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Nama :Dwi Nur Hidayat

Nim : 080118A016

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan

French President Macron: I always prefer having direct discussion

Frence president Emmanuel Macron said he prefers “having direct discution” rather
that discussing diplomacy trought tweets with President Donald Trump, who had just
landed in Paris, used twitter to criticize Macron for proposing days earlier that more
european military coopration would be a good thing.

“I always prefer having direct discussion or answering questions than making my

diolomacy throught tweets. But I think we had a very clear discussion. He is in favor of a
better burden sharing with in NATO. I agree with that. And I think that in order to have a
better burden sharing, all of us do need more europe.”

“Probably because we are very much aligned in the fight against terrorism and we work
very closely together following this line. We know where we disagree and we are very
straightforward in that on climate, on trade, on multilateralism but we work very well
together because we have very regular and direct discussions.”

Macron said he does not call himself a nationalist, as Trump does.

“I would say I’m a patriot. I do believe in the fact that our people are very important
and having Frence people is different from German people. I’m not a believer in a sort of
globalism without any defferentiation. I think it doesn’t its very inconsistent, and its
extremely it makes our people very nervous. But I’m not a nationalist.”

“I’m a strong believer in coopration between the different peoples, and I’m a strong
believer on the fact that this coopration is good for everybody, where the nationalist are
sometimes much more based on a unlateral approach and the law of the strongest, which is
not my case. That’s probably our difference.”

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