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Bhakt is a Hindi word.

Bhakts are those soul who are fortunate to have found a
person or a thought which is exalted, pure and worth following.
For example, people who follow Ram and Krishna and their
teaching or people who follow Jesus Christ or Hazrat
Mohammed and their messages or follow Buddha, Mahavir or
the Gurus and their teaching. Inherently, the bhakts are
beyond self interests and the one followed a great human being
or his/her teaching.

Then we have followers. They may follow discredited families,

worthless philosophies (particularly foreign and violent
philosophies) or corrupt sects. Here the follower and the one
followed (person or thought) are usually worthless. Such
followers are called blind bhakts but sarcastically.

Literally, Bhakts mean devotees.

There are many types of bhakts in India -

1. Some are bhakts of Lord Rama.

2. Some are bhakts of Lord Shiva.( some Shiva Ezhava)
3. Some are bhakts of Lord Krishna
And so on…

Bhakt is a blind devotee who wants to follow his idol without

any question, irrespective of the outcomes, without confirming
whether his devotion is righteous or not.

Ya, but now a days the subtle difference is that …. A bhakt has
to become outrageous if his idol is being defamed or hurt.
Previously bhakti was in heart and now people show-off their
devotion whether to god or person.

Which type of Bhakt you were asking?

Bhakt is a very sacred word used for sacred people. But today
in political sense it's different

In political sense a bhakt is a person who will find thousands of

reasons (illogical) to support/defend a BAD move by his party.
AND will also find a thousands of reasons to hate a GOOD
move by some other party.
Of course supporting BJP doesn't mean you are bhakt of BJP
but defending their bad moves make you their bhakt.

Bhakts in literal sense means blind followers who are devoid of

logic and scientific conclusions. This has been used in religions
terms for probably thousands of years in Hindi. But with advent
of Modi, this term has got all new meaning

.Chetan Bhagat once said - “Bhakts are frustrated Indian male

with poor knowledge of English.” (Nothing wrong with the poor
knowledge of English)

1. Bhakts (Devotee) in today’s context are someone

who will blindly, I repeat, blindly follow a particular
party & person and would want them as leaders
2. Bhakts are the people who would celebrate murders if it
fits their narrative. They are also the ones who would
peddle fake news for their narrative. Bhakts want
temples, not because they are religious - but because
temples are not mosques.
3. They are against women’s freedom. They would troll
Swara Bhaskar for one scene which was too progressive
for them. They want women to dress according to them.[1]
4. They will never visit Kashmir but support abrogation of
Article 370. They support the use of pellet guns and
torture on Kashmiris.
5. They are against free Metro ride for poor women even
though most of the Bhakts are men and not poor. They
play politics over rape and murder of little children.
6. Bhakts are the fake nationalists who have never fought on
India’s borders but would want others to fight while they
troll Indians. Bhakts are the people who will light their
room on fire if the fire would spread to their neighbour’s
7. Bhaktas are aliens who are pseduo Hindu protectors.
8. Their heads are loaded with cow dung instead of brain
and vein is loaded with gomuthra instead of blood.
9. They are one of the best rumour spreader's in social
10. There are only few people wide good sense of
humour come in category of bhakts….otherwise all d
arrogant, stupid, violent, biased, angry, extremist, liar,
fake, inhuman, unpatriotic people r bhakts definitely.
Slaves of RSS and perverted people by RSS in fear of
god /hindutwa/Muslim etc. to rule by RSS

How to recognise a Bhakt..

1. Everything before 5000 years old is history and

everything from 1947 to May 2014 is mythology.
2. Depending on one family is the root of all our problems
while depending on one man is the only solution.
3. Frequent references to the need of protecting the all-
mighty Ram from the clutches of weak secular forces
4. Enamoured by RSSand its discipline but will never
send his own kids to a shakha, for them only English
medium school, preferably a missionary school.
5. Uses army as the symbol of Indian pride but will not
ever think of enrolling his own kids in forces
6. Hates the Macaulay children who are a blot on the
Indian culture but will send friendship request to every
female in skirt and fill d inbox with pl pl pl accept it na
7. Believes that women should sit at home and do
housework but seeks a women doctor during wife's
8. Quotes the example of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan at
the drop of a hat on religion extremism, and aspires to
become their Hindu twin.
9. Mourns the loss of pure and pious culture in 60 years,
nonstop, just pausing to punctuate it with filthiest
10. Epic information and insights about Nehru, some
of which will be news to Nehru too
11. Represents my religion on my behalf and hates
when i represent my part
12. Normally educated, liberal people are considered
assets of a country, he considers them a liability.
13. Bhakts responded in comments shifting from logic to ill
logic faster than Usain Bolt. I had no reply to such high
degree of moronic logics.” then you have to be Rahul
Gandhi to comment against Sh. Modi.”, you are   all
Presstitudes,pseudo nationals , sikulars, pathological
haters etc., etc….

14. When a crime happens anywhere in India. Bhakts will

first check the following things.

1. Checks the religion of the Criminal

2. Checks the religion of Victim

3. Checks if Non-BJP State

4. If point 1-3 are Favourable, gives it Commuпаl


5. Maintain Silence if Point 1-4 not possible

15. When any BJP minister commits crime they will not
even be visible on social media.
16. When the BJP leader join hands with known criminals
bhakts will not even open their mouth.

Andha bhakts

An “Andh-Bhakt” is a person who tends to blindly follow the

opinions, words, and instructions etc. of another person or
teachings from a group of people with the same political or
religious beliefs. India is full of Andh-Bhakts, what I have
noticed is that most Andh-Bhakts can be classified into two
major categories, religious/traditional and political. The people
who blindly follow many questionable traditions and rituals
pertaining to this country are in abundance, due to the lower
rate of education and development in the country. Some of the
biggest Andh Bhakts are the people who blindly follow the
ruling party, or the ones that are fiercely opposed to them, you
can find them all over twitter, what Sapp and other forms of
social media, they are practically everywhere, your uncle, aunt
and maybe even your parents may be andh bhakts. With this
being said it’s important to know that these people find comfort
or a sense of security/ stability in what they believe or follow,
hence it is a difficult task for them to oppose these
people/entities due to the fear of being judged or being proven
wrong. Andh Bhakts are those who follow any ideology or
person blindly without giving it any deep thought, ever. This
can also be identified as blind faith as the patient’s brain
doesn’t respond well to logic or logical arguments put forth by
other people and also start perceiving people with counter
views as threats to their ideology. It can become so serious
that the patient starts seeing his/her fellow citizens as their
biggest enemy or in extreme cases enemies of the nation.

Extreme cases have reported symptoms like Abusing, beating,

online abuse, trolling, and lynching. This virus can affect
anybody Man or Woman. If you are not sure if you have been
affected or not, a below-given list can help you identify.

1.People who do branding of specific politician.

2. Promote a pseudo agenda.

3. Praise pseudo qualities of a politician.

4.Can’t listen to any word against their favourite “Netaji”.

5.Have logos of some Neta or political party on your favourite


And most importantly spoiling the newsfeed by liking and

commenting on the party’s Facebook page, politician’s
Facebook page or its paid supporter’s postings.

Most non-affected people might come across them or identify

an Andh Bhakt as a person who burns down buses, Force
Bharat Band (FB and What Sapp are useful apps for that), File
FIR because of your Facebook posting (In reality you don’t
have freedom of speech) and most importantly only an Andh
Bhakts tell you who is right or wrong.

Guidelines for non-affected people unless a proper solution is

founded to eradicate this malady:
1. Never say anything bad about their favourite politician in
front of them. They can spoil your day with their stupid logic.

2.If you want to debate with them, only data and then ask
questions. But don’t talk about politician’s clothes, foreign trip,
and illogical statements. (Because Andh Bhakt doesn’t answer
that questions.)

3. Avoid asking the question on education, the safety of

women, employment etc. Because these topics are not
important for the growth of India. Discuss only recent stupid
statements of politicians.

4. Don’t say anything critical or logical things in front of Andh

Bhakts because if you hurt their heart, they can hurt you



Emergency that was declared by the Fakruddin ali Ahmed

them president of our country on suggestions of then prime
minister Indira Gandhi.

What all happened :—

1. Opposition leaders sent to jail.

2. Those who opposed were behind the bars. ( But bhakts
don't find this to be the deterioration of fundamental
3. Massive sterilization.
4. You can imagine if you are above 15 and by chance you
get caught by Indira’s goons you'll be robbed of your
5. Extreme destruction of fundamental rights.
6. Press which is considered to be the 4th pillar of our nation
is censored.
7. Right to speech..??
8. And all the massacre that happened …. but still after few
years the same party came in power and remained for
more than a decade. Which type of bhakti is this. You
keep supporting the party regardless of its faults and
autocratic mood and ideology which is even proved few
years back ..
9. And now this so called intellectuals bhakts of congress
defends emergency by saying that BJP has also done
same and they term it as “undeclared emergency” by
giving examples of demonetisation……
10. It's easy to see who is bhakt and who's not..!
11. Dev Kant Barooah declaring ‘Indira is India,India is

I Know where are you coming from. You know what to be

a BHAKTA, there must be a God. Right?

This is where you lost the plot. You have designated him as
God first. Hence in the process of demeaning him you went on
to make him larger than the life. Now you are fighting with the

Disclaimer :  Sorry if you are hurt with my description. And

one more thing You don't mean the one who asked this
question. Hence no offense please

Word of advice

“If you find yourself affected by this, keep an open mind

to things and seek logical help from your fellow Indians


 this list cannot preclude the so called communists bhakts

who do not criticise the roles of some their regime’s
excesses, mass killing of innocents in USSR, china,
Kampuchea and elsewhere, as well their regime became
which social chauvinists abdicating the human essence of
Marxism which lead to the consequent defeat of
communist ideals in their nations .
 The fundamentalist bhakts who do not come heavily on
terrorism, of IS and Taliban’s
 The Jewish / Judaism bhakts who do not denounce the
mindless mass killing in Palestine, and many parts of the
middle east
 the exhaustive narration of the above facts as being
attempted above particular to India will be covered
in a separate article. stay connected .



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