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(-H) BALLROOK~ Kuwete | * KISS ME QUICK s . patemesiittcam | 1 ts SS Se == . Kiss me quick while we still have this feel - ing. ______ Hold me quick and make my heart go cra - zy. —_—__— Sigh that ! r = —— f close and one -'ver let me — go. ‘Cause to- sigh and ‘whis- per, oh, so low. Tell me i AT Db Dm f -mor-rows can be so. un - cer - tain; love can fly leave just hurt - in’. that to - night will last for - ev - er; say_that you will leave me nev -er | A E7 A E7 ee = S55 = 1 {= Hh Kiss me quick be - cause love you 0. Kiss me Kiss_me quick be - cause I love you 2g E7 80. Let the band keep play - ing—___ while. we = are 7 Let's keep on pray - ing _____ that they’llne 5 ver 7 sway ing. stop. Kiss me quick, I just. can’t stand this ‘cause your lips aie lps I long to - For that kiss will o - pen heay-en's door and D L Dm -*. a7 _—— SS 2 SSS SEE =z = cae we'll stay there for - ev - er more. So kiss me quick be - cause 1 love you [x Et [2a Ey A | ge - Sas ——— so. Kiss me $0, ———

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