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MIkHDA Internship Key 2017 Gifted Endorsement Internship Log must be completed by the end of the _— gifted endorsement program. Have your mentor or sponsor of activity sign in the box provided below when, “complete, This log will be uploaded into the electronic portfolio due at the end of the program. Please share this with your administration so that they are aware of the kinds of activities you will be doing and can help you with arrangements as needed, 1. Observe veteran Gifted Endorsed Teacher instructing gifted students | AS. 2/\AJap— (Regttéd-t credit hr. 2. Observe testing OR Assist with testing students for gifted services and scoringOR Meet with gifted lead teacher and discuss the identification and placement process, ‘Reqaea -2 credit brs. 3. Observe Eligibility Team meeting or Serve on a local school Eligibility Team eee 2 credit hrs, of gifted students areditibrs == | 4. Assist with teacher training on characte p3. Prepare and present on a gifted topic to parent group/faculty meeting (opportunities will be given during the courses to develop this) — Seat. Le Attend informational meeting for parents SUMenedi@hr. 7. Attend or volunteer at an Enrichment activity for gifted students — * er 8. Attend or assist in gifted program event such as the local chapter of GAGC, the siaie | GAGC meeting or an NAGC mecting-1 credit hr. 9. Write and teach 3 original differentiated lessons (begin in course 2 and finish by end of | course 3) ~9 credit hrs. 10. Classroom Observation by mentor teacher SR@quIRed — loredit hr. U1. Classroom Observation by TAG Coordinator (or designee) SiRequined — Icredit hr. 12. Complete a movie case study and a student GSE RMGyESSIgnMERE (Movie case study is due at the end of course 1; Student case study is due at -—> | the end of course 4) - 4 credit hrs. ‘The following signatures indicate that____ Rema Snove. WA has completed the required 25 hours of Giffgd Endorsement Internship Activitids and has completed all documentation. Intern Signature: Date: _€ fon i 20 ~~ Mentor Signature: _ fous tual PermnissiDW Date:_ S/24 Jap

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