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February 4, 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter of introduction to give you an idea of my career goals, how I am
going to achieve them, and why my search is the right one for me. Environmental Science
Engineering and Technology (ESET) has given me many opportunities to find out what career
path I want to take, it has taught me how to take responsibility for my actions and how to act
professionally when the time comes. I have experience with data input/coding and a few
projects where you had to build a machine to perform a certain task. I had to communicate with
my partner to figure out how we can make the machine do its task without being interrupted by
something else. I enjoy taking things apart and rebuilding them, but I know I need more
experience to achieve my goal.

I am a Senior in High School, I am taking a course in Engineering Design and

Development (EDD) and also Auto Mechanics 2. I plan to major as a Mechanical Engineer. I will
accomplish this by completing assignments and learning the different parts and tools of the
machine. My goal is to graduate high school and attend a 4 year college to get a degree / to
major in engineering. I would like a job in mechanical engineering that involves working with
people and offers opportunities for promotion.

My best work is a class experiment with a fling machine. With my partner and teacher’s
help, we designed a machine that can throw a cotton ball wrapped in tape using 2 popsicle
sticks, 2 pipe cleaners, 1 rubber band, 1 fork, 1 balloon, and a piece of tape. I documented the
number of attempts and the distance the cotton ball traveled during each attempt. I learned a lot
by doing this; I learned how to properly keep track of an experiment and how to work with the
parts you have. I had to note the distance of the cotton ball to organize the data collected in a
chart so as to see the progress of each attempt.

I learned a lot by doing projects like these and would like to continue doing projects like
these in the future. I would like to do a project where I have to build something from scratch and
assemble it with the parts / tools at hand. I know I will eventually find a job that is right for me
and that I will enjoy doing. Until then I will stick to my goal in order to become a Mechanical


Alexander Lira

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