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Jorge Ivan

My name is Jorge. I'm in my late twenties. I was born and lived in Medellin all my
life.I am in the fourth semester of sociology at THE (1) university of Antioquia.

My personality is a little confuse. I enjoy being alone a lot, but i'm very social.
I like to be in spaces surrounded by nature. I (2) like the minimalism in everything. I
like to drink beer. I think about the human being and the universe, as everything has
a relationship. Sometimes i (3) meditate. I love the (1) sereniTY a lot although I
rarely live it. I like to read subtitles on pirate movies, youtube cultural videos and
books. Sometimes i do exercise. Sometimes i'm loud, sometimes im quiet. I am
distracted, disorganized and ambivert. I rarely like to make people laugh. Dishonest
people bother me and I worry about the cases of intolerance in society.

I am a young, tall and thin. I have a little straight brown hair with gray hairs. My face
is oval, sometimes yellow, red, and the one I like best is when it is white. I have a
hairless beard on MY cheeks. My eyes are brown, my nose is big, my ears are
beauty and my mouth is small.

1) The University of Antioquia (an specific place: use THE)

Serenity: In general (do not use THE)

2) I am like the minimalist: soy como un minimalista

I like the minimalista: me gusta el minimalista
I am a minimalist: soy un minimalista.
Cual de estas tres quieres decir?

3) Use Capitals. Siempre usa Mayuscula con YO = I

Fix it and hang it in the Drive. You can also put this corrected version.

Very good: 4.7

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