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Natural Products

Q: If given the chance, what plant and plant part would you like to do a research of and why?

If I were given a chance to conduct a research, I will propose the Anthocyanin Identification in
Bignay (Antidesma bunius): perspective nutraceutical uses for treatments of Cardiovascular

Bignay, Antidesma bunius, also known as Currant Tree, is rich in vitamins, minerals, and health-
benefitting phytochemicals. Bignay is loaded with flavonoids which are beneficial for heart
muscles. It possesses anti-carcinogenic and anti-ageing qualities. Bignay eliminates free
radicals and promotes the activities of cardiovascular system and safeguards heart. It also
lowers the level of bad cholesterol and promotes absorption of good cholesterol. Since
Anthocyanin has been associated to an interesting cardiovascular health effects this triggered
me to verify and quantify the presence of the Anthocyanin in the Bignay phytocomplex.
Particularly, Anthocyanins have become increasingly important to the food industry as their use
as natural alternatives to artificial colors has become widespread and knowledge of their health-
promoting properties has become more evident. Epidemiological studies suggest that increased
consumption of anthocyanins lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the most
common cause of mortality among men and women. In able for me to determine and quantify
the Anthocyanins content, the Bignay fruit will be extracted and evaluated. I will use HPLC-DAD
analysis to determine the presence of this phenolic compound. I will also investigate the
Bioavailability using a simulated cardiac monitor with the aim of exploring the possibility of
Bignay extract as nutraceutical.

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