The Cell and Epithilium June 3

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Dr. Yap
The cell and the epithelium

The Cell
>Basic unit of life
>maintain homeostasis in the body which is maintaining the internal environment of the body in a
relatively constant state

1. Parts of the cell

a. Cell membrane
 Maintaining the structural integrity of the cell
 Controlling movements of the substances in and out of the cell selective
 Regulating cell to cell interactions
 Recognitions via receptions antigens and foreign cells as well as altered cells
 Acting as an interface between the cytoplasm and the external milieu
 Establishing transport
 Surrounds the cell consists of phospholipid bilayer and a double layer of
phospholipid molecules
 Integral membrane proteins/transmembrane- penetrate the entire layer of
the cell membrane. imbedded inside the cell
 Peripheral membrane proteins- imbedded in the outer layer
 Filaments of the cytoskeleton- attached to the
 Cholesterol- ???
 Located on the external surface of the cell membrane is a call glcocalyx- ??
 Cell membrane permeability and membrane transport
1. Selective permeability-cell membrane is permeable to certain
substances and impermeable to OTHERS
2. Transport mech- Glucose ions and proteins cannot pass thru. Some
transport via selective transport
3. Endocytosis- uptake and transfer of molecules and solid across cell
4. Exocytosis- cell engulfing eating something to transport across the cell
5. Pinocytosis- ingest small mole of extracellular fluids or liquids
Phinocytotic vesicle-???
6. Phagocytosis-ingestions or intake of large solid particles such as bacteria
eating 250 nano. Phagosome
 Molecular organization of the cell membrane
1. Fluid mosaic model
2. Polar heads are arranged on both the inner and outer surfaces of the
cell membrane
3. Non polar tails of the lipid layers face each other in the center of the
2. Cellular organelles
 Performs a specialized metabolic function which maintain homeostasis and
cell life
 Different organelles are nucleus etc.
1. Mitochondria
a. Surrounded by a cell membrane
b. Shelf like cristae in protein secreting cells and tubular cristae in
steroid-secreting cells
c. Present in all cells and numerous in metabolic cells (skeletal
d. Produce high energy ATP mole (powerhouse of the cell)
e. Cristae contain respiratory chain enzymes for ATP prod-
increase the surface area
f. Matrix contains enzymes, ribo and circular mitochondrial DNA
g. Arise from preexisting mitochondria by growth and division

2. Rough ER
a. contains ribosomes
b. synthesizes proteins for export or lysosomes
c. salivary gland and pancreas contains more rough ER for protein
d. protein synthesis takes place
3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
a. absent ribosomes
b. in liver cells, proliferates to deactivate or detoxify harmful
chem; is involved with CHO meta and converts glycogen to
c. skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers, stores and releases Calcium
between contractions
d. found in the cells that synthesize phospholipids, cholesterol and
steroid hormones
e. made up of cisternae
4. Golgi app
a. present in all cells, developed in secretory cells
b. consist of stacked curved cisternae with a convex side known as
the cis face- enters the cis face (proteins)
c. mature concave side is the trans face (exit)
d. cisternae modify enzymes, sort and package proteins
e. add sugar to proteins and lipids to form glycoproteins,
glycolipids and lipoproteins
f. secretory granules are modified , sorted and packed in
membranes for export outside of the cell or for lysosomes
g. other proteins and phospholipids are incorporated into the cell
h. some cells undergo exocytosis- exit the cell while other remain
in the cell as lysosomes
5. Ribosomes
a. free or attached to the ER
b. most abundant protein synthesizing cells
c. decode genetic messages from nucleus for amino acid sequence
of protein synthesis

6. lysosomes
a. membrane-bound vesicles filled with hydrolyzing or digesting
enzymes called acid hydrolases
b. functions in intracellular digestion or phagocytosis
c. digest microorganism, cellular debris, worn out cells and cell
d. residual bodies are seen after phago
e. very abundant in tissue macrophages and the white blood cells
of neutrophils
f. synthesized in the ER and golgi app

7. peroxisomes
a. contain oxidases that form cytotoxic hydrogen peroxide
b. abundant in liver and kidney cells, which remove much of the
toxic material
c. detoxify, degrade alcohol and oxidize fatty acids and metabolize
8. nucleus
a. largest organelle
b. skeletal muscle cells have multiple nuclei, whereas mature
mammalian redblood cells doesn’t have a nucleus
c. contain chromatin, nucleoli, nuclear matrix and cellular DNA
d. nucleolus is not membrane bound, darker round found in the
e. outer membrane of the nuclear envelope contains ribo and
continues to the RER
f. nuclear pore- transport of mole takes place
g. id of the cell but transcribe to the RER to identify the sequence
then send to golgi to be packed released as a lysosome or

3. Structure of the cell

a. Cytoskeleton of the cell
 Components
1. microfilaments
a. Thinnest microfilaments in the cytoskeleton
b. Actin-myosin interactions produce muscle contractions
c. Form the core of microvilli and the terminal web at cell apices
d. Distributed throughout the cell and used as anchors at cell
e. Important structure of the microvilli for anchor
2. Microtubules
a. Largest filaments
b. Composed of a and b tublin
c. Originate from the centrosome cell cytoplasam near nucleus
d. Determine the shape and function in intracellular func
e. Present in cilia, flagella, centrioles and basal bodies
f. Cell mitosis important- form spindels and separate duplicated
chromosomes during cell mitosis
3. Intermediate filaments
a. Thicker than micro
b. Epithelial cells contains keratin filaments (make up skin)
c. Vimentin filaments are found in mesenchymal cells
d. Desmin found in smooth and skeletal muslces
e. Glial filaments

The Epithelium
- Epi consists of sheets of cells that cover the external surfaces of the body, line the internal
cavitites and the organs, form various orangas and glands and line their ducts
- Nonvascular (gets nutrients and metabolites diffues fromt eh blood capp)
- Classified according to the number of the cell layers bet the basal lamina and free surface and by
the morphology
1. Special surface mod
a. Cilia are motiles structure and made up of microtubules ex. Uterine tubes, uterus,
efferent ducts in the testes and conducting tubes of the respiratory system
i. Projectile function
b. Microvilli are small, nonmotile projections made up of micro filaments
c. Sterocillia are long non motile and branched microvilli absorption
I. Simple squamous epithelium
a. Simple layer of flat or squamous cells
b. Mesothelium lines external surfaces of digestive organ, lungs and heart
c. Endo lines inside of the heart
d. Func filt diff transport secret and reduction of friction
II. Simple cuboidal epi
a. Single later of round cells
b. Lines small ducts and kidney tubules
c. Protects ducts: transport and absorbs filtered material in kidney tubules
III. Simple columnar epi
a. All cells are tall and some lined by microvilli
b. Lines the lumina of digestive organs
c. Secretes protective mucus for stomach lining
d. Absorption of nutrients on small intestine
IV. Pseudo stratified columnar epi
a. All cells reach basement membrane but not all reach the surface
b. Ciliated cells interspersed among mucus secreting goblet cells
c. Push mucus outward
d. In respiratory passages, cillated and mucus cells clean inspired for transport
e. In uterine tubes and he efferent ducts of testes ciliated cells
V. Stratified epi
a. Formed by multi layers of cell
b. Non keratinized squamous have live cell superficial layer esophagus, vagina and anal
canal and oral cavity
c. Keratinized epi contains dead superficial cell layer, provides protection
d. Cuboidal epthelium lines large excretory ducts in different organs
VI. Transitional epi
a. Renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureters and baldder
b. For fluid accumulation
c. During extension or contraction, cell to cell contact unbroken

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