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To sip - to drink small amounts at a time

2. To slurp - to drink noisily
3. To down - to drink something all at once
4. To crunch - to eat something noisily
5. To munch - to eat something steadily
6. To scoff - to eat something quickly and greedily
7. To nibble - to eat little bites of food
8. To chomp - to chew something repeatedly
9. To stroll - to walk in a relaxed way
10. To stride - to take big purposeful steps
11. To strut - to walk in a way that suggests you are showing off
12. To swagger - to walk in a rebellious/arrogant way
13. To dawdle - to walk slowly and waste time
14. To yell - to shout loudly or angrily
15. To whisper - To speak very quietly and secretively
16. To mumble - to speak quietly and unclearly
17. To mutter - to speak unclearly, sometimes to yourself
18. To debate - to formally discuss issues
19. To dispute - to strongly disagree
20. To converse - to speak conversationally
21. To stare - to look at something for a long period
22. To glance - to look briefly at something
23. To peek - to try and look at something that maybe you shouldn’t/ to spy
24. To glimpse - to briefly or partially view something
25. To gaze - to stare at something with admiration
26. To squint - to avoid the light when looking
27. To adore - to love and admire
28. To detest - to strongly dislike
29. To despise - to strongly dislike
30. To loathe - to strongly dislike
31. To shun - to reject/ to dislike something so you ignore it/ them
32. To abhor - to strongly dislike/ loathe
33. To ponder - to think about something/ review and consider
34. To reckon - to think/ to guess/ estimate
35. To figure - to think/ to understand
36. To exert - to put a lot of effort into whatever you are doing
37. To toil - to work extremely hard
38. To relish - to enjoy something greatly
39. To savour - to enjoy something completely
40. To bask - completely absorb something enjoyable
41. To bother - to annoy/ irritate
42. To pester - to hassle and persistently bother
43. To ruffle someone’s feathers - to annoy/ upset someone
44. To exasperate - to annoy and frustrate someone
45. To irritate - to annoy/ cause discomfort
46. To prod - to poke with a finger or a pointed object
47. To flick - to move something quickly and suddenly
48. To pinch - to squeeze skin between fingers
49. To cuddle - to hug in an affectionate way
50. To embrace - to hug or completely accept something

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