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Put the phrases in the sentences below

Admission liability ; flow of information; loss of confidence ; speed of response ; action plan ;
contingency plan ; damage limitation ; legal action ; press conference ; press release ;

 1 . These are the main recommendations in the 22-

point ------------- for trade liberalization.
 2 . Congressmen and senators held a --------------- yesterday on
the subject of immigration.
 3 The government is involved in a ------------  exercise
to minimize the effects of the scandal.
 4 . The system of stand-by arrangements does not so far ensure the
reliability and -----------  which is required in such emergencies .
 5 Yet the free  -------------  and ideas was vital to effective democracy
and essential to economic development and growth.
 6 Under this agreement, without -----------  The Bank shall pay 
 US$ 14 m. as a compensation of trial costs .

 7 Companies wishing to apply for
a hazardous waste transporter license must submit a ------------- for respo
nding to any type of incident.
 8 He threatened to take -------- against me over a comment I had made
about him on my blog.
 9 Knowing the right way to issue a ---------- is almost as important as
the information in the release itself.
 10 Those challenges have led to a significant -------------  in the
international economic system.
Keys : 1 action plan ; 2 press conference ; 3 damage limitation ; 4 speed of
response ; 5 flow of information ; 6 admission of liability ; 7 contingency plan ;8
– legal action ; 9 press release ;10 loss of confidence;

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