients with three-vessel disease, the absence
of ST depression (horizontal or downsloping) predicted a very low proba-
bility of a coronary event in 4 years. Weiner and colleagues28 also claim that
the achieved heart rate response had no effect on the likelihood of a false-
negative, although this would be at odds with reports from other work-
ers.14,17,20 The results must be viewed with the knowledge that they excluded
upsloping ST depression and therefore increased the number of false
negative findings considerably.
In some patients, the magnitude of ischemia is probably inadequate to
produce a significant current of injury; in others, the ischemia may be in both
the anterior and posterior wall so that the ST changes cancel each other out.
Because ST depression is due to subendocardial ischemia with the attendant
potassium shift, factors that would alter this process may come into play (see
Chapter 3). Probably the most common factor, in patients with severe three-
vessel disease, is patchy scarring of the subendocardium, often unrecognized
in the resting ECG. Low voltage can also be a factor.
Hakki and colleagues29 report that when evidence of infarction on the
ECG is taken into consideration, false-negatives should constitute only about
10% of a population referred for angiography (less than 50% of that found by
Weiner and associates28) and 75% of these would be identified by nuclear
scintigraphy. A few more can be identified by analysis of multiple variables
such as heart rate response, septal Q-wave changes, prolongation in P-wave
duration, intraventricular conduction abnormalities, and the presence of
anginal pain.
By combining a number of noninvasive parameters, most significant
(but not all) coronary narrowing might eventually be detectable by stress


A knowledge of the capacity of stress test findings to predict subsequent

coronary events is important in making clinical judgments in managing in-
dividual patients. Events are influenced by myocardial function and many
other factors besides the coronary anatomy.

Master’s Test
The first large actuarial study of survival following a stress test was that of
Robb and coworkers30 in 1957, later expanded in 1967. They reported that the
incidence of mortality was 56.8 per 1000 patient-years of observation when
an abnormal test was present in patients with CAD and that this was more
than five times higher than in those with a normal test with an incidence of
mortality of 11.5 per 1000. When evaluating sudden death, the mortality of
those with abnormal tests increased to six times that of the normal. When
they reviewed the data on 2224 patients in 1967, the maximum period of ob-
servation was 15 years with an average of 5 years. At this time, they reported
an incidence of 25 per 1000 patient-years of observation in the subjects with
abnormal tests. The mortality ratio was 1.2 for normal responders, 0.9 for
those with J-point depression, and 4.3 for those with an abnormal test. In
1972, Robb31 again reviewed the data, and those subjects with more than
2.0-mm ST depression had an average mortality rate of approximately 8%
per year for 8 years. Those subjects whose tests were read as abnormal, in-
cluding all those with 0.5-mm ST segment depression or more, had an aver-
age mortality of about 3% per year with the standard insurance risk being
about 2%. His data suggest that some of Robb’s abnormal responders (those
with 0.5-mm ST depression) probably had normal hearts but abnormal-
appearing ST segments due to abnormalities not associated with CAD. How-
ever, our 6-year study of 658 abnormal responders to a treadmill test showed
a mortality rate of 20% or 3.3% per year.20
In 1962, Mattingly32 reviewed data compiled over a 10-year period on
1920 military personnel. He reported 56 coronary episodes in 145 abnormal
responders (with 0.5-mm or more ST-segment depression), which is about
3.8% per year. The subjects with abnormal tests had approximately 10 times
more coronary events than did those with normal tests.
The significant differences reported between the abnormal and normal
responders to the Master’s test indicate that stress testing was of definite
value in predicting death as a result of CAD. The data to follow extend this
concept to the maximum treadmill stress test.
The predictive capacity reported in several of the earlier follow-up stud-
ies is summarized in Table 14–8. The sensitivity and specificity in these stud-
ies are surprisingly similar to those reported in the angiographic studies.
When ST-segment depression occurs in subjects who have yet to have a
clinical manifestation of coronary narrowing, even though they may have
high-grade stenosis, they would be termed “false-positive.”

Memorial Medical Center Follow-Up Study—1975

We obtained follow-up data on about 6000 patients previously referred for
maximum treadmill tests.20 Most subjects were referred for evaluation of
pain syndromes, with 17% being referred for a routine screening test. The

Table 14–8. Risk Ratio, Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Value of Stress Testing
Calculated from Follow-up Data of Various Investigators

Study Risk Ratio Sensitivity Specificity Predictive Value

Bruce 13.6⫻ 60% 91% 13.6%

Aranow 13.6⫻ 67% 92% 46%
Froelicher 14.3⫻ 61% 92% 20%
Cumming 10⫻ 58% 90% 25%
Ellestad 6.3⫻ 75% 86% 75%
When using follow-up data, note that if CAD is present but not yet symptomatic, the result will be
false-negative findings, which will reduce the sensitivity.

events recorded as significant in follow-up were (1) progression of angina,

(2) myocardial infarction (MI), and (3) death due to heart disease.
Subjects were diagnosed as abnormal if they had ST-segment depres-
sion of 1.5 mm or more 0.08 second from the J point. Flat, upsloping, or
downsloping ST segments were included. Subjects diagnosed as equivocal
included those with ST-segment depression of 0.5 to 1.4 mm, multifocal or
frequent premature ventricular contractions with exercise, and poor chrono-
tropic response falling more than 1 standard deviation below the mean heart
rate response for age and sex.
The prevalence of any coronary event by year is depicted in Figure 14–7
for normal, equivocal, and abnormal responders. The prevalence of coronary
events in the abnormal responders is almost 10% per year. Those with equiv-

FIGURE 14–7. Survival without all coronary events in the negative responders (51), in equivocal
responders (those with ST-segment depression from 0.5–1.4 mm) (52), and in classically positive
responders (ST-segment depression of 1.5 or more mm) (55).

ocal results fall so far below those with a normal pattern that there must be
a large number of subjects with CAD in this group. The prevalence of coro-
nary events over a 4-year period in those diagnosed as positive is 46% com-
pared with 77% in the normal responders, almost a seven fold difference. The
25% prevalence of coronary events in subjects with equivocal results resulted
in our revision of the criterion for an abnormal stress test to 1.0-mm ST-seg-
ment depression at 0.08 second from the J point.
After 8 years, 76% of the abnormal responders had some coronary event;
this amounts to 9.5% per year. The prevalence of MI over a 4-year period is
15% in positive responders in contrast to 1% in negative responders. The
prevalence of 5% in those with equivocal results (five times that of normal
subjects) also suggests that some of these tests should have been read as ab-
normal. The data compiled for an 8-year period are similar, showing infarc-
tions in 27% of those with abnormal tests, resulting in an average of about
3.5% per year. It is interesting how closely this fits Mattingly’s data32 from
the double Master’s test in which the prevalence of death is similar to that for
MI, averaging about 3.3% per year. Some of the data from the early studies
are omitted here but can be found in the 4th edition or in the published

Duke Study—1978
The excellent registry at Duke has made it possible to publish follow-up data
in subjects who have had not only exercise tests but also angiograms22 (Fig.
14–8). The mortality rate in their patients with ST depression is about 6% per
year—about double our findings—undoubtedly due to patient selection.
Also, the 3% annual mortality rate compared with our normals reflects the
same bias. I suspect that a high percentage of their subjects with a normal ST
response may have a single-vessel disease.

Heart Watch—1980
Although the early reports from the excellent multicenter study by Bruce and
colleagues33 began to appear in the late 1970s, we are reporting on their data
on patients (656 men) with atypical chest pain.5 (Their earlier work is re-
ported in Chapter 19.) Because it had been recognized how important mul-
tiple variables can be, the investigators categorized the subjects into three
groups. The high-risk group were those with ST depression and a short ex-
ercise time. The moderate-risk group included subjects with one or more risk
factors but no exercise findings. The low-risk group consisted of those with
no risk factors and normal exercise tolerance without ST changes. Figure
14–9 illustrates the importance of ST depression, especially when combined
with a short exercise time, the coronary event rate being about seven times
more likely than in those without these findings.

FIGURE 14–8. In patients with angiographically demonstrated CAD, the mortality is greater in
those with ischemic ST segments. (From McNeer et al,22 with permission.)

CASS Study—1982
The CASS multicenter study based on 4083 patients deals with a different
population but provides us with similar evidence that exercise ST-segment
depression is a good discriminator of events.35 Patients in this study were
stratified according to various risk factors and in essence confirmed the pre-
viously cited studies. The researchers found that a short exercise time and ST
depression of greater than 2 mm identified a cohort with a high risk of de-
veloping coronary events. Those who had 1 mm of ST depression and could
not exceed Bruce stage I had an annual mortality rate of more than 5%. The
predictive importance of short exercise duration reported by our group in
197520 has now been confirmed by subsequent studies.33,34

Cooper Clinic Study—2000

A large long term–follow up study of clinically normal men from the
Cooper Clinic correlated risk factors and ST depression (Fig. 14–10).35 It
FIGURE 14–9. A life table depicting the effect of ST depression in coronary events in men with
atypical chest pain.
⌬ Low risk = no risk factors, no ST depression, and excellent exercise tolerance.
䊐 Medium risk = one or more risk factors but no abnormal exercise findings.
⌷ High risk = either exercise-induced ST depression or exercise capacity more than 30% below
predicted for age and sex. (From Hossack et al,5 with permission.)

FIGURE 14–10. Life table of a coronary heart disease survival as related to the exercise test and the
conventional risk factors in 25,927 men followed for 8.4 years. With permission of publisher.35

can be seen that exercise induced ST depression is a good predictor of sur-

vival in their study.

VA Study
Froelicher’s group recently reported on 6,000 men, mostly tested for chest pain
and found that ST depression resulted in a risk ratio of 1.8 and that >6 pvc’s
per minute resulted in a similar risk, and that a treadmill score can stratify risk.
The important predictors were age >65, low exercise capacity and LVH.


A logical conclusion would be that ischemia reflected by ST-segment de-

pression resulting from very mild exercise is more severe than that occurring
at a workload near peak capacity. We analyzed the follow-up events in those
who had ST depression of 2.0 mm or more manifested at the various work
levels of our protocol, that is, 3, 5, and 7 minutes.
Figure 14–11 clearly supports the concept that the workload at which the
ischemic changes are determined is of prime importance in the evaluation of
the severity of the disease. The incidence of coronary events in a subject with a
2.0-mm ST-segment depression at 3 minutes of our protocol (walking at 1.7
mph on a 108 incline) is four times that of a subject requiring 4 mph to initiate
ST-segment changes (seventh minute of our protocol). The prevalence of angi-
nal pain associated with ischemia at high levels of exercise is also decreased.

FIGURE 14–11. The incidence of subsequent coronary events (progression of angina, MI, and
death) increases with the magnitude of the ST-segment depression only when analyzed at a light
workload (3 minutes of exercise = 4 METS; time span = 6 years).

When the onset of 1 mm of ST depression is used as an indicator, the dif-

ference at various workloads is also significant, although not so marked.
Goldschlager and colleagues,37 McNeer and associates,22 and Weiner and
coworkers34 have confirmed our life table studies by demonstrating a higher
proportion of multivessel disease in those with onset of ischemia at low
workloads. Schneider and colleagues38 report that the onset of ST depression
in Bruce stage I or II predicts a 30% incidence of left main coronary artery


The original work of Robb and associates30 indicates that the deeper the ST-
segment depression, the more serious the disease. This seems valid when
considering the progression of ST-segment depression during exercise. In
1975, we reported that there appeared to be no predictive value in the mag-
nitude of ST depression measured immediately after exercise. 20 In a subse-
quent study, however, it appeared that when analyzed at low workloads,
those subjects with deep ST depression definitely have a more serious prog-
nosis8 (see Fig. 14–11). In a study in our laboratory, Hustead and I39 found
that the sum of the ST depression in all leads at maximum exercise failed to
predict the number of diseased vessels or the size of the nuclear deficit. This
has also been confirmed by Bogaty and associates.40
The debate over the importance of the magnitude of STdepression has
continued. Podrid and colleagues41 reported “profound ST segment depres-
sion” or a “strongly positive test” did not have a serious prognosis in 212 men
followed up for 20 to 59 months. Careful analysis of their report reveals that
four of their patients (26%) who had early-onset ST surgery and that four oth-
ers who were treated medically died. The event rate of 17% translated to ap-
proximately 4% per year. Deganis and coworkers42 from Quebec Heart Insti-
tute reported similar data confirming that early-onset ST depression reflects
a serious prognosis, but when combined with a good exercise tolerance, deep
ST depression must be suspected as being noncoronary or at least associated
with less severe disease. Animal studies suggest that the magnitude of ST de-
pression in a single lead may reflect the severity of ischemia in some segment
of the myocardium but not the amount of muscle that is ischemic.43


It had been our opinion that the longer it takes a patient to recover from ST-
segment depression, the more serious the degree of ischemia and therefore
the more serious the prognosis. However, we were unable to demonstrate
this with follow-up data. This was surprising and may be due to the fact that
in those with more severe disease, exercise is terminated sooner; therefore,

their recovery was more rapid than those who had less severe disease and
exercised longer before being forced to terminate exertion.
Goldschlager and associates37 reported that the severity of coronary nar-
rowing correlates with the duration of the ischemic response after exercise is
terminated. It is of interest that their protocol calls for the termination of ex-
ercise after clear-cut ST-segment depression is established. Thus, on the av-
erage, their ischemic patients were exposed to less exercise after onset of sig-
nificant abnormalities. With the evidence available, the time necessary for
resolution of ST-segment depression should correlate with the severity of
ischemia and in most cases the severity of coronary narrowing, but it is de-
pendent on the indications for termination of exercise. When patients are
given nitroglycerin prior to the exercise test, it has been shown that the
ST depression recovers more quickly, suggesting that the magnitude of
ischemia is a factor in the recovery time.38,44


When the heart rate response to exercise falls considerably below the aver-
age rate for age and sex, the incidence of a future MI and all coronary events
is slightly greater than in those with ischemic ST-segment depression and a
normal heart rate response. Figure 14–12 demonstrates the prevalence of any

FIGURE 14–12. Those with chronotrophic incompetence (pulse below the 95% confidence limits
for age and sex) and normal ST segments have a high incidence of combined events (similar to
those with ST-segment depression).

coronary event in subjects with normal ST segments and a slow heart rate
compared with all subjects whose tests were diagnosed as normal. A poor
heart rate response appears to have the same long-term significance, even in
the absence of ischemic ST segments, as an early classic ischemic response.
Approximately 15% per year of those with slow pulse had some coronary
event. Figure 14–13 compares those with ST-segment depression and brady-
cardia with all abnormal responders.
Our study group was characterized by a consistently low heart rate re-
sponse to each workload, but even those who have an appropriate response
to a given workload but failed to achieve their predicted maximum heart rate
have an increased incidence of events. Figure 14–14 illustrates that there is
almost a twofold increase in events when achieved heart rate is significantly
reduced. The data of McNeer and colleagues22 confirm this, even when the
population is limited to those with significant CAD. More recently, Ham-
mond and associates45 studied this in patients with radionuclide imaging
and found a high percentage of angina or myocardial scarring, and Lauer has
confirmed the importance of this finding in several large population groups
(Fig. 14–15).46


Erriksen’s group in Oslo reported that the difference between heart rate at
rest and heart rate at maximum exercise is a good predictor of survival.47

FIGURE 14–13. Those with ST-segment depression and chronotrophic incompetence have a high
incidence of coronary events (50% in 5 years). Bradycardia-chronotrophic incompetance.
FIGURE 14–14. When all patients with abnormal ST segments are stratified according to achieved
heart rate, it is evident that those stopping at lower heart rates have a higher prevalence of events
and presumably more severe CAD.

FIGURE 14–15. Association of a low chronotrophic index and nuclear defects with mortality in
2953 patients. From Lauer69 with permission.

There have been a number of reports that resting heart rate is correlated with
cardiovascular mortality,47,48,49 so that when a patient has a slow resting
heart rate and can reach a high rate during exercise testing, it should follow
that he or she would have an improved survival.


It appears that when the heart rate returns to normal rapidly during recov-
ery, ischemia is less likely because when the recovery heart rate remains high
it is predictive of a poor prognosis.53 It is of interest that in 1929 Arthur Mas-
ter published a paper on exercise testing to evaluate cardiac function and re-
ported that the failure of the heart rate to recover rapidly indicated coronary
disease.59 More recently Lauer rediscovered this fact and has demonstrated
its predictive capacity in several papers, which have been confirmed by
In patients who stop exercise abruptly Lauer69 reports that those who
fail decrease their heart rate more than 18 beats one minute after termination
are significantly more at risk for a cardiac event.
These changes are undoubtedly related to changes in sympathetic and
vagal balance. A brief discussion of this concept has recently been pub-


Although our experience is that anginal pain occurs in less than 50% of those
manifesting ST-segment depression,50 Cole and I,51 showed that this symp-
tom gives added significance to the presence of the ischemic ST segment.
Subjects with pain associated with ischemic ST segments have twice the
number of subsequent coronary events as those with ST changes and no pain.
This difference was also present when analyzing for any of the events (MI,
increased angina, and coronary death) individually (Fig. 14–16). The differ-
ence was even more striking when the analysis was restricted to men be-
tween ages 41 and 50. In this relatively young group, pain was associated
with a threefold increase in events. It was also demonstrated that pain man-
ifested early in the test, at low workloads, also was a marker for a higher in-
cidence of future events.
Weiner and colleagues52 from Boston City Hospital have reviewed the
importance of chest pain during testing and report that classic angina dur-
ing testing, even in the absence of ST depression, has a 90% predictive accu-
racy. Other authors have found a similar reliability.53
There is a high correlation between those unable to attain high heart rates
and those with early onset of ischemia and pain. Thus, these various indica-
tors are probably all telling us the same thing, although not always appearing

FIGURE 14–16. When pain manifested early in the test was analyzed, it identified a group with a
higher incidence of events. (From Cole and Ellestad,47 with permission.)

together. They indicate that there is a larger area of ischemic heart muscle dur-
ing exercise and that ventricular function is seriously compromised.
Hayet and Kellerman54 from Tel Aviv have used the heart rate and
angina threshold as predictor of a subsequent coronary event. In a 5-year
follow-up study, their group found an increased prevalence of bypass
surgery, infarction, and cardiac death compared with those who developed
pain at a heart rate greater than 120 beats per minute. In contrast to the above
data, more recent reports claim that silent ischemia is equally as serious as
that which produces pain.55 Although there is little doubt that many patients
who do not complain of angina get in severe trouble, I have yet to be con-
vinced that anginal pain often does not alert us to a more severe process.


One of the most consistent findings in large-scale studies is the favorable

prognosis seen in patients who have a prolonged exercise duration on the
treadmill. This was demonstrated in the CASS study,28 the Framingham
data,48 and in Bruce’s Heart Watch Group and recently in a large study from

the Veterans Administration.36 The reverse is also true. A short exercise time
has a poor prognosis, as does a high resting heart rate.47,57


There has been some divergence in our studies when considering the influ-
ence of age on those with an abnormal ST response. In our earlier life table
analysis, it appeared that age had no effect on subsequent coronary events.
In another study8 on a much larger sample (2667 subjects), we found that age
seemed to have a definite influence on coronaryevents when 1 mm of ST de-
pression was used as an indicator (Fig. 14–17). When 2 mm of ST depression
at a prescribed time of onset (5 minutes) was used, less difference in the age
groups was found (Fig. 14–18).
The number of abnormal test results in any large study will increase as
age increases. If one analyzes the abnormal tests for death only and com-

FIGURE 14–17. When the coronary events are stratified according to age and 1 mm of ST depres-
sion, it appears that the older subjects (aged 51–60) are at higher risk.

FIGURE 14–18. When an abnormal test is characterized by 2 mm of ST depression, age then loses
some of its impact on the ultimate outcome. It appears that in those with more severe degrees of
ischemia, age has less effect on the long-term outcome.

pares age group 41 to 50 with age group older than 50, there is no difference
(Fig. 14–19).
The slight trend for the younger groups to manifest a greater mortality
at 7 years is not statistically significant. If the negative responders are divided
into age groups and analyzed for death alone, the older subjects tend to have
an increased prevalence, as would be expected. The same trend for MI was
also found.


Early stress testing after an MI was reviewed in Chapter 10. The data here
deal with the effect of a stable scar on the predictive value of exercise testing.
Bruce55 has shown that when ST depression is used as a marker for CAD, the
prevalence of abnormal stress tests is decreased if there is evidence of a pre-
vious MI. Even though a previous MI decreases the sensitivity of the test, pa-

FIGURE 14–19. The incidence of death in the two age groups is similar, as well as the incidence
of the events depicted in Figure 14–25.

tients who had suffered this complication have a more serious prognosis
than those who had not, averaging 7.5% per year.
Figure 14–20 shows that even a negative stress test in a subject with a
previous MI is no protection against the appearance of a coronary event.
Those who have ST depression after sustaining an MI have an 81% proba-
bility of having some coronary event within 5 years. However, those who
have not had an MI have a 34% chance of a coronary event—less than half
the probability of the MI group. It can be seen from the standard deviations
that the difference is highly significant between these groups.
To fully evaluate postinfarction testing, localization of the scar must be
considered. Castellanet and colleagues26 have studied the effect of various
infarction patterns on the reliability of the ST segment to identify ischemia in
noninfarcted areas of the heart. They have shown that in those with inferior
infarction, the sensitivity of the stress test is 84%. When a large anterior wall
scar is present, it may mask ischemia in other areas and reduce the sensitiv-
ity to 33%. Reliability of the test in patients with anterior infarction is in-
versely related to the magnitude of the scar. Their work has been confirmed
by Myers and associates57 and Weiner and coworkers.58 Thus, one is on fairly
safe ground when coming to a clinical decision based on the stress test when
the infarction is inferior, but when the test appears normal following a large
anterior infarction, other areas of muscle may be ischemic without influenc-
ing the ST segment.

FIGURE 14–20. Those with a previous infarction (B) have a much higher risk of coronary event
than those without (A), even if they have a negative stress test.


The use of exercise data to predict probability of coronary artery disease or

the probability of subsequent coronary events has been a goal of investiga-
tors since the Masters Step Test was proposed.59 Although the final score is
yet to be designed, a few of the most accurate will be presented for review.
These include: (1) multivariate analysis, (2) Duke Score, (3) Froelicher Score,
and (4) Morise Score.

Multivariate Analysis
In 1980 we examined a group of patients who had treadmill tests and
coronary angiograms to determine which variables were predictive of sig-
nificant disease.60,61 Using multivariate analysis we found that durations of
exercise, infarct by EKG, and ST depression were the significant predictors
in males. Five variables in women were significant, including previous in-

farction, angina during the test, ST changes and age. The sensitivity and
specificity for men were 84% and 80% and for females 85% and 86%, respec-
tively. Since than numerous papers by Diamond, Detrano and others have
validated this approach, with similar results.62,63

The Duke Score

The excellent registry at Duke University was used by Mark64 to construct a
simple score to categorize patients into high, medium and low risk that can
be calculated easily without a computer. They used exercise time, magnitude
of ST depression, and presence of angina. This has become quie popular and
has been validated by subsequent reports.
A Duke Score of 11 predicts a 5-year survival of 72% labeled a high risk,
a score of ⫺10 to +4 is a moderate risk and predicts a 5-year survival of 91%
and a score of +5 or more predicts a survival of 97% and is labeled a low risk.
Predictive data of this type do not take into consideration our current modes
of therapy. There are data to suggest that the predictive value does not ap-
ply to older patients.

Froelicher Score
Froelicher and others working in the VA system have proposed a series of
scores65 to help characterize the clinical importance of coronary disease from
clinical risk factors and exercise results. Because the data were collected largely
from VA hospitals on men only, it is not known how applicable these are to
general populations. The score was validated by comparing the results of coro-
nary angiograms using a coronary lesion with a narrowing greater than 50%
as evidence of clinically important coronary artery disease. Froelicher claims a
90% correct diagnosis for this method but he achieves this by assuming all
those in the intermediate group would go to angiography and have an an-
giogram and, therefore, be 100% correct. The clinical variables scored include
age, sex, character of the angina, estrogen status, and standard risk factors, in-
cluding diabetes, hypertension, smoking, family history, hyperlipidemia, and
obesity. Patients are stratified into low probability, intermediate and high
probability. Patients are stratified into low probability, 0–28 points (prevalence
of coronary artery disease = 16%, intermediate probability, 9–15 points (preva-
lence of coronary artery disease = 44%) and high probability, 16–24 points
(prevalence of coronary artery disease = 69%). The most recent itteration of his
score was compared to a diagnosis made by expert cardiologists and was sim-
ilar in accuracy, but it performed better than most other physician groups.66

Morise Score
This score,67 which is similar to that of Froelicher’s but was derived from a
population seen at West Virginia University School of Medicine, includes the

data from women using the same risk factors but including the nature of
anginal symptoms as proposed by Berman.68 He believes that this score
would be useful in non-VA populations as well as Froelicher’s Score.



1. They are based on a tarnished gold standard. Recent work has docu-
mented that examining the angiogram and using 50% stenosis as a
marker for clinical ischemia leads to many incorrect conclusions (see
page 7).
2. Work up bias. Patients who are sent for angiograms have a high
prevalence of coronary artery disease; therefore the sensitivity of the
test is arbitrarily high.
3. If the population tested are from individuals who are clinically nor-
mal and do not have angiograms, the specificity is arbitrarily high.
4. The indication for terminating exercise affects the results. When pub-
lished age predicted target heart rates are used many subjects may
have exercise terminated prematurely and thus have inadequate
stress to the degree that it will fail to produce ischemia.
5. Restricted EKG criteria for ischemia. Most scores only use 1 mm of
horizontal or downsloping ST depression in this calculation. If one
reviews Chapter 12 he/she will immediately see that sensitivity is
falsely low with this restriction because there are other ECG markers
of ischemia.
6. Predictors of mortality, such as maximum achieved workload, re-
covery heart rate, chronotropic incompetence, recovery blood pres-
sure, and ST depression are almost all based on “all cause” mortality
data, although most people in these studies probably die of cardiac
causes, a significant percent have other reasons to die, which are ob-
viously not related to exercise-testing variables. For this reason I be-
lieve we have to look upon exercise-based scores as being very use-
ful for evaluating population studies but only marginally useful in
treating individual patients.


The predictive power of the normal as well as the abnormal maximum stress
test can provide us with a very useful tool in the clinical management of CAD
patients. The early studies of the Master’s test suggested this, but validation
with the maximum test was needed to confirm it.
The fact that all abnormal responders to stress tests are not the same
needs reemphasis. Marked differences exist between those with early onset

FIGURE 14–21. The mortality predicted by two-vessel CAD and by 2 mm of ST segment depres-
sion on the third minute of our protocol is the same. (Coronary angiogram mortality data from
Bruschke et al,21 with permission.)

of ischemia and those with changes near peak cardiac output. Among those
with early-onset ischemia are patients who have lesions in the left main coro-
nary and proximal branches of the circumflex and left anterior descending
arteries. When the blood pressure and heart rate responses, ST configuration,
R-wave changes, and other variables are considered, we can often come to a
useful clinical diagnosis.
Coronary angiography has long been believed to be the ultimate test for
helping to predict the future of subjects with CAD. As new information iden-
tifies the limits of angiography in defining flow, there is no doubt that some
type of dynamic evaluation will be considered superior.55 If our preliminary
data are confirmed, stress testing may be considered as reliable. In a recent
editorial Lauer proposes that exercise capacity, chronotropic response, and
heart rate recovery are equal to exercise Echo or exercise nuclear studies in
predicting death.46,69 When comparing the life table figures of Bruschke and
associates21 with our subjects having early onset of ischemia, the curves are
statistically equivalent (Fig. 14–21). The usefulness of the maximum stress
test in predicting future events seems well established. Apparently, subse-
quent experiences can only result in further refinements in enhancing the
usefulness of a test that has gained wide acceptance.


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Stress Testing in Women

Prevalence of Coronary Artery Findings According to Symptoms

Disease in Women Versus Typical Angina
Men Probable Angina
Sensitivity and Specificity of Mechanisms
ST Changes Strategy to Separate True-Positive
From False-Positive Patients

Since the early days of exercise stress testing, ST-segment depression has
been the focus of interest as a marker for ischemia. The increased tendency
for a false-positive ST response was first noted in women by Scherlis and as-
sociates1 as early as 1950 and confirmed by Lepeschkin and Surawicz2 in 1958
and Astrand3 in 1965. Because the trends in coronary artery disease (CAD)
in women seem to parallel those of lung cancer, another disease often in-
duced by smoking, we expect to be treating more women with this problem
than ever before. Is there a way to deal with ST changes in women? What is
the cause? Is ST depression in women with normal coronary arteries truly a
false-positive? Is it due to ischemia?
This chapter reviews information available bearing on these perplexing
problems, suggests some partial answers, and offers guidelines that we have
found useful.



Exact information on prevalence of CAD in women is difficult to acquire be-

cause we are dependent on symptoms to lead us to the diagnosis, especially
in younger subjects. Data on mortality, however, suggest that women lag be-
hind men by about 10 years, and the age-adjusted mortality in men is about
2.5 times that of women4,5 (Fig. 15–1). At younger ages, however, CAD in
men exceeds that found in women by 5 to 1. It has been found that risk fac-
tors of smoking and use of oral contraceptives are almost always present
when CAD is found in premenopausal nondiabetic women.6 On the other
hand, Engel and colleagues6 found family history to be the most important
risk factor in these patients. It is paradoxical that exercise-induced ST de-

FIGURE 15–1. Probability of women developing CAD in 8 years according to age, sex, and risk.
Men ____ ; Women ------ (From the Framingham Heart Study, with permission.)4

pression in normal women younger than age 45 has been found to be much
more common than in men (almost four times)—by both Wu’s group7 in Mi-
lan and Profant and associates8 in Seattle. Because CAD is known to be less
prevalent in women than in men, these changes must be presumed to be due
to some process independent of coronary atherosclerosis. As the women in
the study of Wu and associates aged, however, the prevalence of ST depres-
sion fell.7 In women older than age 45, during the years we know they are
more susceptible to CAD, the prevalence of ST depression was exceeded by
the men in their study (Fig. 15–2). Our experience with a group of normal
volunteers did not reflect this trend, however (see Table 14–5).


As in all studies, we must remember that the population under scrutiny de-
termines the findings. Most reported series analyzing ST depression in

FIGURE 15–2. Prevalence of exercise-induced ST depression in normal subjects according to age.

The young women with a low prevalence of CAD and a high estrogen level show a higher preva-
lence than men. This ratio reverses in patients older than aged 45. (Drawn from data in Wu7.)

women are from cardiac centers where women with chest pain syndromes
are sent for angiography. Thus, the symptoms and signs determine the sam-
pling. When women with chest discomfort, for whatever cause, come to un-
dergo angiography, they are likely to have been screened with an exercise
test. If the test is normal, few are sent for angiography. Thus, the sampling
favors those with ST depression. This is also true for men. Of the various
studies comparing men and women, Sketch and associates9 in Nebraska
found that 8% of men and 67% of women had false-positive ST changes. Lin-
hart and coworkers,10 on the other hand, found that only 22% of their female
subjects had false-positive ST depression and only 5% when they excluded
those with abnormal resting ECGs and those on drugs. It is unlikely that
women in Omaha were much different from those in Philadelphia. Koppes
and colleagues11 report false-positive rates of 24% to 35% in four studies
they reviewed, and Amsterdam and associates12 reviewed 96 men and 65
women with normal coronary angiograms and reported the false-positive
rate of 15% in women compared with 11% in men. Weiner and coworkers13
studied 3153 patients in the CASS study and reported a false-positive rate
of 3% in men and 14% in women. The false-negative rate was 38% and 22%,
respectively. The investigators then matched men and women for age, pre-
vious infarction, and coronary anatomy and found the false-positive and

false-negative rates to be almost identical. When Guiteras and associates14

and Chaitman and colleagues15 at the Montreal Heart Institute evaluated
112 women according to symptoms, as well as different lead systems, the
overall sensitivity was 79% and the specificity 66% using 14 leads. This is
considerably lower than that reported in most studies of men. In a study by
Guiteras,15 the specificity in men was 82%. Similar results were obtained us-
ing only CC5 or CM5.


Typical Angina
In women with typical angina, the pretest risk in the CASS study was 0.75
and postexercise test risk with abnormal ST depression was 0.83. These data
were similar to the data of men with typical angina.

Probable Angina
In women with probable angina, the pretest risk was 0.36 and after ST de-
pression with exercise, 0.5.14 This group turns out to have a high false-
positive rate and a low specificity. In those with nonspecific chest pain, the
post-test likelihood was zero. The researchers in the CASS study found typ-
ical angina during testing and exercise ST elevation to be 100% reliable in
detecting CAD, however. On the other hand, ST depression found only
during exercise and not immediately afterward had a low specificity (89%
Sketch and Aronow16 categorized their data according to symptoms and
constructed Figure 15–3. The sensitivity of their data varied more between
sexes than did the specificity, thus their false-positive rate remained low in
all groups. Some of the above data suggest that the false-positive tracings are
due to prevalence alone. This presupposes that many known causes such as
mitral prolapse, vasoregulatory asthenia, and drug effects are excluded. Cer-
tainly, some of these problems are more common in women than men.
The most encouraging progress in the analysis of women comes from
work by Hung17 from Montreal and Okin and Kligfield18 from New York.
The former investigators used logistic discriminant analysis of a number of
exercise variables, and in 135 infarct-free women reported a sensitivity of
70% and a specificity of 93%. The three variables of significance were maxi-
mum heart rate, maximum workload and ST depression in lead X (the or-
thogonal lead most similar to lead V5). Okin and Kligfield reported even bet-
ter results using their ST/HR slope. They found a sensitivity of 97% and a
specificity of 93%. Although their work using this approach seems physio-
logically sound, it has been challenged by Frolicher and colleagues19 and oth-
ers,20 and the final verdict is still out.

FIGURE 15–3. The specificity of an abnormal exercise test for men and women according to chest
pain syndrome. These data differ from those of other workers in that there is a lower prevalence of
false-positive responders among the women. This would be expected if most of the women were
older. (From Sketch and Aronow,16 with permission.)


Estrogens have been implicated as a cause of ST depression. Jaffe21 has re-

ported that oral estrogens increase the prevalence of ST depression and an-
drogens decrease the effect. Estrogens have a similar chemical structure to
that of digitalis, which is known to cause ST depression and has been be-
lieved to function as a coronary vasoconstrictor. This mechanism has been
proposed as a likely explanation for some of the changes seen. Recent reports
have cast doubt on these concepts, however. Glasser and Clarke22 followed
up 18 healthy young women, ages 18 through 35, and correlated exercise-
induced ST changes with fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. Seven
had exercise-induced ST depression at some time in their cycle—some when
estrogen levels were high and some when estrogens levels were low—but
none had ST changes when progesterone levels were high. The conclusions

of Glasser and Clark were that a proportion of these two hormones had some
effect on ST depression, but they could offer no clear mechanism for their
findings. Williams and associates23 have recently reported that estrogen in
atherosclerotic female monkeys caused inhibition of acetylcholine-induced
constriction of the coronary tree by its effect on the vascular endothelium.
This finding also casts doubt on the role of estrogen as a coronary vasocon-
strictor. Dalal and Morise24 have reported a reduced prevalence of abnormal
exercise tests in postmenopausal women who take estrogens, suggesting that
these hormones have a protective influence on the coronary tree. High doses
of estrogens have also been reported to improve coronary blood flow in
women with syndrome X.25
For years it seemed certain that estrogens protect women from coronary
artery disease. This concept has been challenged recently,26,27 although there
is still a good deal of controversy. Also, several reports tend to strongly link
the hormone with exercise induced ST depression.26 Vaitkevicius and asso-
ciates28 have clearly demonstrated that hyperventilation-induced ST depres-
sion in postmenopausal women is related in some way to estrogens, and
Marmor and colleagues29 have documented that women with false-positive
ST-segment depression during exercise lose this response after surgical re-
moval of their ovaries. They have shown that not only does removing the
estrogen eliminate the ST depression, but also that replacing it in two women
who changed from an abnormal response to a normal response with surgery
results in a return of ST depression with exercise. In my mind, this fulfills
Koch’s postulates.
Subclinical disturbances in muscle function that are associated with re-
duced left-ventricular compliance may be more common in women. These
changes may be due to a nonspecific cardiomyopathy or the hypertrophy as-
sociated with hypertension.30 Kasumi and coworkers31 studied left-ventricular
dynamics in women with ST depression compared with normal subjects and
described higher vascular resistance and an increased oxygen demand, es-
pecially at the subendocardial level. They postulate that this is an important
cause for false-positive changes.
Syndrome X patients, mostly women with angina relieved by nitroglyc-
erin, who have normal coronary arteries may well have reduced coronary
vasodilator reserve.32 Abnormal lactate excretion has been shown in these
patients with atrial pacing. Whether this phenomenon is hormonal, auto-
nomic, or mechanical has yet to be elucidated. Higgenbotham33 found that
normal women do not show an increase in ejection fraction with exercise, as
measured by radionuclide angiography, and also that they have a greater in-
crease in diastolic volume. If we remember that asymptomatic women with
exercise-induced ST depression have a higher mean pulmonary pressure
with exercise than women without this change,31 it can be assumed that there
is a subset of women who, for reasons unknown, have an abnormal hemo-
dynamic response to exercise. It may be that so-called normal women with

exercise-induced ST depression have abnormal left-ventricular function and

a limited vasodilator reserve. This process may be the first stage of what
eventually becomes syndrome X.
I expect that in time some of the mechanisms will be better understood.
Various maneuvers are now under study to help to identify them.
An excellent article by Morise discusses this issue in detail and I would
urge the serious student to review it.34



When testing women the pretest likelihood cannot be ignored.

Careful attention to the history of pain, medications, physical signs, and
other laboratory signs of disease will go a long way toward helping to dis-
tinguish the true disease process. Mitral prolapse is often associated with ST
depression in young premenopausal women.
Rapid upsloping ST, increasing septal Q amplitude, and large P waves
suggesting the possibility of a large Ta wave can also alert us to the proba-
bility of a false-positive.
Repeating the test with the patient in a fasting state, if the abnormal one
was done soon after a meal, may help.35
The use of beta blockers has been shown to correct abnormal ST changes
in the absence of CAD33,36 (see Chapter 19). Okin and Kligfield18 have re-
ported that the ST/HR slope can improve the reliability when testing
If indicated, thallium stress testing37 performed in high-quality labora-
tories may add data to confirm or negate the results suggested by ST-
segment depression after the standard exercise test has been completed. The
American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have
published guidelines that state “currently there is insufficient data to justify
stress imaging tests as the initial test in women”. 38 However, we have found
nuclear perfusion studies also to have a higher false-positive rate in women.
I believe that the ST/HR slope holds the most promise for a highly accurate
exercise test in women. It is hoped that the work of the Cornell group will be
confirmed by others.18
Angiography is indicated in certain clinical situations even when nor-
mal coronary arteries are suspected. Clearing up uncertainty is important,
especially since the risk of angiography is virtually zero in top-flight labora-
tories. We should remember that normal epicardial coronary arteries on an-
giography do not rule out myocardial ischemia. Therefore, labeling a patient
with syndrome X as a neurotic is a disservice to the patient as well as to the


It appears that even using careful clinical analysis and all the information
available during stress testing, the reliability of the stress test in women is
lower than that of men. In most cases, when the ST depression is suspected
to be due to noncoronary causes, it can be confirmed with some certainty
short of an angiogram.
It is important to remember that the prevalence of false-positive ST de-
pression is high in younger women, who are unlikely to have CAD on the
basis of age alone. As they age, the number of false-positive changes de-
creases, and ST depression becomes a more reliable marker for CAD. Even
though there are more false-positive tests in women, a negative test provides
a greater assurance that there is no disease than a negative test in men.
When dealing with women with pain and normal coronary arteries, re-
assurance, understanding, and careful follow-up are essential in providing a
proper program to minimize disability.


1. Scherlis, L, et al: Effects of single and double two step exercise tests upon the electrocardio-
gram of 200 normal persons. J Mt Sinai Hosp 7:242–253, 1950.
2. Lepeschkin, E and Surawicz, B: Characteristics of true positive and false positive results of
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7. Wu, SC, et al: Sex differences in the prevalence of ischemic heart disease and in the response
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8. Profant, GR, et al: Responses to maximum exercise in healthy middle-aged women. J Appl
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9. Sketch, MH, et al: Significant sex differences in the correlation of electrocardiographic exer-
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18. Okin, PM and Kligfield, P: Identifying coronary artery disease in women by heart rate ad-
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Exercise Testing in Congestive
Heart Failure

Measurement of VO2 Max in Normal Treadmill Protocol

Patients 6-Minute–Walk Test
Oxygen Transport Instrumentation
Caveats in the Use of VO2 Max Heart Rate
VO2 Max in Congestive Heart Failure Exercise Duration
Patients Can Exercise Capacity Predict Events?

The use of exercise testing in congestive heart failure has become fairly com-
mon in the last few years and it seems appropriate to include a chapter re-
viewing the concepts and the practical applications now being applied. It has
now become apparent that the usual indices of ventricular function such as
ejection fraction, stroke volume or pulmonary wedge pressure do not corre-
late with the patient’s capacity for exercise. Naughton was one of the first to
use exercise testing to obtain an objective measurement of exercise capacity
in heart failure, correlating it with total body oxygen consumption.1 He re-
ported that when a patient’s maximum oxygen consumption was less than
20 milliliters per kilogram per minute they invariably had symptoms that
limited their performance (Table 16–1).
Previously, patients with heart failure were classified according to the
criteria of the New York Heart Association based on the amount of activity
they could sustain without exercise symptoms.2 These subjective categories
were of limited use when attempting to evaluate therapy. The idea that the
plateau in oxygen uptake occurring during progressive exercise was a func-
tion of the maximum capacity of the circulatory and respiratory systems was
first proposed by Hill and Lipton over 75 years ago (Table 16–2).3


In order to understand the use of maximal oxygen consumption in conges-

tive heart failure, a few comments about the response in normal individuals
is in order. Experience has demonstrated that to obtain accurate measure-
ments of VO2 max exercise must involve at least 50% of the person’s total

Table 16–1. Grading the Severity of Chronic Cardiac Failure According to

Aerobic Activity

Class Severity Aerobic Capacity (mL/min/kg)*

A None to little ⬎20

B Mild to moderate 16–20
C Moderate to severe 10–16
D Severe ⬍10
*Measured as maximum oxygen uptake.

Table 16–2. NYHA Functional Classification

Class I Class III

No limitation. Ordinary physical activity Marked limitation of physical activity. Less

does not cause symptoms. than ordinary activity leads to

Class II Class IV

Slight limitation of physical activity. Inability to carry on any activity without

Ordinary physical activity will result in symptoms. Symptoms are present at
symptoms. rest.

muscle mass.4 Thus, walking or running has become the standard, although
bicycling, which results in values about 10% below treadmill performance,
is occasionally used. During progressive exercise on a treadmill for every
100 ml/min/m2 increment in oxygen uptake the heart normally provides
approximately 600 ml/min/m2 of cardiac output.5
Measuring oxygen uptake requires determining the volume of expired
gas, the faction of oxygen and the faction of carbon dioxide, the expired gas
temperature and the barometric pressure.
The amount of carbon dioxide produced divided by the oxygen that is
consumed is the respiratory exchange ratio or respiratory quotient (R ⫽
VO2/VCO2). During submaximal steady state exercise the R value ranges
from .6 to .8 and, when the subject is near exhaustion, it increases to 1.0. The
point when R ⫽ 1.0 has been termed the anaerobic threshold. The increase in
CO2 results from an increase in lactic acid as an energy substrate as the sup-
ply of oxygen becomes inadequate to supply the increased energy demand.
This is because the lactate is buffered by bicarbonate, leading to the produc-
tion of carbonate acid, which converts to CO2 and water. This nonmetabolic
source of CO2 raises the respiratory quotient to 1.0.4 With maximum exertion
oxygen consumption plateaus and, in normals, this is a very reproducible
measurement. This can be increased by physical conditioning in normals by
as much as 15% to 20% in active subjects and in sedentary people by as much
as 40%.

VO2 max



non-metabolic CO2


metabolic CO2


anaerobic threshold

0 4 8 12
Stages of Exercise

Figure 16–1. The response in CO2 production, O2 uptake is depicted during exercise. The respira-
tory gas exchange ratio (R) to progressive exercise and increasing O2 uptake is shown. The meta-
bolic and nonmetabolic components of VCO2 response are indicated and the onset of anaerobic
metabolism is identified as the anaerobic threshold, with permission of publisher.4


Oxygen delivery to the working muscle is also influenced by oxygen trans-

port, or the amount carried by hemoglobin. Arterial oxygen transport
(ml/min) ⫽ hemoglobin concentration ⫻ 1.35 ⫻ arterial oxygen saturation
⫻ cardiac output ⫻ 10. 1.35 is the oxygen-carrying capacity of 1 gm of
hemoglobin. This factor is especially important where chronic anemia is

Caveats in the Use of VO2 Max

Measurements of VO2 max and the respiratory equivalent are dependent not
only on accurate measurements and sampling techniques, but on several
physiological mechanisms that are difficult to predict. The utilization of lac-
tic acid by the muscles is one of the most important and is dependent on the

AV O2 difference, the glycogen stores, free fatty acid metabolism, obesity,

blood flow in various muscle beds, insulin resistance and several more.
Age also has a significant effect on VO2 uptake and muscle metabolism,
as well as blood flow. All of these effects make normal values for any subject
difficult to characterize and attempts to establish normal ranges for popula-
tion groups have resulted in wide variations.


Patients with poor ventricular function in congestive heart failure have a lim-
ited reaching a plateau or steady state. Because of this limitation “peak” oxy-
gen uptake, which is almost the same or just slightly above the anaerobic
threshold is used as an objective measurement of exercise capacity rather
than when oxygen consumption reaches a plateau. This measurement varies
as much as 20% to 30% in some patients while VO2 max in normal subjects is
repeatable within 5%.6 Thus, measurements of peak VO2 in congestive heart
failure are helpful but do not always parallel changes in cardiac output, prob-
ably because cardiac output and increased muscular blood flow do not al-
ways appear simultaneously. The factors mentioned in the preceding para-
graph are also important. Maximum VO2 however, has been demonstrated
to be useful in not only measuring progress, or the lack thereof, but also in
predicting mortality (Fig. 16–2).7


Because of the expectation that capacity is limited, a slow protocol is usually

used. A modified Naughton Protocol with 2-minute stages is convenient and
the most commonly used. We have found it to be very satisfactory. Patients
on a treadmill stop because of either fatigue or dyspnea. If the exercise load
is increased rapidly, breathlessness will usually cause termination, but if a
slow protocol is used fatigue will be the reason to stop exercise. In general,
the former situation will result in a higher maximum VO2, thus if the patient’s
clinical progress is being measured with maximum oxygen uptake, the same
protocol should be used for each test (Table 16–3).8


This simple protocol is quite popular and has been used to estimate exercise
capacity and function in congestive heart failure patients in many therapeu-
tic trials.8 A 20 meter long enclosed corridor is marked off and the patient is

VO2 max


Total Body Oxygen Uptake

Normal Individuals
(VO2, (mL/kg/min)

(Bruce Protocol)
25 CHF Patients
(Naughton Protocol)
15 ?

peak VO2

6 12 18 24
Duration of Exercise
on Treadmill (min)

Figure 16–2. The relationship between oxygen consumption and duration of exercise in normal in-
dividuals who reach a plateau and in patients with congestive heart failure who, because of symp-
toms, do not reach a plateau, with permission of publisher.7

encouraged to walk back and forth for 6 minutes at his best rate possible. The
distance covered is recorded and used as a measure of cardiac function. This
test has been reported to be an excellent predictor of mortality and morbid-
ity, however we have found it to be most useful in the more severe patients,
i.e., N.Y. Heart Classification III and IV.

Table 16–3. Naughton Protocol

Patient Data

Stage Speed (MPH) Grade Duration (min)

0 (Rest) 0 0.0 3.0

1 1.0 0.0 2.0
2 2.0 0.0 2.0
3 2.0 3.5 2.0
4 2.0 7.0 2.0
5 2.0 10.5 2.0
6 2.0 14.0 2.0
7 2.0 17.5 2.0
8 3.0 12.5 2.0
9 3.0 15.0 2.0
10 3.0 17.5 2.0


There are a number of excellent systems that measure oxygen and CO2 with
electrodes and a flow meter in a mouthpiece and, combined with an excel-
lent computer program, may calculate the necessary values on line during
the exercise test. One can estimate the anaerobic threshold by the R-value or
by the change in ventilatory volume that usually occurs as the lactic acid
level increases. A detailed discussion of this technology can be found in an
excellent text by Weber.4


The heart rate response to isotonic exercise should be appropriate for the
level of muscle work and VO2 consumption. There was a time when a slow
heart rate during exercise was believed to identify excellent conditioning. Al-
though this is to some extent true, an inappropriately reduced chronotropic
response is now recognized as a predictor of poor prognosis.10 Most patients
with severe congestive heart failure are unable to reach their age predicted
heart rate.11 This is probably due to an adjustment in their autonomic control
as the heart rate in these patients can be accelerated during exercise by in-
travenous atropine. There is a sub group of heart failure patients who have
inappropriate sinus tachycardia. This compromises myocardial relaxation,
ventricular filling and coronary perfusion, which is mostly a diastolic event.
Patients with atrial fibrillation usually fall into this category. Reducing their
heart rate with beta-blockers is usually beneficial in these patients (Fig. 16–3).


Although in normals, an increase in exercise duration is usually believed to

reflect a more efficient cardiovascular system, in congestive heart failure
there may be exceptions to this dictum. At times an increase in exercise du-
ration and an increase in peak VO2 consumption may not increase in paral-
lel. Certain pharmacological interventions, such as vasodilators, may delay
lactate accumulation during exercise due to improved circulation to skeletal
muscles.12 This has been reported with the inotropic milrinone.13


A good deal of data have been accumulated to suggest that peak VO2 can pre-
dict survival.14 Patients with a peak VO2 of less than 10 to 12 ccs per minute
per kilogram have been identified to be in a group with a very poor one year


Heart Rate (BPM)


Before Low Dose Beta Blockade
After Low Dose Beta Blockade

0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200
Time (sec)

Figure 16–3. The heart rate response to treadmill exercise in congestive heart failure patients who
had an inappropriate sinus tachycardia at rest and during exercise. Following low dose beta-
blocker therapy, the heart rate response to exercise as normalized, with permission of publisher.4

survival and, in some programs,15 this information is used to place them on

the transplant list.
There have been interventions reported however, that improve survival
without improving peak oxygen consumption. Exercise conditioning in con-
gestive heart failure has been shown to improve peak VO2 but there is no data
at this time to be sure that it will reduce mortality. Beta-blockers improve sur-
vival and result in an increase in ejection fraction but do not appear to in-
crease VO2 max. It should be recognized that VO2 max, exercise time, ejection
fraction, and almost any other measure of cardiac performance in congestive
heart failure are only a rough predictor of survival.16 In today’s world be-
cause of the rapid introduction of new medications and methods for treating
heart failure, it is questionable how well these measurements will perform in
patients on a full pharmacy of medication and who are applying meticulous
control to their heart failure signs and symptoms.


1. Patterson, JA, et al: Treadmill exercise in assessment of the functional capacity of patients
with cardiac disease. Am J Cardiol 30:757, 1972.

2. Criteria Committee of the New York Heart Association, Kossmars, CE, Chairman: Diseases
of the Heart and Blood Vessels: Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis, 6th ed. Boston,
3. Hill, AV and Lupton, H: Muscular exercise, lactic acid, and supply and utilization of oxy-
gen. Q J Med 16:135, 1923.
4. Weber, KT, et al: Oxygen utilization and ventilation during exercise in patients with chronic
cardiac failure. Circulation 65:1213, 1982.
5. Weber, KT and Janicki, JS: Pathophysiologic responses to exercise in patients with chronic
cardiac failure. Heart Failure May/June:139, 1985.
6. Miyagi, Y, et al: Relation of exercise capacity to resting arterial oxygen transport in left ven-
tricular dysfunction. Am J Cardiol 63:457, 1989.
7. LeJemtel, TH, et al: Clinical response to long-term milrinone therapy in patients with severe
congestive heart failure: 12-month experience, in Braunwald E, Sonnenblick EH, Chackrin
LW, et al (eds): Milrinone: Investigation of a New Inotropic Therapy for Congestive Heart Failure.
New York, Raven Press, p. 177, 1984.
8. Ellestad MH and Wan MKC: Predictive implications of stress testing: Follow-up of 1700 sub-
jects after maximum treadmill testing. Circulation 51:363, 1975.
9. Lipkin, DP, et al: Six minute walking test for assessing exercise capacity in chronic heart fail-
ure. Br Med J 292:653, 1986.
10. Collucci, WS, et al: Impaired chronotropic response to exercise in patients with congestive
heart failure. Role of postsynaptic ␤-adrenergic desensitization. Circulation 80:314, 1989.
11. Astrand, PO: Aerobic work capacity during maximal performance under various condi-
tions. Circ Res 209(suppl):202, 1967.
12. Ziesche, S, et al: Hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate combination improves exercise toler-
ance in heart failure. Circulation 87:VI-56-VI-64, 1993.
13. Alousi, AA, et al: Pharmacology of milrinone. In Braunwald, ,. et al (eds): Milrinone: Investi-
gation of New Inotropic Therapy for Congestive Heart Failure. New York, Sterling Winthrop,
p. 21, 1984.
14. van den Brock, SAJ, et al: Mode of death in patients with congestive heart failure: Compar-
ison between possible candidates for heart transplantation and patients with less advanced
disease. J Heart Lung Transplant 12:367, 1993.
15. Szlachcic, J, et al: Correlates and prognostic implications of exercise capacity in chronic con-
gestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 55:1037, 1985.
16. Wilson, JR, et al: Dissociation between peak exercise oxygen consumption and hemody-
namic dysfunction in potential heart transplant candidates. J Am Coll Cardiol 26:429, 1995.
Chest Pain and Normal
Coronary Arteries

Prevalence Esophageal Dysfunction

Clinical Syndromes Other Mechanisms
Myocardial Infarction Treadmill Findings
Prinzmetal’s Angina Therapy
Cardiomyopathy Prognosis
Syndrome X (Microvascular Angina)

A relieved 42-year-old woman, upon being told she had just sustained a myo-
cardial infarction, exclaimed, “Thank God, now everyone will know the pain
wasn’t all in my mind.” Between 10% and 30% of patients subjected to coro-
nary angiograms have epicardial coronary arteries thought to be normal or
have disease inadequate to explain their chest pain.1 In an age when many
people are obtaining relief of symptoms with coronary bypass surgery or an-
gioplasty, the failure to demonstrate anatomical stenosis is frustrating to
both physician and patient. The finding is even more perplexing when
exercise-induced ST depression or relief of pain by nitroglycerin is also pres-
ent. This chapter reviews present concepts pertinent to the understanding of
this syndrome and the place of exercise testing in diagnosis and management.


The occurrence of chest pain with normal coronary arteries in any center or
hospital depends a good deal on the referral patterns. In areas where only
those with late, severe, typical angina are referred for study, this is seen in-
frequently. Centers in which the sensitivity and specificity of stress testing
are reported to be very high must not be seeing many of these types of pa-
tients because a significant number (about 20%) have ST-segment depression
with exercise.2 After ergonovine testing became popular, many patients who
had chest pain with normal coronary arteries were subjected to provocative
testing, but those who failed to have classic epicardial coronary spasm and
ST-segment elevation (most) were still left without a clear-cut diagnosis.
Most cardiac centers report that about 10% to 12% of their patients referred

for angiography fall into this category if those with well-understood mecha-
nisms for their pain are excluded.3–6 These known conditions responsible for
false-positive ST depression include aortic stenosis, severe hypertensive left-
ventricular hypertrophy, classic obstructive cardiomyopathy, mitral pro-
lapse, and possibly certain drugs such as cocaine.


Myocardial Infarction
Although patients with this syndrome who have a myocardial infarction
(MI) rarely have classic angina, they are included here because this subset
may be important in understanding the syndrome of chest pain and normal
arteries as a whole. Typically, patients are younger, often under age 35. The
sex ratio is predominantly female. The most common risk factors for MI are
smoking and oral contraceptives, at least in women.7 The three possible
mechanisms involved are coronary spasm, thrombosis, and coronary embo-
lus. All the evidence implicating spasm is somewhat scant; Maseri and col-
leagues8 reported a patient with spasm at the onset of an infarction who died
6 hours later. A fresh thrombus was found at necropsy in the area seen on
angiography as being severe spasm. Engle and associates9 have attributed in-
farcts during angiography to a spasm, and infarction has been reported fol-
lowing the withdrawal of nitrates.10
In women taking oral contraceptives, abnormalities in clotting have
been demonstrated and blamed for infarction.11 Postinfarction angiograms
lend some credence to the concept that thrombosis, which later is lysed out,
may be the villain. The rare case of coronary embolus, excluding that caused
by bacterial colonies on the aortic valve, remains hard to explain. The natural
history of this syndrome is yet to be fully described. It is now becoming fairly
common to see anginal pain and MI in young people who use cocaine.

Prinzmetal’s Angina
The syndrome of vasospastic angina should be suspected when patients with
known coronary artery disease (CAD) have rest pain or when the early
morning spontaneous attacks of angina, earlier described by Prinzmetal and
coworkers,12 recur repeatedly. These are usually relieved by nitroglycerin
and may be initiated by ergonovine, hyperventilation, or the cold pressor
test. When ST elevation accompanies pain and rhythm disturbances are seen,
the provocative use of ergonovine is likely to be positive during the coronary
angiogram. Because Prinzmetal’s angina has been so well described, I will
mention only that these subjects may have either ST elevation or depression
during stress testing. Those with ST depression are more likely to have co-
existing coronary atheroma. Most patients with pure spasm and normal

coronary anatomy have a normal exercise test. Patients with Prinzmetal’s

angina are rare at our center.

In patients without overt cardiac enlargement caused by congestive or ob-
structive cardiomyopathy, it is common to find abnormalities in contraction
or increased left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), especially after
contrast injection.13 Goodin and colleagues2 found that 46% had an increased
LVEDP after contrast was injected. Erikssen and associates14 from Oslo did
coronary angiograms on 105 asymptomatic men who had ST depression on
a treadmill and identified 36 with normal coronary arteries. After a 7-year
follow-up, three were dead of heart failure, four had clear-cut cardiomy-
opathies, one had aortic incompetence and left-ventricular dilatation, and
one had developed severe angina thought to be caused by CAD found on an
abnormal multiple gated acquisition (MUGA) scan. Thus, 22% had devel-
oped significant myocardial disease and about 50% had an abnormal ejection
fraction with exercise MUGA scan on follow-up. In asymptomatic men, ST
depression and normal coronary arteries may identify a cohort with poor
function and a poor long-term prognosis. Pasternac and associates15 have
shown that in hypertrophic and congestive cardiomyopathy, subendocardial
ischemia occurs at rest and during exercise and that most patients develop
chest pain and lactate excretion with atrial pacing. They implicate a reduced
diastolic pressure time interval to systolic pressure time interval ratio and the
compressive forces associated with the myocardial hypertrophy. We ana-
lyzed 100 false-positive stress test patients and found that 57% had an in-
creased LVEDP16; Goodin and colleagues2 found that 18% of their 60 patients
with chest pain and normal coronary arteries had the same finding. Thus, a
significant percentage of this population may have some type of poorly un-
derstood cardiomyopathy (see Chapter 4).

Syndrome X (Microvascular Angina)

The term syndrome X was first applied by Likoff and coworkers17 in
Philadelphia. They recognized that the mechanisms explaining the pain
were unknown. Their belief, however, was that most of these patients had
myocardial ischemia, because their classic pain was at times relieved by
nitroglycerin, even though coronary atheroma could not be demonstrated.
Only recently are we beginning to understand more about the underlying
mechanisms responsible for this process. Following Marcus’s18 demon-
stration in the operating room that in some patients with normal coronary
arteries blood flow was not increased appropriately during reactive hy-
peremia, Cannon and colleagues1 at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute have used coronary sinus flow measurements to demonstrate a
reduced increase in coronary perfusion following atrial pacing. They also

found a reduction in coronary sinus flow after ergonovine and the cold
pressor tests, even though no epicardial narrowing was present. Cannon
and colleagues initially labeled this condition “reduced vasodilator re-
serve” and believed the obstruction was in the arterioles, which explains
many of the findings that were heretofore hard to understand. Subsequent
studies in their laboratory have confirmed their original concepts, and they
have now labeled the syndrome “microvascular angina.”19 They report an
increase in left-ventricular filling pressure during pacing, less decrease in
coronary resistance during dipyridamole infusion, and consistent chest
pain during atrial pacing. They reported a lower sensitivity with exercise
testing than with some of their invasive tests and also a lower sensitivity
than in patients with CAD. They found that more than 60% were post-
menopausal women.
Vrints and colleagues20 in Belgium reported that these patients have im-
paired endothelin-dependent cholinergic coronary dilatation. Thus, it ap-
pears that, as in patients with coronary atheroma, endothelin is not causing
dilatation with exercise, as it does normally, but is causing vasoconstriction
instead. The active substance in endothelin, nitrous oxide, is an endogenous
agent similar to the nitrates we have been using for years to relieve coronary
artery spasm.21
This is supported by the positron emission tomography studies of Cam-
ici and coworkers22 in Pisa, who reported reduced myocardial blood flow as
measured by N-labeled ammonia. It is of interest that in the patients with the
most reduction in flow, 86% had ST-segment depression with exercise. The
investigators also reported that 16 (55%) of 29 patients studied who had nor-
mal flow also had ST depression, and they suggested that although the sen-
sitivity is good, the specificity is rather poor. “There is evidence that some of
these patients have endothelial dysfunction in their coronary arteries”.23
Panting from London, using MRI, has demonstrated that the subepicardium
is hypo perfused during adenosine infusion, which is associated with intense
chest pain.24
Patients with ST depression are likely to have an increase in lactate ex-
cretion, confirming that the ST depression is not a false-positive finding, but
reflects ischemia. ST depression with exercise on atrial pacing was demon-
strated in 72% in a series of cases reported by Bemiller and associates25 but
was found in only 36% in a series by Waxler and colleagues.26 When Berland
and coworkers27 divided their patients into those with abnormal lactate ex-
cretion and those without, typical anginal pain and ST depression on exer-
cise were more common in the former.

Esophageal Dysfunction
Esophageal dysfunction is so common and so difficult to distinguish from
angina by symptoms alone that it warrants a brief discussion. Tibbling28
from Sweden studied 217 patients diagnosed as having esophageal dys-

function by acid perfusion or by esophageal manometry and found that 60%

to 70% had effort-related pain. Tibbling and Wranne29 found that 50% of one
group referred for exercise tests had esophageal dysfunction. In their data,
however, more than 50% of their patients described their symptoms as
heartburn, a term that should not be ignored by the physician. Kramer and
Hollander30 inflated esophageal balloons in patients with ischemic heart
disease and 7 of 19 complained of pain identical with their angina, which
was relieved immediately when the balloon was deflated. Most of the reports
suggest that ischemic ST depression in patients with esophageal dysfunction
is rare (2% to 5%), although nonspecific T-wave changes are common.
The reason for exercise-induced chest pain in esophageal dysfunction
may be explained by the recent work of Harrison and colleagues,31 who
found gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in exercising patients who had eaten or
who had previous acid loading. The GER was measured with a pH electrode
in the esophagus above the gastroesophageal junction. Only 1 of 33 fasting
patients had GER, however. It is of interest that smoking aggravates this re-
sponse. Thus, when our patients with anginal pain have a negative coronary
angiogram, esophageal disease must be suspected, but if they are tested in a
fasting state, confusion is less likely to occur.

Other Mechanisms
We don’t know at this time how many cases of syndrome X are caused by
esophageal dysfunction. Myocardial bridging, musculoskeletal syndrome,
esophageal spasm, and psychosomatic disorders all have been proposed.
Bass and colleagues32 report that patients with chest pain have a high
percentage of psychological syndromes such as sighing and gasping during
rest and breathlessness after trivial exertion, during conversation, and with
emotional tension. They believe that the angina is often a somatic expression
of anxiety. The investigators also report that chronic hyperventilation in
some of these subjects may cause peripheral and coronary vasoconstriction
due to hypocapnia. Case 33 has adequately demonstrated marked myocardial
hypoxia secondary to hypocapnia and alkalosis. Waxler and associates26 also
found that 40% of subjects with this syndrome had some type of anxiety neu-
rosis. The presence of an abnormal hemoglobin dissociation curve reported
by Eliot and Bratt 34 has not been confirmed by others. In recent years a meta-
bolic syndrome, consisting of insulin resistance, truncal obesity and high
glycerides, has at times been termed Syndrome X.35 Most of these patients do
not have angina however.


Are there any tips that can help differentiate patients with chest pain and
normal coronary arteries from those with anatomically significant CAD? We

selected a group of false-positive patients and compared them with true-

positive patients to try to answer this question.16 We found that in men, false-
positive patients were more likely to be younger, to be able to exercise longer,
to have atypical chest pain, and to have hyperventilation-induced ST
changes. This can be suspected when ST depression is associated with sig-
nificant septal Q waves (see Chapter 12). In women, exercise time was not
helpful, but the patients were younger, usually postmenopausal, had more
atypical pain, and were more likely to have significant changes on hyper-
ventilation; some had abnormal ECGs at rest (see Chapter 15).
If the angina is due to myocardial ischemia and induced by exercise, we
must recognize that a number of patients will be clinically indistinguishable
from those with epicardial coronary narrowing. Radice and coworkers36 per-
formed exercise tests after sublingual nitroglycerin on 23 patients with syn-
drome X and 19 with CAD. They found that the ischemic threshold was in-
creased in CAD patients but not in those without epicardial coronary
disease. They also found that some syndrome X patients had a lower exer-
cise tolerance after nitroglycerin and suggested that these changes may be a
tool to aid in the diagnosis of this syndrome. These patients, as long as they
are with us, promise to keep stress testing from being 100% reliable in pre-
dicting anatomical CAD.


If our present perceptions are accurate and a significant number of patients

with angina and normal coronary arteries have significant myocardial isch-
emia, then the use of nitrates, calcium blockers, and beta blockers seem
appropriate. We have had modest success with imipramine in some, dipyri-
damole in others and a few with L-arginine. A significant proportion of our
patients failed to be relieved by these agents, however, suggesting that there
are mechanisms yet to be elucidated. When symptoms are atypical, a careful
search for noncardiac causes of pain may be rewarding. Chest wall pain and
esophageal pain can usually be recognized once one suspects that the heart
may not be the culprit.


Most studies indicate that patients with chest pain and normal coronary ar-
teries have a good prognosis.25,37 Goodin and coworkers2 report that after a
2-year follow-up, 49% of 80 patients are improved or have no symptoms. MI
and death were absent in this short follow-up. Bemiller and colleagues25 re-
port that after 4 years, 80% of their patients claimed that their angina was de-
creased and the other 19% reported it had remained stable. The investigators
also reported one patient with sudden death, however, who was found to

have normal coronary arteries at autopsy. Goodin and colleagues2 report

that 50% of their patients had marked improvement or a complete loss of
pain in 2 years.


It is clear that patients with chest pain and normal coronary arteries are not
all that they seem. At one end of the spectrum, there may be a few who have
significant CAD that was missed on the angiogram. At the other end are pa-
tients with a neurosis or some type of noncardiac pain. In the middle, prob-
ably representing 40% to 50%, is a group with definite myocardial ischemia.
Many of these patients will have ischemic ST depression on exercise and lac-
tate excretion when challenged by atrial pacing. Some have lactate excretion
and negative exercise tests and vice versa, however. Many of those with true
ischemia probably have a reduced vasodilator reserve.
The syndrome described herein can be enormously disabling. Goodin
and coworkers2 reported that 78% of their patients had one or more hospi-
talizations for chest pain in the year prior to study. A complete cardiac study
often relieves anxiety, allows for a more sensible approach to therapy, and
minimizes subsequent hospitalizations. No longer should these patients be
embarrassed by their pain syndromes and live in fear of imminent infarction
and death.
The following conclusions can be made:
Typical angina and exercise ST depression are more likely to be associ-
ated with myocardial ischemia, even though the epicardial coronary
arteries may be normal.
Atypical angina and negative exercise tests are more likely to be found
in those in whom ischemia cannot be demonstrated.


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Blood Pressure Measurements
During Exercise

Introduction Effect of Left-Ventricular

Reliability of Blood Pressure Recording Hypertrophy on Myocardial
Problems with Auscultation Function During Exercise
Correctable Sources of Error Hypertensive Response in CAD
Observer Bias Patients
Automated Blood Pressure Measurement Hypotensive Response
Physiology Late in Exercise
Normal Blood Pressure Response Early in Exercise
Hypertensive Response BP Response with Ischemia
BP Response with Age Recovery Blood Pressure
BP Response in Patients with Cardiomyopathies
Resting Hypertension The Effects of Medications


Reliability of Blood Pressure Recording

The limitations of our ability to accurately measure BP were highlighted by
the study done at The Johns Hopkins Hospital by Russell.1 The investigators
set up a sound film of the BP being recorded on a patient. Physicians listened
to the sounds while they watched a manometer on the film and then recorded
their estimation of the BP. When the true readings were compared with the
physicians’ ranges of responses, significant intra- and interobserver variabil-
ity was present. The wide variations were more surprising because these ex-
perienced physicians knew that the accuracy of their technique was being
tested and that they would be expected to take extra care in the measure-
ments. How could the results be so inconsistent, especially when most of the
common errors that lead to faulty BP readings were eliminated by the test-
ing methodology? Eliminated were equipment and technique problems such
as inaccurate aneroid manometers, inappropriate-sized air bladders and
cuffs, heavy pressure on the stethoscope, too-rapid deflation rate, terminal
digit bias, systolic recheck, and many others.

Problems with Auscultation

The audible sounds, called Korotkoff sounds, heard through an acoustical
stethoscope, range from 18 to 26 Hz at systolic cuff pressures and 40 to 60 Hz
at diastolic pressure.2 For phases 1 and 4, most of the sound is lower than
20 Hz, whereas phases 2 and 3 are broadly distributed in the 5- to 50-Hz
range. When we learned the manual technique, we listened for the clear tap-
ping sound at phase 1, followed by the swishing sound at the phase 2 mid-
pressure range. Amplification of the swishing sound occurs at phase 3, when
the cuff pressure is low enough for the partially compressed artery to allow
a sizable amount of blood to pass through. Phase 4 diastolic pressure is then
characterized by abrupt muffling of sounds, with complete disappearance of
sound at phase 5. There is still considerable disagreement as to whether
phase 4 or phase 5 best identifies diastole.
These audible differences result from frequency and intensity changes
occurring during the cuff deflation. The frequencies shift toward the low end
of the frequency spectrum and progress from diastole to systole, reaching the
lowest values at the true systolic point (Fig. 18–1). The human ear is a very
sensitive organ; however, because of its intricacies, the ear is far more sensi-
tive to some frequencies than others. The ear hears best between 200 and 4000
Hz. The lowest frequency at which the ideal human ear can appreciate a
sound is about 16 Hz.3
Figure 18–1 is a graph of the auditory area of perception of a person with
good hearing.4–6 Represented is a range of frequencies and intensities of
sound to which the ear is sensitive. The vertical axis represents the intensity
in decibels (dB) that sound of a given frequency must have in order to be
heard. It can be seen that the ear is most sensitive to frequencies between 2000
and 3000 Hz, where the threshold of hearing is defined as 0 dB. Human
speech is in the range of 120 to 250 Hz.7
By comparison, the frequencies of systolic and diastolic sounds require
respective intensities of about 80 and 30 dB, that is, intensities greater than
normal conversational sound, to produce the same audible sensation. Thus,
the ear is more sensitive to conversational sound than to the very low fre-
quencies of Korotkoff sounds. Inspection of the curve will reveal that systolic
frequencies lower than the 20-Hz range may approach intensities that many
people will be able to detect. This is compounded by the fact that by age 50
most humans have a loss of at least 20 dBs, and this occurs a good deal ear-
lier in people repeatedly exposed to very loud sounds such as rock music.
Recording of accurate BP has long plagued those of us doing exercise testing.

Correctable Sources of Error

The American Heart Association task force on BP recording has emphasized
three sources of error that can be minimized. These are observer bias, faulty
equipment, and poor technique.

FIGURE 18–1. Auditory capacity of the human ear. The diagram shows that as the frequency de-
creases, the human ear loses the ability to detect sound. This is particularly important at the onset
of the systolic component of the Korotkoff sound. (From Ellestad,3 with permission.)

Observer Bias
Certain physicians or technicians habitually record pressure either higher or
lower than the point at which they actually hear the sounds. Some prefer cer-
tain terminal digits, the most common being 0. Wilcox8 reported that this type
of observer error may be responsible for deviations as high as 45 mm Hg.
Observers often differ in their interpretation of Korotkoff’s sounds.
Some seem to hear the first sound later than others do; this may be due to a

variation in reaction time. Others differ according to which sound they use
to designate diastole. It is now accepted that diastole should be identified at
the fifth sound; otherwise, Korotkoff sounds disappear altogether.
In spite of the inherent inadequacies, the importance of measuring BP
cannot be overestimated in view of the influence of the aortic pressure on the
oxygen requirements of the heart. The double product, or systolic BP multi-
plied by the heart rate, has long been known to be an excellent index of myo-
cardial oxygen consumption.
A simple, noninvasive method of measuring the central aortic pressure
has yet to be found. Although we use the brachial artery pressure recorded
in the standard way, its accuracy is questionable at rest and diminishes
rapidly as the speed of the treadmill increases. There are patients who, be-
cause of their well-coordinated gait, walk very smoothly or even jog with a
minimum of jiggle; therefore, it is easy to take their BP at even 5 or 6 mph.
Other patients vibrate so much that even at 3 or 4 mph their BP is extremely
difficult or impossible to record by the usual method. Simultaneous pres-
sures taken by two examiners on the same patient on opposite arms are fairly
widespread (Fig. 18–2). Measurement of BP by catheter in the brachial artery
and the aorta often reveals a significant increase, even at rest, as one proceeds
distally. This difference during exercise may well be accentuated, especially
in patients with inadequate cardiac outputs, because of their well-known
tendency to develop peripheral vasoconstriction.

FIGURE 18–2. The difference between two simultaneously recorded blood pressures using aneroid
manometers on the right and left arms is plotted. The difference between the two measures tends
to increase during exercise and to decrease again as soon as exercise is terminated.


Automated blood pressure measurement at rest has become a common prac-

tice in hospitals but this is not so easy during exercise. The measurement of
blood pressure by automatic means for exercise testing has been studied by
a number of equipment companies and we have tested several. By filtering
Korotkoff sounds and blocking the sound pick-up, except at the appropriate
time by triggering the sound circuit from the electrocardiogram, the accuracy
of the mechanical devices has been improved somewhat. We are now using
one made by Suntech Medical Instruments. When using a cuff of the appro-
priate size and the patient is not too obese, the systolic pressure appears to
be reasonably accurate during rest and during walking. The accuracy de-
creases during exercise and the diastolic pressure at high workloads is usu-
ally over estimated. Our practice is to check these pressures by manometer
to come up with a more accurate estimate.
According to the vendors, the system exceeds that obtained by the con-
ventional method. If this accuracy is confirmed by careful experimental
work, it will be a major advance but I have yet to see convincing evidence of
In spite of the inherent inadequacies, BP should be recorded frequently
before, during, and after the stress test. We do this at minute intervals as long
as possible as the rate of exercise increases and continue during at least 6
minutes of recovery.


Many complex factors are involved in the control of BP response with exer-
cise. An understanding of these various factors and how they interact with
each other is necessary to draw conclusions concerning BP response and the
patient’s condition, based on BP changes with exercise and the degree of un-
derlying myocardial impairment.

Normal Blood Pressure Response

The interaction between the peripheral vasculature and the heart during ex-
ercise is modulated through the central nervous system via the sympathetic
nervous system as well as locally by factors that are responsible for autoreg-
ulation on an arteriolar level. With the onset of exercise, the resistance to
blood flow through contracting muscles decreases significantly and results
in a fall in peripheral vascular resistance. Other perfusion beds in nonwork-
ing areas, primarily the splanchnic, undergo significant vasoconstriction,
thereby directing blood to working areas and away from nonworking areas.
Constriction of the capacitance vessels on the venous side of the circulation
aids in returning blood to the heart, thereby facilitating increased cardiac

output by maintaining preload. Venous constriction is of prime importance

in enabling cardiac output to rise normally in the face of a net reduction
in total peripheral vascular resistance.1 A rise in resistance to flow in the
splanchnic circulation, skin, and nonexercising muscles also occurs. When
the patient begins to exercise, the normal BP response is a gradual elevation
of systolic pressure with increasing workloads and essentially no significant
change in diastolic pressure. Near peak workload, the systolic BP levels off
and often declines, only to rise again within 1 or 2 minutes after exercise is
terminated. As the patient recovers, the pressure returns to control levels.
Factors that alter BP response are reviewed in the following text, and their
clinical significance is discussed.

Hypertensive Response
Hypertension at rest has long been known to be a risk factor for the devel-
opment of coronary artery disease (CAD).9 Significant elevation of BP dur-
ing exercise higher than the expected normal response has been recognized
as adding an additional metabolic burden, but until a few years ago it was
not thought to have any other clinical significance. Published reports indi-
cate that subjects with normal resting pressure who develop an abnormally
high systolic pressure with exercise have an increased risk of developing
clinically significant hypertension in the future.10–13 Miller-Craig and col-
leagues14 suggest that exercise-induced hypertension is a better predictor of
eventual clinical hypertension than elevated BP at rest, although Kannel and
associates15 report that labile hypertension in young adults also has definite
predictive value. A recent presentation by Kjeldsen and colleagues16 from
Oslo reports that a hypertensive response in normal middle-aged men who
exercised on the treadmill is also a predictor of subsequent mortality from

BP Response with Age

As patients grow older, although the cardiac output with exercise increases
at about the same ratio as in younger subjects, the peripheral resistance is
greater so that the systolic pressure is higher. As exercise increases, however,
resistance drops, as in younger subjects, but not enough to lower the pres-
sure to the range seen in youth. The normal maximal systolic pressure in
older subjects is higher as age progresses, it suggests that cardiac function is
good and that cardiac output can increase (Fig. 18–3).17

BP Response in Patients with Resting Hypertension

Exercise BP in most hypertensive patients increases at about the same rate as
it does in normals, but starting from a higher baseline, the maximum systolic
BP is usually greater. There are some, however, who as exercise progresses,

FIGURE 18–3. The drop in peripheral resistance with increased work in older subjects is similar to
that in younger subjects, although it always remains somewhat higher. (From Julius,17 with per-

have less of a rise, and their peak pressure may be similar to that of a normal
age-matched subject. This indicates that the peripheral resistance drops in a
more normal manner and responds more like that in a nonhypertensive sub-
ject. This may suggest that exercise would be a good therapeutic measure.
Others not only have a steep rise during exercise, but the pressure continues
to climb for several minutes after exercise and stays high during the recov-
ery. A subject with this kind of response to exercise probably also responds
with an increase in peripheral resistance and would be a greater risk. Such a
patient might be expected to receive little benefit from an exercise program;
in fact, it could be detrimental. I have not seen any data to confirm this

Effect of Left-Ventricular Hypertrophy on Myocardial Function

During Exercise
The increase in coronary flow has been termed flow reserve, and its magnitude
is important in providing adequate perfusion to the working myocardium.
When hypertrophy due to hypertension has occurred, the capacity to in-
crease flow to adequately meet the demands of this hypertrophied muscle is
often markedly reduced.18–20 There is evidence from studies with animals

that decreased capillary density and extravascular compressive forces com-

bine to predispose the hypertrophied myocardium to ischemic damage dur-
ing exercise.21 Hypertrophy has been shown to occur not only in the myo-
cardium but also in the vascular smooth muscle.22 Studies in hypertensive
humans, even without left-ventricular hypertrophy, have revealed an atten-
uated vasodilator reserve and at times angina with a trial pacing.
There is evidence that these changes are in part due to a reduction in
endothelin-mediated vasodilatation, which has been demonstrated in both
animals and humans. This defect has also been found in arteries of the fore-
arm in hypertensive humans.23
With this new information available, it is easy to understand why pa-
tients with hypertension may have ST depression and angina during exer-
cise testing, even when they have normal epicardial coronary arteries. These
changes may then reflect true ischemia, not really a false-positive test.

Hypertensive Response in CAD Patients

An exercise rise in systolic BP (well over 200 mm Hg) has been used as a rea-
son to terminate exercise in some centers or hospitals. We have never done
this because we have failed to see any complications related to a rising BP.
There is a general tendency for the pressure to rise more in older subjects and
those who are deconditioned. We followed up a large group of patients who
had a maximum systolic BP response of more than 200 mm Hg for up to
8 years.24 These patients were selected because they had ST-segment depres-
sion as well as an abnormal increase in BP response. When they were com-
pared with patients with ST-segment depression and a normal BP response,
the incidence of subsequent coronary events (death, myocardial infarction,
and new angina) was reduced. This suggested to us that the increased BP re-
sponse identified a cohort who had good left-ventricular function and could
thus generate higher pressures. The possibility that the increased pressure
also provided better coronary perfusion during exercise has to be considered.
Irving and colleagues25 found similar data in the Seattle Heart Watch sub-
jects. They found a decrease in the rate of sudden cardiac death per year as
maximum systolic BP increased. Morris and associates26 correlated peak sys-
tolic BP with the number of coronary vessels obstructed and also with the
ejection fraction. They found that the higher the pressure, the less disease,
thus providing an anatomical explanation of our findings (Fig. 18–4).
Sheps and coworkers27 found that when the diastolic pressure increased
with exercise, it identified a subset of patients with a higher probability of
CAD. This was confirmed by Paraskevaidis and associates28 and by Akhras
and colleagues,29 who recorded BP by the intra-arterial method. It is of in-
terest that the former investigators were unable to detect these changes when
the pressure was measured by the standard cuff method. They also found
that those who had an increase in diastolic pressure (20%) had a lower ejec-
tion fraction and stroke volume.
FIGURE 18–4. The peak systolic blood pressure (SBPmax) and change in systolic blood pressure
with exercise (⌬ SBP) are correlated with the number of significantly narrowed vessels on angiog-
raphy (upper graph), and ejection fraction (lower graph). The higher the peak systolic blood pres-
sure and change in SBP, the less severe the myocardial impairment. Conversely, patients with lower
SBP with exercise tended to have more severe vessel involvement and lower ejection fractions.
SBP = systolic blood pressure. (From Morris et al,26 with permission.)


Hypotensive Response
Systolic hypotension during exercise occurs under a number of circum-
stances that must be clearly identified in order to assess its significance. The
mechanism was once ascribed to very severe ischemia, but recent studies by
Iskandrian and associates30 suggest that it may be due to activation of
mechanoreceptors, mechanisms similar to other types of neurally mediated
hypotension. Lele and associates,31 from Brisbane, Australia, have supported
this concept by demonstrating a paradoxical drop in forearm vascular resis-
tance in ischemic patients with exercise-induced hypotension. They also
found that their ejection fraction increased instead of decreased, as usually
occurs in ischemic patients.

Late in Exercise
Many normals as well as those with cardiac pathology extend exercise be-
yond their aerobic threshold. At this point, which is usually about 60% or
more of their maximum capacity, they have a more rapid increase in heart
rate and ventilation, and the systolic BP levels off and begins to fall because
of increasing acidosis. This is probably due to the accumulation of lactic acid,
which causes a drop in peripheral resistance as well as a decrease in myo-
cardial contractility. When exercise is stopped, this decrease rapidly abates
and the systolic pressure rebounds to a point considerably greater than that
recorded at the end of exercise. This response has no predictive value in our
experience except to indicate that the patient has exercised past anaerobic
threshold and probably has done about as well as he or she is capable
(Fig. 18–5).

Early in Exercise
Anxious patients occasionally have a sudden rise in BP for 1 or 2 minutes and
then a drop of 10 or 20 mm Hg even as the exercise progresses, followed by
a gradual increase again. This is probably due to an excess of norepineph-
rine, the effect of which is quickly dissipated by the increased metabolic de-
mands. This can be differentiated from a more serious decrease in cardiac
output by the vigor of the patient, the respiratory rate, and the absence of
signs of ischemia. The BP does not go lower than the control in this situation.

BP Response with Ischemia

As early as 1959, Bruce and colleagues32 reported that failure to increase the
systolic BP greater than 130 mm Hg was a risk factor for subsequent coro-
nary events; Thompson and Kelemen33 in 1975 and Irving and Bruce34 in
1977 emphasized the correlation of severe ischemia with a drop in pressure
early in the exercise protocol. Hammermeister and associates35 believe that

FIGURE 18–5. A typical BP change as seen during our exercise protocol recorded with an aneroid
manometer on the arm. Systolic pressure rises as the workload increases until it gets near the peak
capacity of the subject. At this point, it tends to drop sharply, probably because of a decrease in
peripheral resistance or a drop in cardiac output, or both. The rebound phenomenon then occurs
shortly after exercise is terminated.

in true ischemic hypotension, the pressure must drop below the resting level
during exercise. Their report has been supported by Dubach and associates.36
This drop can be associated with deep ST-segment depression, and at times
it may identify patients likely to have left main CAD or severe three-vessel
disease. San Marco and associates37 found that exertional hypotension was
as reliable as marked ST-segment depression in predicting severe three-
vessel disease or left main CAD.
Weiner and colleagues38 studied more than 400 consecutive patients
with exercise testing and cardiac catheterization. Forty-seven patients man-
ifested a fall in BP with exercise. Of this group, about 50% were randomized
to medical therapy and 50% to surgical therapy. Cardiac catheterization re-
vealed three-vessel disease or left main CAD in 55% of the patients. Repeat
exercise testing verified the reproducibility of this BP response in the med-
ical group. Repeat exercise testing in the surgical group revealed normal BP
response in all patients after successful coronary bypass surgery. A number
of reports have claimed that a drop in pressure during exercise reflects se-

vere ischemic left-ventricular impairment. In some patients, the pressure

changes are correlated with other findings, such as an appearance of reduced
vitality, skin pallor, and other signs of inadequate perfusion (Fig. 18–6).35,39
In some patients, the activation of ventricular baroreceptors may be initiated
by the ischemic syndrome. Although this activation is more likely to be as-
sociated with severe ischemia, it can be seen with narrowing in relatively
small nondominant vessels.30 Exercise-indiced hypotension has been re-
ported in women with false-positive tests,39 in healthy athletes,40 and in
healthy older subjects.41 Thus it is not always a predictor of coronary disease.

Recovery Blood Pressure

The rate of the systolic BP drop during recovery is usually fairly rapid after
maximum exercise, although a rebound with a temporary rise about 1
minute after exercise termination is common.42 As previously mentioned,
this is believed to be due to the recovery from the anaerobic metabolism that
has occurred near peak workload. A group from San Antonio led by Amon44
has reported that systolic BP in patients with significant CAD fails to drop
as fast as in normal subjects and has suggested that this response may help
to differentiate those with ischemia. Hashimoto and associates,45 from

FIGURE 18–6. Normal and abnormal SBP responses to exercise tests. (From Sheffield and Roit-
man,43 p 622, with permission.)

Hiroshima City, have recently studied this concept and found that 7 (20%) of
35 subjects had an increase in systolic pressure after bicycle exercise. This
group had a reduced ejection fraction, a greater increase in plasma
norepinephrine, and a greater increase in peripheral resistance. Acanfora
and colleagues46 also found the increase in systolic BP during recovery to be
of diagnostic significance.
Because the recovery BP is so dependent on the magnitude of exercise
and because the systolic BP at high workloads is so difficult to record accu-
rately, I am somewhat skeptical of the clinical usefulness of the recovery sys-
tolic BP. We have been unable to verify Amon’s work by retrospective analy-
sis of our own data (Fig. 18–7). However, it appears that if a more accurate
measure of BP could be devised, it would have diagnostic value. A review of
the systolic BP data in Appendix I will suggest to the reader that normals of-
ten exhibit a delayed decrease in pressure.

Any process that reduces left-ventricular function may cause exertional hy-
potension with exercise testing. The common denominator of this clinical
event appears to be that the upper limit of cardiac output cannot continue to
meet the increased peripheral demands of the working tissues when the peak
cardiac output is reached. The increasing demand of the peripheral tissues
results in a rise in lactic acid and a generalized drop in pH, which causes a
progressive decrease in peripheral vascular resistance and in BP. Cardiomy-
opathic processes, both hypertrophic and congestive, produce this effect.47
Decreases in pressure with obstructive cardiomyopathies are likely to be
more abrupt than in other conditions and may be associated with syncope
and serious arrhythmias. Because these patients are often suspected of hav-
ing CAD because of anginal pain, special care should be exercised when
angina is found in a patient with a murmur of undetermined etiology. Fren-
neaux and associates48 from London have reported on the exercise BP re-
sponse in 129 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 33% of whom had
a hypotensive response to exercise. These patients were found to be younger
and to have an adverse family history of sudden death, and they are believed
to have a greater potential for sudden vascular collapse, either during or af-
ter exercise.

The Effects of Medications

Various types of medications have been shown to produce a fall in BP with
exercise testing; the most common are antihypertensives.49,50 Various classes
of these agents such as the sympatholytic drugs, beta blockers, or peripheral
vasodilators all have been implicated in abnormal BP response to exercise.
These responses may be mediated either by a central mechanism inhibiting
sympathetic outflow (such as with beta blockers or sympatholytics) or by a

FIGURE 18–7. SBP as a percent of BP at end of exercise. The SBP during recovery was plotted in
a group of normal subjects studied in our laboratory during the first 3 minutes. Most were higher
than a ratio of 0.9 and would have been classified as abnormal using the criteria of Amon and

decrease in the ability of peripheral vasculature to respond to sympathetic

activity. The peripheral vasodilators are notoriously likely to produce sud-
den drops in pressure. Diuretics do not produce much exertional hypoten-
sion; their major effect seems to be on the resting pressure. The psychoactive
drugs—either major or minor tranquilizers—have been shown to cause
moderate BP changes through both central and peripheral mechanisms. The
effects of various drugs and metabolic processes on stress testing are covered
in more detail in Chapter 22.


Careful observation of BP during exercise can yield important information

not only about the peripheral resistance but also about the contractile state
of the left ventricle. A heart that can function well when ejecting against a
very high resistance (BP greater than 200 mm Hg) is usually fairly well per-
fused, as well as being free from significant fibrosis.
When we observe a fall in pressure, despite continuing exercise early in
the test, poor perfusion or inadequate function due to other causes is almost
certainly the case. Death on the treadmill can occur in these patients.
It now seems well established that a BP response to exercise that is
greater than normal in a young healthy person is likely to predict clinically
significant hypertension in the future. Thus, careful monitoring of BP at each
increment of workload and during recovery is an essential part of stress test-
ing. If the inherent limitations of our manual method of BP recording could
be overcome, both the systolic and diastolic pressures could well add more
to our information about the patient’s function.


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This page intentionally left blank
Silent Myocardial Ischemia

Prevalence Prognosis
Autopsy Data Implications
Epidemiological and Screening Studies Clinical Strategy
ST Depression and Normal Coronary Comment
Arteries Angina Equivalent
Mechanisms and Pathophysiology ST Depression with Prior Negative Test
Pain Perception Therapy
Detection Medical
Analysis of the M.H.I. Database Surgical

Although the absence of chest pain and other symptoms of coronary artery
disease (CAD) were once believed to provide assurance that its presence was
unlikely, this concept must now be laid aside.1,2 Gordon and Kannel3 re-
ported that the first symptom of CAD was myocardial infarction or death in
55% of men in the Framingham study. Most of us will agree that these two
end-points are unacceptable. There are two groups of asymptomatic patients
commonly considered for stress testing. This chapter deals primarily with
those who have never had symptoms recognized as being of cardiac origin.
The other group, who have had recognized myocardial infarction but have
been asymptomatic following this event, are commonly believed to be free
of ischemia but limited somewhat by scar tissue replacing functional my-
ocardium. In actuality, more than 50% of this group have other vessels sig-
nificantly narrowed. The use of exercise testing in these patients is covered
in Chapters 10 and 14.


There are a number of ways to estimate how many people have silent myo-
cardial ischemia.

Autopsy Data
Allison and colleagues4 found that only 19% of subjects dying of sudden
death had a history of angina, although 66% had pathological evidence of in-

farction. Spickerman and associates5 in a similar study found that 32% had
angina. On the other hand, a review of autopsy findings on subjects dying of
noncardiac causes reveals that a 6% mean prevalence in men (aged 30–69)
and a 2.6% mean for women characterizes the amount of CAD in those who
are truly asymptomatic.6

Epidemiological and Screening Studies

Diamond and Forrester6 reviewed reports of patients undergoing catheteri-
zation for reasons other than chest pain (eg, valvular heart disease, abnormal
ECGs) and found that 4.5% had coronary narrowing. Erikssen and cowork-
ers7 catheterized subjects with abnormal ST-segment response to stress test-
ing and found that 3.4% of the total cohort had significant narrowing. We do
not know how many in Erikssen’s study group had CAD, however, because
those with normal exercise tests were not offered an angiogram. Again, us-
ing ST depression with exercise as a case-finding method, Buckendorf and
colleagues8 found CAD in 6% of their asymptomatic military aviation per-
sonnel (mean age equals 36). The 5-year follow-up heart study by Bruce and
associates9 of 2365 asymptomatic subjects identified 2% who had a coronary
event. If one assumes a 5% per year event rate in a CAD population, then 75%
of those manifested would yet to be discovered during the 5-year period, re-
sulting in a prevalence of 8% with coronary narrowing. Allen and cowork-
ers,10 however, reported that 5.4% of 888 subjects followed up for 5 years de-
veloped CAD, which by the above reasoning could suggest a prevalence in
their material of at least 20%. Moreover, when the initial abnormal exercise
tests were stratified by age and sex (see Table 14–5), the prevalence of CAD
in a hospital-based study would be higher, with 25% of men older than aged
41 demonstrating ST depression. In this age range, estimating a 50% speci-
ficity, the prevalence of CAD would be approximately 12%. If the prevalence
of CAD in asymptomatic men in a population older than 40 is only 10%, there
are at least 4 million people in the United States at risk for this syndrome.


We all are also faced with the problem of dealing with those who appear to
have ischemia on the ECG, but have normal coronaries. The follow-up re-
ports of Erikssen and colleagues11 on this group found them also at risk for
a cardiac disability and death. This is discussed in Chapter 17.


When patients are referred for exercise testing because of a history of chest
pain, a large percentage fail to have angina during the test, even though they

have ST-segment depression. Are they having ischemia? Deanfield and

Shea12 have studied ischemia with rubidium, an isotope with a short half-
life, using positron emission tomography; they report that ST depression
has been associated with reduced myocardial perfusion in every case stud-
ied. On the other hand, we know that there are a number of causes of ST de-
pression besides ischemia. The evidence is conclusive, however, that in pa-
tients with CAD, ST depression usually represents myocardial ischemia.11
Data from Maseri,13 as well as data from several studies using Holter mon-
itoring techniques,14,15 indicate that about 75% of the ischemic episodes in
patients with typical angina are silent. These studies suggest that lesser de-
grees of ischemia and shorter time periods are more likely to be silent. On
the other hand, Kunkes and associates,16 using Holter monitoring, found
that silent ischemia was more common in patients with multivessel disease.
Shell and Penny15 believe an average period of ischemia of 5 to 7 minutes is
necessary before angina appears. My own angioplasty experience indicates
that in many cases severe ischemia is followed by pain in as little as 10 to
15 seconds, when the vessel is completely obstructed. On the other hand, re-
duced myocardial perfusion, often before ST depression develops, causes
wall motion abnormalities that almost always precede angina, if it does
occur. The best data suggest that even patients who may never have had
pain with their ischemia will get pain most of the time if their ischemia gets
severe enough or if they have a myocardial infarction. Pain is usually a late
event in the ischemic cascade; just how late depends on the patient’s pain


The failure of the patient to perceive ischemic pain may be related to a num-
ber of factors. It has been stated that the transmission of pain is interrupted
in some diabetic patients due to a neuropathy, and these patients have been
reported to have a higher prevalence of silent myocardial infarction.17 Droste
and Roskamm18 have reported that patients with silent ischemia have a
higher pain threshold when their cutaneous perception of pain is measured.
Because endorphins are reported to mitigate pain under certain circum-
stances, we tested 10 patients with angiographically proven CAD who had
never had angina during stress testing or during daily life.19 Each patient had
2 mm or more of ST depression during the exercise test, but intravenous
naloxone (an endorphin antagonist) failed to bring on pain or influence the
exercise test in any significant way. Thus, it appears that high endorphin lev-
els are not the primary cause for painless ischemia. Heller and associates20
measured exercise-induced endorphin levels in patients with silent ischemia
compared with levels of those with exercise-induced angina and found there
was no difference between the two groups. Although this finding tended to
support our study with naloxone,21 it seems to contradict an earlier study in

which we found that patients with angina on the treadmill had a worse prog-
nosis than those who did not.19
We have repeatedly observed that conditioning reduces or abolishes
exercise-induced angina. Sim and Neill22 reported on eight patients with this
phenomenon and found that when the angina was produced by atrial pacing,
it was not influenced by training. They found that the double product at angina
threshold was also increased, suggesting an increase in myocardial oxygen
supply. However, when atrial pacing was used to increase cardiac work, the
double product at the anginal threshold and lactate secretion was the same be-
fore and after conditioning. The reasons for this are yet to be explained.


The failure to detect with exercise testing those subjects in an asymptomatic

population who will eventually have a coronary event is not surprising, con-
sidering the known false-negative rate (20% to 40%) and the propensity for
atherosclerotic lesions to progress, sometimes rapidly. Little and associates23
report that a myocardial infarction often occurs in muscle perfused by an
artery, which just prior to the infarct had an obstruction of only 50% or less
and was probably not “flow-limiting” during most exercise. This is because
a fissure occurs in the surface of the plaque, which initiates clotting and then
quickly occludes the artery. Patients who have had an out-of-hospital bout
of ventricular fibrillation have also been reported to have exercise-induced
silent ischemia.24
Cumming and associates25 and Bruce and colleagues9 emphasize that
more than 50% of their patients who developed coronary events failed to
manifest ST-segment depression on the initial exercise test. On the other
hand, an abnormal exercise ECG, especially when combined with other risk
factors, has been shown to identify a cohort of high-risk subjects for a subse-
quent coronary event, in spite of the application of the Bayes’ theorem. Re-
call from Chapter 14 that the post-test probability in an asymptomatic sub-
ject with ST depression is low because of the low prevalence of disease. If the
known risk factors are used in conjunction with stress testing, however, the
predictive power becomes more acceptable. Giagnoni and coworkers26 from
Milan compared 135 asymptomatic subjects with ST depression with a group
without ST depression controlled for age and other risk factors. They found
that after 6 years, the risk for coronary events of those with ST depression
was five times that of the controlled subjects. We found similar results when
analyzing subjects who were referred to our laboratory for screening tests
rather than for chest pain syndromes (Fig. 19–1).
Hopkirk and coworkers27 studied 225 asymptomatic men from the Air
Force who had undergone stress testing for various reasons. They found that
0.3 millivolts (3 mm) of ST depression, persistence of ST depression for 6 min-
utes into recovery, and total duration of exercise of less than 10 minutes

FIGURE 19–1. When only those who denied any symptoms were evaluated, the incidence of all
coronary events was well below the incidence in all those reported in the study, in which 83%
were symptomatic (see Fig. 14–7).

(equivalent to 7 minutes on the Bruce protocol) resulted in a high probabil-

ity of disease. The investigators found that any two of the exercise variables
were highly predictive (89%), but relatively insensitive (37%). When study-
ing the false-positives, Hopkirk and coworkers27 found that normalization of
the ST-segment depression in the first 20 seconds of recovery was present in
18%. Yet, we have shown that rapid resolution of ST changes is not a very re-
liable indicator of normal coronary flow.28
When Allen and colleagues10 analyzed their data on 888 asymptomatic
subjects, they also needed a combination of findings for best results. ST-
segment depression, R-wave increase, and a short exercise duration had rea-
sonable sensitivity in 5 years and a very high specificity. Other markers for
ischemia found useful in this population have been exercise thallium, coro-
nary calcium detected on fluoroscopy or fast CT scanning, and prolonged
P-wave duration. When any of these is abnormal in conjunction with an ex-
ercise test, the probability of CAD is more than 90%.29


In order to study the reliability of exercise testing in patients with “silent

ischemia” at Memorial Heart Institute we constructed tables on patients with a
Table 19–1. Markers for Ischemia According to History of Angina Compared with No History

No History of Angina History of Angina

Sensitivity Specificity PPV Sensitivity Specificity PPV

Conventional Markers
1) ST ↓ ⬎1 mm (any lead) 0.64 0.51 0.57 0.69 0.51 0.70
2) ST ↓ ⬎1 mm V5 0.44 0.77 0.66 0.50 0.74 0.77
3) Downslope in recovery 0.64 0.51 0.57 0.69 0.50 0.70
4) Exercise time
⬍3 min 0.07 0.95 0.60 0.76 0.93 0.64
⬎5 min 0.79 0.19 0.50 0.75 0.19 0.60
5) ST in males 0.66 0.51 0.67 0.69 0.55 0.75
6) ST in females 0.67 0.50 0.36 0.71 0.45 0.60
Unconventional Markers
1) ST/R ⬎0.1 mm 0.51 0.66 0.60 0.55 0.73 0.77
2) ST ↓ ⬎1 ⫹ ST ↑ AVR 0.13 0.95 0.75 0.12 0.99 0.93
3) ⌬ HR ⬍50 0.33 0.78 0.60 0.26 0.73 0.61
4) ⌬ T ↑ ⬎2.5 mm V2 0.18 0.84 0.53 0.23 0.81 0.66
5) ⌬ R ⬎2 mm V5 0.36 0.64 0.51 0.33 0.60 0.57
6) ⌬ R and ST ↓ 0.28 0.78 0.56 0.26 0.84 0.72
7) ST ↑ ⬎2 mm V2 or V3 0.15 0.91 0.63 0.07 0.92 0.57

history of chest pain as compared to no history of pain and on those who had
pain during the tests as compared to those with no pain during the test (see Ta-
bles 19–1 and 19–2). Inspection of these tables will reveal that when angina is
induced during the test the sensitivity is slightly better but not by very much.
Some of the unconventional markers have a higher specificity regardless of the
presence or absence of angina but usually a lower sensitivity. When some of the
unconventional markers are combined, i.e. ST depression, ST depression in a
precordial lead and ST elevation in AVR, the specificity becomes very good.


Although many subjects with silent CAD have a sudden coronary event, the
risk of an event is probably less than if ischemia is associated with typical
anginal pain. Data from our files indicate that the risk of an event with
asymptomatic ischemia is about 50% of that when classic angina accompa-
nies the ECG findings during stress testing. Cohn30 also found an improved
survival in a small group of asymptomatic patients followed up for 7 years
with CAD compared with those with anginal pain. The report by Droste and
associates31 should be reviewed by those who have a serious interest in this
subject. These investigators have shown that prognosis is a function of how
early ST depression occurs during the exercise test, how severe the CAD is
on angiography, and the presence of chest pain in the patient’s history. They
also have reported that when subjects with silent ischemia are followed up

Table 19–2. Markers for Ischemia Stratified as to History of Angina or Angina

During Exercise Test

PPV Specificity

No ex. No hx. No ex. No hx.

Markers Angina Angina Angina Angina

Conventional Markers
1) ST ↓ ⬎1 mm (any lead) 0.60 0.57 0.52 0.57
2) ST ↓ ⬎1 mm in V5 0.68 0.67 0.68 0.66
3) Downslope ST in recovery 0.60 0.57 0.51 0.60
4) Exercise time
⬍3 min 0.65 0.60 0.65 0.95
⬎5 min 0.51 0.50 0.18 0.18
Unconventional Markers
1) ST/R 0.65 0.60 0.65 0.66
2) ST ↓ ⬎1 ⫹ ST ↑ AVR 0.80 0.75 0.96 0.95
3) ⌬ HR ⬍50 0.61 0.53 0.78 0.78
4) ⌬ T ↑ ⬎2.5 mm V2 0.57 0.55 0.84 0.84
5) ⌬ R V5 ⬎2 mm 0.52 0.51 0.63 0.64
6) ⌬ R ⬎2 mm and ST ↓ ⬎1 mm 0.59 0.50 0.79 0.78
7) ST ↑ ⬎2 mm V2 or V3 0.59 0.65 0.91 0.90

for 5 years, those who convert to classic angina have a poorer prognosis than
those who remain asymptomatic.31


In spite of the apparent lower risk in this group of patients, the implications
need some discussion. There appear to be three subsets of patients.
1. Those who never have pain. Cohn30 has characterized this group as
having a defective anginal warning system. Raper and associates32
report patients with repeated massive infarction without chest pain
and comment that these people are at risk because of the lack of
pain. Our patients tested with naloxone were also in this category.19
There is no doubt that angina in many is protective, and in this
group its absence is a hazard and should be recognized as such.
When we find patients before they are stricken by a catastrophe,
they should be carefully evaluated for severity of disease prior to
deciding on therapy.
2. Those who have pain with ischemia on some occasions, but not on
others. This group comprises a majority of patients who are recog-
nized with CAD. Factors that influence the variability are occasion-
ally detectable, such as changes in myocardial work, magnitude of is-
chemic myocardium, coronary spasm, durations of ischemia, and so
forth. Many, however, have angina or chest pain at different times
and under different conditions that seem to defy categorization. As
we learn more about the pathophysiology of CAD, some of these will
be easier to understand.
3. Those who have chest pain with ischemia on most occasions. This
group is a minority to be sure; yet a few years ago we believed most
CAD patients fell into this group. Although we have learned a great
deal about this process, there are many questions still unanswered.


Esptein and coworkers,33 Selzer and Cohn,34 and others35 have criticized the
use of exercise testing in asymptomatic persons. There are probably also
those who would be against the detection of asymptomatic prostatic cancer.
On the whole, however, exercise testing is justified in asymptomatic subjects
suspected of having an increased risk of disease. The presence of the classic
risk factors in conjunction with the findings on an exercise test will go a long
way toward determining the presence or absence of significant coronary nar-
rowing. If clinically indicated, a patient should proceed to other noninvasive
diagnostic measures after the exercise test is evaluated.
The following findings are usually associated with true-positive stress

1. Short exercise time
2. Less than normal increase in heart rate or blood pressure during the
3. Early onset of ST-segment depression with progression during ex-
4. Evolution to downsloping ST pattern during recovery
5. Persistence of systolic hypertension during the first 2 or 3 minutes
of recovery
6. Marked increase in R-wave amplitude
7. Reduction in amplitude of the septal Q, if present
8. Widening of the QRS with exercise
9. High post-test probability on multivariate analysis or likelihood
10. Confirmation with radionuclide stress testing
The flow chart shown in Figure 19–2 might serve as a guide when en-
countering an asymptomatic man with exercise-induced ST depression.
Clinical findings not shown will shade the decision to follow a more aggres-
sive or conservative pathway. These might include the family history, hy-
pertension, smoking, cholesterol, cooperativeness of the patient, degree of
denial, and many others.

We often explain to the patient that the abnormal stress test findings are
another risk factor, which along with other findings influence the clinical
course to follow. In this situation, I believe education of the patient and fam-
ily is one of the most important aspects of good patient care. If the patient un-
derstands the problem, a major step will have been made in the direction of
initiating a sensible course of management.


Even though the patient may come in with a story of no chest pain, any type
of chest discomfort, upper abdominal gas or bloating, inordinate dyspnea
with exercise, or just increasing fatigue, may be an angina equivalent. Fre-
quently, when the possible implications of the test are explained, the patient
may then report symptoms withheld prior to the test. The need for denial of
possible illness is a powerful force in many men; yet when they find a friend
who understands their problem, they may let go and fill in some of the blanks
heretofore withheld.
FIGURE 19–2. Asymptomatic ST depression: Diagnostic flow chart. Those patients with findings in the
right-hand box may not need angiography if they can be followed up on a regular basis.


These patients usually manifest ST-segment depression at high workloads

and can be managed as if it were the first test. However, now the patient is
identified as having an increased risk. If the ST changes are manifested at low
workloads, the implications are more serious. Men who convert from a nor-
mal to an abnormal ST-segment response almost invariably have coronary
narrowing and are rarely false-positive.


There is evidence that repeated episodes of ischemia may cause myocardial
cell death and ultimately permanent reduction in left-ventricular function.
We know that this happens in aortic stenosis and hypertensive heart disease.
Evidence is accumulating that it may also occur in CAD.36–38 A recent ran-
domized prospective trial (ASIST) of 2037 patients at 30 study sites was re-
ported.39 Those who developed ischemia during Holter monitoring during
daily life (306 patients) were assigned to either atenolol or placebo. Repeat
Holter monitoring after 4 weeks revealed that the number of ischemic
episodes in the atenolol-treated patients was markedly reduced. Events such
as infarction and death were also reduced, and the relative risk ratio in those
treated was 0.56. There were 39 events in the controls and 17 in those treated
with atenolol. A study by Nikutta and colleagues40 from Hannover, Ger-
many, reported that therapy—that is, medical therapy, percutanous translu-
minal coronary angioplasty, or bypass surgery—had a beneficial effect on
prognosis in 103 patients with silent ischemia followed up for 38 months.
Previous reports also suggest that medical therapy to some degree re-
duces the percentage of ischemic episodes and decreases their severity.41 The
beta-blocker trials indicate that in postinfarction patients, mortality will also
decrease.42 Also, beta blockers have been shown to result in favorable redis-
tribution of blood flow in the ischemic myocardium.43 The Oslo randomized
trial in healthy men clearly demonstrates that diet and risk factor control also
reduce mortality and morbidity.44 Is this enough? No one can be sure. When
dealing with individual patients, physicians will probably act on their own
experiences and, it is hoped, with a sound knowledge of pathophysiology
and familiarity with the recent literature.
At this time, I tend to be more aggressive in patients with multivessel
high-grade stenosis or very proximal left anterior descending artery disease
who demonstrate severe ischemia or other signs of limited left-ventricular
performance. Evidence that justifies this approach is now accumulating. On
the other hand, the salutory results now occurring with statins may soon fa-
vor more conservative approaches in patients without symptoms. There are

also patients who have angina for a time, which then totally disappears—
even at maximum exercise—without any detectable change in myocardial
perfusion or medical program. We do not yet know if this is accompanied by
a change in prognosis.

A brief discussion about management of patients with silent ischemia brings
our thinking into focus. There is little hard scientific data to direct us. A num-
ber of studies,45,46 including the CASS study,47 suggest that surgery on an
asymptomatic patient, unless the patient has left main artery disease, does
not increase longevity.
On the other hand, Cohn,30 Kent,48 and others47 who have had an active
interest in this subset of patients for some time favor an invasive approach in
certain circumstances. Severe three-vessel disease, low exercise tolerance,
early onset of ST-segment depression, and other signs of major ischemia are
reliable predictors of a more serious prognosis in asymptomatic or mildly
symptomatic patients.50 In fact, ST depression in the asymptomatic postin-
farction patient is the most reliable predictor of subsequent coronary events.51
If we had evidence that these subjects would eventually have angina prior to
infarction, thus warning us to intervene, it would make sense to wait for the
onset of symptoms. The fact is that most patients with infarctions do not have
angina as a warning.1 Therefore, we can either wait for the ax to fall or try to
develop criteria for intervention. Thurer and associates52 and others53 have
documented that bypass surgical mortality in this group is almost zero in the
best surgical centers. As the long-term results with angioplasty continue to
improve this may be the treatment of choice in many patients.
Few would argue that open coronaries are not preferable to stenotic
ones. The real issue is, “What price should we pay?” or “What risks should
we take to open them up for a time at least?” A NHLBI sponsored study in
1959 patients designed to determine how best to control angina and/or isch-
emia found that revascularization gave better results than medical therapy,
however this was not accompanied by aggressive statin therapy.54


In spite of those who oppose stress testing in asymptomatic patients, I firmly

believe we will continue to search for ways to identify asymptomatic CAD.
The use of exercise or other types of stress testing is by far the most practical
approach we have, in addition to the possibility that coronary calcium may
find an important role. Our data indicates that exercise testing is about as re-
liable in patients with silent ischemia as in those with angina. When all the
data available are combined to calculate the probability of disease, we have
an excellent tool that warrants continued application. With the information

obtained, we can act to prevent infarction and death in an ever-increasing

number of our patients. A book dealing with silent ischemia, edited by
Shlomo Stern, is recommended reading.55


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Sports Medicine
and Rehabilitation

Performance of Athletes Versus Duration of ST-Segment

Nonathletes Depression
Risks of Coronary Events in Sports Septal Q Waves
Rhythm Disturbances T Waves
Sudden Death ST Elevation
Infarction Use of Exercise Testing in Sports
Health As Related to Previous Athletic Alerting the Patient and Physician to
Efforts Occult Dysfunction
Environmental Factors Following Progress in Known Disease
Quantity and Quality of Exercise to Effects of Exercise Training on ST
Maintain Fitness Depression and Exercise Capacity
How Much Is Enough? Evaluating Drug Regimens
Type of Exercise Test in Sports Comment
Findings in Athletes Exercise Testing in Cardiac
Duration and Intensity Rehabilitation
Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Discharge Exercise Test After a
ECG Changes at Rest Coronary Event
Ventricular Hypertrophy Exercise Testing Prior to Formal
Rhythm and Conduction Outpatient Rehabilitation
Disturbances Exercise Prescription
Exercise-Induced Abnormalities Confirmation of Improvement or
ST-Segment Depression Detection of Progression

Although the performances of the fit athlete and the cardiac patient needing
rehabilitation lie at opposite ends of the spectrum, many of the concepts in
exercise physiology apply to both. Each person is involved in an attempt to
improve function using the same basic mechanisms. Coronary patients un-
der the supervision of Kavanaugh and colleagues1 in Toronto were able to
train vigorously enough to complete the Boston Marathon, which dramati-
cally demonstrates that sports and coronary artery disease (CAD) are no
longer incompatible.
The use of exercise testing in each case provides us with a way of de-
tecting dysfunction if present as well as a measure of conditioning and a tool
for prescribing a subsequent exercise program in evaluating progress. This
chapter presents some of the special problems that arise when dealing with
each group and suggests guidelines that we have found useful.


Blackburn2 claims that the modern affluent human is a species of animal

who shortly after maturation, is confined in special cages. One is a mobile
steel and plastic cage with exposure to complex decisions, frustration, and
danger. The atmosphere is high in carbon monoxide while the subject is be-
ing transported to other stationary cages. There, the subject is required
to sit motionless most of the day while conditioned to self-administer
20 potent doses of the poison nicotine and at least five doses of caffeine
This commentary on our modern lifestyle dramatizes how far we have
come from the environment for which our evolution has prepared us. In these
artificial, unhealthy surroundings, disease can be far advanced, as well as un-
detected and unsuspected. On the other hand, in persons who regularly stress
their cardiovascular systems to near-maximum capacity, dysfunction is less
likely to occur and more likely to be detected earlier if present. Thus, besides
the benefits mentioned in Chapters 1 and 2, earlier awareness of declining
function is another benefit of an active lifestyle. Although changes in cardio-
vascular function are of chief interest to us, improvement in bones, muscles,
tendons, lungs, and other organs can be achieved with regular activity.
Because we have, through custom, considered the sedentary human to
be normal, which may not be the case, it is important to recognize the com-
mon cardiovascular changes seen in athletes. These include reduced heart
rate, increased sinus arrhythmia, second-degree heart block, larger cardiac
volume, some degree of ventricular hypertrophy, and the ECG patterns
that are listed later in this chapter.3 Static exercise produces fewer cardiovas-
cular alterations but may be associated with significant hypertension; there-
fore, left-ventricular hypertrophy may be greater than with dynamic exercise.


Rhythm Disturbances
Rhythm disturbances are more common if warm-up is inadequate, isometric
exercise is sustained, and isotonic exercise is near maximum capacity, and
they are also found during the early recovery period. Scherer and Kal-
tenbach,4 however, reported no mortality in 353,000 exercise tests done in
sports centers for evaluation of fitness. The risks usually come with older
subjects and in patients with occult disease.

Sudden Death
As much as 25% of primary infarctions occur during exercise.5 Contributory
factors include excitement, excessive pressure to continue when exhausted,

and sustained isometric activity. The immediate risk of sudden death is

threefold to fourfold during exercise.6 Some believe that the increased risk
during exercise is balanced by a decreased risk between bouts. Sudden
death during marathon running, however, is fairly common.7 The death of
Jim Fixx,8 a well-known runner, writer, and lecturer, dramatized the risk of
exercise and placed another hole in the theory that marathon running pro-
vides a dispensation from coronary artery disease (CAD) (Bassler hypothe-
sis).9 Bassler’s claim that he had never known nor heard of any published
reports of coronary death in a patient who had finished a marathon was
published as a letter to the editor in Lancet in 1972. In 1973, Green and asso-
ciates10 reported on a 44-year-old experienced marathon runner who had
cardiac arrest in the 24th mile of the Boston Marathon. Since then there have
been many more such published reports.11,12 Corrado and associates13 re-
ported on 22 cases in northern Italy in which autopsy data were available.
In 10 cases, sudden death was the first sign of disease. In the rest, the athlete
was aware of a problem but either ignored it or failed to accept advice given
to follow a treatment regimen or alter the exercise program. An authorita-
tive treatise by Noakes and colleagues14 reviews this subject in detail. Sud-
den death during or immediately after exercise is especially common in
cardiomyopathies—usually unrecognized hypertrophic cardiomyopathies
in young asymptomatic athletes.15 This is probably due to ventricular tachy-
cardia and ventricular fibrillation occurring most commonly immediately
after exercise.

Infarction, arrhythmias, and sudden death often coexist and can be initiated
by exercise. In younger runners, infarction occasionally occurs even with
normal coronary arteries.16 The cause of this is poorly understood, but some
theories are presented in Chapter 17.


There is little evidence that athletic performance in a person’s youth has a

substantial effect on cardiovascular health in later years. On the other hand,
life expectancy may be increased slightly in those who persist in strenuous
sports for many years. Karvonen and associates17 reported a maximum gain
in longevity of 3 years in 396 Finnish championship male skiers. Of interest
is that 37% of these skiers continued to ski regularly into their 60s. Soviet ath-
letes have been reported to have a shorter life expectancy unless they reach
aged 64, after which they also manage to live longer. These data are hard to
evaluate because we know so little of the lifestyle of Russian athletes. Certain

types of sports seem to be associated with different risks. Middle-aged

British rugby players are believed to have the highest risk and marathon run-
ners the lowest risk for death from CAD.18

Cold has long been recognized as an initiating factor in angina and myo-
cardial infarction in persons with CAD. Presumably, peripheral resistance
increases in cold weather and thus myocardial work is greater with moder-
ate activity. As the time and intensity of work increase, however, this in-
creased peripheral resistance disappears in normal subjects. Every long-
distance runner knows that exercise during times of increased heat and hu-
midity presents problems. If occult disease is present, these factors constitute
serious hazards, because low cardiac function is associated with a reduced
capacity to eliminate heat and to overcome increased peripheral resistance.
Thus, the risk of serious cardiac events increases when people push them-
selves in climate extremes.



Because a training effect is so dependent on the level of fitness at the onset of

the program, it is difficult to give rigid guidelines. In a person who is very
sedentary or who has been on bed rest, minimal exercise will increase fitness.
On the other hand, the more fit a person is, the more that is needed to im-
prove or maintain this level. This was established by the classic study of
Saltin and associates19 in Dallas in which they found that normal subjects on

bed rest had a rapid increase in V̇O2 max in a short time after they resumed
training. However, as they progressed, the benefits and percentage of change
per unit of work steadily declined. Their function finally reached a plateau
after about 6 weeks of training. It appears that, on the average, the higher the
intensity and the longer the exercise intervals, the faster the training effect
will progress—that is, as long as excessive fatigue does not limit the pro-
gram, which may constitute a sign of overtraining.


How much exercise is enough depends on the goals of the individual. If a

person correctly believes that exercise is good for general health and will
decrease the likelihood of developing CAD, he or she should probably ex-

ercise for 30 to 45 minutes at least 3 days per week. This regimen was rec-
ommended by Pollock20 after evaluating a number of training schedules

as to their ability to increase VO2 max as well as their likelihood of causing
an injury. The earlier work of Paffenbarger and coworkers21 suggested
that about 2000 kcal/wk give maximum protection against CAD. Recent
data on the same cohort of Harvard alumni, however, identified a sub-
group of men involved in a moderately vigorous program expending at
least 3500 kcal/wk who had considerably more protection than those who
were less vigorous.22 Hambrecht and associates23 have also reported on a
small series of men with known CAD randomized to a control program or
a vigorous leisure time program and followed up by coronary angiogra-
phy. Those expending greater than 1400 kcal/wk experienced stabiliza-
tion of their coronary lesions, and those expending 2200 kcal or more ex-
perienced regression. The recent reports that regular exercise improves
endothelial function explains at least one of the mechanisms responsible
for the benefit.24
The exercise program should be carried out at an intensity of at least 60%
to 80% of the individual’s maximum capacity. These guidelines are for both
sedentary subjects planning to engage in sports and CAD patients who
would improve their function. If the sport envisioned requires a high level of
fitness, increased intensity and training time will be required. Although
there is a dose related benefit in that more exercise is better than a little, those
who are sedentary can improve their health, fitness and well being by be-
coming even moderately active. Exercise reduces the risk of all-cause and
cardiac mortality and is also beneficial in obesity, hypertension, diabetes and
even breast and colon cancer.25


The design of the exercise test may need to be specific for evaluation of cer-
tain activities; on the other hand, if only the aerobic capacity or maximum
oxygen uptake is to be evaluated, a progressive exercise test—either on a
treadmill or bicycle—is appropriate. We often use the same protocol for an-
alyzing athletes as for patients. However, it is necessary to markedly ex-
tend the speed and grade for those who are highly conditioned. If research

work requires knowledge of VO2, direct measurement of the oxygen con-
sumption must be done. There are many approaches to this, depending on
the experience of the examiner and the facilities available. In our labora-
tory, we use the Beckman metabolic cart. If less accuracy is deemed satis-
factory, there are a number of formulas and nomograms that allow fairly
reproducible estimates of oxygen capacity from the speed and grade or the
time on the treadmill protocol or the watts achieved on the bicycle (see
Chapter 6).


Duration and Intensity

As expected, endurance-trained athletes can perform at high levels for longer
periods. Those who train isometrically, such as weight lifters, may have lit-
tle increase in their aerobic capacity.

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

The lower resting heart and the average lower heart rate at any given work-
load is a recognized result of conditioning and has led to a method of pre-

dicting VO2 max from submaximal performance.26 Maximum heart rate
is also occasionally moderately reduced compared with the value predicted
for age.
The expected increase in blood pressure is often lower in highly trained
athletes, but this effect is frequently absent in the older age groups.

ECG Changes at Rest

As early as 1954, it was recognized that the ECG of athletes may be different
from other subjects, and findings correlated with pathology in nonathletes
may be the result of a normal response to vigorous training.27,28 These in-
clude left- and right-ventricular hypertrophy, abnormalities in repolariza-
tion (T- and ST-segment changes), sinus bradycardia, and atrioventricular
conduction disturbances3 (Fig. 20–1).

Ventricular Hypertrophy
Both right- and left-ventricular hypertrophy are common as estimated by R-
wave criteria. ST-T wave changes are seen but are less common. The inci-
dence of these abnormalities in 42 professional basketball players reported
on by Roeske and colleagues29 is illustrated in Table 20–1. Right-axis devia-
tion is common, and right-ventricular hypertrophy is frequently seen as well
as left-ventricular hypertrophy. ST elevation in the lateral precordial leads,
termed early repolarization, is also frequently seen. Echocardiography has
demonstrated that the ECG changes are associated with left-ventricular di-
latation and sometimes myocardial hypertrophy. It seems well established
that this type of hypertrophy is simply work-related and has no untoward

Rhythm and Conduction Disturbances

Sinus bradycardia is common and correlates to some degree with the level of
fitness. Resting heart rates in the 40s are frequent, and occasionally less than
FIGURE 20–1. ECG of an Olympic walker prior to and 6 years after stopping training. Note loss of
voltage and normalization of the T waves in V5 and V6. (From Oakley,28 with permission.)


Table 20–1. Incidence of Left- and Right-Ventricular Hypertrophy by ECG and VCG
in 42 Professional Basketball Players


No. % No. %

ECG 11 26 29 69
VCG 12 29 18 43
Both 9 21 16 38
Neither 28 67 11 26

LVH = left-ventricular hypertrophy; RVH = right-ventricular hypertrophy; VCG = vectorcardio-


40 beats per minute may be seen. Atrioventricular junctional rhythm and

first- and second-degree heart block occur in 1% to 5% of subjects.3 These
conduction disturbances seem to be invariably normalized by exercise and
are believed to be due to increased vagal tone. Occasional examples of Wolff-
Parkinson-White syndrome and other varieties of preexcitation syndrome
have also been described.3 Ventricular ectopic beats initiated by exercise
have been a worry because in CAD patients they may signal more severe
rhythms, especially ventricular tachycardia (see Chapter 13). In athletes,
these types of beats are rarely of concern if the subject has good ventricular
function. Palatini and associates30 have reported a 5-year follow-up in 52 pro-
fessional endurance athletes who were found to have frequent premature
ventricular contractions (PVCs) with exercise. None had any adverse events,
and 23 who were still training continued to have frequent PVCs without sig-
nificant problems.

Exercise-Induced Abnormalities
Most endurance athletes have normal ECG complexes during exercise. In
fact, it is even common for senior runners to have patterns similar to those
seen in very young subjects.

ST-Segment Depression
Rogers and colleagues31 studied 43 boys aged 12 to 15, none of whom had ex-
ercise-induced ST depression. A significant number of young, symptom-free
athletes do have ST depression with exercise, although this may be no more
common than in nonathletes.28 When ST depression occurs in young athletic
men, it can be safely ignored as long as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, right
ventricular dysplasia, congenital long QT syndrome, and severe hypercho-
lesterolemia can be ruled out.
In those about 40 years of age, it is a different story. Lie and col-
leagues12 from Oslo, Norway, compared 21 athletes ranging from 31 to 69

years old with exercise-induced ST depression with 21 age-matched men

without ST depression. After a 3-year follow-up, the investigators found
that only 3 of the 21 athletes had cardiovascular disease and only one had
coronary heart disease. They concluded that the ST depression was due to
the left-ventricular hypertrophy caused by their athletic endeavors and
possibly represented reduced subendocardial perfusion. Lie and col-
leagues12 found that the patients had reduced diastolic compliance, espe-
cially as they aged. Their systolic function remained intact, even as their di-
astolic function decreased, in relationship to the degree of left-ventricular
Is there a way to differentiate those who have CAD from those who
don’t? If the resting ECG shows hypertrophy, benign ST depression is more
likely, although those with CAD may have this finding also. An exercise
echocardiogram usually shows a wall motion abnormality in those who also
have CAD and can be used as a second noninvasive test when the ST de-
pression is suspected of being a false-positive. Some athletes with CAD may
have a very high aerobic capacity, but usually report a decrement from pre-
vious performances.

Duration of ST-Segment Depression

During exercise, ST depression may occur at a moderate workload and
evolve to a lesser magnitude at higher levels of work. This is almost always
a sign that there is no coronary narrowing. ST depression may appear only
at maximum workload and disappear within a few seconds into the recov-
ery, which is a more reassuring finding but, as previously mentioned, not al-
ways a sign of normal coronary arteries. When significant ST depression oc-
curs during exercise, remains for several minutes during recovery, and
evolves to a downsloping pattern, it is more likely to be caused by true is-

Septal Q Waves
Because of hypertrophy of the heart wall with training, the septal Q wave in
the lateral precordial leads is often prominent at rest. If this increases with
exercise and is associated with ST depression, ischemia is rarely present.32
Septal Q waves are more common in younger patients and in endurance-
trained athletes.

T Waves
Inverted T waves are seen in the resting ECG and usually become upright
with exercise. This has no clinical significance. Very tall T waves in the im-
mediate recovery period are common and probably represent an increased
stroke volume (see Chapter 12).

ST Elevation
Resting ST elevation (early repolarization) in the precordial leads invariably
disappears with exercise. This process is poorly understood but has no
special significance. ST elevation induced by exercise is rare in the absence of


Alerting the Patient and Physician to Occult Dysfunction

In today’s fitness-conscious society, many individuals who have a number of
coronary risk factors decide to mend their ways. Engaging in a regular fit-
ness program may aggravate ischemia or predispose them to serious ar-
rhythmias. Part of a complete examination in this group should include an
exercise test. (Jim Fixx would probably be alive today if he had been tested.8)
In individuals older than aged 40, a large percentage of sedentary subjects
have hypertension. Therefore, it is important to determine the blood pres-
sure response to exercise, because this response may provide information as
to the risk of hypertension in the future as well as help in determining the
need for present treatment.33 In those who are serious about improving per-

formance, the exercise capacity, maximum VO2 and blood pressure response
to exercise, and anaerobic threshold may be of interest. We have found that
demonstrating to the patient that his heart rate at a given workload is lower
than when he started the program is an incentive to continue. Guidelines as
to the mode of training may be made more intelligently with this informa-
tion in mind.

Following Progress in Known Disease

In patients with recognized cardiac disability, the exercise prescription has
traditionally been based on the treadmill or bicycle performance. The safety
of exercise is predicted by adjusting its intensity after observation of the re-
sponse to known workloads and extrapolating this to the daily regimen. De-
tails of this approach have been provided in a number of monographs and

Effects of Exercise Training on ST Depression

and Exercise Capacity
Training in cardiac patients increases exercise capacity and decreases heart
rate for any given workload. This is usually apparent within 3 months and
can be augmented by persisting for longer intervals. When the heart rate and
usually the double product are reduced at a target workload, the magnitude
of the ST depression at that level is reduced compared with the preexercise

training period. If exercise is prolonged or increased so that the double prod-

uct at the onset of ST depression is equivalent to that prior to the training pe-
riod, ST depression may again be manifested,34 although there have been
some reports that the onset of ischemia will occur at a greater double prod-
uct than prior to training.36 If this is observed, it provides evidence of im-
proved myocardial perfusion,37 probably from increased collaterals, or
improved endothelial function.24
Not infrequently, after retesting patients who have been on exercise pro-
grams, we have determined that they should stop exercising and consider an
invasive procedure to improve coronary flow. This decision is usually based
on the onset of ST-segment depression or anginal pain at an earlier workload
than previously. The occurrence of ominous ventricular arrhythmias or a
marked decrease in exercise heart rate or blood pressure would also be of
concern. In this case, progression of the severity of coronary narrowing is
very likely.

Evaluating Drug Regimens

A large number of drugs are now available to treat ischemia, hypertension,
and cardiac arrhythmias. Only by exercise testing can we determine how our
patients are responding to whatever regimen has been prescribed. All too of-
ten, clinicians base their estimates of effects on resting performance, only to
find out later that during exercise, the program is ineffective and may not be
providing the desired result. Because there is often some day-to-day varia-
tion in exercise capacity, two tests taken before and after the therapeutic
regimen can provide more certainty that the change seen is significant.

Exercise testing was first used almost exclusively as a method of evaluating
athletes. As more and more of the population engages in various types of
sports, and as people engage in sports at older ages, exercise testing is be-
coming more important. It will continue to be an essential tool in the man-
agement of those engaging in sports, especially those with known or sus-
pected disease, as well as in research on the effects of exercise on our health
and well-being.


Although there is widespread disagreement as to the use of exercise testing

in apparently healthy people prior to the institution of an exercise program,
it is generally agreed that it plays an important role in the patient with known

Discharge Exercise Test After a Coronary Event

Discharge exercise testing is discussed extensively in Chapter 10, but its
value is emphasized here because it provides guidelines regarding the like-
lihood of problems induced by exercise after the patient has experienced a
coronary event. When a low-level test is completed on discharge without ab-
normalities, it is usually safe to allow rapid return to moderate activity.
Within 4 to 6 weeks, a near-maximum test should be done to plan activity for
the next few months.

Exercise Testing Prior to Formal Outpatient Rehabilitation

This type of test provides the following:
1. Patient reassurance
2. Risk prediction
3. Triage to various types of therapy
4. Formulation of an exercise prescription

Exercise Prescription
Most dynamic exercise programs are based on the concept that a heart rate
of 60% or more of maximum is necessary for the training effect to occur. Be-
cause there is so much individual variation in heart rate and exercise capac-
ity, the exercise test is an ideal way to arrive at the proper workload geared
to each individual. If the patient can reach maximum predicted heart rate
without symptoms or signs of ischemia or arrhythmias, the optimum heart
rate for training can then be selected. If, on the other hand, the patient de-
velops ST displacement, anginal pain, or arrhythmias during the test, a heart
rate of approximately 10 beats less than that necessary to initiate the aberra-
tion is usually a safe level to maintain during a regular workout. At times,
monitoring the patient during the workout is desirable to confirm the origi-
nal level selected. As the patient gains experience, the patient can often per-
ceive the level of exertion necessary to judge the amount of work prescribed.
After a time (usually about 4 weeks), the patient will be able to increase
the work level without increasing the heart rate, a sign of improved aerobic
capacity or conditioning.

Confirmation of Improvement or Detection of Progression

After the rehabilitation program has been instituted, a repeat exercise test
either will document the improvement, providing a new safe level of per-
formance, or occasionally will indicate disease progression. The latter is ex-
tremely important to alert the physician and the patient that some change in
therapeutic plans may be in order. By this time, the patient will have a bet-
ter understanding of the mechanisms of the disease process and the validity

of the determinations made during exercise as well as the signs of cardiac

dysfunction. Objective evidence is very important, since we have seen many
patients who have no angina but more ischemia as determined by the onset
of ST depression at a workload lower than during the previous test. This
is particularly significant if it occurs after a good training effect has been
In summation, the exercise test in rehabilitation is a yardstick that is use-
ful in measuring exercise capacity and the severity of disability, and in
demonstrating to the patient the signs of progress. As more evidence that
demonstrates the benefits of exercise is accumulated, estimates of fitness
become increasingly useful.


1. Kavanaugh, T, et al: Marathon running after myocardial infarction. JAMA 229:1602, 1974.
2. Blackburn, H: Disadvantages of intensive exercise therapy after myocardial infarction. In In-
gelfinger, FJ, et al (eds): Controversy in Internal Medicine, ed 2. WB Saunders, Philadelphia,
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3. Hanne-Paparo, N, et al: Common ECG changes in athletes. Cardiology 61:267–278, 1976.
4. Scherer, D and Kaltenbach, M: Frequency of life-threatening complications associated with
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5. McHenry PL, Phillips, JF, and Knoebel, SB: Correlation of computer-quantitated treadmill
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6. Shephard, RJ: The cardiac athlete: When does exercise training become overexertion? Prac
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7. Milvy, P: Statistics, marathoning and CHD. Am Heart J 95(4):538–539, 1978.
8. Jim Fixx ran a risky race. Med World News, August 27, 1984, p 27.
9. Bassler, TJ: Athletic activity and longevity. Lancet 2:712, 1972.
10. Green, LH, Cohen, SI, and Kurland, G: Fatal myocardial infarction in marathon racing. Ann
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11. Burke, AP, Farb, A, and Virmani, R: Sports-related and non sports-related sudden cardiac
death in young adults. Am Heart J 121:568–575, 1991.
12. Lie, H, Ihlen, H, and Rootwelt, K: Significance of a positive exercise test in middle aged and
old athletes as judged by echocardiography, radionuclide and follow-up findings. Eur Heart
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13. Corrado, D, et al: Sudden death in young competitive athletes: Clinicopathologic correla-
tions in 22 cases. Am J Med 89:588–596, 1990.
14. Noakes, TD, Opie, LH, and Rose, AG: Marathon running and immunity to CHD. Clin Sports
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15. Maron, EJ, Epstein, SE, and Roberts, WC: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A common cause
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16. Franklin, BVA: Clinical exercise testing. Clin Sports Med 3:295, 1984.
17. Karvonen, MJ, et al: Longevity of endurance skiers. Med Sci Sports 6:49, 1974.
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19. Saltin, B, et al: Response to exercise after bed rest and after training. Circulation 37(7):VII–1,
20. Pollock, ML: How much exercise is enough? Phys Sportsmed 6(6):31, 1978.
21. Paffenbarger, RS, et al: Epidemiology of exercise and coronary heart disease. Clin Sports
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22. Paffenbarger, RS, Robert, PH, and Hyde, T: The association of changes in physical activity
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23. Hambrecht, R, et al: Various intensities of leisure time physical activity in patients with coro-
nary artery disease: Effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and progression of coronary ather-
osclerotic lesions. J Am Coll Cardiol 22:468–7, 1993.
24. Kromhout, D, et al: Prevention cross-cultural, cohort, and intervention studies. Circulation
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25. ACIM Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 6th ed. Franklin, B. (ed). Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
26. Naughton, JP and Hellerstein, HK: Exercise testing and exercise training in CHD. Academic
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27. Beckner, G and Winsor, T: Cardiovascular adaptations to prolonged physical effort. Circu-
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28. Oakley CM: Treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension. In Sobel, E, Julian, DC, and
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29. Roeske, WR, et al: Non-invasive evaluation of ventricular hypertrophy in professional ath-
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31. Rogers, JH, Jr, et al: The exercise electrocardiogram in trained and untrained adolescent
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32. Famularo, M, et al: Identification of septal ischemia during exercise by Q wave analysis: Cor-
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33. Schrager, B and Ellestad, MH: The importance of blood pressure measurement during ex-
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34. Long, C: Prevention and Rehabilitation in Ischemic Heart Disease. Williams & Wilkins, Bal-
timore, 1983.
35. Fletcher, GF: Exercise in the Practice of Medicine. Futura Publishing, Mt. Kisco, NY, 1982.
36. Meyers, J, et al: A randomized trial of the effects of 1 year of exercise training on computer
measured ST segment displacement in patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Car-
diol 4:1094, 1984.
37. Sasayama, S and Fujita, M: Recent insights into the coronary collateral circulation. Circula-
tion 85:1197, 1992.
Pediatric Exercise Testing

Reasons for Clinical Exercise Testing Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis

Equipment Tetralogy of Fallot
Exercise Protocols Other Complex Congenital Anomalies
Measured Responses During Exercise Arrhythmia with Normal Heart
Testing Complete Congenital Heart Block
Congenital Heart Disease Congenital Long QT Syndrome
Valvular and Discrete Subvalvular Kawasaki Disease
Aortic Stenosis Sickle Cell Anemia
Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis Hypertension
Coarctation of Thoracic Aorta Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Aortic Valve Insufficiency

In pediatrics, exercise testing is routine in evaluating working capacity, and

adaptation to external work, growth, and level of fitness in normal subjects
and in patients with cardiovascular or other disease processes. Modern tech-
nology has aided further development and the rediscovery of noninvasive or
innocuous invasive procedures to do functional assessment of young sub-
jects with different clinical problems of varying severity.
With estimates of working capacity, pulmonary ventilation, cardiac per-
formance and function, myocardial perfusion, and rhythm and conduction
of the heart, the oxygen transport system can be assessed under standardized
conditions with low risk in children. The interpretation of the exercise study
revealing the impact of specific diseases on the cardiovascular system, pro-
vides the clinical information for rational use in diagnosing and treating pa-
tients. Test results showing common response patterns that suggest a specific
diagnosis often occur but must be accepted as a bonus because some physi-
ological or pathophysiological pattern of exercise responses are common to
several diagnoses.
This chapter presents current uses of exercise testing in pediatric car-
diovascular medicine, and identifies additional needs for further investiga-
tional study. Cardiovascular responses due to the presence of a specific car-

Research for this chapter supported in part by Grant 5 RO1 HL184454-05 and Grant T32-
HL07417-15 from National Heart, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Grant 76853 from American
Heart Association Southwestern Division.


diac defects or clinical situations show the potential and benefits of using ex-
ercise testing in clinical pediatrics. Studies such as nuclear imaging, echocar-
diography, or cardiac catheterization combined with exercise are omitted.
These combined procedures, which are rapidly entering into routine clinical
practice, are yielding important data and deserve separate consideration.


The results from exercise testing are used to supplement a rational approach
in clinically managing patients. In children and young adults, clinical exer-
cise testing, used to record responses to controlled external work, offers the
opportunity to explore signs and symptoms suggestive of cardiopulmonary
problems, assess results of specific surgical and medical treatment, and as-
sist in determining prognosis and functional capacity of children with or
without disorders, for reasonable participation in vocational, recreational,
and athletic activities.


A clinical exercise laboratory should be able to measure working capacity,

blood pressure, heart rate, and record and view multiple ECG leads contin-
uously during exercise.1,2 For these requirements, a cycle or treadmill er-
gometer, an apparatus for measuring peripheral blood pressure indirectly, a
multichannel recorder for the ECG, and an oscilloscope are needed. Other
measurements such as cardiac output, systolic time indices, percent short-
ening fraction and ejection fraction enhance the assessment of cardiac per-
formance and function but require additional electronic systems using ultra-
sonography, nuclear imaging, and mass spectrometry.


Several cycle protocols both individualized and fixed, are available for rou-
tine clinical use in children and young adults.1–4 Chantal and colleagues4 per-
formed progressive exercise testing, which was individualized for children
aged 5 to 17 years with various cardiac and respiratory diseases. In the ab-
sence of a plateau of oxygen uptake, the criteria for a maximal test using the
individualized protocol, were clinical exhaustion and a maximal heart rate.
The individualized exercise protocol was well tolerated by all children with
66% of them reaching the predicted maximal VO2, and 68% satisfying the cri-
teria for a plateau of VO2 at peak exercise. We use a fixed continuous, pro-
gressive exercise protocol, which is suitable for subjects of different sizes,
ages, and clinical problems of varying severity3 (Table 21–1). This fixed pro-

Table 21–1. James Protocol

Body Surface Area (m2)

Levels <1 1–1.19 ≥1.2

1 200 200 200

2 300 400 500
3 500 600 800
Increments 100 100 200
Workload in kg-m/min; 3 min per level.
Adapted from James, et al.1

tocol appears to safely strike a comfortable balance of managing the chal-

lenge to leg power and endurance while attempting to reach at or near max-
imal exercise in a reasonable average time in the laboratory. Clinical ex-
haustion or predetermine end-point(s) are the primary reasons for ending a
clinical exercise test. Treadmill protocols are also available, but normal data
are limited in children.1,2 In measuring many variables during exercise, the
cycle ergometer has the advantage of allowing a stable upper body for ob-
taining fidelity recordings as compared to the treadmill.


Physical working capacity has been estimated by using PWC170.5 highest

rate of work required to produce a heart rate of 170 beats per minute and res-
piratory rate of 30 or less (breaths per minute). Other estimates of working
capacity are made by determining the highest rate of work in which oxygen
uptake fails to increase,6 and by calculating accumulative work accom-
plished or total exercise time to a finite end-point such as exhaustion.3,7 Us-
ing the James protocol,3 working capacity is estimated by calculating total
work performed to exhaustion or to any adverse end-point such as those
listed in Table 21–2 and by recording the highest rate of work (maximal

Table 21–2. Indications for Exercise Test Termination

Development of serious arrhythmia (eg, ventricular tachycardia or supraventricular tachycardia)

Failure of ECG monitoring system
Pain, headache, dizziness, syncope, excessive dyspnea, and fatigue precipitated by exercise
Pallor, clammy skin, or inappropriate affect
Excessive rise in systolic pressure exceeding 240 mm Hg and in diastolic pressure exceeding
120 mm Hg
Progressive fall in blood pressure
ST-Segment depression or elevation greater than 3 mm during exercise
Recognized type of intracardiac block precipitated by exercise
Increase in premature ventricular contractions during exercise

Adapted from James, et al.1


power output) maintained for 1.5 minutes or more during progressive con-
tinuous exercise. In this protocol, total work and maximal power output are
directly related to body height, with the steepest slope in subjects with body
surface area (BSA) of 1.2m.2 or more (Fig. 21–1). Both boys and girls with BSA
of less than 1.2m2 performed similar amounts of work during exercise. In
normal subjects with BSA of 1.2m2 or more, boys performed more work and
reached higher rates of work than girls.
Oxygen uptake (VO2) is positively related to the intensity of work. Fig-
ure 21–2 illustrates the relationship between VO2 and submaximal work rate
in 48 normal subjects from our laboratory and 27 normal subjects studied by
Bengtsson8 several years earlier. The linear regression lines derived from the
two studied populations are almost identical. We recommend measuring
submaximal and maximal oxygen uptakes during clinical testing and repre-
senting each oxygen uptake value as a percentage of maximal oxygen up-
take. In our laboratory, we calculate a predicted maximal oxygen uptake for
each subject. When the measured maximal oxygen uptake is less than the
predicted value (based on height and rate of work), the predicted value is
used to calculate the percentage of each oxygen uptake value.3

FIGURE 21–1. Maximal power output in healthy subjects by height within each subdivision of the
James protocol. The measurement is similar in male and female patients with body surface area
less than 1.2 m2. For healthy subjects with body surface area greater than 1.2 m2, male patients ex-
ceeded the females. (From James,22 p 231, with permission.)

FIGURE 21–2. Regression data from James22 and Bengtsson8 describing similar relationship of oxy-
gen uptake to work during submaximum exercise in healthy children. (From James,22 p 232, with

Carbon dioxide production (VO2) also increases with intensity of exer-

cise to a level at which the slope changes markedly (Fig. 21–3). This change
in slope is associated with an increase in minute ventilation and respiratory
frequency, leveling of oxygen uptake, audible oral breathing, respiratory
quotient (VCO2/VO2) greater than 1, and a serum lactate level difference be-
fore and after exercise of greater than 44.9 In normal children, the ventilatory
anaerobic threshold occurs when the minute ventilation: oxygen uptake in-
creases without a simultaneous change in the minute ventilation: carbon
dioxide production.10
Including gas analysis with clinical exercise testing, cardiac and pul-
monary disorders in adults can produce differentiating responses in that car-
diac patients may cross their anaerobic threshold and attain maximal oxygen
uptake at 50% or less of maximal voluntary ventilation without desaturation.
Pulmonary patients may not cross-anaerobic threshold or reach maximal
oxygen uptake, but will have desaturation.11 In children, these differentiat-
ing responses may not be as decisive, especially in pediatric patients with
complex congenital heart disease with or without surgical treatment.12 The
gas analysis does provide an important link between the disease process and
its effect on exercise performance. Peak oxygen uptake reported as a per-
centage of measured or predicted maximal oxygen uptake (whichever is
greatest) allows meaningful interpretation of physical changes in children
due to growth, level of physical training, age, disease, and treatment.
Systolic blood pressure increases promptly with progressive dynamic
leg exercise. Diastolic and mean pressures increase to a moderate degree. The
rise in arterial pressure reflects an increase in cardiac output greater than the

FIGURE 21–3. Oxygen uptake,

carbon dioxide production, and
respiratory frequency in a normal
subject in each subdivision by
body surface area of the James pro-
tocol.1 V·CO2 exceeded V·O2 early
during exercise in two subjects
(Middle and Bottom Panels). V·CO2
and respiratory frequency are
tracking in each subject. (Adapted
from James,22 p 235, with permis-

decrease in systemic vascular resistance. Exercise blood pressures yield es-

sential information about pump performance (stroke volume and rate of
ejection) and afterload (peripheral vascular resistance). Maximal exercise
systolic pressure is directly related to height, workload, and level of resting
systolic pressure. The absolute level of exercise systolic pressure is usually
higher in boys (BSA of 1.2 m2 or more) than in height-matched girls (BSA of
1.2 m2 or more) and in those normal subjects with BSA of less than 1.2 m2
(Fig. 21–4).

FIGURE 21–4. Relationship of maximum

blood pressure to body surface area during
exercise in healthy children. Maximum
blood pressure increases with body size.
Diastolic pressure changes minimally.
(From James, FW: Exercise Testing in Chil-
dren and Young Adults: An Overview. In
Engle, MA (ed): Pediatric Cardiology. FA
Davis, Philadelphia, 1978, p 187, with

Cardiac output is related directly to oxygen with linearity during sub-

maximal exercise. The exercising muscle receives a large and increasing per-
centage of the cardiac output during progressive exercise compared with
other tissues. Maximal cardiac output is a major determinant of maximal
oxygen uptake. In a growing population, maximal cardiac output and max-
imal oxygen uptake, when predicted from the maximal power output (high-
est rate of work), have a similar relationship to height (Fig. 21–5). Anemia
and cardiac disease can affect the normal relationship between cardiac out-
put and oxygen uptake in a young patient of a specific size.
On the exercise electrogram (recorded at 50 mm/s), the RR interval
shortens approximately 56% from rest to exercise (Fig. 21-6A). This average
change in RR interval is due to shortened TP and QT intervals (-33%). The
T wave shortens in duration by 18% in boys and 48% in girls. The QRS in-
terval varies minimally in duration during exertion. The ST segment also
decreases in duration and is sometimes encroached upon by the initial por-
tion of the T wave. This finding may present difficulty in determining sig-
nificant ST-segment changes in some subjects at peak exercise. Figures
21–6B and 21–7 illustrate the magnitude of changes for J-point, ST segment,
and ST slope in normal young boys and girls at maximal exercise. The cri-

FIGURE 21–5. (Top) Maximum cardiac output and (Bottom) oxygen uptake in normal subjects by
height within each subdivision (I, II, III) of the James protocol. The measurements are similar in
male and female subjects with body surface area less than 1.2 m2. For individuals with body sur-
face area greater than 1.2 m2, males exceeded the females. (From James,22 p 237, with permission.)

terion for a positive ST-segment change is depression of 1 mm or more be-

low the baseline of three to five consecutive QRS complexes extending for
at lease 0.06 second after the J-point with a horizontal, upward, or down-
ward sloping ST segment1,3 (Fig. 21–8). Using this criterion, 7% of healthy
normolipemic boys and 14% of normolipemic girls had 1 to 2 mm of ST seg-
ment depression at peak exercise.13 The ST depression was recorded in at
lease V5 in 9 (82%) of 11 healthy boys and girls. Exercise-induced rate or
rhythm disturbances are rare in normal children who have no previously
documented abnormalities.

FIGURE 21–6. ECG intervals from rest to exercise in normal subjects. (A) Comparable changes are
recorded in both sexes, except that the T-wave duration in female subjects decreased 50% from
rest to exercise compared with male patients. (B) During exercise, average J-point depression ex-
ceeds 1 mm in females. Average ST-segment depression in female subjects also is greater than in


Valvular and Discrete Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis

Valvular obstruction to left-ventricular emptying occurs in 3% to 6% of pa-
tients with congenital cardiovascular disease.14 The discrete subvalvular
type of obstruction accounts for 8% to 10% of patients with congenital aortic

FIGURE 21–7. Normal ST-segment contours with schematic at rest and during exercise. ST-seg-
ment slope (arrows) may be horizontal or upward with J-point depression less than ⫺␲1 mm. (From
James, FW: Exercise Testing in Children and Young Adults: An Overview. In Engle, MA (ed): Pedi-
atric Cardiology. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1978, p 187, with permission.)

stenosis. Both valvular and discrete subvalvular aortic stenoses are progres-
sive lesions; the most rapid progression occurs in the subvalvular type.14,15
Many physicians are concerned about the risk of sudden death, espe-
cially during physical activity, in patients with aortic stenosis. In the pedi-
atric age group, patients with congenital fixed aortic stenosis who died sud-
denly during physical activity had symptoms, cardiomegaly, and abnormal
ECGs showing left-ventricular hypertrophy with strain pattern.16,17 In a
prospective clinical study, Amato and Colleagues18 reported sudden death
in 6% of their patients. All patients had a positive exercise test, an aortic valve
area ⱕ0.6 cm, and were asymptomatic in daily life. The recommendations of
the Sixteenth Bethesda Conference19 support full participation in athletics for
patients who have resting peak systolic left-ventricular aortic gradients
lower than 20 mm Hg and who have a normal ECG, 24-hour ambulatory
ECG, and exercise test.
During standardized exercise testing, measuring blood pressure, esti-
mating working capacity, ventilation, and cardiac performance, and record-
ing of ECG contribute significant data for clinically managing pediatric pa-
tients with left-ventricular outflow tract obstruction.20 Reduced exercise
tolerance (Fig. 21–9), depressed ST segments (Fig. 21–10) and exercise sys-
tolic blood pressure, and prolonged left-ventricular ejection time are indices
of significant obstruction and may signal impairment of left-ventricular
FIGURE 21–8. Abnormal ST-segment contours with schematic at rest and during exercise. ST seg-
ment (arrows) is depressed significantly with a horizontal, upward, or downward slope. (From
James, FW: Exercise Testing in Children and Young Adults: An Overview. In Engle, MA (ed): Pedi-
atric Cardiology. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1978, p 187, with permission.)

FIGURE 21–9. Working capacity in chil-

dren with aortic stenosis. Working capac-
ity increases after surgery but remains sig-
nificantly lower than the expected normal
level. (From James, FW: Exercise Testing
in Children and Young Adults: An Over-
view. In Engle, MA (ed): Pediatric Cardi-
ology. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1978, p
187, with permission.)

FIGURE 21–10. Horizontal ST-segment depression (preoperatively) and complete resolution by 15

months (postoperatively) in a patient with aortic stenosis and resting gradient of 110 mm Hg. At 15
months, maximum heart rate and exercise time are greater than the exercise results preoperatively.
(Adapted from Whitmer et al.24)

Working capacity correlates negatively with severity of obstruction and

is markedly depressed in patients with left-ventricular aortic peak gradients
at or greater than 70 mm Hg. Exercise systolic pressure rises modestly in pa-
tients with gradients higher than 30 mm Hg or may fall below resting levels
in those with severe obstruction. Significant ST depression at submaximal
exercise heart rates may imply serious obstruction compared with ST de-
pression occurring at maximal exercise heart rates. A steeply negative ST
heart rate slope indicating early onset and progression of ST depression dur-
ing exercise suggests severe obstruction.21 When measured immediately af-
ter exercise, the left ventricular ejection time is prolonged and lengthens fur-
ther with increasing obstruction.22
Exercise-induced ST depressed of more than 2 mm is usually associated
with a resting aortic gradient of 50 mm Hg or higher. An exercise profile in-
cluding ST depression greater than 2 mm, blunted or decreased exercise sys-
tolic pressure, prolongation of left-ventricular ejection time, and severe re-
duction in working capacity are signs of severe left-ventricular outflow tract
obstruction with subendocardial ischemia and left-ventricular impairment.20
The reason for the ST depression is thought to be an imbalance between my-
ocardial oxygen supply and demand, resulting in subendocardial ischemia
of the left ventricle.23 After effective relief of left-ventricular outflow tract ob-
struction, the ST depression is decreased and other abnormal cardiovascular
responses progress toward normal24 (Fig. 21–10 and 21–11). The rate and
amount of improvement depend on the time period after surgery and the
presence of residual defects.

Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis

In supravalvular aortic stenosis with significant narrowing of the aorta, sys-
tolic pressure is elevated in the right arm. Working capacity and ST depres-
FIGURE 21–11. Longitudinal exercise data in a 12-year-old patient (⌬) after surgical relief of aortic steno-
sis. (Top) Total work increases but remains lower than normal up to five years postoperatively. (Middle)
Systolic blood pressure increases above the expected mean, and ST segment returns to normal by 1.5 years
after surgery. (From James,20 with permission.)

sion measurements are similar to changes recorded in valvular or discrete

subvalvular aortic stenosis.

Coarctation of Thoracic Aorta

Despite the availability of early surgery, some patients may present beyond
childhood with systemic hypertension in the upper extremities and de-
creased pulses in the extremities, consistent with coartation of the aorta. Dur-
ing exercise, both systolic and diastolic hypertension persist, with ST de-
pression occurring in some patients. Working capacity is decreased, usually
without complaints of claudication in the legs.
After coartectomy, abnormal elevation of systolic blood pressure with
normal or low diastolic pressure or ST depression may occur during sub-
maximal exercise.22 An abnormally elevated diastolic pressure at rest or dur-
ing exercise is a clue to restenosis in a patient after coarctectomy. A residual
resting gradient at the site of anastomosis often increases with exercise mea-
sured by intra-arterial catheters or noninvasively by a pneumatic cuff on the
upper and lower extremities.
The surgical criteria for reoperation in patients who have systolic hy-
pertension and a gradient at the site of anastomosis are still under investiga-
tion. Figure 21–12 is a reported management strategy based on measuring
the arm-to-leg gradient at rest and during exercise to decide among three
modes of treatment or combinations: antihypertensive medication, angio-
plasty during cardiac catheterization, or surgery.25 According to the treat-
ment strategy, patients with resting and exercise systolic hypertension and a

FIGURE 21–12. Management strategy for patients with hypertension after coarctectomy. A-L Grad
= arm-to-leg gradient (in mm Hg). (Adapted from Rocchini.25)

gradient of less than 35 mm Hg at the site of operation are candidates for an-
tihypertensive therapy. The effectiveness of medical or surgical treatment
should be assessed by exercise testing with repeated measurements of blood
pressure, ST segments, and working capacity. Blood pressure should be con-
trolled without reducing the ability to do work (Fig. 21–13). As we regain
clinical experience with angioplasty and make better use of medications, re-
peat surgery may be unnecessary in some patients with residual gradients or
Significant ST depression in multiple leads may occur during exercise in
patients before and after coarctectomy. In a series of 48 patients, 28% of boys
and 63% of girls had ST depression 1 mm or more in one or more leads.26
Figure 21–14 illustrates significant ST depression and hypertension in a 15-
year-old boy 6 years after coarctectomy. The resting gradient at the site of
anastomosis is 25 mm Hg and most likely exceeds 35 mm Hg during exer-
cise. Using the management strategy in Figure 21–12, this patient is found to
be a candidate for cardiac catherizeration with angioplasty or surgery.
Premature atherosclerosis, intimal proliferation, and an enlarged caliber
of the coronary arteries have been described in young patients with coarcta-
tion of the aorta. For patients with coarctation of the aorta who have exercise

FIGURE 21–13. Exercise data

before and after treatment in a pa-
tient 18 months postcoarctectomy.
Blood pressure at rest and during
exercise is reduced following treat-
ment without a decrease in work-
ing tolerance. (From James, FW:
Exercise Testing in Children and
Young Adults: An Overview. In
Engle, MA (ed): Pediatric Cardiol-
ogy. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1978,
p 187, with permission.)

FIGURE 21–14. Exercise data in a 15-year-old patient after coarctectomy with ST depression and
elevation of blood pressure. (From James, FW: Exercise Testing in Children and Young Adults: An
Overview. In Engle, MA (ed): Pediatric Cardiology. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 1978, p 187, with

induced ST depression, coronary arteriogram is not recommended because

of the risk and low sensitivity of the procedure. However, recent advances in
intra-atrial ultrasonography may be less and may help to detect the presence
of premature atherosclerosis and its relationship to exercise-induced ST de-
pression in young patients.

Aortic Valve Insufficiency

Exercise systolic hypertension, ST depression at submaximal heart rate, and
reduced exercise capacity are signs of significant aortic insufficiency and car-
diac enlargement.27 These abnormal exercise responses are potential exercise
risk factors for identifying patients for valve replacement before irreversible
damage and congestive heart failure occur. Figure 21–15 shows resting and

FIGURE 21–15. Sinus arrhythmia, systolic hypertension, and ST depression in a 22-year-old

patient with aortic insufficiency.

exercise systolic hypertension and ST-segment changes in a 22-year-old pa-

tient with aortic insufficiency. The improvements in prosthetic valve tech-
nology have provided a better opportunity for considering early treatment
in young patients with significant aortic valve insufficiency.

Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis

At rest or during exercise, severe pulmonary valvular stenosis can cause su-
per systemic pressures in the right ventricle with a competent tricuspid valve
and intact septum. Exercise testing can reveal significant abnormalities in
many patients who are asymptomatic. During exercise, right-ventricular
pressure can increase dramatically with peak levels as high as 300 mm Hg.23
(Fig. 21-16). Elevated exercise systolic pressure and double product are
somewhat common in patients with significant pulmonary stenosis (Fig.
21-17). As pulmonary valve area (less than 1.0 cm2/m2) decreases, right-

FIGURE 21–16. Exercise data in a 13-

year-old patient with pulmonary valvular
stenosis. Systolic gradient increases with
peak right-ventricular pressure higher
than 100 mm Hg during exercise.

FIGURE 21–17. Exercise data in a 19-year-old patient with pulmonary valvular stenosis. Exercise
systolic blood pressure (SBP) greatly exceeds expected normal, causing an elevated double prod-
uct that suggests increased myocardial oxygen demand. Resting right-ventricular pressure (80/15)
and gradient (51 mm Hg) probably increased above resting data during exercise.

ventricular end-diastolic pressure increases and stroke volume index de-

creases.28 These changes can lead to reduced oxygen transport, reduced
working capacity, and ischemic changes of the right ventricle. Several inves-
tigators22,29,30 have found that working capacity is reduced in pulmonic
stenosis and that significant ST depression may occur in the midprecordial
(V2, V3) and inferior ECG leads (II, III, aVF), with ST elevation in aVR and
aVL.22 Surgical relief of the obstruction causes improvement in intracardiac
pressures, and the working capacity approaches normal levels.28

Tetralogy of Fallot
Reduced oxygen transport and working capacity and exercise-induced ven-
tricular arrhythmia are reported from exercise studies in pediatric patients
after corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot.31,32 Residual right-ventricular
obstruction and/or incompetence of the pulmonary valve causing persistent
hypertrophy and ventricular enlargement are commonly present following
reconstructive surgery of the right-ventricular outflow tract. The residual de-
fects are related to the type of surgery performed, the anatomy of the right-

ventricular outflow tract, and the pulmonary arteries. The magnitude of

these residual defects including the ventriculotomy and excision of tissue in
the outflow tract can cause ventricular dysfunction, thereby affecting right-
ventricular performance.
Maximal oxygen uptake levels are frequently low normal, correspond-
ing to 80% to 85% of normal predicted values.31 When hemoglobin level and
oxygen binding capacity to hemoglobin are normal, the Fick principle re-
veals that oxygen transport is primarily related to the central determinants
(heart rate and stroke volume), reflecting blood flow. Several studies have
shown that maximal exercise heart rates and systolic blood pressure adjusted
for age, sex, and size in postoperative patients are significantly less than in
normal controls.31,33 Furthermore, right-ventricular stroke volume is de-
creased or fails to rise normally during exercise. These changes suggesting
right-ventricular dysfunction have occurred in the absence of significant
residual obstruction to right ventricle or incompetence of the pulmonary
valve. If these central changes in maximal heart rate and stroke volume are
present, a decreased or low-normal cardiac output during exercise occurs
with a negative influence on oxygen transport.32
Working capacity is normal in some postoperative patients and reduced
in others. The reduced working capacity may be related to residual defects,
reduced cardiac output, or lack of peripheral muscle fitness. Improvement in
working capacity has occurred without much change in maximal oxygen up-
take (Fig. 21–18). Additional studies are needed to help determine the train-
ing capacity of the cardiovascular and peripheral muscular systems in pa-
tients after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot.
Although complete right bundle branch block is common, some post-
operative patients without the conduction change but with significant resid-
ual defects may develop exercise-induced ST depression in the midprecor-
dial or inferior ECG leads (Fig. 21–19). Ventricular arrhythmia has been
identified with sudden death in pediatric patients after corrective surgery for
tetralogy of Fallot.31,34 Exercise testing has provoked serious ventricular ar-
rhythmia, with a high frequency in patients with significant residual de-
fects.34 In our laboratory, the arrhythmia is best detected immediately after
strenuous effort in the supine position.
Pulmonary abnormalities, such as reduced diffusing capacity, high
physiological dead space and airway obstruction, and an abnormal alveolar
arterial P02 difference, are other central changes that can influence oxygen
transport negatively and reduce working capacity.31 Airway obstruction has
been related to significant residual pulmonary valve incompetence, which
may increase blood volume and interstitial water causing decreased alveolar
compliance.31 Further investigations are needed to identify the mechanism
of these abnormalities and their relationship to the disease complex.
Presently, the pulmonary reserve in patients after surgery for tetralogy of
Fallot appears adequate and is not a significant limiting factor in oxygen
transport and working capacity.
FIGURE 21–18. Preoperative and postoperative exercise data in an 11-year-old patient with surgi-
cal correction of tetralogy of Fallot. As shown from top to bottom, pulmonary blood flow increased
and atrioventricular (AV) difference and heart rate decreased at 50% of maximum oxygen uptake.
Respiratory rate and quotient decreased after surgery.


FIGURE 21–19. ST-segment elevation

and depression during exercise in a 15-
year-old boy, 8 years after corrective
surgery for tetralogy of Fallot using a ho-
mograft. Resting residual right-ventricular
outflow tract gradient = 50 mm Hg. Sig-
nificant ST-segment changes are seen in
aVR, aVL (elevation), and aVF (depres-
sion). (From James,22 p 243, with permis-

An exercise evaluation showing a markedly reduced or declining work-

ing capacity, ventricular arrhythmia, and ST depression identifies a patient
who must be evaluated for residual defects, right-ventricular dysfunction,
and possible surgical or medical treatment or both. Patients with serious ven-
tricular arrhythmias and without significant residual defects are candidates
for antiarrhythmic therapy to reduce the risk of sudden death (Fig. 21–20). A
reduced or declining working capacity must not go unnoticed in young pa-
tients. These patients should be evaluated for excise therapy training to im-
prove fitness, which will improve their quality of life.

Other Complex Congenital Anomalies

Ebstein’s anomaly consists of an abnormal tricuspid valve with enlargement
and elongation of the anterior leaflet and displacement of a portion of the
septal and posterior leaflets from the tricuspid value annulus toward the
right-ventricular apex. Each of the three leaflets may adhere somewhat to the
endocardial surface of the right ventricle. An atrial septal defect is often as-
sociated. The right ventricle is usually dilated with thinning of the free wall
and a reduction in right-ventricular mass. These structural defects result in
enlargement of the right atrium due to an atrialized portion of the right ven-
tricle and often to tricuspid insufficiency, right-to-left shunting, arrhythmias,
and right-ventricular dysfunction.
Exercise studies have revealed that aerobic capacity, maximal heart rate,
and arterial oxygen saturation are reduced in patients with Ebstein’s anom-

FIGURE 21–20. Postexercise arrhythmia in a patient after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot. Episodes
of ventricular tachycardia were recorded. (Paper speed 50 mm/sec.) (From James and Kaplan: Un-
expected cardiac arrest in patients after surgical correction of tetralogy of Fallot. Circulation
52:694, 1975, with permission of the American Heart Association, Inc.).

aly before surgical treatment.35,36 Furthermore, an increased respiratory

minute ventilation and ventilatory equivalent occur at rest and during exer-
cise, especially in patients with right-to-left shunting. After surgical treat-
ment, aerobic capacity and exercise capacity increase significantly toward
normal, and arterial saturation remains normal, especially in patients whose
interatrial shunting is eliminated.35
Close attention to cardiac rhythm is encouraged because of the relatively
high risk of exercise-induced supraventricular tachycardia and frequency of
ventricular arrhythmia.
The Fontan procedure has offered palliative treatment to many patients
with complex cardiac anomalies with only a single functional ventricular
chamber. The surgical approach is to connect systemic venous return from
the right atrium to the pulmonary artery with or without a Glenn procedure.
The single ventricular chamber is now dedicated to left-sided systemic func-
tion. Several modifications of the surgical procedure have taken place since
the original description by Fontan and colleagues,37 but these modified pro-
cedures are referred to as a Fontan operation.
In patients with a functionally single ventricle who are candidates for a
Fontan procedure, aerobic capacity, maximal heart rate, cardiac output, and
arterial saturation are reduced during exercise. Respiratory minute ventila-
tion and frequency are increased as in other cardiac lesions with right-to-left

FIGURE 21–21. Average exercise data in 11 patients with functional single ventricle and Fontan
procedure. At peak exercise, stroke volume is suppressed below expected (+), and arterial satura-
tion decreased below resting level. (BPM = beats per minute; HR = heart rate; SV = stroke volume.)

shunting. After the Fontan procedure, these abnormal cardiopulmonary ex-

ercise responses improve significantly but may not completely normalize.38
The frequency of arrhythmias and ST-segment depression is elevated in pa-
tients before and after operation. Progression of these ECG changes may re-
flect deterioration of the single ventricle. Figure 21–21 illustrates hemody-
namic responses in 11 patients an average 4.7 years after a Fontan procedure.
Cardiac output is low because of a subnormal stroke volume, and exercise-
induced arterial desaturation is present. Cardiac arrhythmia was recorded in
7 of 11 patients (64%) with 2 having ventricular, 4 supraventricular, and
1 combined atrial and ventricular arrhythmia. Significant ST-segment de-
pression was recorded in 6 of 11 patients (55%).


The occasional atrial or ventricular arrhythmia recorded in children with

normal hearts is usually of no clinical significance. The working capacity,
maximal heart rate, and blood pressure during exercise are usually normal
in the young patient with occasional arrhythmia. Physical activity may pro-

FIGURE 21–22. Exercise-induced arrhythmia in a 16-year-old swimmer with “normal” heart. The
patient was asymptomatic during the episodes. Serial exercise tests revealed a decrease in fre-
quency with complete resolution at follow-up in 4 years.

voke episodes of supraventricular tachycardia. When an episode is pro-

voked during exercise testing, we have observed that measurements of car-
diac output and blood pressure were maintained in the normal range during
the early phase of the arrhythmia. The patients are usually unaware of the
tachycardia during the active exercise period.
Exercise may induce ventricular arrhythmias or suppress or aggravate
preexisting arrhythmia. From our experience, the exercise test is most use-
ful in unmasking arrhythmia and determining any abnormal responses re-
lated to the arrhythmia. We have not found that just a suppressed or aggra-
vated arrhythmia during exercise in an asymptomatic patient is indicative
of severity. Antiarrhythmic therapy is withheld with close follow-up in
asymptomatic patients with clinically normal hearts. The author has seen
complete resolution of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmia over time
and has permitted subjects to participate in competitive sports after an ap-
propriate evaluation, which includes exercise testing and echocardiogram
(Fig. 21–22).


Patients with complete heart block demonstrate the enormous capacity of

the cardiovascular system to adapt and maintain enough reserve so that
some of these patients can participate satisfactorily in competitive sports.
Atrial rate increases normally during exercise with a modest increase in ven-
tricular rate. Cardiac output is normal at most levels during exercise because

FIGURE 21–23. Exercise data in three patients with complete congenital heart block. Average
stroke volume (+) is large with a modest increase in the ventricular rate. Total work is less than

of the large stroke volume and modes increase in ventricular rate. Although
cardiac output is often within normal limits, working capacity in the popu-
lation of patients is generally low or below normal. Figure 21–23 and 21–24
depict the hemodynamic changes and working capacity in three patients
with complete congenital heart block. The average stroke volume is large at
rest and during exercise. The stroke volume pattern shows an increase from
rest to exercise, then a decline at peak exercise. The patients were able to ex-
ercise only up to 85% VO2 max with average working capacity (total work)
in low level of normal. In some patients, cardiac arrhythmia occurs during
or after exercise.26 In our experience, the arrhythmia has been primarily ven-
tricular without any clinical symptoms in the patient. Menon and Col-
leagues39 reported sinus node incompetence at peak exercise in eleven per-
cent of a small series of patients with congenital complete heart block.
Exercise testing is advisable for evaluating the chronotropic response of
atrial and ventricular pacemakers, circulatory adaptation, ST-segment level,
rhythm disturbance, and working capacity in congenital complete heart
block. These exercise data will contribute to better clinical management and
vocational guidance.

FIGURE 21–24. Double product

and AV difference in three patients
with complete congenital heart
block at rest and during exercise.
Double product in a patient is
lower than normal because of low
heart rate.


The contribution of the exercise test in the clinical diagnosis of congenital long
QT Syndrome is under study. A lengthening of the total QT interval during
the immediate post-exercise period was observed in 61% of patients with con-
genital long QT Syndrome as compared to 12% of controls.40 Dillenburg and
Colleagues41 demonstrated an increased sensitivity and specificity of the
post-exercise QTc interval in identifying patients with long QT Syndrome as
confirmed by the Schwartz score and ST-T-wave analysis. Further study in
larger populations is needed to identify the true sensitivity and specificity of
the exercise test in the clinical diagnosis of congenital long QT Syndrome.


Since the reporting of Kawasaki disease in Japan more than 30 years ago, the
original diagnostic clinical criteria as defined by Dr. Kawasaki are still au-
thentic. Kawasaki disease is now being recognized as the leading cause of ac-

quired heart disease in children in North America and Japan. Several epi-
demiologic and clinical observations suggest that the disease is caused by
one or more infectious agents with each capable of producing clinical mani-
festation of the disease. Recent immunohistochemistry findings suggest
many vascular growth factors that play a role in the formation of the coro-
nary artery lesions. Advances have been made in the management of the dis-
ease with the introduction of aspirin and intravenous immunoglobulin
(IVIG), which have reduced significantly the rate of coronary artery
aneurysms and deaths in patients. It is estimated that 4% of children with
Kawasaki disease will develop ischemic heart disease. In a series of 46 chil-
dren, Paridon and Colleagues42 reported normal maximal oxygen uptake,
but stress-induced perfusion defects detected by Single-photon emission
computed tomography in 37% of patients with no evidence of coronary
artery lesions. The perfusion defects were observed in all patients with per-
sistent coronary aneurysms, and 11% of the 46 children had exercise-induced
ST segment changes. Jan and Colleagues43 reported that a positive treadmill
exercise test and/or ischemic finding on 201TI Single-photon emission com-
puted tomography strongly indicate coronary angiography to detect possi-
ble stenotic lesions in the coronary arteries.


Significant hemodynamic and ECG changes occur in patients with sickle cell
anemia and without coronary artery disease. As hemoglobin level decreases,
oxygen transport can be maintained by a compensatory increase in cardiac
output. In 43 patients with sickle cell anemia, Figure 21–25 illustrates the
magnitude of increase in cardiac output to maintain a satisfactory oxygen
transport for a resting state between 10% and 19% of VO2 max and submax-
imal exercise state of less than 79% VO2 max. Patients with average hemo-
globin of 7.9% mg% had cardiac output of approximately twice normal at rest
but experienced a decline in cardiac performance during submaximal exer-
cise. These patients with low hemoglobin have decreased myocardial oxygen
supply, increased myocardial demand with elevated double product, and
significant ST-segment depression during submaximal exercise.44 Exercise
testing can be used to identify the tolerance level, the risk of reduced cardiac
performance and significant ST depression, suggesting myocardial ischemia
in patients with sickle cell anemia. These data can potentially improve clini-
cal management and assist patients to have a better quality of life.


Several investigators have reported blood pressure responses during pro-

gressive cycle and treadmill exercises in normal children.1,9 In the adoles-

FIGURE 21–25. Cardiac output at rest and during exercise in patients with sickle cell anemia and
different hemoglobin levels. As hemoglobin decreases, cardiac output increases for the same level
of maximum oxygen uptake.

cent with the diagnosis of hypertension, we have seen three patterns of sys-
tolic pressure response emerge during progressive exercise on the cycle er-
gometer. Figure 21–26 illustrates three responses of systolic pressure from
rest to exercise: (1) a normal systolic pressure at rest but elevated at peak
exercise, (2) elevated systolic pressure at rest that normalizes at peak exer-
cise, and (3) elevated pressure that remains elevated (Fig. 21–27). The pa-
tient whose systolic pressure normalized during exercise has the diagnosis
of essential hypertension and was taking antihypertensive medication.
Working capacity was reduced by more than 30% from the predicted level,
a moderate reduction. Since blood pressure and cardiac output can be mea-
sured noninvasively in children, these measurements, performed during
exercise can help to determine mechanisms and monitor the effectiveness
of treatment.


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a well-recognized disease that can cause

abnormal blood pressure,45 myocardial ischemia,26 and arrhythmia during
or after exercise. These cardiovascular responses are related to the high inci-
dence of syncope and sudden death that may occur in affected patients. In
patients without a resting left-ventricular to aortic gradient, exercise systolic
pressure may be elevated above normal, and stroke volume may rise only

FIGURE 21–26. Systolic pressure and total working capacity (TWC) in three patients with hyper-
tension. The normal range of systolic pressure is +20%. Patient 2 (+) has a normal systolic pressure
at rest that increases abnormally at peak exercise. The other patients have elevated systolic pres-
sures at rest, but during exercise Patient 1 normalizes and Patient 3’s pressure remains elevated.
Patient 1 is being treated for hypertension and has decreased working capacity.

moderately during exercise because of a hyperdynamic state at rest and a di-

minished left-ventricular end-systolic volume (Fig. 21–28). When there is ex-
ercise-induced hypotension, the risk of sudden death is high.45
In our laboratory, the measurements include cardiac output, blood pres-
sure, systolic time intervals, multilead ECG, and careful monitoring of skin
perfusion when testing patients with obstruction to left-ventricular outflow.
We have found the exercise data to be useful in estimating severity and im-
proving clinical management.

A review of the clinical application of exercise testing identifies essential in-
formation that contributes to best practice of pediatric cardiovascular medi-
cine. This discussion reveals the uniqueness of the cardiovascular defects as
they affect the oxygen transport system in the young. An understanding of
the pathophysiology responses revealed during testing permits maximal use
of exercise data to combine with other clinical information for diagnosis,
treatment, and counseling patients.

FIGURE 21–27. Resting and ex-

ercise blood pressure in a patient
with hypertension. At rest, both
systolic and diastolic pressures
are elevated. At peak exercise,
systolic pressure remains ele-
vated, and diastolic pressure de-
creases to normal levels.

FIGURE 21–28. Exercise data in a patient with nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Sys-
tolic pressure (䉱, mm Hg), stroke volume ( , mL/min), and cardiac output ( , L/min) increase dur-
* 䊏

ing exercise, suggesting a lack of significant gradient and inadequate ventricular filling. X = heart
rate in beats per minute.


The author appreciates the technical assistance of Wayne Mays and the sec-
retarial assistance of Anthalena James Green.


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Radionuclide Techniques in
Stress Testing

Radionuclide Angiography Image Interpretation

Diagnosis Preliminary Observations
Prognosis Misaligned Cuts
Indications Verifying Correct Gating
Gated Cardiac Blood Pool Segmental Wall Thickening
Systolic Function Wall Motion
Diastolic Function Quantitative Polar Map Displays
Interpretation of the Results Infarct versus Ischemia
Diagnosis Significant Ancillary Findings in
Risk Stratification and Prognosis Ischemia
Stress Myocardial Perfusion Quantitation
Tracers Reverse Redistribution
Thallium 201 Causes of “Reversible Deficits” Other
Technetium-99m Labeled Tracers Than Ischemia
Biologic Properties of Technetium 99m Left Bundle Branch Block
Labeled Agents Other Causes of Reversible
Imaging Equipment Perfusion Defects
Metabolic Imaging with FDG Uses of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Techniques Diagnosis
Stress Results
Vasodilators Chronic Ischemic Disease
Adrenergic Agonists Acute Ischemic Syndromes
Protocols Unstable Angina
Treadmill or Bicycle Stress Prognosis
Dipyridamole or Adenosine Infusion Risk Stratification
Dobutamine Infusion Post Acute MI
Nitrates “Hibernating” Myocardium
Image Acquisition Metabolic Imaging for Defining
Planar Imaging Hibernating Myocardium
SPECT Tracer Combinations for Defining
Anatomic Correlation Perfusion—Metabolic Mismatch

Many factors influence selection of an appropriate stress test for a particular

patient. These include the clinical question to be answered, the intended use
of the data in decision-making, the patient’s condition and institutional cir-
cumstances of expertise and resource availability. This chapter deals with the
indications of diagnostic confirmation, assessment of severity, prognosis,
risk stratification as well as selection and assessment of therapy in patients

with chronic ischemic heart disease, unstable angina and acute myocardial
infarction. Radionuclide cardiac stress testing has grown rapidly over the
past two to three decades, so that all areas cannot be encompassed. For more
detailed overviews, the reader is referred to several available monographs.1–5
As currently widely performed, stress single photon emission computed to-
mography (SPECT) gated myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) yields data
not only with regard to relative myocardial perfusion for assessment of coro-
nary reserve, but also analyzes wall motion, wall thickening and reliably pro-
vides measurement of post stress and resting ejection fractions. The images
are acquired at various times after the stress during which the tracer has been
injected, but the data reflect perfusion under the stress conditions during
which the injection was made. It has largely replaced both stress radionu-
clide angiography and stress gated blood pool studies. These techniques are
more cumbersome to adapt to the exercising patient and degraded by the
motion accompanying the exercise state during which the data must be ac-
quired in these techniques.


Radionuclide angiography (RNA) requires injection of a crisp bolus of activ-

ity into a central vein. Venous access should be secured with an indwelling
venous line to avoid extravasation. Use of the external jugular vein avoids
division of the bolus into cephalic and basilic pathways and retention by
valves, providing a rapid transit time. Any of the technetium 99m labeled
agents can be used, but use of Tc-99m DTPA permits a repeat injection for
restudy after an interval of a few minutes. Data are obtained as the activity
traverses the cardiac chambers during the first circulation. Fluctuating ac-
tivity (counts) in the ventricular chambers accurately reflects relative volume
change during the cardiac cycle, peaking at mechanical end diastole and
reaching a nadir at end systole. The cycle can be divided into 16 equal por-
tions based on the timing provided by the peak counts. Adding data from 3
to 4 consecutive cycles forms an average cardiac cycle with enough counts
over these few seconds to yield data valid for measuring both right and left
ventricular ejection fractions.6 Since the bolus transits serially through the
chambers, they are usually readily separated temporally. Wall motion can be
accurately evaluated by visual analysis of the cine display of the 16 frames
containing the left ventricular phase analogous to a left ventricular an-
giogram, although the ventricle is filled with radioactivity rather than
The RNA measures wall motion and EF at the single discrete point in
time as the bolus transits though the chamber. In order to measure these pa-
rameters during exercise, a small camera is positioned over the precordium,
usually in either an right anterior oblique (RAO) or anterior position as the
patient attains peak stress level. Because several heartbeats are used for

analysis, motion of the thorax and diaphragm degrade the study. Use of up-
right bicycle exercise provides better position stability than treadmill stress
if this procedure is used. Small radioactive makers can be affixed to the tho-
rax permitting computer realignment of the imaging data using these fidu-
ciary markers to minimize the motion artifact.
In laboratories experienced with this technique the data provides very
accurate assessment of ventricular motion and function.7 Failure of the EF to
increase absolutely by 5% over the resting value has proved a reliable means
of detecting ventricular dysfunction, while the absolute value of the EF pro-
vides prognostic information.8 The measured pulmonary transit time can be
used as an index of ventricular function, but is affected by a number of fac-
tors, including poor bolus injection (detected by analyzing the bolus transit
through the superior vena cava), tricuspid or pulmonary valve disease, right
ventricular dysfunction, and processes affecting one or more components of
the pulmonary circulation directly or indirectly, leading to increased pul-
monary vascular resistance.
Left ventricular (LV) volume (V) can be calculated using the same
method applied to single view x-ray studies.9 The LV length (L), and short
axis perpendicular diameter (D) measurements are obtained from calibrated
first pass images, and the volume calculated as
V ⫽ ␲/6 ⫻ L ⫻ D2.
We have found excellent correlation between radiographic cine ventriculog-
raphy and radionuclide first pass studies. If a tracer that is retained in the
blood, such as Tc-99m labeled red cells, is used, then forward cardiac output
can be obtained using standard dye dilution curve techniques and either the
measured blood volume or blood volume estimated from nomograms based
on body surface area or weight.10 Total cardiac output can be calculated us-
ing the stroke volume (SV), calculated from LV volume ⫻ EF, multiplied by
the measured heart rate.

RNA can be performed during the first pass of a Tc-99m labeled tracer that
is injected to measure perfusion. Data collected during either injection at
stress or rest can be analyzed for regional wall motion abnormalities as well
as ejection fraction. The criteria for coronary artery disease (CAD) were
based on fall in ejection fraction, development of wall motion abnormalities
and increased end systolic volume during exercise compared with rest. Ini-
tial studies indicated high sensitivity and specificity.7,11 In addition, quanti-
tative regional ejection fractions as well as segmental wall motion abnor-
malities are highly predictive of perfusion abnormalities. The data can also
help differentiate actual perfusion deficits from artifacts that may appear on
the myocardial perfusion images.12
Study of less highly selected patients showed lower sensitivity for diag-

nosis of CAD. In part this depends on the prevalence of myocardial disease

other than coronary artery disease in the group selected for study. Any dis-
ease process resulting in left ventricular dysfunction can yield an abnormal
response to exercise. Wall motion abnormalities are in general less sensitive,
about 60%, but more specific, about 85%, for diagnosing CAD than ejection
fraction fall of 5%, which has a sensitivity of approximately 77% and speci-
ficity of approximately 58%. Overall specificity is lower in women, 45% as
compared with men, 63%. For diagnosis of CAD, a group with a prior prob-
ability (prevalence) of 50% for CAD is likely to yield best results. By itself, ra-
dionuclide first pass angiography has neither the sensitivity nor specificity
to serve as a screening test for CAD.13

The measurement of left ventricular function at maximum exercise provides
critical, prognostic information in the patient with known CAD. In spite of
its shortcomings as a diagnostic test, the exercise radionuclide angiogram
fulfills this need well.14 Follow-up of 1663 patients with CAD for a mean of
6.5 years showed an exercise ejection fraction of less than 50% was the best
predictor of death and could be supplemented by other data obtained dur-
ing the study including the resting EDV and the heart rate response to ex-
ercise.15 Figure 22–1 is a first pass radionuclide angiogram that shows an

FIGURE 22–1. First pass radionuclide left ventriculogram obtained by summing 4 consecutive
heart beats. As radioactive blood transits through the left ventricle, the count rate in the ventricle
fluctuates directly related to chamber volume. End diastole is defined by the maximum count rate,
end systole by the minimum. The time between consecutive beats is divided into 16 intervals, and
each interval summed for the four beats so that quantitative data, including ejection fraction, vol-
umes, volume curves, cardiac output as well as cine data can be readily obtained. The resting im-
age (A), obtained with the patient upright at rest during injection of Tc-99m MIBI for a resting MIBI
study shows normal wall motion occurs between the end diastolic and end systolic frames with the
outlines of the LV superimposed beneath the LV volume curve, lower right. Motion is best evalu-
ated by viewing the cine presentation of the data. The parametric amplitude image, lower left coro-
ner, represents the amplitude of the first harmonic term resulting from the Fourier transform of the
original spatial-time data, that has periodic variation with time. It defines the aortic valve plane as
a line of absent change. The phase image next to it is a means of assessing the coordination of
chamber contraction. This program assumes the count rate change in each pixel representing a
contracting blood filled chamber is defined by a cosine function. The computer color codes groups
of pixels together according to where in the 360° cycle the peak, end diastole, occurs. The data
obtained with injection made during the 9th minute (B) (6.3 METS) of maximum upright bicycle
exercise. The patient achieved a heart rate of 149 beats per minute. Significant anterior wall hy-
pokinesis can be seen. The LVEF is measured from count rate change, the volumes obtained from
LV length diameter measurements using calibrated images.
While the end-diastolic volume, 136 ml, remained unchanged, an abnormal response to ex-
ercise is indicated by the increase in end-systolic volume from 61 ml to 83 ml. There is also a sig-
nificant decrease in ejection fraction from 59% to 39%. The myocardial perfusion images were
normal. The patient was a 67-year-old man who had taken up long distance running after coro-
nary artery bypass grafting 10 years prior to this study. The angiogram showed patent grafts. The
patient’s symptoms responded to digoxin administration. (Original images were color-coded.)


abnormal response of the left ventricle to exercise in a patient with coronary

artery disease, but patent grafts. He had heart failure.

(1) Resting study in risk assessment (2) prognosis and assessment of therapy
after acute myocardial infarction (3) stress RNA may also be useful in ap-
propriately equipped laboratories (4) may be used to measure baseline func-
tion in patients with unstable angina (5) diagnosis of symptomatic and se-
lected patients with asymptomatic, chronic, ischemic heart disease at rest or
during exercise, particularly in combination with a perfusion study per-
formed from the same injection.


So-called MUGA (multiple gated acquisition) studies have also been used to
measure ejection fraction (EF) and evaluate wall motion during graded
phases of upright bicycle exercise. Initially, images were obtained only dur-
ing end diastole and end systole,16,17 but with availability of the minicom-
puter, a series of images could be accumulated throughout the cardiac cycle,
permitting cine analysis of wall motion.18,19 In this technique, the blood pool
is rendered radioactive by labeling the patient’s red blood cells with tech-
netium 99m, so that activity remains in the ventricular chambers. An EKG
signal is required to separate the cardiac cycle into 12–32 frames. Data is ac-
quired for 1-minute intervals throughout the study. A small camera is posi-
tioned over the precordium throughout the study in the LAO view in order
to separate right and left ventricles anatomically for analysis of ejection frac-
tion and wall motion. This position, required for accurate determination of
the ejection fraction, has shortcomings since it can’t very well evaluate mo-
tion in the anterior lateral and inferior walls that are viewed only end on.

Systolic Function
Accurate measurement of the EF from gated blood pool images requires a
regular, stable sinus rhythm. Computer correction to an equal total number
of counts in each frame can aid when there is arrhythmia. The QT interval,
critical for EF calculation, tends to remain relatively stable in the presence of
small variations in heart rate. The EF measurement is count rate based, in-
dependent of any geometric assumptions. Wall motion analysis is obtained
by viewing side-by-side cine presentations of the computer-reconstructed
data obtained at different stages of stress, particularly peak stress, with rest.
While the left ventricular volume can be obtained using either geometric or
count-based methods,20 the count based method using a calibrated pixel size

is more rapid and less cumbersome, and, given the difficulties of edge de-
tection on the images, just as accurate.21

Diastolic Function
Diastolic dysfunction can be appraised if the acquisition is obtained ap-
propriately throughout the cardiac cycle, making sure the diastolic por-
tion of the curve is not distorted by slight irregularities of rhythm.22 This
is accomplished with gating equipment that forms the diastolic portion of
the curve by gating back from the QRS spike of the following beat and ap-
propriately splicing this portion of the average cardiac cycle to the systolic
portion of the cycle acquired from forward gating, forming a composite
curve of the average cardiac cycle.23 Alternatively, a histogram can be
made in which beats are gated in pairs, so that the diastolic portion of an
average cycle between beats can be analyzed. Diastolic function is evalu-
ated by comparing the most rapid filling rate with the most rapid empty-
ing rate, expressed as end diastolic volumes per second. Normally, the
rates are relatively equal.

Interpretation of the Results

Criteria for abnormality include failure of the EF to increase absolutely by 5%
with exercise, the development of wall motion abnormalities, and increase in
the end systolic volume with exercise.24 Like first pass RNA, the technique is
cumbersome, requiring small cameras adaptable to being placed in front of
the exercising patient. These have not been readily available, although a new
generation of smaller, digital cameras is now emerging. Short data collection
periods, preferably 1 minute in length, are required to accurately separate
function at peak exercise from intervals leading up to, and particularly fol-
lowing this desired end point, when post exercise hyperemia and rebound
enhanced systolic function may appear. Longer intervals smear the data and
are less accurate. Figure 22–2 shows the gated images from serial 1-minute
periods of an upright bicycle exercise study of a man with three-vessel coro-
nary artery disease.

While initial studies indicated high sensitivity for detection of coronary
artery disease, these patient groups were highly selected. Many had prior in-
farcts. With increasing application to a wide variety of patients, sensitivity
and, particularly, specificity declined, the latter partly related to post test se-
lection bias whereby usually only patients with an abnormal test result went
on to have further testing unless there was an overriding clinical suspicion
of CAD.25 The presence of wall motion abnormalities has a sensitivity of 73%,
and specificity, 91%, for diagnosing CAD as compared with ejection fraction

fall of 5%, sensitivity 76%, specificity 80%.26 It is of interest that infusion of a

solution of insulin with glucose during submaximal dynamic exercise in-
creases the ejection fraction response in normal controls, and to a lesser de-
gree, in non insulin dependent diabetics.27 Since the test measures parame-
ters of left ventricular function and volume and not the presence of a
particular pathologic process, it should not be surprising that it fails to dis-
criminate between pathologic processes which ultimately lead to similar left
ventricular dysfunction.

Risk Stratification and Prognosis

As a prognostic tool in patients with known CAD, the exercise gated blood
pool image can sort selected, medically treated patients with known CAD
into high and low risk groups.28 The absolute fall in ejection fraction is re-
lated to the angiographically depicted extent of CAD, although there is a
great deal of overlap between groups.29 The largest survival discrepancy be-
tween medically and surgically treated patients with CAD occurs in those
who have depressed systolic function in response to exercise. Others have
confirmed these findings and have pointed out that with increasingly low
ejection fraction on exercise, risk of cardiac events, including death, in-
creases.30,31 A resting ejection fraction of less than 30% is, by itself, a marker
of poor prognosis in the individual with CAD.
Indications (1) resting EF and end systolic volume index following acute
infarction to assess severity of disease (2) risk assessment and prognosis in
patients with known CAD who have either received or not received reper-
fusion therapy.


Stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) measures relative regional coro-

nary reserve. It is determined by the additive effects of luminal stenoses in

FIGURE 22–2. One minute–gated blood pool images. The baseline resting image (A) shows end-
diastolic image, upper left, and end-systolic image next to it. The left ventricular outline has been
generated. Lower left image represents amplitude constant of the first harmonic term of the Fourier
transform of the original object spatial-time data that has periodic variation (of counts) with time.
It delineates areas, such as valve planes that have no periodic change. Adjacent to this is the phase
image providing an estimate of the degree of contractile cordination. The LV volume curve is in
the lower right corner, with superimposed LV outlines obtained from end-diastolic and end-
systolic frames. The LV volumes can be estimated using Massardo’s count rate method. They are
increased for the patient’s surface area. LVEF is at the lower limits of normal. Image B from the 8th
minute of exercise (6.3 METS) shows moderate generalized hypokinesis from the LV outlines (best
appreciated by viewing the study in cine format). End-systolic volume increases and ejection frac-
tion falls, both indicators of an abnormal response to exercise. The patient presented with unsta-
ble angina, and, at cardiac catheterization had significant three-vessel coronary artery disease.

series and alterations in the resistance and vasodilatory capacity of the coro-
nary microvasculature.32–34 Quantitative measure of flow reserve requires in-
vasive techniques to determine the driving pressure proximal to a stenosis
compared with the driving pressure distal to it at conditions of maximum
coronary bed vasodilatation. The myocardial distribution of the tracer in-
jected at peak stress imaged at a later appropriate interval (10 minutes for
thallium-201, 15 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the stress used, for
99mTc sestamibi) reflects myocardial perfusion at the time of injection. Com-

paring this distribution with that obtained with injection at rest estimates the
relative coronary flow reserve, the regional ability of myocardial perfusion
to increase in response to stress or pharmacological vasodilatation of the
coronary vascular bed.

The chief clinically used tracers that measure regional blood flow include:
201Tl thallous chloride, a group IIIA potassium analog35; the isonitrile, 99mTc

sestamibi, a monovalent cation with hydrophilic and hydrophobic compo-

nents36; and, 99mTc Tetrofosmin, a lipophilic diphosphine that clears from
the liver faster than sestamibi.37 99mTc teboroxime is a freely diffusible, neu-
tral, lipophilic boronic acid adduct of a technetium dioxime complex
(BATO) that has high initial myocardial uptake. Because of rapid washout,
imaging must be performed within minutes of injection, best carried out
with high speed multi-detector cameras.38,39 No longer commercially dis-
tributed in this country, the more widespread availability of suitable imag-
ing equipment may offer the opportunity to take advantage of its unique
biological properties.
Radiopharmaceuticals have two sets of properties; one set related to the
physical properties of the radioactive portion of the tracer, the other related
to the biologic properties of the molecule.

Thallium 201
Thallium 201 thallous chloride is a cyclotron-produced product, which, in
practical terms means it is manufactured at a site away from where it is used.
It contains impurities (203Pb and 202Tl). Decay is via electron capture. The en-
ergetically unstable nucleus snags an unwary orbital electron to gain a more
stable energy state, essentially converting a nuclear proton to a neutron re-
sulting in the decay product 201Hg. This process is accompanied by emission
of 69, 71 and 83 keV mercury x-rays, which have relatively poor penetration
of soft tissue. In addition, the decay transition results in emission of 135 and
167 keV photons that have better energies for clinical imaging, but are low in
abundance providing little of the imaging data. Absorption of the photons
by soft tissue produces apparent decrease in activity in the anterior lateral
wall region in large-breasted women, inferior wall deficits related to di-

aphragmatic or subdiaphragmatic absorption, usually in stocky individuals,

and generally poor images in morbidly obese individuals due to low count
rate. Sometimes, if such an individual can stand, the heart can be placed
closer to the detector for a series of planar images that have better diagnos-
tic value than the SPECT image. These low energy photons are not well re-
solved as compared with the photon from 99mTc.
The relatively long half-life of 73 hours, while good for delayed images,
artificially restricts the administered dose to 3–4 mCi to satisfy minimizing
the radiation dose. The administered activity has been edging up with time,
up from the 2–3 mCi listed in the last edition. Counts with current multi-
headed cameras are sufficient to obtain gated myocardial single photon
emission computed tomographic (SPECT) images. Gated images can be used
to analyze regional wall motion, segmental myocardial thickening and mea-
sure ejection fraction at the time of imaging, based on volume calculations.
A major problem with a paucity of useful photons is that it leads to longer
imaging times and hence motion artifacts.
While image manipulation such as background subtraction and
smoothing of these relatively low data density images may aid interpreta-
tion, improperly used, they may introduce artifact. Increasing the dose ad-
ministered to gain better diagnostic information in a population more at
risk from the effects of improperly diagnosed and treated CAD than the
theoretical harm of radiation makes good sense. Per mCi, it delivers about
130 Gy to the kidney, 34 Gy to the myocardium, and 24 Gy to the whole
The initial distribution of an intravenously injected, rapidly diffusible
tracer with a high net fraction of tracer transferred from the plasma to the
myocardium during transit through the myocardial capillary bed serves
as an indicator of myocardial blood flow.40 Thallium, a group IIIA metal,
has a hydrated ionic radius between that of K⫹ and Rb⫹. Myocyte uptake
is chiefly an active process driven by the cellular membrane-bound ade-
notriphosphatase Na⫹/K⫹ pump that can be poisoned by the cardiac gly-
cosides. A small portion of the extraction unaffected by oubain is related
to the electrochemical gradient between plasma and the myocyte. The
high rate of first pass extraction from the coronary circulation—more than
80%—remains linear over a wide range of physiological flow rates. Ex-
traction depends upon the integrity of the cellular membrane. It is reduced
by acidosis and hypoxemia. It becomes nonlinear at flow rates lower than
10% of the basal state. Linearity also falls off at flow rates greater than
twice the basal level, a state achieved during pharmacologic vasodilata-
tion dilatation.35,41 When injection is made at peak stress, it is critical to
maintain the stress for at least a minute following the injection to allow for
localization reflecting peak stress conditions uncontaminated by post
stress hyperemia.
Since thallium is not tightly bound intracellularly, it promptly begins to
leak out, so-called “redistribution,” as plasma levels fall. The rate of fall de-

pends upon initial myocyte concentration, the gradient between the myocyte
and plasma, the availability of the opportunity for equilibrium between
myocyte and plasma and rate of redelivery of thallium to the myocyte.
Plasma levels are affected by factors that influence the plasma/intracellular
thallium distribution. Initial distribution is determined by the distribution of
cardiac output at injection; e.g., high skeletal muscle uptake during exercise,
in contrast to high gut uptake in the resting, non-fasting state.42–46 By inject-
ing thallium with the patient standing, gut uptake in the non-fasting patient
may be reduced. Subsequent determinants of the plasma thallium levels
include glucose and insulin levels that tend to drive thallium intracellularly
along with glucose, making it unavailable for cardiac uptake. They also af-
fect the rate of thallium washout from the myocardium. Dose infiltration or
retention of thallium in the vein injected elevates plasma levels, artificially
prolonging washout.

Technetium 99m Labeled Tracers

99mTc has a short half-life of 6 hours emitting a 140 keV photon that has
less absorption in tissue and is more efficiently imaged with better resolu-
tion by current detectors as compared with the photons from 201Tl. In busy
laboratories, it is readily available as pertechnetate solution eluted from a
molybdenum-99/technetium-99m generator. The short six-hour half-time
means that comparatively large doses of the 99mTc agents may be adminis-
tered without a large burden of radiation to the patient. For example, 30 mCi
of 99mTc sestamibi delivers approximately the same whole body dose as
2 mCi 201Tl. This yields relatively high information content images in a rela-
tively short period of time, reducing the problem of motion artifacts as well
as absorption artifacts.
The high count rate available with the 99mTc agents permits acquisition
of radionuclide angiographic data during the first pass transit of the tracers
through the cardiac chambers (RNA). With injection made in front of a cam-
era, the data can be obtained during either rest or at peak stress permitting
analysis of right and left ventricular ejection fractions, as well as left ventric-
ular volumes and wall motion (Fig. 22–1). In addition, the relatively high
count rate of the tracer retained in the myocardium, even though a smaller
percent of the injected dose of sestamibi and tetrofosmin is retained as com-
pared with thallium, permits acquisition of gated data while the myocardial
perfusion data is also being acquired. Such data including wall motion, wall
thickening, left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular volumes pro-
vide important ancillary data critical to the interpretation of the study. Be-
cause of time-consuming quality control procedures, some laboratories may
elect to have the ready made, labeled technetium-99m agents delivered in a
form ready for injection. This is not an inherent limitation of radiopharma-
ceutical availability, but reflects the availability of skilled personnel time. All

of the 99mTc labeled myocardial perfusion agents can be made from kits con-
taining the lyophilized precursor that can be stored, with reconstitution of
the radiopharmaceutical by simple addition of 99mTc pertechnetate with ap-
propriate steps for heating to form sestamibi and teboroxime.

Biologic Properties of Technetium 99m Labeled Agents

Like thallium, the myocardial uptake of the technetium-99m labeled agents
is linear in the low and mid ranges of myocardial blood flow, but shows non
linear correlation with flow at low values, less than 10% of baseline, where
relative uptake is greater than the blood flow values it represents. The Tc-
99m labeled agents, except for teboroxime, show a roll-off at blood flow lev-
els exceeding twice baseline flow, values achieved with adenosine and
dipyridamole testing. In this case, uptake is less than the value it represents,
except for teboroxime which displays a linear relationship for high flow val-
ues and has high myocardial uptake behaving as a freely diffusible agent.
Tetrofosmin exhibits loss of linearity at about twice baseline flow, whereas
sestamibi exhibits loss of linearity as flow approaches three times baseline.
Sestamibi has a moderate net myocardial extraction from the coronary cir-
culation of approximately 40%, tetrofosmin about 30%. About 1.5% of the ad-
ministered dose of sestamibi and 1.0%–1.2% of tetrofosmin are retained in
the myocardium.
While about 30% of the technetium agent washes out from the myo-
cardium over the first 3 hours, there is usually little redistribution of these
agents, with the result that images several hours later reflect what was tak-
ing place at the time of injection. Thus injection can be made during an acute
situation such as occurrence of chest pain in a patient with unstable angina,
and the images performed later when the patient is more stable will reflect
the circumstances at the time of injection. Another setting is prior to PTCA
with imaging following the procedure reflecting the tissue at risk prior to the
procedure. Follow up imaging will show the efficacy of the procedure in
terms of reduction of the size of the perfusion deficit.47 Clinically, the most
problematic feature of sestamibi and to a lesser degree, tetrofosmin, is the
high hepatic uptake and relatively slow hepatic clearance, faster for tetro-
fosmin than sestamibi, a property which may interfere with appropriate
evaluation of inferior wall activity.
Table 22–1 indicates the clinically relevant properties of these tracers.48

Imaging Equipment
Protocols employing multiple planar images of the myocardium from dif-
ferent projections have largely given way to tomographic imaging (Single
Photon Emission Computed Tomography-SPECT) which provides better
separation of the anatomic distribution of the tracer between territories
Table 22–1. Significant Properties of Common Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Radiopharmaceuticals
201Tl 99MTc 99MTc 99MTc

Thallium 201 Tc99m Sestamibi Tc99m Tetrofosmin Tc99m Teboroxime

Chemical elemental cation cationic isonitrile cationic diphosphine neutral boronic acid adduct of
Tc dioxime
Net myocardial .60 .44 .40 .55
first pass
Percent myocardial 3–4 1.4 1–1.2 3–4
uptake of injected
Advantages Redisributes to measure Little redistribution; Little redistribution; images Rapid washout—can do repeat
ischemia and detect images later reflect later reflect events studies after short time intervals—1/2
viability events at injection at injection time hour or less. Uptake linear with
time blood flow over very wide range
Disadvantages Physical properties: Biological properties: Biologic properties: Uptake Biologic properties: Very rapid
Low energy photons Uptake in liver, gall in liver, gall bladder and washout requires very rapid
result in absorption bladder and intestine—clears more rapidly imaging devices
artifacts; long T1/2 leads intestine—clears than sestamibi
to low injected dose and slowly
low photon yield
From reference 48, with permission of author and publisher.

subserved by the different coronary arteries. Planar imaging can supplement

SPECT, particularly if the patient cannot lie down, if the patient cannot fit
into the gantry, and if a standing image is necessary to separate cardiac from
sub-diaphragmatic activity. In some patients only planar images can be ob-
tained because of body habitus, inability to lie down, cardiac rotation with
pneumonectomy, and overlying interfering structures such as an arm in
a cast.
Single headed detectors can provide excellent clinical data performing
either planar or SPECT imaging when used appropriately. When SPECT is
used, a circular rather than contoured orbit around the anterolateral thorax
is probably best to avoid attenuation artifacts. Multi-headed detectors can
be used to shorten acquisition time without sacrificing resolution. A num-
ber of instruments obtain attenuation data using simultaneous transmis-
sion data, which, just as in CT, provides an anatomic attenuation map for
the individual patient. Usually a linear gadolinium-153 source is used,49
and acquisition of transmitted attenuation data obtained simultaneously
with the emission data from myocardial activity. This is used to correct for
attenuation. While this approach is strongly recommended,50 there are
many pitfalls, and results have as yet to be verified. New hybrid CT and
SPECT imaging equipment might do this more accurately. Figure 22–4
shows a schematic view of the heart with sections corresponding to the
SPECT images routinely obtained.
An EKG may be used to gate the SPECT images so that an average car-
diac cycle can be reconstructed for measurement of the ejection fraction, for
cine analysis of regional wall motion and regional myocardial wall thicken-
ing. In viewing the cine, the three-dimensional image of the beating heart
may be turned and viewed from all projections. While the tracer injection
may have been made at stress with the myocardial distribution reflecting
relative perfusion at stress, the functional imaging data is obtained with the
patient at rest. In cases of severe coronary disease, post exercise stunning
may still be evident on images obtained even an hour after the stress (see
Fig. 22–6).
Computer analysis of the reconstructed left ventricular myocardium
may also be used to measure left ventricular volume, left ventricular mass
and measure percentage of myocardium that is likely infarcted as well as that
at risk from ischemic disease. Depending upon the program used, results
may differ, but the measurements are reproducible permitting objective
comparison of serial studies.
Indications: (1) triage of acute chest pain in patients with intermediate
risk for having acute MI after standard testing; (2) assessing myocardium at
risk prior to intervention in acute infarction, and for measuring completed
infarct size and resting ventricular function; (3) ventricular function may also
be measured during the first pass transit of the tracer that is used to measure
myocardial perfusion (RNA-see above); (4) risk assessment, prognosis and
assessment of therapy after acute infarction by evaluating the presence, ex-

tent and severity of stress-induced ischemia as well as detecting myocardial



Metabolic imaging has become more readily available with the diffusion of
positron emission tomography (PET) into the community and the avail-
ability of the glucose analog, 2-F-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (F-18 FDG). Ar-
eas of hibernating myocardium that have markedly diminished blood flow
exhibit loss of function although remaining viable. Such areas preserve
metabolic function and, in the resting state, demonstrate preferential uti-
lization of glucose rather than fatty acids as a substrate. This metabolic-per-
fusion mismatch provides a reliable marker for identifying, and also quan-
tifying hibernating myocardium, factors critical to predicting the proba-
bility of functional benefit to be expected following successful revascular-
The positron emitting perfusion agent, rubidium-82, measures regional
myocardial perfusion. Detection of high-energy positrons is less subject to
absorption artifacts as compared with routine SPECT agents that have lower
energy and less penetrability of tissue. The half-life of Rb-82 is only 90 sec-
onds. For clinical use, it must be obtained through continuous in-line elution
of a strontium generator to supply a constant infusion of its decay product,
rubidium-82, during resting and throughout stress maneuvers.
Specially designed imaging equipment can take advantage of the
unique feature of positron decay in which the interaction of the positron with
an electron results in the conversion of the mass of both into two back-to-
back photons traveling at 180 degrees to one another. Detectors positioned
opposite one another count an event between them if they both see a photon
at the same time (in coincidence). A dedicated PET camera or a hybrid SPECT
camera equipped with absorption correction programs can perform the co-
incidence detection imaging.
SPECT cameras equipped with high-energy collimators can provide ex-
cellent clinical information utilizing the standard single photon detection
mode rather than coincidence mode imaging. Standard SPECT techniques al-
low simultaneous imaging of both F-18-FDG and 99mTc tracers that have been
injected at sequential times, utilizing the different energies emitted by the
tracers to separate the information provided by each tracer into its own
unique image. The 99mTc tracer image represents perfusion, the FDG image,
metabolism. This technique provides accurate regional correlation of perfu-
sion and metabolism (see Figs. 22–14 and 21–15).
Indications: (1) identifying and quantifying ischemic regions and as-
sessing prognosis in patients with chronic ischemic disease; (2) prediction
of the functional outcome of successful revascularization of hibernating


Standard stress testing protocols are readily adapted to the use of radionu-
clide myocardial perfusion studies. Isotonic exercise as well as maneuvers
that release catechol amines alter inotropic and chronotropic myocardial pa-
rameters. These include treadmill testing, upright or supine bicycle exercise,
arm ergometer exercise, atrial pacing, pharmacologic stress with dobuta-
mine or arbutamine and mental stress.51–53 With treadmill stress testing, the
increase in coronary artery blood flow is linearly related to the double prod-
uct.54 The increase in coronary blood flow that can be achieved with vigor-
ous exercise (approximately doubling or tripling the baseline value) is less
than that which routinely occurs with vasodilators. Isometric stress55,56 and
ice water immersion57,58 increase after-load. Isotonic and isometric stress
may be combined for additive effects.
With increasing myocardial oxygen demand and failure of the coro-
nary vascular reserve to meet the demand, myocardial wall motion ab-
normalities develop, filling pressure increases, end diastolic volume in-
creases and the ejection fraction fails to increase or, falls resulting in
increased end systolic volume. Relative increase in preload during supine
bicycle exercise may be more effective in inducing ischemia and altering
cardiac function as compared with upright bicycle exercise and thus a
more sensitive stress maneuver. Events at peak stress may last for only a
short time. It is critical to capture the events occurring at this time uncon-
taminated by data reflecting conditions prior to or following those that
obtain at maximum exertion.
Stress maneuvers that increase heart rate and substantially shorten di-
astole can lead to false-positive myocardial perfusion studies when conduc-
tion abnormalities cause regional delay in the onset of diastole. This is par-
ticularly common in left bundle branch block where there is apparent
decrease in perfusion to the anterior and anteroseptal regions that may be
unassociated with documented regional coronary disease. Spurious changes
may also occur with right bundle branch block and in paced situations. In
these patients it is best to use pharmaceutical vasodilatation such as dipyri-
damole or adenosine infusion that do not increase heart rate significantly. It
is important to verify that the heart rate has not significantly increased at the
time of injection.

Dipyridamole59 and adenosine60 are effective agents for increasing coronary
artery blood flow by reducing intra-myocardial vascular resistance of nor-
mal microvasculature. Dipyridamole exerts its effects by blocking cellular
reuptake of adenosine produced in the cell and released into the extra cel-

lular space. It has a serum half-life of approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Adenosine infusion results in direct increase of the extra cellular adenosine
concentration. It has a very short half-life on the order of a few seconds. Ac-
cumulated extra cellular adenosine can bind to inhibitory A1 receptors slow-
ing the heart rate and prolonging A-V conduction. Binding to the stimula-
tory A2 receptors increases adenosine cyclase and 3–5 cyclic adenosine
monophosphate. This in turn leads to decreased trans-membrane calcium
transport and results in vasodilatation of the intramyocardial resistance ves-
sels if they are normal.61 If there is no impediment to flow upstream, this re-
sults in a three- to five-fold increase in coronary blood flow.62–65 Caffeine
and other xanthines interfere with adenosine binding to and activating the
cell surface receptors.
The vasodilators do not significantly increase myocardial oxygen de-
mand, but depict differential increase in blood flow related to variable resis-
tance related to proximal luminal obstruction or obstructions in series or to
failure of dilatation in already compromised small resistance vessels. They
are flow agents rather than stress maneuvers. Side effects are common, but
rarely serious. Adenosine induces chest pain or tightness very commonly,
which is distressing not only for the patient, but also for those administering
the test. Both agents have excellent safety records in large, multi-center reg-
istries, especially when considering the patient population selected for study
with these agents is elderly and debilitated, often with known coexisting se-
vere peripheral vascular disease.66–68 Death may occur in approximately 1 in
10,000 patients, while non-fatal infarctions occur with approximately the
same frequency. Patients with unstable angina may sustain infarction with
dipyridamole. Although dipyridamole increases cerebral blood flow under
ordinary conditions, stroke and TIA have been associated with its use, pre-
sumably in the presence of severe, bilateral internal carotid and vertebral
artery disease causing loss of cerebrovascular reserve, so that there is no
compensatory mechanism to counter a drop in blood pressure. Dipyri-
damole may induce severe bronchospasm, and its use is contraindicated in
patients with asthma.
Both may induce significant ischemia in the coronary vascular bed dis-
tal to a critical stenosis. Under baseline circumstances this territory is sub-
served by collateral circulation from another epicardial vessel with less sig-
nificant stenosis. When driving pressure supporting collateral flow from the
lesser affected artery is reduced related to the drop in distal vascular resis-
tance in the territory of this vessel, increased run-off in the less severely af-
fected territory results in reduced collateral flow to the more severely
affected territory. Reduction in epicardial vessel pressure affected by critical
stenosis may also reverse the net direction of flow that is from epicardial to
endocardial at baseline to an endocardial to epicardial direction. This results
in a steal pattern producing subendocardial ischemia. When an ischemic
EKG change occurs with the use of dipyridamole or adenosine, it is highly
predictive of severe, usually multi-vessel coronary disease.

Adrenergic Agonists
Dobutamine is a racemic mixture of the levo-isomer, a potent alpha1 agonist
and the dextro-isomer an alpha1 antagonist opposing the levo form resulting
in a net weak agonist effect. Both isomers are beta-receptor agonists with a
strong beta1, but weak beta2 effect, resulting in prominent inotropic effects,
and less prominent chronotropic effects on the myocardium. Infusion may
result in net peripheral vasodilatation.69 Like exercise, dobutamine infusion
provokes increased myocardial oxygen demand resulting in a two to three
fold increase of myocardial blood flow in areas that can respond nor-
mally.70,71 Dobutamine has proven useful in tests that measure wall motion,
as well as those that assess perfusion because it results in wall thickening and
exaggerated motion in normal areas as compared with the failure of response
in regions rendered ischemic. Such areas may be detectable even though re-
duced blood flow cannot be demonstrated.72 Arbutamine has a strong beta1
but weak beta2 effects, and only mild alpha1 tropism. Although it has the
same inotropic and chronotropic effects as dobutamine, arbutamine results
in less peripheral vasodilatation. It has been used with a relatively expensive,
dedicated infusion feedback infusion system with good results.73

There are many choices available. These include varying combinations of
type of stress performed, tracer or tracers selected, use of a dual tracer pro-
tocol, selection of the type of imaging—planar or SPECT, patient positioning,
and the use of a single day or more than one day protocol as well as the in-
corporation of delayed imaging when thallium is used. Each has advantages
and disadvantages. Economic constraints as well as the clinical setting are
critical determinants. The study should be tailored to the individual patient.
Weight and body habitus are major considerations for selection of dose and
We prefer not to perform one-day protocol studies on very large pa-
tients who require increased dose to obtain a suitable count rate for a high-
resolution study. When a single day protocol is used, thallium may be se-
lected for the baseline rest study. This has the advantage that its relatively
low energy gamma and x-ray emissions, using the appropriate window, may
be effectively excluded from the exercise image data obtained with a 99mTc
labeled agent. Because of energy differences, the reconstructed thallium im-
age differs in size from the 99mTc agent image. This diminishes the ability to
visually compare ventricular cavity size between the rest image performed
with thallium and the stress image performed with the 99mTc agent. An im-
portant advantage of using thallium for the rest portion of the study is that
imaging may begin 5 minutes following injection, whereas a low dose of
Tc-99m sestamibi (MIBI) requires waiting an hour. When MIBI is used,

drinking 450 ml of water 10 minutes prior to imaging reduces gastric fundal

activity and speeds transit of activity through the gut,74 although in those
with gastric emptying problems, chiefly diabetics, retained fluid in the fun-
dus may cause an absorption artifact with the patient imaged supine.
When using Tc-99m-MIBI and no same day imaging is to follow, we give
a fatty liquid such as 150 ml of milk (or Lipumol® in those with lactose in-
tolerance, prevalent in our population) 10 minutes after injection to promote
emptying of the gallbladder, as well as 450 ml of water 10 minutes prior to
imaging. Images with either Tl-201 or a Tc99m agent may be gated with mod-
ern equipment. In either case, it prudent to inspect the resting data prior to
stress to select out those at risk during stress because of resting ischemia.
These are patients with no history of infarct and a normal EKG, but with a
large perfusion deficit on the resting image. Figure 22–3 indicates commonly
selected protocols and their parameters.
We use 99mTc sestamibi routinely, except for selected cases in which vi-
ability is anticipated to be a critical question, chiefly in patients with known
reduction in systolic function. When we do a treadmill stress study, we em-
ploy a 2-day protocol because of unpredictable time delays that may occur
in the stress laboratory, disrupting the scheduling process. When we per-
form pharmaceutical “stress” studies we have more direct control of the traf-
fic flow that permits a 1-day protocol. Unfortunately, when pharmaceutical
stress is used alone, there may be significant accumulation of activity in the
splanchnic circulation. Combining the pharmaceutical with mild isotonic
up-right stress or isometric stress may reduce splanchnic uptake. When we
choose a 2-day protocol, we perform the stress study first, and if it is normal
we do not perform the rest study.
Preparation for stress radionuclide studies is the same as for standard
stress testing when isotonic and isometric stress maneuvers are used. This in-
cludes discontinuing medications that interfere with cardiac response
including beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers as well as long acting
nitrates. Dobutamine and arbutamine also require cessation of these med-
ications. They may be supplemented with the use of intravenous atropine
0.5–1.0 mg to overcome vagal inhibition that keeps the heart rate from rising.

FIGURE 22–3. Common protocols for stress rest myocardial perfusion studies. A is a protocol for
doing stress and rest studies on two different days. The basic principle for a single day study is the
use of a smaller dose for the first portion of the study followed by a larger dose used for the second
portion of the study. The Rest–Stress sequence is shown in B, the Stress–Rest sequence in E. A dual
isotope study C can be performed in a single day using thallium for the resting portion of the study
and a Tc99m agent for the stress. Thallium can be used by itself, taking advantage of its unique re-
distribution properties (D). If Tc-99m sestamibi is used, infra-diaphragmatic activity should be al-
lowed to clear before imaging begins. Injection made with the patient supine at rest or during
supine vasodilator challenge, results in greater splanchnic activity that clears relatively slowly as
compared with upright injection and injection made during exercise. Maneuvers to increase the
rate of clearance from the liver include a fatty meal (using Lipumol® in our population which has
a high prevalence of lactose intolerance), while 250 ml of water 10 minutes prior to imaging also
seems to produce images with less interference.

The use of the vasodilators, adenosine, and dipyridamole that do not depend
on increasing myocardial demand may be effective without withdrawing
these medications. Caffeine with a serum half-life of up to 8 hours competes
with cellular surface receptors for adenosine. Products containing caffeine
(coffee, decaffeinated coffee, tea, caffeine containing soft drinks, chocolate,
cocoa, Exedrin) need to be withdrawn for 24 hours prior to performing a
dipyridamole or adenosine study. A 36-hour withdrawal period for xanthine
derivative medications is recommended.

Treadmill or Bicycle Stress

These routine isometric stress maneuvers are carried out as for routine stress
studies, except that an intravenous cannula is placed in a large arm vein for
injection of the perfusion tracer when peak exercise effort is reached. A rela-
tively large peripheral vein should be cannulated, preferably the medial an-
tecubital vein which leads relatively directly into the basilic vein so that bo-
lus injection of a myocardial perfusion tracer can be made into the
established line when the patient achieves the peak stress desired. It is criti-
cal that the patient continues to exercise for an additional minute when thal-
lium is used (net extraction fraction of 0.6 during coronary transit), or an ad-
ditional 2 minutes when one of the Tc99m agents is used (net extraction
fraction of 0.4) so that imaging performed later reflects the evanescent events
occurring at peak exercise and not post exercise changes.
If information is desired concerning regional wall motion and quantita-
tive regional ejection fraction at peak exercise, then the injection must be
made with the patient exercising in front of a camera. Small cameras are
available for this purpose. The chief difficulty is ensuring stability of the
chest during the 40 seconds required to collect the first pass transit data as
detailed under the section for radionuclide angiography.

Dipyridamole or Adenosine Infusion

Unstable angina, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, systolic hy-
potension (less than 90 mm Hg)–especially if accompanied by bradycardia,
an infarct within the last 24 hours and a history of acute bronchospastic dis-
ease are contraindications to performing a dipyridamole stress study. Al-
though dipyriamole is a cerebrovascular vasodilator, and has been used
safely in a series of 400 patients with known cerebrovascular disease75 infu-
sion of dipyridamole has been associated with precipitating stroke or tran-
sient ischemic attack. This seems most likely to occur inpatients with stage II
cerebrovascular insufficiency. At this point, maximum regional vasodilata-
tion has exhausted cerebrovascular reserve as a compensatory mechanism,
and cell survival is dependent upon an increased oxygen extraction fraction.
These individuals often have severe, bilateral carotid artery disease as well
as vertebral artery compromise. It is prudent besides obtaining a brief perti-

nent cardiac history and list of medications as well as inspecting the EKG, to
elicit information that might be related to cerebrovascular insufficiency. For
example we indicated that the risk of a dipyridamole study exceeded the
benefit in a patient with known bilateral carotid artery occlusion and signif-
icant compromise of one vertebral artery who had had a stroke and was hav-
ing transient ischemic attacks.
Dipyridamole should be infused at a rate of 0.142 mg/Kg/min (stan-
dard dose) or 0.213 mg/Kg/min (high dose) over a 4-minute period at a uni-
form rate to achieve a total dose of either 0.56 mg/Kg, standard dose or 0.84
mg/Kg, high dose. The higher dose may have greater sensitivity for detect-
ing lesions with a lesser degree of stenosis with a safety similar to the stan-
dard dose, although there is not as much experience with this dose level com-
pared with the standard dose.68,76
The dose can be made up in a standard volume of 20 ml in order to fa-
cilitate monitoring of injection at a rate of 5 ml/min. Infusion is performed
through an in place venous catheter, preferably in a medial antecubital vein
that has a direct pathway to the axillary vein via the basilic vein without the
hang-up that may occur at the valve at the entry of the cephalic vein into the
axillary vein when the lateral antecubital vein is selected. If a peripheral vein
must be used, the patient often experiences a burning sensation since the so-
lution is basic. Infusion, carried out under monitoring of blood pressure and
EKG, should be at a steady rate using either a carefully timed hand injection
or an infusion pump. To avoid pooling in the proximal arm vein which has
at least a 15–20 ml capacity, it is best to use a Y-connection at the entrance of
the dipyridamole solution into the intravenous cannula, continually flushing
the dypiridamole with a saline drip that is carefully adjusted to keep flow-
ing during and after the dipyridamole infusion.
Dipyridamole has a plasma half-time of approximately 30 minutes. The
onset of maximum action occurs at 5 minutes. Due to systemic vasodilation,
the systolic blood pressure usually falls 5–10 mm of Hg with a compensatory
slight increase in heart rate. Occasionally, individuals will demonstrate an
idiosyncratic increase in blood pressure. To decrease hepatic uptake when
99mTc sestamibi is used, some laboratories do the infusion and injection while

the patient is walking on a level treadmill. Others have the patient perform
handgrip squeeze at 1/3 maximum beginning immediately after the end of
infusion lasting until 2 minutes after the injection of the myocardial perfu-
sion tracer. Bolus injection of the myocardial perfusion tracer followed by a
flush of 20 ml of saline is made at the fourth minute after infusion has been
In response to dipyridamole infusion, most people will develop a
headache or full feeling in the head and a sensation of warmth. Some will ex-
perience chest pain and some angina and some anxiety. Nausea is also com-
mon. A few will experience mid to lower abdominal pain and rarely leg pain.
If angina-like symptoms or ischemic EKG changes develop prior to the ad-
ministration of the tracer, oxygen may be administered without compromis-

ing the validity of the study. After waiting for myocardial localization of the
tracer, 1 minute for 201Tl, 2 minutes for 99mTc sestamibi or tetrofosmin, 75–100
mg of aminophylline are intravenously flushed in over 1 minute. If the symp-
toms do not abate, or, if ischemic EKG changes persist, nitroglycerine can be
used. Some laboratories, including ours, routinely administer aminophylline
at the conclusion of the study. It is probably best to err on the side of giving
aminophylline rather than withholding it. At the conclusion of the test, we
give the patient a cup of coffee or tea brewed by boiling the bag with the wa-
ter adding cream or Lipumol® since caffeine has a longer plasma half-time
than aminophylline (that is less than the plasma half-time of dipyridamole),
and the fat speeds hepatic and gall bladder emptying.
Adenosine is infused intravenously 140 mg/Kg/minute over 6 min-
utes with administration of the myocardial tracer performed at the end of
the third minute through a Y-tube or separate venous access in order not to
interrupt the adenosine infusion, which continues another 2–3 minutes
since adenosine has a very short half-time in the plasma, estimated on the
order of 10–30 seconds. Because of the short half-life, constant infusion
must be maintained, requiring an infusion pump. More than 80% of pa-
tients experience adverse side effects, including chest pain often indistin-
guishable from angina in more than half, jaw pain, flushing and nausea. In
addition, about 10% develop A-V block that may or may not reverse after
the infusion has ended. For this reason, in addition to the contraindications
listed for dipyridamole, patients with a sick sinus syndrome or prolonged
A-V conduction may best be studied by another method. Symptoms may
be ameliorated by simultaneous low level exercise performed during the

Dobutamine Infusion
Dobutamine has the same physiologic effects as exercise. Its use lacks the ad-
ditional prognostic power that is derived from functional parameters ob-
tained during physical stress, including exercise duration and capacity and
reproduction of symptoms. These are used in the Duke scoring system.
Dobutamine has a half-time of about 2 minutes in plasma. Infusion is begun
at a low rate of 5 ␮g/Kg/minute for 3 minutes, increased to 10 ␮/Kg/min,
and increased an additional 10 ␮g/Kg/min each three minutes until toler-
ance or a maximum of 40 ␮g/Kg/min is reached, at which point the my-
ocardial perfusion tracer is administered and the infusion level continued for
an additional 2 minutes. During this period, wall motion can be analyzed by
ultrasound, or a first pass study that can be compared with baseline para-
meters. Some have used intravenous atropine to enhance the chronotropic
response. EKG ST–T changes are common as are ventricular ectopy and chest
pain. Headache, flushing and dyspnea are also frequent. Metoprolol, a se-
lective beta1 adrenergic antagonist, 5 to 10 mg, may be given intravenously
for persistent ischemic symptoms, an exaggerated pressor response, in-

creases in ventricular response due to enhanced A-V conduction or devel-

opment of frequent ectopic ventricular beats.

Nitrates exert their main effect by producing vasodilatation, chiefly in the ca-
pacitance vessels, but also in the resistance vessels, reducing myocardial pre-
load, and, to a lesser extent, after-load.77 In addition, nitrates may dilate
stenotic vessels, increasing flow through collateral vessels.78–80 Although ad-
ministering nitrates to normal individuals has no measurable effect on wall
motion or systolic function, nitrates can improve wall motion and systolic
function in those with CAD.81–83 The magnitude of these effects may depend
upon the development of an adequate collateral circulation that may carry
additional flow. Intravenously administered nitrates have been used with
tests that measure either wall motion or perfusion. Enhanced wall contrac-
tility or perfusion in response to nitrate administration predicts the presence
of hibernating myocardial tissue that may have improved function if blood
flow can be restored.84–86 The study can also be performed by giving a single
dose of sublingual nitroglycerine or spray, and monitoring blood pressure.
If the systolic blood pressure decreases by 10 mm Hg, the myocardial perfu-
sion tracer is injected obtaining a first pass RNA, followed 30–45 minutes
later by myocardial perfusion imaging. If the target blood pressure drop does
not occur after 4 minutes, a second tablet of nitroglycerine or spray is given
and 4 minutes later the tracer administered. Figure 22–13 shows the applica-
tion of this study in a patient with severely impaired LV function secondary
to CAD. Following the study, he underwent successful CABG, resulting in
considerably improved LV function. This is a relatively simple study to per-
form, that measures wall motion using a first pass study during injection as
well as myocardial perfusion by imaging later. It appears to have the same
ability as rest-redistribution thallium studies in predicting which segments
will and which will not recover function following revascularization, ap-
proximately a 75% accuracy.87


Correct quality control of instruments is essential to insure uniform camera

response, linearity of data transfer, linearity of mapping in the field of view
and best instrument resolution. High-count flood field data correction map-
ping is essential when SPECT is used, as is a rigorously maintained and ver-
ified center of rotation (COR) for the instrument.
Patient instruction and cooperation is critical for obtaining optimal stud-
ies. Gaining cooperation by fully informing the patient and answering all
questions in straightforward language is essential for establishing a good re-
lationship. While readying the patient for imaging, it is important to ascer-

tain if there are any implanted devices which might interfere with imaging
(pacemakers, breast implants), whether there is current or has been prior dis-
ease which might interfere or distort the anatomy (severe kyphoscolosis, si-
tus inversus, pneumonectomy), to note the patient’s size and weight, and, in
women, to note bra size. In most women, it is best to remove the brassiere for
A few minutes spent in explaining why it is important to breathe in a
quiet, normal pattern and not talk, sigh or yawn so as to limit diaphragmatic
motion is well worthwhile. Every effort should be made to make the patient
comfortable prior to beginning imaging so that restlessness will not degrade
the imaging procedure. For supine positioning appropriate use of sponges to
support the arms over the head can help. When imaging the patient prone,
the head should be turned so the patient is comfortable, and the position
noted so that it can be reproduced if another set of images is made.

Planar Imaging
Nuclear medicine images require an adequate number of counts from the or-
gan of interest for best resolution. In the case of cardiac imaging, the count
rates from thallium images are lower than those obtained from technetium
labeled agents. On the other hand, the relative proportion of counts coming
from the heart are higher in the thallium image than the technetium images
that include relatively more counts from structures below the diaphragm.
The count rate depends not only on the pharmaceutical, but also on the sen-
sitivity of the camera, which is in part inherent in the instrument, but most
related to the collimator selection. Usually, a low energy all purpose colli-
mator is selected, but with more sensitive detectors, a high-resolution colli-
mator can be used without significantly reducing the count rate. When the
count rate is reduced, it takes longer to accumulate sufficient data and pro-
vides increased chance of patient motion. In general, ten minutes of data ac-
cumulation per view for thallium-201 and 5 minutes for technetium-99m
Using a fixed time rather than count for each image makes the views
more comparable with one another, although differing amounts of tissue in-
terposition lead to varying absorption effects on the different views. Three
views are routinely obtained, but should be supplemented by additional
views when necessary. These are the best left anterior oblique (LAO) view
with the detector positioned between a 30 to 60 degree angle to the thorax to
show the best perpendicular view of the septum. The anterior view is ob-
tained by moving the detector 45 degrees counterclockwise from the best
LAO view. Finally, a left lateral view is obtained with the patient lying right
side down, which causes the left diaphragm to descend and have reduced
motion. For this view, the detector is positioned perpendicular to the chest
and not slanted to follow patient contour.
The anatomy of these images correlated with the usual coronary artery

supply to these regions is shown in Figure 22–4. This figure also illustrates
the utility of the right lateral decubitus view in defining the inferior wall. In
this position, the left diaphragm that is “up,” descends and moves very lit-
tle, pulling away from the inferior cardiac wall and reducing motion artifact.
The patient illustrated is morbidly obese, weighing 550 pounds and could
not fit onto the table for SPECT imaging. The first three images were per-
formed with the patient standing in front of the camera. The left lateral view
was repeated with the patient in the decubitus position, lying on his right
side on a mattress on the floor beneath the camera.

Guidelines for standardizing SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging have
been published88 (down-loadable from, but instrumentation

FIGURE 22–4. Planar thallium images in a 550-pound man who could not fit into the gantry for
SPECT images. The best LAO view perpendicular to the septal plane, B, provides a guide for the
anterior view, A, in which the camera head is rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise from the LAO
position, followed by the left lateral view, C. In image C, the inferobasilar wall is attenuated by soft
tissue. Since the patient could not fit under the camera for a right lateral decubitus view, the pa-
tient was imaged by having him lie in the right lateral decubitus position on a mattress placed on
the floor, and lowering the camera to obtain the image in D. This shows the inferobasilar wall has
normal activity. Beneath the images are diagrams of the wall segments as well as the coronary sup-
ply to them. (Diagrams after Wackers, 1992, by permission from the author and the publisher.)

and technique advances occur rapidly and are likely to outstrip the slower
pace of collective committee opinion. SPECT imaging may be performed
with the patient prone or supine. If possible, if the patient is short and obese
with an overabundance of soft tissue, the right lateral decubitus position
with the right side dependent may be best to minimize absorption artifacts.
Each position has advantages and problems.
In the supine position large breasts overlying only portions rather than
the entire heart can cause anterior wall attenuation artifact. In addition, there
is frequently an absorption artifact in the proximal inferior wall related to at-
tenuation from the diaphragm, which is relatively high with the patient
supine, particularly in short, plump patients. This can be remedied by plac-
ing the patient prone, or in the right lateral decubitus position (Fig. 22–6).
With the patient prone, absorption artifact related to the imaging table inter-
posed between the patient and the detector may attenuate anterior wall ac-
tivity, but the deficit is usually readily appreciated as an artifact because of
its non-anatomic distribution. The right lateral decubitus position has some
advantages, but most imaging tables are not designed for good support with
the patient in this position so that its use requires a very cooperative patient.
The anatomy of normal SPECT images and the relationship to the three di-
mensional cardiac anatomy as well as the coronary artery territories are
shown in Figure 22–5.
To circumvent redistribution when thallium 201 is used for the stress
study, prompt post stress imaging is important. Conversely, if imaging is
performed too soon after exercise, a spurious inferior wall and basal infer-
oseptal deficit may appear in those that have exercised vigorously. This
phenomenon is related to upward migration of the heart during the imag-
ing time as lung volume falls from an exercise induced increased tidal and
total volume to a more normal end tidal volume. This has been termed

FIGURE 22–5. A. Top row represents the short axis anatomic cross sections of the ventricles at the
apex, mid-portion and base of the left ventricle with the usual distribution of the coronary supply
depicted by shading. Below the anatomic sketches are the tracings of the SPECT images showing
the usual arterial territories as different shadings. The top row is short axis views from apex (left
side of the row of images) to base (right side of the row). The right ventricle can be seen in the basi-
lar cuts. This view evaluates the anterior, inferior and lateral walls as well as the septum, but be-
cause it is tangential to the apex does not evaluate it well. The middle row is the horizontal long
axis view, the equivalent of the four-chamber view on echocardiography, perpendicular to the
short axis, from inferior (left end of row) to anterior wall (right end of row). This view evaluates the
septum and lateral wall, as well as different levels of the apex. The bottom row is the vertical long
axis view perpendicular to the other two axes from the septum (far left image) to the lateral wall
(far right). This view allows direct comparison of the anterior and inferior walls as well as the apex.
Note that it depicts the entire apex as being supplied by a wrap-around LAD, which is not always
the case. The anterior (A), septal (S), lateral (L) and inferior (I) walls as well as the apex (AX) are in-
dicated on the tracings. B is the actual images, presented as gray on black above and as color-
coded images beneath. The color code changes abruptly at 54% of maximum counts. Because the
color images are coded for counts and change abruptly, they are not capable of showing the nu-
ances that can be appreciated on the continuous gray scale. In practice, both the gray scale, an in-
verted gray scale (black on clear backgound) and color images are viewed and interpreted directly
from the computer display.


FIGURE 22–6. Comparison of prone (upper rows in the image sets) and right lateral decubitus views
(beneath) from a study with injection made following persantine® infusion. The prone view is the
one that we usually employ as the standard view since most patients find this comfortable. Placed
in this position, patients tend to move less, but attentuation artifacts may occur in both the ante-
rior wall due to table and soft tissue attenuation, and the inferobasilar area related to a high di-
aphragm. The decreased activity in the inferior wall seen at the base in the short-axis view (top row
in both image sets) and in the vertical long-axis cuts (middle row in both image sets), in this patient
who had a low likelihood of coronary disease, resolved when he assumed the lateral decubitus

“upward creep.”89 When SPECT imaging is performed, it is important to

have planar images as well for purposes of quality control and anatomic
When thallium-201 is used, these images also allow assessment of the
lung heart ratio, which, if elevated, indicates prolonged pulmonary transit
accompanying left ventricular failure, and correlates with poor prognosis. If
99mTc-Sestamibi is used, the planar images should also be obtained within 10

minutes of injection for best evaluation of the lung uptake, and not 30 to 90
minutes later when the SPECT data is obtained. Initial data suggest that us-
ing this “immediate” image provides prognostic data similar to that obtained
with thallium imaging.90 No matter what technique is used, it is critical to in-
spect the images and verify the technical quality and positioning as well as

ascertain the presence of artifacts, particularly motion, before dismissing the

Whoever interprets SPECT images should review the rotating raw
data presented on the computer monitor for motion and absorption arti-
facts to prevent interpretive errors. In addition, when gated SPECT is per-
formed the moving slices that offer information concerning wall thicken-
ing and the volume rendered images that permit analysis of wall motion
are best reviewed in cine mode from the computer presentation. Many lab-
oratories, including ours, prefer to read the images directly from the com-
puter. This permits ready adjustment of contrast over a continuously vari-
able range as well as application of color scales as appropriate. Color
scales may introduce artifacts smoothing out deficits so they are not per-
ceived, or, exaggerating small differences in count rate making a normal
area appear abnormal. While initially more difficult to interpret, a linear
gray scale or inverted gray scale has the least propensity to introduce
error. Great care should be taken to present images in a uniform and
reproducible manner.
We use a linear gray scale, a linear inverted gray scale and a color-coded
image in which the pixels with highest count rate are delineated in white so
the high count rate can be easily measured. Warm red colors change abruptly
to yellow at 54% of maximum when 99mTc sestamibi is used or 63% when
201Tl is used. This directs the interpreter’s attention to these areas on the lin-

ear gray scale images. The use of color images, while increasing the contrast
between “normal” and “abnormal” tissue that has only 54% of the maximum
uptake tends to obscure subtle abnormalities that are best appreciated on rel-
atively linear gray scale images.


Figure 22–4 shows the views obtained with planar imaging: the anterior
view, 45 degrees from the LAO view that best shows the septum separating
the ventricles, and the left lateral view. This depicts the anatomic correlation
of the images as well as the usual coronary artery supply. The myocardial
wall parallel to the camera presents less activity to the detector than the walls
more perpendicular to the plane of the camera. The detector sees the activity
of the wall perpendicular to it stacked on end, while the wall furthest from
the camera has its activity attenuated by distance and the non-radioactive
cardiac blood pool. This leads to the appearance of visualization of the left
ventricular cavity.
Normal areas of decreased activity occur at the left ventricular valve
planes, in the region of the membranous septum and at the apex.91 Artifac-
tually decreased activity may occur in supine images in the inferior wall re-
lated to diaphragmatic attenuation as indicated above under the discussion
of positioning. A thick right ventricle may also cause attenuation of the infe-

rior wall on the anterior view. A common pitfall causing decreased activity
in the anterior or anterior lateral wall is related to breast absorption artifact.
In obese patients absorption by overlying tissue, including breast, abdomen
and skin folds may cause a number of artifacts.91 Occasionally, if the patient
can stand, upright imaging can help by causing the diaphragm to descend
and the heart to assume a more vertical position as well as allowing the ab-
dominal bulge to descend permitting the patient to be positioned with the
thorax closer to the detector. (Figure 22–4)
Figure 22–5 shows the standard SPECT views obtained. The anatomic
correlation of the images as well as the usual regions supplied by the major
coronary arteries are depicted. For quantitative analysis as well as conden-
sation of a large amount of data, parametric presentation of the short axis
views as a series of concentric circles, a so-called “bull’s-eye” can be helpful.
The apical region presents unique problems which have been dealt with in
the Cedars Emory Quantitative Analysis program, CEQUAL®, by using two
different images, one with evenly spaced concentric rings that presents a
more accurate anatomic display, the other with fatter inner rings weighted
for volume, emphasizing the apical contribution, represents a more quanti-
tatively accurate display.
Anatomic correlation of arterial territories with the bull’s-eye display
assigns perfusion deficits to a particular coronary artery or overlapping dis-
tribution between two territories. Comparison with normal data bases per-
mits reasonably accurate and reproducible quantitation of the perfusion
deficit as well as helping to differentiate areas of decreased perfusion which
do not change between stress and rest perfusion studies from those with nor-
mal or improved perfusion at rest. This kind of quantitation does not replace
careful visual interpretation, but serves as a guide and aid.


Preliminary Observations
As indicated above, prior to interpreting the final SPECT image, the rotating
raw data should be inspected for motion and absorption artifact. The planar
images accompanying the SPECT study should be used to evaluate patient
habitus, interposition of soft tissue, cardiac size and position as well as an-
cillary findings such as increased pulmonary uptake and noting any other ar-
eas of abnormal uptake that might represent non-cardiac abnormalities. The
orientation of the heart should be noted. Horizontal hearts are subject to in-
ferior wall artifacts. Counterclockwise or dextrorotaion of the heart may re-
sult in decreased lateral wall activity compared with the septum, while clock-
wise or levorotaion may have the opposite effect, causing a relative decrease
in septal activity compared with the lateral wall.92

Misaligned Cuts
Small hearts with apparently thick walls are more likely to be seen in
women rather than men. Inspection of the short axis transverse cuts offers
the best opportunity for comparing the symmetry of uptake in the oppos-
ing walls, while the long axis views offer the best evaluation of the apex
that is only tangentially imaged on the short axis views. The short axis im-
ages of the left ventricle should be circular. If they are elliptical, it usually
means that the short axis has been selected in a non-perpendicular fashion
to the long axis of the left ventricle. In addition, the septum should be ori-
ented vertically and positioned the same in both stress and rest views. This
can be ascertained by inspecting the position of the right ventricular wall
in relationship to the left. The correctness of the long axis slices should also
be verified. They should look like horseshoes. When the long axis is mis-
aligned on the horizontal and vertical slices, one side of the horseshoe ap-
pears foreshortened and the apparent apical area is displaced. Incorrect
selection of the vertical long axis plane causes apical displacement medi-
ally or laterally towards either the distal septum or distal lateral wall caus-
ing decreased activity in these regions. In the horizontal long axis views,
off axis selection of the plane sections results in displacing the apex supe-
riorly or inferiorly to cause apparent thinning of either the distal anterior
or distal inferior wall.
Areas of normal thinning of activity include the apex and upper septum.
Generally the septum has slightly less activity than the lateral wall no mat-
ter what tracer is used.93 In some hypertensive patients, the lateral wall will
have significantly more activity than the septum.94 In the case of asymmetric
septal hypertrophy, the septum appears thick. Occasionally increased activ-
ity occurs in the lateral wall in the region of the anterolateral and posterolat-
eral papillary muscle. Sometimes apical hot spots occur. Often hot spots are
the result of inappropriate application of filters in a patient whose study suf-
fers from a low count rate. This is one of the reasons to increase the dose in
obese individuals. Often the hot spots themselves are not so much the prob-
lem as is the fact that the images are scaled to the hot spot so that other areas
appear to have decreased activity. Most quantitative data-bases were con-
structed from a relatively normal sized population and should be applied
with caution to patients whose body habitus differs significantly from the
Areas of decreased activity that do not correspond to an anatomic coro-
nary artery distribution should be viewed with suspicion. For example, an
isolated mid left ventricular wall deficit might be due to an abnormality in
the distribution of a large diagonal branch, but with large breasts or large
amount of soft tissue in the anterior chest wall interposed between the de-
tector and anterior wall, or data obtained with the patient prone with the
table interposed between the detector and anterior chest wall, it is more
likely artifact.

Verifying Correct Gating

If a gating system is available, interpretation of perfusion deficits should be
made in conjunction with wall thickening. The reconstructed LV curve
should be examined for gating artifacts. If the LV volume curve does not fol-
low the expected pattern, there most likely has been a gating problem.

Segmental Wall Thickening

Use of gated imaging can considerably aid in interpreting activity deficits.
Failure of regional wall thickening in the area of concern bolsters the con-
clusion that the area is abnormally perfused. On the other hand, the preser-
vation of wall thickening suggests artifact rather than decreased blood flow
causing the decreased activity. Wall thickening should be assessed in cine
mode. Both gray scale and a standardized color code can be used. Here the
eye is looking for an increase in intensity with systole of the area in question.
Areas that start as decreased intensity because of an absorption artifact will
display an increase in the count rate and density with systole, although they
will not achieve the same intensity as adjacent normal areas.

Wall Motion
Wall motion should also be evaluated in cine mode using a reproducible dis-
play and turning the 3-dimensional image to view the left ventricle from all
aspects to gain best appreciation of the motion of the wall edge moving par-
allel to the image plane. Like any other cine projection of the left ventricle the
presence or absence and degree of wall motion abnormality should be char-
acterized and quantified. Except in very small volume hearts, in which the
margin for error determination of LV endocardial surface is relatively large,
the LVEF from the gated SPECT image is both reproducible and accurate.
The EF corresponds very well to the LVEF obtained from the radionuclide
angiogram first pass study obtained at rest. Since the data contains only eight
points on the LV volume curve it tends to underestimate the EF when the
heart rate is rapid.

Quantitative Polar Map Displays

Accurate interpretation requires knowledge of the usual coronary artery per-
fusion pattern and common variations. The key question is, “does this per-
fusion deficit fit into the usual coronary artery distribution pattern or a com-
mon variant?” This decision can often be aided with the use of a quantitative
polar map program. These are usually presented as a bull’s-eye display, with
the center of the target representing the apex with the concentric rings de-
picting regions toward the cardiac base as the outer rings are reached. Using
polar map patterns from patients with angiographically defined coronary

artery disease, boundaries of the most probable distribution of vascular ter-

ritories were defined.95 The CEQUAL® program indicates the major coro-
nary artery distribution.
A number of quantitative “normal” databases were assembled, pre-
sented in polar map coordinate form, and validated.96–100 The images pre-
sented in this chapter are from the commercially available CEQUAL® pro-
gram.101 The SPECT visual anatomy should be confirmed, and attention
directed to possibly abnormal areas, by information from the CEQUAL® im-
age. The quantitative guide is not a substitute for careful visual assessment
of the data. The CEQUAL® images are shown in the lower right corner of the
illustrated cases presented in Figures 22–8 through 22–10 and Figure 22–12.
The opinion concerning the likelihood of a region of decreased activity rep-
resenting a perfusion deficit must be modified by observations concerning
the presence or absence of absorption or motion artifacts.

Infarct versus Ischemia

Once the decision has been made that the decreased activity represents a per-
fusion deficit and its probable vascular distribution determined, the abnor-
mality should be characterized with regard to size, and degree of decreased
activity and whether or not there is significantly improved perfusion in this
region on the resting images. The stress images must compared with the rest-
ing images with great care taken to ensure that the images correspond ex-
actly in plane of cut as well as each individual image to its counterpart. Of-
ten the computer makes these alignment choices. They should be checked
The distinction between infarction and ischemia causing decreased per-
fusion on the stress image rests upon whether or not the perfusion deficit per-
sists on the rest image, indicating infarction; or whether it significantly im-
proves or returns to normal, indicating ischemia. Although most perfusion
deficits that don’t change between stress and resting studies represent in-
farction, some, depending upon the clinical circumstances, will be due to
stunned or hibernating myocardium. While some interpreters suggest that
the interpretation of ischemia rests upon return of perfusion to nearly nor-
mal, smaller changes can also represent significant ischemia, particularly if
large in extent. Areas of improved perfusion often exist adjacent to fixed per-
fusion deficits, representing peri-infarct ischemia, frequently in the regions
of the borderland between two major coronary artery territories.
Figure 22–7 demonstrates a patient with LAD ischemia, Figure 22–8 a
patient with circumflex ischemia and Figure 22–9, a patient with right coro-
nary artery ischemia as well as the response to revascularization. Studies
in patients post CABG may show non anatomic distribution of ischemia,
that is, areas of proximal wall reversible deficits with more normal distri-
bution in the wall distal to the area of ischemia. These findings relate to
the placement and patency of grafts relative to significant native artery

stenoses. Following successful PTCA and stenting, if no stunning has taken

place, perfusion should promptly return to normal if the artery remains

Significant Ancillary Findings in Ischemia

Wall motion and LV function in ischemic areas may provide significant prog-
nostic information.102 The post stress data using the 99mTc agents is accumu-
lated at least 30 minutes following the stress procedure, during which period
the patient is usually resting seated or recumbent. The presence of decreased
wall motion and LV function in the post-stress image as compared with the
resting image indicates post stress stunning, a marker for severe stenosis
(Fig. 22–7, 22–9, 22–10).103
Increased pulmonary activity, usually related to prolonged pulmonary
transit as a direct result of LV failure, is a marker for poor prognosis. Another
ominous ancillary finding is transient ischemic dilatation. It is characterized
by an apparent dilatation of the left ventricular cavity with an increase in di-
ameter as seen on the post (either exercise or pharmacologic) stress image 1.2
times the diameter measured on the resting study image. Whether this is re-
lated to actual post stress LV dilatation due to stunning that persists up to an
hour after the stress or represents an artifact of subendocardial ischemia pro-
ducing an apparently larger LV cavity is uncertain. In any case, the finding
is a marker of severe and extensive coronary artery disease and portends a
poor prognosis. (See Fig. 22–10, 22–11 and 22–12.)

For purposes of reproducibility, diagnostic certitude and prognosis, a
semi-quantitative approach using a segmental deficit approach has been

FIGURE 22–7. Post-stress stunning of the anterior wall due to severe LAD ischemic disease. Stress
(top) and rest images (immediately beneath each stress row) of a 62-year-old hypertensive man who
smoked. He experienced angina every time he played tennis. On the standard Bruce protocol he
achieved 10 METS, developing angina and ST depression. The SPECT stress images show large an-
terior wall and apical deficits that have normal perfusion on the rest study performed the follow-
ing day. The lower images represent selected views from the gated wall motion study obtained with
the perfusion images. These are best viewed in cine mode. The outer cage represents the outside
edge of the left ventricular wall at end diastole, while the inner cage represents the endocardial
surface of the left ventricle at end diastole. The shaded, solid gray portion represents the left ven-
tricle at end sysole, roughly equivalent to the left ventriculogram. On the post-stress study there is
hypokinesis of the distal anterior wall and apex. On the study performed with injection made at
rest, there is only apical hypokinesis. Note the significant difference in volume as well as decreased
ejection fraction on the study performed about 1 hour following the injection with the patient on
the treadmill. These indicators of post-stress stunning led to prompt intervention. At catheteriza-
tion, there was occlusion of the proximal LAD, but wall motion was normal. A 3 ⫻ 18 mm stent
was successfully placed across the occlusion.


FIGURE 22–8. Lateral wall ischemia due to circumflex disease in a 64-year-old man with hyper-
tension and elevated LDL cholesterol level. He developed 3mm ST depression during the 9th
minute of a Bruce protocol treadmill stress study. The SPECT images, A, show a large perfusion
deficit in the inferior lateral wall on the stress portion of the study that perfuses nearly normally on
the resting images seen best on the horizontal long axis views. The RAO gated wall motion images,
B, show moderate apical hypokinesis and a normal ejection fraction. The top row of polar map
bull’s-eye (C) plots based on the data from the stress images shows significantly decreased perfu-
sion in the circumflex territory on the volume weighted (far left image that gives the best repre-
sentation of ventricular mass involved) and distance weighted (the second map from the left that
gives the best representation of anatomic area involved) while the extent of defect representation
(map second from the right end) shows as black those areas that are two standard deviations be-
low the normal database population. The severity map, far right includes not only the extent of the
defect, but also indicates how much below 2 standard deviations the affected areas are. The deficit
in the anterior wall on the stress polar maps was deemed insignificant, because it can be seen that
the septum is not lined up vertically on the SPECT images so that the bull’s-eye program misinter-
prets the upper septum as a portion of the anteroseptal wall. The bottom row of polar maps from
the resting portion of the study shows a much smaller extent of the perfusion deficit. Finally, the
bottom right polar map shows the degree to which the perfusion improves, and indicates that it is
reversible. At catheterization, there was a proximal lesion of the posterolateral marginal branch of
the circumflex artery.



FIGURE 22–9A–C. Inferior wall ischemia due to right coronary artery disease in a 52-year-old
woman who smoked and had a strong family history of coronary artery disease with two brothers
who died from coronary artery disease before reading the age of 50. The SPECT persantine® and
rest images, A, show a very large perfusion deficit in the inferior wall extending from the infer-
oseptal region to the lateral wall, abutting both the LAD and circumflex territories best seen on the
short axis views. This region shows normal perfusion on the resting study. The RAO gated SPECT
wall motion study, B, shows severe inferior wall hypokinesis after persantine, but only moderate
inferoapical hypokinesis on the resting study, an ominous sign indicating post persantine® stun-
ning, probably related to collateral flow steal. The bull’s-eye images, C, show an extensive, severe,
reversible inferior wall perfusion deficit involving the entire right coronary artery distribution. At
catheterization, a 99% mid right coronary artery lesion was treated by angioplasty and stent place-
ment leaving a small distal lesion and excluding a small right ventricular marginal branch. One
year later, the repeat persantine® study, D, is normal. Continued


FIGURE 22–9D. Continued. One year later, the repeat persantine® study, D, is normal.

suggested. The templates proposed by the Cedars-Sinai group using 20

segments104–106 or the ACC and ASNC using 17 segments can be used dur-
ing the interpretation process. The score for each segment is entered as:
normal ⫽ 0, slight reduction (probably normal) ⫽ 1, moderate reduction
(probably abnormal) ⫽ 2, severe reduction of uptake ⫽ 3, and finally, ab-
sent uptake ⫽ 4. These templates as well as a template that can be down-
loaded from a website can be obtained from DuPont Pharmaceuticals
( or from ASNC ( The higher the
summed stress score, the more certitude there is that the study is abnor-
mal, the worse the prognosis and the higher the risk group to which the
patient can appropriately be assigned. The summed rest score can also be
determined. The difference between the summed stress and rest scores
provides a semi-quantitative assessment of the degree and amount of
The same semi-quantitative approach can be applied to segmental wall
motion analysis using a six point scoring system: 0 ⫽ normal, 1 ⫽ mild hy-
pokinesis, 2 ⫽ moderate hypokinesis, 3 ⫽ severe hypokinesis 4= akinesis
5 ⫽ dyskinesis.105
A semiquantitative score may also be applied to wall thickening: 0 ⫽
normal, 1 ⫽ mild (equivocal) reduction, 2 ⫽ moderate-severe (definite) re-
duction, 3 ⫽ no detectable thickening.

Reverse Redistribution
Occasionally areas that show a small or no perfusion deficit on the post stress
images will show the presence of a new or larger perfusion deficit on the rest-
ing injection study. This so-called “reverse redistribution” finding may rep-
resent the presence of a subendocardial infarct supplied by a patent coronary
artery.107 Under these circumstances, the increased blood flow achieved dur-
ing the stress maneuver delivers enough tracer to obscure the partial wall
thickness deficit which then becomes apparent on the resting study with less
tracer deposition in the region compared with adjacent areas. After acute in-
farction, the finding appears on delayed resting studies done within the first
week after intervention to open the artery. In this case, the initial rather than
delayed resting image is more predictive of the final infarct size.108 Some-
times with the low count rates encountered in thallium imaging, this finding
may be artifactual when inappropriate background subtraction techniques
are used. Some investigators think this finding represents ischemia, but
the evidence is conflicting and not, for the most part, supportive of this

Causes of “Reversible Deficits” Other Than Ischemia

Left Bundle Branch Block
Reversible perfusion deficits appear with bundle branch block, particularly
left bundle branch block (LBBB), in the absence of demonstrable significant
CAD. Prognosis is excellent in patients with LBBB, no demonstrable signifi-
cant CAD on angiography and an abnormal thallium perfusion study.109
DePuey’s group found that while thallium SPECT imaging was sensitive for
the diagnosis of significant CAD in the presence of LBBB, defects in the sep-
tal area were common in the absence of significant CAD.110 The preponder-
ance of evidence indicates that there is lack of specificity of the finding of de-
creased septal perfusion in LBBB when the stress is associated with
production of increased heart rate. Specificity is markedly improved, al-
though less than in the absence of conduction abnormalities, when vasodila-
tors are used.111,112 It is of interest that experimental right ventricular pacing
in an animal model which produces late, asynchronous contraction and re-
duced septal thickening results in decreased septal perfusion.113 Such a
model predicts this effect would become more important at higher heart
rates with disproportionately reduced diastolic intervals. Right ventricular
pacing can severely reduce left ventricular function and induce abnormal left
ventricular wall motion.
Patients with right bundle branch block (RBBB) without left axis devia-
tion and those with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome show no loss of speci-
ficity, although the latter group had an increased prevalence of slow washout
of thallium in spite of achieving good exercise performance.114


FIGURE 22–10. Transient ischemic dilatation of the left ventricle. This 62-year-old man had a large
inferior wall infarct due to right coronary artery occlusion 10 months before this stress study which
demonstrates post stress stunning due to severe LAD disease. SPECT images, A, show a large re-
versible anterior apical deficit at stress which has normal perfusion on the resting study. The large
inferior wall perfusion deficit (infarct) persists on the resting study. The left ventricular cavity appears
significantly larger on the post stress study when compared to the resting study, indicating tran-
sient ischemic dilation, a marker of multi-vessel disease and of poor prognosis. The post-
persantine® RAO gated SPECT wall motion study, B, shows moderate anterior wall hypokinesis and
severe inferior wall and apical hypokinesis with an ejection fraction of 41%. On the RAO gated im-
age obtained following injection at rest, anterior wall motion is normal, while severe apical and
inferior wall hypokinesis persist. The ejection fraction is 50%. The findings indicate post stress stun-
ning of the anterior wall. The bull’s-eye polar maps, C, indicate a large mid-anterior apical reversible
deficit extending to the borderland territory between LAD, circumflex and right coronary artery dis-
tributions. In addition, there is a large inferior wall infarction. The polar map indicates approximately
30% of the myocardium is at ischemic risk, while approximately 20% (56% ⫻ 39%) has already
been involved by an infarct. On catheterization there was severe triple vessel disease with a 100%
occlusion of the LAD, a 90% occulsion of the proximal circumflex and a 90% occlusion of the dis-
tal right coronary artery with an ejection fraction of 43%. He underwent urgent coronary artery by-
pass grafting, but suffered a complete occlusion of the RCA graft one week later announced by ven-
tricular fibrillation during an outpatient visit to the hospital pharmacy. He was resuscitated, but at
angiography the graft could not be re-opened. He underwent cardiac rehabilitation.


FIGURE 22–11. Unstable angina in a 63-year-old man who had undergone coronary artery bypass
grafting for extensive multi-vessel disease after sustaining an inferior wall infarct, 5 years prior to
this study. The results of coronary angiography diagrammed in A, did not explain his severe symp-
toms. The mid LAD stenosis was interpreted as only 50% by several reviewers, while the severe
distal wrap around lesion was thought not worth intervention in this high-risk individual. The per-
santine®—rest SPECT study, B, shows a large area of anteroseptal, septal and inferior septal isch-
emia, as well as a moderate-to-large inferior wall infarct. There is transient ischemic dilatation of
the left ventricle seen on the short axis views. The RAO gated SPECT study, C, shows moderate an-
terior wall hypokinesis post persantine® as well as severe inferior wall and apical hypokinesis. The
rest portion of the study done the day before the persantine® study shows the ejection fraction is
the same, but the anterior wall motion is nearly normal, and left ventricular end diastolic volume
is significantly less, corresponding to the transient ischemic dilatation seen on the transverse sec-
tions. Because of the findings on this study and persistent symptoms, he had another catheteriza-
tion during which a 99% stenosis of the proximal LAD, previously overlooked, was treated by stent
placement. The ischemic areas resolved as did the post persantine stunning and transient ischemic
dilatation on a study repeated 3 weeks after stent placement.

Other Causes of Reversible Perfusion Defects

Other pathological processes that have been associated with areas of re-
versible Tl-201 stress perfusion deficits in the absence of demonstrable sig-
nificant CAD include aortic stenosis,114 aortic regurgitation,115 RBBB with
left axis deviation,111 anomalous origin of the left coronary artery,116 and le-
sions confined to the secondary branches of the left main coronary
artery.117 The last is an expected finding with better, high-resolution equip-
ment. About 5% of patients with mitral valve prolapse and normal coro-
nary arteries demonstrate reversible, exercise-induced perfusion defects.118
Reversible defects have also been reported with infiltrative myocardi-
opathies such as sarcoidosis.119 Myocardial bridging of a major epicardial
artery is usually associated with a normal thallium stress study, but there


FIGURE 22–12. Post-persantine stunning, transient ischemic dilatation and increased right ven-
tricular uptake as markers of poor prognosis in a 65-year-old man with atypical angina who com-
plained of right parasternal chest pain when he walked, a precautionary exercise he took up after
his brother underwent treatment for severe multi-vessel disease. During the persantine® study he
developed ischemic ST changes. The post-persantine® SPECT study, A, shows a large mid to distal
anterior wall and an apical deficit as well as distal inferior wall deficit best seen on the vertical long
axis views (bottom rows). In addition the mid ventricular cuts on the short axis show increased right
ventricular uptake. In comparison, the resting views show normal perfusion. The left ventricular
cavity can be seen to be dilated, particularly in the distal apical portion on the post persantine®
study as compared with the rest study. The gated SPECT images, B, show moderate distal anterior
wall hypokinesis and apical akinesis one hour after receiving persantine®, regions which which
have better, but not normal wall motion on the gated SPECT images made following injection at
rest. Note the larger end diastolic volume and decreased LVEF on the post persantine study as com-
pared with the resting study. The bull’s-eye polar images, C, also support a completely reversible
large anterior apical deficit affecting approximately 25%–30% of the left ventricular myocardium.
Immediately upon the conclusion of this study, based on the results, the patient was admitted for
urgent evaluation and therapy, but left against medical advice on the following day, and again
1 week later before catheterization could be performed. Three weeks later, while walking, he sus-
tained a large anterior myocardial infarction, presenting for medical attention 24 hours after the
onset of symptoms.


are exceptions, presumably related to obstructive physiology.120–122 Car-

diomyopathies resulting from other than ischemic processes may also
demonstrate reversible defects.123,124 Cocaine in the absence of significant
demonstrable anatomic disease may also cause apparently reversible per-
fusion deficits in a pattern like unstable angina.125 Exercise-induced coro-
nary artery spasm may also produce reversible deficits.126 Finally, some in-
dividuals with chest pain and patent epicardial coronary arteries on
angiography, demonstrate abnormal coronary artery reserve and have re-
versible, stress induced perfusion deficits,127 expected from a study that vi-
sually demonstrates the loss of coronary artery reserve while angiography
defines anatomy, not physiology.
Table 22–2 indicates causes of fixed and reversible deficits unrelated to
CAD that may be seen on stress myocardial perfusion studies. Some are the
result of other causes of demonstrably decreased regional perfusion. Others
result from a variety of artifacts related to the patient, the equipment or the
In my opinion, it is best to read the studies initially without the bias of
clinical information. But the final interpretation is offered only in conjunction
with the clinical history, EKG findings, presence or absence of ischemic
changes during stress at the time of injection of the perfusion tracer, the pres-
ence of conduction defects, left ventricular hypertrophy, and knowledge of
stress parameters and the patient’s response to them.


Maddahi and Berman128 have summarized the sensitivity and specificity for
visual analysis of planar thallium imaging as sensitivity 82%, specificity 88%,
and for quantitative analysis, a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 68%. Re-
ferral bias results in reduced specificity. It results from using the myocardial
perfusion image as a decision node for further work up; that is, patients with
a normal study are unlikely to be referred for further evaluation unless there
is a very strong clinical consideration supporting the presence of disease. Be-
cause of this the Cedars group has established the use of a normalcy rate. This
term classifies as true normal those with a normal test result and supporting
clinical data indicating a low likelihood of coronary artery disease but with-
out confirming cardiac catheterization data. Employing the normalcy rate to
correct for post-test referral bias,25 results in a normalcy rate of 88%. The re-
sults using dipyridamole are the same as for exercise stress. The presence
of a previous MI increases diagnostic sensitivity. Sensitivity also increases
as the number of coronary arteries involved with more than 75% stenosis

Table 22–2. Causes of Defects on Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy

Fixed Defects
Acute myocardial infarction
Old myocardial infarction
Stunned myocardium
Hibernating myocardium
Myocardial fibrosis associated with
Infiltrative cardiomyopathy
Myocardial bridging
Absorption effects
Breast tissue—implants
Changes in the thoracic wall
Increased pectoral musculature
Diaphragmatic (gastric) absorption
Normal apical thinning
Normal aortic valve plane
Normal fibrous septum
Artifact from incorrect scaling
Artifact from incorrect background subtraction
Artifact from absorption of photons by the scanning bed with patient prone
Reversible Defects
Ischemic myocardium
Left or right bundle branch block
Mitral valve prolapse
Aortic valve disease
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertensive cardiomyopathy
Myocardial bridging
Coronary artery spasm
Artifact from changing chest wall absorptive factors
Artifact from upward creep with SPECT
Artifact from variable gastric absorption between stress and redistribution or rest studies
Artifact from patient motion
Artifact from different positioning between stress and rest studies
Artifact from incorrect axis choice in SPECT
Artifact from incorrect background subtraction
Artifact from incorrect scaling
SPECT—single photon emission computed tomography.

A summary of visual analysis of 201Tl SPECT imaging yields a sensitiv-

ity of 92% and specificity of 77%. Quantitative SPECT analysis yields a sen-
sitivity of 90% and specificity of 70% with a normalcy rate of 89%.
A summary of the sensitivity and specificity for detecting CAD with
50% stenosis using exercise myocardial perfusion SPECT with 99mTc agents
indicates a sensitivity of 87%, and a specificity of 73%.129
Results in women have not been as good as in men. This may partly re-
sult from additional breast absorption artifact, and, when stress is per-

formed, less ability to reach peak stress. Sensitivity of thallium and Tc-99m
sestamibi for detecting coronary artery disease are similar, ranging in the
70% level for detecting 50% stenotic lesions to the 80% level for detecting 70%
lesions; however, the specificity of the Tc-99m agent is significantly better
than thallium, 92% as compared with 67%.130 More recent meta analyses and
large observational outcomes studies support the use of noninvasive testing
to determine risk assessment in symptomatic women with an intermediate
pre-test risk. In one large series, there was a stable decade long trend indi-
cating that referral for testing was more liberal for women, they were more
likely to have a normal result and they were less likely to be referred for car-
diac catheterization.131 The three year cardiac survival for women with no
perfusion deficits on the myocardial stress perfusion study is 99% dropping
to 85% with involvement of three vascular territories.132

Meta-analysis of a number of large series of planar and SPECT studies for de-
tecting CAD defined as 50% stenosis yield fairly similar results for SPECT
studies with either 201Tl or 99m Tc sestamibi or tetrofosmin. Results of stress
or pharmacological testing are also similar. Estimates from references 128
and 129 are given in Table 22–3.

Chronic Ischemic Disease

In patients with known coronary artery disease, myocardial perfusion imag-
ing provides an independent means for risk stratification to guide therapeu-
tic choices between conservative management and revascularization. A
meta-analysis of the mortality rates in post CABG patients,133 suggests that
these patients may be categorized as low risk, less than 1% mortality per
year, intermediate risk, 1%–3% mortality per year, and high risk, more than
3% mortality per year. While the low risk group most likely will not benefit

Table 22–3. Results of Myocardial Stress Perfusion Imaging for the Diagnosis of
Coronary Artery Disease

Sensitivity Specificity Normalcy Rate

Tl-201 planar 82%* 88%* —

89%** 68%** 88%
Tl-201 SPECT 90% 70% 89%
Tl-201 Dipyridamole 87% 81% —
Tc-99m sestamibi 88% 73% 91%
Tc-99m tetrofosmin 92% 81% 97%
*Qualitative data analysis.
**Quantitative data analysis.
Summarized by permission from the authors and publisher.

from invasive intervention and the high risk group most likely would, the in-
termediate group can be cost effectively stratified by myocardial perfusion
imaging into the low or high risk categories.

Acute Ischemic Syndromes

In patients presenting to the emergency department with acute chest pain
suspected of having an ongoing acute myocardial infarction, the myocar-
dial perfusion study can aid in triaging selected patients in whom routine
diagnostic efforts including historical data, examination, EKG, chest film
and blood studies result in an intermediate probability. A normal resting
SPECT myocardial perfusion study correlates with a less than a 1% likeli-
hood of the presence of an acute infarction. Even if an infarct later proved
to be present, those with a normal resting myocardial perfusion study were
most likely to have small, non-complicated infarcts.134 Clinical data in-
cluding history, risk factors and early changes in serum troponin levels, as
well as the myocardial perfusion study have similar, high sensitivity, but
the specificity of the myocardial perfusion image is higher. A negative my-
ocardial perfusion scan has a 99% negative predictive value. In this setting,
selective use of SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging proves cost effective
in guiding who can safely be sent home, and who should be hospital-
Myocardial perfusion imaging in acute coronary occlusive syndromes
has been used to define areas of myocardium at risk.47,98 In these settings,
Tc-99m sestamibi can be injected prior to reperfusion therapy and imaging
carried out several hours after therapy. Imaging at this time reflects myo-
cardium at risk. Successful reperfusion therapy is reflected by improved
myocardial perfusion on repeat perfusion studies performed as soon as the
following day. Thereafter, follow up imaging often shows continuing im-
provement in myocardial blood flow over a several week period, perhaps
reflecting recovery of stunned or ischemic tissue function so that these areas
are able to take up sestamibi.

Unstable Angina
Selected patients presenting with unstable angina and a non-diagnostic EKG
may be triaged effectively using myocardial perfusion imaging. The patient
can be injected during pain with 99mTc sestamibi, treated and imaged up to
4 hours later to determine the status of myocardial perfusion at the time of
injection. If the clinical situation permits, comparison of myocardial perfu-
sion following a repeat injection made when the patient is without pain can
help estimate the extent of the region at risk. Abnormal myocardial perfusion
images are found in patients with unstable angina who are injected with a
technetium 99m myocardial perfusion tracer during, or even shortly follow-
ing an episode of chest pain related to unstable angina, even if unaccompa-
nied by ischemic changes on the EKG. Such deficits are reversible and usu-

ally accompany severe three vessel disease.137 The EKG is unlikely to demon-
strate ischemic changes when the patient is pain free. Patients who have an
abnormal EKG with pain are likely to demonstrate relatively large areas of
ischemia on the perfusion study.

Studies of large numbers of patients with a normal outcome of myocardial
stress perfusion studies have shown that the risk of myocardial infarction or
cardiac death during the next year was 0.2%—0.5%.138–144 Myocardial perfu-
sion imaging provides a gain in incremental prognostic information in most
groups of patients with known coronary artery disease, but the approach is
cost effective only when applied to patients with a high risk for an adverse
cardiac event. Parameters on the myocardial perfusion study directly related
to an adverse myocardial event include the presence of ischemic defects, as
well as the number and the extent of the defects. Other markers of poor prog-
nosis include: increased lung uptake when thallium is used. Early planar
imaging obtained 7 minutes following post-stress injection of Tc-99m ses-
tamibi will provide similar information;89 transient ischemic dilatation; in-
creased right ventricular uptake; post-stress stunning evidenced by de-
creased regional wall motion on the post stress gated image as compared
with the resting image; and ejection fraction ⬍0.35. (See Fig. 22–7, 22–10,
22–11 and 22–12).

Risk Stratification
Post Acute MI
Risk stratification early following an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) can
contribute significantly to clinical management and decision making. Tradi-
tionally an early sub-maximal stress study, including myocardial perfusion,
performed just prior to discharge 6 to 12 days after AMI fulfilled this role.
Studies using dipyridamole 2 to 4 days after AMI show that this procedure
is not only safe, but has a superior ability to predict both early in-hospital and
later post-discharge cardiac events as compared with the traditional ap-
proach.145 The summed stress score seems to perform best in those patients
receiving thrombolytic therapy. Significant independent predictors of the
post discharge event rate included the summed stress score, the reversibility
score, the rest score and an anterior AMI.
Following an acute, uncomplicated myocardial infarction, it is probably
cost effective to use myocardial perfusion imaging to triage those patients
who, on clinical grounds, have an intermediate risk for another acute cardiac
event or for whom clinical indications for revascularization are not clear cut.
This approach is effective whether or not therapeutic thrombolysis or stent-
ing has been performed for the acute syndrome.

“Hibernating” Myocardium
Hibernating myocardium results from absence of coronary flow reserve
leading to a persistent resting ischemic state or possibly myocardium that is
repetitively stunned during routine daily activities because of insufficient
blood supply to meet routine metabolic demands, or both. Whatever the
cause, the result is decreased function in viable myocardium, that appropri-
ately reperfused can regain function. Often patients with hibernating myo-
cardium represent those with the most severe ischemic disease who have the
highest risk for undergoing revascularization procedures, yet may have the
most to gain in terms of improved survival with a successful procedure.
Thus, accurate selection criteria are critical in this group.146 Initial observa-
tions with thallium stress-redistribution imaging indicated that up to 30% of
regions which appeared to have persistent, severe perfusion deficits on the
three hour images appeared to be much better perfused on delayed imaging
18-24 later.147 A more sensitive approach is the reinjection of thallium in the
resting state after the 3 hour delayed images.148,149 Reperfused areas have a
high likelihood of regaining significant function in response to successful
revascularization. If only the detection of hibernating myocardium is the is-
sue, images three hours after resting injection of thallium-201 under fasting
conditions likely to maintain relatively high levels of thallium in the plasma
are suitable.150,151 Such studies have approximately a 70% positive and neg-
ative predictive value for regional recovery, or lack of recovery of function.
Tc99m MIBI is predominantly a flow agent, and redistribution is not usu-
ally significant, although viable myocardial cells are required for its retention.
The use of after-load reduction is simple to perform and can be helpful if the
result is positive, but the negative predictive value of such a study is probably
too low to be clinically valuable. The accuracy of this approach is probably
about the same as for thallium-201 rest-redistribution studies.152 Figure 22–13
shows the result of such a study in a man with severely impaired left ventric-
ular function. The nitroglycerine study shown was performed by injecting Tc-
99m sestamibi 4 minutes after a second sublingual dose of nitroglycerine. First
pass data were obtained during injection. The study predicted good return of
function that, in fact, occurred after successful revascularization.

Metabolic Imaging for Defining Hibernating Myocardium

The physiologic definition of hibernating myocardium is tissue with chron-
ically reduced blood flow with resultant reduced contractile function that
maintains metabolic capacity. The clinical availability of the glucose uptake
tracer, F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18 FDG), permits the direct and accurate
demonstration of this condition through a variety of imaging techniques.
Myocardial areas with reduced perfusion and contractile function, maintain
metabolic activity by utilizing glucose substrate in the resting state. The
demonstration that such regions could regain function provided the clinical
basis for defining hibernating myocardium as a perfusion-metabolic mis-

match.153 Although a variety of metabolic tracers have been used, including

acetate labeled with the very short half-lived positron-emitter, C-11,154and
fatty acids with the single photon label I-123,155 the current rapidly evolving
clinical use and availability of F-18 FDG make it the favored tracer for mea-
suring metabolism in ischemic segments.

Tracer Combinations for Defining Perfusion—Metabolic Mismatch

A variety of tracer combinations, instrumentation and protocols have been
employed clinically. If positron emission tomomgraphy as well as cyclotron
facilities are available, N-13 ammonia can be used as the flow tracer.156 If
the facility has no cyclotron, rubidium-82 obtained from a strontium-82—
rubidium-82 generator with a useful life of 1 month can be used as the flow
tracer.157 Clinical imaging methods include dedicated PET instruments us-
ing a combination of F-18 FDG and either Rb 82 or N-13 ammonia; hybrid
SPECT-PET coincidence detectors using F-18 FDG and either Tc99m MIBI or
Thallium-201, or dedicated SPECT instruments imaging in a non-coinci-
dence mode, but equipped with high-energy collimators that can image F-18
and Tc-99m agents simultaneously.158 This last method has proven quite ac-
curate used in a clinical setting. If a hybrid coincidence detection system is
used for imaging, it should be equipped with attenuation correction. Other-
wise, attenuation problems appear to affect the evaluation of the inferior and
septal regions, particularly in bulky patients with a high mass index.159
The use of FDG requires careful patient preparation to enhance the
myocardial utilization of the glucose substrate. This may be accomplished by
oral glucose loading; or, by a combination of intravenous glucose, insulin
and potassium; or, by reduction of fatty acid levels using nicotinic acid ana-
logues. The use of glucose loading in the face of impaired glucose metabo-
lism requires careful monitoring of blood glucose levels and can pose signif-
icant logistic problems unless a well-planned protocol is in place. It requires
individuals available who are skilled in monitoring the diabetic patient. Sev-
eral protocols have been proposed.160–163

FIGURE 22–13. Hibernating myocardium diagnosed using nitroglycerine. Use of sublingual nitro-
glycerine in conjunction with Tc99m MIBI for detecting hibernating myocardium in a man who was
judged to have no reversible ischemia on persantine/rest studies. In this study the long axis vertical
slices have the apex oriented to the reader’s left. The pre-operative resting study (PRE-OP) shows very
large anterior, septal and apical perfusion deficits. The first pass study obtained at the same time
shows severe generalized hypokinesis with inferior wall akinesis, a right ventricular ejection fraction
of 29% and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 26%. The SPECT images obtained from the injec-
tion performed 4 minutes after the second of two doses of sublingual nitroglycerine (PRE-OP TNG)
show reperfusion of large portions of the anterior, and septal regions with fixed deficits in the apex
and inferior wall. The first pass study obtained with the injection of Tc-99m MIBI for the perfusion
portion of the study shows improvement of the anterior wall motion with the left ventricular ejection
fraction rising to 41%, the right to 49%. Following coronary artery bypass grafting (POST-OP), the
resting study shows resolution of the anterior, septal and apical deficits. Both left and right ejection
fractions have risen to 51%. His New York heart association classification fell from class 4 to class 2.

Perfusion (T1) - Metabolic (FDG) match

Mostly non-viable tissue

Resting T1

Long Axis

Resting T1
Long Axis


FIGURE 22–14. F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) for detecting hibernating myocardium. The rest-
ing vertical long axis views performed with thallium show a large anterior apical perfusion deficit
confirmed on the horizontal long axis views. The FDG images show minimal metabolism of glu-
cose in the region of these perfusion deficits, a perfusion/metabolism matched deficit. This finding
indicates largely non-viable tissue, unsuitable for reperfusion intervention. These images were ob-
tained on the same hybrid three-headed SPECT system that performed all of the SPECT images that
were used to illustrate this chapter. It may be rapidly converted for performing coincidence imag-
ing. Its 3 large crystals have approximately a 33% increase in count rate advantage in obtaining
coincidence data over dual crystal instruments. (Case courtesy of Fan-Ping Wang, M.D., and
Lalitha Ramanna, M.D., LAC-USC Medical Center, Los Angeles.)

The recent introduction of the nicotinic acid derivative, Acipimax,

promises a simpler, alternative method of patient preparation. Readily ab-
sorbed after oral administration and apparently free of significant side effects
other than flushing, it is a potent inhibitor of peripheral lipolysis resulting in
reduced plasma levels of free fatty acids. Two oral doses are given, one 3
hours and, the other, 1/2 hour, prior to injection.
This protocol yields good results for clinical imaging, comparable to us-
ing a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp and better than using an oral glu-
cose load.164 Figure 22–14 shows the appearance of a metabolic perfusion
match comparing the resting thallium study (perfusion) with metabolism
(FDG) indicating an insignificant amount of hibernating myocardium in a
large apical infarct. Figure 22–15 shows the appearance of a large inferior
wall infarct on the thallium image performed 24 hours after injection of thal-
lium at rest, while the FDG image indicates significant metabolic activity in
this region, a metabolic-perfusion mismatch, supporting the presence of hi-
bernating myocardium.

Perfusion (T1) - Metabolic (FDG) mismatch

Hibernating myocardium

24-hr T1

Short Axis


24-hr T1
Long Axis


FIGURE 22–15. F-18-FDG for detection of hibernating myocardium. The 24-hour thallium redis-
tribution study short axis and vertical long axis rows show a persistent large inferior wall perfusion
deficit supporting the presence of non-viable myocardium in this region, unsuitable for revascu-
larization. The FDG images (rows beneath the thallium images), however, show that this region
actively metabolizes glucose. This indicates the region of mismatched decreased perfusion but
active glucose metabolism is viable and might well benefit, in terms of improved function, from
revascularization. (Case courtesy of Fan-Ping Wang, M.D. and Lalitha Ramanna, M.D., LAC-USC
Medical Center, Los Angeles.)

A meta-analysis of 12 studies including 325 patients who underwent

revascularization, indicated that FDG PET imaging yielded an average sen-
sitivity of 88% and specificity of 73% for predicting the return or lack of re-
turn of contractile function to the areas that were revascularized.165 An
analysis of the FDG collimated SPECT method including 55 patients with
ischemic left ventricular dysfunction who underwent revascularization in-
dicated a sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 75% in predicting the return of
function to the revascularized regions.166 Both dedicated PET and SPECT
F-18 FDG/perfusion imaging have demonstrated prognostic value in defin-
ing the cohort with ischemic cardiomyopathy which has the best improve-
ment in event rate with surgical as compared with medical management.
This is the group with viable myocardium, as opposed to non viable myo-
cardium.167 They had improvement in both contractile function and symp-
toms as well as performance. Validation of hybrid coincidence imaging
requires further study.
Indications: (1) diagnosis of chronic ischemic disease; (2) diagnosis of hi-
bernating myocardium; (3) prognosis in chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy.


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Metabolic Abnormalities and Drugs

Metabolic Acidosis Atropine

Alkalosis Propranolol and Atropine
Thyroid Abnormalities Catecholamines
Hyperthyroidism Amphetamines
Hypothyroidism Isoproterenol
Diabetes Psychotropic Drugs
Estrogens Tricyclic Antidepressants
Androgens Lithium
Carbon Monoxide Phenothiazines
Nicotine Diazepam
Digitalis Antihypertensive Agents
Quinidine Diuretics
Class IB Antiarrhythmic Drugs Methyldopa
Class IC Antiarrhythmic Drugs Clonidine
Amiodarone Guanethidine
Mechanism of Action of Antianginal Vasodilators
Drugs Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Nitrates Inhibitors
Long-Acting Nitrates Angiotensin II Blockers
Dipyridamole L-Arginine
Beta Blockers p FOX Inhibitors (Partial Fatty Acid
Mechanisms of Beta Blockade Oxidation Inhibitors)
Calcium Blockers Alcohol

Information on changes in cellular physiology, cardiopulmonary function,

and exercise tolerance associated with metabolic abnormalities and various
drug regimens is proliferating so fast that our knowledge today may be out
of date tomorrow. Many drugs that we use can profoundly alter ischemia,
afterload and preload, and the chronotropic and inotropic response. It is es-
sential to consider these changes when undertaking exercise testing. New
understanding of metabolic pathways and substances that interact with or
alter the physiological processes controlling our cardiovascular system man-
dates constant study.
This chapter should help the physician to deal with most of the more
common conditions and drugs in use. Careful study of newly introduced
agents will be mandatory to determine their effects on patients during exer-
cise testing.


Acidosis depresses cardiac contractility, especially during exercise. The ac-

cumulation of lactic acid and the ability to tolerate this buildup constitute
very important determinants of endurance in sports performance.1 As the
pH level drops with acidosis, the strength of myocardial contraction de-
creases, and the cardiac output also decreases. Individual susceptibility to
this effect seems to vary, and conditioning and age may be factors in this
discrepancy.2 The same drop in pH level seems to have a protective effect
against ventricular irritability. The only significant findings on the ECG may
be some lowering of the T waves and slight prolongation of the QT interval,
although these changes are nonspecific. If exercise is carried to maximum ca-
pacity, all subjects become acidotic, but this is quickly corrected during the
recovery period.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) has long been recognized as having important va-
soactive properties. The vasoconstrictive properties of a low PCO2 and the di-
latation in the vasculature of the brain seen with a high PCO2 are the most no-
table.2 More recently, the capacity of a low PCO2 to cause intense coronary
vasoconstriction with a resultant decrease in myocardial perfusion has been
demonstrated by Case and coworkers.3 Coronary vascular resistance in-
creases with alkalosis, even when the arterial PO2 is maintained in the nor-
mal range. Thus, ST depression following hyperventilation may actually rep-
resent myocardial ischemia.
Chronic hyperventilation is one of the most common types of alkalosis
seen in ambulatory patients. This condition is common in emotionally labile
women, who are often subject to vague chest symptoms and may be sus-
pected of having coronary artery disease (CAD). Chronic alkalosis involves
intracellular potassium depletion with a subsequent increase in urinary
potassium loss. A lower than normal level of total body potassium may ac-
count for fatigue, loss of strength, and characteristic changes reflected in the
ECG. The ECG of such a patient is illustrated in Figure 23–1. A 28-year-old
woman was referred to our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic because of sus-
pected asthma or emphysema. Her spirometric measurements were normal,
but the blood gas studies revealed a pH of 7.51 and a PCO2 of 32; serum potas-
sium was 3.2. The stress test disclosed ST-segment depression at rest, which
was accentuated by hyperventilation. The results were considered by some
observers to be suggestive of CAD. After potassium level correction, pro-
longed psychotherapy, and an exercise program, the patient became rela-
tively free of symptoms, and her resting ECG returned to normal. This
patient is an extreme example of the ECG changes seen in those who are
chronically anxious and neurotic. One of the reasons for using a period of hy-

FIGURE 23–1. The CM5 leads recorded from a 28-year-old woman with chronic hyperventilation,
a low PCO2, and a high pH. The tendency for the depressed ST segments to evolve toward normal
immediately after exercise and then to assume a more pathological appearance during recovery is
common in people with metabolic abnormalities.

perventilation prior to the stress test is to help identify such persons and dis-
tinguish the ST-segment changes caused by the metabolic defect from those
resulting from ischemia due to coronary narrowing.
As discussed in Chapter 12, excessive diuretic use is another cause of


High levels of thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) profoundly influence cardiac
function as well as the metabolism of all body tissues. The increase in heart
rate, systolic blood pressure, ejection rate, and coronary blood flow is asso-
ciated with a decrease in systemic resistance. Iskandrian and colleagues4
studied 10 thyrotoxic patients with exercise radionuclide angiograms. They
found the exercise capacity, heart rate, and blood pressure to be similar to
those of normals, but at maximum capacity the ejection fraction was reduced.
This supported the previous data indicating that hyperthyroidism is associ-
ated with cardiac dysfunction.5,6 ST-segment changes are not usually seen in
hyperthyroidism, however.

A decrease in thyroid hormone is known to reduce cardiac output and to de-
crease myocardial contractility and heart rate. These changes are of suffi-
cient magnitude that iodine 131 (I 131) was once proposed as a treatment for
severe angina, even though it was known to be associated with acceleration
of the atherosclerotic process. Hypothyroidism is often associated with T-
wave flattening and ST-segment depression. Exercise has been reported to
produce ST depression in about 50% of patients with severe myxedema.
Thus, thyroid function should be taken into consideration when ST depres-
sion occurs, especially in a lethargic woman with a slow heart rate. Hylan-
der and associates7 studied the cardiovascular response to thyroid replace-
ment and found that it took 12 weeks or more for the exercise-induced ST
segments to return to normal, about the same amount of time it took for thy-
roid stimulating hormone to normalize. On the other hand, it took about 35
weeks for the exercise capacity to return to normal. They proposed that the
heart returns to normal function before the peripheral response can recover.


Stress testing in diabetic patients requires some knowledge of the distur-

bances in metabolism and physiology brought on by this protean disease. Be-
sides hypertension and hyperlipidemia, diabetes is known to be associated
with alterations in the microvasculature and with deposits of mucopolysac-
charides in the myocardium.8,9 The latter changes may explain the report
from the Framingham study that twice as many diabetic patients as age-
matched controls develop congestive heart failure.10 An inadequate insulin
supply has been shown to inhibit the transport of glucose across the my-
ocardial cell membrane,11 and glucose phosphorylation by adenosine
triphosphate is altered so that an excess of ammonium is liberated.12 Not
only does the ammonium decrease myocardial contractility secondary to the
acidosis, but the increased use in free fatty acids also results in a decrease in
glucose use and an excess deposit of glycogen in the heart muscle. These
changes decrease both myocardial compliance and the contractile force and
can best be identified by measuring the isovolumetric relaxation time, which
is abnormally prolonged, especially after exercise.
Rubler9 and Rubler and Arvan13 have described a reduction in exercise
capacity, higher systolic and diastolic pressures, and a lower maximum heart
rate in asymptomatic diabetics. The latter finding may be an expression of
the dysautonomia under study in diabetes14 and is believed to be due to a
generalized neuropathy.15 Rubler,9 however, failed to document a higher in-
cidence of ST depression in diabetics when compared with that of patients of
the same age in other studies.
On the other hand, Persson16 studied 84 diabetic men with exercise and
followed them up for 9 years. He found an increased prevalence of ST de-

pression in the diabetic patients compared with controls, as well as a corre-

lation with the duration of the diabetes. A similar increase in ST depression
during exercise was also reported by Bellet and Roman17 and Karlefors.18
It may be prudent to test diabetic subjects in a fasting state if they are on
insulin, as reported by Riley and colleagues,19 who found that intravenous glu-
cose increases the incidence of ST-segment depression. It remains to be deter-
mined whether a glucose meal would have the same effect. When subjects on
insulin are studied in our laboratory, we perform stress testing approximately
2 hours after either breakfast or lunch without altering either their diet or their
insulin schedule. I am aware of no case in which this practice has resulted in a
false-positive test or in any complications related to blood sugar levels.


Exercise-induced ST depression is often seen in women with normal coro-

nary arteries.20,21 Although there is still some question whether estrogen is a
cause, the hormone has been reported to function as a vasoconstrictor.22 In
contrast, estrogen has also been reported to cause coronary dilatation by pre-
venting constriction in CAD patients given acetylcholine.23 Engel’s group24
has presented evidence of decreased myocardial perfusion in women taking
estrogens. Various estrogens have been found to have an adverse effect on
the incidence of myocardial infarction in subjects in the Coronary Drug
Project,25 and in men treated for carcinoma of the prostate.26
Jaffe27 found that when treating patients with established CAD, 90% had
more ST-segment depression after 2 weeks of treatment with 10 mg of con-
jugated estrogens or 5 mg of stilbestrol. When treating 10 patients (five men
and five women) without CAD or ST depression, however, he failed to pro-
duce ST changes.28 Because Jaffe used only the Master’s test, we do not know
whether ST depression would manifest at higher workloads. A recent report
by Marmor and associates29 clearly demonstrates that estrogens cause ST de-
pression. Women with false-positive ST depression had a normal response
after having their ovaries surgically removed. At this juncture, when patients
taking estrogens have an abnormal ST response to exercise, the possibility of
a drug-induced response should always be considered (Table 23–1), espe-
cially if the abnormal response occurs in a woman in the age group in which
CAD is known to be rare. Because estrogens have some pharmacological
similarity to digitalis, more careful studies need to be carried out to deter-
mine their role in myocardial metabolism.


Very few data are available on the influence of androgens on the heart. It
seemed logical that after studying the effect of estrogens, Jaffe28 would ex-

Table 23–1. Agents Reported to Alter

Exercise-Induced ST-Segment Changes

False-Positive False-Negative

Digitalis Nitrates
Estrogens Beta blockers
Diuretics Quinidine
Catecholamines ? Androgens ?
Lithium ? Diazepam ?

tend the study to the evaluation of androgens. Because women have a lower
incidence of infarction than men, it was long believed that estrogens pro-
tected against CAD and that androgens must have an adverse effect. The
findings released by the Coronary Drug Project25 implicating estrogen as a
possible added risk factor were a surprise to most of us. The added evidence
that estrogens aggravated exercise-induced ischemia, however, tended to
confirm the concept that the physiological effect of this steroid has an ad-
verse effect on cardiac function.
Jaffe30 has reported that ethylestrenol, an anabolic steroid, and testos-
terone cypionate both reduce ST-segment depression in patients with CAD.
When testosterone (200 mg intramuscularly) was compared with a placebo
for 4 to 8 weeks, the treated subjects had a decrease in the sum of the ST de-
pression in leads II, V4, V5, and V6 immediately after a two-step test—32% af-
ter 4 weeks of treatment and 51% after 8 weeks of treatment. The reason for
this improvement was not established, but the exercise heart rate was sig-
nificantly lower in those who showed improvement. The blood pressure was
not altered. Testosterone is known to improve muscle strength and to in-
crease the sense of vigor, so that those treated actually may have needed less
caloric expenditure because of increased muscle strength.31 Androgens also
increase the 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate in red blood cells, thus enabling them
to carry more oxygen11 and increase the concentration of hemoglobin.32 The
men in Jaffe’s study, however, failed to have a measurable increase in
Finally, a decrease in smooth muscle tone has been reported,33 which
might decrease coronary resistance. Holma34 studied the hemodynamic
changes in athletes following a 2-month oral dose of metandierone, an ana-
bolic steroid. He found an increase in stroke volume, a reduction in heart
rate, and improved peak forearm blood flow, which would also support the
concept that smooth muscle relaxation is an important component.
At this point, the final mechanism for the improvement is unknown, but
since angina was also decreased, there may actually be less ischemia after the
administration of male hormones.


We are exposed to carbon monoxide daily in automobile exhaust and ciga-

rette smoke. As early as 1973, it was reported that adverse effects from car-
bon monoxide could be detected in patients with CAD.35 When exposure to
carbon monoxide is chronic, the carboxyhemoglobin level increases, com-
petes with oxyhemoglobin in our red blood cells, and produces relative hy-
poxia. Disagreement as to the importance of this potentially toxic substance
was reported by Anderson and associates,36 leading to a multicenter study
in 63 men with CAD, funded by the Environmental Protection Agency.37 Ex-
posure to enough carbon monoxide to produce levels of both 2% and 3.9%
carboxyhemoglobin was found to result in reduced treadmill time to the on-
set of ST depression and angina. These levels are commonly achieved by
smokers or by those exposed to excessive automobile exhaust. This study
suggests that a long ride on a crowded freeway or a day of smoking definitely
increases ischemia and results in a greater magnitude of ST depression at a
lower workload. Thus, exposure to carbon monoxide should be kept in mind
when using exercise testing to evaluate the severity of ischemia.


Although athletes and coaches always knew that nicotine impaired exercise
capacity, the exact reasons were not clear. Also, it has long been known that
smokers gain weight when they give up smoking. In about 1940, it was
demonstrated that both dogs and humans increased their metabolism after
smoking,38 and in 1989 Perkins and colleagues39 demonstrated that the mod-
est increases in oxygen uptake were greatly accentuated by even mild exer-
cise. These investigators also found that the increased work required to per-
form a given exercise load was not associated with an increase in perceived
The deleterious effects on respiratory function and the reduced oxyhe-
moglobin are therefore not necessarily the major causes of reduced perfor-
mance. Nicotine has been shown to increase systolic and diastolic pressure
and to reduce vagal tone, with its attendant increase in sympathetic drive.40
The markers for this change are loss of RR variability, increased resting heart
rate, and augmented response to Valsalva’s maneuver. Blood flow to the skin
is also reduced, resulting in a major increase in peripheral resistance. Kami-
mori41 has shown that smoking decreases the diameter of epicardial coro-
nary arteries in patients with coronary atheroma, as well as the velocity of
blood flow. These changes have been shown to be due to endothelial cell
Therefore, during exercise testing the heart rate and blood pressure will
be greater for any given workload and ischemia will come on earlier. For all

these reasons, it is wise to ask patients to refrain from smoking before their
exercise test.


The alterations in ST segments produced by digitalis are well documented,

and ischemic ST-segment changes can be accentuated when a patient who
has taken the drug exercises. Digitalis also clearly produces exercise-induced
ST-segment depression in persons with normal coronary arteries.
Oddly, even though digitalis has been used longer than any other drug
in patients with cardiac disorders, doubt remains about some of its pharma-
cology. Some of its actions, however, are fairly well understood:
1. In the normal-sized heart, the inotropic effect is associated with an in-
creased oxygen uptake.
2. In the failing heart, the size of the ventricle can be reduced, and thus
the oxygen consumption is actually decreased.43 Vogel and col-
leagues44 have demonstrated with thallium 201 uptake that myocar-
dial perfusion actually increases in the failing heart when a patient is
given digitalis. These subjects have also been shown to have better
left-ventricular function during exercise.45
3. A definite vasoconstrictor effect has been demonstrated both in coro-
nary arteries and in peripheral tissue.46,47 This seems to be due to a
direct effect on the smooth muscles of both arteries and veins. In the
heart, a reduction of flow to the subendocardium has been demon-
strated by both rubidium 86 and radioactive microspheres.48 When
this happens, there is usually an increase in left-ventricular systolic
and end-diastolic pressure associated with the drug. Evidence also
suggests that at times the epicardium may be relatively overperfused
and act as a physiological shunt.49
4. Even though the above decrease in subendocardial flow is present,
the ST depression may not be due to significant ischemia50; although
oxygen inhalation tends to correct the ST depression, nitroglycerin
fails to have the same effect. Nitrates have been shown to dilate
digitalis-induced coronary artery constriction, however.51
5. Digitalis has been demonstrated to cause an increase in intracellular
calcium, a change also present in ischemia.52
Studies to elucidate the incidence and mechanism of digitalis-induced
ST depression during exercise are numerous but still leave us with some
uncertainties.48,52,53 Reports that the administration of potassium reduces
digitalis-induced ST depression may explain the reputed ST-segment im-
provement in some patients at high workloads, since this is when exercise
causes a maximum increase in serum potassium. Also, as exercise pro-
gresses, serum digitalis decreases because of increased binding to working

muscle.49 Kawai and Hultgren50 reported that approximately 50% of their

normal subjects placed on a maintenance dose of digoxin and tested on a
Master’s protocol had significant ST depression, but that the changes could
be minimized by oxygen inhalation or potassium infusion. Goldbarg54 re-
ported about the same incidence of ST depression in normal subjects taking
digitalis. Tonkin and colleagues55 reported that ST changes occurred in all
subjects with digoxin levels higher than 0.5 mg/mL. They also found that
when these patients reached a workload of over 75% of their maximum pre-
dicted heart rate, the ST depression disappeared, thereby enabling them to
distinguish those subjects with ischemia from those with drug changes
alone. They also found that most of their subjects had a J-point or upsloping
pattern and that the depth of the ST depression and the serum digoxin level
were roughly correlated (r = .57). A Swedish study by Sundqvist and col-
leagues56 confirmed these findings using 11 healthy subjects. These volun-
teers had a mean age of only 28 years, however, and older subjects may have
a different response.
Sketch and colleagues,21 on the other hand, found that the ST depression
continued to maximum workload in normal patients given digoxin and that
the changes persisted in a few up to 6 minutes into recovery. They also re-
ported that the incidence of ST depression increased with age. Although only
25% of the total cohort had ST depression, 100% of those older than aged 60
exhibited this finding. After 5 years, these researchers retested most of their
subjects and found that those who originally had digitalis-induced ST de-
pression were likely to have ST changes without the drug on follow-up. They
postulate that digitalis unmasks ischemia and that some of those with ST de-
pression after digoxin were really false-negative responders. This hypothe-
sis, I believe, requires further verification.
Degre and associates57 from Belgium reported that an increase in
R-wave amplitude will differentiate those on digitalis. The specificity of the
ST depression was 30% but increased to 70% when the increase in R-wave
amplitude was added. Sensitivity was 100% and 50%, respectively. It has also
been reported that ST depression due to ischemia is improved by nitroglyc-
erin but that no change is seen if digitalis is the cause.
Our experience has been that ST depression of 4 to 5 mm almost always
signals ischemia, even in patients who are taking digitalis. The maximum
magnitude in the normal patients in Sketch and colleagues’ study was 1.9
mm. A patient on digitalis who is tested and has no ST depression provides
strong evidence against the presence of myocardial ischemia. Digitalis in-
hibits chronotropic response in patients with sinus rhythm as well as in those
with atrial fibrillation.
Kawai and Hultgren50 reported a normal QT interval in subjects with
digitalis-induced ST changes, compared with prolonged QT intervals in
those with ischemia. This important finding has not been confirmed. David-
son and Hagan58 have proposed the use of stress testing in patients on digi-
talis with atrial fibrillation to assess the adequacy of the dose. When the drug

level is adequate, the ventricular response to exercise will be similar to that

of patients in sinus rhythm; when this is accomplished, exercise tolerance
will improve.


Although it has been stated that the use of quinidine will bring about a false-
positive stress test result, I have been unable to find a documented example
and have never observed such a response in our laboratory. In toxic doses,
quinidine may prolong conduction at any level in the conduction system, but
when blood levels are in the therapeutic range, it is very useful as an antiar-
rhythmic agent during exercise. Gey and colleagues59 gave quinidine glu-
conate to 29 subjects orally in doses of 10 and 15 mg/kg of body weight prior
to a standard Bruce test. Some subjects were normal, whereas others had doc-
umented CAD. The investigators observed an excellent antiarrhythmic effect
but were unable to identify a change in either heart rate or blood pressure,
and no evidence of ST-segment depression was found. They reported that
procainamide (Pronestyl), however, has been shown to produce significant
ST depression during exercise.60 Fluster and coworkers61 reported that quini-
dine increases resting as well as exercise heart rate; this issue is unresolved
at this time.
Surawicz and colleagues62,63 have stated that the prolongation of phase
2 of the ventricular action potential by quinidine decreases the repolarization
gradient during inscription of the ST segment and thereby diminishes the
manifestation of ST depression even during ischemia. Friedberg and associ-
ates64 have also reported that quinidine produces a false-negative stress test


The drugs in this class in common clinical use are lidocaine, phenytoin, to-
cainide, and mexiletine. Lidocaine is given intravenously only, so it is un-
likely to be a problem with exercise testing. The other three agents, al-
though not in wide use, may be given to ischemic patients who require
exercise testing.
These agents cause small changes in conduction velocity, which may be
augmented by an increased frequency of excitation. There is a decreased
slope of phase 4 depolarization.65 Ischemia causes a decrease in conduction
velocity in patients taking these agents. The QT interval may shorten some-
what, but the QRS interval does not get wider. Both tocainide and lidocaine
have been shown to cause a small decrease in left-ventricular function and
an increase in peripheral resistance. No change in heart rate or any effect on

ischemia has been reported.66 Significant alterations are unlikely if patients

taking these drugs are given an exercise test.


Flecainide and encainide, along with propafenone, are more potent agents
than the class IB drugs. Although flecainide and encainide have received
some bad press because of their proarrhythmic effect, patients on these
agents may require exercise testing. All these drugs suppress ventricular
function, prolong conduction time, and are expected to reduce overall exer-
cise capacity.67
The best information on the influence of class IC drugs on exercising pa-
tients has been published on flecainide.68 As exercise or heart rate increases,
conduction slowing, probably due to the use-dependent sodium channel
blockade, will prolong the QRS duration. In one case, this resulted in a mono-
morphic ventricular tachycardia at peak exercise. Thus, exercise in patients
taking class IC drugs will probably enhance their proarrhythmic effect, and
one should be alert for exercise-induced prolongation of the QRS duration.
If a resting tracing prior to the institution of flecainide is available, QRS pro-
longation can usually be observed even at rest after a therapeutic dose. The
same effect is seen when the heart rate is increased by pacing, demonstrat-
ing that the effect is due to the rate rather than to the metabolic effect of


Amiodarone, a benzfuran derivative, was introduced as an antianginal agent

in 1967 because of its depressant effect on sinus node function. It has
emerged as a potent antiarrhythmic agent, especially for malignant ventric-
ular tachycardia. A study by Rod and Shenasa69 in Milwaukee found that it
suppresses resting heart rate an average of 15 beats per minute and maxi-
mum exercise heart rate an average of 20 beats per minute. The systolic blood
pressure at each heart rate prior to administration of the drug was the same
as during the drug therapy, as was the functional capacity expressed in meta-
bolic equivalents (MET).
The mechanism of heart rate suppression has been studied by Touboul
and colleagues70 and others.71 They believe that an increase in action poten-
tial duration, a prolongation in sinus node recovery time, and a normal sinus
node conduction time explain the findings. The increase in action potential
duration, similar to that in IC agents, rarely causes a problem because the
drug supresses tachycardia. This drug, then, differs from beta blockers in
that it does not have a negative inotropic effect, and that resting and exercise
blood pressures are not reduced unless the patient is hypertensive.


Simoons and Balakumaran72 have claimed that antianginal drugs act

through two primary mechanisms. Drugs that slow heart rate, such as beta
blockers and alidine (a derivative of clonidine), characterize the first mech-
anisms.73 The reduction in heart rate decreases myocardial oxygen demand
and velocity of contraction and allows for a longer diastolic period, which
favors an increased myocardial perfusion through compromised coronary
arteries.74 The second mechanism, illustrated by nitroglycerin, increases ve-
nous capacitance and decreases arterial resistance, thereby reducing inflow
into the heart. This results in a decrease in left-ventricular volume and re-
duced wall stress and afterload. Calcium blockers may do both of the above.
They may also have a direct effect on the myocardial cell membrane, but this
is believed to be of lesser importance. As it turns out, a number of other im-
portant mechanisms come into play. Gaspardone and colleagues75 have re-
ported on the antianginal effect of a new xanthine, Bamiphylline, which, al-
though increasing the time to angina during exercise testing, does not dilate
coronary arteries, reduce heart rate, or reduce preload. The drug works by
selective blockade of the A1 adenosine receptors, as does aminophylline.
There is little doubt that adenosine is in some way linked to anginal pain.76
There is evidence that aminophylline causes subepicardial constriction and
therefore redirects blood to the subendocardium. The fact that adenosine
produces a “coronary steal” is now well recognized by those using this
agent to produce ischemia when recording thallium scintigrams to detect


Although the reduction in arterial resistance is an important mechanism, a

number of other mechanisms play a significant role. The simplistic concept
that nitrates function as coronary dilators does not help in understanding
this complex process. It is obvious that an agent that increases flow to a nor-
mal segment of myocardium might well shunt blood away from an ischemic
area. Thus, the precapillary sphincters, believed to be under local metabolic
control, are probably not significantly altered by these agents. It now is well
established that nitrates serve to redistribute blood to the ischemic areas.78
The mechanism of this redistribution is because of its direct effect on the mi-
crocirculation.79 The demonstrated capacity of nitrates to reduce venous tone
and thus allow the blood to sequestrate in the capacitance vessels, with the
resultant decrease in cardiac filling,80 must be an important part of the re-
duction in cardiac work. The drop in left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure
(LVEDP) immediately after nitroglycerin administration is familiar to every
catheterizing cardiologist.

One explanation for the favorable redistribution of blood may be related

to the anatomical location of many collateral vessels. Fulton81 has shown that
in occlusive CAD, the major communications between normal and ischemic
zones of myocardium are in the subendocardial plexus and are thus subject
to cavity pressure. In subjects with a high diastolic pressure, which is com-
mon during an ischemic episode, this effect would be important. If the ve-
nous filling were to drop suddenly, the reduction of 10 to 20 mm of diastolic
filling pressure might well favor a redistribution of blood to the ischemic ar-
eas through these pathways that are so vulnerable to the forces of compres-
sion present in the left-ventricular cavity. This mechanism has been attrac-
tively presented by McGregor82 and supported by Vineberg and associates83
and by others.84 When Ganz and Marcus85 injected nitroglycerin directly
into the coronary arteries, they could not document an increased flow in the
coronary sinus. On the other hand, other investigators have documented an
increase in flow in both dogs86 and humans87 after nitroglycerin. It seems
that even though nitrates have a demonstrated ability to provide smooth
muscle relaxation, which in many cases affects the larger branches of the
coronary tree, other mechanisms may be more important than the increase
in flow.88

Long-Acting Nitrates
When the long-acting preparations, such as the stereoisomers of pentitol
(Pentanitrate), isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil), and erythrol tetranitrate, are
taken sublingually, they act much like glyceryl trinitrate but with longer ac-
tivity.89 Goldstein and colleagues78 found that only a small percentage of
their subjects had a favorable effect 1 hour after sublingual isosorbide dini-
trate, and in most cases it was indistinguishable from those changes related
to nitroglycerin.
When taken by mouth, there was some question as to the effectiveness
of long-acting nitrates, but Russek and Funk80 found 20 to 60 mg of pen-
taerythritol tetranitrate (Peritrate) to be effective in reducing the ST changes
on a Master’s test for up to 5 hours. Others have had difficulty confirming
these findings, however.90
Wayne and colleagues91 tested the responses on a treadmill of 19 pa-
tients with CAD while taking isosorbide dinitrate versus a placebo. They
found that the drug delayed the onset of ST depression and reduced its mag-
nitude; any ST depression was prevented in three patients. The data on long-
acting nitrates can be summarized by concluding that when given prior to an
exercise test, they may reduce the ST depression associated with exercise and
possibly even prevent it in some cases. Thus, long-acting nitrates should be
withheld for an appropriate interval. It has been my experience that in most
subjects the ST changes are not eliminated but may appear at a higher work-
load than they would without a long-acting nitrate.


Because of the widespread belief that nitrates owe their effectiveness to an

increase in coronary flow, other agents with this capacity have been tried
clinically.92 Dipyridamole (Persantine) is one of these, but it falls far short of
the nitrates in its ability to mitigate ischemic changes associated with exer-
cise, even though it will increase coronary flow by 300% to 400%.93 When
dipyridamole is given, the coronary sinus oxygen concentration increases
significantly, suggesting that perfusion of the myocardium may increase ex-
cessively without improving delivery to areas of ischemia. Its mechanism of
action has been shown to be due to the stimulation of endogenous adenosine,
which redistributes blood from the subendocardium to the subepicardium.76
Reports of the ability of dipyridamole to produce collateral growth after
long-term administration, as well as an alteration in platelet adhesiveness,
may suggest its clinical usefulness in some settings.
Because of its propensity to redistribute blood away from areas of is-
chemia, intravenous administration has been used to initiate ischemia. Usu-
ally 0.75 mg/kg dipyridamole is administered intravenously in a 10-minute
period during ECG monitoring. ST depression or anginal pain is a marker for
ischemia, as it is in exercise testing. Tavazzi and coworkers94 in Italy found
a 74% sensitivity in patients with angina on effort, but there were no positive
responders among those with angina at rest. Dipyridamole produced a pos-
itive test in 74% of those with an abnormal exercise test. None of the normal
subjects had a positive test. Thus, dipyridamole provides a low sensitivity
and possibly higher specificity in exercise testing. When given orally, it ap-
parently fails to alter the ST segments or the response to exercise signifi-
cantly. We have used dipyridamole extensively to initiate ischemia in pa-
tients undergoing nuclear studies who are unable to exercise for some


Although early on some denied the obvious benefits of beta blockers on the
angina syndrome,95 many clinicians began to use them to treat their patients
with CAD soon after the drugs became available.

Mechanisms of Beta Blockade

It is now well established that beta blockers act by the following mechanisms:

1. Decrease in contractility. This is apparently due to their ability to iso-

late the beta receptors from the intrinsic catecholamines present in
the circulation by reducing the metabolic demands associated with
this stimulating hormone.

2. Decrease in heart rate. When the number of contractions per minute

decreases, not only is the total energy per minute necessary to sustain
contraction reduced, but also the longer diastole results in a better
perfusion because of the known attenuating effect on coronary flow
during systole. The ratio of the systolic pressure time interval to the
diastolic pressure time interval is a very important parameter in the
determination of the magnitude of coronary flow. The longer that di-
astole is sustained, the better the redistribution that takes place
through the subendocardial collateral channels between the normal
and ischemic areas, as mentioned in the previous section on ni-
3. Depression of arterial pressure. This is due primarily to a reduction in
cardiac output, which is a function of both heart rate and inotropism.
4. Change in myocardial intermediary metabolism. Evidence now sug-
gests that oxidative catabolism is reduced and more glucose is used,
resulting in a more efficient system.97
5. A shift in AV-O2 dissociation curve. There are reports that propra-
nolol shifts the hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, thus facil-
itating a better release of oxygen as it perfuses the coronary bed. This
is due to a redistribution of 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate in the red blood
6. Constriction of peripheral vessels, increasing total peripheral resis-
7. Inhibition of lipolysis, thus decreasing the primary myocardial sub-
strate, free fatty acids.
8. Further increase of serum potassium over the usual 1 mEq common
with any sustained exercise.

It is well established that beta blockers are very useful in the treatment
of ischemia, and a significant number of patients presenting for exercise test-
ing will be taking a maintenance dose. Although it may limit the diagnostic
value of the test somewhat, the practical approach is to test the patient with-
out discontinuing the drug. The maximum heart rate will be decreased, but
it has been reported that the drug will not obscure ischemic ST depression in
patients with epicardial coronary narrowing.98
Not all the effects of beta blockers are beneficial. They increase the sys-
tolic ejection period, probably because of the reduction in velocity of ejection,
they increase the LVEDP, and they cause some cardiac dilatation. Beta block-
ers also result in a higher plasma epinephrine in exercising subjects com-
pared with those who are not blocked.99 This is thought to be stimulated by
the lower cardiac output and heart rate in exercising subjects and may be the
cause for the higher peripheral resistance, probably because of the effect of
epinephrine on the alpha receptors. Although all these factors increase my-
ocardial oxygen uptake, they fail in most patients to outweigh the benefits,
so that on balance, patients with CAD do better during exercise with beta

blockers. Thus, in patients who have fairly severe ischemia, a higher work-
load can be achieved with an equivalent heart rate or double product after a
beta blocker has been administered.99,100
Many patients not only exercise longer on the treadmill after having
taken a beta blocker but also have less ST-segment depression and less
angina. It is our feeling that this event can be predicted fairly well by know-
ing something about the patient’s general cardiac function.Those with a large
fibrotic left ventricle and a slow resting pulse are not usually benefited. On
the other hand, if patients smoke, have a high resting pulse, and have never
had an infarction, they are likely to be improved by this agent. Beta blockers
have a more profound effect on older subjects, probably because of their re-
duced level of catecholamines.
A host of newer drugs with slightly different actions have followed the
original beta-blocking agent, propranolol. The earliest were the so-called car-
dioselective agents such as metropolol, atenolol, and pindolol, by far the
most potent, all of which had an effect on an exercising patients very similar
to that of their predecessors. Since then, a number of modifications have been
made, one of which is sotolol, designed to act primarily as an antiarrhyth-
mic.101 It has very little inotropic effect and functions much like the class III
antiarrhythmic agents in that it prolongs the ventricular action potential, rec-
ognized readily by QT prolongation.102 Sotolol also has a heart-rate–
related effect: It prolongs the QT interval with slow heart rates but has very
little effect on a heart rate higher than 120. Thus, exercise does not increase
its proarrhythmic effect, as with the class IC agents, although it could con-
ceivably reduce its protective effect at high heart rates. Sotolol has very little,
if any, hypotensive effect during exercise.103
Beta blockers also enhance the tendency for coronary arteries to develop
spasm during exercise. This effect probably plays a role only when there is
an increased propensity for vasoconstriction, as in Prinzmetal’s angina.
Asandi and associates102 have reported that when ST-segment depression is
variable from one minute to the next during an exercise test in a patient on
beta blockers, one should be alert to the possibility that coronary spasm is


The mechanism of the antianginal effect of calcium blockers has been widely
documented.104 These agents reduce peripheral resistance, and compounds
such as verapamil and diltiazem also reduce heart rate—two good reasons
for their salutary effects. Inhibition of transmembrane calcium transport may
not only have a peripheral effect but may also have a primary effect on the
heart itself. This is due in part to the ability to dilate the epicardial coronary
arteries, especially in the areas adjacent to stenotic segments, but also to the
overall increase in flow to the capillary bed, probably because of an effect

on the precapillary sphincters.105 The inhibition of calcium overloading in

ischemic myocardial muscle cells may also be important. As would be ex-
pected, when patients taking calcium blockers perform exercise tests, is-
chemia may come on at higher workloads, and systolic blood pressure and
heart rate may be decreased for a given level of exercise.106 If exercise is ter-
minated by angina, work tolerance may also be increased by these drugs.
The first three drugs available in the United States provided a wide
range of action. Verapamil has the most profound direct cardiac effect, with
a lesser degree of action in the peripheral vasculature, whereas nifedipine
has the least cardiac effect and the most profound action in the peripheral cir-
culation.107 Diltiazem has some of both effects and is intermediate between
the other two. These drugs have been demonstrated to delay the time of on-
set of ST depression, but if the blood pressure drop is excessive, as may oc-
cur in some patients with nifedipine,108 the reduced diastolic pressure may
decrease myocardial perfusion and reduce exercise tolerance.106
A more recent group of calcium blockers, called second-generation di-
hydropyridine agents, has been released. Although they are similar to the
first-generation agents, they do not produce tachycardia and have only
a weak negative inotropic effect, if any.109 Drugs in this category include
felodipine, isradipine, nicardipine, amlodapine and several others. During
exercise testing, the ischemic threshold is usually extended even though the
heart rate may not be altered.110


Atropine, which increases the heart rate in most patients, would be expected
to make ST-segment changes more likely during exercise because of the in-
creased metabolic demands associated with more contractions per minute.
In fact, this rarely occurs, apparently because the patient’s catecholamines
normally play an important role in the increase in heart rate and the en-
hancement of ventricular contractility during exercise. The catecholamine
changes override those due to the atropine. The patient’s loss of ability to
sweat after administration of atropine has a definite effect on heat elimina-
tion, however, so that if exercise lasts very long, exercise capacity definitely
will be decreased. Atropine increases heart rate less in patients with poor
left-ventricular function than in normals.


Jose and Taylor,111 in their studies on intrinsic heart rate, proposed the admin-
istration of propranolol and atropine to obtain a medically denervated heart.
The resultant resting heart rate seemed to correlate well with the contractility
of the left ventricle. They termed this the intrinsic heart rate. Figure 23–2 illus-

FIGURE 23–2. The heart rate response to a stress test before and after autonomic blockade by pro-
pranolol and atropine illustrates the magnitude of the catecholamine effect on heart rate during

trates the pulse response on our treadmill protocol before and after a blocking
dose of these two agents was given intravenously. It can be seen that the exer-
cise heart rate is considerably lower at the upper end of the scale, when the pa-
tient’s intrinsic catecholamines are a major factor in acceleration. As would be
expected, these pharmacological agents decrease the exercise capacity some-
what, along with the heart rate.


The effect of catecholamines on the heart has been studied exten-

sively.63,108,109,112,113 Their well-known stimulatory effect on contractility,
heart rate, and myocardial oxygen uptake suggests that they should be
avoided by most subjects with suspected CAD, and thus they rarely present
a problem in stress testing. In fact, one of the most common habits of CAD
patients is smoking, which stimulates an increase in catecholamines114 as
well as a decrease in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood to a variable
degree, depending on the concentration of carbon monoxide fixed in the red
blood cells. Cryer and colleagues114 have shown a marked increase in both
norepinephrine and epinephrine and the expected secondary hemodynamic
changes associated with smoking two nonfiltered cigarettes. Aronow115 has
reported that ST-segment depression occurs at a low workload after smok-

ing. We have urged patients to abstain from smoking for several hours prior
to an exercise test; abstinence also helps to minimize arrhythmias associated
with exercise.

Another family of agents in common usage, which may produce all the fa-
miliar changes associated with catecholamine ingestion, are the ampheta-
mines. Not only do they cause the expected acute manifestations, but also
they produce a chronic cardiomyopathy,116 which might well be predicted in
view of the well-known experimental cardiomyopathies associated with


Because he wanted to produce a higher incidence of positive stress tests,

Gubner118 administered sublingual isoproterenol (Isuprel) prior to the Mas-
ter’s test. Daoud and associates112 have studied the effects of catecholamines
extensively and have reported that in subjects with inverted T waves, intra-
venous administration of isoproterenol corrects the inversion in a high per-
centage of subjects with normal hearts and also in some with CAD. We have
found that exercise often results in the normalization of inverted T waves be-
cause of the catecholamine effect that normally comes with strenuous exer-
cise. We have not used catecholamines to add an additional stimulus to stress
testing because of our standard practice of using a maximum stress test.
Gubner118 was using a Master’s test, which is often far from maximum, and
there is no evidence that the use of an extra catecholamine stimulus might
correct some of the false-negative results in those who do not reach a maxi-
mum heart rate.


Tricyclic Antidepressants
Thirty million prescriptions are written in the United States each year for tri-
cyclic antidepressants.119 The Aberdeen General Hospital Group119 studied
the cardiovascular effects in 119 cardiac patients and found that 2.2% of pa-
tients in the wards were taking one or more of these antidepressant com-
pounds and that the mortality rate in 40 months was 19% in treated patients
compared with 12% in controls matched for age, sex, and cardiac diagnosis.
The heart rate is higher and the T waves are lower with these drugs, and ST
depression is common. The PR interval is prolonged, as is the HV interval

when His’ bundle recordings are performed. The QTc and QRS intervals are
increased as well in 15% of the patients, and a Mobitz type 2 atrioventricular
(AV) block is not uncommon.119 Vohra and colleagues120 report an excellent
correlation between the degree of prolongation of the QRS interval and the
plasma concentration of the tricyclic antidepressants. There is good evidence
that in patients with bundle branch block, a lower dose will produce a com-
plete AV block compared with those with normal conduction.115,117,119,121
Kantor and associates122 and Bigger and colleagues123 have reported that ar-
rhythmias are very rare, and a growing body of evidence suggests that these
agents have some antiarrhythmic properties. In fact, the pharmacological
properties of tricyclic antidepressants are strikingly similar to those of quini-
dine. Muller and Burckhard124 evaluated left-ventricular function with sys-
tolic time intervals and found a prolongation of the pre-ejection period and
a decrease in the PEP/VET* ratio as well as a decrease in velocity of fiber
shortening by echocardiography. The same finding has also been reported in
rats by Thorstrand and coworkers.125 These data and the reported cases of
hypotension clearly point to a depression of left-ventricular function.
Although there have been no reports of exercise-induced ST depression
due to tricyclic antidepressants, they are in such common use that it is im-
portant to be aware of their suppressive effect on the left-ventricular func-
tion and their tendency to produce both hypotension and increasing degrees
of heart block. Caution should be the watchword for a physician called on to
do stress testing in a patient taking this type of medication.

Like the tricyclics, lithium for a time was a very popular agent, especially for
treatment of depression. Its metabolic and cardiovascular implications are
well documented. By interfering with the hormones mediated through cyclic
adenosine monophosphate, it can cause63:
1. Diabetes insipidus
2. Hypothyroidism and goiters
3. Hypoglycemia-like symptoms
4. Replacement of intracellular potassium from the myocardium
5. Inhibition of the chronotropic effects of epinephrine
6. T-wave inversion
7. Conduction defects (ie, sinus node dysfunction with prolonged sinus
recovery time126,127)
8. Ventricular arrhythmias
In spite of all these changes, when Tilkian and colleagues128 reported on
10 patients who underwent stress testing before and after a full therapeutic

*Pre-ejection period/ventricular ejection time.


dose of lithium, they found no decrease in exercise tolerance and no ST-

segment depression associated with this drug. Some years ago, we tested a
patient on lithium, who developed ST depression but had a normal response
after the drug was withdrawn. Although T-wave inversion or flattening is
common, ST changes caused by this agent are relatively rare, although a sys-
tematic evaluation including measurement of blood levels is yet to be done.

The pharmacological responses to phenothiazines are complex, owing to
both a direct effect on the heart blood vessels and an indirect effect involv-
ing secondary central nervous system changes with resultant autonomic al-
terations. The following responses have been reported129:
1. A direct depressant effect on cardiac muscle.
2. A reduction in the rate of rise of phase 0 of the transmembrane action
3. A decrease in the duration of phases 2 and 3 of the actual potential.
4. Antiarrhythmic properties similar to those of quinidine.115
5. These antiarrhythic properties result in prolongation of the RR and QT
intervals, decreased amplitude, and prolongation of the QRS interval,
and possibly ST depression.130 (Linhart and Turnoff131 have reported
that a false-negative test was found in 5 of 13 subjects taking these
drugs; they claimed that this was due to the quinidine-like action.)
6. Hypotension caused by both the alpha blockade and the direct effect
on the smooth muscle of the vasculature,132 as well as a reduction in
cardiac output.
Although in small doses, phenothiazines have antiarrhythmic proper-
ties, toxic doses have been reported to cause ventricular ectopic beats, ven-
tricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation133; atrial fibrillation; com-
plete heart block; and sudden death.134

Few psychotropic drugs enjoy the popularity of diazepam (Valium). Besides
oral use, it is very popular in hospitals as a quick sedative when given intra-
venously. The cardiovascular effects are as follows:
1. Coronary vasodilatation lasting at least 30 minutes. When injected di-
rectly into the coronary circulation, vasodilatation results, but when
the systemic and coronary circulations are isolated in an experiment
so that systemic blood cannot enter the cardiac circulation, diazepam
does not alter coronary flow.
2. Increase in left-ventricular contractility secondary to the aforemen-
tioned effect on coronary flow. When coronary flow is held constant
in dogs, contractility is unchanged.

3. Augmentation of coronary flow in patients with CAD two or three

times that of those with normal coronary anatomy.135
4. Slight reduction of aortic blood pressure.
5. Usually no change in heart rate and cardiac output.
6. Decrease in LVEDP suggesting dilatation of the capacitance ves-
Although an increase in coronary flow does not in itself establish di-
azepam as being useful in angina, the fact that it often improves angina, that
it reduces LVEDP, and that it increases coronary flow more in patients with
diseased coronary circulation suggests that redistribution to the ischemic
area, as with nitrates, is very likely. This information then tells us that di-
azepam should be withheld prior to stress testing if the true picture of car-
diovascular dynamics is to be documented. Although we know of no specific
tests demonstrating an alteration in ischemic changes, it is likely that di-
azepam has the capacity to do so.


Because hypertension is commonly seen in CAD patients and because they

are often under treatment when they come in for testing, a knowledge of the
alterations to be expected with the various antihypertensive agents is impor-
tant. Although physicians soon become familiar with the patterns of blood
pressure alterations at rest in the supine and upright postures, they rarely con-
sider the changes with exercise, which are probably equally as important.

Lund-Johansen137 studied polythiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, and chlor-
thalidone at rest and during exercise when patients had taken a typical main-
tenance dose. The heart rate was not altered during exercise by these agents
compared with that in controls. The thiazides caused a reduction in exercise
blood pressure and peripheral resistance and a 7% reduction in plasma vol-
ume. The cardiac output, however, was not altered. The peripheral resistance
was reduced 12% at rest, but only 7% at peak exercise. This was also reflected
in a less dramatic decrease in blood pressure during exercise.
The chlorthalidone patients failed to show a drop in peripheral resis-
tance; their decrease in blood pressure resulted from a decrease in cardiac
output. The reason for the difference in mechanisms could not be deter-
mined. Ogilvie138 found that exercise hypotension increased with dosage up
to 100 mg/d with chlorthalidone. After this, the hypotensive effect began to
be lost, and at 200 mg/d there was a paradoxical increase in diastolic blood
pressure and heart rate. Thus, with chlorthalidone, at least, there seems to be
a specific dosage beyond which the exercise effects are lost.

Diuretics may all induce ST-segment depression to a moderate degree if

hypokalemia becomes significant.

Methyldopa (Aldomet) along with guanethidine, reserpine, and clonidine,
causes a reduction in heart rate during exercise but, unlike the others, no
change is observed at rest. The primary hypotensive effect is caused by a
decrease in peripheral resistance with no change in cardiac output. The de-
crease in resistance and in heart rate actually is associated with an increase
in the stroke volume during exercise, compared with that in control patients.
In some subjects studied by Sannerstedt and coworkers,139 the resting blood
pressure did not change, even though a significant drop was seen at peak ex-
ercise. Methyldopa, along with clonidine and the beta blockers, suppresses
renin release, which may increase the amount of exercise-induced hyper-
kalemia usually seen; thus, these drugs should be used carefully when exer-
cise is contemplated in patients with a precarious potassium balance.140

Clonidine, which is generically related to pentolamine and tolazoline, has
been used successfully in hypertension. It produces a moderate decrease in
both systemic resistance and cardiac output, thus resulting in a drop in pres-
sure at all workloads as well as at rest.96 Circulatory function seems to be well
maintained, probably because the decrease in venous tone in the legs at rest
seems to be compensated by an increase in resistance in the upper extremi-
ties during exercise. The circulatory dynamics seem a little better during ex-
ercise with clonidine than with either methyldopa or guanethidine.
When stress testing is planned, the previously mentioned effects of an-
tihypertensive agents must be kept in mind. At this time, the cumulative ef-
fects of a number of drugs are not yet reported. It is almost certain that the
response will vary according to whether the pressure is fixed or labile and
will be especially dependent on the degree of ischemia or myocardial dys-
function, if present.

Guanethidine is a classic sympathetic blocker used to treat hypertension. It
is usually used only in severe cases in combination with diuretics, beta block-
ers, or both. Studies to evaluate the degree of peripheral vasoconstriction
show a sharp drop in vasomotor tone when this drug is administered. There
is not only a decrease in vasoconstriction in terms of the arterial circulation
but also an increase in volume in the legs due to venous relaxation. Khatri
and Cohn141 believe that all patients taking guanethidine should undergo ex-
ercise testing for better determination of the degree of potential hypotensive

response because of the marked tendency for postural changes to be masked

until exercise demonstrates their presence. As might be expected, the cardiac
output drops considerably when the patient is in the upright position owing
to distal dependent pooling; however, with exercise, the decrease in periph-
eral resistance allows the cardiac output to rise more rapidly than would oc-
cur with a higher afterload. Because guanethidine produces a rather marked
decrease in heart rate, the stroke output increases during exercise and the de-
crease in cardiac filling results in an increased contractile velocity and greater
⌬P/⌬T.* No ST changes have been reported with methyldopa, clonidine, or

Vasodilators are playing an increasing role in antihypertensive therapy. The
first vasodilator to be used for the treatment of patients with hypertension,
hydralazine, is now joined by prazosin and minoxidil.
Exercise can be augmented by the decrease in peripheral resistance,
which causes some increase in heart rate with hydralazine. The heart rate in-
creases less with prazosin and minoxidil.142 This may explain the likelihood
of an excessive drop in blood pressure with starting doses of these agents.
All three vasodilators may improve exercise tolerance, especially if left-
ventricular function is very limited.143

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Captopril was the first angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor to be
released in the United States. Since then, a host of similar drugs have ap-
peared, most of which are longer-acting but otherwise very similar. Except
for one dissenting report,144 evidence suggests that systolic blood pressure is
lower during exercise in patients taking ACE inhibitors than in controls.145
Little change in heart rate occurs. They have been reported to reduce exer-
cise induced ischemia.146

Angiotensin II Blockers
In many ways the physiology of this class of drugs parallels that of the ACE
inhibitors. They are becoming increasingly popular because of their low side
effect profile. They are most commonly used in congestive heart failure pa-
tients but are often used in hypertension. These are the patients who often
show up in the treadmill lab. The information available indicates that they
will improve exercise capacity and prolong the time to ischemia.147

*Delta pressure over delta time.


Although this agent is not marketed by a pharmaceutical company and can
be obtained in any health food store it is becoming more popular and is an
ingredient of a number of “energy foods”.148 Nitric oxide, the most impor-
tant substance released by the endothelium is the end product of L-Arginine
metabolism generated by Nitric oxide synthase. Evidence is now available
that it will prolong exercise time on the treadmill and it will increase the time
to the onset of ischemia.149 It also has been used successfully to treat conges-
tive heart failure.150

p FOX Inhibitors (Partial Fatty Acid Oxidation Inhibitors)

It has been demonstrated that although free fatty acids are the major sub-
strate that drives myocardial metabolism when there is adequate oxygen
available, as ischemia becomes manifested the heart switches to glucose.151
The higher the concentration of free fatty acids, the less efficient this process
becomes.152 A number of drugs that facilitate increased glucose utilization
during ischemia have been studied. The most useful appear to be Ra-
nolazine,153 glucose, insulin and potassium and carnatine.154 Although the
former has not yet been released by the FDA, it appears to improve exercise
tolerance during ischemia. I would expect it will become available in the near
future. Carnatine has also been shown to be beneficial but has never been
used clinically in any quantity. Therefore, patients who are taking one of
these agents will be able to increase the amount of exercise before becoming


Alcohol reduces cardiac output when taken in excessive amounts by normal

persons, but in patients with significant CAD, only 3 to 4 oz can produce this
effect. In a person with a normal heart, the acute effect of alcohol on coordi-
nation will be more evident than ECG changes associated with exercise. On
the other hand, in patients with underlying heart disease due to hyperten-
sion or coronary narrowing, alcohol will reduce the cardiac output and there-
fore the exercise capacity of the patient. Patients with alcoholic cardiomy-
opathy may have ST-segment depression or may develop left bundle branch
block with exercise as their ventricular filling pressure increases. Experi-
mental studies on the isolated rat atrium have shown an almost linear de-
crease in contractility as the concentration of alcohol rises at levels commonly
seen in human alcoholics.156 The exact influence on the heart may be due to
alcohol’s effect on membrane permeability.1 Thus, repolarization abnormal-
ities would be expected if alcoholic cardiomyopathy is present or if the sub-

ject has recently ingested large amounts of alcohol, even if no underlying

heart disease is recognized.


It is apparent that the multiple pharmaceuticals used in cardiology can alter

the physiological responses to exercise. It would be ideal to do exercise test-
ing after the withdrawal of all drugs. This is rarely practical however and
thus a knowledge of their influence is important when stress testing is
planned. It has been my experience that a detailed knowledge of these agents
is rare in physicians performing exercise tests. It is hoped that this chapter
will shed some light in this dark corner.


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Computer Technology
and Exercise Testing

Digital Computer Simulation Sheffield ST-Segment Integral

of the Human ECG Hollenberg Exercise Score
Simulation of the Normal ECG, ST/HR Slope
Hypertrophies, Bundle Branch ⌬ST/⌬HR Index
Blocks, Infarct, and Ischemia Screening of Asymptomatic Subjects
Validation Studies of Infarct Size for Ischemia
and Regional Transmural Ischemia Significant Occlusive CAD in
Optimal ECG Lead Locations Asymptomatic Subjects
Analog-to-Digital (A-D) Conversion Future Strategies for Improving
Digital Processing, Noise Reduction, and Quantitation of Myocardial Infarct
Measurement Accuracy and Ischemia
Advantages of Computerized ECG Body Surface Maps and Exercise
Measurement in Exercise Systems Comprehensive Normal and Exercise
P-Wave Changes and Hemodynamic ECG Database—A Pooled Global
Changes with Myocardial Ischemia Resource
More Complex Clinical and Exercise Improvement in Screening for
Test Variables Ischemia in Asymptomatic Subjects

This chapter deals with computerized exercise stress test systems, which
have become the method of choice in most stress testing laboratories. The ar-
rival of powerful high-speed desktop microcomputers has led to the devel-
opment of potent data processing systems at an increasingly more reason-
able cost. During the period represented by the four editions of this book, the
rapid expansion in digital computer technology has provided the tools for
developing large databases of exercise test parameters in subjects with and
without coronary artery disease (CAD). Such databases are now readily ac-
cessible for comparison with other computerized clinical, ECG, hemody-
namic, nuclear perfusion/angiographic, and cineangiographic databases.
The resting standard 12-lead ECG is ideal for recording and accurately mea-
suring times and voltages of all ECG waveforms with these systems. The
body surface ECG is the time history of excitation of the four chambers of the
heart. The excitation process (depolarization) spreads first across the atria
(P wave), then through the atrioventricular (AV) node (PR interval), and

through the His-Purkinje conduction system to the ventricles (QRS com-

plex), stimulating the muscle fibers in these cells to contract and pump blood
and nutrition to the whole.
Current is also generated as the recovery process (repolarization, seen
as the ST-T) returns myocardial cells to the ready state to repeat this vital
process. The electrical message from the heart itself is the basis and ground
for preexercise assessment of prior infarct size, resting ischemia, intraven-
tricular conduction, ventricular hypertrophy, and cardiac rhythm. The digi-
tal computer simulation of this process, which includes realistic cardiac and
torso geometry and inhomogeneities, was the tool used to quantify these
complex interactions at rest and as modified by the stress testing proce-
Computer systems for exercise stress testing generally control the
workload. They also maintain a record of heart rate, time, and workload,
displaying these data on a computer screen along with enlarged baseline
ECG waveforms selected by the testor. Changes in these variables, in-
cluding the ECG waveforms, are displayed for comparison with the base-
line measurements and easily monitored throughout the stress test. The
continuous stream of ECG waveforms, data, and computer measurements
representing this test are stored on-line in the system. At the higher work-
loads and heart rates, the basic ECG tracing shows considerable additional
electrical signal generated from exercising muscles and respiratory
changes in the torso volume conductor, which are considered “noise” or
artifact. The computer systems now process these signals on-line to mini-
mize these artifactual effects. The processed, on-line “cleaned” data are a
valuable addition to the test procedures, since decisions pertinent to the
conduct of the test depend on these data. The cleaned data allow more
accurate measurements of the exercise ECG, especially the low-amplitude
signals such as the P wave, the PR segment, the junction of the QRS and
ST (ST-J), and the ST-T segment. Having cleaned data has facilitated a
more accurate interpretation of the response of these ECG parameters to
the progressive workload during exercise testing. In the exercise test lab-
oratory, the computerized systems now also perform a number of numer-
ical chores in real time, which used to require laborious off-line review and
measurements. The data also are easily entered directly into a database
archive for comparison with other test data from the same subject and
from other related population groups.
The computer has also been widely used in the application of Bayes’ sta-
tistical models using prior risk factors, clinical data, treadmill performance,
weighted combinations of all the ECG parameters and special algorithms
that contribute independent information regarding the conditional post-test
probability of significant CAD (see also Chapter 14). Each of the advances in
adapting digital computers to the general area of exercise testing are dis-
cussed in more detail in the sections that follow.



Simulation of the Normal ECG, Hypertrophies,

Bundle Branch Blocks, Infarct, and Ischemia
Computer simulations of the heart’s electrical activity (ECG) are introduced
here because the resting ECG is the basic foundation on which the changes
secondary to myocardial infarction and ischemia during stress testing are
understood and their significance is interpreted and quantified. The complex
interactions between atrial and ventricular hypertrophies, bundle branch
blocks, and myocardial infarct and ischemia have been unraveled with the
simulation. The simulation is composed of the geometry of a normal adult
male heart at a 1-mm3 resolution, embedded in a digitized normal male torso
that includes all the factors known to influence the human ECG. These fac-
tors are the realistic anatomy of the His-Purkinje conduction system, my-
ocardium, blood mass, lungs, and external torso geometry. Included also is
a digital computer simulation of the sequence of the electrical excitation
wave front driving the mechanical contraction of the heart that is based on
measured geometry and electrical properties of this excitation wave.2
The advantage of using a simulation based directly on known anatomy
and electrophysiology is that the results of numerical experiments with the
model have immediate translation to this anatomy, geometry, and electro-
physiology. Once such an anatomically and electrophysiologically based
model was validated for typical hypertrophies, bundle branch blocks, fasci-
cular blocks, and infarcts, a large number of experiments with combinations
of infarct size, chamber enlargements, and conduction defects were per-
formed in a few weeks, creating an archive of the combined effects of these

Validation Studies of Infarct Size

and Regional Transmural Ischemia
Criteria for quantitation of infarct size (QRS score4–7) generated from the
simulation have been validated in pathoanatomical studies.9–13 The size
of single infarcts as estimated by myocardial infarction (MI) size score sum-
marized by Selvester and associates3 correlated well (r = .81) with quantita-
tive planometric pathoanatomical measured infarct size. A multiple regres-
sion model developed on 68 patients with single infarcts, 32 with multiple
infarcts, and 229 normal subjects, predicted regional damage found in each
of 12 left-ventricular segments (r = .73 to .91) by the same quantitative
pathoanatomical methods.13 Total MI as the percentage of the left ventricle
infarcted for each patient was predicted by summing up the infarct in each
segment and correlated as follows: single infarcts, r = .81; multiple infarcts,

r = .73; and all infarcts, r = .80. (For details on how to implement the QRS
score for infarct size, see Selvester and associates.6)
In clinical studies of patients with CAD and serial biplane angiograms
and high-resolution ECGs using 18 simultaneous leads, it was demonstrated
that ECG criteria generated from the model were 97% reliable in predicting
serial angiographic change or lack of it.18 It follows that a fundamental part
of every person’s basic health and medical database should be a digital, high-
quality 12-lead ECG taken in early adulthood with at least four extra leads
being desirable. Each person should carry a plasticized copy of this ECG for
immediate comparison with a new one taken as part of a suspected new car-
diac event.

Optimal ECG Lead Locations

Work with the total body ECG simulation revealed evidence that local seg-
ments of the heart were reflected on local torso locations with variable lead
field strengths between heart regions and torso lead location.19 These are
usually related to the QRS amplitude at the torso location.20,21 The study,
described previously, of local coronary ischemia produced in man by bal-
loon occlusion of individual coronary arteries at the time of coronary di-
latation or angioplasty, was done using a commercially available 16-lead
system (Marquette case II).14 The four extra leads were located at V4R, V8,
at the third intercostal space above V4, and at the seventh below V3. The
study directly confirmed the predictions of the model regarding the type
of ECG changes and their location on the torso produced by well-defined
local regions of acute transmural ischemia. Acute transmural ischemia of
the right ventricle and the inferior left ventricle from right coronary oc-
clusion was optimally recorded in V4R, in the seventh interspace below V3,
and aVF. For left-circumflex occlusion and acute posterolateral transmural
ischemia, the optimal leads were V6 and V8. For diagonal coronary occlu-
sion, the leads were aVL, and the third interspace above V4. For left ante-
rior descending occlusion, distal to the diagonal branch, the optimal leads
are V2 to V4: for proximal occlusion also include aVL and the third inter-
space above V4. For details of proposed lead sets and criteria for the eval-
uation of transmural ischemia, the reader may consult references listed at
the end of the chapter, especially the USAFSAM and Armstrong Labora-
tory technical reports.16, 17 Based on the computer modeling and valida-
tion studies and on the work of Kornreich and coworkers,22–26 the presence
of new and unique information in 6 to 10 extra leads beyond the standard
12 leads is expected to improve both the specificity and sensitivity of the
ECG changes during exercise testing. A number of laboratories are work-
ing to establish the optimal number of leads and their location for com-
puter-assisted exercise testing (see also “ECG Body Surface Maps and


The body surface ECG is a time-varying continuous analog signal of electri-

cal current (dipole moment) generated at the cell boundary of myocardial
cells in the atria and ventricles. The continuously varying electrical field re-
sulting from this dynamic excitation/recovery process and detected by pairs
of body surface electrodes is amplified and seen as continuous varying, or
analog, voltage differences. These changing voltages can be traced by a gal-
vanometer and displayed as a strip chart of recurring P-QRS-T complexes.
The analog voltages can be measured very accurately (to the nearest 5 ␮ or
0.05 mm and 0.005 mV at the standard gain) in rapid sequence and stored as
digits or numbers. This process is logically termed analog-digital (A-D) con-
version. Digital computers can manipulate and store millions (megabytes) of
these data bits or numbers incredibly fast and reliably. Most current digital
processing ECG and exercise test systems sample the analog waveforms at a
rate of 250 samples per second, or at 4-msec intervals. The digitized wave-
form, which is a series of stored digital voltages, appears as a series of dots
at 4-msec intervals if plotted directly on a strip chart. When the dots are con-
nected by lines, the digital-analog (D-A) reconstructed waveform is an A-D,
D-A representation of the original analog signal, as shown in Figure 24–1.
The slow-moving waveforms such as the ST and T are recorded very accu-
rately by 4-msec sampling. On the other hand, rapidly moving waveforms
such as the QRS may have the peak voltage occur between two 4-msec mea-
surements, which produces a ⫾ 5% error in peak amplitude measurements.
In spite of this form of error, digital systems that measure Q, R, and S volt-
ages to the nearest 0.005 mV or 0.05 mm at the standard ECG gain of 1 cm =
1 mV, are much more reliable and reproducible than manual measurements
of these ECG records.

FIGURE 24–1. An illustrative continuous analog ECG trace with fiducial wave onset-offset mark-
ers, peaks, and intervals as commonly defined in an analog-to-digital converted signal read by a
digital computer. The wave recognition algorithm identifies these waveform parameters and in-
corporates them into a measurement table for each of the 12 leads. It then compares the measure-
ments to tables of values in each lead for normal and abnormal subjects and generates a diagnos-
tic statement for each tracing. (From Caseres, CA and Rikli, AE: Diagnostic Computers. Charles C
Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1969, with permission.)



During exercise, skeletal muscle noise and respiratory variability in the base-
line may disturb the recorded ECG so much that measurements of the orig-
inal waveforms are unreliable. The bioelectrical signal of both skeletal mus-
cle noise and respiratory noise are not systematically aligned in time with the
heart’s electrical signal. Thus, in recent years the common solution to the
problem of noisy ECG signals has been to “time-align” related heartbeats
with a dominant morphology and average them to reduce the effect of this
unrelated noise. This is usually done by selecting, as a template, a typical
or dominant beat and matching each new incoming beat to this template.
Figure 24–2 illustrates the steps required for this process.
The first step in the matching process is QRS detection.27, 28 The second
is the classification of each QRS complex in a preliminary series and the se-
lection of the dominant beat. In the presence of a great deal of ectopy, the
narrow-complex normally conducted beat is selected. Time alignment
around fiducial points common to succeeding typical or dominant QRS com-
plexes is a crucial component of the template matching and signal averaging
process. Premature ventricular beats, including ventricular fusion and aber-
rantly conducted beats, are rejected from the final averaged or median beat.
During a stress test, if the dominant beat changes—for example, if a rate-
dependent bundle branch block supervenes—a new template is formed, and
the template matching and averaging process continues.
Although single-channel QRS detectors were initially used in exercise
test systems to try to improve signal-to-noise ratios, all recent systems oper-
ate on simultaneous multichannel ECG recordings. Skeletal muscle noise
and motion artifact are usually not synchronous in all leads. Multichannel
QRS detection and time alignment are therefore more reliable than single-
channel QRS detectors. It follows that in multichannel recording, computer-
ized algorithms for QRS template matching and time alignment are more

FIGURE 24–2. Algorithms used for noise reduction. Baseline correction can be performed at dif-
ferent stages in the processing. (From Pahlm, O and Sörnmo, L,28 with permission.)

Wandering of the ECG baseline is due to changes in the volume con-

ductor caused by respiration and also body movements, especially if there is
poor skin-electrode contact (see Chapter 9). Motion artifact is accentuated at
higher workloads during exercise. The 0.05-Hz low-pass filter used in cur-
rent ECG systems is effective in attenuating slow baseline drifts due to tem-
perature changes or normal respiration but not very effective at higher res-
piratory rates. A number of algorithms are currently in use that are generally
effective in reducing the effect of baseline wander during exercise.29–31 How-
ever, a number of investigators have pointed out the need for available un-
processed multilead ECG signals at each stage of the exercise protocol to pro-
vide quality control for artifact that may be produced by the algorithm.32–34
Major error in interpretation and a significant increase in false-positive find-
ings can result if this is not done.


With careful review of the onset-offset waveform fiducial markers on the

signal-processed data and with the quality controls of the baseline wander
artifacts just described, the digital measurements are generally more accu-
rate and reproducible than manual measurements at the usual gain and pa-
per speed. Over the years, at various stages of baseline, exercise, and recov-
ery, trend plots of a number of test variables such as heart rate, STJ (defined
as the junction of the QRS and the ST segment), STJ + 40, 60, 70, 80, and ST
slope have been done post-test by hand measurements. Such plots are read-
ily done on-line by computer-based systems. Detailed measurements of
waveform duration (dur) and amplitude (amp) items such as Pdur, Pamp, Qdur,
and Qamp, can also be evaluated for each lead and stored along with the
waveforms at rest and at each stage of exercise and recovery. Such measure-
ments, data tabulation, and storage are trivial tasks for current high-speed
microcomputer digital systems. With careful overreading to quality control
for automated choice of onset-offset fiducials, this essentially eliminates the
tedium and human error of manual measurements.



The available digital data exercise systems, with their concomitant improve-
ment in the signal-to-noise ratio, now make it possible to study small waves
such as the P and U waves during and after exercise. Myrianthefs and asso-
ciates35 explored the high probability that the known ischemic dysfunction,
especially of the left ventricle during exercise, would produce measurable
changes in the left-atrial component of the P wave in the exercise ECG. It has

been known for years that left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) is

elevated during anginal episodes.36 Heikkaila and colleagues37 and Orlando
and associates38 had also demonstrated that the left-atrial component of the
P wave was responsive to the LVEDP as reflected in the pulmonary wedge
pressure during acute left-ventricular ischemic dysfunction. As documented
in Myrianthefs’ paper, a change in P duration during exercise and persisting
into recovery was significantly more common in patients with documented
ischemic heart disease than in normals. Based on the work of Heikkaila and
Orlando and associates,37, 38 one would expect the change in P duration and
the magnitude of the left-atrial component to be proportional to the severity
of the ischemic hemodynamic change (LVEDP). To our knowledge, none of
the commercially available computerized exercise systems currently pre-
sents measurements of P or left-atrial P amplitude and duration or trend
plots of these variables. However, it is reasonable to expect these systems to
be able to do so in the near future. When this is done, yet another exercise
ECG variable produced by computer signal processing can be expected to
further enhance the diagnostic usefulness of the automated stress exercise
ECG systems.



Sheffield ST-Segment Integral

Early studies by Sheffield and associates39 proposed that by recording the in-
tegral of the ST-segment depression with exercise, the maximum integral
would be a more accurate measure of myocardial ischemia. To accomplish
this with manual methods required off-line planimetry of enlarged QRS-T
complexes at rest and at various levels of exercise and recovery. The avail-
ability of digital processing systems, once the major programming was done,
led to an on-line method of making these complex integral measurements
(Figure 24–3). When these studies were first proposed, they required large
mainframe computers, but they can now be accomplished on desktop PC-
based systems and in much less time. The measurements previously de-
scribed, providing a picture of the ST change during exercise and in recov-
ery, are provided as an option of many currently available commercial
exercise test systems. Sheffield and associates39 have reported that the inte-
gral of ST depression measured by computer was more stable and repro-
ducible in serial studies than manual measurements of ST.

Hollenberg Exercise Score

The Hollenberg treadmill exercise score has also been incorporated into a
number of commercially available exercise test systems.40 It uses the sum of
the ST shifts from baseline in two leads normalized to QRS amplitude and
FIGURE 24–3. Computer measurements used to evaluate ST-segment depression.
a. Blomqvist and Simoons divided parts of the ST segment into equal units and measured de-
pression at ST4.
b. McHenry calculated the ST index by multiplying slope in mvs by magnitude of ST depres-
c. The IMC described by Sketch and Sheffield method of calculating the integral.
d. Integral, as calculated by Forlini. (From Savvides, M and Froelicher, V: Non-invasive non-
nuclear exercise testing. Cardiology 71:100–117, 1984, with permission.)


ST slope over time (from the start of exercise through recovery), exercise du-
ration, and fraction of maximum predicted heart rate. Hollenberg and asso-
ciates40originally reported a high sensitivity (87%) and specificity (92%) for
the treadmill score in patients with a high prevalence of disease. They re-
ported a significant improvement in the false-positive rate, reduced from
12% for conventional ST criteria to less than 1% for the treadmill score, in
asymptomatic men with a low prevalence of CAD. The population studied
consisted of 377 military officers (mean age 37), 294 with coronary high-risk
profiles and 83 controls with low-risk profiles. Forty-five had a positive ex-
ercise ECG by conventional criteria, three of whom had a positive Hollen-
berg score. Two of the three had left-ventricular hypertrophy on ECG and
were judged prospectively to be negative for CAD. With separate informed
consent, coronary angiography was done on the 10 patients with the highest
risk profile scores and the most positive exercise test by standard criteria.
This also included the three patients with a positive treadmill score. Of these
10, 1 had single-vessel right coronary disease, and had been considered
prospectively to have mild CAD. The sensitivity/specificity in the remaining
374 with a negative treadmill score or the 332 with a negative standard exer-
cise ECG was not evaluated and is unknown, as is the number of subjects ex-
cluded with prior infarct or known CAD.

ST/HR Slope
Elamin and associates41–42 of the Leeds group reported a remarkably im-
proved accuracy of the exercise ECG during upright bicycle exercise for the
detection and quantitation of the severity of CAD using linear regression
analysis of the maximum rate-related change in ST-segment depression
(maximum ST/HR slope). In highly selected hospital populations of patients
with angina, documented CAD, and normal controls, the maximum ST/HR
slope was 100% effective in distinguishing patients with one-vessel, two-
vessel, and three-vessel disease from each other and from normals. Im-
proved accuracy in similarly selected groups was reported by others.43–49
None of the latter studies achieved 100% accuracy.
The performance of ST/HR slope was also shown to be sensitive to vari-
ations in methods, especially the rate of increase in the exercise load, which
was carefully monitored in the Leeds protocol. On standard treadmill exer-
cise protocols (ie, Balke-Ware, Bruce, Ellestad), the rate of increase in exer-
cise load was so rapid that the maximum ST/HR slope could not be calcu-
lated by linear regression analysis in a significant number of patients because
it was not linear for the last 3 minutes or more of exercise. It was also soon
found that patients with chronic left-ventricular overloading from hyperten-
sion and aortic valve disease, those with myopathies, and those with con-
duction defects (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, right bundle branch
block, and left bundle branch block) had abnormal maximum ST/HR slopes
similar to or higher than those with significant CAD without these abnor-

malities.50–52 The clinical use of this technique was further limited by the
time-consuming manual ST-segment measurements and calculator-based
linear regression analysis after testing.
Kligfield, Okin, and associates43–49 responded to these problems with a
series of papers in which they suggested modification of the standard tread-
mill exercise protocols to a more gradual increase in exercise workloads and
thus of heart rate. They collaborated with commercial vendors to develop a
computer-based implementation of the maximum ST/HR slope measured
during the last 3 minutes or more of exercise. The automated measurements
were found to be highly correlated with the more tedious manual measure-
ments (r = .99 to 1.00). The presence of automated measurements led to stud-
ies assessing the optimal measurement point for ST-segment depression; that
is, STJ and STJ + 20 to STJ + 80 msec after the J-point. The studies used an-
other highly selected population of normals and subjects with classic angina,
documented CAD, or both. With specificities held at 96%, they reported sen-
sitivities of 61%, 80%, 84%, 93%, and 79% for STJ and STJ + 20, 40, 60, and 80
msec, respectively. Thus, the STJ + 60 msec measurement point was found to
be optimal.

⌬ST/⌬HR Index
A modification of the maximum ST/HR slope was reported by Kligfield and
colleagues53 by a simple rate adjustment of the heart rate slope. This
⌬ST/⌬HR index* method could be applied to any maximum exercise test
protocol. It did not require linear correlation of the ST/HR slope for the ter-
minal 3 minutes or more of exercise and thus did not require modification of
routine test protocols with a lower rate of change in exercise loads (Fig. 24–4).
The ⌬ST/⌬HR index was found to have improved sensitivity to ischemic
heart disease at fixed 96% specificities when compared with standard exer-
cise ECG criteria (90% versus 60%). However, compared with the maximum
ST/HR slope, the index was somewhat less sensitive (90% versus 93%) and
also less discriminating in revealing the severity of disease, that is the num-
ber of vessels with severe occlusions.

Screening of Asymptomatic Subjects for Ischemia

In asymptomatic subjects, the application of the Hollenberg treadmill score,
maximum ST/HR slope, and the ⌬ST/⌬HR index has significantly im-
proved the incidence of false-positive exercise tests compared with that
found in conventional exercise ECG criteria. In 377 military officers, the Hol-
lenberg score reduced the false-positive rate from 12% to less than 1%.40 In
the 1174 factory workers of Leeds and York (UK) reported by Boyle and

*Overall change in ST segment divided by overall change in heart rate.


FIGURE 24–4. Relationship of ST-segment depression in lead CM5 to heart rate during exercise in
a patient with three-vessel CAD. The ST/HR slopes calculated from the final three, four, or five data
points are each statistically significant but different. The highest significant value is selected as the
test result for this lead. Note that other values, including the ⌬ST/⌬HR, do not accurately approx-
imate the maximum value. Slope = ST/HR; ⌬ST/⌬HR = overall change in ST segment divided by
overall change in heart rate. (From Okin, et al,44 with permission.)

coworkers,52 the false-positive rate was 5.8% for the maximum ST/HR slope.
In 606 members of the Virginia National Guard reported by Okin and as-
sociates54 the false-positive rate was 9% for a combination of positive stan-
dard treadmill and radionuclide cineradiography (RCNA). Determining
⌬ST/⌬HR index on the standard treadmill positives reduced this false-
positive rate to 3% with no loss of true-positives. Finally, the ⌬ST/⌬HR in-
dex was studied in 3168 asymptomatic Framingham offspring by Okin and
colleagues.55 When 4-year new coronary events were taken as the “gold stan-
dard” marker for CAD, the age-adjusted relative risk (RR) of a positive test
was 2.2 compared with 1.2 for a positive exercise test using conventional cri-
teria. The ST depression with reference to heart rate during exercise and re-
covery was also used to generate the rate-recovery loop (see also Chapter 12).
A positive rate-recovery loop had an independent RR of 2.1. With both
ST/HR index and rate-recovery loop positive, the RR was 6.2; with both neg-
ative, the RR was 1.0. The incidence of CAD as defined by new coronary
events was 65/3168 (2.1%) in a mean of 4.3 years. This projects to 5% in 10
In all of these studies of screening of asymptomatic subjects, those with
known recent or old infarct or classic angina pectoris had been excluded. The
percentage excluded with known CAD ranged from unknown in the Hol-
lenberg study of 377 military officers to 0.5% in the Leeds/York study, 2.1%

in the Virginia Guard study and 2.9% in the Framingham offspring. In each
of these studies the combined prevalence of CAD, detected by both prior
clinical infarct and angina pectoris in the excluded subjects, and by the
screening protocols, ranges from less than 1% for the Hollenberg study of
young military personnel to 7.9% for the Framingham offspring.
Because of appropriate ethical considerations, one major element not
addressed by any of these studies is the incidence of significant (luminal
occlusion of 50% or more) coronary obstruction in asymptomatic subjects
with negative exercise tests or other screening procedures. The incidence
of false-negatives in these studies ranged from 60% to 90% or more, as dis-
cussed in the following sections. On the other hand, noninvasive screen-
ing for asymptomatic myocardial ischemia has been greatly enhanced by
the combined computerized techniques of exercise stress testing with ECG
changes, radionuclide angiography, and scintigraphic myocardial perfu-
sion imaging. When combined with the noninvasive detection of coronary
calcium by ultrafast, ECG-gated, x-ray computed tomography (ultrafast-
CT) as an invariate marker of CAD, the false-negative rate can be reduced
even further.



Significant occlusive CAD (luminal occlusion of 50% or more) can be ex-

pected to be considerably more prevalent in asymptomatic subjects than ac-
tually detected by the screening protocols just described. Studies of Korean
and Vietnam War casualty victims by Enos and associates56 and McNamara
and associates57 and studies of young male victims of trauma by Joseph and
colleagues 58 suggest that there was a significant false-negative rate in the
screening protocols of ambulatory populations previously described.
Janowitz, Agatston, and colleagues59, 60 found coronary calcium by ultrafast
CT in 11% of asymptomatic 20- to 29-year-olds, 23% of 35- to 40-year-old
asymptomatic male factory workers, and 70% of an age-matched group of
CAD patients. Significant coronary obstruction in the presence of coronary
calcification was found in 75% of the latter group. It is well documented in
the pathology literature that calcification of the coronary artery is an invari-
ant marker of coronary atheroma, although the atheroma may be early and
not high grade, especially in the younger adult.61–63 As shown in Figure 24–5,
the absence of coronary calcium in the presence of high-grade obstruction
ranges from 30% in the younger adult men to less than 1% for those older
than aged 60. From these data, the incidence of severe obstruction in the
asymptomatic younger (31- to 48-year-old) officers studied by Hollenberg
and associates40 is projected to be 10% to 15%, compared with the less than
1% reported. In the Virginia guard, the Leeds/York factory workers, and the
Framingham offspring, in which subjects are an average of 10 years older, the

FIGURE 24–5. The percentage of coronary vessels with mild-to-severe coronary stenosis by age
groups of asymptomatic subjects that show coronary calcium by ultrafast-CT. This bar graph is
based on a survey of the literature (see text for details). No data were available for 20- to 29-year-
olds; the projections for this age group were extrapolated backward from the data for the older sub-
jects shown here.

projected rate of high-grade CAD is 20% to 23%, with coronary calcium

found in 18% to 20%. When adjusted for those with known CAD, the detec-
tion rates from the combined screening procedures of 3.1%, 1.3%, and 7.9%,
respectively, would increase to a sensitivity of 14%, 6%, and 37% for these
low-incidence populations.



ECG Body Surface Maps and Exercise

The availability of high-speed digital data acquisition systems has made pos-
sible the recording of a large number of simultaneous, signal-averaged body
surface ECG leads and the processing of this large body of data into equipo-
tential contour maps, or cine projection of prospective plots over time. A
number of investigators have reported 87-lead to 120-lead ECG body surface
maps (BSMs) at rest and during exercise in normals and in patients with doc-

umented ventricular hypertrophies or CAD.25, 26, 64–67 Only Montague and as-
sociates25 have recorded BSMs throughout the exercise and recovery period.
The others have recorded the exercise BSMs early in the postexercise period.
These workers have established 95% confidence limits of normal for ST de-
pression (or elevation) over the torso surface. Predictably, they found that the
breakpoint for the optimal separation of normal ST from abnormal was vari-
able over the torso. One way of systematizing these results is to normalize
each ECG lead for 2 standard deviations of normal ST, or alternatively for the
lead field strength between the heart and the lead.
Ellestad and associates20 and others21 have shown that ST criteria are re-
lated at least in part to the QRS amplitude across a number of precordial sites.
Expressing the ST depression as a percentage of the R amplitude improves
sensitivity, especially in those with smaller R waves, with no loss of speci-
ficity. These data, along with computer simulations of the resting and is-
chemic heart, and rest and exercise multilead ECG databases, are the basic
building blocks for increasing the accuracy of quantitative multilead ECG
criteria for infarct and ischemia. Work on specific criteria and optimal lead
sets is under way in several laboratories.

Comprehensive Normal and Exercise

ECG Database—A Pooled Global Resource
The rapid increase in available digital data acquisition, signal processing,
and databasing technology has opened the door to the development of a
quantitative approach to exercise stress testing. The tedium of consulting
manually designed tables of normal values during rest, exercise, and recov-
ery for each of the wave amplitudes and durations for each of the 12 leads of
the standard ECG and 4 extra leads is now relieved by the high-speed mi-
crocomputers of many available exercise ECG recording systems, for which
it is an easy task. The acquisition, manipulation, and storing of numbers
(numbers crunching) is accomplished by these machines with remarkable
speed and dependability.
The development of comprehensive normal multilead ECG digital data-
bases is well under way in a number of centers.68–73 The ability to pool these
resources for the good of all is well under way in Canada and Europe, as
noted in the small sample of a much larger number of collaborative studies
by Kornreich, Montegue, Rautaharju and associates,22–26 but is lagging be-
hind in the United States. The European Community is proceeding well to-
ward this goal, as exemplified by the prodigious accomplishments of the
Common Standards for Electrocardiology group.68, 69 In the near future, the
definition of multilead specific criteria for P, QRS, ST-T, and U variables in-
dicative of ischemia and fine-tuning of the data partitions used in each of the
test procedures for optimal performance in the population being tested will
rely heavily on these computer tools.

Improvement in Screening for Ischemia

in Asymptomatic Subjects

There is an important need to develop a unified strategy combining the salu-

tary role of the computer in the rest and stress testing ECG, in radionuclide
angiography in scintigraphic myocardial perfusion imaging, and in the
ultrafast-CT imaging of coronary calcium. The latter has a low sensitivity
(40% to 50%) for significant CAD, but when present, the finding is an invari-
ant marker for coronary atheroma. It would be especially important to im-
prove screening to detect CAD and silent infarct/ischemia in certain asymp-
tomatic, low-incidence groups involved in public safety (eg, airline pilots
and military pilots of high- performance aircraft).
Loecker and colleagues63 recently reported on the routine screening
of US Air Force airmen after age 35 by a medical examination that included
a resting 12-lead ECG. Those who had indications of health problems, such
as serial ECG changes suggestive of ischemic heart disease, were referred
to the School of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, for
comprehensive workup with maximum treadmill exercise testing with
thallium scintigraphy and cinefluoroscopy for coronary calcium. Those
who had documented prior infarct or classic angina were not included in
this study. In the remaining asymptomatic airmen, if one or more of these
tests suggested coronary ischemia, angiography was required for them to
remain on flying status. Over the 5 years covered by the report, 1466
asymptomatic airmen were referred for further workup, and 669 were re-
ferred for angiography, of whom 56 declined and 613 had angiography.
As shown in Figure 24–6, 325 (53%) had entirely normal coronary arteries,
80 (13%) had minimal intimal roughening involving less than 10% of the
luminal diameter, 49 (8%) had 10% to 29% luminal narrowing, 55 (9%) had
30% to 49% luminal disease, and 104 (17%) had 50% or more of obstructive
CAD. The mean age of the subjects screened was 40.2 ⫾ 5 years (age range
26 to 65). The findings of Agatston and associates60 for a group of patients
of similar ages with suspected CAD who had simultaneous cinefluo-
roscopy and ultrafast-CT were projected by us to these airmen. The preva-
lence of calcium by ultrafast-CT, as shown by the regions with horizontal
lines in Figure 24–5, included all those showing calcium by fluoroscopy.
These data were also used to project the distribution of coronary calcium
as related to the severity of CAD in asymptomatic ambulatory men de-
scribed previously (see Fig. 24–6).
In summation, these data, when projected to segments of the population
with a low incidence of CAD, suggest that a combination of screening with
ultrafast-CT and treadmill testing with a gradual exercise increment and
ST/HR rate slope determination and selective use of radionuclide angiogra-
phy or myocardial perfusion scintigraphy would yield a major improvement
in detection of ischemia. Cut points or diagnostic partitions for the various

FIGURE 24–6. The distribution of angiographically abnormal coronary arteries in 40-year-old

asymptomatic airmen. The occurrence of coronary calcium reported at fluoroscopy by Loecker and
associates63 is projected to what might be expected by ultrafast-CT. The projections are based on
the ratio of coronary calcium at fluoroscopy compared with findings by ultrafast-CT in asympto-
matic 40 year olds by Agatston and colleagues.60 The shaded areas of the figure indicate the per-
centage of each subgroup with fluoroscopic coronary calcium. The radius of each sector is scaled
to the percentage of subjects in each category with fluoro calcium, ultrafast-CT calcium, or no

methods previously described can be developed from studies in these pop-

ulations that make the most of the diagnostic performance of the combined
protocols. As we learn to decipher the signal that the heart is sending out, we
will be using computers as basic tools to define the details of regional is-
chemia and infarct by answering the following: How severe is the dysfunc-
tion? How much is due to ischemia? How much is due to irreversible infarct?
This information is basic to making the best use of stress testing in screening
of healthy populations, in health maintenance, in early detection of ischemia,
and in intervention in the care of heart disease.


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Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” indicate figures; those followed by “t” indicated tables.

Abdominal thoracic pump, 13 Angiograms, coronary, 78, 273

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 466 Angiography, coronary
Adenosine, 50–51, 429–430, 434–436, 492 ST-segment depression and, 281–283
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 32, 33, 60, Angioplasty, coronary
61, 66 percutaneous transluminal, 169, 170
Adrenergic agonists, 431 stress testing after, 179, 184–185
Adrenergic influences on coronary Angioplasty patients, evaluation of,
circulation, 23–24 179–180
Aerobic capacity, 320t Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
Aerobic metabolism, 32–33 inhibitors, 504
Age Angiotensin II blockers, 504
and CAD, 309, 310, 310f–311f Antianginal drugs, mechanism of action of,
and conditioning, 21–22, 147, 148t 492
effect of, 17, 18f, 19, 298–299, 298f, 299f Aorta, thoracic
and positive stress tests, 279t, 280 coarctation of, 394–396, 394f–396f
Alcohol, 505–506 Aortic murmur, 121
Alkalosis, 482–483 Aortic stenosis, 87, 121
Aminophylline, 492 supravalvular, 392, 394
Amiodarone, 491 valvular and discrete subvalvular,
Amphetamines, 499 389–390, 391f–393f, 392
Anaerobic metabolism, 33 working capacity in children with, 391f,
Anaerobic threshold, 119–120 392, 394
Analog-to-digital (A-D) conversion, Aortic valve insufficiency, 396–397, 396f
517–517f Arbutamine, 431, 432
Androgens, 485–486 Arrhythmias, 241–242, 266, 368
Angina, 180, 196, 252f, 294, 295f, 361 abolition by exercise, 251
antianginal drugs, mechanism of action class IB antiarrhythmic drugs, 490–491
of, 492 class IC antiarrhythmic drugs, 491
atypical, 333 evaluation of, 81
diagnostic value, 182 sinus, 396f
and ischemia, 359, 359t. See also Ischemia supraventricular, 243–247, 244f–247f
microvascular. See Syndrome X ventricular
myocardial infarction and, 328 exercise-induced, 173, 248–249, 249f,
in post-MI testing, 172–173 401, 402f, 403–404, 404f
Prinzmetal’s, 204–205, 328–329 resting, 248
probable, 312, 313f Arrhythrogenic right ventricular dysplasia,
progression, 287–288, 291f 254
typical, 312, 313f, 333 Arteries. See Coronary arteries
unstable, 458f–459f, 465–466 Arteriovenous oxygen (AV-O2), 19, 22
Anginal pain, 64–66, 65f, 282–283, 296–297, Astrand protocol, 142, 144f
297f. See also under Pain modified, 143f


Athens QRS score, 219, 220f Blood pressure response (during exercise),
Athletes, 367 339, 349
duration and intensity of performance, with age, 340, 341f
372 and body surface area, 386, 387f
ECG changes at rest, 372, 373f, 374, 374t cardiomyopathies and, 347
exercise-induced abnormalities, 374–376 hypertensive, 340–342. See under
heart rate and blood pressure, 372 Hypertension
vs. nonathletes, performance of, 368 in CAD patients, 342, 343f
Athletic efforts, previous hypotensive, 344–346
health as related to, 369–370 early in exercise, 344
Atrial extrasystoles, 218, 244, 244f late in exercise, 344, 345f
Atrial fibrillation or flutter, 245–246, with ischemia, 344–346
246f–247f medications and, 347–348
Atrial premature beats, 244, 244f–245f normal, 339–340
Atrial septal defect, 401 in patients with resting hypertension,
Atrial tachycardia, paroxysmal, 246–247 340–341, 408, 410f
Atrioventricular (AV) block, 264 Body surface area (BSA), 384, 386, 387f–388f
first-degree, 255 Body surface maps (BSMs), ECG
second-degree, 255 and exercise, 526–527
third-degree, 264, 264f Body weight, and oxygen consumption,
Atrioventricular (AV) node, 255 139, 140t
Atropine, 497, 498f Bradycardia, sustained relative, 114
Augmented V lead, left leg (AVF), 205 Bradycardia-chronotropic incompetence,
Augmented V lead, right arm (AVR), 294, 294f
203–205, 233 Bruce protocol, 141–142, 142f–144f, 146
Auscultation, problems with, 336 Bruce stages, 145t
Auscultatory findings, 120–122 Bundle branch blocks. See also Left bundle
Autoregulatory resistance, 22–23 branch block; Right bundle branch
Balke protocol, 142, 143f–144f digital computer simulation of, 515
Bassler hypothesis, 369 rate-related, 260
Bayes’ theorem, 272–273, 272f, 273f Bypass graft surgery, coronary artery
critique of, 279 diagnostic value of angina, 182
Beta-blockers, 325, 325f, 363, 494 postoperative exercise performance,
mechanisms, 494–496 182–183, 183f
Bezett’s formula, 223 pre- and postoperative ST-segment
Bicarbonate, 31, 31f depression, 182
Bicycle ergonomic workloads, oxygen prediction of ischemia and postoperative
requirements of, 139, 140t testing, 181–182, 181t
Bicycle stress, 434 prediction of postoperative results, 180–181
Bicycle tests, 138–139 serial postoperative exercise testing,
supine vs. upright, 139 183–184
Blood flow, coronary, 22, 23f, 24, 25f Bypass patients, evaluation of, 179–180
Blood flow regulation, physiology of, 49–51
Blood pressure. See also Pressure pulse CA lead, 105
product Calcium, coronary, 525, 526f, 528, 529f
recovery, 346–347, 349f Calcium blockers, 496–497
Blood pressure measurement Carbohydrates, 31–32
automated, 339 Carbon dioxide (CO2), 321f. See also Partial
simultaneous, on opposite arms, 338, 338f pressure of carbon dioxide
Blood pressure recording Carbon dioxide production (VO2), 385, 386f.
correctable sources of error, 336–338 See also Oxygen uptake (VO2)
problems with auscultation, 336 Carbon monoxide, 487
reliability, 335 Cardiac catheterization, 284t, 345

Cardiac failure, chronic Congenital heart disease, pediatric. See

aerobic activity and severity of, 320t under Pediatric exercise testing
Cardiac ischemia. See Ischemia Congenital heart failure, and valvular
Cardiomyopathy(ies), 329, 347, 499 dysfunction, 82–83
hypertrophic, 408–409, 410f Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), 257,
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 259f
drugs for, 92t Congestive heart failure patients
CASS study—1982, 289 contraindications to exercise testing, 88
Catecholamines, 16, 498–499 exercise testing in, 319, 323f
CB lead, 105, 105f evaluation, 81
CC5, 105, 109–110, 235f exercise duration, 324
Cedars Emory Quantitative Analysis instrumentation, 324
program (CEQUAL), 444, 447 and prediction of events, 324–325
Chest pain. See also Anginal pain; Pain VO2max, 322
evaluation of patients with, 78–79 heart rate, 324, 325f
and normal coronary arteries, 327, 333 Contingency table, 273, 275t
clinical syndromes, 328–331 Contractility, 14, 15f, 16, 494. See also under
prevalence, 327–328 Ischemia
prognosis, 332–333 Cooper Clinic study—2000, 289, 290f, 291.
therapy, 332 See also Ischemic ST segments
treadmill findings, 331–332 Cornell (exercise) protocol, 145
Chlorthalidone, 502 Coronary arteries
Chronotropic incompetence (sick sinus collaterals, 45–47
syndrome), 113, 114f, 242–243, and ischemia, 44–48
293–294, 293f, 294f pressure relationships of left ventricle
Circadian influence, 153 and, 53, 54f–55f
Circumflex disease, 450f–451f vasomotion, 44–45, 45f
Clonidine, 503 Coronary artery disease (CAD), 113–115,
Clothing, 158 117, 118, 120, 136, 195, 262, 279,
CM5, 105, 106, 108–110, 261 359. See also specific topics
Coarctation of thoracic aorta, 394–396, diagnosis, 419
394f–396f MPI, 464, 464t
Cold, 35 exercise and prevention of, 370–371
Collateral formation, coronary Hollenberg exercise score and, 520, 522
stimulus to, 46 hypertensive response and, 340
exercise, 46–47 mortality predicted by two-vessel, 304f
Collaterals, intracoronary, 45–46 population groups and, 279–280
Compressive resistance, 23 prevalence, 277f, 279–280, 279t, 354
Computer simulation of human ECG, prognosis, 421
digital, 515–516 QRS and, 219
optimal ECG lead locations, 516 severity, 79
Computer technology, 513–514. See also estimating, 175
specific topics significant occlusive CAD in asymptomatic
digital processing, noise reduction, and subjects, 525–526, 526f
measurement accuracy, 518–519, and upsloping ST segments, 192, 195f
518f Coronary artery narrowing, 282, 282f
Computerized measurements in exercise Coronary blood flow, 22, 23f, 24, 25f
systems, advantages of, 519 Coronary collateral formation
Conditioning, age and, 21–22, 147, 148t stimulus to, 46
Conduction disturbances, 254–257, 257f–259f, Coronary resistance, 22–24
260–264, 261f, 263f–264f, 266 Coronary size related to workload, 47–48
accelerated conduction. See Wolff- Correct classification rate, 275
Parkinson-White (WPW) CS5, 105, 106
syndrome Cuts, misaligned, 445

Deaths, 196f. See also Mortality of patients who died, 92–93, 94f–95f, 96,
case histories of patients who died, 92–93, 97f–98f
94f–95f, 96, 97f–98f Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, 190.
sudden, during exercise, 368–369 See also specific patterns
Defibrillator, 91 conventional
Delta heart rate, 294, 296 distribution of ST depression, 203–204,
Diabetes, 484–485 204f
Diastolic blood pressure, 409, 410f. See also horizontal vs. downsloping ST
Left-ventricular end-diastolic segments, 195–198, 197f
pressure intraobserver agreement, 202–203
Diazepam, 501–502 magnitude of ST depression, 201–202
Diffusion (respiration), 37 normal exercise ECG ST and J point,
Digital processing, 518–519, 518f. See also 190–191, 192f
Analog-to-digital (A-D) ST depression in recovery only, 198,
conversion; Computer simulation 199f
of human ECG ST integral and slope, 198–200, 200f
Digitalis, 228, 488–490 time course of ST depression, 200–201,
Digoxin, 489 201t, 202f
Dipyridamole, 52f, 429, 434–436, 464t, 494. upsloping ST segments, 192, 194–195,
See also Stunning, post-persantine 194f
Diuretics, 502–503 unconventional, 207–214, 208f, 210f–215f
Dobutamine, 131, 431, 432, 436–437 Electrocardiographic (ECG) complex,
Drugs, 131 normal, 191f
and blood pressure response, 347–348 Electrocardiographic specifications, 104
in emergency kit, 91, 92t Electrode positions and attachments, 158, 159
metabolic abnormalities and, 481, 506. Ellastad protocol, 142–144f, 147
See also specific abnormalities; specific Emotional stress test, 153
drugs Encainide, 491
psychotropic, 499–502 Endorphins, 65–66
reported to alter exercise-induced Endothelin, 330
ST-segment changes, 486t Environmental factors, 370
Duke Score, 302 Esophageal dysfunction, 330–331
Duke study—1978, 288 Estrogens, 313–314, 485
Ebstein’s anomaly, 401–402 amount needed, 370–371
Echo imaging, indications for, 129 quantity and quality to maintain fitness,
Echocardiography, stress, 127–129, 132 370
accuracy, 131, 131t Exercise capacity
images, 129, 130f and prediction of events, 324–325
evaluation of, 130 in sedentary and active men, 145, 146f
methodology, 129 Exercise duration, 297–298, 324
vs. nuclear studies, 132 Exercise intensity, 147, 148t, 149–151, 149f
in prognosis, 132 Exercise stress test report, M.H.I., 166–167
Ejection fraction (EF), 414, 415, 418, 419, Exercise test
421 equipment and supplies necessary to test
Electrocardiogram (ECG) database, safely, 90–92
comprehensive normal and in sports, type of, 371
exercise, 527 termination
Electrocardiograms (ECGs), 137, 163–164, indications for, 89–90, 383t
190. See also Computer technology; when to terminate, 88–89
specific topics Exercise testing. See also Stress testing
digital computer simulation of normal, indications for, 77–83
515–516 assessing severity of disease and
in history of stress testing, 1 prognosis, 79

chest pain, 78–79 Heart rate recovery, 296

evaluation of functional capacity, Heart rate response to exercise, 112–115,
81–82, 82f 114f, 115f
evaluation of therapy, 79 Heart-rate-targeted testing, 138
screening for latent coronary disease, Heart rate(s) (HR), 16–18, 18f, 24, 25f, 294,
79–80, 80f 295f. See also ST/HR; ST/HR slope
sports medicine, 83 beta-blockers and, 495
stimulus to motivate change in in congestive heart failure patients, 324,
lifestyle, 83 325f
parameters to be measured in, 103–104, delta, 115, 116f
123. See also specific parameters HR recovery ST loop, 212–213, 213f
reliability, 6–7 intrinsic, 497–498
risks reported in literature, 96, 99 submaximal target, and test termination,
Exercise training. See Training 89–90
with training, 19–20, 20f
2-F-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (F-18 FDG), Heart sounds
metabolic imaging with, 428, 467, first and second, 120–121
469, 470, 470f third, 121
Fallot’s tetralogy, 398–399, 400f–402f, 401 fourth, 121
False-positive and false-negative tests, 275, Heart volume. See Stroke volume
284–285. See also Sensitivity of Heart Watch—1978, 288
(stress) tests; Specificity of (stress) Heat, 34–35, 34f
tests Hemodynamic responses, 173–174
Fascicular block, 256–257, 257f–258f His’ bundle, 264
Fatty acid oxidation inhibitors, partial, 505 Hollenberg treadmill exercise score, 520,
Fatty acids, 32. See also Free fatty acids 522
(FFAs) “Hump sign,” 231
Flecainide, 491 Hyperpnea, exercise, 36
Flow reserve, 341 Hypertension. See also under Blood pressure
Follow-up, extended, 176 response
Fontan procedure, 402–403, 403f after coarctectomy, 394–395, 394f–396f
Free fatty acids (FFAs). See also Fatty acids antihypertensive drugs, 502–505
and ischemic myocardium, 67, 505 blood pressure response in patients with
Froelicher Score, 302–303 resting, 340–341, 408, 410f
early detection of labile, 81
severe, 87–88
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), 331 systolic, 396f, 397
Gated cardiac blood pool, 418, 420f–421f Hyperthyroidism, 483
diagnosis, 419, 421 Hypertrophied myocardium, 341–342
diastolic function, 419 Hypertrophies, digital computer simulation
interpretation of results, 419 of, 515
risk stratification and prognosis, 421 Hyperventilation, 207f, 482–483, 483f
systolic function, 418–419 and orthostatic changes, 229–231, 232f
Gating, verifying correct, 446 Hypokalemia, 228
Gender. See Sex differences Hypotension. See under Blood pressure
Glucose metabolism, 31–32 response
Guanethidine, 503–504 Hypothyroidism, 484
Hypoxia, 31, 61
Handrail support, 160 ischemia and, 33–34
Hearing, threshold of, 336, 337f
Heart Inferior leads, ST-segment depression only
efficiency, 24 in, 228
substrate use in the, 31–32 Inferior wall ischemia, 452f–453f
Heart murmur. See Aortic murmur Internal contractile element work, 26

Intramyocardial perfusion, 48–49, 49f. See J junction, 197f

also Myocardial perfusion imaging J point, 190–191, 192f, 194, 194f, 195, 387,
and ischemia, 48–53, 50f 389f, 390f
physiology of blood flow regulation, James protocol, 383t, 384f, 388f
transmural flow distribution, 51–52 Kawasaki disease, 406–407
vasodilator reserve, 52–53, 52f Kligfield index, 209
Intramyocardial tension, 26–27 Korotkoff sounds, 336–339
Ischemia, 31, 43, 71–72. See also Myocardial
ischemia; specific topics L-Arginine, 505
blood pressure response with, 60, Lactate, and ischemic myocardium, 67
344–346 Lactate metabolism, 31, 32
contractility, wall motion, and, 60–62, 61f Lateral wall ischemia, 450f–451f
coronary arteries and, 44–48 Lawsuits, 99
digital computer simulation of, 515 Lead strength (ST/R), 207–208, 208f
direction of ST vector and, 70–71, 70f Lead systems, 105
EKG criteria for, 303 bipolar leads, 105–107, 105f–107f
future strategies for improving conventional 12 leads, 107
quantitation of, 526–529 mixed-lead systems, 109–110
inferior wall, 452f–453f precordial maps, 108–109, 109f
intramyocardial perfusion and, 48–53, 50f XYZ orthogonal leads, 108
isometric and isotonic exercise and, 152, Leads
153 localization with right precordial, 234
lateral wall, 450f–451f optimally distorted, 106
left ventricle and, 53, 55–57, 62–64 Left anterior descending (LAD),
localization by ECG patterns, 233 localization of proximal or distal,
metabolic and mechanical events 234
associated with, 58, 59f Left anterior descending (LAD)
oxygen supply vs. demand and, 43–44 disease/narrowing, 219, 221, 226,
pain and, 64–66, 359–360 233
posture and pressure fillings and, 57–58, Left anterior descending (LAD) ischemia,
58f 447, 448f–449f
screening of asymptomatic subjects for, Left anterior division block, 256, 257f–258f
523–525 Left anterior hemiblock, 256, 257f
improvement in, 528–529 Left anterior oblique (LAO) view, 438, 439f,
stroke work and, 64 443
subendocardial, 198, 242 Left bundle branch block (LBBB), 214,
time intervals and, 53, 55–56, 56f 216–217, 253, 254, 260, 262–264,
transmural, 233, 515–516 263f, 455
trigger mechanisms for, 48 Left main equivalent, suspected, 87
Ischemic cascade, 128, 128f Left posterior hemiblock, 256–257
Ischemic dilation, transient, 456f–457f, Left ventricle, pressure relationships of
460f–461f coronary arteries and, 53, 54f–55f
Ischemic disease, chronic, 464–465 Left-ventricular dynamics in women, 314
Ischemic myocardium. See Myocardium, Left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure
ischemic (LVEDP), 58, 62, 62f, 64, 65f, 261,
Ischemic ST segments. See also ST-segment 261f, 263, 263f, 329, 520
depression ST depression and, 211, 211f
and mortality, 288, 289f, 304f Left-ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), 201,
Ischemic syndromes, acute, 465 341–342, 375
Isometric and isotonic exercise, 152, 153 and myocardial function during exercise,
Isometric test, 151–152 341–342
combined with isotonic exercise, 152–153 Left-ventricular (LV) length (L), 415
Isoproterenol, 499 Left-ventricular outflow tract obstruction, 392

Left-ventricular stroke volume (SV), 62–64 silent, 353

Left-ventricular (LV) volume (V), 415, 421f size. See also QRS
Lidocaine, 490 validation studies of regional
Lifestyle change, motivating, 83 transmural ischemia and, 515–516
Limited challenge, 280 in sports, 369
Lithium, 500–501 stress testing after, 169, 176
Long QT syndrome (LQTS), congenital, 224, abnormal stress test responses, 172–174
257, 259f advantages and benefits, 169–170
estimating the extent of CAD, 175
Master’s test, 90, 137, 286 protocols, 151, 152f, 171
Maximum heart rate (MHR), 149–151 reliability of abnormalities, 174–175
age and, 150, 151t safety and patient selection, 170–171
conditioning and, 147, 148t Myocardial ischemia. See also Myocardium,
fitness and, 149–150, 149f ischemic
Maximum stress testing, 150 P-wave changes and hemodynamic
Medication. See Drugs changes with, 519–520
Memorial Heart Institute Exercise Stress silent, 353, 364–365
Test Report, 166–167 analysis of M.H.I. database, 357, 359
Memorial Heart Institute (M.H.I.) database, angina equivalent, 361
357, 359 clinical strategy, 360–361
Memorial Heart Institute protocol, 157–165, detection, 356–357, 357f
167 markers, 358t, 359, 359t
examination and explanation, 160 implications, 360
exercise, 160, 161 mechanisms and pathophysiology,
questionnaire and informed consent, 354–355
157–158 medical treatment, 363–364
timing, 157 pain perception, 355–356
Memorial Medical Center follow-up prevalence, 353–354
study—1975, 286–288 prognosis, 359–360
Metabolic acidosis, 482 ST depression and normal coronary
Metabolic equivalents (METS), 141, 145, arteries, 354
146f, 147t, 173 ST depression with prior negative test,
Methyldopa, 503 363
Metoprolol, 436 surgical treatment, 364
Mitral murmur, 121, 122f threshold of, 136
Monitoring, 161–163 Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), 414,
Morise Score, 302–303 421–422. See also Intramyocardial
Mortality, predictors of, 150, 287–288, 291f, perfusion
303, 304f. See also Deaths diagnosis, 462–465, 464t
age, 298–299, 300f results, 464
ischemic ST segments, 288, 289f, 304f “hibernating” myocardium, 467
MUGA (multiple gated acquisition), 418 metabolic imaging for defining, 467,
Multivariate analysis, 301–302 468f–471f, 469, 470, 471f
Muscle mass, effect of, 16 perfusion defects, causes of reversible,
Myocardial efficiency, 24 459, 462
Myocardial infarction (MI), 113, 196, 287, perfusion-metabolic mismatch, tracer
288, 291f combinations for defining,
acute, 466 469–471, 471f
and angina, 328 prognosis, 466
digital computer simulation of, 515 risk stratification, post acute MI, 466
future strategies for improving tracers, 422–425
quantitation of, 526–529 unstable angina, 465–466
vs. ischemia, diagnosis of, 447, 449 Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, causes
predictive value of previous, 299–300, 301f of defects on, 462, 463t

Myocardial scarring, 294, 295f Pain perception in silent myocardial

Myocardium, 180 ischemia, 355–356
echocardiography to identify viable, 132 Palpitation, 122
hypertrophied, 341–342 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT),
ischemic. See also Myocardial ischemia 246–247
biochemical changes in, 66–68 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2),
free fatty acids and, 67, 505 23, 29, 30f, 36, 482, 483f
Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), 23
Naughton Protocol, 322, 323t Pediatric exercise testing, 381–382, 409–410
Nicotine, 487–488 arrhythmia with normal heart, 403–404,
Nitrates, 437, 492–493 404f
long-acting, 493 complete congenital heart block, 404–405,
Nitric oxide (NO), 50 405f, 406f
Nitroglycerin, 65f, 467, 468f–469f, 493 congenital heart disease and, 389–390,
Nucleotides, 32 392, 394–399, 401–403
N.Y. Heart Classification III and IV, 320t, 323 congenital long QT syndrome, 406
equipment, 382
Observer bias, 337–338 exercise protocols, 382–383, 383t
Orthostatic changes, hyperventilation and, hypertension, 407–408
229–231, 232f hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 408–409,
Oxygen. See also Arteriovenous oxygen 410f
partial pressure of, 23 Kawasaki disease, 406–407
Oxygen consumption, 115–117, 142, 144f measured responses during exercise
body weight and, 139, 140t testing, 383–388, 384f–391f
and duration of exercise, 323f reasons for clinical, 382
duration of work and, 117, 117f sickle cell anemia, 407, 408f
estimation of, 145–147, 147t Percutaneous transluminal coronary
VO2 estimate vs. direct measurement, angioplasty (PTCA), 169, 170
147t Perfusion. See Intramyocardial perfusion;
treadmill stage and, 117, 118f Myocardial perfusion imaging
Oxygen demand Pericardial constraint, 62f
myocardial, 24 Pericardial hypothesis, 62
vs. oxygen supply, 27, 27f Pericarditis, 63f
and ischemia, 43–44 Persantine. See Dipyridamole
Oxygen transport, 321–322 pH, 29, 31, 31f, 32, 482–483, 483f
Oxygen uptake, maximum (VO2max), 17, Pharmacological stress, 131
18f, 26f, 28–29, 399, 400f, 407, 408f Phenothiazines, 501
caveats in the use of, 321–322 Phosphorylase, 32
in congestive heart failure patients, 322, Population groups, 279–280
324, 325 Positron emission tomography (PET), 428
mean values for, 28, 29t Postexercise period, management during,
measurement in normal patients, 319–320 91
Oxygen uptake (VO2), 17–18, 386f Posture, 57–58, 58f
and work during submaximal exercise in PQ interval/segment, 255
children, 384, 385f short, 231, 243, 255
sloping, 228, 230
p FOX inhibitors (partial fatty acid PQ junction, 229
oxidation inhibitors), 505 Precordial leads. See Lead systems
P wave changes, 227–228, 519–520 Predictive value of tests, 276, 276t–277t
P waves, 110 Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs),
Pain. See also Chest pain 88, 163, 248–250, 250f, 374
anginal vs. nonanginal, 272–273, 274f, “ominous,” 249
282–283, 312, 313f. See also Anginal during recovery, 251, 252f
pain ST segments in exercise-induced, 251–252
ischemia and, 64–66, 359–360 Pressure pulse product, 111–112, 112f, 113f

Prevalence of disease, 277–278 adrenergic agonists, 431

and exercise-induced ST depression, 278, anatomic correlation, 443–444
278f image acquisition, 437–438
and predictive value of tests, 276, planar imaging, 438–439, 439f
276t–277t, 277f image interpretation
Prinzmetal’s angina, 204–205, 328–329 ancillary findings in ischemia,
Propranolol, 497–498, 498f 448f–450f, 449, 452, 452f–454f,
Prostoglandins, and ischemic myocardium, 456f–461f
67–68 causes of “reversible deficits” other
Psychotropic drugs, 499–502 than ischemia, 455, 459, 462
Pulmonary artery pressures, left ventricle infarct vs. ischemia, 447, 449
and, 56–57, 57f preliminary observations, 444–446
Pulmonary valvular stenosis, 397–398, 397f, quantitation, 449, 454
398f quantitative polar map displays,
Pulse. See Heart rate 446–447
Pulsus alternans, 122 reverse redistribution, 455
Pyruvate metabolism, 31 protocols, 431–432, 432f–433f, 434–437
SPECT, 414, 423, 427, 428, 439–440,
Q wave and QT intervals, 220–221, 221f 440f–442f, 442–444, 448f–454f, 463
congenital long QT syndrome, 224, 257, stress, 429
259f vasodilators, 429–430
prolonged QT, 222–224, 223f Ramp protocol, 145
QT dispersion, 221–222 Rate-related bundle branch blocks, 260
Q waves, 231f Reassurance, 161
septal, 221, 222, 375 Record preparation, 164–165
QRS changes, 215–216, 219 Recovery period, 163–164
changes in QRS axis, 219 Rehabilitation, cardiac, 367
changes in S waves, 220 exercise testing in, 367, 377
R-wave amplitude, 216–218, 217f. See also confirmation of improvement or
R-wave amplitude detection of progression, 378–379
QRS duration, 491 discharge exercise test after coronary
increased, 219 event, 378
QRS score, Athens, 219, 220f exercise prescription, 378
QRS (vector), 68, 70, 70f, 515–520 exercise testing prior to outpatient
QT interval(s). See also Q wave and QT rehabilitation, 378
intervals Relaxation, abnormal, 61
corrected (QTc), 222, 223, 223f, 259f Repolarization, 283–284
prolonged, 257, 258f. See also Long QT early, 206–207, 207f, 372
syndrome Respiration, 35–37
Quinidine, 490 rate vs. depth, 36–37
QX/QT ratio, 220–221, 221f Respiratory data during stress testing, 118.
See also Oxygen uptake
R-wave amplitude, 214f, 216–218, 217f, 252 Respiratory gas exchange ratio (R), 118–120
R-wave responses to exercise, 216, 216f Revascularization, postoperative, 182–183
R wave(s), 110, 207, 210f, 211, 244, 244f. See unsuccessful, 183, 183f
also QRS Rhythm disturbances, 368. See also
increased, with atrial extrasystoles, 218 Arrhythmias
ST elevation in leads with, 205f Right bundle branch block (RBBB), 260–262,
Radionuclide angiography (RNA), 414–415 261f, 455
diagnosis, 415–416, 416f–417f Risk ratio, 287t
indications, 418
prognosis, 416, 418 S waves, changes in, 220
Radionuclide techniques, 176, 414. See also Safety, exercise test
Gated cardiac blood pool; equipment and supplies necessary to,
Myocardial perfusion imaging 90–92

Safety factors and precautions, 86, 100, ⌬ST/⌬HR index, 523, 524f. See also ST heart
170–171 rate index
Sensitivity of (stress) tests, 273–277, ST/HR slope, 110–111, 315, 522–523
275t–277t, 279, 280, 281t, 287t ST hysteresis (HR recovery ST loop),
Septal defect, atrial, 401 212–213, 213f
Septal hypertrophy, asymmetrical, 88 ST integral and slope, 198–200, 200f
Septal Q waves, 221, 222, 375 ST/R, 207–208
Sestamibi (MIBI), Tc99m, 425, 426t, 431–432, ST-segment depression. See also Electro-
432f–433f, 464t, 465–467, 468f–469f cardiographic (ECG) changes;
Sex differences, 19, 309, 316. See also Women Ischemic ST segments; specific topics
in findings according to symptoms, 312, asymptomatic, 361, 362f
313f computer measurements used to
in prevalence of CAD, 309–310, 310f, 311f evaluate, 520, 521f
in stress test results, 279t, 280 convex, 231
Sheffield ST-segment integral, 520, 521f and coronary events, 288, 290f, 291, 291f
Sick sinus syndrome. See Chronotropic and coronary heart disease survival, 289,
incompetence 290f
Sickle cell anemia, 407, 408f decreased R ⫹ ST depression, 218
Single photon emission computed digitalis-induced, 488–489
tomography (SPECT), 414, 423, downsloping in V3 and V4, 198
427, 428, 439–440, 440f–442f, exercise-induced, 374–375
442–444, 463 duration, 375
Sinus arrhythmia, 396f fictitious/false positive, 190–191
Sinus tachycardia, 325f in inferior leads only, 228
6-minute-walk test, 322–323 intermittent, 209, 210f, 211
Skin preparation for electrodes, 158, 159 with long diastolic filling, 211–212, 212f
Sodium bicarbonate, 31, 31f magnitude, 291f, 292
Sotolol, 496 mechanism of, 68, 69f
Specificity of (stress) tests, 273, 275–277, and mortality, 291f, 304f
275t–277t, 279, 280, 281t, 287t with nodal premature contractions, 214,
Sports. See also Athletes 215f
effects of exercise training on ST in post-MI testing, 172
depression and exercise capacity, posture, filling pressures, and, 57–58, 58f
376–377 resting, increased with exercise, 201
exercise testing in, 377 rounded, 213–214, 214f
alerting patient and physician to occult septal Q waves and, 221, 222, 222f
dysfunction, 376 severe, 89
evaluating drug regimens, 377 at rest, 88
following progress in known disease, slowly upsloping, 195
376 ST evolving toward normal with exercise,
risks of coronary events in 209
infarction, 369 time of onset, 291–292, 291f
rhythm disturbances, 368 time of recovery from, 292–293
sudden death, 368–369 ST-segment depression curves, and CAD,
Sports medicine, 83 278, 278f
ST changes ST-segment elevation, 174
false positive, 190, 228–231, 230f–232f, in AVR, 233
233–234, 235f ischemia and, 71, 233
false-positive tracings due to computer in leads with Q waves, 206, 206f
averaging, 229 in leads without Q waves, 204–205, 205f
sensitivity and specificity of, 310–312 at rest, 206–207, 207f, 376. See also
ST heart rate index (Kligfield index), 209. Repolarization, early
See also ⌬ST/⌬HR index and test termination, 90
ST-heart rate slope, 208 in V1, 233

ST segments. See also Electrocardiographic Supine vs. upright bicycle tests, 139
(ECG) changes; specific topics Supraventricular extrasystoles, 244
segment variability, 231, 233 Surgery, bypass. See Bypass graft surgery
Starling’s curves, 15f Sympathetic tone, increased, 229
Starling’s law, 14 Syndrome X (microvascular angina),
Stenosis, 45f, 121, 204, 525. See also Aortic 314–315, 329–332. See also Chest
stenosis; Valvular stenosis pain, and normal coronary arteries
idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic, 88 Systole(s), 23, 54f. See also Atrial
STJ, 519 extrasystoles
Stress, types/modes of, 131 Systolic and diastolic time intervals, 27–28,
Stress echocardiography. See 53, 55–56, 56f
Echocardiography ratio of systolic to diastolic time interval
Stress testing, 429. See also Exercise testing; (SPTI/DPTI), 56
specific topics Systolic blood pressure (SBP), 344, 345f, 347,
capacity to predict coronary events, 80, 80f 348f, 394, 408, 409f–410f
contraindications, 84, 100 normal and abnormal, 346, 346f
absolute, 86–87 peak, 343f
relative, 87–88 Systolic hypertension, 396f, 397
history, 1–6
predictive implications, 271–272, 287t, T waves, 375, 387, 389f
298–299, 298f, 299f, 303–304. See alterations
also specific topics deep T wave inversions, 225
estimating disease prevalence, 277–278, normalization of inverted T waves,
277f, 278f 224–225, 225f
of exercise test scores, 301–303 peaked T waves, 225, 226f
false-negative tests and, 284–285 tall T waves, 225–227, 226f
false-positive tests and, 283–284, 284t pseudonormalization, 224
limited challenge and, 280 in V2, peaked, 233
long-term follow-up studies, 285–291, Ta wave (wave of polarization), 190, 191,
287f, 287t, 289f, 290f 193f
manipulation of data to produce Tachycardia. See also Ventricular
scores, 303 tachycardia
population groups and, 279–280, 279t paroxysmal atrial, 246–247
of previous MI, 299–300, 301f sinus, 325f
sensitivity and specificity, 273–277, Teboroxime, Tc99m, 425, 426t
275t–277t, 279, 280, 281t Technetium 99m (99mTc), 414
preparation for test, 136–137 Technetium 99m (99mTc) labeled
requirements, 135–136 agents/tracers, 415, 424–425, 428
Stress testing protocol(s), 135, 136, 154. See biologic properties, 425, 426t
also specific topics imaging equipment, 425, 427–428
comparison of various, 142, 143f–144f, indications for, 427–428
145 Temperature, 34–35
Stress tests Tension time index, 25, 26f
continuous, 138–139, 140t, 141–142 Tetralogy of Fallot, 398–399, 400f–402f, 401
intermittent, 137–138 Tetrofosmin, Tc99m, 425, 426t, 432f–433f,
single-load, 137 464t
Stroke volume (SV), 11–12 Thallium (Tl), 431, 470, 471f
defined, 11 Thallium 201 (Tl-201), 422, 426t, 432f–433f,
preload and, 12–14, 12f, 13f 440, 442, 462, 464, 464t, 467, 488
and training, 14, 15f Thallium 203, 422–424
Stroke work, and ischemia, 64 Thiazides, 502
Stunning Thoracic pump, abdominal, 13
myocardial, 49 Thyroid abnormalities, 483–484
post-persantine, 460f–461f Tidal volume, ventilation and, 118, 119f

Tocainide, 490 Ventricular contractions. See Premature

Total working capacity (TWC), 391f, 392, ventricular contractions
394, 408, 409f Ventricular dysplasia, arrhythrogenic right,
Training 254
and diastolic and systolic volume, 12, 12f Ventricular ectopy, 173
and ST depression and exercise capacity, in CAD patients, 249–252, 250f, 252f
376–377 Ventricular ectopy, reproducibility of, 254
Training methods Ventricular fibrillation (VF), 253
duration, 21 Ventricular tachycardia (VT), 252, 402f
frequency, 20 defined, 252
intensity, 20–21 exercise-induced sustained, 253
mode, 21 exercise testing to evaluate spontaneous,
Transmural flow distribution, 51–52 253
Transmural ischemia, 233, 515–516 idiopathic right ventricular outflow
Treadmill echocardiography, 129. See also tachycardia, 254
Echocardiography, stress nonsustained, 252, 253
methodology, 129 Vessels left ungrafted (VLU), number of,
Treadmill exercise score, Hollenberg, 520, 181t
522 Viscous resistance, 22
Treadmill protocol. See Naughton Protocol
Treadmill stage, and oxygen consumption, Walk test, 6-minute, 322–323
117, 118f Walk-through phenomenon, 120
Treadmill stress, 434 Wall motion, 446
Treadmill test, 141, 141f, 331–332 contractility, ischemia and, 60–62, 61f
Tricyclic antidepressants, 499–500 Wall thickening, segmental, 446
Weight, and oxygen consumption, 139,
U waves, 234, 235f 140t
Ultrafast, ECG-gated, x-ray computerized Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome,
tomography (ultrafast-CT), 525, 260, 265–266, 265f–266f, 455
526f, 528, 529f Women. See also Sex differences
ST changes in
VA study, 291 mechanisms, 313–315
Valium. See Diazepam sensitivity and specificity of, 310–312
Valvular stenosis. See also Aortic stenosis; strategy to separate true- from false-
Stenosis positive, 315
pulmonary, 397–398, 397f, 398f stress testing in, 309, 316
Vasodilator reserve, 52–53, 52f Work up bias, 303
Vasodilators, 429–430, 504 Working capacity. See Total working
Vasomotion, 44–45, 45f capacity
Vasoregulatory asthenia, 229 Workload, heart rate and, 19, 20f
Ventricular arrhythmias. See under
Arrhythmias XYZ orthogonal leads, 108

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