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Journey in joy

It’s a mentoring program for the entrepreneurs to build their capacity in handling and
navigating their enterprise to the next level. There is an evident knowledge gap for the
entrepreneurs due to their limiting capabilities as they weren’t able to convert their classroom
learning into real world business applications or they simply followed their own primitive
business models for generations and became outdated. JNJ understands these gaps hinder the
decision making ability of the enterprise and thus slowing down or providing only incremental
growth to the enterprises. So they make these gaps visible to the entrepreneurs; provide them
a platform to fill the gaps and assess the outcome due to it.

The objective of the program is to make the exercises and activities mainly application oriented
so that the knowledge gap is reduced and the take way for participants are fruitful. The impact
of JNJ to the entrepreneurs were evident as they changed their perception in decision making
from impulsive ill-structured to cognitive structured. It also encouraged the participants to
review and keep track of the performance in their enterprise.

In conclusion, JNJ implants the thought on entrepreneur’s mind that they can improve their
business by improving themselves and a simple yet effective program such as JNJ can cause
ripple effect by touching and bettering countless people’s life.

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