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Good evening night.I going to talk about of my life.

My family is formed for my mother, my father and my brother. She is my

mother, her name is Emma.the picture was taken in the Iquitos, city . the
second is my father. His name is George. He is drinking beer for his
birthday in the aunt’s house. The third is my brother. His name is Angel.
He is driving his motorcycle.
They are the most important people in my life.

At four years old. I had my first mascot that was a horse of Brown colors.
My second mascot was a dog and my third mascot was a cat.

At five years old. I had my first bicycle and learned to drive

I liked so mucho to play soccer and got to play in the garden selection.

At eight years old .I got to play in the school selection and in differents
teams of the Tarapoto city.

I liked so much to dance and participle in the first festival school for the
day of SAN JUAN.

In the first picture. They were my best Friends.the first is Marvin, the
second is Elvis, the third is Alex,the four is Jonathan. Were beautiful times.

In the second picture are my cousins and brother.

The saddest day of my life was in the year two thousand
grand father died, his name is George Maxwell. He is the man to whom I
owe my life.

This was the story of my life thanks for your attention

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