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ABSTRAC In the industrial world the uses that are given to metals are infinite since almost for

every metallic material there is an object made by one or more of these materials, this also
depends on their characteristic properties, which are composed of, for example, their
resistance. , its hardness, its conductivity, etc., also depends on the interest or the function for
which its elaboration is directed. An alloy is understood to be the mixture between two metals
obtained by the fusion and subsequent salification of these. The copper alloys occur mainly
with these elements among others: Zn, Sn, Al, Sr and others in a smaller quantity, some of
their derivatives are: Brass, Bronze and Alpaca. Aluminum is a non-ferromagnetic metal in
addition to being the third most common element found in the Earth's crust, the main alloys
with this material are with Copper, Silicon, Zinc and Magnesium; same that are used in the
elaboration of doors, windows, moldings, etc. Titanium is a transition metal with low density
and very resistant to corrosion, its main effect for its alloy is the modification of the
transformation temperature.

ABSTRAC Ferrous metals are those that contain iron, as well as its alloys, wrought iron, and
steel castings. These materials are the most used since the cost of obtaining them is low. Its
main negative factor is that they oxidize when reacting with oxygen and water, causing the
material to degrade. Gradually, the necessary technology was developed for its extraction and
subsequent obtaining from its origins, one of the first peoples to use iron were the Hittites for
the elaboration of weapons such as swords and civilizations that previously discovered bronze
in different regions of the planet in the years 3,500 before Christ and 2,000 before Christ. In
its origins, there were no techniques known today for the treatment of these elements, so
impure materials were obtained that had to be hammered, some time later more practical
techniques were developed to carry out the extraction and obtaining of all these Materials, as
well as the study of their chemical properties that facilitated the fusion of elements creating
new ones that emerged from alloys, to this day these materials play an important role in the
world economy.

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