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Group Members: Syed Ali Mohtshim 70071629

Ahmad Anwar 70083098

Muhammad Faizan 70083056

Section: B

Assignment # 4


Post Corona lock down what sort of services or products would be in demand.
Explain your answer with factual and logical references?

E-commerce business will boom after corona virus is gone because many people
would think that they can contract with virus or other disease again or the people
who were once feel reluctant in online purchasing, would become habitual of
buying online due to their convenience and trust developed during the outbreak of
this epidemic.

As Bill gates said:

“If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of

We can take a lot of benefit from this opportunity by creating our own e-commerce
website we will do agreements with the wholesalers within our city for buying
products from them and sell on our website (product would be of any kind). We
would have advantage first of all we would get goods on lower price from our
suppliers and the other thing is that our delivery time would also be less because
our suppliers would be in proximity and we would have a competitive edge over
the big retailers such as .They take approximately a week to deliver their
product which we do same or maybe in 1 to 2 days. By doing that we would gain
more popularity and confidence of our customers.

Other pandemics such as SARS, MERS have been out broken before in case if in
future any such pandemic outbreaks again then online retailing would be proven
lucrative while the survival of other business could be difficult.

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