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1) When did you decide to be a writer?

R// A

2) Did you have any problems?

R// G

3)) When did you write your first book for lonely planet?

R// C

4)) Did you work alone or in a team?

R// E

5)) Did you have any adventures on that trip?

R// F

6)) What did you do before you were a writer?

R// B

7)) What was your first writing job like?

R// D


1)) What did joe do after university?

R// He travelled to Asia

2)) What Jobs did he have before he was a journalist?

R// He had several Jobs, he worked as an artist, he worked in a museum, he taught rock

3)) What country did he visit for his first lonely planet book?

R// He wrote your first lonely planet guidebook in 1999, in the country australia.

4)) Why was his trip to australia difficult?

R// Because there were long days, difficult journeys… but it was also great fun: he went scuba
diving, trekking, driving across deserts.

5)) Did he work alone?

R// No, with his team.

6)) What did he enjoy about his trip to Australia?

R// he saw sharks on a night dive on the great barrier reef.

7)) Why did he have problems in Kenya?

R// because crashed in his car, there were lions in the área, his walked for a day before
someoe rescued his.

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